BAKER, _Editor anal Pro-prietor. VOL. NINE. PIIBLISEED WEIESLT AT ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. RATABLE IN ADVANCE tARrIcE on Front Street, a few doors east jr of Mrs. Flury , s Hotel, Marietta, Lancas ter County, Pennsylvania. Titans, One Dollar a year, payable in ad vance, and if subscriptions be not paid within six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de layed until the expiration of the year, $1.60 will be charged. No subscription received for a less period than six months, and no paper will bo discon tinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to noti fy a discontinuaece at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. ADVERTISING RATES 3 One square (12 lines, or Ices) 50 cents for the first insertion and 26 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro fessional and Bnainess cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col umns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, rata ; but for any additional lines, five cents a line. A liberal deduction made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. Son Pair lino of every description neatly and expeditiously executed, and at prices to suit the times. IT ALL IN BRINGRiti UP. It isn't all in "bringing up," Let folks say what they will To silver scour a pewter cup-- , It will be pewter still. E'en he of old, wise Soloman, Who said "train up a child," If I mistake not, had a son Proved rattle-brained and wild A man of mark, who fain would prase For lord of flea and land, May leave the training of a lon, And bring him up full grand; May give kim all the wealth of love, Of college and of school, But after all, may make no more Than just a decent fool. Atuother raised by Penury Upon her bitter bread, Whose road to k nowledge is like that, The good to Heave u must tread. He'a got a spark of Nature's light, He'll fan it to a flame, Till in its burning letters bright The world may read his 1191110. If it were all in "bringing up," In cc misel and restraint, &.me rascals had been honest men— I'd been myself a saint. • 0 ! it isn't all in bringing up, Lot folks say what they will ; Neglect may dim a elver cup— It will be silver still. SWEET ARE THE GENTLE ZEPHYRS, Sweet are the gentle zephyrs When spring is drawing near; sweet are the warbling of the birds Veto the passer's ear. Every scene abounds in gladness; Azure is the sky above; And amidst joys so delicious, Who can hinder thoughts,l When with beauty all is teeming, When to bloom the flowers spring, Love will softly o'er my senses Throw his bright and golden wing ; And my nature and my feeling Propel me to bear apart In the joys which love impresses On a true and faithful heart. Purer than the stainless MOW, Lonelier than the flowers gay, flak like golden sunbeams bright— Heart se open as the day ; Teeth as white as ocean's pearls; stately, soul- subduing air ; Heaven knows there is no other With my Julia can compere. Resting in her love securely, Knowing that her heart is mine, Feeling that she clings to me Like the ivy to the vine, Calm I glide upon life's waters, Riding on the foamy crest, Contentment dwells within my heart, I indeed am doubly blest. THE STREET BEGGAR, Up and down, np and down, AR day long in the crowded street, The chill winds frosting her tattered skirts, And bare and purple hands and feet. What does it matter? Who is she Only a worthless beggar brat I Give her a crust! it is enough, Such as she should be thankful for that! Up and down, up and down, Past the mansions of wealth and ease, Whose grim walls frown on her pleading gaze— What to them, pray, are suck as these..? One should not give—it is not right To encourage idle vagrants so ; Better give to some high-sounding fund, And know just where your monerll go ! Up and down, up and down, Ah, how her poor feet bleed and smart ! And the frozen stare in her stony eyes Tells bow the frost has crept to her heart. She patine to think, sometimes, between Her pleadings for, "Only a penny, please !" Of her little brother and baby Nell, And wonders if God will care for these ! Up and down, up and dawn, Forward and back, through the buss mart, Bush there's a child theie, trampled and torn, Under the wheels of a loaded cart. . Poor little Rude and baby Nell Crying tbemselves with affright to keep ; And,,,,pauper corpse in the station-house— Ono beggar less for the town to keep gagotut ip i tnro g ibattia #ouroal : getrotel toVolitits, Titeraturt, Agrituiture, Ittos of ttt gag, ford 3ntelligenct, THE THINDER-STORM. 'Tie July now in middle way, And hot and sultry is the day ; The atmosphere's of smoky hue, And a soft haze is o'er the blue ; -But yet the sun shines warmly down Upon the sea, the wood, and towa4, And far and near the arid plain Doth seem to look to heaven for rain. The air is still on hill and lea, And hushed the song of bird and bee I The flowers are all drooping low, The little streams have ceased to flow, The kine have sought the cooling shade, The lambs have quit the sultry glade ; And one and all of heat complain, And seem to look on high for rain: The men who throng the public mart, And every day take active part In business, bustle, pleasure, meet; Have all forsook the heated street, • And lounge around on stoops and floors, Or rest within their cooling doors; And there in speech is heard quite plain The words : "I wish we had some rain !" And those who labor in the field, Tho sickle or the scythe to wield, Have laid aside their sharpened blades, To rest themselves within the shades And there a while from the sun, The farmer.talks, in pleasant tone, Now of the grass, then of the grain, And untold blebsings, should it rain. Thus man, and beast, and bird, and flower, Express their wants in needful hour; And He who watcheth over all Sa) a : "Not in vain shall be their call :" Even now, above the mountains high, The clouds are spreading 'thwart the sky, All dark and heavy, slowly_rolling, Beneath the King of Storm's controlling:' A breeze starts up, aud, with rude gust, Ruth high in air the, light, dry dust, And shakes the leaves upon .ench-treo; And mores the wares upon tae sea ; While far atz,ve the distant town . The cold ram pours M. torrents down, And the loud echoes through the air Are followed by the lightning's glare. Aa thus the storm the workman seek ; Unto the houm he quickly' Rees ; The line alarmed upon the glade,* Quick haste them to the barn or shade The birds in fear ci the corning, fluod, Fly swift unto the thickest wood ; But geese and ducks seem unanneyed, And duck the pool, all overjoyed. The clouds, unfurled in dread array, Have shut from sight the king of day And drops of rain begin to fall Down lightly from the cloudy pall; And as they patter in the rill, A momentall the wind is still Again it blows, the tall trees bend, And down the swelling goods descend Crushing to earth light plants and flowers, And Blooming this fair world of ours, While dense the clouds, iu wild commotion Go whirling, curling, o'er the oceaf. The lightnings glare, and blaze, all flash, The thunders roll, and boom, and crash, And with each shock earth seems to quake, And dames to their , foundations shake. Thus, swiftly on some moments roll, Revealing dread t many a soul ; When suddenly, amid the jar Of all these elements at war, A tree is struck, and tumbles down Unto earth's bosom, smoking brown, And while the echoes give reply, Its limbs are hurled unto the sky, The roads and streams, in memeat , e time, Have all ;been filled with mud and slime, And roll their murky floods along, With ruder laugh, and wilder song; While tho dark ocean, with a rear, All madly surges on the shore; And the wild waves far seem to vie • With the commotion of the sky. But now the storm is on the wane, And down more lightly falls the rain.; The thunder's echoes roll away - , The lightning's flashes ceitse to play The clouds assume a brighter hue, And fur behind is seen the blue, Which widens as the cloudy mass Unto the East doth slowly pass. And then the sun appears on high, And paints the rainbow in tho sky But its light fades with the fading shower, That comes and goes in one brief hour, Yet leaves behind a brighter day, With drooping Nature once more gay. Yes! hear you not in every grove The birds pour forth their songs of love I And hear you not upon the breeze The humming of the merry bees? And see you not upon the lea The lambkins sporting glad and free 1 And see you not the flowers and grain. Stand full of life and strength again/ Ab, yes ! 'tis eo—all nature shines, And sounds with-tones of praise chyme And e 3 in life: When faint and weary, When wide the sky looks dark , and dreary, And fierce storms burst above our head, And all our : very Bout with dread, If we hold to Hope, our anchor, fast, And trust in Ilitn, 'twill soon he past ; And in the Place where all seemed night The sun will shine as ever bright. car Overwarm Needs, like hot pota toes, are quickly dropped. tur A mail's' money seldom grows more than half a . s fast as his love for it. • ca, • 'A‘.. n .6 ; -NS, MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1863. RETRIBUTION. • The house was as silent as if deserted —everybody had come home, from tiding or walking, tired and dusty, and had gone straight to their rooms, to lounge and doze away the intervening time be tween that atid "dinner, as Belle Magen ta and I were doing. Oars was a front room, looking in the water, and the shaded bank; a cool breeze came in through the blinds, swelling out the muslin curtains, and heavy with fra grance. I lay on the bed in an attitude of exceeding comfort Mid' doubtful ele gance ; Belle was on the sofa, her hand clasped above her head, her little slip pers peeping out from under her white peignoir, and engaged in the (to her) very unnatural occupation of thinking. "It is odd," she said at length. ‘"What is ?" "Oh I the way things come around." "Definite and satisfactory I" "Bat I can't explain, unless I tell you what'l am thinking about." "Well, is there any insuperable ob stacle in the way of that ? Is it trea son, or are you under oath ?" "No ; bat it is a long story." "Tant mina / lam just in the humor to hear oust; besides, I know the sub ject. I will 'wager my cameo bracelet that it has something to do with Ernest Graves." "How did you know that? "flow? Every way. I am. sure you have - met him before. I . saw you change, color, and - a' pacnliar gleam transfigure all his face when ‘ you,,were introdueed. You area born coquette, Belle lllageh to f but, instead of trying any-of your artillery on him, you went and sat silent in a bow-window. When yon talk to 4 gather, .though on the, most every-day subjects, the jar and ypcoil of ,battle` ie in your every. word. I :have seen =hini bring the blood.hotlyto your cheeks by. a single word—a. look. I bave,heard yon'say some careless thing,. and known by the deadly fire in hie43ye that you had intentionally stabbed him to the heart;, and you havo . been thinking of him this laet belf-bour. You cannot deny it 1" "Why should I? One must have something to think of; and what better than such a handsome fellow as Ernest ?, —or no, not handsome (I-hate handsome men) but pleasing. You are right also on another point (lucky for you that I am not Cotton Mather)—we are old ao , quaintances." "I know it; and what did you do to him ?" "I? Really, you are extraordinary.— I tell you we are old acquaintances ; that is all. I met him, two summers ago, in the most stupid country-place that I ever saw in my life P' "Well, what else. Remember, honest (not partial) confession, is good for the soul." Belle partially raised herself, and gave me a curious look out of her large black eyes. "Yon want to hear all about it; for once in your life, you are actually in. quisitive and impertinent ; but I don't think lam angry. RIB so refreshing to see you for once a little bit like other people ; besides, Scheherazade herself could not feel more like story-telling than I do just now; so listen, my dear 'sultana. Three summers ago, you know, I was in-disgrace with papa and mamma. I had flirted all winter with Jack Ellis, who had--not a cent, and was as fast as he could ; and. I. think we should have finished with an elopement, if some of our- notes-had not miscarried. By the way, don't you think it mean in papa to read my billets*us Suppose I did ran away Was it any one's business but my own? To come Nick, however. They sent tee up to Connecticut, to Aunt Mabel Reid—papa's sister. My dear, you never saw such a place. I am confident the North Pole is lively and wide-awake, compared with it.— There is a dismal beach, and an avenue of trees ; and under their shade doze the houses of some twenty or thirty 4)1;- 01 familieh. If they have any children, I never saw them ; if they ever 'go td . the windows,, or sit or stand in the doors, I could never find it out, There was store, but the clerk was always so as tonished when I wanted anythisig, that I soon gave up going. The only earnest of our not being in the very middle of Sahara, was the occasional advent, in a rheumatic --carriage,-of some of Aunt Mabel's friends, who all looked so ex actly alike, that .I was continually me.- king the most- dreadful blunders;- and an unaccountable-fashion - that the little chnroh-bad, on Sunday,' of betrig filled up with inexplicable people, precisely as if every seventh day there was a sort of muehroom growth of inhabitants. ~At the little church, I first saw Ernest Graves,-in close attendance en Alice Primera, the only pretty , .girl in the village, and my particular detestation.— He had not his moustache then, and 'he is now a trifle broader across the shoul der's ; bet I should have noticed him even in the city—and , there, after so many weeks of ennui, I considered him a direct providential dispensation. Like all other men, it was easy enough to at tract him. I had only to show a little sky admiration—let him catch me half a dozeh times looking at him, fronf un der my bonnet, but it did seem as if we never could find any body to introduce -us. People that generally fired off names at my head, before I got within hearing distance, 'thought I knew him, or were not sure that I would like it.' Mutual friends talked to each other over our heads, or across us. We - met as people in the early stages of flirtation always will, continually ; and I really began to think of dropping a handker chief, or losing a bracelet, when one day some good angel put it into Deacon Madge's" mean his head—to say : 'Mr. Graves, Miss Magenta—Miss Magenta, Mr. Graves li and at once the bars were down, and we were off togeth er into fairy-land. ' "There was none 'of the formality of a first interview ; for, in all but words, we were well acquainted. We had as many reminiscenses as though we had been friends for the last six months. There was a time when we met in the lane, and I passed him without looking up ;:and the time at the depot, when he handed mo into the cars ; and the still more memorable occasion at church, when we sat in the same. pew, and he found all. the places for me. I had not yet learned to think of Jack Ellis without a pang; and twenty times a day, a chance look or word of his took me back to ,the old time. So I liked him first far that,• and presently I found out lie was likea ble in himself. I had intended, of course, to amuse myself; but theie was certain something in his look and man ner that warned me not to trifle with him. I could not decide if he loved me. At times, I caught glimpses of a depth and intensity of feeling that made me tremble ; at others, he was cold as ice —impassive as marble. "The time came for him to go back te the city; and then he spoke out.— Some word of mine.a tear that came in spite , of myself—unsealed his lips.— He loved me—bad loved me, with the first real affection of hie life; but my last winter's doings had been common talk in the littlelyillage, and had reached his ears. His heart should lie on the toilet-table of no coquette. HI could love him, well—but if I deceived,him— I vow, Clara,. I was half afraid, he was so fierce, so desperately in earnest. "We corresponded, of course. I had ,nothing to do in that dull place but write ; and I suppose I scribbled roams of nonsense. I had his picture, and looked at It fifty times a day. I wore this ring (shoWing on her third finger a splendid opal). In short, T developed the most aggravated symptoms of the disorder•; but at last , came the autumn, and I went back to town. Then Er nest wrote me that the time for the trial of my fidelity had arrived. If I -proved true amidst the temptations of the win ter's gayety, his faith in me henceforth could never be shaken. I smiled to myself; for I felt very secure, and re mained a model of coustaney for—four week's. ; You said that I was a born co-' quette. Could I help being admired, and help liking it? Then fidelity is stupid. If Ernest had bean there, it might have been otherwise ; but he was one of these suspicious beings, who do not know the meaning of faith. He was constantly accusing me of growing cool ness, indiffeience, and what not. I had continually,to defend Myself, to reassert my affection.; till, as I 'finally wretehim, I began to doubt if I had any.' Yon should have seen the- letter with which our correspondence ended—it was truly terrible. He vowed the direst yen; geance ; bat it is two years since then,, and I am still unhurt." - "Well—" , • , A soft blush began to glow in Belle's cheek. "Yoe remember the evening- that he came- how we were - sitting, in the tibia: ry.- - A;ilhen I heard' his name, I had no idea that It was my former lover--ndt even when . l. first looked at him, till I rem:ad:ten:a a, certain peculiar fire of the eye, that I had seen in him'once or twice befdre. t was, vexed at first ',AI , thought it such a 'mai a propos ating_ Mstalcdieliacl April 11, 18U4. though, of course, nobody, knew any. thing about it, and nobody was to blame. When I found that he wasn't going to make a scene, however, and that he was always polite and serene, I felt relieved ; only it was so odd, that even when we were alone, he should never, in the most indireet way, recall the past." "Well—" "What,do you mean by that sphinx like 'well'? That is all. Ho is more agreeable than he used to be, and far handsomer. He has always, such self control, and seems to read , my very thoughts with those inscrutable eyes.— Only one thing I dont like as well. I never felt quite sure of him. I can never be precisely sure whether he is in earnest, or speaking , in mockery. In the old times, his earnestness bore the unmistakable stamp of truth ; And tho' I wouldn't say it to any one but you, I don't think that I liked him as welt; be cause I *as so sure of him ; but now, though, he says—" She stopped short, waves of blushes surging up over her face. "Go on." "I can't." "You can. I know already the sub stance of what you are about to say." "I wish :I had.never commenced, but since it must be ) know that the other day he,spoke to me again of love. It was that rainy evening, when I left yon all in the parlor, and , stole away to the library. I was completely wretched; it was partly, I. suppose ; and then, lately, old times were contin ually coming back to me. All the sweetness and enchantment of that love were sing • upon me. He looked to me as he never did before, and I felt bitterly that I . had shut myself out from his heart 'forever. I sat, down in the twilight, and just as I found that I was crying, carne a man's step at the dooi. I sat still, hoping that whoever: it was, would go away ; but he-came in; and then I eaw that , it was Ernest. He tat down near me, and commenced to 'talk, pretending to see nothing of my- tears and agitation. That made it all the more intolerable. Remembering so vividly, all his passionate looks and words of old, and how he would have comforted me, if be had seen me dis tressed ; and to see him now, cold and utterly unnerved, simply polite, was more than I could bear. I burst oat into a. perfect storm of weeping. "He" got up, and came to me. "Belle—Miss Magenta, are yon ill 4- "And I answered : "'Don't speak se; don't say Miss Magenta—at least, to-night. Ernest, have you rio heart, no feeling V "'I had once,' be answered, with a curious change in his voice, 'but I—par don me, I thought you had none.' "'Will you ever forgive me ?' I asked (Don't smile, Clara, at my new-found humility, but he has subdued me, in deed.) . He made no answer in words, but he clasped hie arm around me, and began smoothing away the hair from my forehead, with the old familiar gesture that I knew so well; and I-0, Clara, I lois him as I never did before, but I have at times such a vague, uncomforta ble mistrust and fear. He will never speak of old times ; when I have urged him, be answered briefly, that he has suffered so much, that the very remem brance of it is torture; and more anx ious still, he caresses me often, with a sort of fierce fondness, bat he never says, love you l'—neves calls me pet. Dames, as he used ; and when I some times shun him, how dear he is to me .l his eye never softens, but lights up, with something like triumph.. When I say over these things ,to myself, .1 am, at times, afraid of him, and yet—" The dresaing-bell cat her revelations short. I hardly . ,knew how. I dressed myself; for I was so stunned and as tonished ; but Belle looked rouvelously handsonie in her cool, floating dress.— She} sat beside Ernest at dinner:; and when it was over, they wandered off by themselves, and I saw them.paes‘the dining-room windows. An hour -after, going down to the river, I came on them soddenly, in .a. pleasant little summer house. ' They were - talking excitedly,' passionately ; arid- I could neither re treat nor advance without attraction, th; stood; perforce, a most univilling. and amazed listener.' ' • She wile' cowering, rather-than sitting, on the rustic bench ;- he stood:up before her, pale as death, and speaking low and rapidly. ' "Belle, as I told you, long ago, I truly loved'you all the moral wealth, of my nature I You—fufly con scions' that if you' deceived me, I was left bankrupt, but trusting the honor NO. 35. and nobility of your Wine, that I fan cied you possessed, I told you so. I had heard--that you were a coquette ; but I thought it only the natural gayety of a young girl. I fancied that beneath this carelessness beat the true, pure wo man's heart that you seemed to possess. You seemed - toloie me, and so I shut my eyes, and desperateli risked my all on the venture; and, of course, lost; any fool could have told me what a quicksand was a voman's love, what an ignis fates her promise. Ail this time I have waited for vengeance—the hope of it was all that supported me in that bitter time—it has come at last." "And you don't tote me ?" she asked piteously. His face glowed suddenly !•I do loye you ; I shall:always, in spite of myself, loie you ; because I can not take back' the gift ; but I hate you also. If you would this moment be mine, and I were well assured of a life long devotion on your parti I would not take,yau." With a long sigh, Belle fell forward on-the seat, fainting. she-could bear no more. Thinking her dead, I rushed forward from my concealment. • "Heart of ice t monster ! you have killed her.!" He shook hie head slightly "She is made of more elastic materi al," But the nest moment be contra dicted his cruel words by kneeling be side her, and covering her face a nd hands with kisses, then stood en ono side till her eyes slowly opened, when he hastilyleft, the arbor. Not one word said Belle to me on re covering her senses. To this day she. little dreams that I have her tecret.— She has almost relinquished society, and no one can, guess the reason,, unless it be, 4rnest, who occasionally, meets and bows coldly to her on: Broadway. He should sleep sweetly nox ; foe her pale, sorrowful, face cannot but assure him that his revenge ,is perfect-,his retri bution complete. THE SLATES op Psemonica,--• - -Veat7/ Rabbed of his Prey.--There 'are queer people in the world ; people with the most absurd, unreasonable, and indefen :Bible prejudices. For example, we have met with individuals who had a morbid antipathy to anything that was exten sively advertised, no matter what might be its actual claims to the confidence of the publiz. These eccentrics' looked with especial disfavor on advertised medicines. They could not see, for ex ample, in Dr. HolloWay's -Magnificent system of advertising, covering as it does, all the mediae's - of publicity which the world affords, inYthing bet' a gigan tic 'scheme of'mere speculation: . True, they could-- not gainsay the testimony pouring in spontaneously from the high est sources, in favor of his incomparable Pills and Ointment, but still they shook their heads and muttered "humbug"— Of course, there is no possibility of ar guing with men that won't reason. The best way'is to let them alone. Fortu nately, such specimens of stupidity are "few and far betweetr io this enlight• ened era. The general feeling is,. that, if a thing is in ' itself excellent, hi' vir tues should be proclaimed to the four winds of heaVen, for the general benefit of mankind. Hence, the preclamatiOns made by Dr: Holloway, through the en tire newspaper press of the world, of the properties and operation of his rem edies; meets 'with. the cordial approval of thinking men. The value of the preparatlens as spedifics for the various internal and external complaints pecu liar to differeat climates, or common to the world at large, is conceded, not only by the masses, but by governments, men of scien6e, and candid observers in every walk of life. .Oan such remedies be too widely known? Impossible !—Cinein hati Dollar Columbian. • .11. Boston paper Bays that when General:Mcdlellan visited one of the military hospitals in that city he found a sofilier who had lost his leg. "Where were you .wounded 2" asked the Gegeral. "At Fredericksburg," replied the sol dies; "bufifyett had been there, Gen eral; I should not have been hurt?" • or "Pa, didn't ' you whip ma for biting Tommy 7" "Yes, my child, for you hurt him very much." "Well; then, pa, you ought to whip. Mamma's music teacher, for he bit her yesterday the Mouth, and it hiiit her, bece.use he put her arms around his necicatrd tried to choke him," Ifir nos@ whomnlk.. fastest in going to dinner often walimiowest in going to "work,