The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, January 03, 1863, Image 2

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    the 4ttatiettiatt,
_fit ll
Messrs. MATHER & ABBOTT, No. 535
Broadway, New-York, are duly authorized to
act for us in soliciting advertisments, &c., and
receipt foLthe same.
ate' A correspondent of the Tribune
says tbat,"the French Government has
decided to act alone in the matter of
mediation, and to offer to the President
of the United States the same proposi
tion which has been made to England
and:Russia, trusting to his judgment to
pronounce upon its merits and its prao
ticability. That document will be ac
companied by a letter from Dronytt 'de
Mays, stating; in substance, that the
Emperor believes the proposition'of an
armistice an no way injurious to
the interests and honor of the United
States, but, on the - contrary, eminently
useful; that it is not his intention to
press it upon the Federal GoVeinment,
which alone can determine the time
when the friendly offce . of France may
be accepted." .
tir The fulmination of Jeff Davis
against Geneal Butler and the Presi
dent's proclamation has the first effect
to derange the programme upon which
the exchanges of prisoners have hereto
fore taken place. , The orders and
threats of the great outlaw are directly
in violation of the cartel, and the first
impulse of the Government was to ter
minate all proceedings under it. It had
been merely agreed to make a general
exchange, including soldiers, political
prisoners, and sutlers; but until Davis
shall satisfactorily explain his inten
tions, all commissioned officers in our
hands shall be retained, and only pri
,and non-commissioned officers
given up.
The feeling of thelnhabitants of
Norfolk against the blacks is of the
most malignant kind, aad ap the first of
January approaches it seems to become
even' more intense. On that day they
anticipate an insurrection in Norfolk.—
The colored population are making pre
parations for a procession 'in honor of
the day, in which is is said nearly five
thousand negroes will • participate.—
From their general aspect, however, of
careless cheerfulness, there does not ap
pear to be anything of . a serious nature
in contemplation, The obducary of the
rebels deserves the 'penalty of mortifi
cation that this prooe,saioa will bring to
them. ,
Cr Miss Jamieson, a beautiful young
lady in New York, by accident bad a
leg'broken 'hist spring. Dr Grayson at=
tewded the patient, and another acci
dent worse than the first occurred—the
patient tind - physician fell in love with
each other. Naturally, his visits were
frequent; and when the patient was
weft; Dr. Grayson asked Mr. Jamieson
for his daughter. Mr. Jamieson re
fused, 'and Dr. Grayson brought in a
bill for two hundred and eighteen visits
at two dollars each. As the saying is,
Dr. - Grayson had him there, and Mr. Ja
mieson, disposed to get out of the busi
ness as , cheaPly as possible, gave his
daughter and took a receipt. •
tlar When the celebrated Haydn was
asked how all his sacred music was so
cheerful, the great composer. replied
"I cannot make it otherwise. I write
according to the thoughts I feel ; when
I think upon God, my heart is so full of
joy that ihe notes dance and leap as
it were from my pen ; and since God has
given me a cheerful heart, it will be par
doried•in me that I serve him with a
cheerful spirit:"
Three of the released pollee corn
misgionars of ,13altimore , have brought
sultligainst Simon Cameron, for illegal
arrest ,
,imprisonment, the damage
being laid at $20,000 in each case ; and
alsq.lkitaphed the property and interest
of klr. Cameron, in the Northern Cen
tral„railaray company, t,J abide the re
,of said stilt.
a r &kid yoor little child to bed hap
py.' 'Whatever cares press, give it a
warm good-night kiss as it goes to its
pillow. The. memory of this, in the
stormy- years which fate may have in
store for tlielittle one, will•be like Beth
lehem's star to the bewildered shep
Ctir At St. Paul, Minnesota, on the.
26th uIU 0,, thirty-eight condemned
dials were hung, The gallows was so
constructed that all the condemned fell,
at °Ace. Sevieral thousand, spectators
were in., -- 4 1 tRpclinpe. All passed off
ar The London Son has justflusait:
sold at, auction for-02420. - Itis'one of
the tfliteit l eveuiag papers in Louden?
having - Leda eStablished in 1792.'"
Or i oN 4EI 144,04 . Fr4Pe, the,,,
k n no veli4t,,a,p oildr)
d Pie. I,lth of, liecen
CA! ii sr :-. '; ~. - , -
ear The French army and its military
superiority, does not make much pro
gress towards the Mexican capital than
our armies do towards Richmond.—
Since the check at Puebla, it has re
mained nearly in the same spot unable
to advance a step. Without the means
of transportation, it has to lie almost
within sight of the stores the army needs
but unable to possess itself of them.--
The Mexicans are fortifying. the coun
try, and endeavoring to make a stout
resistance. This may not avail a great
deal against the French army, for the
latter have now an army in the field
much larger than that with which Gen.
Scott marched victoriously from Vera
Cruz to the city of Mexico..
air Col. Cowman, of Boston, hag ful
filled his contract to clear the-harbor of
Sebastopol of sunken ships, bat the
,work not having been performed within
the time specified, the Russian govern
ment seized and confiscated all ;the
property accumulated by him, even .the
smallest articles, as well la--allt,he appa
ratus sent by him from the United States
the value of which would be not less
than $300,000. This, act of the Russiab
governmeat, has left him nothing," ex
cept numerous honors, conferred by the.
Czar of Russi.i, thee Sultan of Turkey,
Victor Emanuel, and the Emperor Na
poleoa. He loses six years labor.
Er The romantic story about Gener
al Burnside being a tailor's apprentice,
and receiving his appointment' as a West
Point cadet from Secretary Caleb
Smith, then member of Congress from
Indiana, is a canard made out Of whole
cloth. Burnside's father was a wealthy
and influential man ; ' the - eon never
mended breeches for a living, but assist
ed his father in the clerk's . offic - e, of Uni
on county, Indiana . , and the cadetship
was secured - through Oliver 11, Smith,
then member of Congress from that
Cr A Cincinnati paper of Dec.'l7th,
says: Yesterday morning, Squire Ben
jamin Eggleston, of this city, a venera
ble gentleman, whose hairs are silvered
with the frosts of sixty-five winters, was
arrested by constable Lewis Reese, and
arraigned before Justice Hanipton, in
South Covington, on thee - charge of kiss
ing Miss Lavina Fenton, a 'young and
beautiful lady, contrary to her ivishes.----
The Squire was fined and`coilts for
lhe offence.
Or John S. RarY, who was sent by
Gen. Halleck to examine into thil :con
dition of the horses in ; the artily, of the
Potomac, has
_made his report.- He
says that the cavalry horses suffer most.;
that the artillery tomes are somewhat
better; and thatthe mule
_teams, are in
good condition. He thinks the_ great
cause' of deterioration is the want• of
skill, judgment and care, in the rider
who attends to the horse. Altogether
the animals are in better condition than
he expectpd.
ar Ohio will'pay the January inter
est on her bends in gold, notwithstand
ing'the high premium. Illinois will do
likewise,laVing collected her State tax
in geld. Massachusetts has required the
same thing to be done by statute. New
York, the boasted "Einpire State,"`hed-
Rates, since she'has fallen under Dodo
crate sway, and it is said her January
interest will perhaps be . paid in depreci
ated paper currency.
cr Petroleum : ; gas has been- intro
duced into the St. Nicholas Itotel, New.
York, by J. 'E. ThomPson,' of Toronto:
With crude petroleum .at fifty cents a
gallon, this proprietorst:'estimate' that
they will make a saving of $16,000 per
azineur,in their gas bills. TheManhist.
tan company charged them nearly $33,-
000 a year. • . •
lEr Scurvy and Scrofulds Eruptionir
will soon cover the bodies of those
brave men fighting their country's -bat
tles: Night air, bad food, And drench
ing rains will make.ead havoc with the
strongest, therefore-let every imam sup
ply himself with Holloway's Oibtment.
it is a certain cure for every kind of skin
disease. Only 25 cents per Pot. 215
ilgr It is said that one of the ,Causes
of the high price of
,printing paper is
owing to the fact that manufacturers
hail . ; commenced "working, up cotton
rags into shoddy for various... fabrics in,
which cotton was heretefore used. This
has increased the Brice of rags:
ar A State' Sorghum , Convention is
to be held in Coldnibiis, ()hip, on the
6th' of January. It is estimated that
12,000,000 gallons - of syrup have been
made, during the past-year by some 10,-
000 mills. The retail
, Prioe'rafigee from
fifty to sixty cents per gallon.
cr The relieving of 'General Butler ,
from command at New Orleans, was for•
the 'purPose of giving' him an important
Command in the field, where his services'
doubtless' redotirid to the glory of
his country and his own honor.
!;I . spateh, i 12 . , the New Tork
lkiine asserts that Mr. Thprlow Weed
,denies OM" he has-sold-the-AlbanyEve-
Ong-Janina! to Mr. Van 'Dick, ~o r 'any
' • ' - • - ••
apj.putkuildinga of;
Aately .biu„neil,by;Aissossling: parLy, ofi
.+5 •
The Albany Evening Journal says
that Alfred Ely is the congressman who
has been procuring military commissions
for fees. lie is accused of taking $250
from a young man for a commission in
the navy, on the false pretense that it
was necessary to buy off .a competing
candidate with that amount. In an
other case he took $4OO for , procuring
a commission ota low grade:
- -
Recent information from the Chero
kee Nation discloses a shocking state of
affairs there. The loyal and disloyal
Indians are slaughtering one another,
the Government is severed, and a new
one is organized by the' Confederate
party, width is in the Minority..
Rev. H. C. Fish, D. b., of Newark,
N. J., has taken the fifty dollar premi
um offered through the ,Observer and
Independent for the beettreatise on pro
fsnity. The selection._ was Anade'from
about, one hundred manuscripts, and this
is the third premium which the same au
thor has taken.
Prentice. of the Louisville Journal,
his a son in the rebel army. A friend
meeting him in • Dixie, ou his way to
Louisville, asked him what he should
say to his family. Be replied, "Tell
father that I am fat, Saucy, and rebel
A purchaser of old papers bought of
Mr. Daniel ilyde, of Ellington, Conn.,
complete files of the Hartford Weekly
Courant for seventy-two years. Mr,
Hyde, who is 92 years of ,age, has care
fully preservld each year complete.
Paris Spinello, a Tuscan painter, is
said to have painted Lucifer, in his pic
ture of the fallen angels, in so 4iduoiis
a manner that he was affrighted at his
own work, and, affected ig his Wawa
ever after.
Garibaldi has just been elected an
-honorary member of the Swiss patriotic
association called the Helvetia. Dr.
Nelaton, the French surgeon who went
to Italy to treat- - Garibaldi's 'wounds,
to be presented a valuable gold box by
the Italian sympathizers in Paris.
Miss Lavinia Warren, a young lady
21 years of age, weighing 29 pounds, and
measuring 32 inches in hight, from Mid
dlnborii; Mass., has been stopping at the
St. Nicholas Liotel. She is spoken of
- as most graceful and symmetzical in
form, intelligent and pleasing.
The Government has information go
ing to show that one' of the transports
of the Banks - Expedition was run. Ashore
upon a reef near Turtle Bay, 'in. ,bros7d
daylight, and under other , eircurnstances
tending to show an intention to: wreck
Several telegrams of General Porter .
to Gen. McClellan have been introduced
into the McDowell trial, although Par_
tar thought he bad destroyed 'them,
which aro said. to contain startling . evi
dence of hostility toTope and contempt
for his plan of campaign.
It is reported that Attorney General
Bates . regards
. .the admission of West
Virginia . as a 'State Anconstitntional.--
His ,opinion, it is thought, will have con
siderable influence in preventing
. ; the
President from signing the bill. •
Lieutenant Henry B. Beeeher, arson
Of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher," has re
centlydistinguished himself in handling
his battery, (B. 4th Artillery) at'ti stir
mish on the Blacliwater.
Mary. Ann Rythers,ef prand Rapids,
Michigan, vas applied ..fn a.:4ecree. of
divorce from herslinsband„beeense he ,
is an officer and doing . service in theTe
bel army.
Many of the • frieas of Freedom in
New York_ spent New Year's - eve at the.
Cooper Institute 'as a' `Watch-Wight for'
Freedom. The emancipation proefigna--
tiom going into effect on the'first. •
It is now stated that the fine house
purchased for General McClellan, near
Fifth Avenue - , - was purchased by his
friends and presented to the retired
IlersebeL V. Johneon,••wbe ran for .
the Vice Presidency ~ork,thoPougjas,
ticket in 1860, has . -been , elected ; to the :
traitor_ Senate by - the 4 1_ ; ,egilatore of
Georgia. -
James;,: liitekentierty . monNieted. in
Clearfipl&county,,abont. two years ago,
orthe killing , of,-John Thompson, has
been: pardoned. by Gov. Curtin.
A Mr. Yoder, of Little `MahUnoy; in
Northumberland county; has recently
lost out of seven'ohildren, within
seventeen 'days; all'of diptheria.
A. copy of , the Richmond Dispatch,
received ,at Vrederickshurg, admits, thnt
the rebels.lost.3,so6 men in the recent
The son of tile Jutu,.Presideut Lopez
has beenunaramously,chosen.President
•of Paraguay to succeed his father. „
Liszt, the great pianist, is giving con
eerie in =Paris. is rumored that'le
will visit this 'country next fall.'
Sheridin rnowlea, the -- drateatist, ha's
just did in England, at the age of sev
enty-eight years.
Ex.-,Go t y.lliejie of Alaryland o bas beep
appejiated . s,eriater..ib.. , ..pitiee _of;
Peary , deCeltspi.‘ -
Gen. frordoran:telristi4ici n ir Jai@ sr:
lived at : Neiv :` 4r."
vi 1 . .. - .; ;, - ,A,..
..... - Z.::f.i.i'..g'..•:l ::,
a-The 'Old Soldiers" klAr's" opneLis, cua
Lyei'until next reek.
TIM Porm's CUNNING.—The following
annecdote of Pope Pius IX. is related
in a monthly review entitled Le Monde
Judiciere : "The Sovereign Pontiff,
among his other powers, enjoys that of
annulling . the wills Of his subjects. The
son of a Roman landed Foririetor com
plained to his Holiness that . his father
had bequeathed the half of his fortune,
or 40,000 f. to the, priest who, on a. par
ticular day and irva church named should
say the first mass. The Pope, not da
ring to cancel a will on account of an
act of religious insanity, adopted anoth
er plan. He went himself, at daybreak,
to the church in question, and celebra•
ted the first mass. He thus gained the;
40,000f.,-which 40,1. hen handed over to
the grateful heir." - •
ORGAN. AND PrAzio.—A new musical
instrument is mentioned in a letter from
Florence, The writer says—" His
jesty has hought a curious mtisical in
strument for . .2160, from Fummo, of Nai
,It Is neither piano nor organ, but
partakes' of the tones , andappearance of
both. In shape like a
grand. piano,
when opened` it diicovers two .rows of
keys—the,upper one is,a piano, the low
er an organ. They may be played sep
erately or together; and, a Neapolitan
professor of music, who attends, plays
duetts by hintself, and,pioduces an ex
cellent effect. He uses, his left,hand for
the piano, and his right for the organ
keys and stops."
Army Arraormarrox Bit.L.—The
House •of Representatives passed the
Army Appropriation bill, last weelr'by
an almost 'unanimous vote, the only
names recorded against it being Norton
of Ohio, May. of Maryland, and Wick
liffe of Kentucky:' Mr, - Stevens Of Penn
sylv;lik-in response to a 'question from
Vallandighilui; sitidlt contained an ag
gregate appropriation of V 131,000,000.
Even Vallandighatn` appears to have
voted for the bill. Men of every party
and shape of party voted for it. It is
pleasing at this moment to see the una
nimity with which Congress thus votes
that the army must be sustained and the
war pushed on.
young nol3leman, (the youngest son of
the Marchioness of Londonderry,) whose
freaks attracted so, much , attention in
the tnetropolis,a 'few years ago, has re
turned, tg . this country from America.—
.His lordship has come across in a sail
,vessel, which lies arrived in the .
Downs. Lord Ernest has been serving
in the Federal army under the name of
Captain Stewart ; • and rumor has it, that
he left, or was cashiered,*consequence
of a quarrel with a superior • -officer,
whose "bunkum" he resented. by admin
istering a sound .
HYDROPROBIA.—Qaite an exeitemAtt
has been 'created in the vicinity of
blooming Valley,
,Crawford connty, by
the appearance in the neighborhood of
a dog afflicted with'hydrophobia. Be
fore'he could be killed the rabid brute
bit three colts; 'a number of dogs and
seVerif head of Phttle. The dogs have
been summarily disposed of, and the
colts and cattle haVe 'died. One of the
colts; before its - death, very nearly killed
a man attending it; by rearing upon and
striking him with it fore feet. He Was
takeit up` fur udad but afterwirds reeov-
woman named Spriggs,, residing in Mc:
Oorinelsburg; last, week' gave birth to
three ebildron; The Democrat announ
ces it under theltead of "More nigger's
to fight' for,"'end the Republican under'
the head of "Ailival of inure 'Contra
bands," What is remarkable is that the
husband of thi woman is over sixey
years Of age; and has had born to him,
by two wives, 27 children F Quite a
`nice lithe. faniily for:these hard tithes,
Hurrah for the "free Amerie,anS of Afri
can dekent !"
O, • F 15 .I.uow-,cLAD.--As the
battery of our. iron-clad•rsteamer. Mon
tauk weighs thirty-five tons„it is .inter
estipg to Inow-that,her entire crew will
be less:than seventy men. An old fri
gate required n ship's company.of three
.hunitrecd naitors. and landsmen,'and a
guard,of.linatines. Phase would - man
four of the., new -Afashioned ships, and
while every 32-pounder -on the frigate
requirod the labor of twelve s e men, the
450-pounder of-Montauk is easily moved
by four. : • ~
air An Erst Indikpaper says : "We
learn from, an= esteemed coyrespendent
in Benares that some of the, wealth'
bankers in that city, piqued at the bold,
'earnestness" and iiiirtitiacity' df modern
missionaries—forcin& as it were, Chris-
tianity on them in Their very homes and
temples—have resolVed`to' originate a
rivanniseionary; society for the propa
,kation and defence of HiOdoeisni."
1f '; Miss: Richings' :loss is estimated
at $4OO by the destruetimi of Foid'e the
a,tre'sby fire,in Washington, on Tuesday..
night. The whole of her wardrobe, nfii=
sic, tc., is gene, ' All the instruments
except the " piano and the
. expensive
~sp. r riery'feephlecre*pressly forliWope
mrseason, were burned. The,total loss
MIISTARD.—The Sabramento (Call er
nia) Bee says :—There were shipped
from San Prancisco leat week, 234 bags
of mustard for New Ycirk. It is known
that the wild mustard" or the-mustard
which grows wild on - hundreds of thous
ands of acres in southern California,
counting from Santa Clara down, is su
perior to the English imported mustard.
This home mustard is in general use in
this State, and far - Many years it [Ms been
gathered by parties and shipped abroad.
The supply seems almost endless, and
the business of gathering it ought to be,
and will yet be, when labor becomes
cheaper, a leading one in the commer
cial interests of the State.
tir The impudent effort of certain
traitorous jo I/riffle Nee York to - make
an issue between the New York Courts
and the General Gpvernment, by procu
ring the indictment of Secretary. Stan
ton and his subordinates for unla'wfully
arresting Finch men as Marshal Kane,
has failed.. The Grand Jurynpon which
the pressure was brought did not see fit
to find 'au such indictment; and has
been discharged. A. movement has
been made at 13altimore, against Gener
al Wool, Hon. Simon Cameron, &c., to
try again the virtue of the habeas cor
pus writ, which appears to 'be the bul
wark, not of liberty, as it was intended.
but of those who would rather see the
Union than the South go down.
Or The Scientific American for last
week, the closing number of the volume,
contains, beside much, other valuable
matter, an illustrated article explaining.
the methods by which'. - the Great East
ern was repaired, To . eng,ineers and hy
draulic mechanics, if not to every curi
ous and intelligent reader, this number
of the Scientific- American - alone is
worth the subscription_price. The new
volume commences.witk the year.
Cr Reliable information has been re
ceived that Clairborne P. Jackson, the
deposed Governor of Missouri, died at
Little Rock, Arkansaa, about the Bth
fr; IL L. 8z R. J. ZAHM
- 13 EcREC I FULLY inform their
rfriends and the public that they
T r t, still continue the WA7'el7, CLOCI?
•.7 AND JEWELRY business at the 'old
stand, North-west Corner:of North
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Ps.
A full assortment of goods in our line of busi
ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest
cash rates. Repatrinr, attended to per
sonalty by the proprietors.
lip HE American Watches ire among the best
J timekeepers nowin use, and for durability
strength and simplikity fat' surpass any% other
watch made in the world:""'
• E. J. A - H
Corner of North Queeu-St.;and Centre- &mite
'Lancaster, Pa., have them-tor-sale at the yen
lowest rates—every watch accompanied with
the manufacturers guarrentee to ensure`its gen
. .
PLATED WARE: A Large and line stack
of Plated ware at Li; &E. .1. ZAHN'S
Corner orNortli queen street & Center Square
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Sett; in variety, Co - Wee
Urns, Pitcheis, Goblet; Salt Stand; Cake
Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks,.linives,,
Castersr&c., - &e., at manufaCturers prices.'
11.11pLATINQ at moderate
kIWELRY.—A largeli t ud selected stock of
fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the &Milky can he found at
H. L. & E. J. ZAIIM'S.
tor. North Queen:st. and•Centre 'S:quare,- Lan
caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all
goods warranted to be is represented.
can be had of & E. J. Za CO/
-Queeir-st,, and Center Square, Lanoas
ter, Pa., in.theahape of Eqn.Yibriunt Letiers—
the best article of le . ifers now in the mar
ket. zThey art/lower pried 'than tinfivatch
of equal quality andj ustas true foil-timekeeping..
PECTACLES to suit all who
),..1 can be aided with glasses,
can be bought at'H. ZA HAPS, Cor
ner - of North Queen-st.rarid Center Square,
Lant.9.ster. New glassils -refitted in old frames,
at short nctice: 1v
liollook's DandeLion Coffee.
HIS preparation, made from the ; best Java
Coffee, is mem meniled" by physicians as a
superior Nutratioies BevV46-e for Gerierill De
bility, Dyspepsia.; and anlbillous disoydors.;--
Thousands'who have been compelled to aban
don'the nee" of.dollee will use this withilutin
jarious effects. One cau:contains the,ttrength
of two pounds of 'ordinary coffee, Price 25
cents. `For R: 'Ditfenbach's:-
P. -
A fine asiortment of :Photograph w I.rn ems
A 1,13-IT MS,
ranging in price from 75 cents, to Five Dollars.
l!'or sale at DELLINGER'S'Photo:;raDh
Market, street, Marietta.. ' .
Ready:XadO• Clothing..
J. R. DIPPENBACH hiving laid in a very,,
serviceable stiicli - of'stiong and well-inade
such as Coats, Pants andffeits, which will be
sold at a lower figure than can be-bought any
where else. Come and hear:the' prices:
opposite the Court House, wllere, he will at-,
tend=to the practice of his prtifesiton in all its
various branches'. 1N0v..4 5 '59.-ly
, .
IVOTICE. All persons in Marietta know
-111 ing themselves indebted to the'undersign
ed are requested to call .upon Haan.' so,N BOTH and-settle' their aedbuiiri." I - 1.• WEST.
November 8, 1862. 15-tf
TIRFICKORY & Oak trWoOd; 60 Cords each:
11l Hickory and, Oak Wood. _Orders. mud.
be acconipanied " "with 'the 'cish'when their will
be promptly, knee. - Spangler & liatterson.
THE L argest and} bestligortment of Fancy
Cloth & Cassimeres anaveitini ever offered
in this market and_will bsold at prices which
defy coropetitltsikby, J. R. Diffenbach.
perior to anynow in use, uan.he had at the
c how - Siore'óf Diffe22l44."
for culinary purposes', *arrailtad‘genuine
H. D. Benjamin 4 - Co's:''
4 Sleig h BLAP various
3 PG6.Y niueh, I9Vel prices 'than
styles the
n-avier sr -Patterson.
I, Ergn . esoidAsst` .
CONSTANTLY on hand, lamp ofiklitielit'reE
tided Whiskey. - • ,, BeWmin-4 Co •
B" one_ of those beltptifvl S. 0,
- HATS at CA- z:r:1;"' 92 Makket,st:
Friends and Relatices of the brace
Soldiers and Sailors.
MENT.—AII who have Friends and
Relalives in the Army or Navy, should take
special care, that they be amplv supplied with
these Pills and Ointment; and where the
brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to
provide themselves with them, no better pres
ent can be sent them by their friends. They
have been proved to be the Soldier's never
failing-fiiend in the hour of need.
Will be speedily relieved and effectually
cured by using these admirable medicines, and
by paying proper attention to the Directions
which are attached to each Pot or Bog.
Sick Headache and taant.4l Appetite Incidental
to Soldiers !
Those feelings which so sadden us, usually
arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed
prespiratiop, rir eating and drinking whatever
is unwholesotne, thus disturbing the healthful
action of the liver and stomach. These organs
must be relieved, if -you desire - to do'well.—
The Pills, taking according to •the printed
instructions, will quickly produce a healthy ac
tion in both liver and, stomach, and, a' natu
ral consequence a clear head and good appeiite.
Weakness and debility induced by over Fatigue.
:Will soon disappear by the, use of these.iin
valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly
acquire additional strength. -Never let the
bowels be either confined or unduly acted
upon.', It may seem strange that Holloway's
Pills. should' be recommended for -Dysentery
and• Plux,many persons supposing that they
would increase the rehixation. 'Phis is a
grent mistake, for theSe Pills will correct the
liver and , stomach and thus remove all , the
acrid humours from the system.
_This medi
cine, will give tone and vigor to the whole
organic system however deranged, while
health and-;strength' follow as a matter of
course. Nothing will stop, the relaxation of
the Bowels so sure as this famous medicine.
Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings
can with certainty be 'radically cured if the
Pills are taken night and• morning, and the'
Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed
instructions. If treated in any other manner
they, e.ty up in one part to break out in-another.
Where is this 0 i tmen t will remove the
former from the system and leave the Patients
in vigorous and healthy man. It will require
as little perserentnee in bad eases to insure a
!eating cure.
For Wounds-either occasioned by Me Bayonet,
Sabre or the Ballek.Sores &-Briases,
To which every Soldier and Sailor are liable,
there are no medicines so safe, sure and con
veui•:nt as lloPoway's Pills and Ointment.—
The poor wounded and utmost dying sufferer
might have his wounds dressed immediately,
if he would only : proyide himself with this
matchless Ointment, which should be tbruss
into the wound and smeared all around it, then
cover nith a piece of linen from his Knapsack
and compressed with a handkerchief. Taking
night and morning C or S Pills, to cool the
sySteM and prevent inflaindimn.
Every_ Soldier's Knapsack and Seaman's
Chest should be provided with these valuable
Remedies. .
lAIL'ORTANT CAUTION !None are genuine
unless the wordS " Ilor.Loway, Mew YORK
Id LONDOrt,"- .OTO discernible as a Water -
mark in' every leaf of the book of directions,
around each pot or box the same may be
Plainly seen by holding the leatio the, light.--
A,handsome reward will be given to any one
rendering such information as may lead to the
detection of any party or parties count( rfeiting
the medicines or vending the same, knowing
their) to be spurious.
*.*Sold at the Manufactory of Professor
HO LLOW AY, SO Maiden Lane, New -York,
and tiy-all 'respectable Druggists and Dealers
in Medicine throughout the civilized world,
in pots, at 2fic. 62c. and $ l each.
N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients
in every diSorder are affixed to apla_pot.
There is 'considerable saviniFTV-ltirinr
the larger Sizes. ['Doc 20 ly
fffi c BEANE &I ROTH,
Ph l'aftiNeN, Dilei
Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Clod's,
Tooth Washes and Powders, Hair
Dyes, Patent Aredicines, Paints,
• 011, , 114ltelead, l'arn:Aes i
• D ye-Stubrs, Glass.,
and evetything usually kept in a well regula
ted apothecary.
A new and fancy lot of COAL On. Lanes—
the fisest in - the llorougliat prices to suit the
times. Larop,Tops attached to old Lamps at
short notice. Globes, Wicks, ,
always on hand.
A very convenient "IiAND LAMP" for car
rying. about the house, just received.
A nicelyselected lot of all kinds of Station
ary, EtiVelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c.,
of all grades and at all prices.
An endless vaiiety of Fancy and Toilet ar
ticles on nand.
Marietta, November 9, 1562. ly
IR. W. 11. BEANS having purchased Dr-
West's interest in the West ..St Roth Drug
busiti6s; and having loeated in the Boning':
of Marietta, for the practice of his ptofession,
would respectfully oiler his professional se:
ces to the
great pleasure in recommending War. IL
BEANE as a Physician in 'whom 1 have every•
confidence, believing that be will give satis
faction to - all who' may employ him.
Marietta,` November a, mc2,
Painter;' glazier and Paper Hango
AITOULD most respectfully inform the cit
izens of Marietta'and the public gener
ally that he . is prepared to do
Mouse Painting,
China Glossing,
M very short notice and at prices to suit the
times. He can be-found at his motner's resi
dence on the corner of Chesnut and Second
streets, a few doors ; below the. M. E. Church,
and_immediately opposite the old. Oberlin
'Coach._ Works. [Aug. 3-Iy.
HA P PF.I) Elands, Face, Lips, Suliburn,
&..c. Certain and Immediate Cure. liege
man & Co:‘.-earapilor ice with - G/ycerinc,,
used according , to tile , directions, will Jceep:the
hands soft in the, coldest weather. XPitee 25
cents. "Sold by' Druggists. Sent by mail on
receipt of 30 cents. •
Chemists & Druggists, New York.
A.VE your Silks, Ribbons, &c. , &c. Liege
' man & - Co .'t3 Concentrated Benzine, re
moves Paint, Grease,SOots, &c ., instantly, and
cleans 'Cloves„. Silks,-Ribbons, &c., equal to
i,ew ' without to:the most delicate color
or fabric; Only'26 - cenis per`bottle: Sold by
Druggists. • .
Chemists Druggigs, New York.
UTT A PLR C.FIA . LACING-withoutVA" brushing: For Boots,
.Shoes, Harness,
Carriages, and Military Leather Work. It
gives theleaihor a polish like_ patent leather,
makes it water proof, does not stain the milli
est article ofdress.and need not be applied of
tener than two` or thren times a month.
• For sale at Dr.- Landis' Drug Store.'
• A GENERAL Assortment of Hammered'
I - 1 andROLLED. 1 RON, H. S. Bars,
Norway, Nail Rods American and Gei
man‘Sprfngeand.Cda Steel, Wagon 8010.
es, Iron Axieis , Springs, ',t.c., for Smiths:
Ftir. aare by 'PATTERSON & CO.
- A. General Assortment of all kinds of
, 'Hin-gps,Sirevis, ' - Bolts, Cellar Grate,
Oils; Glass and PtittY, very cheap.
FOr Sale'atlßEANE & ROTH'S.