The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 07, 1863, Image 1

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    L.. BAKER,aaaci Prcp-prietc).r.
OFFICE on Front Street, a few doors east
of Mrs. Flury's }rote!, Marietta, Laiacas
ter County, Pennsylvania.
TERMS, One Dollar a year, payable in ad
vance, and if subscriptions be not paid within
six months $1.20 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expiration of the year, $1.60
will be charged.
No subscription received for a less period
than six months, and no paper 'will bb discon
tinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to noti
fy a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be - considered a new
lines, or lees) 50 cents for the first insertion and
25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro
fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE; but'for any
additional lines, five cents a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
Ton P,RINTING of every. .description neatly
and expeditiously executed, and at prices to
suit the times.
Pick and dick
Goes the type in the stick,
As the printer stands at his case ;
His eyes Alatice quick, and his fingers pick
The type at a rapid pace ; by one as the letters go,
Wordsare piled up steady and slow—
Steady and slow,
But still they grow,
And Words of Bra they soon will glow;
Wonderful words, that without a sound
Traverse the earth to its utmost hound ;
Words that shall make
The tyiant quake,
And the fetters of the oppress'd shall break ;
Words that can crumble an army's might,
Or treble its strength in a righteous fight.
Yet the type they look butleaden and dumb,
Abe puts them in place with finger and thumb;
But the printer smiles,
And his work beguiles
By canting a song as the letters he piles,
With pick and click,
Like the world's chronometer, tick ! tick tick
0, Where is the man with secs simple tools
Can govern the world like 13
With a printing press, an iron stick,
And a little leaden die,
With paper of white, and ink of black, ,
I support the Right, and the Wrong attack.
Say, where is he, or who may he be,
That can rival the printer's power?
To no monarchs that live the wall doth he
Their sway lasts only-an hour]
'While the printer still grows, and God only
' knows
When his might shall cease to Cowes
I know .a youth who can flirt and flatter—
Take care !
lie loves with the ladies to gossip and chatter
Beware ! beware !
Trust him not, .
He. is fooling thee !
lle has a voice of varying tone=
Take care !
It echoos many, besides thine own—
Beware ! beware !
Trust nim not—he is fooling thee
Be has a hand that is soft and white—
Take care!
It pressed another than thine last night—
Beware beware!
Trust him not—
lie is fooling thee !
Ills letters are glowing with love, I ween—
Take care !
One half he writes he does not mean—
Beware ! beware !
Trust him not—he is fooling thee.
Ile talks- of truth, and of deep devotion—
' Take care !
Of loving truly he has no notion--
Beware ! beware!
Trust him not—
He is fooling thee ! [wiles !
Your heart he will gain with his dangerous
Taks care I - [smiles
Of his whispered words, and his sighs, and his
Beware ! beware !
Trust - him not—he is fooling thee.
Among the race of human kind,
Some go before And some behind;
But mind them well and you will find,
Put hindmost is the Printer.
The lessons whieh you learned at school,
That you might not grow up a fool,
Had all, in scientific rule,
Been published by the Printer.
Bow do your Presidents and Kings
Govern so many troubled things/
'Tis by the types, the screws and springs,
Belonging to the Printer;
The farmer, sad mechanic, too,
Would sometimes scarce know what to do,
Could they not get a certain view
Of work done by the Printer.
The doctor can not meet the crooks
Of all the ailments, till he looks
Upon the pages of the books
Supplied him by the Printer.
The lawyer for a wit has passed,
But high as his head may be cast,
Ile but a dunce at last,
Wore it not foithe Printer.
Who is it that so neatly tells
Of various goods the riterehantselis,
Inviting all -the beaux and belles—
Who is it but the rrinter I
alOtpotgent Vennslintuia *anal : pellate `literature, agriculture, netus a ikt P Ytical 4ntriligente,
The proud and wealthy. James Ag
moor, silk and velvet merchant of Broad
way, New York, was just entering his
superb bazaar, as one of his clerks re
spectfully saluted him, and started
pass out.
"Mr. Clair, I shall, desire your pres
ence in my office ere long," said the mer
chant, "Do not leave the store until I.
have spoken with you."
There was an •ominous sternness in
his tone that attracted the quick ear of
Thornton Clair, and as he gazed after
his pompous chief, who . strode on .with
unusual haste, his eyes • caught that of
Hiram Mould, the cashier i peering -with
unconcealed malice through the mahog
any bars of his desk. Thornton Clair
had arrived in New York four months
before from some city of the .far West,
and upon applying to James - Agmoor,
his manly and intelligent face had so
pressed that gentleman that his -ser
vices were immediately accepted, and
he was given the responsible post of
This was by no means agreeable to
the envious Mould, nor did his vexation
diminish as he saw that James Agmoor
daily grew more and more attached to
the youth.
While Clair stood awaiting' the cx
pected summons, and as Mr. Agmoor
entered his private office, the cashier
moved from his seat, and following his
principal, .carefully closed the green
baize door after him.
It was very strange to see the - proud
and pompous air of the lordly Merchant
chnnge to one of ill-concealed fear and,
disgust, as the cashier bid him good day
and seated himself near him, facing him,
and haying the Office table between
"You have considered my proposi
tions., James Agmoor," said he in a
smooth, - soft voice, sleek and silky as
the precious fabrics that were about
James Agmoor buried his face in his
hands for a moment, and then sweeping
back his snow white hair, said ,
huskily :
"I have, Hiram Mould, I have !" and
his face, pale and red by turns, again
sought the cover of his trembling hands,
"I have told my daughter that you de
manded her for a wife, She told me to
tell yen that sho would rather be a beg
gar in the streets than the wife of Hi
ram Maid."
"I told her all," burst from the quiv
ering lips of the merchant..., "I
-told her,
that Hiram Mould was the master other
father.;, that ere she was born I commit
ted a crime—a crime whose ever pres
ent guilt has blanched my hair before I
have numbered my forty-fifth year."
"And then she relented ?"
"She asked me to tell her of that
crime," replied Agmoor, and as he spoke
his eyes grew bright, and - looked Hiram
Mould full in the face. "I told ,her.-
She said the deed was not a crime—that
the blow was dealt in self defence that
killed Charles Harper. And so it was.
Hiram Mould, you know it was."
"Were we in court, I the only witness
of the act, Jatnim Agrnoor, I would
swear that it waspremeditated mur
der." '
James Agmoor's eyes closed with a
shudder, and again the treMbling_hands
hid his pa]id face.
"I would swear," reinmed Hiram
Mould, as his sharp, white teeth bristled
from his sneering, lips, !land the jury
would believe every word, that ono sum
mer's evening, some twenty, years ago, I
saw James Agmoor, who had refined to
fight in fait and. open combat with
Charles Harper, crouching amid- the
bushes that bordered tke highway thro'
Jersey woods ; and as Charles Harper
was riding unsuspectingly by, I saw
James Agmoor spring from his covert
and strike him to the. earth with a cab
--I would swear that James Agmoor
then and there murdered Charles Har t
per, and buried the body where I could
find the bones ; aye, find the watch that
should identify the body."
"All false 1" cried the merchant, arou
sing himself a moment. "'Twas James
Agrnoor who , was dragged from his horse
by pharles Harper 'Twos Hiram Mould
who prompted the assault for purposes
of his own--bppause he hated each with
a deadly hate. You, Hiram Mould, first
made us, who were till . then bosoM
friends, bitter enemies. He struck me,
I returned the blow ; he drew his knife
and stabbed me, but:before I fell sense,
less I wrested the weapon from him and
dealt him a fataithrust that prostrated
him also. We fell, together—alike 'un
conscions-,I in a swoon, heAead. When
sense and feeling returned to me I was
in your house. Yon, Hiram'Mould; hid
(i - tit
the body where you can'find its remains
to convict ME. The public believed that
Charlei3 Harper was murdered ; you
created that belief ; but to use me all
my life yon took successful care that
the finger of suspicion should not point
at me, lest the law might kill the goose
that lays the golden eggs."
While the tortured man was saying all
this, far more incoherently than we have
written it, the unmoved Conspirator had'
rapidiy sketched a picture of a gibbeted
felon, and'as the, merchant 'concladed,
Hiram Mould placed ,the insignificant
sketch before him.
"Such shall be your fate'if-Rachel Ag
moor refuses to become my wife;" said
he, pointing to the hideous picture with
his long, lean, fore•finger.
Again the merchant yielded before
the terrible threat, 'and his head sahh
upon his•bosom.
"Now call in Thornton'Clairtind dis
miss him At once,?' said Hiram 'sterUly.
"He loves your daughter—she perhaps''
loves him. You have foolishly allowed
him to visit your house. It shill be my
care lhat'he shall 'not find other employ-'
meat in this city."
"I am in your power," groaned the ull;
happy man, rising and opening thedoor ;
but as he did so his daughter Rachel,
stepped quickly from the side, of Thorn--
ton glair, with wliom,-shie .was eagerly
conversing, and said_:
"I wish to see Hiram. Mould immedi- :
ately, dear 'father," and, guided by her
astonishen parent, she entered the pri
vate office.
The merchant closed the door,,and
turned to iddress his child.
Tall and queenly , in person, a lovely
bruneite of eighteen summers,- with
large black eyes, usually full-of softness,
as became herrimiable and affiectionate
nature, but then flashing scornful fires`
as her red lips curled.with scathing-con=
tempt; Miss Agmoor m'otio'ned to het:
father to pause for -a moment and bent
her gaze on Hiram Mould.
He seerned.ill at ease as those superb.
eyes slowly scannedliira — fre - m - head to
foot, bathing him its it were in 'wordless
scorn. He rose to his feet, and receirer
ed his natural coolness, said :
"I am happy to - see . that Miss Rachael
Agmoor considers so humble a person
as Hiram Mould, worthy of so continued
a gaze."
"This is the thing that dares to hope
to call me wife.'" . said Rachel ; and
though the words were cutting, the tone
and manner penetrated to the .marrow,
of the rascal's bones, and flashed bitter
words to his white lips.
"The .thing is honored in being so
called; my hanghty ,damael. You are ,
proud now, Ranhel .Agmoor, but. the
time shall come when you shall be- as
humbled tefore me as the trembling
man beside you."
"If I reject and defy you, you will-at
tack the life and 'reputation of my father,"
said Rachel. "Yon must be very confi
dent of your. power, to send such a mes
sage to the woman whom you wish to
make your wife."
"I am conscious of my strength. DO
you wish : to see a proof of it?" sneered
Hiram. •
Rachel bent her head contemptuous
ly. Hiram Mould was at a. loss to com
prehend this unexpected
. defiance ;, but
sure of,his ground, he said :
"There is a young man in•yoursather's
employ whom he loves as his own son.
Rather than 'harm a hairon that •young
man's head, James A4moor would glad:
ly Top off, right hand,l verily be
lieve if the sacrifice could avail either,
Mr. A gmmor, call' in Thornton Clair:"
He - looked to see Rachel pale and
trembling. But she was calm and dol.:
lected. -
The timid father—timid before :the
cashier alone—obeyed, and Thornton
Clair stood in the party,; but.his blue
eyes were blazing with a...menace,
found and deadly that Rachel laid hor
soft hand upon the strong arm that Was
swelling as if for a sudden blow to be
dealt at the 'seitertAike' eyes Of the
sneering: cashier, and whispered
"Wait' l—for my,sake."
,Agmoor,` , said Hiram, ,but re
coiling.soinewhat from the reach of that
arm, "has this young r man dared toimake
love to one so immenselyabpve him rui
your daughter, and I proposed myself as
her husband ;Ails presence in our eitili
lishment is , an insult. Discharge him at
The wretched merchant paused in tor
taring suspense, and the cashier pointed
at the slietch that on the table.
"Mr. Thornton Clair," began "thefa-
"My true 11 - 11111 f; iS li'eldn
the young man, quickly ) unwilling to
see the father of his Rachel so humilia
ted. lam the son of Charles Harper,
who ifregon, and who assumed
the riame of'-Clair because he believed
he had - slain James Agnroor: My name
is, in..fact, Thornton. Harper."
"Youngman 1" cried James Agmoor;
almost gasping. "Do not deceive a most
wretched man. Does Charles. Horridr
who married my cousin, Helen Agrnoor,
still live ?—was he not killed ?"
"On my, honor, Mr. Agrp.oor," -said
Thornton, "that Charles Harper is alive
and . .still - thinks that he killed James
Aginoor. Until this morning I was of
the same belief, for my father, who
since that unfertnnate combat has con
cealed him - self under an assumed name
in the wilds of the west, while my, mo
ther followed him, had often told me
sorrowfully, of all that transpired., , But
he _never told Ate the, nurse of the
whom he, deemed he had slain, nor that
of khc,man.tylto, when- he rose after a
moment of unconsciousness, pointed At
your bleeding boily, said you were dead,
and Prevailed upon him to seek =safety
in instant 'flight, ; upon . the'very horse
you had-tiden. Your daughter related
to" me what you 'tolil her last night,: a
few minutes ago ; and we immediately
concluded Upon tithe truth."
" Out of my sight, Hiram Mould.!"
cried the enraged merchant. "Douhle
traitor, begone or 1 shall make myself
what you have forced me for years to
think, myself—a murderer'!"
While Thornton was speaking the,
guilty cashier had sunk into a chair and
rested his head upon the table, hiding
his face, as he for ten years delighted - in
torturing his victim 'to do ; but when
James Agmoor, no longer a-crime bound
serf, thus addressed"him*,- he staggered
to his feet, groping-blindly for the door,
tottered feebly through the bazaar to
his desk, where he had so long ruled
with the magic rod of gold, and pressing
his hands to. his _head, groaned, reeled,
caught hilirlself erect, opened his wiVate
dritwei, placed a pistol to his temple,
and fell dead ere he could press the
trigger, smitten-said the Coroner that
day—by the almighty hand of God.
in his diary, gives the following account
of : a reception he got at the hands of a
German soldier : 'On the Ist of Sep- .
tember a dirty German soldier called
out from tho parapet of an earthwork,
over the Long Bridge, Run Rus
sel,' and at the same time cocked his
piece and levelled it. 'tuna'immedi
ately` rode around into the fort, the fel
low still presenting his. firelock, and
asked him what he meant, at the same
time calling for the sergeant of,the
guard, who game at once, and at his re
quest arrested the man, who recovered
arms and said, 'lt Was a choake ; I want
to freeken Bull Ran Russell.' As
man's rifle was capped and loaded, and
on full cock, Russell did not' see the fun
of the procieding so clearly, and urged
an investigation into his conduct, which
he did not, however, thinkit necessary
to pursue." •
Post says :_,Here is a 'chance for a plan
tation in beaciiifui climate, where cot
ton, sugar, coffee, corn, rice, and
thing that is good may be raised. The
Ainerican"West India Company will de
patch their next steamer on or• about
the first of February for Santo Domingo
city. Partielgoing 'out in the vessel
will be landed in the Palanque District,
where land is sold, to actual settlers at
one-tenth of , its ; real veinal We shall
go if the price of paper up.
To YoO'nor ISIEN - .-- 2 7Ea:ii young men
commenced the sail making business, at
Philadelphia: .They bciught' a - lot= of
duCktrotriStephen Girard on creditand
a friend had engaged to endorse for
them: Erich 'caught a roll and Was car
rying it off when Girard remarked :*
. "Had you.pot , better get a dray?"
"No,• not -fay,:and -we carry it
ourselves." .
;; ; ;
"Tell,your. friend he nandnt4, in4or,se
your note, I'll take it without."
ord gentleman, in
speaking of the different allOtinegti,qf
men, by, which 'Seine become useful citi
zens, and others ,worthless viigrants, by
way of iilastration;remarked,
, "So one
slab of` mumble becomes a'-useful door
step, another becomes a [ lying
tombstone." • •
Bum) trnitice • and
Fortune are said to have no. , eyes ;'but
all three deities make us mortals- open
our eyes pretty , ivide•sometimes;
pgir It - is Misfortune for a»Bice
youagilady to labs° good mint*); it4l.
nice yo l trfg gentleman gives her abetter.
=,talc , ll]aecl Aril, ii, 1854-
. .
Influence, of Sensible Women,
It is a wondrous advantage to a man
in every pursuit or vocation, to secure an
adviser in a sensible woman. In woman
there'is at once a •subtle delicacy of tact,
and a plgin soundness of judgment,
which are rarely combinesd - to, an equ'll
degree in man. A woman, if she be re
ally your friend, will have a-sensitive re
gard for your character, honor and re
pute. She will seldom counsel you to
do a shabby' thing, for a Woman friend
always desires to be proud of you.
At the same time, her:constitutional tim
idity makes; her more cautions than your
male friend. She,. therefore, seldom
counsels you do an -imprudent thing.—
By female friendship I mean friendships:
—those in which there is no admixture
of the passion of love, except in. the=
marriedstate. A man's best female
friend is a wife of good sense and gooil
heart whom he loves, and. who loves him,
if ho have that, he need not seek else
where. But supposing the man to be
~such helpmate, female frierid
ships he must still have, or hii intellect
will be without a garden, and there will ,
be many unheeded gap even inits itrong:
est fence. Better and safer, of course,
that such - friendships should exist where.
disparities of years or circumstances
put the idek of love out of the question - .
Middle life has rarely
.this advantage;
youth and old age have. You may have
female friendships with those Mach old
er and those much younger then your
selves. Moliere's old housekeeper was
a great help to his genius; and - Mon
taigne's philosophy takes,both a gentler
and loftier character of wisdom from the
date in which in finds in Marie de
(journey an adopted dtiughter, "certain
ly beloved by me," says the Horace of
essayists, "with more than paternal
love,, and involved in my solitude and
retirement as one of the best 'parts!ol
eir We heard 'a "good one," at Har
risburg, the other day, in Which a former
Senator from Berke county was the "he
ro." A few winters ago, while the Leg
islature was in sessien;• the -small pox
became unpleasantly prevalent at the
capital, causing considerable alarm
among the Solons. One morning the
Senator referred to came to a friend in a
state of great excitement, and said—
"l link I will get tiugs ready and go
home'; - `I don't want de small pox," and
he started for his room at a brisk pace.
In the course " of an hour ho again met
his friend and his excitement had evi
dently subsided. On astonishment be
ing expressed at seeing him still in Hat
risburg, he said, , with great complacency,
"Oh, since I come to tick about it, I
hadde small pox made, and we don't'git
. -
him twice."
"But," said a gentleman present, "I
knew a man to haveit three times; and
he died from it." •
"Ish it possible!" exclaimed the Seri
a tor, his alarm returning, "and which
time did_ he die.!" and the Senator re
packed:.his< trunk and went home to
AiiEnglishman traveling in' Kil
kenny, came to a ford and hired "a
to take him across. 'The water being
more agitated tli'an was agreeable to
him, he asked the boatman if any per=
son was ever lost in the pasdage. "NiV
er," replied Pat, -" my brother was
drowned herelast week, but we found
him agin the nixt ddy."
r We have received a, letter liom
Springfield, in this State, signed "Three
She Rebels." They very• broadly inti
mate, or rathersay, that - welie. Indeed
we don't-lie, and we don't. They must
excise'otir want of gallantfy 'in saying
that they lie, and that we will sooner_ be
hanged'thari lie with ' them.—Louisville
_Johnny, the ministerls_son, went
to his father one morning directly after
family:worship, saying :-.-.."Father, while
you were praying, I' semi - a:man in the
garden stealing grapes.", ,
"Well," answered the good- man, "if
you ha,d" been p,raying too, you would
not have seen Mai." '
"BO faher, i ' says. Johnny, "Abe bible
says we are to watch as well as pray."
• COVassions, wild horses, When
properly trained -and' , disoiplined;
capable of being applied to the; noblest
purpose; but when allowed to have
their own - Way. They become dangerous
in the , extreme,•
.41 1 . - eto Mode v . Clearify . ing
is said that eggs - are now so dear in
*Onioilgj`f.-ll.,tficit the hoosewivernse
the -Bite 'of their - eyes instead
"white of an egg" to clear their 'coffee.
NO. 28.
The Art of Being Polite.
First and foreindst, don't try to be
polite.' It will spoil all. If you keep
overwhelming your guests with ostenta
tious entreaties to make themselves at
home, they will very soon wish they
were there. Let them find out that
you are happy to see them by your ac
tions, not by your words. Always re
member to let bashful people alone at
first. It is 'the only way to set them at
their ease, Trying to draw- them out
has sometimes the contrary effect—of
driving them out of the lionse. Leading
the conversation is a dangerous expo
riineut. Better follow in its wake, and
if you want to endear yourself to talkers
learn to listen well. Never Make a fuss
about' anything ; never talk about your
self, and always preserve a perfect com
posure, no matter _what solecisms .or
blunders others may commit. Remem
ber that iteis very foolish proceeding to
lamentthat you cannot, offer to your
guests a better house, furniture or vi
ands. It is fair to presume that their
visit is to you, not to the surroundings.
Give people a pleasant impression of
themselves, and they will be, pretty sure
to go away with a pleasant impression
of your qualities. On such slender
wheels as these the whole fabric of so
ciety turns. It is our business, then, to
keep them in good working order.
A Yankee Shoe-maker.
"You hain't no occasion for a jer nor
nothin' Irspose," said a jolly son of St.
Crispen from the land of wooden nut
megs, as he entered a shoe establish
ment, with his kit nicely done up in his
"Wonder if I hain't," was the reply of
Boss.' Why I should likp a dozen if I
could get .'em ; but what kind of a• shoe
canyon make ?"
"0, as to the matter of that," said the
snob, reckon how I can make a de
cent sort, of ..a craft,"
"Spread your kit, then," said the boss,
"I'll give you a pair to try, and if your
work suits me I can give you a steady
seat of work."
Crispin was soon at it hammering and
whistling away as happy as a clam at
high water, and the boss was called
away on some business which detained
several hours—meanwhile the tamper
ipgier had.produced a thing which bore
some faintlesemblaeeo to a shoe, and
feeling somewhat ashamed of it hid it
in a pile of leather chips that lay on the
floor, and proceeded to make another,
which he had barely time to Swish when
his employer entered and began to ex-
"Look here mister," said he, "I guess
you needn't make the mate to this ; it is
the greatest botch that ever was made
in my shop, that's a fact."
"P'raps you'd bet a trifle on that,"
said the snob.
"Bet," responded the boss, "why I'll
bet a ten dollar bill against a hand of
tobacco that there never was a shoe
made in this shop half so bad as this."
"Done," said Crispen, at the same
time casting a sly wink at his shop
mates, "but let me see if I have got so
much of the weed with me, Oh yes,
here's a whole hand of Cavendish," and
laying it on the cutting board, he ven
tured "to suggest the proprierty of hav
ing the suet skin laid along the side of
it, which was no' sooner done, than ho
proceeded,to draw from its hiding place
the other shoe.
"Here boss," said he, "you must de
cide the bet ; say which of the two shoes
is the worst."
"Well, I guess I am fairly sucked in
this time;" replied the boss, pushing the
cavendish and shinplaster toward the
righifur, owner, and throwing a nine
pence to the youngest apprentice. The
boy needed no more as to his duty, but
was off in the twinkling of a bed post
and soon returned with a quart of black
itrap. •After all hands had sufficiently
regaled themselves, the shrewd yankee
put his sticks together, and bidding the
boss a hearty good bye, started again
on a tromp ; very well satisfied with his
ilgr As the mother-tongue in which we
converse is the only, language in which
we all take, though few are taught it, so
the mother wit, by which we act, is the
only science that we. learn.
air P u nch says women first resorted
to tight la9ingto prove to men how well
they could be'er squeezing.
VroE versqs VIRTIM—ViCe iS eon:-
eealed by wealtb;:andvirtue by poverty.
' •Anciirs.-t-The beginning of anger is
foolielileis, rind its 'end is repentance.