P. BAKER, Editor and Preo•pri ~ tcor_ VOL NINE. - MrsLisa= MEEKLY AT ONE DOLT FAR A YEAR, SAYABLE IN ADVANCE. OFFICE on Front Street, a few doors, east of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, Marietta, Lancas ter aohnty, Pennsylvania. Taksis, One Dollar a year, payable in ad vance, and if subscriptions be not paid within six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 well be charged. No subscription received for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discon tinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to noti fy a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. Any person sending us F/VE new subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.' Anyeartsula 'RATES; One square (12 lines, or less) al cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col umns, five cents Marriages and Deaths, the simple.announcement, FREE; but for any additional lines five cents a line. A liberal dedu ction made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. Jos Patrrnso of every description neatly and expeditiously executed, and at prices to suit the times. THE CHILDLESS MOTHER. With one hand pressed against her head, This, to herself, the lady said: But Sorrow cannot always weep, Nor Grief be ever making moan I For tears will dry, and-sighs will sleep, And Memory be left all alone ; 4o pace the chamber of the mind— With .gloomy shadows overcast— And waif she can solace find, Among those pictures of the past, With which it everywhere is hung, The living mingling with the dead ; And round the shifting circle swung So quick—l jook on all in dread. Thus ever on the past I gaze, What was, still linked to what is now, Like one, whe in a wildering maze Goes reund about, but knows net how ; I sleep! but in my love awake, Still feel sibout for him in bed, Shifting my arm, as if to make A pillow for his pretty head, And in my dreams again I fold My darling closer to my bosom;; Then wake to find the spot is cold Where nestledVticc my blue eyed blossom. His form In many a thing 1 see, In many a sound I seem to hear him Calling, as he once called to me, And start, as if I still were near him, As when I hummed some plaintive ditty, Of babes who in the woods lay dead, And woke his childish tears of . pity— The dilly happy tears we shed. Quiet doth now the kitten lie, Which he in turn 'did tease and nurse ; It played about when he was by : Stilt is the creaking rocking horse, Of which I did so oft complain, When mounted there he shook the floor Oh! could I have thee back again, My child I I ne'er would murmer more ; That rockieg awoke the bird, And it would sing, and thou wouldat shout Until the very house seemed stirred; Now-11 sad silence hangs about, Made sadder if that poor bird sings ; I fix my eyes upon the door, For back Another voice it brings, Whose music I shall hear no more. Worse than a desert unto me My garden .seems ; I sit for hours, And all the while I only see A little coffin filled with flowers ; And then sometimes I sit and mend The giirments in thy gambols torn ; And while I o'er them fondly bend, Forget they will be no more Worn ; Think how this'rent was made in play, A...il that while climbing on my knee; And then I throw the work away, And clasp my hands in misery. The mat on which thou knelt'st to pray, My folded hands enclosing thine, I now bow down on thrice a day; To me it is a holy shrine; I doze at times, and Fancy brings His footsteps sounding on the stair ; His little hands untie my strings, His busy fingers pull my hair; And then I waken with a start, And wonder how the inward, eye Makes such a fluttering at the heart, Then say, "This love can never die." I fondly hoped I should'have seen Thy children gathering round my knee ; Pictured the comfort they'd have been In my old age to thee and me, 'Witt► her thou to tby heart wouldst fold ; But'while I eat and wove the chain In fancied links of lengthening gold, It suddenly was [mapped in twain. I saw.thee in my dreams last night. Sitting beside a starry gate, Other children robed in light, Who for their mothers seemed to wait, Ali if ; they feared to go alone, Where golden pillars stretched-away, Lost in the brightness of a throne; And in my dreams I heard thee say, r 4 My mother now will'soon be here; She is already on her way.,l And then I seemed to enter there, And thou didst lead me by the hand, And to an angelviamed my name, Who by the starry gate did stand ; And while I hung my head in shame, And feared he woul6 not let me in, I heard these pleading words from thee— f,Angel my mother's greatest sin, While upon earth, will; loving nie ; And then ;ve knelt at his feet, While heavenly mejsic 'pia to sound ; And yoices, for this earth too sweet, Antherq'd within, " The lost is found!'; unit Vtrouglintia gourital: gatboteb. to prlitits, Yiteraturt,. Ntititurt, Netos , of fly Pag, t,otal aJatttligtirct, IVc. One the gra:Veit rarstakes In our dress lathe very thin coveringef our arms and legs. No phySielogist can doubt that, the extreniites require as much covering as the body. kfruitful source of disease ; of congestion in the head, chest, and abdomen, is found- , in the na kedness of the arms and legi, irhich'pre vents a fair distribution of the blood. A young lady has just asked me 'what she can do for her very thin arms. "She says she is ashamed of them. I felt of them through thellfin 'lace Covering, and found them freezing cold. I asked her, what she supposed would make muscles grow, "Exercise," she, replied. "Certainly but exercise make them . grow only by giving them more blood. Six months of vigorous excise would do less to give those naked, cold, arias circula tion 'than would a single . month, weal they warmly clad." The value of exercise depends upon the temperature of the muscles. A cold gynatiassium is unprofitable. Its tem perature should be bet Ween sixty and seventy, for the limbs should be warm. I know that our eervant.girls and black- smiths, by censtrt and f vigorous, ex ercise, acquire large, fine arms, in spite of their nakedness. And if young la dies will labor as - hard from morning till night, as do these useful classess they may have as, fine, arms ; bat even then it is doubtful if they would get rid of their eongestions in the 'head, lungs, and stomach without more dress upon the, arms and legs. Perfect health depends upon, perfect circulation. Every_ living thing that has the latter, has the former. Put year hand under year dress upon your body. Nei put your hand upon your arm. If_ you .find the body is warmer than the arm, you have lost the equili brium of circulation. The head' 'too much blood, producing headache or sense of fullness; or the chest has too much blood, producing cough, rapid breathing, pain in the side, or palpita tiou of the heart ; or the stomach has too much blood, producing indigestion or the liver has too mph • bleed, pro ducing some disturbance: or the bow els have too much blood, produning constipation or diarrhoea.. Any or all of these difficulties are temporarily relieved by immersion of the feet or hands in hot water, and they are per manently reiieved by such drdis and ex; ercise of the extremities as " will make the derivation . permanint. Again I say the e.xtremites require as much clothing as the Liddy. Women should dress their arms and legs with one or two thicknesses of knit woolen garments Which fit them. The absur dity of loose floWing sleeves and wide spread skirts, I will not discuss. Do you ask why the arms and legs may not become accustomed to expo ure like the face. I answer, Go s d:has provided the face with an immense cri culation,because it must be ciposed. A distinguished physician -of Paris declared, just before his death, ."I be lieve that during the-,twenty-six ; years I bare practised my ,prolnssiorr ip this city, twenty thousand children ; have been , borne to the cemeteriti,,a ; sacrifice to the absurd custom, of paked:arfns." lt r ken in Harvard many years, ago, : l .heard the distinguished Dr. J.. C. ,Warren say,, "Boston sacrifices ft veji,unOrettbabies every year, by not clothing their arms." Those little arms should have thick, knit woolen, warm sleeves extending from the shoulder to the hand.—Dr. Die Lewis. iir The convention of Western paper manufacturers hold their first-meeting in Chicago, on the 3d tilt. ; and their pee , and on the 23d ult. At the latter.t,here were exhibited several samples of ,pnlp_ made from straw, horn, husks,.,sorglium and bass-wood. The experiments are to be prosecuted to a more successful test. Messrs. Butler and Hunt, at St. Charles, and Mr. Beardsley, at Elkhart, and two mills at Beloit, Wis., are en gaged in efforts to introduce a cheaper article for the manufacture of paper than rags afford. There are thirtyt•fiVe paper mills in five of the North western States. • - !Er A precocious youth : in a country town in thia State had arrived at the age of nine years, when his fathei sent him to school, tie stood beside , the tea C her to repeat the letters of the alphabet. "What's that ?" ; "That's a. harrer," ciferated the urchin. "No, that's A." "A." "Well, what's the- nest ?" "Ox yoke." "No, ith3' Be' " ''Faint neither ! It's an ox-yoke. Grochj..alt'hemlock ! Think I•doullnew Tz,'" 1 - 1t : 1:::,4 - titt.. - .,,..,...: . - i . .,,,-41 . , MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY . ,24,1863. A Word about Arms. Yolitoness Neetsg.arybnoutFrieulls, . The common fallacy.is, that intimacy 'dispenses - With the - necessity of po4e ness. The truth is just the opposite of this,. 'The morapoiets of , contact :there are,,.the more danger of friction there is, and the more carefally..sheuld people guard 'against it. 'lf you 'sees manenly .once a•month, it is not* •of so vital 'im portance that you( do not trench-on his rights, tastes, or Whims. He can' bear to be crossed or annoyed• occasionally. It he doss not have a very high regard Tor you, it is comparatively unimportant becatise your paths,are senerally so di verse. lint you and the man with whom you dine every day have it in your pow er tO mike each other exceedingly nn conifortable.• A•'very little dropping will weer away rdek„ s if it only keep at it. The thing that you Would not think of if it occurred 'only twice a year, be comes an intolerable '` , briftion when it happens twice, a day. r.rhis is where husbands and wives ran aground. They take too much for granted. If they would but seethat they , have.somathing to gain, Bernet:l3lns to save, as,,well u something to enjoy r itmottld be better for them,; but they proceed on the as ., •, , as sumption, that . thei r love is an inexhans tibia tank, and hot a fenntain depending for its supply 66,the strenni lee into it: . 817 Tor every little annoy ing habit; or weakneSs, er fault, they draw on the tank without being careful to keep the.supPly open, tin they aWa'.ze one morning to' find the puinp; 'dry, and, instead 'of leve, at best, 'nothing beta cold habit of complacence. , On the con= trary, the more intimate friends become, whether married or unmarried, the retire scrupulously should they strive te ',re press in themselves,everytbing annoy ing, and to cherish- botk in themselves and each ,other everything, pleasing.— ; While each should draw on. Ida lova to neutralize the faults of his friend,, it is suicidal to draw on his friend's love to neutralize his owe faults. "'Love should be cumulative, since it cannot be sta tionary: If it does not incredse, it de. creases: Love, like confidence, 'is a plantlorslevr growth,'and of most exotic fragility. It must be constantly' and tenderly cherished. Every noxious:and foreign element musk• be, carefully re-' moved from M.. 4.lLeunshine, and sweet ana mornieg dews, and ev,ening, showera must breathe upon it perpetual fragrance, or it dies,intoa ,bideoua.And , repulsive deformity, fit only to be cast out arid- trodden under foot -cot men, while; properly cultivated, it is a Tree of Life.—Atlantic llforithiy. Tom THUMB'S , MABBIAGH i 8 the irre= presSible Barniiro43 last bid for a sensa tion, and his success in getting lorig ar ticles about it in the morning imperil promises a new and money-making de; monstration of Barnurnism. As the sto ry is now put forth, the famous : Bridge port dwarf, who worth skcpol hundred. thousand, .has fallen in, love with her., dwerfship, Miss. Lavinia Warren, the last "card" of, the, Museum, a44.peremp- , torily demands her hand in marriage. = He is here to urge his suit, and having been:cbnditionally accepted' 'by the lit tle.thing; las sent to 'her parents; at Middlebdrough; for- their ' consent.. To intensify the present attra6tione - of Miss Lavinia, wbo is not drawing the crowds that were anticipated, it is given out that General Thumb will not allow 'La vinia to be exhibited for money after their marriage, but will immediately convey her to Europe, there to be troduced to his old friends,. the illustri ous crowned heads. All this, you : will, notice, sounds very Barnnnaish, and will probably be followed- by public mar riage of the dwarfs on.the,stage, (at the, Academy of Music, perhaps,) with .a great crowd to visit the characteristic coup di theatre. Thep, of course,' the diminutive pair will be. induced, for a fabulous sum, to - appear together 'at the Museum, whither all New York will 'go to see them. 'With Urebsterian perti-` nacity, Mr. Bainuen 6 Still•lives.".z-- New"' York correspondeqe of the Press: UNDER wench soldier, who first smelt gunpowder at the, ppl*) of; Solferino, thus describes his , sematioria "How each shot. electrifies, you. 1 Itcis, like .a whip, oeL krauer's lop .. '17,4 balls whistle past you, turn up . tbo, ; earth_arourl, kill one, wound another, and you hardly notice theta, ,You toxicated, the stnell of gunpowder mounts to . your brain. The .eye be comes bloodshot, and the look is fixed upon the ' enemy. There is something' of•all tlid passions - in 'that: terrible sion:isdited iu a soldieit,sy the, sight of and the tumuli orbattle. Home 'Mutts, Thaelrerai never Spoke, truer ,words than in describing the doMestic (one otwhona we haveirk.ourmind'eye,) which. le doss in,the folloaing language: "For his rule, Over his family and -for tiiVACtUfltlet to his - wife anil children, subjects over whom hispoWer. is monar chial, • any one who watches the world must think, with. trembling . ? of the , ac count which, many mark .41411 hava.to render. oln sour society ',there is .no law -to 'control, the kin& of moonbeams_ on., the stormy sea lights up our . darkenedhearts - and • lend - to the 'surro unding gloom' a beauty so and SO - "iweet, that AviCtvottl'd not:' if wecdtild, dispel this darkness' that environs it."' - ' ' 4. - moug theitiangers on •thufloor of the United; States, House of Itepre sentatiyes,!:me day last week, was a rebel, prisoner, a,, contain of Mr.. Ciarnett,.of Virginia ; who need r to make fi:re-eating, speeches • in Congress. ~prisoner. was one of Stuart's Cavalry, and out from the'Old Capitotprison .on parole. -As he was not known 'by - the dOrekeePer,.he . was admitted to the'floor of the HonsO to see kfr. Wickliffe, of Kentucky; who is lame, and cannot go ontsido'to see' callers. Some oUe speedily recognized' the prisoner aian old' fire-eater and a deorekeePer went up to him and: asked if hp, was or. a rebel. Tie ac- Ifnolvledgfsdthathe was: "I am out on. parole," "and a d—d Mean parole it Xankee 'parole where ripen': the doorkeeper • thought it _was about time irivite'him out of the hall. The Feace bje.mocikt.' ts present, if .. they, , had known the'facti, would; doubtless, homed:wiled , him:to take a seat-oflhonor %Mont : • - * fr,Tlt4re'are lesi! Otte e.igh,,ty,-fiir,e, in Sew "VikcitY t r . nativeilofais 'many difyiiiltit stir Soldiers don't win laurel-leaves byleaket of absence*. T. :,;..r gar Tlie.eneSpest laisryers—Keep . In one's own counsel. EE ta,lolioliecl April 11, le34_, Gentleman, Courtships. = BY LmiY—iLiss.r•divN =I 1. gEN.F4V , PoNDTIPT Thertis no .character more contempt ible irbat is called a general lover. He can, have no manliness , of mind, and . resigns all pretensions to dignity. He is an imitator,, and commonly, a.7ery poor one, of the vain and heartless who have gone before him. He is generally laughed at by r both sexes, •and what would be.most annoying. to his self-com placency, ,by those whom he seeko,to conquer. No one -thinks seriously about`hini, e.r:cept,Whensubegods, in peace of som l e,iictim to. his selfishness and vanity. A young wan:should be .very careful hoyir ae , gasconades in the,presence - of ladie s , .he--boasts •of his ipmlifica ,tions beihey what they may, .his, fair critics, will 'be .sure-to find out "his real ,prptentiona, 'They are quick_ ; to intui tion in mattersofthis-nature, and ,their skill in making e. fop and aiboastertridi enious„is far granter tban, that possessed by men. 11t, who is in the,habit of talk ing before the-fairsex of his aecomplish merits,,courage,_comsexions, and especi ally of his gallantries, is,, generally a weak and not very—truthful pretender, aiidthose.who hear, lino* an - cl test •liim To enter with- seeming candor into the4ocietYAof ladies; and tlien to mis lake the Mere ittheliitieS of geed `breed: ing forepecial attention's, is the part of pitiable-vanity, bat'ioi affect to 'mistake encYlsiminoss for feelings:of deeper in terestyandlhen Make these assumed conquesti, - the subject of beasting in other quarters, irtlie part of a mean and dishOnotabie man, in whose face the Me nials of respectable families should be instructed to shit the door. He is be neath the attention of l ftthers ~and bro. tlors, and the natural, protectors :of weakness and innocence.. ; DRESS In dress, a lover, must be, guided by his good sense and taste ; more,than by any rules.which cen"b&laid.down. tremes„hOwever, should be avoided. 7 . 7- ExCessivp elaborateness in :dress is eh., Whea:e iniereedse is frequent and confidential, while caridespnesi is disre spectful; 'it would be ridiptdous to see a 'young' man dressed out on every, visit ac for a levee day, or,drawingLroom ; bat certainly it would not be complimenta ry to appear-always' in undresi,*as if the trouble, of rnoderete decoration was more then the ,occasion , ,required:An elegant and manly simplicity,; is' per haps the best standard; particularly where_ the lady has ' discernment and taste. . i'aorosan TO TRE• LADY. When a young man admires a lady, and thinks her society necessary to ,his happiness, it is propper before commit ting himself, or ipduCing the obje4of his admiratiot 'to do so, to apply to her Parents-Or Guardians for permission to address her ; this is a beetimitii Mark of respect, and.the circumstances must be very peCuliar which. would' jest* a de viation fibinthis'course. This Mode of proceeding , peifectly consistent 'with the lighest , regard; and' moreover indij cotes. air :honorahle mid delicate eon.; cern for the feelings and' happintisi the lady, , Should - pa s reats or .guardivis prove Unreasonable'or obstinately hos tile„ it will still be a Bourse of ,satisfac- . tion, and will prevent subseqibt r . e 7 pioacb, that no point'of , reiPectful and, honorable observance has.hee.n wilfully omitted. 'There. is no rnle without an exception, especially in matters of the heart, and there may be Circumstances in which an: attacliinent is - formed, 'so rapidly and, imperceptibly, that,„the affections are engaged and mutual pledges virtually- if not . actually exchanged, before any"con- siderations a, prudence home had time to be weighed. This State. of things is always .undesirable, #tough perhaps not alyeays ,to be, guarde'd against., When matters have proceeded the length de scribed, it then becomes 'the gentleman to lose no timeirr: communicating with , the parents or guardians of the young , lady, frankly - stating Eisfir / isheiCand ma king known his pretentious and prop- Everithing .secret and. tmac,knowl edged is to beaVoided, as the reputation of a :clarifiestine .intercourse 'is always more or lass injurious ,throngh life. The romance evaporate% but,thememory of indiscretion sliviies.: tr We cannot -have all things our own wep•; some things must be' alloired to Gods way. • ' • igar liatidiufffriltipi4bj tliehumairsysteilf. ' NO. 26. An ExereMut Custom. In'Munich, Gennep, all boys fourid .in'thelstreetS 'asking 'aim's, are taken to an asyltuiri-ostafilished !or -that purpose. As soon rerthey enter the 'dOor, and be fore having - been cleaned, Or their dirty clothes removed, a partraii, of each one is taken, rapiesentingi him in the -same form as when -found begging. When the ,portrait is finished, he is • cleansed, and'presented with - a new and neat suit of clotks... After going through a rogn lar course of education, appointed by the directors ,of the asylum, they are put to lemma trade, at:which they work untilsthey have earned enough to liqui date all; their ,expetses , froth the first day they entered the institution: When this is completed, -they are dismissed from the institution, to gain their own livelihood. At the same time, the por -trait,•taken•ilten' they first entered, is presented- to- them ; which they swear they will preserve as long as they live, in order that they may remember the abject condition froth which they have been redeemed; and the obligations which they aro under to the institution for having saved •them . from misery, and given them the means of 'feeding them selves for the fittarei • - ' Guini Thr tho Notions. There was,a fellow who, unfortunate ly for himself and family, from being a pretty, good - husband, took to drinking, and soon became an idle, trifling: raga.- bona. Coming home 'one night, after haviui, as qual,,been on,a debauch, he began to call IttStilyL wire! wife! I say, give ,me some supper !" ir• The poor wife who, while she could do so provided food for the family by her own, toil.; informed ,him, with tears in her 'eyes, that there was nothing to make a supper out. of. . "What," said he, "haven't you a piece of cold meat?" "No -, • : "Give me a crust of bread; then." lle was told there was nothing. "What !`'have you nothing—nothing?" "Nothing -at all," replied the poor wife, not,even a crumb."•' ' After a pause-. 1 -"Very well, very well•! give me a - clean plate;lnife and fOrk. By ilipiterl. I will go through the motions anyhow, if-I starve after wards 1" , AN- ISLANb bF SALT.—The salt-works that Oom:Buchanan attempted to des troy at' Pbtit Anse, Western Louisi ana, proved' to - be' only , a• storehouse for rock Silt, which constitutes almost the bilk of the iiland. The discovery of this. remarkable 'salt-mine has only recently beep made. The immense val ue of this mine of wealth can scarcely be realized. A millon ;dollars was offered to its owner by company ef•persons in the neighborhood, but refused. This island of salt—possibly three or four miles long and one -wide, of irregular form, and covered• from: fifteen to 'twenty feet with rich shil—bears on its surface immense pecan and live oak trees.— Some'soo prisons= and deserters have from, time ,to time come , iato posses sion of @am. Buchanan ; also large quantities of sugar; also 300 baler cif'c'otton,. and some other articles of vaine, Comma Evaicrs.- r --We notice that some very knowing,wiseacres are already busy in predicting what may , anti what may not occur daring the year upon whihh have just entered. - WithOut countenancing their correctuess we in sert the following spec'imen's of their sfactithess: .asserted that the year 1863 will be .a very eventful - one—to every maiden who gels married.— Throughout the whole course of the moon wanes. the night become dark. Whoever falls in love this year will think his Ysweetheart an angel—and whoever gets married will find nut whether its true or not. He that loses his hair this year will be bald—and be that loses his wife will certainly be a widower. SEURP PRACTICE.-At the poorhouse in Pittsfoid. Massachusetts, two pau pers, respectively sixty-seven and fifty four-years;of age, were recently married. The.reason,given by the overseer of the poor for this proceeding t is .that he was crowded for room, and gained the use of 'an apartment by the-marriage. „Sr Good diet makes healthy children and the. South Sea Islanders think that. healthy children make good diet. 4 sir There -ia a Mali in Virginia who is, ,so aristocratic that he has cut lus own acq . uaintance.