The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 28, 1863, Image 4
DR. ENGLISH'S INDIAN VEGETABLE EMMENAGOGUE! This Celebrated Female Medicine possesses virtue unknown of anything else of the kind, and prooving effectual after all others have failed; it is prepared flom an Indian Herb" peculiar to Northern Mexico, and Texas, and is used by the Natives in producing the storrrn -1,1 SICKNESS. " It is designed for both mauled and single ladies, and is the very best thing known for the purpose, as it will remove all obstructions after other remedies have been tried in vain. It is a pleasant tea, containing nothing injurious to health, and a cure can relied upon in all cas.s. Prolapsus Uteri, or failing 01 the Womb Floues Albus, or Whites; Chronic Inflamation, or Ulceration of the Womb; Incidental Hem rage or Flooding; and disease of the Spine. Ladies in the early stage of pregnancy are cautioned against the use of this tea, as it will produce miscarriage. Prepared and • Sold by DR. G. W. ENGLISH, No. 729 RACE-ST., PHILADELPHIA. Price $l.OO per package (with full directions , for use) sent by Express or Mail to any address. Dr. E. can be consulted in all obstinate Female Complaints, in person cr by lettkr, .and will furnish the Gutta-percha Female Syringe—highly recommended by the Faculty to married ladies for special purposes. Also Radical Cure and other Trusses—lm proved Rotary and Spine Abdominal Support ers—Shoulder Braces—Elastic and Lace Stock ings—Spinal Apparatus, for Weak and Curved - Spine—and Instruments for all Deformities.— A large Stock of the above articles constantly on hand, and will be furnished at lowest rates by sending order with' measurement and full particulars. ll All communications strictly confiden tial. For further particulars please address, DR. G. W. &Gum, 729 RACE-ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 113-1 have no Agents. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. B. corner of 7th. 6. Chestnut ,Sts. This Institution, which was established in 1844, and is now consequently in the eight eenth year of its existence, numbers among its graduates, hundreds of the most successful n iei c i mii i; ;24 Business Men in our Country. i i ;;;!itution is solely to . The Object of the Mford y sung men facilities for tip.?.rough prepa rations for business. The Brandies leapt are, Book-keeping, as applicable to the various departments of trade ; Pennmanship, both plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law, Mathematics, Navigation, Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages. The System of Instruction is peculiar; no classmor set lessons are made use of, but each student is taught individually, so that he may commence at any time, and attend at what ever hours are most convenient. Catalogues aro issued annuey after the 15th of April, containing names of the students for the year, and full particulars of terms, &c., and may be obtained at any time by adress ing the -Principal. --In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the Principal, this Institution offers facilities sir perior to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for business, and to obtain A DIPLOMA, which will prove a recora mendation for them to any Mercantile House. its Crittendett , s Series of Treetises on Book- Keeping, new more widely circulated than any other work on the subject, are for sale at the College. S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Attorney-at-Law, . iB, , 62-1 y; PRINCIPAL. MARRIAGE,. Jan. 18,'62-Iy] . Its Loves and hates, sor rows and angers, hopes and fears, regrets am oys ; Manhood, how lost how restored ; the nature, treatment and radical cure of sperma torrhcea or seminal weakness; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally; nervousness, consump tion, fits, mental and physical incapacity, re sulting from self abuse—are fully explained in the Mart-loge Guide,' by Wm. Youito, M. D. This most extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who desires to limit the number. of their offspring to their circum stances. Every pain, disease and ache inci dental to youth, mt !rity and old age, is fully explained; every pa...tcle of knowledge that should be known is here given. It is full of engravings. In fact, it discloses secrets that every one should know ; still it is a book that must be locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one - on the receipt of twenty-five cents in specie or postage stamps. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. It A f flicted and Unfortunate, no matter what may be your disease, before you place yourself under the care of any of the notorious QW/Chat4All.-reliVe or foreign—who advertise in this -0 1 RELY other peer, get a copy of Dr. Votingi rook, and read it carefully.' It will be the Means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his-publication, at his office, N 0.416 SPli tics Street, above Fourth Philadelphia. Office hours from 9 to 3, daily. PRINCE'S Celebrated Protean Fountain Pen. The "Ne Plus Ultra" for Writers. Ready at all times and in all places Pen, Pen-Holder, and inkstand Combined. RITESTeom six to - ten hours with once filling. Regulated at pleasure. Very compact, for the desk or pocket. No climate affects the ink contained in the fountain. In corrodible. All inks used. Just the Pen for all purposes. Testimonials received here in favor of this Pen sufficient to warrant all writers having one. The Pen for Merchants, Bankers, Clerks, Travelers, Re porters, Schools, and Students.' Every church should present one to their pastor. The flow is perfect. Each Fountain warranted. Pens sent by mail on receipt of money. The best Pen, No. I. $5; N 0.2, $4; No 3, $3.53. T. G. STEARNS, General Agent, May 10-3 m I 335 Broadway, New York JACOB A WISNER'S TOBACCO, CIGAR & MUFF STORE, Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. THE Undersigned would rospectfully inform the public that hestill continues, at the old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets, directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to $BO per thousand. TOBACCO.—Natural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci gars manufactured of imported stock. SIXES nA.vp SPANISH. Rappee Snuff and all kinds Fanty P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, Fnie-eutipes, Cigar Tubes,..S.c. [ jan.30,'58 . EMILE, HOTEL, FRONT STREET, MARIETTA, PA. The,dr dersigned having leased the old "Stack holisol" stand, at the corner of Front street and Elbow Lane, would most respectfully inform Watermen and the traveling public generally that nothing shall be left undone to make it deserving of a liberal support. SAMUEL G. MILLER. Marietta, Match 1, 1862. PE SWAN' 110 TEL, I.FROWT STREET, MARIETTA vf;', unde*,ned haying again leased this old L, - .. . d po p u lar hotel„ takes. this method of in , , p l ini-itta , uld?frierls and the public gener ty , t e „that nettling shall be spared to keep up this. reputation of the house, and make it worthy of the support of the traveling pub lic. . , l3riw: W. 11E0KBOTILE. QOO S es S ale t) c l' he S a A p L a i t ' Diffenbach's THE MAGIC TIME OtISERVER. The Perfection of Mechanism. BEING a hunting and open face, or Lady's or Gentleman's Watch combined. One of the prettiest, most convenient and decided ly the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use, ever offered. It has within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action lever movement, and is warranted an accurate timepiece. Pnce, superbly engraved, per case of a half dozen, $204:00. Sample Watches, in neat morocco boxes, for those proposing to buy at wholesale, $36, sent by express, with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers must remit payment in advance, as we cannot collect from th ose in the army. Address HV73.BARD BROS. 84. CO., SOLE /REORDERS, Corner Nassau & John streets, Jan'y 2 fit.] New-York DJOURNED COURTS 1 - 1.. For Lancaster County for 1863. 1T is ordered by the Court that Adjourned Courts for 1863 for the trial and decision of cases in the Common Pleas, Orphans' Court and Quarter Sessions, are to be held as' fol lows FOR ARGUMENTS One week . commeneing on Monday s 'March 16 cc <c cc . June 15. cc IC cc Sep. 21. • cc cc cc . Dec. 21. To continue one Week from the said days respectively, and as much longer as the busi ness may require. All the cases on the list for argument in the Orphans' Court, shall be taken up on the first days of said terms, and be proceeded with until disposed of, unless, continued by consent cr cause shown. The causes on the argument list in the Quer ter Sessions, shall be taken up onthe Wednes da,, of said term, if not, prevented by the Or phlins' Court, and if so, tan eases in the Quar ter Sessions will be commenced on the termin ation of the Orphans' Court business. The argument of the cases in the Common Pleas to be commenced on Thursday of the week, if not prevented by the Orphans' Court or Quarter Sessions cases, in that case, the ar gument list of said court is to be taken up at the ;termination of the cases in the other courts, and proceeded in Emil disposed of, unless con tinued by consent or cause .!howl. A is further ordered that the ala'Ace of counsel at the time appointed for hearing t:.;? cases mentioned in the preceding orders shall be no cause for suspending proceedings there in, unless by consent or legal ground fora continuance be shown. ADJOURNED JURY TRIALS. It is ordered by the Court that adjourned courts for Jury trials in the Common Pleas, will be held as follows 1 week commencing lat Monday, Feb'y. 2. cc cc 4th " Feb'y. 23 1 Week commencing Ist Monday, March 2. " cc 4th " May 25. cc " • ' Ist cc . June 1. Cc Cc sth " Aug. 31 3rd" Oct. 19. if C' Ate. Oct. 26. And such other periods as may be appointed at the aforesaid courts, or at the regular terms. The foregoing to' be published in all the newspapers in the city and county of Lancas ter three successive times in each, at the ex penae of the tounty. Bill to be presented at the Commissioners' °Mee. By order of the Court, • PETER MARTIN. Prothonotary The Columbia Insurance Company. Of Columbia, Lancaster 'County, Pa. CHARTER PERPETUAL ! rrcHIS Company continues to insure Bond i Jugs; Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire, on the mutu al .plan, either for a cash premium of premium note: The success of the Company has far ex ceeded the most sanguine 'expectations of the Directors, and rt will be noticed by the follow ing statement that its affairs are in a healthy and flourishing condition. WHOLE AMOUNT INSURED $772,707 34. Balance of Cash Premiums unexpended, Feb ruary Ist, 1861, $865 18 Cash Premiums received ,during the last year, less agents' commission, $3,315 54 Interest received on money loanel last year, 29 .35 Losses and Expenses paid the last year, $2,704 21 Balance of Cash Pretniums unex pended, Feb. Ist, 1862, $1,505 S 6 $4,210 07 It will be seen from the above that the money paid in advance for policies has oeen sufficient to pay all losses and expenses and leave a surplus fund of over Fifteen Hundred Dollars, and that the - Directors bait' Aver levied any tax upon the members of the Com pany • A. S. GREEN, President GEORGE ,YOUNG, Tr., Secretary. MICHAEL SHUMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTQII9 Robert T. Ryon,' Abraham Bruner, Sr., John Fendrich, - H. G. Minich, Samuel F. 800 kin, MichaelS. Shuman, „Ephraim Hershey, iklichaii H. Moore, - George Young,Jr.,Nas Mc Dont'ld Amos S. Green. REFER EiV CES.-2'he following persOizs are all membeFs of this Company: Bainbridge—R. H Jones." John H. Smith, Joseph Kunz. Columbia—Geo. Bog' e, Hiram Wilson, F. S. Bletz, Casper Yeager, H. c. Fondersinith, John,Shenberg,er, J. G. Pollock, Frank Shillot, John Gaus, J. J. & P. S. Mc- Tague, Michael S. Shuman, It. Williams, John Cooper, Geo. W. ileme, Washington Righter, Samuel Shoch, _Robert Hamilton, Eckert & Myers, Thomas Welsh, :Wih. A. 141artin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip &Mick, David Hanauer, John Timmer, Jacob Stacks; Jacob Strine, Benj. F. Appold, Wm. Whipper, John Q. Denney, John Felix, Silvester, Vegle, Samuel Arms, A. Gray & Co. Ea, - -)t Hempjield —Simon Minich. Fa/mouth—Abraham Col lins, Samuel Horst, Michael s Hess, Lances 'ter —John Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer, Henry E. Leman, Win. T. Cooper, John Sheaffer, Geo. Reese. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehaffey, John H.,Summy, Frederick Mahling, E. D. Roath, Calvin A. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel Htipkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. & F. Fletch ii. :Mount Joy—Jacob Myers, Israel Barn hart, Michael Brandt, John Breueman.— Manhemi—John Hosteler, J. E. Cross, Sam'l. Long, Geo. Weaver, John M. Dunlap, Jihn Dutt, Philip Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, Layid Fisher. illaytown—Hiram ,Beatty, George B. Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon F. Albright.— Mom/to/lie—A. S. Bowers. Manor Township —Jacob B. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius L. Shuman. Penn Township—Daniel Frey, limy B. Becker, Henry Neff ; John E. Bren ner. Rapho Township—Christiam Greid'er, Edward Givens, Michael Witman. West Hempfield Township-11. E. Wolf, B. A. Price, M. A. Reid, J. H. Strickler, Amos S. Bowers, Jacob Hoffman. Warwick Township—Daniel B. Erb. 13— The Company wish to appoint an Agent for each Township in Lancaster County.— Persons wishing to take the Agency can apply in person or by letter. Jv8.736 Et STATE OF PETER BARER; LATE' OF lj Tun BOROUGII.OF MARIETTA, D.EC'D. Letters •of Administration on said &late having been granted to the Undersigned, all persons indebted7l96 - drito are requested to make immediate gekethent, and those having de mands against tliesanie will present them dilly authenticated for settlement. • . FREDW L: BAKER, ADMINISTRATOR. Marietta, November 15, 1862. 16.6 t T. CROIX Ail D NEW 13IVGLAND RUM for culinary purbo,ses, warranted genuine. I. D. Benjamin. - ~' ' TH.I MARIETTIAN.~ DR. BRUNON 3 S CELEBRATED REMEDIES! FOR DELICATE DISEASES NO. 1. THE GREAT REVlVER.—Speedily eradicates all the evil effects of self abuse, as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vis ion, or any constitutional derangement of the system brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price one dollar. No. 2. THE BALM.—WiII cure in from two to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)is without taste or smell and requiresmo restric tion of action or diet; for either sex ; price $l. NO. 3. THE TEREB will cure Gleet in the shortest possible time, and I can show certifi cates of cures effected by this remedy, whey all others have failed. No taste or smell.— Price one dollar. NO. 4. THE PL NITER is the only known remedy that will positively cure strictures of the urethra, no matter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price one dollar. NO. 5. Triv SCILUTOR will cure any case of Gravel permanently and speedily remov all diseases from the bladder and kidneys.— Price one dollar. No,. 6. Tim PREVEITTOR iS a sure preven Lion against the contraction of any disease, is lessLexpensive and far preferable to anything in use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l. - NO 7. THE AMARII, will cure the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef fectually removed by any other treatment ; in factihis is the only remedy that will really cure this disease; pleasant to take. Price $ll. NO.'S. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are cer tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua tion or correcting any irregularities of the monthly periods. Price two dollani. No. 9. THE FEMALE SAFEGUARD, Or Off spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5. Either of the Remedies will be sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circu lars.containing valua•Be information with-full description of each Remedy, may be obtained by enclosing one post stamp. Address •DR. FELIX BRUNON, Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. These Remedies are sold in Marietta only by JOHN JAY LIBHART, where circulars con taining a full description of each case can be obtained gratis, on application. General Depot, North East Corner of York Avenue and Callowhill street,Philadelphia,Pa If ' In complicated cases I can be consulted by letter, or pelsonally at My office ; entrance, No. 401 York Avenue. DR. F. BRUNON August 27,1859.-IY. 11ERRIBLE DISCLOSURES - SECRETS FOR THE MILLION ! A most valuable and wonderful publication A vork of 400 pages, and 30 colored engravings DR. TIUNTER'S VADE MECUM, An original an, uroper treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every I,.^d, with Never= Failing Remedies for their speedy :7ure. The practice of Dn. Husrtzri has long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the licitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his "VADE MECUM." It is a volume „that should be in the hands of eviry family in the land, as a preventive of secret vices, or as a guide for the alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be for- Warded free of postage to any part of the Uni ted States for 50 cents in P. O. stamps, or 3 copies for $l. Address, postpaid-, Dr. liunter, No. 3, Division Street, New York. Nov. 30 1%/1 BYER'S WORLD'S FAIR PRIZE MEDAL PIANOS Attention is called to the recent improvements by which the greatest possible volume of ton& has been obtained, without sacrificing any of the well known sweetness of these Instruments. This, with An improved touch and action, ren der these Pianos uneaqualed. The dull and muffled, or metalic and wiry tone is . entirely avoided. All Instruments warranted to stand all climates. W AREROOMS, 722 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA DR. HENRY LANDIS ' OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Marietta in& vicinity. Can be found at his Drug Store, formerly Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhere professionally engaged. To MY FRY : Having been called to a position in the U. S. Navy, , l hereby resign my profession to thu'care and 'attention of Dr. Henry Landis, in whom S have every cou fidence, having had ample opportunity of as certaining his ability to my place. F. HINKLE, M. D. lEollock's Dandelion Coffee. THIS prepaiation, made from the best Java 'Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a superior Nutritious Beverage for General De bility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disordors.— Thousands who have been compelle,d to aban don the use of Coffee will use this without in jurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. For sale at J. R. Diffenbach's. $4,210 Or Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF WILLIAM DIX, late of the Borough et Marietta, deceased. Letters of Administration, de bonis non, with the Will annexed, on said Estate, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands_ against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in said borough. F. L. BAKER, Administrator, &c Marietta, Oct. 27, 1862. 13-6 t WINES Sr. LIQUORS. I-I. D. BENJAMIN, DEALER IN WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. ---0— WGS leave to inform the public that he continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. He will constantly keep.on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, 43-e., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose TVliisky, ALWAYS ON HAND. A very superior OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. , h• All H. D. D. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confidept,result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their •ad. vantage to make their plirchases from I DAVID 'COCHRAN, PotAter, Glazier and Paper „Hanger. y°Dip Most respectfully inform the cit izens of. Marietta and the public gener ally that he is prepared to do House :Painting, China Glossing, Paper Hanging, At very short notice and at pricey to siiit,The times. He can be fonnd bia mother's reii dence on We corner of ,Chesittif and Second streets, a few doors beloW the Church, and immediately opposite tie 'Old Oberlin Coach Works... [Ang.,37ly. WANTED. LOCUST! LOCUsTu...4", LOCUST' 11 = ' Locust Pins, from' 14 36 inche,s long, and Locust Timber, all diln4iMirMa ‘vr4l e bought or received on commission. If forviarded pforiMtly and largely_perrea neat arraw , cmcnts for coatioued supplies milbe, be, made. Address W. A. LEYER:IN6.. " A " . 3t] Callolollll-St Wharf, Philadelphia, Pa ULTIN . F. AND LIQUORS. • siiperioi Old Brindy, Old Rye Whiskey, Holland •Gin, Old Maderia ) ,Lisboti, Sherriand Pert. Wines.. . _ Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the lowest market.prices. Very Fine ,Brandy al a very.low, figure, k J. R. DIFFENBA6II. Market-st. HENRY LANDIS, 11.1. D., Successor to Dr. Franklin Hinkle, Dealer in Drugs, Perfumery, Soaps, Sfc DR. LANDIS having purchased the entire interest and good will of Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug Store, would take this opportunity to in form the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, that having just received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and most complete assortment of eve rything in the drug line. a Lot , of f.qqq qO3 consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Hair Combs, Hair Oils,Pomades,etc. Port Monies, Pocket Books, Puff Tr and Powder Boxes, 6-e., ike- The celebrated Batchelor's. HAIR DYE, DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes,lndia Cola gogue, Bariv's Tricoperous,for the hair, Bay Rnm,iArnold's Ink, large•and small sized bor . - ties, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, -Flour of Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kindi of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, m .or Chemical food, an excellent ar al for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con _umptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an-excellent preperation for the table ; Table Ofi—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liven Oil.. All of Heel.% perfumery,pomades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the'best. Old-fort, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution be'taken in the compounding of Physician's prescriptions.. The Doctor can be professionally - consulted at the store when not engaged elsewnere. Marietta, August 24, 1561.-ly JOHN CHULL, - PRACTICAL HATTER, NO. 92 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA MAKES this method of informing his old friends and the public generally, that he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by George L. Mackley,) and is now perma nently fixed to prosecute the Hafting business IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Having just returned from the city where he selected a large, varied and fashionable assort ment of eVerything in the HAT AND CAP LINE, and now only asks an examination of his stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. Having also laid in a stock of Batting materi al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft, to the most Fashionable Silk Hat. EMploying none but the best of workmen, and manufacturing good goods at low prices, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. g• The highest price paid for Furs,—in trade or cash. g al. BEANE 8c ROTH, . DEALERS IN efiehfieqls, „Toilet Soaps, Hair and Tooih Brushes; Combs, Tooth .Washes and Powders, Hair Dyes, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Mildew!, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, and everything usually- kept In a well regula ted apothecary. A new and fancy lot of COAL Orr. LAnrrs— the the Iluroug,h—at prices to suit the times. Lamp Tops attached to old. Lamps at short notice. Globes, Wicks, Ghimneys, &c., always.on hand. A very convenient "If.krrn LAMP" for car rying about t..- house, just received. A nice]: stueeted lot of all kinds of Station ary, EnVi.coes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c., of all grades ar.d at all prices. An endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ticles on hand. Marietta, IN ovem kr 9, 1862. ly R. W. H. BEANE having pnrchased Dr. ..1 . 3 West's interest in the West & Roth Drug business, an 1 having located in the Borough of Marie tt^ for the practice of his profession, would r, speetfullroffer his professional servi ces to ..oe.publie. To TIFE CITIZENS OF MARIETTA : I take great pleasitie in recommending Dr. Wm. H. BEANE as a Physician in whom I have every confidence, believipg that he will give satis faction to all who may employ him. H. WEST; M. D Marietta, November 8, 1862. HEAP'READY-MADE (LOTHING .!! Havinejuirietilrned from the. city with a nicely selected lot, of Beady-mode Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; havinglaid in a general assort menr of men and boys' clothing, which i.e is deem ined to sell. LONIT, pox .CASt r. His stock consists of Ovrai-CoATs_, DR,F.SS, FROCK AND SACK COATS, PANTS, VESTS, PEAJACKETS, ROUNDDODTS, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSHIRTS, G Lo,y,Es, SU.SPFADERS,AC. t Everything in-the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at priced to suit the times. JOHN BELL. Corner of Elbow Lane and !Market SL next door to basset's Store Marietta, October 29, 1856. ELISMAW , S Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, MARIETTA, PA. CONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment of all kinds of. Seasoned Lumber, which he oilers at reasonable prices. - Boards, .Plank, Joist, Scantling, Palters, Laths, Shingles, Pa ls, o-e., 4.e., 6-c. OAK, PINE 6. HEMLOCK TIMBER All orders attended to with dispatch. I. M. BRISMAN AetorlTT ER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban dages, Shoulder Braces, Instruments for mitj, &c. These articles aro ... very highly recommended by Profes sora Pancoast and Gross of the Jefferson Med ical College of Philadelphia, and the under signed knows them to be the beet articles, 01 the kind in use. F. Hinkle,M. .D. A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for Cooking—something very nice. Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts. _ Poneine,lliney, and othefine „Soaps. Frangipannte ant''other.-Eitriefs. For sale by Dn. It. LANDIS JOHN BELL., Merchant Milor, Car. of Market-st.; and Elbow Eane, Marietta RATEFUL fo - rpast favors I would retuir 'my thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that I still eontinhe the eldbusinessat the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all ttmes,'and baying a .ull and splendid assortment of • 'CLOTHS, CASSIMERES ¢ VESTIVGS, which Will be made up to order at the shortest notice by the bestof workmen, apd on reasona ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, tomait upon my old customers and all who see proper o patronize me hereafter. f 0ct.29-'56. TO CONSUMPTIVES. _ The .advertiser having been restored-to health in a few weeks, by a vely simple remedy, after haying suffered several years with a severe lunelf fection, inethif dread - diease, 'Consumption anzious to make known to his fellow- suf ferers the means of cure. • Rc ttlk Van desire it, wilL send a cogrofthe . .prescription. used (free of charge)„, with the dircctions'for t preparing and using the same, whieh they -will' find a SURE CURE for Coi susirmoit, its Trill A, BnoWncnisii &c. IThe only oject of -the -adyertiser -in sending the Prescription is to, benefit the afflicted, and spread infoimatiOmtvhich' he: Conceives to be invaluable, and' he :lioliel4iery sufferer 'will try'.his remedy as it will cost them. nothing, and may prove a:blessing. Parlies w Ishieg the.prescription will please address. REV. EIMAIID A., Wi LOON, 3m] Williamburg, Kings co., N. Y *** DB. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT_ THE GREAT REMEDY, For Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lum bago, Stiff Neck and Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, Piles, Headache, and all Rheumatic and Nervous disorders. FOR all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Doctor Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and has been used in his practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success: As an. Alleviator of Pain, it is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of- which the most skeptical may be 'convinced by a single trial,, - This Liniment i will eura.rapidly and radical ly, Rheumatic - Disorders of every kind, and in thou . sands of cases where it has been used it has never inowii to fail. For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate re lief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headache in three minutes and is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude arising from imprudence or excess, this Lini ment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivifies the system, and re stores it to elasticity and vigor. For .Piles.—As an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we chal lenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to afford immedi ate relief, and in a majority of cases will ef fect a radical cure. Quisny and Sore Throat are sometimes ex tremely malignant and dangerous, but a time ly application of this Lini.nent will neve fail to cure. Sprains' are sometimes very obstinate; and . enlargement of the jointsis liable to occur if neglected. The worst case may he conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Ulcers,Durns and Scalds, yield readily to the v. - onderful healing properties of Da: SWEETSItgrA LIABLE L/NIN ENT, when used according to directions. Also, Chilblains Frosted Feet, and insect Bites and stings. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Comae:tient,. the Great Natural Bone Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connectictit, Is known all over the United State* DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, Is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Lial, 'meat." DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINE IVENT Cures Rheumatism and never fails ' DR. Sint T'S INkALLIBLE LfiVAMEN T Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. DR. SWEET'S I FALLIBL E LINIMENT Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. • DR. SWEEPS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. SWEE TS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Cures Headache immediately and was never . - known to fail. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment affords immediate relief for Piles, and wick:urinals to cure. - DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment Cures • Toothache in one minute. DR. 'SWEET'S Infalleble Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately und'reavcs no scar. • - DR. SWEEPS Infallible Liniment is th beet remedy for Sores in the known world. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment has been used by more than a million people, and all praise it. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment taken internally cares Colic, Cholera, Morbus and DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment is truly a "Aland in : need," and every family should have it at hand. DR. SWEEr"S Infallible Littillitta is fur sale'by all Druggists. Price 25 anti 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALL'IBLE LINIMENT as an external remedy, is without a rival,-end will alleviate pain more speedily than any oth er preperation. For alt Rheumatic and Ner vous Disorders it is truly. infallible, and asa curative for SOres, Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, &e., its soothing; healing add powerful stringhL ening properties, excite the just .-wonder and astonishment of all who have ever given it a trial.. Over one thousand Ceinficate.s' of re markable cures, performed by it within the last two years, attest the fact. rut O HORSE.,OWNERS)DR. SWEET'S INFALLIPLE LINIMENTFOR HOR SES is unrivaled by any, and iri eases.of Lameress, ,arising from Sprains; Bruises or Wrentching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or - Saddle Calls, Seratchis, 114ahge, &e., it will also cure speedily. Spa Vin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and. cured in their incipient stages, but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No ease of the kind, however, is so .desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful .application will al ways semove the Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. _VERY.HORSE OWNER should have his remedy at hand, for in tithelYuSe at the first appearance of Lameness vvill,etfectu .ally. prevent those formidable,diseases, to a hich'all'horses are liable, and which render so' 'many otheiwise valuable horses: =nearly tvorthlessz- DR. SWEET'S T, THE AND THOUSANDS HAVE FOUND IT TRULY A FRI EN I) IN NEED ! AUTIO , b , I:—To .avei4 imposition, observe ICJ the slgnatures n - rol` likenesses of.' Dhi ZTEPHEN SWEET • ON EVERY LABEL; AND ALSO sibeds Npilvent blown` ? ri the `o3si Of aitih battle, withotit - whith. hone 'art , 'genuine. ' 41 .1eLEARDSON" ' • 'SOLE P ROPRIETO4i Norwich, Connecticut , • MbRGAN 8S• ALLEN, , , - dit4ILA 4E 4 ! T 5 l No y 44 Cliff Sheet, iv:Ejv- YORK. (111 Drtiggisis everywhere 1-,---- -- --) , /j/_/ -- , w 1 ) f,r" ,c J , ~..._ , / 4 z(,4cf.; crlttirte j(' , a 1. . - c.) LOCATED IN PHILADELPHIA: SOUTH - EAST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STREF.TS. Nero-York City, Brooklyn, Albany, Buffalo, Troy, Detroit. Cleveland, Ch ro go and Saint Louis. Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Commercial A r rich metic, Commercial Law, Forms, Corm pondence, &c., practically taught. These Colleges being under the same general and local management, and - uniting in each the advantages of. all, offer greater facilities for imparting instruction than any other similar institutions in the country. . . A Scholarship issued by any one is good in all for an unlimited time. The Philadelphia College has been recently, enlarged and is now the largest most prosper ous Commercial Institution inihe State. ' Bryant & Strattan's series of Text Books, embracing Book-Keeping, Commercial Arith metic, and Commercial Law, for sale, and sent by mail. IT3 — For full parliculars, send far a circular. ADDRESS, STRATTAN, BRYANT 4 CO., Dec. 27 '62-Iyl PHILADELPHIA NOTICE_ WHEREAS Bernard O'Bryan, to whom was - granted, September 18, IS6O, a pat ent for the Improved Black Hawk Cast Iron. Ore 'Washer, assigned and ttansferred, - for a valuable con sideration, under his band add seal, the undi vided one half of all ilia right, title and inter est in the said invention to the undersigned ; and subsequently the aaid 0' Bryan and-the undersigned entered into co-partnership for the purpose of manufacturing and selling said. Ore Washers, This is tenotico that, the recent seta and conduct of the said O'Bryan being incon sistent with the longer continuance of the said partnership, the same is hereby dissvlved ; and that the Undersigned-will , nots frdm ittie ate, be liable for any debts which the said 01Bryau May contract in the manufaciure of said Ore Washers or otherwise. Also, that the said O'Bryan has no authori ty from me, the half oWner, to sell any of said Om Washers for .less than $200.00, and all persons purchasing any of said Ore Washers for less than,s2oo.oo are hereby warned that I will look to them half of the profit oti each machine at the rate of $2OO IV each. SAMUEL IIOPKINS. Marietta, January 21, 1563.--6 t NTOTICE.—TIie undersigned, eight of Übe IA nine original Directors of The Columbia Insurance Company, hereby give relief), that they are no longer connected with the micintgement of said Com pany, and are in no Way to be held responsi ble as such. M. Mt STRICKLER, Penner, West Ifemoilett township. C: S. KA UFFMAN, Cordell:a Furnace. H. it. RWODIV.L . Lt., Shawnee Furnaces- - M. IL MOORE. Miller, West Iremnfielir. township. JACOB' SEI77;; Farmer, Manheim t,wnsteip. JACOB B. SiltrMAN, Farmer; Manor township. • HENRY .WOLF.E, • . Farmer, West Irempfietd township. IVY All' 'W. MELLER, Safe Harbor Iron Offal-Ps.. Colon - ibis February - 4, 1563 3c. fu ward Assosiation,PAlLADELritiA. For the Belief of the Sick and Distressed afflicted with; Virulent and Chronic, Discuses, and especially for the Cure' of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL Aavzoo • given • gsatis, l ty,. the Acting Surge On. Valuable Repoli, on - Spermatorrhma, •nv ceminal Weakness, and other Disease,' of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies em ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted is Sealed lettea• envelopes; free .of 'Charge.— Two or three Stamps for postage will he ac ceptable Address, DR. - J.,SICILLIN HOUGHTON, Acta'. Sturgeon, Howard, Association, No. '.?„ SouttiNintlyStreet, Philadelphia, Pa. ZELL'S COAL YARD. rpl3Eundesr4ned•would I_ respectfully inform the - citizens of Marietta and .-1, - '77=' • vicinity that he is deliver,.. CU. ANLIIIIE.d AT Tin: FOLLOWING - PRICES, Baltimore Company, Stove and Ef u .n; a.t ! $ , 1;50,. Do - Do Nut," Shamokin White Ash, Stove size, . 4:60: Do Red Ash, , 4thQ. Do No. Four, 3:50. De • White Ash Nut, 3:25. Trevorto , n,. Egg and Stow size, 4:56 t • Tuns Agt. Marietta, September 6, 1862. • - A MERICAN HOTEL, ,PHILADELPHIA-. Lo'cated on Che - s * tout' Vreet, oppositethe OLD STATE kOtISE, and i-n close proximity to, the- principal Jobbing and Importing Houses, Banks, Custom House, and places of amusements; The City 'Cara can be taken at, the door (or within, a square) for any depot, in the City. The House hes been renovated and refitted, and • PRICES REDUCEp TO 0.50 PER DAY. WYATT & HEULINGS, PROP/LIE rano. OTIC E.—At a meeting of the Trustees of Zions Church, , held On Monday evciiing last, resolutions were passed requiring the ac-,- ton to collect Twenty-five Cents, in addition to his charge for services, for each.andleverjr time the church is opened for public worship, or for funerals. The Trustees having ne,other resource. for means to keep the Churchin re. pair, have adopted this plan of raising money to meet the necessary expenditures, awl will require it to, e 'rigidly adhered to. ' • Marietta, February 15, 1863- CONSUMPTION, 'Scrofula Rheumatism &c. Ilegeinan's & - Co.'s.denwineiJoff ?Aft, - f Pti has been proved by nearly tWentyygetrs, 'experience the best remedy ' for Consumptidif, '&c.cand while it cures the disease #it give' flesh and Etrength to the patient. • Sqe th4tyop *get the cxtrunz E. Sold by DruggiSts gener ally. - HEG EDIAN & CO., Chemists & Druggists, New,York. SA. V.F. your Silks, Ribbons, &c., &c. liege man & Co.'s etinceNrcitid Benzine, re- Moves Paint; Oreaie Spots, Fkm, instantly; and cleans ..Gloyes, Silks, Ribbons, tze., equal to new, without injury to, the most delicate color Or fabric: Only 2.5 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists. HEGEMAN & CO., Chemists & Druggists, New York - O,STATE OF JAMES CHAMBERS, late of the Borough - of Marietta, Deceased'. „ Letterer of Adminittration,on said estate hav ing teen granted to the undersigned, all pets- ons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment ant those having claims against the same piesent them, duly authenticated for settlement to G. W. WORMLEY,' Marietta, November 22, 1562-6 t. j)RIME CROCE RIES:—Rio, Java and Isiguira CO free; Cr.ished, Pulverized wad Kowa ,dugars: Supericir Green and Black Tea , Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ha; king Mula.sses; Excellent Pearl Barley at t J. R. DIFFENBACWS: