The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, March 14, 1863, Image 2

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iPita, Oa.
;a— Messrs. MATHER & Aanorr, No. 335
Broadway, New-York, are duly authorized to
act fnr us in tiolicitinradeertisments, &c., and
receipt for the some.
effect of the passage of the National
Banking and . Currency Bill will 'doubt
less be to lessen greatly, if not to inhib
it,,the circulation of notes by city banks.
We believe that, even before the enact
ment of the law, scarcely one of the
Philadelphia banks put out its. own
notes; and at this writing at least two
41, them—the Southwark and the North
ern Liberties—redeem their notes in
gold. If the new National law referred
to should have the effect of driving
of circulation every other hank Doti) ex
cept the notes issued under its authori
ty, we shall enjoy a paper currency
equal to any in the worNI, and indescri
bably superior to any we ever had or
ever dreamed of in the United Statos4
These Goiernment notes will be only
seven in number ; the plates will be dis
tinctly different from'any now in circu
lation, and being engraved in the very
highest style of the art, and printed on
paper manufactured expressly for them
—every man, woman, and almost child
in the community will became so inti
mately familiar with them, as to render
their being successfully counterfeited an
impoisibility. We heartily rejoice at
this radical and most important revolu
tion in the-currency of ,the country.
York Herald says, v hear the most
gratifying reports of the improved phy
sisal •ondition, discipline, efficiency,
and . fighting spirit of the Army of the
Potomac. General Hooker, by hii per
sonal attendance' to the wants of his
men, and by fresh bread and vegitatges
with which he is supplying them, is re
ducing his sick list and increasing his
effectives, while by his example of cheer
fulnesi and confidence he is diffusing the
same spirit in his behalf, throughout his
army.' All accounts assure us that the
Army of the Potomac only asks for a
dry, windy day or two in (Tier to move
forward to a terrible reckoning with the
enemy. And we can add, that Gen. Hoo
ker, in speaking of his troops to some
gentlemen who visited him last week,
remarked,- with conscious pride, "The
Army of the Potarnac is the finest on
this planet. They are not merely men
at arms, but knights. No material, es•
capt of the highest character, could en
dure, without grumbling, the dreadful
privations which they have undergone;
but this army has not grumbled, and it
is capable of victory as soon as it can
ifir In Honduras, invalids afflicted
with Scrofula visit the streams that
have drained from the wild lands where
Sarsaparilla grows. It is found that
the waters become impregnated with
the medical virtue of this drug, and the
nativrea drink it, bath in it, and live on
it for weeks. Whatever are its effects,
these "watering places" 'have a reputa
tion not inferior 'to our as,wn Saratoga
and great numbers surely obtain relief
at them from the eruptions, ulcerations,
and sores, which are so afflicting always
toli half civilized people.
The New Bedford Mercury says
that among the first who enrolled them
selves in the 'colored company now re
cruiting there, was Ephraim Delaney, a
man but a few years since a slave on the
Eastern Shore of Maryland., The money
to purchase his freedom was 'advanced
by a gentleman of that city, and Dela
iv' has been steadily in his employ en
deavoring to repay this amount.
rebel major and captain who
had been paroled by Almiral Farragut
have returned to New Orleans and ta
ken the oath of allegiance. The rebels
would not receive them. All of these
parties give fearful statements of the
destitution which prevails in the rebel
The New Orleans Era of the Ist,
states that twenty rebels who bad re
cently been sent into the rebel lines had
returned begging for bread, and' to be
allowed to take the oath of allegiance.
They were suffering from actual hunger,
and their children were crying for food.
ar The Houston Telegraph of the
16th of January acknowledges the re
ceipt of one hundred dollars from Gen.
EfbustOnand his lady, for the benefit of
the wounded of the Galveston fight.—
The General's health is said to be im
er Gen. Banks has issued an order
that uny soldier hereafter found without
the requisite namber . of cartridges is to
be court-martialed.
;j An order has beep tiled in the
Provisional Court for the
.f Slidell's property in New Orleaus.
An amusing incident transpired
a few evenings since, at Manchester,
New Hampshire, in the Huntington
street Baptist church, on the occasion
of the magic lantern exhibition. The
scene of the children of Israel crossing
the Red Sea was exhibited, and the
small children were asked if they could
tell what it represented. One little fel
low immediately sung out : "Burnside
crossing the Rappahannock."
eir The Southern Confederacy is at
present engaged in raising negro regi
ments to fight against' the Union.—
There is a recruiting station in - Giorgio,
for this purpose. There was a negro
regiment in Savannah, raised by the
Rebels long before our Government had
authorized the enrollment of black sol
diers. Shall we hay . ° a proclamation
from Jeff. Davis on the inhumanity of
arming negroes ?
sir The delegation of Chippewa In
dians now in Washington, visited the
Treasury Department on Saturdly, and
inspected .the process of printing green
backs. One of the Chiefs was much in
terested in the room where ladies are
employed cutting the printed notes, and
proposed that they should take home
with them one of the women, with her
table and shears. He said, "It is a good
thing to have in a wigwam.
sr The wife of Mr. John B. Hoyt, of
West Amesbury, Mass., on Tuesday of
last week, left her house to visit the
barn to see that a pair of oxen were tied
up, and being gone so long as to excite
alarm on the part of her husband, who
is at invalid, search was Made and she
was found dead iu one of the stalls. It
is supposed she was struck with . pa
ralysis. Her husband survived • her
death just one week.
eir In Mexico Gen. Hooker served
as Adjutant for Colonel (now Major
General) Cadwallkd'er. At the outbreak
of the rebellion, Cidwalladir wrote to
Mr. Lincoln, saying that, in seeking for
the military Went. then so much need
ed, he should not overlook "Mr. Hook
er's very fine qualifications." "Mr.
Hooker" was thus, for the first time
brbught to the notice of the Adminis
igt An Old Yankee, who, when he
was fold by an English tourist in this
country, that the celebration of the
Fourth of July would soon be extinct
atisweredSee here stranger don't
talk that way.," I tell you when the res 7
urrection day comes round the first
thing 'done in the morning will be to
road the Declaration of Independence."
lfir A new disease- has lately appear
ed in the Potomac army. It is called
dry gangrene. The feet seem to decay,
and, if not taken quite early, death en •
sues. It is supposed•the disease comes
from keeping the boots on week after
week, as the soldiers are very apt to do
when they have only shelter tents•-and
no fires.
far Hon. Henry L. Pinckney tho foun
der of the Charleston Mercury died in
that city on the third inst. He was
formerly a member. of the United. States
Congress from that district. It was his
father who submitted the Constitution
of the United States to the Congress of
1787, the larger portion of which was
Or A lady having accidently broken
her smelling bottle, her husband who
was very petulant, said to her: "1 de
clare, my dear, everything that belongs
to you is more or less broken.!' "True,"
replied the lady, "inr even you are a lit
tle cracked."
Ire A kind-hearted creatUre, dwidow
lady, Bitting by a cheerful fire in a me
diative mood, shortly'after her husbands
death, sighed out: "Poor fellow, how
he-did like a gooi are. I. hope be has
gone where they keep good fires."
Igg- A tender hearted widower fainted
at the funeral of his third beloved.
"What shall we do with him ?" asked
a friend of his.
"Let him alone," said a waggish by
stander, "he'll sobn re-wire."
ifir Mr. Bontwell, Commissioner of
Internal Revenue has resigned on ac
count of his being a member elect of
the new Congress. Hon. Joseph J.
Lewis, of West Chester, has been ap
pointed in his stead.
or Gen. John Cochran's resignation
has been accepted by the President.—
He designs in other fields to continue
Ws support of the war for the Union.
Colonel Bilge; quartermaster,
has been ordered to' Carlisle Barraks
for trial, by court martail, on-the charges
preferred by the Senate committee. ,
lir The southren editors cow plain
that they can't get'paper. We suppose
'tis all on account of the "paperblock•
ode" they talk so much about.
dar Judge Terry of California, who
killed Broderick in a duel, has fled that
State and gone to Texas:.
Or Hon. David Wilmot of this State,
has been appointoe of the Court
of Claims.
_ .
or Although the Mint coins 250,000
pennies, daily the scarcity is becoming
Ca' The exportations of fresh meats
from the Western States to Europe, by
the way of Portland, Maine, (says the
Portland Press) has grown to - be an ex
tensive business. The meats are cut
up, partially dried and packed in boxes
from three to four feet square; dry salt
ed sufficiently to preserve them on their
passage. They are brought by railroad
from Ohio, Illinois, &c., and shipped
principally by the Canadian line of
steamers from Portland. During the
month of January last, these steamers
took 12,950 packages of meat, contain
ing 7,371,360 pounds, valued at $870,-
496 60. Lard, hams, &c., are also ex
ported largely by the same line.
t ir Ample provision has been made
by the British Parliament for the estab
lishment of the Prince of Wales. The
House of Commons, on the lith ult.,
unanimously approved Lord Palmerson's
Proposition . to settle upon the Prince
the sum of £40,000 a year, in addition to
his sunup income of £69,000 from the
Duchy of Cornwall with an additional
sum of £lO,OOO a year for the Princess—
in all £llO,OOO a year, or five huridred
and fifty thousand doliarii in addition to
twenty years accumulation of the reve
nues from his Duchy. These accumula
tions were greatly increased by the per
donal care of the late Prince Albert.
sir The Daltimore Sun says that on
Monday, "by 'order of the military au
thority, Colonel Geo. P. Kane was ar
rested and brought before Col. Fish, the
military provost marshal. The charge
alleged against him was that he was en
gaged in getting up a company of seven
ty: or eighty men, to be armed with re
volvers, operate against the authority of
the United States. After a thro - ngh
investigation, no proof could be adduced
against him, and he was released with
the understanding that he shall report
to the militaryprovost marshal when
ever required to do so."
I The army of the . United States
used, during the year 1862, sixteen thou
sand tuns of bullets. By an improve
ment in elongated ballets made by K.
D . Williams, recently adopted and grad
ually being brought into service, such a
reduction in the weight is effected that
it is calculated a saving of six million
d*llars a year will be made in the ex
pense of metal and transportalion. It
will save to the army of the Potomac
alone two hundred ammunition wagons.
lir A New York correspondent says
that General Burnside has
_given notice
to the, tenants of a house which ha owns
in that city, that it is his intention to take
pessession of the same with his family
on the first of- May. This hardly coin
cides with the recent statement from
Washington, that the General has been
invested with an important command,
and ie to leave for the scene ol his 'du
ties in a'few days. •
. air On Tuesday last the marriage of
the Prince of Wales to the Princess Al
exandria of Denmark, was 'soleinnized at
Windsor'Cristle. It was to be the Most
splendid wedding that has °coined, in
England since that of the Queen herself,
twenty-three years ago. The - royal
bridegroom is twenty-one years and five
months old
_; the bride, eighteen years
and three months.
sir It is not permitted to hiss' in
France—politically, of cause not—but
not even at the theatre. A young work
man ventured, at Bordeaux, to. express
his disapprobation at the prima donna's
bravura, whereon she. fainted, and he
was incarcerated for twenty-four hours,
and fined, at the end, a sufficiency of
silver, and the .expenses.
ar It is now said the historic struc
ture on Beacon street, Boston, has not
been sold. When it is sold, according
to the will of John Hancock, it must be
by auction, after being advertised in
Boston; Now York; Philadelphia, :and
Washington. So the erection of those
palatial residences must be postponed
for the foresent.
Cr It is said 'that the Hob: Stsphbn
Baker, of New York, is the only -mem
ber of , thelate House of Representatives
who positively refused to receive the
third mileage. • The aggregate amount
pald to gentlemen on • this account is
probably eighty thousand dollars.
ar The Southwark Bank, Philadel
phia, on Thursday of last weak, com
menced redeeming its . notes in specie.
The Bank has bat few notes in drools
tiOri, and preferred paying specie for
them to paying its assessment - to meet
the interest on the Stale debt.
Gy - The Harrisburg Telegraph an
nounces that arrangements are in pro
gress, by the Reading, Pennsylvania
Central, and Northern Central R. R.
Companies,• for the building of an im
mense - Union Passenger Depot_ in that
Gir John Van Buren,. James T.' Bra
dy and_Judge Daley Seymour dem
ocrats—made strong war speeches at
the Cooper. Institute, , New" York, on
Friday last. All now go for a vigorotis
prosecution of the war.
air 4. Soldier in one of the late bat
tles, sitting very cooly behind one of
his guns, where the shot was falling fast,
being asked whether he was supported
by divine yrovidency, .replied, "No, sir,
I'm supported l•y the 9th . New, Jersey."
Short Scraps of News from our Exchanges.
Col. E 3 Townsend, Assistant Ad
jutant General, who was sent to Port
Royal to adjust the matter of the con
flict of authority between Generais Hun
ter and Foster, los returned to Wasing
ton. He reports that everything has
adjusted in a manner to. give promise of
the best results. The repairs upon the
Weehawken have been completed or
nearly so, and preparations for a move
ment nre substanstially complete&
It is announced that the trustees of
Mr. Peabody's munificent gift to the
poor, of London had purchased a piece
of land in Spitafield (one of the poorest
districts of the metropolis), and were
preparing to erect dwellings for the
poor thereon. They were also negotia
ting for other properties is various parts
of LOndon, which will be applied to a
similar purpose.
The astronomers and other saver's of
London are getting up another big tele
scope, of Afar greater dimensions than
Lord Ross's famous six-foot reflector.—
It is thought that with the new instru
ment a vigilant observer may easily con
verse with "the man in the moon," and
in that in inner to be able to solve many
interesting and yet mysterious prob
Secretary Chime advertises for de
signs for the new national currency
nofes 'of the denominations of $5, $lO,
$2O, $5O, $lOO, $5OO, and $l,OOO, to be
issued under the late act of Congress;
authorizing a national currency. No
design wilt be considered that has been
need, in whole or in part,. upon any cur
rency, bond, certificate, or other repre
sentative of 'Vilna.
The iron railroad , bridge at . Harper'e
Ferry IS rapidly approaching completion.
The first two• spans are finished, and
the third or teat span will, it is said, be
completed in a short time, as a largo
force of workmen are engaged upon it
night and day. In the meantime the
trains continue .to pass over the wood
en bridge.
A correspondent of the Nashville Uni
on says that an East Tennessee bunter
has coll'ected about five hundred men in
the mountains, "who can pick a squirrel
off the top of the tallest oak with their
long ritleiz, 'and is araliuscaeing the re
bel cavalry at all points, whiping out
whole sqUads of them with astonishing
The Tribune publishes an extract from
a naval officer's letter stating, on the
authority of,an - . English officer, that "a
project is on foot in England,.superin
tended by Maury, of the rebel navy, to
capture the United States squadron on
the Mediterranean station with iron
clad vessels, now said to be nearly 'ready
for sea."
A. St. Louis letter (2d) says a discov
ery has been made that certain men
have been , hiring contrabands to take
into the interior, ostensibly as laborers,
but in reality for the purpose selling
them into bondage. Several arrests
have been orded.
Gen. Rosearans has just , dismissed
forty-two officers from the service, for
absence, insubordination, drunkenness
cowardice and other offences. In a
General Order he announces that de
sertion will hereafter be punished by
The present duty on imported paper
is 30 per cent , but on rags - nothing.--
The manufactures not only have rags
free from duty, but a prohibitory duty
on paper. A bigger monopoly than
this never received the protection from
the Government.
William Wells Brown, Dr, Smith, and
Charles Lenox Remond, all colored, have
been appointed recruting agents for the
54th Mass., regiment. The camp was
opened at Readville ..on Saturday last,
with thirty recruits.
The preparations being made to wel
come the Princess Alexandria, the in
tended wife of the Prince of Wales, in
dicate that the event will be one of the
most magnificent ever given in Eng.
It is estimated that it costs $2O a tun
for transportation of merchandise per
one hundred miles on an ordinary road ;
$2 on a railroad and 20 cents on the
ocean, for the same distance.
The -Traveler wittily says—" When
Gen..McCtellan visited Sharp's factory
in Hartford, they gave him a handsome
rifle. It is safe to say the weapon will
never hurt anybody."
The editor of the Alta California was
recently - presented with a sack of pota
toes, containitg only three, each. weigh
ing 20 pounds,
Cottou.raising •is to-be tried this sea
sop, in California. Seed will be planted
in Sacramento Valley, at Stockton, and
klther pipes.
It reported that the Mississippi Leg
islature has made it a penal offence . to
sell cotton in that State except to the
rebel Government.
A peasant, aged 147 years, is said to
be living at Czelanda, Moravia. He is
said to be a man of active habits. •
Rsad fl. Wzm ---- Ngcriwgoods ad vor
tiseinent in another column.
eighteen years of age, who resided in
the country, but was on a visit to a fam
ily residing in South Thirteenth street,
Philadelphia, died last Wednesday
from the effects of hydrophobia. It
seemed that about four weeks ago a
small dog ran into the house and was
taken up stairs. While the young man
was playing with the canine, he was bit
ten in the nose. No attention was paid
to the matter at the time, and in fact,
the circumstance was almost forgotten,
until about midnight, on Tuesday, when
the young man was attacked by hydro
phobia in its worst form. Medical aid
was at once summoned, but all efforts to
aid the sufferer were without avail, and
he lingered in the most excruciating ag
ony until five o'clock on Wednesday
morning, when he expired.
ler At the election for directors of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, on
Monday, the following named persons
were chosen : J. Edgar Thompsom, Jo
siah Bacon, Thos. Mellon, John Hahne,
G. D. Rosengarten, Wistar Morris, G.
W. Case, Pittsburg, Wiiliam H. Smith,
Pittsburg, Samuel T. Bodine, and Jo
seph B. Myers. The receipts of this
company for the month of January were
over a million of dollars, the largest
amount ever received on this road, and
indeed, larger than was ever received in
one month on any railroad in this coun
try. The amount is more than sufficient
to pay the annual interest on the corn
pauy's entire funded debt.
ti' The Brookville Democrat says
that Henry Ihmsen, an old and re
spectable German citizen, living a few
miles from Brookville, was murdered by
his own son, William Ihmsen. The
family Were sitting at the supper table,
when the father and son began to dis
pute about some limners. The son be
came greatly excited, and, leaving the
table, rushed up stairs, got his revolver,
returned and deliberately shot his father
dead on the spot. The son, we learn,
is or has been a member of Willicb's
German regiment. Ile has made his
eir The Nashville Union announces
that the assessment on disloyal citizens
for the relief of the poor is now almost
entirely phid in. General Mitchell la
tely issued an order that persons ran
sing to pay should have their property
immediately confiscated, and this has
wonderfully quickened the action of
those who had been holding out against
previous orders. Ode . man named Clock
rill owning half a million dollars' worth
property having refused to pay an assess
ment of one thousand dollars has been
arrested and confined in the peniten
The news from Mexico is that
Gen. Forsy meant to 4avatice against
Puebla on the 22d February. Be has
issued a proclamation, calling upon the
Mexicans to lay down their arms, and
promising them a government of law
and order such as they have not had un
der their own rulers. The Mexicans do
not appear to be very grateful for these
kind intentions, but stubbornly insist
upon their right to govern themselves
as an independeut nation. The next
news from Mexico will probably be of a
fir The birth of children sometimes
exhibits curious demonstrations of na
ture. A couple living at East Boston
illustrated this fact. It spears that they
have had four children two boys and two
girls. The former were each born on the
same day of the same month, while the
latter were also each born on the same
day of the same month. An were sin
gle births, and all were born withen a
couple of hours of the same time of
tiar The price of subsistence among
"our wayward sisters" down South has
attained such a wonderful degree of in
flation, that it is no wonder the rebels
are getting dangerous. Just look at
the following given by a Fredericks=
burg correspondent of the Enquirer as
the ruling prices there :—Coffee, $5 par
pound ; sugar, $1 50 per pound ; can
dles, $1 50 ; beef, 75 cents per"pound ;
peas, $l6 per bushel ; butter, $3 per
pound. All are on half rations.
er Mr. Sanders has presented to the
editor orthe Napa (Cal.) Reporter a
piece of sound redwood taken from the
centre of a tree some eight feet in diam
eter, and in which is embedded an acorn
perfect in all respects. From counting
the layers of wood, the conclusion is
that the acorn must have been in its
snug retreat from 2,800 to 3,000 years.
The timber on all sides is sound, and
without any sign of fracture or flaw.
ifir Gen. Fleker has issued an im
portant order, designating certain regi
ments and batteries which do not come
up to the requisite standard of discip
line, and alio those which have excelled
in soldierly conduct. The former he
shuts out from all furloughs until their
condition shall have been improved—
the latter`he rewards, by increasing the
number of furloughs, both to officers and
cur A young man eighteen years of
age, has destroyed himself by hanging,
as Nathurist, entirely in consequence,
it is supposed, of the pains he had suffer
ed for some weeks from the.toothache.
ECCENTRIC.—Joseph Pierce, a worthy
citizen of Cincinnati, died a few days
ago. Twelve years ago he had his coffin
made. By his order, it was made in
plain form of solid mahogany, with a
fiat lid and with plate, handles, ,
sunk in the top and sides. He wold
not allow a single screw to be used in
it, except in fastening on the bottom,
the different parts, with that one ex
ception, being all dovetailed together;
nor would he allow the ltd to be made
to fasten down, it being made so as to
merely rest on the top of the ends and
sides. Together with this, a stone sar
cophagus was hewn some time since, of
snch.size and shape that the former
should fit in it. Capt. Pierce long since
expressed his desire that the Star
Spangled Banner should be his shroud,
and even took the precaution to pur
chase and lay aside one for this purpose.
He was buried in the corm which. had
been "seasoning" so long.
IMPOLITENESS iv ()truant:L.—A gentle
man with a rather seedy overcoat on,
some time ago attended a funeral in
the fashionable Grace Church, New York
city. He took a prominent seat, hut the
ceremonious sexton sent him off to a
free pew near the door. A pompons
little lieutenaut, wearing an elegant new
uniform, was graciously shown to the
eligible seat. On the congregation ri
sing at the singing of a hymn, theoeedy
overcoat, was partially removed, display.
ing the starred shoulder-straps of a ma
jor general. Urgent civilities , were
pressed on the distinguished officer—
prayer-books, offers of a better seat, etc.,
but Gen. Banks - quietlt declined these
flunkey attentions, and concluded his
devotions in the free pew near the door,
having egregrionsly mistaken Grace
Church for a Christian institution, in the
character of some of its freqeenters.
AN IRON 'EGG.—In Dresden. there is
an iron egg, the history of which is
something like this : "A. young prince
sent this iron egg to a lady to whom he
was betrothed. She received it in her
hand, and looked at it with disdign. In
her indignation that he should send her
such a gift, she cast rt to the earth.—
When it touched the ground, a spring
cunningly hid in the egg opened, and a
silver yolk rolled out ; she touched a
spring in the yolk, and a golden chicken
appeared ; she touched a spring in the
chicken, and a ruby crown asp found
within ; she touched a spring in the
crown, and within it was a diamond mar-
BABEL Arnocrrins.--Itefogees Who
have arrived at Cincinnati from Ea-it
Tennessee relate We most hortible bar
barities practised there on Union men.
Two companies of Cherokee Indians are
acting as a Provost Guard in Knoxville.
They accompany - the cavalry expedi
tions in search of Loyalists. The Pro
vost Marshal offers a bounty of five dol
lars for every Union man they kill. A
short time before the refugees fled, Wel
saw a party' of these savages come in
with a string of fourteen ears cut from
the bodies of dead Unionists; for Ivhich
they received the promiied bounty.
AN OLD POLICENAN.---Theill is at
Haskeni (says the Journal de Constan
tinople) a Betkichi Tark, who has for
eighty years exercised the duties of city
watchman with the greatest exactitude.
Ha is 100 years of age, and still per
forms his service in all weathers. In
case of fire during the night his cry of
alarm may, without exaggeration, be
heard at Balata and the other side or
the Golden Horn. What is also re
markable is, that, having lost all his
teeth, fresh ones, more solid than the
first, have grown.
onel Wood, of Forrest's rebel cavalry,
lately escaped from prison in Memphis.,
and on being rearrested "confessed that
he escaped through the agency of Lieut..
Lewis, of the. Second 11. S. Regular Cav
alry, Lewis, he said, furnished, him, with
a pair of false whiskers and the coat of
a federal officer, and received for his ser
vices e5OO. For this Lewis was arrested
bat broke his bonds a fe'sv nights since,
went to the room where Col.-Wood was
lying asleep, and coolly blew his brains
LOOK OUT FOR THEM. - There are
counterfeits out of the 25 cent postage
stamps, poorly executed on wood,- but
calculated to deceive the unwary. The
faces are very poor, and the paper is of
a soft, spongy character. They will
have a wide circulation in the country
where there is less opportunity for com
parison and examination with well
known standards.
men read of gold being at 170, they nat
urally conclude that a paper dollar is
worth 'but 30 cents ; but the 30 seats
in gold, at 70 per cent. premium, is
worth but 51 cents in paper, so that pa-
per, is worth about 60 cents on the
dollar when gold is quoted at 170.
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