The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 28, 1863, Image 1

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    Editor and Pro-prietor..
grAFFICE on Front Street, a few doors east
LI. of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, Marietta, Lancas
ter County, Pennsylvania.
TERNS, One Dollar a year, payable in ad
vance, and if subscriptions be not paid within
six months $1.25 will be charged, birt. if de
layed until the expiration of the year, $1.60
Will be charged.
No subscription received for a less period
„than six months, and no paper will be discon,
firmed until all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of, the publisher. A failure to noti
fy a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and
26 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro
fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices the reading col
umns, fire cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE; but for any
additional lines, five cents a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
Jon PRIZTING of every deFription neatly
and expeditiously executed, and at prices to
snit the times.
And General Machinists, Second street
Below Union, Columbia, Pa
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill. Gearing . , Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cbcks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
From long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give, geleral sotis
faction to those who may favor us with their
orders. Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20,,1560. 14-tf
Collection of Pensions, Bounties, Back
Pay, and War Claims.
Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster Rolls, and
Recruiting Accounts made out.
rip EIE umlersigned, having been in the em
ployment of the Upited States during the
last eighteen month?{, us Clerk in the Muiter
ing and Disbursing Office and-Office of Super
intendent of Recruiting Service of Pennsylva
nia, respectfully informs the public that he has
opened an office in the Daily Telegraph Build
ing for the purpose of collecting Pensions,
Bounties, Back Pay and War Claims ; also,
making out Officers' Pay Rolle, Binger Rolls
and Recruiting Accounts.
All orders by mail attended to promptly.
Harrisburg, Nov. 29, 1562. 18- ly
Boot and Shoe Manufacturer,
000 • ~,, '
Would most respectfully inform, the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in this _Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER
hiniself,isentibleu to select with more judgment
than those who are not. He continues to man
ufacture in the very best manner everything
in the , BOOT AND SHOE' LINE, which he
will -warrant for neatnessand'good'dt.
X.:3 —Call and examine his. stock before pur
c hating elsewhere.
. ~ , H. L. & E. 3„ ZAHN I
.` --", TI ESpEC:I FULLY inform then
(40 . :.) IIL friends and the public that they
' 41.. ' Still continue the WATCH, CLOW,'
,!-• .'3 A sn,..TE WELRI' business at the old
stand, North-west Corner of North
Queen street and eenter Square, Lancaster, Pa.
A full assortment of goods in our line of busi
ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest
cash rates. 113 — Repairing attended to per
sonally by the proprietors.
I VILE American Watches are among the best
j_ tiinekeepers now in use, and for durability
strength and simplicity far surpass any other
watch made in the world. '
11. L. tir E. .T. Z A H
Corner of North Queeii-st.„ and Centre Square
Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the ren
lowest rates—every. watch accomoinied with
hemanufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen
VXT LLCOX'S Celebrated Imperial Ex-
Vl' tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with
self-adjustible 'BuStle. The-latest and best in
use, just received at
and will be sold at considerable below the
*wit prices.
,T brushing : For Boots, Shoes, Harness,
Carriages ' and Military Leather Work. 'lt
gives the leather a polish like patent leather
makes it water proof, doe's not stain the whit
cot article of dress and need not be applied of
toner than two or thspee times a month.
For sale at Dr. Landis' Drug Store. -
—in:good condition—will bold
at the low price of $1 each and deliver,ed any
where in'or near Marietta free of Charge. "Be
ing in want of cellar room, if taken from the
store soon-, a trifle less will be taken. Also, a
lot of excellent
very cheap. For sale at DIFFENBACIPS
C o mmission Lumber Merchant,
West Falls Avenue, Baltimore, itld
ESPECTFULLY offers his services for
itsale of Lvmn E zi of every deseript
From his knowledge of the business he. ;.
confident of being able to obtain the hig
market rates for everything entrusted to hi ,
r I7IA ILY G H SYRUP :—A Col lo
Syrup, for children and adults has Jul
been put up at my store, which should be iu
cll . y family this cold weather. DR. Liunis.
Ott 40eptAtitt titurogitantia #aarnat getrateb. to ` - .1 ihxts, Niteratart, Agriiutturt, of -the Ra g , Natal
Youth but now 'twas mine to taste ;.
Manhood's purpose next` eha s ied':
While its spring my life retains,
And the blood bounds through my veins.
Aged people passed along,
Seeming as if never young;
And t thought their state trom me
Very far indeed to be. •
But Age met me on the way, "--
Unexpectedly, one day
I supposed him passing -on,
To attend some,
And a wide berth, to go by,
Gave his reverence, rather`sly.
Yet I bowed and touched day hat,
For :I always have done that;
TO denote respect for -what,
I must own, I covet not.
Much it startled me when EM
Stopped me, and my. button`heldi: • -
With familiarity, I thought, • -
And an honor all unsought.
Waiting not for hiaaddreps=,.
"Sir, you notice, Iconfess,
Undeserved, for one; in sooth,
. .
Of my inexperienced youth."
"And"—l added, sonieWhatflurried-- -
"Just , now, sir, I own I'm hurried...
You have business, too,' said I.
"Therefore, reverend. sir good bye !"
But, he smiled; and, with a look
Too familiar, would have took
My reluctant hand in his,
Had I not avoided this. •
Though so civil, all the while,
I disliked his toothless smile ;
4nd by no.means had. a whim,'
For a tete-a-tete with him. . .
Much lieared his chill breath alight •
My imperial whiskere blight :
Now; like gold Hylierion's; theY,'
Should be'sprinkling them With 'gray,
Would look wiser, silvered do ; '
Yet the honor I'd forego.
"Friend," said he, "your haste , appears
Unbecoming for your years.
I have business, as yo u say ;
But, 'tis with yourself, to-day !"
This unlooked for compliment
Through my veins a shiver Ant ; -
And the case of .Felit shot,
Like an.attow,„ on my thought.—
How he listened to Paul's word,
Trembling at the truth he heard;
And delaYed with him to reason,
Till a more convenient season. -
My own state ITelt to be ' ' ,•
"Sir," with faltering tongue, , I cried,
"Much, to-day, J. occupied :
Go thy way but new ; and I
Will attend yen by and by."
So I turned to pass trim; and •
Left my button in ills band.
"Rash man ! wil you go?" lie saith:
"But a little on is Death;
If my company you Shun,-
He willbe upon you soon;."
I alone can make him stay
From you, awhile, away.",
Hearing this, r slifuldered;,,and
Proffered Age my trembling iand.
Since then, every way and Weather,
He, and Igo on together ;
Till that other shadow grim
Frees me finally from , •
Then immortal youth shall be '
Aline fur all eternity !
Sa},avbet ii 1. 'Tie to be born
• A ,helpless Babe, to greet the light
With a . sharp wail, as if the morn -
Foreiefid a cloudy noon and night ;
To went), tcr Sleep, and weep again,
'With sunny similes lefiveefil aittd'theril
And then apace the infant grows
To be a laughing, puling boy,
Happy, oespite histtltle woes,
Were he but conseiousX hisjoy
To be, in sliort, from two to ton,
A merry, moody
And then, in coat and trousers clad,
To - learn to say -the' decalogbe;
And breakit ; an nuthiAkinr,,Lad,
With mirth and mischief all agog ;.1
A truant oft by field uud fen •
To capture butterflies,; and then?
And then, increased. in - strength and size,
To be, anon ; a Youth full grown;
A he'll) in his mother's eyes„
A young•Appello
_twins ownl •' 't" -
To imitate the ways of men , ' . • :
In fashionable sins; and then?...
And then, at last, to . be a Man ;
To fall in lore ; to woo and wed
With seething brain to scheme and plan;
To gather gold, or toil for bread ;
To sue for fame with tongue or pen,
And gain or lose the puze ; and then 3-
And then a gray and wrinkled Eld,
To mourn the speed of life's decline;
To praise the scenes his youth beheld,
And dwell in meniorybf lang syne ;
To dream a while witlydarkened ken,
lien drop into his grave ; and then. (7.
POSTAGE WIT.-A letter bearing the
following address was recently mailed
iu Rochester, New "York : '
To Hiram Allen, OSWEGO ; '
Transposed, it readeth WE-GO-SO ;
Transposed again, and you will see
That thus it ruonellt,'SO-Q.O-WE;
Transposek onco.,more, and it will show
A common adage, SO-WE-00!
wi go in tile's - GREAT MA IL
If badly, "thereby hangs a tale!"
'11:,,,..ari .- 4,ti(i - it - i . lt - ;
• "Lay her the earth I ,
And from her fair and unpolluted flesh,
May violets spring I" SnAlorneaF..
One morning in the early part of the
extremely, warm summer of 1 8—, 1 was
travelling along the dusty
wardS the . No.. rain, had
fall'en for many days . ; and the young
grai4 and humble Wayside' blossoais
were withering beneath the searching
rays of a_Southern sun. I. too, felt my
weary head fast drooping earthward,
when a cool . sparkling' stream came
bounding across my path, leaving a long
bright line of verdure to mark its. pleas
atat, path Way: tallpwed
thecaurse , of the rivulet . I bathed - My
hot brow in its refreshing waters—Watck•
ed'the tiny fishes' aPorti'ag' Over.
bright sands—lfstened to the soag of the
hidden bird, and gathered the wild roses
that'dipped their blushing-Patals - ii(the
waves. Thus pleasantly engaged, I for
got my journey apd wandered on through
-the sweet valley till - I reached a large
antiquated farM louse. 'lt stood beside
the creek,' and was hag ,coneealedrby, a
cluster of weeping Willows that swept
its low roof with their long silvery
leaves. The smoke curled lazily up the
chimney_; and tho white palings kleeped
forth from the clusters of •hlossoming•
vines. All outward tillage breathed
peace and blessedness; and yet a few
short moments since teeniest to which
the earthquake •
,violence is as noshing
raged, within .those. wails—within the
portals of a human heart, that now .lay
all cold and pulseless l and sorrowful to
tell rendered,so by -its own ungaverted
impulse: I entered . the open door.. •A
fair young girl -lay dead upon . the seta.
Her rich hair lay in the 'wild"masses
around her marble neck and finely
moulded form ; the long lasheS droo - ped
heavily over the closed eyes, and the
broad open brow told that-spirit of no
common order had the inmate' of its
deserted halls. Yet the small delicate
features were strictly "'feminine, un •
the - deep tears' of del.roW iind'the eiffe -
ing lingered still around the chill che
and lips. , A broken phial escaped, frot.
that palsied hand, told how the.fatal
deed had accomplished. ,
The group of honest ,country people
who i stood ,near,.koaked down with awe
and wonder, and could not conceive
how. one so fair, delicate anTi,..richly clad
could havekhad,,aught,ofearthly sorrow,.
Alas„? the .iricli,eilken,roke, the jewels
that shone on , the snaall, snowy fingers ,
werci,little,regarded ‘ by the unfortunate
..13nt who, and,„what
A stranger from it far land,- who but a
few' short days since came" to - thieso
pestered 'glen to-seek:repose:
A serail lay besidelet, and presuming
that its contents might inform us of the
history I opened it arid 3 read 'as fol
"Friends I alas,'nci--I have nolrientfil
and" therefore lam 'the's. rand 'strang
ers 'vandal:lm not unheard; one who has
no'ne'io pleadher catise. •Perhsksyeur
happier lot may prevent you' from fairy
understanding . the feelirig like tine.--
You walk beneath the fair skies that
'smiled upon, your hirth—loafk,nows not
what it is to be an exile—a houseless
wanderer on the earth,. to, buy with gold
a shelter beneath., ano,therp .ropf-treia,
and mark-- the:, frep sthilp of„the close
knit circle fade away.and, their si s ceenp
grow. cold 'on-the apprzeich ef the pale
,faced stranger. ;
•; Yet she top olapellad
-friends and relatives. ...4.-ba,nd :of young
sisters wreathed their ;twit, arms, with
hers, as they- sported in -the_ merry
spring time en'the `green lank's OPthe
Vistida.' An honored father sheltered
them 'frond evil by the' broad Shield' of
his name and wide spread lands, and
fond e§e 'of a tender Mother followed as
with •unsleeping love. We rejoiced in
each otherd•joy and knew no 'sorrow till
the grasping hand -of..despntism' drove.
us forever from Poland. We found shel
ter ou jour peaceful shores ; but my
pround father's heart grew faint, to he
thought of his &lien name and desolii:-
teTdountry ; and in a few'short months
ho died.' My sisters' droopad like sweet
blossoms tran4fietedfrom their iiiittyA
climiite - and faded t :one by one ioe'eafy
from - earth, and, ske whoigaye . es h_rth
whose life,was as it wi3re , a, part •of oars
she tot , •bent dewllhEir.•lctead4r4 )is
tined no more to any-voice as of•old:
+y:by day_ she kOCEIIIII3 IliAll3 silent,
u= til death earner to restorer her , to the
gine before. Why did I not follow
tiem?' ' - ' -
Iran, the tried friend and sharer o
!,ur fortune still stood by` my side, su
iorted by his strong loye and faith:T.
again lifted - up iny 4 eyne 'and dared td
hope. With him the future could not
be stall darks S dreamedmot tbat.there
warno luture for him ; for be strove to
conceal from me the. slow fever which
was wearing ,away hivitals ; . ,and
at.lait he sunk •upon .his death couch,
still he'lield' my handy and akir
death itself were the mighty
rower of lOye.
It was a delightful night. The light
ning-Ilftshe d;*i tin d' tbeterce 'der m • beat
against our crazy dwelling; till it rocked
diiii ,
shoe( te its fouddafien. 'l' prayed
thal it inightiall=that-the red thunder
bolt might find afilicEoin inY'
tbikt Iran 4 :But ;the
tomPPet.P* B o a'FAY.i. BII 4
_of morning Coancl, mo
his lifeless form—alone ; in the world:—
Yet his spirit still hovers ; round ino ;La
the dim night abd by day,
frOM the'hfrieClOuds beckons me hence_.
Tcome'i 'and May ilepen." . —
'Here the illegible
froth the `tears'of the unhappy writer.
fell fast, as I e'Alaircied,'6ll
I -had - comb sooner.? /Perhaps a
kind.voice; or, friendly„ care might have
given courage to this, striker soul ;Ishe
might, ill time have become' resigned to
the dispensation of-Providence and.have
lived a useful and ,honored servant, of
Him - Whose 'co - ram:ands she has tbus out.
Reader condemn her 'not ; fox' perad
venture V e v en . thou. art` not altogether
• •
guiltless. desPiiir , never gathered srength within the breasts .of' tilOsewhe
read 'contempt: in ''thy" light' , tone , and
Born in , thy haughty broWq - $a -not
thelriendless`one Often shrunk from thy
cold withering glance, and grcian6d 4)e
neathiife's burdlinsl•• If eel lay thY' firi"-
ger on thy lips and be silent.? • --•
And thou dear sister; who sittasti in
thine: own.:quiet home,.surronuded by
cherished forms and ,obj acts, let thy
heart ever flow , with gratitude . - to the
great Giver and-remember "the.stvarager.
that is within thy zae-1,L...
"Come tell mewheritlie nuiid is found;
Whose hearteavicite without'deceit,
Ahd :I will range the‘wotld around, -1
To sigh one mo fluent ht .her feet..! 2 =MOo RE
On aline; July day, the, fair Margaret,
queen of Navarre, then on- afisit to her
royal brother; had arranged a rural feast
for the riiiiinind•fo'll'oiving which Fran-
Cis had, declined attending. Ho' was
melancholy'; and the cause was Said to
be sbrifola`v.4's , quarrel fv4iite
dame. ThO morrow came, and dark
mbilty 'dlonas - destioyed - . 'at • dude; 'the
scheme's Othi3"icourtll , throng. l'ilarga:
tef . ivdi angry; and sho grew 'weitry'i her
only hope loiLaintisament was 'in ,Vran
cis; and ho hrioVshat himeelfup'llan'ex
cellent reason why she should:4ln more
desire z to
,bee S.he ,iintarsd,•,his
apartment ilia. was atanding at, the, case
ment,,againkt„wbiali. the, noisy,: shower
treat, writing with diamond . : on' the
glass, : Two bpautgul,dogswereAiksole
companions ..4.s,quean -Margaret
tared, he hastily let down the sikkan,cur
talif be6rn ,the winddW, and looked a
• • ,1 A
little cannibal
hat'triason is' tho,
the'queen, `f what erimgone'Yiar 'cheek'?
1. - natiet .46434'6 eame." "
"It is treason," replied the king, '"ari'd
theiteforg, siVetit 'sfeter,-:thou'''indienot
This . tiN ['sorb eicitrid?Arafgeidtib l eti.
riosity,Atid - ii Playful contest ensuea.—
Francis et'l`ast yieldea' ; lie tiire'vi him
self onl huieliglrliack n ed tiettSe`;` , i-.3,
as the lady drew batik the curtain with
.an Arch, sun ile ; , he; gretvc grovoiiand sdnti
jue!:itali ; regoe tad oni the, Qantas
which•had : inspired.this libolAgainstlall
woman-kiwi. p 4; c.q
",y,e;we lere ?"•said ,Alarga
ret. ."Nay,., this„is lese majeste—
Souvent femme vane—bieu fou, ciui s'y fie
(Often woman ehanged=:foolieh he who• this
ITery litkleehange weird great:it &nand
your line sir—would' it not rnn hetier
thus': ' ' ' '
cSouvent . homme folle '8'); fie
(Qften .man phaugeafoolish she: , who trusts
I could tellybilA - thonsand stbribp :of
man's inconstancy."
will) be - conteb t 'with,onb true tale
•of womari'd'fi'delffy; - fiald F'r`ancis,'dry
; übut , do'riotlreirrnie 4 1 'Would
fdili liß itifieittelfrithAlle - soft ritatilia
re!plled' Mika
ret, atd . 'in§ta'bee :the -falsehood
of one noble and well,reputed darde."
. !Wet fever' • Eatilie de-LagnY.:2 said
the king.",•`. ';
Irbisf was Itsore.subjeot for:the-queen:
Emilie• had been brought up in 'her
hdaseholdithearnost , beautiful and - the
most :virtuous of her maid - s4f honor,-
She hadllOng loved the :Sire' de - -Lagny i
and their'ntilitials. were ce-.lebi'aled•-with
Estalcaihecl April li, 1854..
rejoicings.butlittlft ominous of the re
sult. De Lagny , was 'agensed but year
after of traitorously yielding to the em
peror a fortress under pp lomtqapp,,n4
he was condemned to perpetual impris
oniuent. For ; some time,vas
A ,
indonsololle, Offen visiting ,the misera
ble dungeon .of het.linsband, and suffer
ing, on her return. from • witnessing-1M
lirretehednnss, suelPparoxysms - - of grief
thibatettedi her life: Suddenly in the
midiVof ?het' sdirow, - 'she .disappeared;•
and in quiry only'divulged .the) disgrace;
ful fa6t, - `she had escaped 'froth
France, beeringt.Eer jewels witiriher,,an'd
accompanied tiy her :page,- Robinet:Le4
roux. I It. was whispered that, during
herjotirney, the= ady and tor stripling
were often seen together ;
~and • Marga
ret, enraged at: these :discoveries,- corn
manded further finest 'should be
made for her lost favorite. - -
Taunted now by her brother,, she ; de,.
fended Emilie, declaring that she be
lieved'`ler''to lie guiltless; even` m'so
far as io : boast that:withila
would brinV proof of her indOcence.
"Robinet was a pretty boy," said
Francis, laughing.
"Let usumake a 6et," cried Maygaret.
los9, I will bear thrsvil9 rhydie of
thlise" as, a motto to my shame io. my
grave ;. if
break wy wiadoy, and
thee whatever bowl thou askest." '
The result of this bet was long sung
by trotiliadmii - and 'minstrel. The'qh.eciri
employed' a 'hundred' emissaries r -pnbt
lished rewards;' for 'any iritellilerideof
Emilie—all , in ' . The. month, was
expiring; and Margaret,would , haver giv
en many bright:jewels to redetim-her
word. On the eve of the fatal day, -the
jailer of the prison in which: the Sire: de
Lagny was cenfined, sought an audience
of the queen ; he brought her a message
from the knight to say, that if,the lady
Margaretlwould ask his pardon , as her
boon, and obtain from her royal brother
that:he inigbt, be brought :before , him,
•r bet was won. Fair Margaret was
v=ry joyful,,and freoily,,paqo the Aje
sired promise. Francis 'was unwilling
to see his false servant, NA ho, MP.
high good , humor', , for a cavalier had that
morning broight intelbgence.of a victo
ry, over the imperialists. , The Messen,.
ger himself wasTatided in-thede,Spatch
as as the Most:fearless and.breveknight
in Franco. The king islided him with
presents, only regrettipg, that a, vow
prevented the soldier from raisinga
sor or declaring his name.
That same evening,.as this setting sun
§hone on MEl:lattice , on' .which.the• un
gallant rhYme - wad .' traded, , Trancis
poeed , .onithe. same sottee/an&tho-boaff
her bright. -eyes,4 sat beside'
tended by:guards,the prisoner was; bro't
in.; his frame was attenuated.:tr priva
tion, and he ,walkedNiith totteringkeps :
11e knelt at - the feetrof,Fratieis; and un
covered ,his head; a., quantity r ofrich
golden, hair then eseaßiyg, fen over tho
sunken cheeks and pallid brow of the
e aveere criedthe
h treason.h I"'
'king. 4 ,54' where is year pris
oner?" - " '
"Siie, blame him -not,"laid : the' Oft',
faltering voice c 'df,
.Emilie ; "wiser men
than-he have been deceived by tvoglan.
.Aty:deartlord.w,e.s gctiltlees cd7 the crime
f o . l lWbiett saffere,2l. ; ; .There was but
one mode to save, s him; I assumed- his
chains;; he, escaped,with poot Robinet
Leroux in my attire ;Ire
;, „the young 933 .gallan t cavalier Avl - 19
delivered the despatches to your.grace
whom yon 9°9l'wheATl (l -4 5 vit 4 -1 1 0;1:qr.13
and rewards, is my. town Euguerard de
tagnY. '1 waited 'but-' for 'his arrival
with teslimoniale 9f l his 7 intib - Cence, to
declare myetilko my ftidtitte.
Has lA's tube tvkin - heel dt Fend' e dn
"she asks —" • ' '•
"Is de Lagny's pardon," said 'Marga
ret,', as she also knelt,`- to" tho'hiig.z2
"Spare your faithfUl'vaithil; re
ward,thip .truth l"
Francis first brae the false pealiinc , -
window,,then he raised: the ladies-from
their supplicatory potture.
In, the tournament, given to celebrate
this "trit9ph of ladies,' the sirs, de Lag
ny bore off•everypr*;_ark . fi•sgrely there
was more loveliness in Emilie:s faded
cheek—more grace-in her emaciate&
form-Ltyperas s tlierw6re.of the . truest:
affection—=than ins the prouder bearing
anillrehhiir complexion of the most:4l6l
- bpaut:kainduttemlittied on• the 'cOnrtt
ly festival. .:
! Cr. Soinebndy'eaid: the other'dity that
a stick;thiown *dog =in - front'.of
Washington hotel; hit' five Brigadier
ring .my, long career among the Arab
tribes, L have seen— and watched tile
breeding: of mom than ten thousand
cOlts, writes:au English traveler from
Arabia,,anCl-am-certain that all those
whose :education did hot commence very
early,land. was not--directed, moreover,
on good principles, turned out f
vicious:and,: in general,- good: for no
thing, ?So.rauelk am:l persuaded =of the
necessity ofearly instruction, that inva
riably;.in my travels, when I was under
the.necessity'of buying horses, L refused
those whieh'had not . been : mounted at
the age of. eighteen ganths.
this,loarue been bred?" was
always my first question. :
"My lord," replied the city Arab,
"this gray' jewel of the river' has been
retired like one bf my own children; has
been :well•fed., well nursed, and well
taught: only mOunfahint when full
four , yearn- See how sleek his skin and
how glossy his mane l"
"My friend, keep - thy horse. lie is
clearly thine own'and , thy family's pride ;
and shame-upon my white beard were I
to deprive thee orhim."
"And thou," I then addressed% son of
the Desert, sUriburnt'from'head to fuot ;
"how hest thou bred thy horse"
"fly lord," ho Iliswered, "from his
earliest youth I have accustomed his
baclt"tb the saddle, and his mouth to
the brfdle: 'While still young ho
lni ear-
riee fur; fur into the Desert ; many
11E08 a ivitlionC drink . , 'and many nights
without food. His - flanks look naked,
it ii'irue ;' f bret, belleVO Me, should you
ever mistrals° friends on the road, he
Will not leave you iri trouble."
. e'llalloO I servants, tie the chestnut
horse to the tent; and entertain my Arab
prettier. picture In life than that of a
daughter reading to her aged father.
The ad man; while listening to her sil
very notes, 'goes back to, other times,
hnother ono
,by', his side, and
whiripered Words he will never hear again
nor does he wish to do so, for in the soft
evening /iglit lie 'sees Ler image reflec
ted ifilier 'child . ; an at one by ono
gentle emotions steal over` him he veils
his face, and daughter, thinking himself
asleep, goes noiselessly in search .of
other employment. 'Virgin innocence,
watching ,over the,,cares and waats ,of
old, is a epectable fit for angels. It is
one of the links between earth and heav
en, and .takes from the
, face cf the hard
and selfish. world, many of its features.
You have 'heard, perhaps, reader,
of the encounter betsieen - an 'English
man and tho market . women at a fruit
Stu:nail ;New York.„Tho Englishman
had ]earner] 'of the Yankee habit of
bragging, and hp thought ho would cut
iliec'onib or that 'propensity. he saw
some, huge . watermelons on the market
woman's stand, and walking up to her,
andpointiqdaithern with a look of (lig
appointinent, said : "What I don't yea
raise bigger apples, than these in Amer
ipat” The woman looked at him a mo
ment, ;nrul. then retorted': "Apples I
inybody might know you was an Eng
lishman. Them's huckleberries."
`Q — "What a censorious liar ! ex
ClAned old Mrs. Partington, as sho
read in a paper an account of a new
counterfeit which was., said to contain
throe, women and-abust of Washington
each e 41, 4 7--" 4 ct.t, : tl : said she, "G en
e ral Washington : on.a, bast ! 'Lis not so!"
and the old ladY:Alfte,d herspecs and de
eland: she,had ``known: the old gentle •
Mad tor l the'last thirty years, and she
never heard of his being on a bust—much
less with three wotten.".
W.lVe:clerive the custom of wearing at a wedding from
' li' f rance. : It is a matter of much pride
and importance . , inasmuch as it is not
onlFaJoken 13f the purity of the bride
heiself, but also• bears witness to the
integrity and morality of her relatives.
4-z - Blushing is occasioned by an in
creased action of the heart from ex
citement, or emotion of any kind ; there
is conseqUently DO means of preventing
a suffusion, whirl is, generally speaking
much , more distressing 'to the sufferer
than actual pain.
..Not long a ago a youth, older in
wit4hait in years, after being catechised
concerning the power of nature, replied:
s'Now, Lthink there's - one thing nature
can't do." "What is , that my child ?"--
Slichc . a,u't : make BM Jones' mouth any
'bigger, Without setting his ears back."
'Er A-4mm is an animal whose butt U,
en the wrring'end of him,