The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 21, 1863, Image 2

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    line ktittiettiitit,
...A t zsiettn, Ofa,,
ltd Messrs. MATHZR & ABBOTT, No. 936
Broadway, New-York, are duly authorized to
act for Us in soliciting advertisments, &c., and
receipt for the same.
shortly be reported by the Senate Judi
cars Committee, providing for the pay
meat of an equivalent for services by
those who were exempt from the draft
under the clause of the Constitution of
this State, which provides that those
Who conscientiously scruple t'a wear
arms shall not be compelled to do so,
but shall pay an equivalent for personal
services. Many were exempted under
this clause, but the "equivalent" bad
never been fixed or any officer appoint,
ed to receive it. By the new bill the
equivalent will be graduated by the
4bility to pay, ranging from $6O to $6OO.
ar A. strange mistake in the Internal
Tax bill has just come to light, It has
been discovered that the sugars known
to refiners as A, B, and C sugars have
not been mentioned in the Internal Tax
bill, while all other classes have been
freely taxed. The loss to the govern
ment by this mistake is said to be about
$90,000 per annum. Who drew up this
particular section of the bill has not yet
been made public, but the matter is cer
tainly attracting much attention.
Or Horace Greeley of the Tribune
has been ordered by Judge Bette to find
bail in the sum of fifty thousand dollars
to answer - the charge of libel preferred
against Lim by Postmaster Cook of
Chicago. The plaintiff, it will be re
membered was postmaster at Chicago
ander Buchanan, and was mistaken by
Greeley for one of the fraudulent pay
masters of the army of the same name.
sr it is a well known fact that per
sons to whom money is owing, whether
in town or country, invariably prefer•be
ing paid in the 'greenbacks' to any other
notes. The people take the notes of
the Government in preference to those
of the banks. We mention this signifi
cant fact as a strong argument in favor
of the uniform currency scheme now be
fore Congress.
or Judge Lowry, of the Supreme
Court, of this State, last week charged
a jury in favor of giving damages to the
traitor Hodgson, of West Cheater; for
the suppression of his paper ; and the
jury accordingly awarded him some
Elva hundred dollars. Lowry was elec
ted as a Democrat to his Judgship, and
it seems that he belongs to the Copper
head breach of that party. May the
Lord have mercy on such a judiciary.
er We understand that'preparations
will soon be made for the construction
of a twenty-inch columbiad ton. This
monster piece of ordnance will require
for the rough casting between seventy.
five and one hundred tons of metal.—
The solid shot will weigh one thousand
pounds, and the shell probably six hun
dred. The gun will be made at the
Fort Pitt Works, now the largest can
non factory in the world.
igigr The Starkville (Miss.) Banner, of
January 17, says it has learned from a
reliable and authentic source, and ac
cords full credence to the report, that
Senator Bright's wife, of Indiana, cross•
ed Gen. Bragg's lines, in possession of
sealed despatches for Jeff. Davie, the
contents of which, as announced, solicit
the rebel Government to receive into
Its confederation the States of Illinois
and Indiana, and in fact all the States
west of the Mississippi.
fir A Republican at Harrisburg, finds
fault with the State Administration for
retaining Locefoces of doubtful loyalty
in office. He says "the School Depart
ment, State Library and State Arsenal
are under the control of inveterate Lo
cofoces. In the Arsenal, twenty-seven
men are employed, only two of whom
are Republicans." If this be so, the
political friends of the Administration
have cause for complaint.
Au' A Copperhead daily newspaper,
to be called the Age, will shortly be
issued in Philadelphia. It will be pub
lished by A. J. Glossbrenner, of York,
Pa., Francis J. Urund, and William H.
Welsh, the tatter also from York. It
will be out-and-oat pro-slavery and ac
miar Rutoor has it that both Generale
Fremont, and Burnside have requested
the President to place them at once in
isolivei4cvice. Although they do not
`.sap tio; it ma d , be inferred that if their
requests dre not granted they will re
sign and retire , to private life.
00- Madame Catalina was born in the
Venetian territory, and acquired her
first distinction by •singing in the choir
of a convent. She died of cholera, at
Par* in 184, in her severktioth year.
We A newspaper sheet, known as the
The Inquirer, has, for some time, given
much offense to the loyal citizens of
Leavenworth by Its treasonable course,
and threats were made of destrqing the
materials with which It was printed.—
The proprietor took the precaution to
arm a number of his friends and station
them about the office, who, without pro
vocation, fired upon a citizen who had
exerted himself to allay the excitement.
A large number of shots were fired, and
other innocent citizens as well as the
one aimed at, narrowly .escaped being
hit. The next day a crowd assembled,
when Jennison arrived, and mounting a
box, exclaimed s "Yesterday, this es
tablishment was a printing office;and I
proposed to protect it ; this morning it
is a Rebel fore, and I propose to gat it."
With this the crowd rushed in and ut
terly demolished everything the estab
lishment contained, and then burnt the
sr no motto on the Boston Mc-
Clellan sword, "pro rege gape, pro pa
tria eemper," (for the king sometimes ;
for the country always,") bids fair to
occupy the critical emelfungi of "the
literary emporium," and otherybere, for
a long time to come. The Republican
papers call it an: "unfortunate inscrip
tion," but why is not made very clear.
The Boston Manseript tells us that it
is the motto of the Vassal family, and
is on the Vassal monument in the
King's chapel, in Boston, and that it
was erected in lii6. the commence
ment of the war of the Revolution,
John Vassal, who lived in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, went to England, and
hie house became the headquarters of
Washington, and is now occupied by
the poet Longfellow.
A Mr. Samuel Cornell, of Brook
lyn, N. Y., proposes to be one of a
cOMpetent body of Volunteers, who are
to assemble in Washington City on the
fifth day of March, then and there to or
ganize as an armed force to march
thence to Richmond and finish the War.
He proposes, of course, to act in co-op
oration with Union armies. The inten
tion is to make a short job of it—to go
strong enough to overbear all opposition
—and to be ready to come hem° within
"sixty days." We do not understand
that any serious objection is made to
this form of "intervention" Let Mr.
Cornell go-head.
fir Ron. J. J. Crittenden bus written
a letter to Gov. Robinson of Kentucky,
counseling moderation., Re says:—
"Fight the proclamation with resolu
tions, and the rebels with bayonets."—
Such counsel was worthy of the yen
.onside statesman of Kentucky, but we
are sure that Gov. Robinson did not
need it. We will fight the proclama
tion with resolutions and in every other
constitutional way, but we shall not, in
fighting it, go outside of the Constitu
tion for weapons or do anything to weak
en the righteous warfare waged for the
suppression of the rebellion—Louisville
Or George D. Prentice recently In
vested $5OOO in a purchase of Bouthern
cotton. The bales were seized at Nash
ville and used for fortifications; Govern.
ment receipts being given for' them.—
Prentice, in a letter to Major General
Rosecrans, respecting the matter, says
"It seems to me that when cotton is so
very valuable—a bale being worth, say,
one hundred and forty dollars—that
cheaper material ought long since 'have
been substituted in the fortifications.—
The cotton, I am told, is scandalously
wasted by the soldiers."
air The Washington correspondent
of the New New Times says that on
Tuesday, Thurlow Weed had a private
interview with the President and Sec.
rotary of War, and that it was reported
that he had been summoned to "aid in
the construction of a new Union party
to take the place of the present Repub.
lican organization ; also that Governor
Ourtin, on the new platform, will be
re-nowittted for Governor of Penney!.
MI a.
er Tom Thumb and his wee wife Itud
the honor of being received by the Pres
ident and his family at the White
time, on the evening of the 13th inst.
Among those present at the reception
were the Secretaries of the Navy, of the
Treasury, Generals. Butler and Clay,
Messrs. thittende, of Kentucky, and
Wilson, of Massachusetts, and many
prominent diplomats. The receivers
and received were very much amused
with each other.
sr A. bill has been introduced in the
New Jersey Legislature which provides
that married women shall be empow
ered to make wills and dispose of what
ever property it may be their good for
tune to possess, in like' manner with the
stronger sex.
sr Rev. Chauncey Leonard, a colored
Baptist minister, sailed from Boston on
the sth, (or Monrovia. He is tho first
Baptist missionary to Africa from free
states. Ho will be followed about the
first of May by fifty Baptists, with two
or three preachers.
If you have a Bolding wife, trust
to time-old ago may bring you the
blessing of deofnest3.
• CP Ms k• t
Short Scraps of News from our Exchanges,
The Emperor of the French will be in
something of a dilemma, supposing him
sensitive to American criticism. Mr.
Benjamin, of the rebel cabinet, suspects
his designs on Texas. Mr. McDougall,
in the U. S. Senate, does not fancy his
doings in Mexico. Louis Napoleon
may be perplexed which party to be of•
fended with first, and so, probably, will
sagaciously conclude to notice neither.
The Custom Homo authorities of
Canada having refused to receive Amer.
loan money, the Northern Lake Trans
portation Company have concluded not
to go through the Wellaid Canal during
the coming season; but will run their
boats to Port Colborne and Buffalo, on
Lake Erie, and between Port Dalhousie
and Oswego and Ogdensburg, on Late
The Port Royal New South says the
First South Carolina volunteers have
been completed, and the regiment turn
ed over by Gen. Saxton to the War
Department. A second regiment of
Maxis will soon be formed, with Cal.
Montgomery, of Kansas; as its comman
der. The officers of the First, South
Carolina have received their commis
sions from' Gee. Saxton.
A Paris letter says : It is stated that
the Imperial Prince'is to be emaneipa
ted from petticoat government next
month, and placed under the care of a
tutor. I am not able to mention the
name of the gentleman selected for
this responsible position, but it Is said
that he is not a bishop.
That dreadful scourge, the small-pox,
Is raging in Atlanta, Georgia. There
are one hundred cases in the city, be
sides twice as many more at the small
pox hospital. Quarantine is abandoned
and the disease has full swing.
A gentleman, recently arrived from
Canada, states that a fee of $l,BOO was
paid to Mari the other day in Quebec,
wholly In American silver. He didn't
want the stuff, bat was compelled to
take It. Poor fellow I
The Washington correspondent of the
Chicago Tribune says that he is inform
ed, by good authority, that the sentence
of the court ip case of Major licKinstry
is dismissal from the service.
A sromau with three arms and hands
goes out to do honse•work in l3righton,
England. The extra limb is said bo
small but perfect from the elbow to the
tips.of the fingers:
Two hundred and fifty deserters are
now sweating trial in the Army of . the
Potomao. It Is. understood that the
most of them will be sentenced; to
Tho Commissioners of the Interna
tional Exhibition in London have de
cided that there will be no pablio cere
mony connected with the delivery of
the prizes.
We learn from the Lewistown papers
that work has been commenced on the
Mifflin and Centre county railroad, sur
veyed from Lewistown to Bellefonte.
Fred. Douglass says that since the
uttering of the proclamation he has
grown taller, felt whiter, and can comb
his hair with much less difficulty.
The course of true love with a certain
couple in Elmswell, Hoglund, recently
terminated Ina happy marriage, after a
courtship of twenty-six-years.
The Legislature of WisconSin has or
dered the Governor's message to be prin
ted in the German, Norivegian, Welch
and Holland Dutch lauguages.
On the 12th inst., Professor Agaslz
the eminent naturalist, took the: pFe
liminary steps to become a:naturalized
citizen of the United States.
General Burnside has generously of
fered to accept the command of his old
division, the ninth army corps, and serve
tinder General Hooker.
On New Year's, evening, in East
Greenwich, Rhode Island, Caesar Clark,
aged about 100 was married to Betsy
Fry aged about 70.
Gold diggings ire reported to have
be e n r awly made in Nov Zealand,
w hi c h f ar anaa, those of California Zind
Australia in richness.-
igar: "Toby, what did the Israelites do
when they crossed the Red Sear
don't know, ma'am, but 'I guess dried .
themselves." ,
Mai Gen. Boatman le strongly urged
to become the Emancipation candidate
for Governer of Kentucky, at the nest
The cost of a Major General, including
hie star, is computed at $24,000 a year,
and that of a Brigadier at $16,000.
General Fremont has written a letter
to the War Department, asking. to be
reinstated in command.
General Casey, at the request of the
War Department, is preparing a system
of tactics for negro soldiers.
John O. Heenan, it is said, is to mar
ry Miss Stevens, a Now Sirork actress,
now playing at Bourcicalt's In London.
Postmaster General Blair will Boot
Jame an order , requiring all foreign post
age to tie paid in coin.
Abd-al-Cader has jnet,, started on his
third pilgrinwie to Niece;
EDIDALISED Borags.---Some time since,
in clearing out the mine of an old chap
el in Warwickshire, England, several
dead bodies were exhumed, containing
the embalmed bodies of Countesses and
St. John's, which were buried more than
two hundred years ago. The coffin
which contained the body of Lady Aud
rey Leigh, buried in 1640, was opened,
and the body found perfectly embalmed
and in entire preservation, her flesh
quite plump, as if she were alive, her
face very beautiful, her hands exceed
ingly small and not wasted ; she was
dressed in fine linen, trimmed all over
with old point lace, and two rows of
lace were laid flat across her forehead.
She looked exactly as if she was lying
asleep, and seemed not more than six
teen years old ;.her beauty was very
great, even her eyelashes and eyebrows
were quite perfect, and' her eyes were
closed ; no part of her face was et all
fallen in.
GOVERNOLL CUBTIN :—The statement
that Governor Curtin, at a recent dinner
in Washington, - -held a conversation
with Secretary Seward in relation to
the formation of a new political party is
without any foundation. Nothing took
place at that dinner except the exchange
of ordinary civilities, and no reference
was made to the re-nomination of Gov.
Curtin by any such new party. Neither
is Governor Curtin acquainted with
Thurlow Weed, who Is alleged to be
the head of the new party. This diSa
vowel is made by authority of Governor
Curtin, who does not wish to have his
name associated at this momentous cri
sis, with any movement calculated to
distract the country. He is entirely
ignorant of the organization or principles
of any new party.---ffarrisburg
COULDN'T TRUST HIM I—The other day
the renowned T. Jefferson Boyer, the
member of the Legislature, whose po
litical virtue claims to have rejected a
briba of $20,000 for voting for Simon
Cameron, applied to one of the officers
of the Senate for a few - quires of a cer
tain kind' of paper, of a better quality
than is furnished the House. The officer
said he had no authority to give it. T.
J. B. suggested that it was a mere trifle
and nobody would know it but them
selves. Ob, no, replied the officer, I
can't trust' you, fOr-you might blow on
me as you did on Gen. Cameron. The
virtuous member retired, a wiser if not a
better man.
vir Poor Boileau has discovered, by
this time, what it is to serve tyrants and
traitors. The Democracy of Philadel
phia have ostracized him. ,The Evening
Journal has flung his name from its head
Re is persecuted for his frankness in
coufassing u . wrong which he was sup
posed to have done the government.—
If.Boileau has a spark of. manhood left
in his heart, he will expose every man
who contributed treacon to the columns
of,the Journal while it was in his con
trol. By such a confession Boileau
could "make Rome howl." Has he the
courage to give the people facts and
names ?
it A general court martial has been
ordered to convene; and is now in ses
sion at Memphis, for the trial of Thos.
M. Knox, correspondent of the New
York Herald, against whom - Gen. Sher
man has preferrod charges of acting as
a spy, giving - aid and comfort to the
enemy, and violating the 'United States
order, prohibiting citizens from accom
panying the expedition, issued last
month. An account of th 3 expedition,
written by Mr. Knox, and published in
the Herald, reflected severely upon the
oompetency of Gen. Sherman.
Aar Godey for. March is on our desk
and notwithstanding the high price of
printing paper, still presents an undaunt
ed front of 100 pages. While almost
every other publication in the country
has cut down their usual number of
pages, or size of their papers,. the• L
ady's Book, triumphant over all, still
gives 100 pages.
Sr What amount of suffering, and
disease among the Volunteers would be
prevented by the free use of Holloway's
Pills & Ointinent. For Wounds, Sores
mid Scurvy, the Ointment is a certain
cure, and for Bowi Complaints, Fevers,
i nv ;:l . Pox, &0., the Pills are the best
medicine In ti World. Only 26 eta per
Box or. Pot. " 121
In Portland, last week, Mr. Thos.
Barns, who had become insane, chased
Ms watcher out of the room with a stick
of wood. and then escaped to the street,
where ho wandered about some fifteen
minutee with no other garment on than
a shirt—the mercury being below zero.
sr The Rev. Mr. Robinson has em
braced the tenets of Oath°licisro, and
was baptised at Carbondale on Friday
lest. The officiating priest, Father
Walworth, was formerly a Presbyterian
eir A. special dispatch from Washing
ton to the New York World says that
Gen. Fremont has been assigned to the
Department of Texas, and that General
Butler will return to New Orleans.
INT Geo. Casey has been requested
by the War Department to prepare a
system of tactics for use in the negro
min:teats to be , enlisted into the Na.
ticual Berries,
McClellan and Gen. Fremont have both
applied to the Government for active
commands in the field. We trust their
application will be promptly granted.—
We agree with the New York Times
that they are both men of too much
ability and too strongly supported by
public favor to be in idleness. Let the
Government assign them to duties which
they are best fitted to perform, and in
localities where they can perform them
to the best advantage. Both, we can
not doubt, will promptly accept what
ever positions may be assigned them.—
Gen. Fremont has undoubtedly seen the
folly of his conduct in throwing up his
command because another General was
placed over him, and Gen. McClellan
has always declared himself ready for
service in any field where he . coull make
himself useful. Ho must have comple
ted, by this' time, his official reports of
the'Army of the Potomac, and can post
pone; with advantage to himself and the
country, any future tours of pleasure
through the' Northern States. Before
the government creates a host' of fresh
Major-Generals, let it bring into active
service those who are already, receiving
their salaries and doing nothing.
Prince of Wales has taken possession of
his newly acquired estate in Norfolk.—
It was purchased from Right Hon. Wm.
Cowper, M. P., for $1,100,000. The li
brary of the mansion contains 3,000 vol
umes. The furniture is nearly all new.
There are thirty bed rooms, and a pro
portionate number of reception rooms.
In the purchase all the timber of the es
tate is included, which is some of the fi
nest in England. There are also 100
acres of wooded land, and $35,000 a
year from rents, which is secure, as the
tenants are respectable and well off one
tenant alone paying -$5,000 a year. The
fishing is excellent; and the shooting,
like most shooting in Norfolk, is first
rate, including blackcock amongst other
game. The railway is within two miles.
wife of the township collector of De-
Kalb, Illinois, was frightened to death
last week by a man dressed iu a white
sheet with 13 coat wound around his
head. Re knocked at her
. door the
evening. She gazed for a moment at
the horrid figure, and then fell backward
to the floor lifeless, The ghostly joker
is a merchant of respectable standing.
Frightening Individuals in this way
and by pointing a gun or pistol at them,
as if going to shoOt, are two of the most
stupid and dangerous tricks Which can
bo practised, and yet there is scarcely
a week passes over that the newspapers
do not record some death from one or
the other cause, The acts are . to fool•
ish to be tolerated even in children.
On the arrival of General McClellan in
Boston, week before last, there was a
crowd of people assembled at the Wor
cester depot, and notwithstanding the
presence of the police, the General and
his party with great difficulty reached
their carriage. In the confusion and bus
tle of the Moment,
.some daring member
of the light-fingered gentry inserted his
digits in thkGeneral's pocket, and ab
stracted theiefrom a wallet containing
$2OO in money and some valuable papers.
The loss was made known to the police,
and the detectives succeeded in recover
ing the papers and in restoring them to
their owner before he left the city.
RBI A 0 HUNTERS.—WhiIe General Mc-
Clellan was at, dinner at the Massasoit
'louse, on his recent passage through
Springfield, two ladies robbed a military
cap,which they supposed to be the Goner_
al's, of both its buttons, tearing them out
ruthlessly, to be preserved as mementoes.
The mortification of their feelings and
redness of their faces can be imagined
when one of the aids put on the mutila
ted cap, and the General put on his own
which was intact. Those buttons hav
en't been preserved, but the story has,
and is told oftener than two ladies
wish to hear it.
olm Joslin, of Conneaut
township, has exhibited a degree of pa
triotism worthy of mention. The Gi
rard Union says he had two boys wound
ed and one killed al Fredericksburg.
He has sent all of his five boys to fight
for the Union, and offered to go himself
pat, could not get into the army on ac
count Gr. his age.
TIIE LAST QuorA.--Every New Yang
land State has furnished its quota of
men under the last call, except New
Hampshire, which is now raising its
last, regiment. Other States are, gen
erally speaking, rather behind-hand, and
it is said that New York is 35,000 men
short of her complement.
A GAT PABTY.--At a recent s party in
New Oastle, five men were gathered,
whose aggregate age reached four hun
dred and twenty-six years. They were:
Jesse Dushama, eighty-nine ; Geo. Pear
son, eighty-six; Robert McGuffin, eigh
ty-five; Robert Wallace, eighty-four,
and James T. l3oyd, eighty-two.
OAT...NORMA JOE.—The San Francisco
Daily Herald; sate that ibis renowned
sharped , shooter, who won faine•on.the
Peninsula, has returned to this State
and is now.ansong his old hanuk near
weavorvill, Trinty cow ty.
Curtin has received the most gratifying
intelligence from Gen. Itosecrans with
regard to the Anderson Cavalry now at
Nashville, Tenn. All the members
have returned to duty, and the work of
re-organization is to be commenced at
once. Col. Palmer arrived at Nash
ville, and is exerting a good influence.
Gen. Rosecrans adds that the regiment
contains material to perform deeds that
will wipe out the stain of refusal to join
their comrades in battle, and exceed the
highest expectations and hopes of its
many friends.
LITTLE RIICIDY.—Who talk. of leaving
" , Little Rhody" out of a remodeled Un
ion ? Read and be ashamed : Accord
ing to the official reports sent to the
Rhode Island Legislature, that State
has furnished for the defenses of the na
tion, by land and sea, sixteen thousand
six hundred and sixty men—or thirty
percent. more than her quota of three
years' men. Little Rhody has also dis
bursed $70,000 in the shape of boun
ties and extra pay to her soldiers.
From the annual report of this railroad
for the last year we learn that its total
earnings.amounted to $10,304,290 ; and
its total working expenses to $5,431,072.
It is 358 miles in length from Philadel.
phia to Pittsburgh. The total number
of passengers carried over it during the
year was 1,143,418; the number of tuna
of freight transported upon it was 2,-
223,051, Including 835,146 tuns of coal.
INFANTICIDE.-A woman, Hannah
Shannon, residing in West (Mester, was
arrested charged with infanticide. The
near neighbors suspecting she had a
child, and fearing violence, caused the
sink in the garden to be searched and
the dead body of a child was found
wrapped up in some clothing. The
husband bas been in the war for a year
and upwards.
HALT I Ile LT I I LIALT!!!—A Cry iron)
Wives, Mothers and Sisters,
Whose husbands, sons nod brothers tiro ser
ving in the Army, cannot put into their knap
sacks a more necessary or valuable gift than a
few boxes of
They insure health eTen under tho exposure
of a Soldier's life. Only 25 cents a llox or
SoLnrcus , Ncricta.!
Do your duty to yourselves 1 Protect your
Health 1
fa ,- Read the Ist3wlng, Just received this
day from Wasldngton
Vg.asuracros, D. C.
T. liou.owny, M. D
DEA, it, &a :---I avail myseifof this oppor
tunity to express my grat.tudo for your kind
ness in being so prompt in sending ma your
valuable Pills and Ointment. Hundreds of
poor soldiers have been made comfortable an-t
well by the use of your meuicines, and they
all can testify to, their healing powers and ca
pability of giving instant relief. it bag, with
in my own observation, saved many a poor
Soldier . from long sickness and much *uttering.
Yours truly,
D. G. POSE, Washington, D. C.
November 4, 1862. [2O-12t
77V13ater G-c)c)clo 1
VITE have lately received a thorough as-
VY sortment of Woolens am) all other
Embracing the best styles of
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Youth's Cassimeres
Superior Fancy and other Dress Silks; every
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DeLaines in colors; beautiful 4esigns of
Mixed De Laines, Coburgs, Alpaccas and
Lavellas ; Cloak and Sack Cloths; Rich and
Grave Colored Balmoral Skirts,
Latest Improved Spring Skirts; Fine, Medium
and Common Shawls, Nubia Scarfs, Son
tags and floods ; Gauntlette, Gloves,
and Hosiery; Muslims Counter
jranesand Tickin'gs; Checks,
Flannels and Linens.
Floor amd . Table Oil Cloths,.
Ingrain, Venetian and Rag Carpet, Wall Pa
per, Linen, Clirton, and Woolen Carpet chain.
•New.hiackerel In small and
large packages. An of ;which
we are now selling at prices below this preserkt
City rates. •
3 Denatit,
_ _
O _
FFICE:—Front street, fourth door from
Locust, over Saylor & McDonald's Book
store, Columbia. Entrance between the Drug
and Book Stores.
Columbia, May I, 1862.-Iv.
A fine assortment of Photograph..
A L, 13 TJ M - S
ranging in price from 75 cents to Five Dollars.
For sale at DELLINGER'S Photo; raph Gal
lery, Market street, Marietta.
BUFFALO ROBES, Horse Blanket;
Harness, Saddles, Whips, &e.,
A fine ortment
DEL now on
hand at
ass L.
Market street, Marietta LI.
Call and see before
purchasing elsewhere. '
17-3 m
ICIIORY & Oak Wood, 50 Cords each, e g_ Hickory and Oak Wood. Orders must ,
accompanied with the cash when they will
be promptly filled. ' Spangler & patterson.
B tIGGY and Sleigh BLANTISTqof various,
styles and at much lower prices than the
same sold last fall Spangler Patterson.
O LANDLORDS! Just, received, Scotch
endirish FVHISKIES, warraii
pure, at 11. D. Benjaniaiwa.
NEW CROP. New Orleans 11,Iolassies.
This is the.only kind of Molasses that
is good for Cake Baking.
Juattectived at