The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, March 07, 1863, Image 4
DR. LACROIX'S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE On the Physiological Views of Marriage? 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS Price only 26 cents. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret fol lies of both sexes of ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirit, palpitation of the heart, suicidal imaginings, involuntary emissions, blusbings, defective memory, indi gestion and lassitude, with confessions of thrilling interest of a Boarding School Miss, a College Student, and a Youug Married Lady, itc., tyc. It is a truthfui adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who enter tain secret doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is entitled. • youNG MEN who are troubled with Wfialtness, generally caused by a bad habit in youthlhe egoots of which are dizziness, paidlTiVrgetffilness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back andJower extremities, confusion of ideas, loss of Memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the author's nett , Paris and London Treat - mitt' We have, recently devoted much of oui time in visiting the European Hospitals, avail ing ourselves of the knowledge and researches of the most skillful Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care - will now Invite* full benefit of the many asic and ef fteaatir Remedies which we are,enabled to intrad ce into our practice, and the public may rest assured of the same zeal, assiduity, S.EIaRECY dbiSsattention being paid to their casea t which haa Als, successfully distinguished us lierrefore, a a Physician in OW PECULIAR depittinent of professional Practice, for the past tiderity-five years. Fa criers FEMALE PlLLS.—Ladies who wish fer Medicines, the efficacy of which has been Mated in thousands of cases, and never failea to 'effect speedy cures without any bad re ' sults, will use none but Dr. DeLaney's Fe male Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary - to be observed is, ladies should not fake them if they have reason to believe they innuoinccertain situations (the particulars of *filch will be found on the wrapper accom panying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. -"Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any par t, of the United States or Canada. To THE LADIES—Who need a confidential mediCal adviser with regard to any of those interesting complaints to which their delicate organization renders them liable, are particu lsrly invited to consult us. TH " ELECTRO-GALVANIC PROTECTIVE." For mauled ladies whose health will not ad mit, or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe preventive to conception, and 'has been extensively used during the last 20 years. Pric3 reduced to $lO. THE SECRET OF YOUTH UNVEILED A Treatise on the Cause of Piemature De cay— A. solemn warning. Just published, a book showing the insidious progress and pre valence among schools, [both male and fe n:l44l.J of this fatal habit, pointing out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and developing the whole progress of the disease, from the - commencement to the end. It will be sent by Mail on receipt of two [3 cent Stamps. Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning til 9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 till 5 r. • Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the Thlited States or Canadas, by pa• ,tientinnntritun leafing their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential. Itr• Dr. Vs Office is still located as establish ie.-tinder the name of DR. LACROIX, at Igh..,lB.Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. - .The'Early Physical Degeneracy of AMERICAN PEOPLE JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. A. STONE, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic Institute. A TREATISE on the causes of early Pirys _AL ical decline of American people : The .cause of Nervous Debility, Consumption and Marasruus. This work is one of high moral tone,. written in chaste,"yet thrilling language, .Eililr appeals direct to the moral consciousness of ALL PARENTS and guardians especially, de tailing and reliable aids and treat ment for cure. It will be'sent by mail on the receipt of two three: cent postage 'stumps. Parents and Guardians ! Fail not to send and obtain this book. 03 Young men ! Fail not to send and get this book. Ladies you should at once secure a copy of this book. ti ,word of solemn conscientious advice to _ • those •-who will reflect. A4clies-ot.nialadies prevail to a fearful ex tent in - the'cOmmusaity, dooming at least NO,- MR youth of both sexes annually, to an early grave. Those diseases are very imperfectly understood. Their external manifestation, or symptoms are Nervous Debility Relaxation and Exhaustion ; Nlarasmus or wasting and consumption of the tissues of the whole uody ; 'shortness of breathing or hurried breathing on ascending a kill or flight of stairs; great pal pitation of the heart; Asthma, Bronchitis and ware Threat ; shaking of the Hands and Limbs; aver - sled to society and to business or study ; dimness of eyesight, lossof Memory, dizziness 'of tke Head,•Neuralgia, Pain in vaiious parts of,tks t body ; Pains in the back or limbs, Lum liago, Indigestion, irregularity o Itie_bowels, deranged secretions of the Kid .neys and other glands of the body, as Leuchor rhoer of Fleur Minis, &c. Likewise Epilepsy, hysteria and Nervous Spasms. Now in ninety-nine cases out of every one hundred, all the above named disorders, and a Trost of others not named, as Consumption of the Lungs and that most insidious and wily form of consumption of the Spinal Nerves, known as Tabes Dorsales, and Tabes mesen teries; have their seat and origin in diseases of the Pelvic :Viscera. Hence the want of success on the part of old school practice in treating symptoms only. Dr. Andrew Slone, Physician to the Troy Lung: and Hygienic Institution, is now en gaged in treating this class of modern nista dies-with the most astonishing success. The treatment adopted by the institution is new ; it is based upon scientific principtes, with new - discovered remedies, without minerals or poi sons. The facilities of cure are such that pa tients can be cured at their homes, in any part of the country. froin accurate descriptions of their case, by letter ; and have the medicines sent by mail or express. Printed interrogato ries will be forwarded on application. fa' Consumption, Ceuta and diseases of the throat cured as well at the Home of ,the Patients as at the Institution, by sending the Cold Medicated. Inhaling Balsamic Vapors, with inhaler and ample directions for their use, and direct correspondence. Patienttapplying for interrogatives or advice, must enclose return stamps, to meet attention. fa' The attending Physician will be found at the Institution for consultation, from 9 a. in. to 9 p. m., each day, Sunday in the forenoon. Address DR. ANDREW STONE, Physician to the Troy Lung and Hygienic In stitute, and Physician for Diseases of the Heart,. Throat nail_ Lungs, 96 Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y. TO OP:FIOE1111 AND SOLDIERS. ..... -Colldction of •Pensiohi, Bounties, Back Pay,..ard War C/ ints. VAirs'..-.:Pcily Rolf; Muster Rolls, and Rom uiting_Apcounts made out. T'.4tidritigned; having-'been in the em- VAYment of the United States during the laseeighteen months, al Clerk in the,igueter ing..and pisbursing Olitce and °Mee ,of Super intendent dc_ r lieorulting SSrviee of Pennsylva nia,-iiispectfally informs the public. that he has opened ,e.o e In the Daily Telegraph Build ing in'ytiii; rpose of,„94jocjing Pensions, Bonn 'e:, "Tay and Claims; also, make ' cars' PaY,AtiVuster Rolls • ecoutter. mail+ tillkoddr ~promptly. L o 444 e , ' ly • • of vaße tzal /ha LOCATED IA PHILADELPHIA: SOUTH-EAST CORNER ON SEVENTH A.ND CHESTNUT STREETS. New-Y ork City, Brooklyn, Albany, Buffalo, Troy, Detroit. Cleveland, Chicago and Sand Louis. Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Commercial Ar rith metic 2 Commercial Law, Forms, Corre- pondence, &c., practically taught. These Colleges being under the same general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities for imparting instruction than any other similar institutions in the country. A Scholarship issued by any one is good in all for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has been recently, enlarged and is now the largest most prosper ous Commercial Institution in the State. Bryant & Stranan's series of Text Books, embracing Book-Keeping, Commercial Arith metic, and . Commercial Law, for sale, and sent by mail. ICP-For full pnrlieulars, send far a circular, ADDRESS, STIIATTAN, BRYANT 4r CO" Dec: 27 '62-Iyl PHILADELPHIA N(D I TIC__ TITHEREAS Bernard O'Bryan, to whom Vl' was granted, September 18, 1860, a pat ent for the Improved Black Hawk Cast Iron Ore Washer, assigned and transterred, for a valuable con sideration, under his hand and seal, the undi vided one half of all his right, title and inter est in the said invention. to the undersigned ; and subsequently the said &Bryan and the undersigned entered into co-partnership for the purpose of manufacturing and selling said Ore Washers. This is to give notice that, the recent stets and conduct of the Said O'Bryan being incon sistent with the longer continuance of the said partnership, the same is hereby diss.Aved ; and that the undersigned will not, from this date, be liable for any debts which the said O'Bryan may contract in the manufacture of said Ore Washers or otherwise. Also, that the said O'Bryan has no authori ty from me, the half owner, to sell any of said Ore Washers for less than $200.00, and all persons purchasing any of said Ore Washers for less than $200.00 are hereby warned that I will look to them for my half alba profit on each machine at the rate of $200.00 each. SAMUEL HOPKINS. Marietta, January 21, 1563..61 Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA. For the Relief if the Sick and Distressed afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcea, or ceminal Weakness, and other Diseases, of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies em ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in Ssaled letter envelopes, free of charge.— Two or three Stamps for postage will be ac ceptable Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ZELL'S•COAL YARD. rp HE undeariA ned would j_ respectfully inform the "G L N , 0 7 citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is prepared to.deliver 41D41011A11.311C. AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES, VIZ: Baltimore Company, Stiive and Egg at $4:50. Do Do Nut, 3:25. Shamokin White Ash, Stove size, 4:50. Do Red Ash, 4:50. Do No. Four, 3:50. De White Ash Nut, 3:25. Treverton, Egg and Stove size, 4:50. THnS. ZELL, Agt. Marietta, September 63.1862. ALEXANDER LYNDSAY, Fashionable . Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his - line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,isenablen to select with more judgment than those who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he win warrant for neatness and good At. ga-Call and examine his stock before, pur chasing elsewhere.``' A MERICAN HOTEL, P fIILADELPHIA Located,on. Chestnut street, opposite the OLD STATE HOUSE, and i a n close proximity to the principal Jobbing and Importing Houses, Banks, Custom House, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the door (or within a square) for any depot in the City. The House has been renovated and refitted, and PRICES REDUCED TO $1.50 emit PAY. WYATT & HEULINGS, Pacwarvross. CONSUMPTION, Scrofula, Rheumatism &c. Hegeman's & Co.'s Genuine Cod Liv er 011 has been proved by nearly twenty years, experience the best re-nedy for Consumption, &c., and while it cures the disease it give' flesh and strength to the patient. See that you get the GENU/NE. Sold by Druggists gener ally. HEO EMAN & CO., Chemists & Druggists, New York Ci .AV P. your Silks, Ribbons. &c.,.&e. liege -1,,,.7) man & Co.'s Concentrated Benzine, re moves Paint, Grease Spots,.&c., instantly, and cleans Gloves, Silks, Ribbons. &c., equal to Lew, without injury to the most delicate color or fabric. Only 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEGEMAN & CO., ChemistS & Druggists, New York. ESTATE OF JAMES CHAMBERS, late of the Borough or Marietta, Deceased. Letters of Admimitratiort on said estate bay ing been granted to the undersigned, all pers ons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payrrwnt ant those having claims uainst the same vill present them, duly authenticated for settlement to • G. W. WORNILEY, Administrat•ok. Marietta, islovember'22i 1862-6 t. ,: H. L. & F..-I. ZA.IIIII • ' ,-,, - filllll ESPECI ru.Luy - inform their (4.14) ji - V friend&and the public that they 0 .....1!:... , 7 5 / satzjilnl e j o E nt iv in z ue u the y W bu A si T ne e s il s: I t ., r C t L h 9 6 Co old stand; stand; North-west . Corner of North Queen street and Center Situare,latipasteTlPs• A full assortment of goods in our line of .busi-:i ness always en hand and for dale at the twist cash rates. t[3- Repairing attended to per sonally by the proprietors. . . HE American Watches areemong the heat T timekeepers now in use, and for durability strength and simplicity far surpass any other watch made in the world., - 11. L. f i r E. J. ZA H 111 Corner of North Queetr-et.,and Centre Square Lancastet, Pa.idhave them. for-sale at the Very . lowest=ralesvery watch accompanied with the mi:nufaotg . exe gukr,rentee.te cpaure c• - •st•-faTHVA MA.RIErrrIANRc-v... HENRY LANDIS, M. D., Successor to Dr. Franklin Hinkle, Dealer in Drugs, Perfumery, Sops, 6-c ~yze j DR. LANDIS having purchased the entire interest and good will of Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug Store, would take this opportunity to in form the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, that having just receivedlrom Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and most complete assortment of eve rything in the drug line. g.of of Caney ana loi consisting in part of German, French and Eng. lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other flair Conths,Liair Oils,Pomades,ete. Port Monies, rocket Books, Puff 'V and Powder Boxes, 6.c., i•c, The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR DYE, DeCosta , l and other Tooth Washes, India Cola • gogue, Bariv's Tricoperons, for the hair, Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small size bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour of Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker'. Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate; or Chemical food, an excellent er ica] for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con _amptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an excellent preperation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Hael'a perfurnery,pomades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the best. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. Dr. L. will himself see that every precahtion be taken in the compounding of Physician's prescriptions. The Doctor can be professionally consultr d at the store when not engaged elsewnere. Marietta, August 24, 1861.-ly JOHN CRULL, PRAETita HATTER, NO. 92 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA. MAKES this method of informing his old friends and the public generally, that he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by George L. Mackley,) and is now perma nently prosecute the flatting business IN AYL ITS BRANCHES. Having just returned from the city where he selected a large; variedand fashionable assort ment of everything in the HAT AND CAP LINE, and now only asks an examination of his stock and prices, before putrchasinp.; elsewhere. Having : also laid in a stock of Hattmg materi al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft, to the most Fashionable Silk Hat. Employing none but the best of workmen, and manufacturing good goods atlow prices, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. its' The highest price paid for Furs, in trade or cash. BEAN_E & ROTS, lig DEALERS IN as drugs, Peirft*t% Soiiet Soaps, Hair and Thoth Brushes, Combs, Tooth Washes and Powders, Hair Dyes, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Whitelead, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, • and everything usually kept M a well regula ted apothecary. A new and fancy lot of COAL OIL LAMPS— the finest in the Borough—at prices to suit the times. Lamp Tops attached to old Lamps at Short notice. Globes, Wicks, Chimneys, &e., always on hand. A very convenient "HARD LAMP" for car rying about t house, just received. A nicel, ,elected lot of-all kinds of Station ary, Enve,i.oes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c., ,of all graded and' at'all prices: An endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ticles on ham'. Marietta, November 9,-1862. ly TAR. W. H. BEANE basing purchased Dr. West's interest - in the West & Roth Drug busineso, au t having located in the. Borough of 'Monett^ for .the practice of his profession, would ipectfully offer his .professional servi ces to ins public. To THE, CITIZENS Or MARI ETEA :. take great pleasare in recommending pr. Wm. 11. BEANS_ as a Physacian in Whom I have every confidence, believing that he will give satis faction to all who may employ him. Ii WEsT, M. D. Marietta, November 8, 1862. CHEAP READY-MADE -I'LOTHING!! Having just laturned from the city with a nicely selected lot of Beady-Aade Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to .furnish at reduced prices; - having laid in a general assort ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is determined to sell Low, FOR CASH. His stock consists of Ovirt-CoArs, DRESS, FROCK AND SACR COATS, PANTS, 'VESTS, PEAJACICCTS, ROITEDECcUTS, (knit) Oy..ERDA DES, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Everything in the Ydrnishing Goods line. Calland examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to 810 he times.. JOHN BELL. (Amer of Elbow Lane and Market St next door to Cowl's Store Marietta, October 29,:1856. EItISMAN'S Saw DIM and Lumber Yard, MARIETTA, PA. CONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment of all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he offers at reasonable prlteg. Boards; Plank, Joist, Scantling", • Rafters, Laths, Shingles, Pails., , §•c., 3c OAK, PINE e. HEMLOCK TIMBER All orders attended to with dispatch. J. M. ERISMAN. lITT ER'S Celebrated Truss Surgical Ban vdages, Shoulder Braces, Instruments` for Deformit), &c. These articles aro very highly recommended by Ptofes sors.Poncoast'and Gross of the Jefferson Med" ical'College of Philadelphia, and the under signed, knows them to be the best articles, 01 the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. D. ' A fine assortment of FlaVoring Extracts for Cooking--something very nice. Liquid Rennet for making. delicious desserts. Ponciue, Honey and othe fine Soaps. Frangipannie ane other Extracts. For sale try Da. - H. LANDIS. JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, of Cor. Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta f - 1 R ATEIFUL for past favors . i would returr k_Tmy thankti to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the old Stand, Where I will be pleased ,to see them at all times, and. having a ull and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES $.• VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order kt the shortest notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and all who see proper o patronize l me hereafter. jOct.29-'56. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiSer having been restored to health in a fell weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung af; fectiou, and'tliat dread. disease, Consumption —is,a u zious_to make known nie.fe4ow-auf ferers the means of cure. . , To all whe desire it, will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions fpr preparipg and using the same, which' they will fin 4 a SURE CURE for Cow sumpnow ' A STIIII tky BROWNCHIST, &C F . The -only _ejectof,the_ advcrtiger in sending the Prescription - is to benefit the aigjetcd, and spreid - TtifoTinatioii Which - he conceives to be, iiiivaltiable,anit he hopes every sufferer wig' try remedy tii - 46 , wilf , cost them nothing., and may. Drove a blessingaddress. Pantie! sling the pre:miptiein ii,,Err . F.Dwt..,RD A. W..u.50rt.,,. • Kulge Ea) Y, D A. BRUNON'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES! FOR DELICATE DISEASES. NO. I. THE GREAT Rxvivra.--Speedily eradicates all the evil effects of self abuse, *as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vis ion, or any constitutional derangement of the system brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. . Acts alike on either sex. Price one dollar. No. 2. THE BALM.—WiII cure in from two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is without taste or smell and requires no restric tian of action or diet; for either sex ; price $l. NO. 3. THE TERSE will cure Gleetin the shortest possible time, and I can show certifi cates of cures effected by this remedy, wher all others have failed. No taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. THE PUNITER is the only known remedy that will positively cure strictures of the urethra, no matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price one dollar. NO. 5. THE SOLUTON. will cure any case of Gravet permanently- and speedily remov all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.— Price one dollar. . No. 6. THE PREVENTOR is a SUIT preven tion against the contraction of any disease, is less.expensive and far preferable to anything in use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l. NO 7. THE. ADIARIN will cure the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef fectually removed by any other treatment; in fact this is the only remedy that will really cure this disease ' • pleasant to take. Price $l. NO. S. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are cer tain, safe and speedy itr producing menstrua tion or correcting any irregularities of the monthly period's. Price two dollars. No. 9. THE FEMALE SAFEGUARD, or Off spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5. Either of the Remedies will be sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu lars containing valuable information with full description of each Remedy, may be obtained by enclosing one post stamp. Address Dlt. FELIX BRUAVON, Box-99, Philadelphia, Pa. These Remedies are sold in Marietta only by JOHN JAY LIIIHART, where circulars con taining a full description of each case can be obtained gratis, on application. . General Depot, North 'East Corner of York Avenue and Callowhill street, Philadelphia, Pa Er In complicated cases I can be consulted by letter, or personally at my office ; entrance, No. 401 York Avenue. DR. F. BILTJNON August 27,1859.-1 Y. gIERRIBLE DISCLOSURES-SECRETS FOR THE lIIILLION most valuable and wonderful publication. A work of 400 pages, and SO colored engravings. DR.HUNTER'S VADE An original and proper treatise. -on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never- Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. - The practice of Da. H UNT ER has longteen, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest so licitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his "VADE ECUbI." It-is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret, vices, or as a guide for the alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be for warded free of postage to any part of the Uni ted States for .50 cents is P.. 0. stamps, or 3 espies for 11. Address, post paid, Dr. Hunter, No. 3, Division Street, New York . EYER , S WORLD'S FAIR 111., PRIZE MEDAL _PIANOS ,Attention is called to the recent improvements by which the greatest possible volume of tonfe• has been obtained, without sacrificing any of the well known sweetness of these Instruments. This, with an improved touch and action, - ren-. der theSe Pianos uneaqualed. The dull and mnflled, or metalic and wiry tone is entirely avoided. All Instruments warranted to stand all climates. W AREROOMS, 722 ARCH STREET, PHILAD.ELPILIA. DR. HENRY LANDIS OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity Can be round at his Drug Store, formerly Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhere professionally engaged. To MY FRIENDS: Having been called to a positioa in the U. 5.,. Navy, I hereby resign mrprofession to the care and attention. of Dr. HenryLaptlis,- in whom I have every con fidence, having had ample opportunity of as certaining tila ability to fill my place. F. HINKLE, M. D. • WINES & LIQUORS. t\* H. D. BENJAMIN,- DEALER' IN WINES & Laguoßs, Meat Building, liatietta, Pa. B EGS leave to inform the public that he Bcontinue the WINE & LIQUOR bust nesi, in all its 'brauches. lie .:arAll coAhwtly keep on hand all kinds aI Braudies, Wines, - Gins, Irish- aid , Biotch • Whiskey, corthals, Bitters r ikc,-; BEILTAI4IIN'S - Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND. A very superior OLD RYE WHISKEY ust - received, which is warranted pure. 1L All H. D. B. now asks of the public is a careful' examination of his stock and pri• ces, which will, he is confident, result. in Ho• telkeepers and others finding it to their ad. vantage to make their purchases from) im• . • DAVID COCHRAN, Pointer, Glazier and Paper Hanger.. -. • . TX7 OULD-inost respectfully inform the cit- Vy izens of Marietta and the public gener ally that he is prepared to do House' Painting, ' China Glossing, Paper flanging, 4-e., At very short notice and at prices to suit the times. .11e can be found at his mother's resi dence on the corner of 'Chesnut and Second streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church, and immediately opposite. the old Oberlin Coach Works. [Aug. 3-Iy. - W ANTED. LOCUST! LOCUST !I. LOCUST' , 4 Locust Pins, from 14 inches to 36-inches long, and Locust Timber; all dimensions will be bought or received ori commission. If forwarded promptly and largely perma nent arrangements for continued supplies will be wade. - Address W. A. LEVERING, 3tl Cailowliill-St Wharf, Philadelphia, Pa ( - 1 UTTA PERCHA BLACKlNG—without k3r, brushing: For Boots, Shoes, Harness, Carriages ' and Military Leather Work. It gives theleather a polish like patent leather makes it water prqof, does not stain, the whit est article of dress and need not be applied at tener than two or three times a month. For sale at Dr. LandiS' Drug Store.. NI. TWE4TIr F. IgAriIOGSHEAI)SIt —in good condition—will be sold' at the low price of $1 each and delivered any where in or near. Marietta free of charge. Be ing in want of cellar room, if taken from the store soon, a trifle less will be taken. Also, a lot of „excellent , . WHISKY . BARRELS very cheap. Per sale-at DI.FRENSAc H'S. INE AND:I,II9,UOII.S. • , .1 . V V Superior Old Brandy ; Old Rye Whiskey. Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and Pc.rt Winee.-- Pittsburg , Whishey 'always on hand at - the lowest market Oices. Very Fihe Brandy at a very -low figurP •J. R. DI FFENBACH. Mciricet-st. RTME GROCE. 12 IR Si—Rio, Jarwand U•Laguira Coffee Cr:relied, Pulverized and yawn-Sugar -; Superior Green-and-Black Tea l . Rice,-Cheese.,and. Spices • Syrup and printe b '- kiaLl4.l4twee; kicellent Pearl:Barley at Ti ,DiFfelfß44lo, THE MAGIC TiiA OBSERVER. The Perfection of Mechanism. BEING a hunting and open face, or Lady's or Gentleman's Watch combined. One of the prettiest, most convenient and decided ly the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use, ever offered. It has within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action lever movement, and is warranted an accurate timepiece. Price, superbly engraved, per case of a half dozen, $204:00. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, for those proposing to buy at wholesalers3s, sent by express, with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers must remit payment in advance, as we cannot collect from th ose in the army. Address HUBBARD BROS. 4 , CO., SOLE IMPoRTERS, Corner Nassau tk John streets, Jan'y 2 6t.] New-York. ADJOUR . N.P.,D COURTS For Lancaster County for 1863. r is ordered by • the Court that Adjourned Courts for 1863 for the trial and decision of cases in. the Common Pleas, Orphans' Court and Quarter Sessions, are to be held as fol lows : _ _ FOR ARGUMENTS. One week commenc,ing on Monday, March 16 June 15. cc cc ". • Sep: 21. cc cc ca .pec:2l. To continue one Week from the said days. respectively, and as much longer as tile-busi ness may require.. All the cases on 'the list forargtimenf in' the Orphans' Colla r shall be taken upon the first days of said tennis, and be proceeded with until disposed of, :Unless continued by consent or cause shown.. The causes on the argument list in the Quar ter Sessions, shall be taken up on the Wedues day of said term, if not prevented by the Or-_ phans' Court, and if so, the erases in the Q..titir: ter Sessions will be ; commenced On the'termitv. ation of the Orphans' Court business, The argument of the 'cases hi the Common Pleas to be commenced on .:Thursday of the - week 'if not prevented by the.Urphaus' Court or Quarter Sessionir cases, iii that case; the ar gument list of said court JB, tO bejltitelfrOpz at the termination of the cases other courts, and proceeded in until disposed bf, unless con tinued by consent or - cause - shown.. 4.. It is further ordered that .the abseececif counsel at tire time anointed for - hearing the cases mentioned in the preceding orders'ihall be no cause for suspending proceedings thtre in. unless by consent 'or legal - ground* for a continuance be shown. : ADJ U ItNED JUAX,WAL.Si. It is ordered by the Court that adjourned courts for Jury trials in the Common Pleas', will be held as follows : 1 week commencing Ist-randk% cc c 4th '":„.,„,„,-4cetoyr. 3. 1 week commencing ht Mondayo,ll , llcrob. - 2. .0 cc 4th " cc 6. ISt cc , June 1. It cc sth " Aug. 31. cc cc 3rd " Oct. 19. it it 4th " Oct. 2ti. cc 511 a " Noy. AO. And such other periods as may be appo.nted at the aforesaid courts, or at the regular terms The foregoing to be published, in all the newspapers in the city ana county of Lancas-: ter tutee successive times in each, - at• the ex— pense of the county. Bill to be presented at the Corninissioners , Office. .33y-ardor of the Court, • - PETER MRTIN: - Prothonoutry The Columbia Insurance Company Of Columbia, Lancaster County, 13,a. . - QHARTER. PEIWETUAL ITHIS Company COntIDUCS to insure Buda ings, Merchandise, and oth r property, against loss and damage by fire, on the mutu al plan, either a cash prerinum 01 premium note. The success of the. Company has fat ex ceeded the most sanguine expectations of.the Director* and it will be noticed ny the follow ing!statement that its affairs are in a healthy and flourishing condition. . WHOLE• AMOUNT INSURED $772,707.,34. . Balance of Cash Premiums unexpended, Feb ruary Ist, 1861, - 18 Cash Premiums received during life " - last year, less agents , eom mission, $3,310 54 Interest received.on money loanel * last year, ' . - 49' 3.1 Losses and Expenses paid the last year, $2;704 . $2,704 21 Balance of Cash Premiums unesc.: - - pended, Feb. Ist, 1862, • "$1,505 86 $4,2 ifh fr 7 It will be. seen from the above :that Ihe money paid in advance for policies liai-oeen sufficient to pay all losses and expenses and leave a surplus fund of over Fifteen Hundred Dollars, and that the Directors have never levied any tax upon the members of the Com pany A. S. GREEN, President. GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Triasursr., EZERCOI Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruner, Sr., John Fendrich, E. G. Minich, • Samuel F. Euet kin, Michael S. shumavt, Ephraim Hershey, Michael H. Madre; Cieorge Young, Jr., '../Vicholcis IMO Immtild. Amos S. Green REFEREA ':persons are all members of this Company: Bainbridge-4t. 11 Jones, 'John 13.;..Sniith, Joseph Kurtz. Co/umbia*Geo. Bcue c, Hiram Wilson, F. S. Bletz, ' Casper Yeagei, H. C. Fondersmith,.John'Shenberger,..J. ON Pollock, Frank Shillot, John Gaus, J. J..& P. S. Mc- Tague, Michael S. SlMinan, , B. Williams; John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise,- Washington Righter, Samuel Shoch. Robert, Hamilton, Eckert & Myers, Thomas' Welsh, Wiii. A. Martin, Casper Seibert, .1 W. ,CettrellirPhiTip Huebner, Ephraim Hershey,, PhilinSchalck, David Hanauer, John Lamer, Jacob &Welts, Jacob Strine, Benj. F. Appuld, Wm: WitipPer, John Q. Denney, John F. fix, Silvester, Vogis, Saninel'Arms, A. Gray & Co. - Bust tiempfteld —Simon Munch. Eattitouth.,-, bruham,Lof lius, sa-ndel Borst,. Michael Hess. Lances ter--4iihn Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer, Henry E. Leman, Win. T. Cooper, John Shealler, - Geo. Reeze. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehaffey, John H. BummY, Frederick Mahling, E. D. Routh, Calvin A. Schaffner John Naylor, Samuel= Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, 11...&.F. Fetch er. Mount joy.‘-Jacob Myers, Israel Barn hart, Michael Brandt, John Rreneman.— Manheirti—John Holpeter, J. E. Cross, Long, Geo. Weayer, -John M. Dunlap, J - 4.1 Dutt, Philip Atilt; Jacob 'H. Kline, 'Levi& Fisher. Maytotim—Hiram Beatty,- George B. Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon E. Albright.— Moan/vine—A: S. Bowers. ' Muse, Townsktp —Jacob B. Shuman, Christian Miller; Julitie L. Shuman. Penn 2'omnskip--Daniel Frey, Henry B. Becker, Henry Neff; John- Bren ner. Ropho roteriski.p—Christiain Greibir, Edward - Givens; Michael .Withian.. Wist ilevaPnigt Tapfehipli. E. Wolf, U. A. Price, M. A. Reidi-J: Strickler, AniOa'S. Buivers„ Jacob Holripan.- :Warwick Tournship---Daniel B. Erb. . - tre- The Coiniiany wish to an 4 .get,it for eacte'fitiwiiiibip in Lancaster= Gt r onnty.iL.. Persons, wishing ti..triite-t.4.e.Uene,y,.eina 'apply in "iienion or by letter. juB-3§ • _ Commission. Lumber,Merchant, West Falls Avenue, Baltimore, 111 - d. -SPECTPULLY offers his services for tile: ale of LUMBE 13 of svgry,Oesetiptioii! From Ms knowledge of tlie . bneinea s ,h e sonfnfent of tieing stile 'to °lkea) trio tii.itest rnasleekrstes-foreVerythingtentrwdleilr" AMILY COUGH SYRUP :—A Cough r Syrup, for-children and ,- adults has just been put upitt rny_atorePwhichlahptid..beirr eYry fapttly , tiga.coldweatheF. ; DENGLISH'S INDIAN VEGETABLE EMMENAGOGUE! This Celebrated Female Medicine posseakeh virtue unknown of anything else of the kind, and prooving effectual after all others have failed ; it is prepared Lem an -' Indian Herb" peculiar to Northern Mexico, and Texas, and is used by the Natives in producing the sionru - Ll' SICKNESS- it is designed for berth manted and single ladies, and is the very beat thing known for the purpose, as it will remove all obstructions after other remedies haire been tried in vain. It is a pleasant tea, containing nothing injunous to health, and a cure can be relied upon in all cas.s. Prolapsus Uteri, or failing of the 'Womb Floues Albus, or Whites; Chronic Inflatifation, or Ulceration of the Womb; Incidental Hem rage or Flooding; and disease of the Spine. ~11Z- . .„Ladies- i n the early stage of ^pregnancy are cautioned against the use of this tea, as it will produte miscarriage. Prepared and Sold by DR. G. W. ENGLISH, No. 729 RAcx-sr., - PHILADELPHIA. Price $l.OO per package, (with 'full direitions for,use) sent by Express or Mail to any address. Dr. E. can be consulted in all .obstinate Female Complaints, in person cr by letter, and will furnish' the Gutta-percha Female Syringe—highly recommended by..the Faculty to married ladies for special purposes. Also Radical Cure acid' other Trhsses—lm proved Rotary and•Spine , Abdominal Support ers—Shoulder Braces—Elastic and,Lace Stock ings—Spinal Apparatus, for Wearand Curved . Spine—and Instruments for all Deformities.— A large. Stock of the above articles constantly Otit , liand;rind. - will be furnished at lowest rates by'sending'order- and full particulars. • 11- e eonnnunicationEtridly, 'ainfiden tial. For . furthernarticulars - please hddress, DR. G. W. ENGLISH, 729 ItacEs.t. PAILADELPUIA, I have no Agents. - CRITTENDESIfk: ,, P3IILAD.ELP,FII4I-06-gMERCIAL = X. E. corner: Of 104 aestnia Sei. • This Institution,. which. was established to 1944,, and is now consequen_tly,ig_the "e...;lght eenth year of ite'elistefiee,' tibmbers ; timong its . gra du atp . s,4l nniti'gdo .0,I; the most successful Merchants and Businev. Men in our Country. The Object ; cif thb -fifstirutittn is solely to afford ycun,g Men facilities for.thoroth preps rations for business., , The BiancheS taught irei;Baok-/yelping, as applicable to the varioundepailments bf trade ; Pennmanship, both plain and., ornamental; .Commercial Law,. illathemet VIA; Navigation, Civil Erigineeri,ng, Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages. Tlie•Sysleut oflnstipctionl is , peculiar ; no elassel 'onset lessons aremade use of, .but each istu - denriS tatight. fitiligidtrallY7,46 - thitthe may 1 1 1 0.9.4 41 e...u.i-tlble,gyidAttend at 'whea -1 4Yef hours,are most convereut, — Catalitgues are issued irmitu*y'after the 15th of April, containing namess-otthe sttidents4or the year, and full particulars. of Jarmo and may be obtained at ally time IfiliddresS ing the Principal. In extensive accommodations. wide r spread reputation, and the lengthy experienee of the Prißcipal,this-Inatitution .cotle6 facilities 'bu ll-el-Mr to pny Other in. the coustry,„ for, young. men tvishine•td Wpare for businebs,' and to .obtain amipt.olitile.vhich will prove si recant inendatiOn-for them, tetany l‘kercautile house. • t.'rittetiden's*etTeirbt Trdatisee on Too k - w,idely circulated than any other wink onne subject, are for sale at the College. • . * HODGES CRITTENDEN, Attorney-at-Law, , „Ja n. ?U.. Iyl l'itiNcira L.. 1. . 'AltillS.6 - '''' ..., . ~ : ' -=. ....t.tktotidtr- 01. hates, sir rows E.. and angers , hopes ; dlh - egrets anti oys ; Itlanisuod 3 how lost lio ,ored ; the nature, tiestment and radical cure ttf sperms torrhrea or seminal weaknesWinyoluntary . emiSsions, si xual debility and Drigediments to marriage generally'; nervidsridetvponsump:- Don, fits, menial and p.hyploaljenalArity, re sulting from self abitse—are .fully ,"!' -explained in the Marriage Guide - , i ., .......t..,,.._ by War..-Ycititia, , 4i):` :ThisirioSin- 4 ' ". extraordinary book should bells:the bonds of every young, person _ contemplating niatriage, and-every man or iveninviwholeinkes-listrionit the n'unitier of . their offspring to - their circa m- Stances. . Erety4al - 4 , ditieette atid,ache 'Mei , dentalitO youtil k tp.;‘,Filyod eidrage, As fully explained ; et ei - Y pa. sale of`knowledge that should' be ktiotett is bete giOn.". 4rli. full of engra*ings. :,. in feet,,it , theclosetelteerets that every one - shotild kliow ; still it lasi book that .robst be locked up, and not lie libbitt the house. ltwill be set 4to any- one on Illes*teipt of twenty-five cents in - specie or postage stamps. Address Dr.:...--Wse. -, Yothen;hige. 416 Spruce Striet,„abOve Fourth, -Pbiladelphia. 'IE3 - .elgliited 'aluf Tlfrifortunate, no matter liat may liejittir disease, before you place sourtielr under the care of any - of the notorious Quacks—native or foreign—who advertise in this or any other paper, ,get a copy of Dr. Voting's book, and read it carefully. It null be - the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your lite. -DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his piiblication, at his office, No. 416 SPRUCE.Street,aLove Fourth Philadelphia. ()dice hours from 9 to 3, daily. - $4,21,Q._0 PRINCE'S Celelitted Protean 'Fountain Pen. Tke "Ne "'los Ultri?? for writers. Reads st all times amj,in all places • • . e , Pen, Pen-Holder, nd 'lnkstitnd Combined. RITES from , six to ten hobs's - with once NIT VI filling. Regulated at pleasure. Very compait; for the desk or pocket... No climate affects the ink contained-in , thelfountaisf. 'ln= corrodible. .All inks used. -dna .the 'Pen for all purposes.. T.estirnAruals received here in favor of this Peri istifff6ientAO warrant all writers having - bre.' 'The Peri for Merchants, Bankers, — Clerks, .Minlbtc ..t Trsiveleists-Re porters,.Schopls,t and .. Students.' 1 3 Everyf chPrch iheuld'Present one to their pakfor., The flow is perfect: Each -Fountain warranted.. Peal sent by mai: on receipt of money,. The' best Pen,' No. I. $5 ;, No. 2,. $4 rc e , $3.50. T. G. STEARNS, ; thiseral Agent;' May 10-3 m I 335 Er9o3v...atolie,ve York JACOB . A • FiIISJM;t I V " TOBACEO: GIRAIr/i. SNUFF -81 3 01IN'' Opposite t7te Cross Keyk Hotet, el' • • IVIARIETTA:; PA. • . HE•unliersiened woulolrospectfdlly inform. T _the public . that stia coritinues,lat-Ahet old stand,oiner of Second and Wain streptik directly'. opposite-the Criiiis`Key's Miter, toiceep on hand • and Ser sale, kinds of cigars,;.frern.: Half Spanish up, i n prices from $6,,,.5742,640,.. 880 per thousand. TonACco.=--Natitral.X.,ftf,. Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoico :Cori.; gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Cgaces.. S.pse, Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophiriobardo t An derson's best Fine7cut: •All gars manufactured of imurted,,Kneli„:•,6lx.r.s... HALF sr Nish. Rappee Sniff' ailiortill lands Fancy ,P binOk Mg Tobacco. • - ^Seented snuffs„ Fnie-cuttpes, :Cigar. Tubes, ki.:•!•Ctjair. 302' 5 S j? A t: LE 1 - 10 TE L .," , Ro te r r , - - _, MAiLETTY4' The ur detsigned.b,avintleased the olsl t c Stackz ' hous 0, stand, at the caner Of Flont.street and ' , lbow Lane, would .most: reepectrully • inform Wetermen petrayeling public generally:that itothinr snit 'be left undone to make' it deservingSago...lliberal support. • SAMUEL G. MILLER, Marietta, Match 1; 1862. AV RITE WAN ROTEL, TY FRONT STREET, MARIETTA. The undersigned•liaxing 'again leased this old andpppular hotel, takia,this,rnethod'.-of in forining his old friendi• and the publittp,ener 7 ally. Oa nothinkliiall be spared to - kedp"up the, yeputation' ,of the 'house, and make it ivorthenf•ttie sitpport of the tihrelink - • .GE): flactraoittr: 0 SACK'S' tirSALr .44/ , 4F bale cheap at Diffenbach*. PHILADELPHIA IMIEM