The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, January 24, 1863, Image 2

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    Zitt clitariettiatt.
JIM , Ora..
13- Messrs. MATHER SiL ABBOTT, No. 335
Broadway, New-York, are duly authorized to
act for us in soliciting advertisments, &C., and
r eceipt for the same•
Gr The President has sent a message
to Congress, announcing that he has
signed the joint resolution, recently
passed, providing for the additional is
sue of $1,000,000 Treasury
,notes, to
provide for the prompt payment of our
soldiers and sailors. He takes occa
sion, however, to express his regret that
it has been found necessary to authorize
so large an additional issue, andmirges
the importance of adoptink some scheme
whereby a further inflation may be
avoided. He suggests a reasonable tax
ation of bank circulation, and the estab
lishment of banking associations author
ized under a general act of Congress, as
suggested in his Message the beginning
of the session.
Ifir The coal diggers' strikes are be
ginning to attract attention and resis
tance on the ground that their opera
tions as becoming extortionate in their
demands. It appears that an ordinary
coal digger can earn from $lOO to $l5O
per month, and yet the fraternity of
miners are demanding an increase of
this sum. Their endeavors to extrot an
increase while they can do so well as
this, is s piece of imposition which the
public ought not and will not submit to.
er A committee from 'New Ydrk,
headed by the Mayor, representing a
large amount of political and financial
influence, called on the President, a few
days since, to try and persuade him to
make a change in his Cabinet, as, the
only way to insure scccess and restore
confidence in the North. Sharp words
were used on both sides, and they left
without receiving any " assurance that
their counsel would be. heeded.
The Hartford Times is informed
by a Venable gentleman who recently
visited Falmouth, that a number of
Union soldiers, a few days since, took
three "contrabands" across the Rappa
hannock into the rebel lines, and tra
ded them off with the rebel soldiers for
three sheep.
sr A. bill to authorize the issue of
$100,000,000 legal tender,notes, for the
immediate payment of the army and na
vy, has passed both Houses of Congress
and is now, a law. Our gallant soldiers
and sailors will soon have their pockets
lined with green-hacks.
or The Richmond Examiner says
that John Miner Botts has recently pur
chased an estate in Orange county, Va.,
of 2,800 acres, for $104,600, and has left
the city to take possession of it, with
the intention of devoting the remainder
of his years to agricultural pursuits.
or The President has sent a message
to Congress protesting against any
farther issues of legal tender notes.—
Fie is in favor of a paper currency to
be issued by banking, associations an;
thorized under a general act of Con
l It is stated, on the authority of a
letter from Paris, that Messrs. Baring,
of London, have five million dollars on
deposit belonging to citizens of the
South, who aro either now in Europe or
on the wig thither. '
Mr. Hopkins, of Washington
county, has offered a resolution in the
Pennsylvania House of Representatives,
instructing the judicary Committee to
bring in a bill for the restoration o of the
Tonnage Tax.
or Pm paper manufacturers and
dealers are besetting Congrers not to
remove the duty upon foreign paper.—
It is believed, if they succeed in this,
that paper will be put up still higher as
Soon as Congress shall adjourn.
sr Admiral Farragut has sent the
Brooklyn, Scotia, and half a dozen of
his best ships, to recapture the Harriet
Lane at all hazards, and if possible, de.
strOy the rebel gunboats in Bayon Buf
Harriet A. McLaughlin, of Chica
go, asks for a divorce from Henry A.,
her husband. She is only fourteen
years old, and has been married but a
single month.
sr Repot t says;GoilJ Fitz John Por
ter has been disinissed from the service.
the finding of the -courtbeing against
a;Three more English vessels in
ittempting to run the blockade, have
fust'been captured by our cruisers.
Q' The. rebel congress is again in ses
*Waal. Richmond, and Jeff. Davis has
sent in a long, tambling message.
The funeral of the late General
Mitchell took place from the Brooklyn
Church of the Pilgrims on Friday after
noon the 16th instant, the wish of the
deceased being followed in the permis
sion of no military parade. At the com
mencement of the war Major-General
Mitchell was a partner in the book-pub
lishing house now known under the style
of Blakeman & Mason, and was giving
his whole attention to the sale of his
astronomical works. Routed to patri
otic enthusiam by the •"notes of awful
preparation" which followed the fall of
Sumpter, he impulsively declined busi
ness, offered his services to the Govern
ment, and was accepted. His brilliant
career at the , West, and sudden death
by yellow fever in South Carolina, are
matters of history.
ar A New York correspondent of
Forney's Press, in speaking of Gen.
Geo. B. McClellen's retard to Gotham,
says : General MeClellen's return again,
with his whole suite, to the Fifth Avenue
Hotel, refutes alike the current stories
that the President would reinstate him
on the Potothac, and that the sages of
tho Trenton Legislature would send him
to the Senate. As it grows more evi
dent that the "young Napoleon" is per
manently laid upon the shelf for the full
term of the war, his late Democratic
worshippers slink away from him one
by one, and soon there will "none so
poor to do him reverence."
Vallandigham made a speech in
Congress, a day or two ago, in which he
took the ground that our army ought to
be disbanded, an armistice declared, and
s National Convention called to com
promise matters with the Rebels. He
received an unmerciful castigation at
the hands of Hon. Hendrick B. Wright,
of this State, and Mr. Bingham, of Ohio,
both Democrats. Vallaldigham is
losing caste even with his own pariy.—
Democrats, with a spark of royalti, are
ashamed of him.
ar Four of ocir iron-clads which were
lying at Fortress Monroe last week,
suddenly took their departure on Wed
nesday and went to sea. Destination
not stated, but pretty accurately guessed
to be Charleston. Their names are the
Monitor, (which has since been lost,)
Galena, Montauk, and Passaic. They
will be joined by two others at once—
Patapsco . and Nahant. They have been
followed by transports having on board
some ten or twelve thousand troops.—
God be with Ahem.
or A New Orleans conispondent
says : "A most remarable affair occur
red recently in the former headquarters
of Major General Butler. Captain J.
C. McClure, of General Bank's staff,
who had occasion to enter the office,
found a rose lying upon one of the desks
and taking it up to smell its fragrance,
he no . sooner applied the rose to his nose
than he fainted. It is supposed the rose
contained a poisonous powder, which
caused the insensibility. The flower
has been secured, and will be analyzed
by a skilful chemist."
Cr It is suggested that the Federal
office-holders take their tarn in waiting
for pity and the soldiers be allowed in
iustalmentof the arrears for them. Why
should the men in com'fortable civil
berths, with big salaries, be all paid
promptly, whilst`the poor soldiers, toil
ing amidst cold and hunger, and danger
and death, and having destitute families
in their homes, are ofted in arrears for
half a year?
Sir Considerable scarcity of food pre
vail; among the fishing population of
some portions of Newfoundland, and a
petition to the Governor tells them that
the fishing • all summer was good, and
those who worked then were not suffer
ing now. He refused to assist them and
says that if they were - too lazy to work
then, they may go hungry now.. That'a
the kind of charity that , in many cases we
might profitably adopt. -
gir A Union Teague has been organ
ized in Philadelphia, the main object of
which is to sustain the Government in
crushie out the rebellion. None but
those whose loyalty to the country is
unqualified, are admitted as member's.—
About 500 of the leading citizens have
already enrolled their names. The fine,
large, old Kuhn mansion, in Chestnut
street, above 11th, will be occupied by,
the League.
dr The bill introduced by Represen
tatives Bingham, to aid Maryland in
the abolishment of slavery, appropriates
ten millions for that 'purpose, and Sen
ator Willey's bill approPriates two mil
lions of dollars for a similar purpose in
West Virginia. The latter provides
two hundred thousand dollars for the
deportation and settlement of the-freed:
men. •
tir Jeff. Davis has just sent a mes
sage, to his Congress, in which he de
clares that the South will Helton to no
compromise with the North, and will
not give up the fight until their indepen
dence is acknowledged. What do the
LocofOcos of the Vallandigham school,
who are eternally preaching up compro-'
mise, think of that ?
Daring-the last two , weeks.neariy
,ten millions of dollars have been paid to
the army.
.The payments will now go
on daily until the whole army is paid:
Or An officer in one of the colored
regiments in Louisiana says in a recent
letter : "You would be- surprised at
the progress the blacks make in drill
and in all the duties of soldiers. I find
them better disposed to learn, and more
orderly than the whites. Their fighting
,qualities have not yet been tested on a
large scale, but I am satified that know
ing as they do that will receive no quar
ter at the hands of the rebels, they will
fight to the death. As an old Demo
crat, I felt a little repugnance at having
anything to do with negroes, bat having
got fairly over, am in the work. They
are just as good tools to crush the re
bellion with as any that. can be got.
There are three regiments in the service
the first is composed of freemen, the
second has some that were slaves, while
the latter is composed almost wholly of
the latter class.'
'.Gov. Seyinonr, of New York, in
his message is exceedingly severe upon
the President for suspending the writ of
habeas corpus. A gentleman named
Thomas Jefferson; supposed to be quite
as good a man, and possibly even better
authority than Mr.. Seymour, filly sus
tained Gen. Wilkinson in , stispending
the writ• of habeas corpus' in New Or
leans at, the •time of Aaron Bizrr's expe
dition, saying many years afterward in
reference thereto, "On /rest °cessions
every officer must be teady to risk him
self in going beyond the'stilet letter of
the law when the public preservation
requires it. 'rlis motive will be a justi
fication of the act." If this be true of
so small an affair as Burr's conspiracy,
what shall be said when a gigantic rebel
lion imperils the very life of the nation ?
eir Gov. Tod of Ohio sent his mes
sage to the Legislature on. Wednesday.
He fully sustains the National ,Govern
ment in proper efforts to crush the Re
bellion. Ohio has 115,20,0 volunteers,
60,000 of whom arein the field •; 121000
men have been drafted into the service,
but part of these enlisted afterward for
three ,years. The balance have. been
diminished by various causes, until
only ; ebopt, 2,400 have been drafted into
the service. The Governor recommends
thorough reorganization of the Militia,
and the establishment of a school -for
military instruction. He j ustifies
_ the
suspension of the writ of habeas corpus,
advocates the passage of a law punish
ing resistance; and also a law alloiting
soldiers to vote.
or There seems to have been great
destruction of Government property at
Island No.-10, causelessly and uselessly.
The facts, as we have them, are these :
Gen. -Davies, understanding it to be a
part of rebel policy to take island No.
10, and thus cut off •river transportation,
and fearing they might be successful,
sent an order to spike his guns, destroy
his amunition and evacuate the
• place.
Thia order was not executed:. Davies
then sent another order to his Adjutant
to see thatit was executed, and seventy
nine gum; were spiked last Monday, and
about 10.000 rounds of ammunition'roll
ed into the river. The 150 men on the
Island protested, but the order was ex
ar The commissioners under the 'act
for.the abblition of slavery id the Die
trict of Columbia having concluded their
labors, andc. made their report to the
Secretary of the Treasury. The TRIM=
ber of applicants for the benefit.of the'
act was about one thousand, for nearly
three thousand slaves, who were duly
examined and valued by -a slave dealer
of :Baltimore. The law appropriates
$1,000,000, but only $900,000 of- this
sum will be paid the authorized average
for each slave being $3OO. Some of
them were judged' to be worth nothing,
such as as infants, the aged, and inva
lids ; so the amounts withheld foethem
have been added to those estimated of
higher value than $3OO.
er The recent threittened disturbance
at Harrisburg, on the occasion of the
selection of, Ueitod States Senator
which drew hundreds of Democratic
bullies from Philadelphia, is a burning
disgrace to the State, and every man
who formed one of the intended 'mob
should be:made to feel the severest ptin
ishment due to insubordination. While
such demonstrations 'are indulged can
we expect'peace in this country Y
orirA few days since: a young man
named Woods, in Lowell, (Mass.,) shot
his young wife and then shot himself.—
He is dead and the wife is, in a precari
ous condition. The , two had separated
on account of a family quarrel about
some property, and the difficulty is sup
posed to have deranged Wood's mind.
sr Seven Hundred Volunteers Sick
in Camp!-Young men, be' warned in
time, supply yourselves with Holloway's,
Pills & Oiatment. They are guaranteed `
to cure the worst of cases of Sores,'lll
cera, Scurvy. Fever &Bowl Complaints.
Only 25 Os. per Box or . PoL 218 '
sir Canova, the celebrated sculptor,':
refused the offices of a priest when 3 dy
ing, because he,said, - that the erucifix
which he brought; as• so bunglingly ex-.
seated. • Another instance of the - ruling,
passion strong in death:
ear Be what yon are. _,This-is the
first eteri . toward bilcoming better than
you are.
A rumor was current at New Orleans
that Jeff. Davis was preparing an expe
dition to retake that .
Counterfeit slo' dollar notes on the
Farmer's Bank of Reading are in circu
lation, altered from an old plate of
another bank, which is
. an entirely dif
ferent from the genuine.
The Pope was too unwell to officiate
at the Christmas festivities in Rome. It
is said that his nervous system is seri
ously affected by any sudden change in
the weather, and the cauterization in
his leg .produces a feverish excitement.
A 'contemporary mentions a curious
fact, that Gen. Scott, at the opening of
the war, predicted that the decisive bat
tles of the rebellion would be fought in
•opening up the Mississippi, and of these
ho judga4.therewotild be about eight.
The train,an which Gen. Butler was
a passenger foi Boston came in collision
with another, on the morning of the
10th, and all the seats . except those of
the , ear in which he rode were smashed.
The General escapOd• without injury.
tientenant Colonel Garesche, chief
of Roseerans' staff, had his head taken
off by a cannon ball, the same"missile
injuring two others of the staff. Ga
resche was a fine officer, and greatly be
loved by all Who knew him.
The rebel pilot: captured by Capt.
Sumner, of the Cambria, and brought to
New Orleans, states , that all the , crew
of the Harriet Lane, except eight, were
killed in the struggle on board that
vessel before her capture.
Stephen Bates a surviving veteran of
the Revolution, residing near Akron,
Ohio, hae•a family of children and grand
children amounting in number to thirty
two.voters, -who are:. all zealous and
devoted: Republicans".
The 'limber of banks , in 1862 was 2,.
482 of Nirhich' 622 were in the New
England states, 502 in the Middle states
(including Maryland,) 24,2 in five south
western out's, and 294' in the western
The Cheater County Democrat, which
opposed Gov. Catlin's election in 1859,
now warmly urges his re-election. The
ability and patriotism which has char
acterized Gov. Curtin's administration
has won , for him many new friends.
The latest accounts from Vicksburg
say that all the troops and transports
had been withdrawn from the Yazoo
river, and that thiassault•on Vicksburg
hid been abandoned. Ge'n. Sherman is
superseded by McClernaild.
Mrs. Borah Benton. Jacobs, wife of
001. B. S. Jacobs of the Kentucky Vol
unteer Cavalry, and daughter of the late
Hon. Thomas Hart Benton, died at the
National Hotel, in. Louisville, on •the
4th inst.
Our consul at Liverpool writes that
there areirow four large vessels fitting
out at that port, to follow the piratical
example of the Alabania—three of iron
ind'one of wood. Nine vessels are pre
paring to run the blockade.
Postmaster Wakeman of New_York ,
gives notice, that the redemption of
soiled postage ceased. The amount re
deemed is not , much . below , a quarter of
a million of dollars, at least $20,000 of
stamps „have been rejected, as having
been use4.on letters, and subsequently
washed. •
One of the gun furnaces in the ord
nance foundry at Washington, contain
ing. about 25,000 pounds of heated met
al, burst on Friday afternoon, injuring
slightly three of the workmen. The ac
cident was caused bra defect in the fur
nace, and which could not easily_ be de
• Minnesota has just disposed of-forty
thousand acres of her school lands for
about one , quarter of a million dollars.
There--yet remains,two and one-half be sold, If hf,innesota
makes,wise use of school lands she
by-and-by, possess an immense
fund for the : instruction of her children.,
The Cincinnati Times states that
Mrs. MdryAnn i Kidney, the wife of a
linion'soldier,"died of•starvation in thai
city . recently. Her • husband has re
ceived- nic pay for . months, income - queues of which this poor woman died
from actual want of food to' sustain
The next wheat crop in Ohio pr,omis
es to be slim. The editor of the Ohio
Farmer has lately travelled through the
State, and gives it, as. his opinion that
upon the whole he has never seen such
'a .. leeblO start for the . winter crop, as
there was in December.
A. part of-the-family of Gen. Beante
gard arrived in Mobile December 20th,
tinder permission given by Gen. Danlti,
and are on their way to Georgia. Ile
wife' of Gen.. Beinregard'Ves "too 11f-to
biliainoied, and she still remaida in
Nevi Orleans.
At, the Republican caucus of ;the
Legislature of Ohio, the. Lida. Banjo.-
min F: Wade was nominated on the
first Billet for re-election to the Senate
of the United States. The vote stood,
for Wade 65, for Gen. Schenk, (the
memher ofUongress elect in the VAllan
dighem distilet,) 56.
PROFESSOR MCCOL—We find the fol
lowing incident in a letter, written from
this city, says the Harrisburg Telegraph,
and published in the Bradford Argus :
We must acknowledge that we have
never heard of the occurrence, but pub
lish the same as we find it in that pa-
per :
"An amusing little incident occurred
here on the evening of the New Year's
day :—Professor McCoy, a public lec
turer, who will be recollected by the
12th Pennsylvania Militia, as the man
who delivered a very patriotic address
to them on their being disbanded at
this place, on the receipt of the Presi
dent's-proclamation of freedom, about
ten o'clock that evening, wended his
way to the capital, and finding the night
watchman demanded to be let into the
House of Representatives, and on reach
ing there he requested the gas should
be lighted ; and he then walked up to
the Speaker's chair, and seating himself
in the venerable "John Hancock chair,"
read aloud the . proclateatiom and- com
mented upon , it as he read, addressing
himself to the empty seats. After clos
ing, he says to the watchman 'You are
Ale only person who has heard the Pres
ident's proclamation read from the •place
where it should have been read to thou
sands,' and.wOked quietly back to his
U; S. SfiNATOES.--Eleetions - for Uni
ted Stites Senators have been held re
cently'. in , the following States : We
give the names of the Senators chosen
and their politics :
/I.fissouJohn B. Henderson, Em
Delaware—James A. Bayard, Brock
inridge Democrat, re-elected:
Illinois—LWm. A. Richardson, Doug
lass Democrat.
Mirinesota—Alexander Ramsay, Re
publican. , •
Michigan—Zachariah Chandler, Re
publidan, re-elected.
Indiana—T. A. Hendricks and. Da.
vid Turpie, Democrats, the latter for
the short term.
New'Teriey- - •:-James W. Wall, Brook
inridge'Demoninan 1860, and arrested
for disloyalty in 1861.
. .
Massachusetts-Chas: Sumner, Be-
Maryland—Ex.Governor Ricks, Un
ion, appointed by alb GOyernor.
appearance,—the Army of the Potomac
will, in a few , months, - be curtailed of
nearly one-fourtkof its present strength
by the expiration of Ihe terms service
of the two years' men and nine. months'
men. Thera are some twenty or thirty
regiments of New York troops enlisted
for two, years, whose term will expire
early in the spring, and, the term.of the
nine months' men, raised in August and
September last, will be out in May and
June. The subject no doubt, 'en
gage the attention of the Government,
for it is highly important that the effec
tive strength of the army should be
CAMEILIZIN'q DEF E AT :—Tine, Harrisburg
Telegraph, in speaking of General Cam
erOn's defeat for the Senate of the Uni
ted States, says : "We have undoubt
ed evidence in our possession that if Mr,
Laporte bad voted for General Camer
on, at least two Union.Demecrats would
have also supported him, and his elec
tion would have been certain,; but when
those gentlemen saw one Republican
unwillling to support him, - they expected
that others of the same party would fol
low,otherwiiieihey would have still voted
for General Cameron and elected him,
notwithstanding Mr. Laporte's refusal
to support him."
Journab is printed on paper made of
wood by a new piecess, The pai)er pre
sents a clear surface, is•of soft and firm
texture;- and admirably adapted far
newstiaper purpp,ses. The Journal
states that this 'paper is not a fair test
of what the-manufacturers propose to
do,-but it '
'certainly' proves that there
are other materials than rags•which can
be used suceessfully in the manufacture
of white paper. •
rftgliErtyr OF _ REBELS . IN , WASHINGTON, .
Attorney-General Bates has decided
that sll property seized by the Military
Governor of the District of Columbia,
dn - abcorint of the treason of its owner,
shall be tamed over to District Attor
ney Carrington,ivho will proceed against
the property in accordance with the
provisions of the Confiscation
Gen.'Martindalo will hereafter act it
obedience ttzethe decision of the Attor
ney' General.
•CoLoam). Trtoors.—ln Congress, on
Monday, Mr. Stevens introduced. a bill
setting forth that, as the terms of en
*tine* soldiers: will -soon expire.
and rti .r it is .expedient to, have soldiers
whose constitutions peculiarly fit them
for the -Southern - campaign, that the
President authorited and required to
raise, equip, and orgunize a hundred and
.firtYthoisiand persbys of color of African
descent to serve five years:
oar Ex-GoTernor. Wisner, of Michi
gan, died at the camp of ,the 22d Michi
gap,lnfantry, loxington, Jan. 4,
1863; of which, regiment he was colonel,
in !,ke,, 46th nar 0-his Age. .His wife'
was with him during .
Mace hopes that King will not make a
match with any foreigner, but will give
him the first chance of retrieving his
laurels. Mace is mach surprised that
a man of such immense power and
youth should so easily forego the high.
est and most valuable trophy any pugil
ist can attain—namely the champion's
belt. If King does not make a match
then any man in the world who may fan
cy Mace can be on for the belt and the
championship, and any amount .from
£2OO to £l,OOO a side. Mace need not
fear Sing fighting any one else for the
belt until he has given -Aim a chance,
By all ' rules King is. hotrod to make is
match with the first comer, and there
can be no doubt Jem stands in this
position, as s money was down
by three o'clock on the day of the
fight. Sing .however, has distinctly
intimatedthat he will not fight again.—
Bell's Life in Lon4oth.
SHOT BY k. THAOHBR,Th,O county of
Sent, Maryland, was thrown,into a state
of excitement on Tuesday, the 13th in
stank by the fact that a, gentleman by
the name of Wood had come to his
death by a pistoiin the hands of a school
master named Perkins. The facts as
we have received them, are these :—Per
kins-having previously had occasion to
correct a son of Wood's the latter swore
-vengeance, and, 'accordingly, attacked
the teacher as he was sitting upon a
fence near the school-house on last
Tuesday morning, striking him violently
over the head with -It club, and then
knocking him down. Perkins at once
drew a pistol and shot him twice, killing
of the dbed, the perp'etintor'gave him
self up quietly-to the proper authorities ;
but the affair has caused a stir which
has not been ,known-there. for many a
year. .
THE CAUSE OF Fr.—One and the main
reason why the war for the suppression
of the staveholding Rebellion has not
been more successful is,
the Go
vernment at Washington has not only
the Rebels jn the Aeunded States to
contend against, but a powerful and welt
organized'pro'slaiery party in the North
who call themselv,es 'l:lemocrats."
These latter, though: they profess 'to be
loyal, havei'from The :srart, been giving
all tlie aid and comfort possible to their
pro-slavery brethren South, by the most
bitter and vindictive opposition to the
Administration. • The leading politi
cians of the border States, too, have
thrown all the weight of their influence,
consistently with tliel 4 r 'personal safety,
in favor of The Rebels. Had the north
ern people acted as a unit in putting
down the rebellion the war would have
been closed ere this.
The Washington Republican states that
Count Mejan, who was accused by Gen.
Butler as baying acted as banker to Jeff
Davis in keeping the money which went
to pay for clothing for the confederate
army, and which Money was paid over
to the rebel contractor after the inves
tigation of the lion. Reverdy Johnson,
has been dismissed from his post as
Consul at New Orleans, and M. Fan
connet has been recognized by our go
vernment,_,This was done by. M. Mer
cier, the French Minister, .after exami
nation of the record of Mejan's acts, and
without any otheir attibn'en the part of
our government except the presentation
of the case.
EATING Boasc-FLEso : A letter •has
been received in Washington from - an
unconditional Union lady; resident of
Nashville, Tennessee, stating that When
Wheeler cut off the supplies to Bose
cran's army, our soldiers had to live off
of horse flesh for forty hours. The
cheerfulness with which these brave
men submitted to this "military necessi
ty," and the courage with which they
met Bragg's army, is a triumphant refu
tation of the base slander circulated by
the copperheads, that the soldiers desire
peace on any term. .
have come within" the United States
lines on the Potomac, state that many
of the slaves are carried away and sent
South. The greater Portion, hoivever,
on the long neck of landletween the
Rappahannock and Potomac, have al
ready "Made their esCape within the Uni
on lines; bringing with them
. their"inas" -
tors' teams and other property. "'nor
avail themselves of the night for their
Winchell, State Geologist of Michigan,
reports that the , whole central.. area or
that State, embracinglB7 townships, or
6,700 square miles, is underlaid by coat
seams,‘ranging'in thickneas from three
to five feet. Mines &ye . - been opened
in several places ,. ; Jackson and.
one at Corntina, which last year yielded
over 25,000 tuns. The coal resembles
that in the Illinois beds ;n quality,
GOOD FOR TEE NAVY,-it appears from
informatitin derived from the Navy De*
partment that the proceeds`from seizures
which have been made by the navy
amount to about $40,000,000, nearly
enough to to defray the entire expenses
of the Department, thereby making it.
eelf-sustaining. The amount expeisded,
last year wa5.541,000,000.