The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, January 03, 1863, Image 1

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    13.49.1=1=1_,it0r and Proprietor_
OFFICE on Front Street, a few doors east
of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, Marietta, Lancas
ter County, Pennsylvania.
Tarim ' One Dollar a year, payable in ad
vance, an d if subscriptions be not paid within
six months $1.26 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50
Will be charged.
No subscription received for a less period
than six months, and no paper will be discon
tinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to noti
fy a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and
25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro
fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per atinum. Notices in the reading col
umns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREE; but for any
additional lines, five cents& line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly advertisers.
Jos PRINTING of every description neatly
and expeditiously executed, and at prices to
suit the times.
C0110»bill 11011111 U, Colo*.
Of Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn'a
rrHis Company continues to insure Build
.j, tngs, Merchandise, and other property,
n gainst loss and damage by fire, on the mutu
al plan, either a cash premium of premium
The success of the Company has far ex
ceeded the most sanguine expectatiors of the
Directors, and it will be noticed by the follow
ing statement that its affairs are in a healthy
and flourishing condition.
Balance of Cash Premiums unexpended, Feb
ruary Ist, 1861, $865 IS
Cash Premiums received during the
last year, less agents' commission, $3,315 54
Interest received on money lone.'
lust year,
Losses and Expenses paid the last
year, $2,704 2
Balance of Cash Premiums unex
pended, Feb. hit, 1862,
It -11411 'be seen from the above that the
motley paid in advance for policies has oeen
sufficient to pay all losses and expenses and
leave a surplus fund of over Fifteen Hundred
Dollars, and that the Directors have never
levied any tux upon the members of the Com•
C. S. K IUFFMAN, President.
(; KORG F. YOUNG, Jr., Sectary.
MI CUAEL. 'S. SHUMAN, Treasurer.
C. S. Kauffman, Abraham Bruner, Sr.,
John Fendrick, H. G. Mink*,
Name, F. 800 tein, Michael S. Shuman,
Ephraim Hershey, Michael H. Moore,
George Young, Jr., Nichilas Mc Donald.
Amos S. Green.
REFERENCES.--The following persons
are all members of this Company:
Bainbridge--R. H Jones, John H. Smith,.
Joseph Knits. Columbia—Geo. Bog'e, Hiram
Wilson, F. S. Metz, Wrier Yeager, H. C.
Vonderstnith, John Shenberger, J. G. Pollock,
Frank Shillot, John Gaus, J. J. & P. S. Mc
'Vague, Michael S. Shuman, R. Williams,
John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise, Washington
Righter, Samuel Shoch, Robert Hamilton,
Eckert & Myers, Thomas Welsh, Win. A.
Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip
Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip Schalck,
David Hanauer, John Kilmer Jacob Stacks,
Jacob Strine, Benj. F. Appold, ' Wm. Whipper,
Juhn (4,. Denney, Juhn Felix, Silvester, Yogis,
Samuel Arms, A. Gray & Co. East Hempfuld
—Simon Minich. Falmouth—Abraham Col
lins, Samuel Horst, Michael Hess. Lancas
ter—John Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer, 'Henry E.
Leman, Wm. T. Cooper, John Sheaffer, Geo.
Reese. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehalley, John
H. Sammy, Frederick Mabling, E. D. Reath,
Calvin A. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel
Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. & F. Fletch
or. Mount Joy—Jacob Myers, Israel Barn
hart, Michael Brandt, John Breaeman.—
.3k/them—John liosteter, J. E. Cross, Sarri'L
Long, Geo. Weaver, John M. Dunlap,
butt, Philip Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, Lavid
Fisher. Maylown—Hiram Beatty, George B.
Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon F. Albright.—
owitetlle— A. S. Bowers. Manor Township
—Jacob B. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius
L. Shuman. Penn Township—Daniel Frey,
Henry B. Becker, Henry Nell, John E. Bren
ner. Itupho Township—Christiam Greider,
Edward Givens, Michael Witman. West
Ilemplield Township-li. E. Wolf, B. A. Price,
M. A. Reid, J. H. Strickler,
Amos S. Bowers,
Jacob Hoffman. Warwick Township—Daniel
B. Erb.
'r The Company wish to appoint an Agent
for each Township in Lancaster County.—
Persons wishing to take the Agency can apply
in person or by letter.
And General Machinists, Second street.,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Bleat Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and -Tanning; Brass Bearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
Pram long experience in building machinery we
tatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those 'who may favor us with their
orders. it - j -Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
With prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October .20. 1860. 14-tf
WILC 0 X , S Celebrated Imperial Ex
tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with
self•adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in
Use, Ng received at
and wilt be so/c1 at consictarabk below the
usual prices.
übtptithtut iltnitsaltania Nana! : gebotc4 to votitics, yiteraturt, 'A,gritultore, 1,164 of ti2c glag, ford( 4nttiligtott, *t.
The Battle of Autumn 186 t.
The flags of war like storm-birds Ay,
The charging trumpets blow;
Yet rolls no thunder in the sky,
No earthquake strives below.
And calm and patient nature keeps
An ancient promise well,
Though o'er her bloom and greenness sweeps
The battle's breath of hell.
And still she walks- in golden hours
Through harvest happy farms,
And still she wears' her fruits and flowers
Like jewels on her arms.
What means the gladness of the plain,
This joy of eve and morn,
The mirth that shakes the beard of grain,
And yellow locks of corn
Ah ! eyes may well be full of tears,
And hearts with hate are hot;
But even paced corde round the years,
And Nature changes not.
She meets with smiles our bitter grief,
With songs our groans of pain;
She mocks with tint of flower and lea f
The war field's crimson stain.
Still in the cannon's pause we bear
Her sweet thanksgiving psalm;
Too near to God for doubt or fear,
She shares the eternal calm.
She knows the seed lies safe below
The fires that blast and burn ;
For all the tears of blood we sow,
She waits the rich return.
She sees with clearer eyes than ours,
The good of suffering born,
The hearts that blossom_like her flowers,
And ripen like her corn.
Oh ! give to us, in times like these,
The vision of her eyes;
And make her eyes and fruited trees
Our golden prophecies!
29 35
$4,210 Oi
Oh ! give to us her finer ear
Above this stormy din ;
We too would hear the hells of cheer
Ring peace and freedom in.
$ 1,505 86
$4,210 07
Benefits to Humanity.—This is an era of
grand ideas and magnificent projects;
but, among them all, there are compara
tively few which have for their aim and
object the best interests of humanity.—
New methods of expediting business are
continually being introduced, but what
do they add to the happiness or comfort
of mankind? Nothing: One mind,
with all its powers directed to the ame
lioration of suffering, has accomplished
more for the real good of the race than
all the inventors engaged in the attempt
to abridge time and - space can never
achieve. We allude to Thomas Hollo
way, whose Pills and Ointment may be
said to be omnipresent throughout the
world. The Pills are working such won
ders in cases of confirmed dyspepsia,
that physicians everywhere are compel
led to prescribe them, and the time is
not distant when, for all diseases of the
stomach and bowels, they will be the
only preparation which any intelligent
individual will dare to use. Millions of
dollars have been expended in making
Dr. Holloway's medicines known ; and
they are known in' every land where
there is a written language. In this
country they are especially appreciated,
for there is scarcely a complaint inci
dent to our climate for which they are
not absolute specifics. Under such dr
comstances, the enormous and ever-in
creasing demand for them scarcely seems
extraordinary, although it has no paral
lel in medical history.—N. Y. Courier.
or How near akin laughter is to tears
was shown when Rnbens, with a single
stroke of his brush, turned a laughing
child in a painting to one crying; and
our mothers, without being great paint
ers, }lave often brought us, in like man
ner, from joy to grief by a single stroke.
eir It is a vain thing for you to stick
your finger in the water, and, palling it
out, look for a hole ; it is equally vain
to suppose that, however large a space
you occupy, the world will miss you
when you die.
ar The guerillas kill every man that
they even suspect of disliking them.—
They are as reasonable as the fellow who
bit off his wife's nose fog smelling his
breath when he drank liquor.
The dove, recollect, did not re
turn to Noah with the olive branch til
the second time of her going forth ; why,
then, should you despond at the failure
of the first attempt ?
Or Kirby Smith, the rebel general,
has taken possession of the residence of
Penton Brownlow, at Knoxville, as his
headquarters. _
sr The South is free from all dang
er of bread-riots, for there is no bread t
riot ibout
Cjt- .c'l,lllaTittf:alt.
Gen. Washington and the Negro.
r Many, old persons in Boston and vi
cinity can remember a colored man of
the name of Primus Hall. He had a
good deal of natural intelligence, had
amassed a comfortable property by his,
industry, and was always active in hie
efforts to promote education among the
colored people of that city.
During the war of the Revolution, he
was the servant of Col. Pickering, who
was the intimate and confidential friend
of General Washington. This circum
stance brought Primus Hall into fre
quent relations with the Commander-in-
Chief. He had a great fund of annec
dote concerning him, which he was fond
of relating. One of them conveys a les
son which may not be without useful
ness at the present time. Gen. Wash
ington often held consultations concern
ing military matters with. Col. Picker
ing. His headquarters were at a con
siderable distance from his friend's tent,
and one evening, finding they were like
ly to be occupied till a late hour, he
proposed to remain all night with the
Colonel, provided there were a spare
blanket and straw. Primus was appeal
ed to, and, being eager to oblige the
Commander-in-Chief, stretched the truth
by replying, "Plenty of straw , and blan
kets ; plenty." •
Two humble beds were prepared,side
by side, and when the long conference
was ended, the two officers lay down to
rest. Primus pretended to be busy un
til they were asleep, and then he seated
himself on a box, leaning his head on
his hands, to take as comfortable a nap
as his inconvenient positlon would al
low. In the night Washington awoke,
and saw his humble friend nodding on
the box. He called out, "Primus !"
The servant started to his feet, and rub•
bing his eyes, exclaimed, "What do you
wish for, General 7"
"You told me you had plenty of straw
and blankets," replied Washington ;
"but I see you are sitting up all night
for the sake of giving me your bed."
"Don't trouble yourself about me,
General," rejoined the negro, "No mat
ter about me."
"But it is matter," said Washington
"This .will never do, Primus. If either
of us must sit up, I will take my turn.
But there is no need of that. The blan
ket is wide enough for two. Come and
lie down with me."
Primus, who reverenced the Com
mender-in-Chief as he did no other mor
tal, protested against such an arrange
ment. But Washington threw open the
blanket, and said in a very decided tone,
"Come and lie down, I tell you! There
is room enough for both, and I insist
upon it."
This tone was too resolute to admit
of further parley, and the General and I
his colored friend slept comfortably tin
der the same blanket till morning.
This anecdote was originally publish
ed by the Rev. Henry F. Harrington, in
Godey's Lady's Book, Jane, 1849. In
1855 it was republished in a book enti
tled, - "The Colored Patriots of the
American Revolution," an interesting
volume, compiled and written by Wm.
C. Nell of Boston, who deserves great
credit for the intelligence and earnest
ness he has manifested in vindicating
the cause' of his oppressed and slandered
race. Mrs. Stowe wrote a brief preface
to this volume, in which she says : "The
services of these Colored Patriots of the
Revolution were far more magnanimous,
because they did not fight for their own
land, but for a land which had enslaved
them, and whose laws, even in freedom,
oftener oppressed than protected. Bra
verrunder such circumstances has a pe
culiar beauty and merit. Their white
brothers, in reading these sketches, may
remember that generosity and disinter
ested courage are of no particular race
or complexion, and that the image of
the Heavenly Father may be reflected
alike by all."
eir A traveler, being at a coffee house
with some gentlemen, was largelpdraw
ingion the credulity of the company.—
"Where did yoa say all these wonders
happened, sir ?" asked a gentleman
present. "I can't exactly: say," replied
the traveler ; "but somewhere on the
continent—Russia, I think." ."I should
rather think," returned the other.
ar A collection of "beer songs" has
been made by Sch'nbert, under the title
of "Gambrinus," containing sixty-seven
pieces, among thew an old "Biertied" of
ea' A darkey's instructions for *put
ting on a coat were, "Fast de right arm
den de lef, and den gib one general con
The ringing of the door-bell has a
pleasant sound to me, especially in my
idle moods. Like an unopened letter,
there is a mystery about it, and one
waits with a pleasurable excitement to
see who or what is coming.
Returning home, one day, earlier than
usual, I. found my wife had gone out;
and, while lounging idly _over the paper,
the bell rang.
I waited , expectant till Bridget
peared with a note, containing a request
from my old friend, Dr. Stearns, to ride
out to his residence in the country, the
next day, to transact some business that
had been long pending, and an invita
tion to bring my wife and spend the
I Was pleased : first, because I wanted
the business completed ; -and secondly,
because I thought I needed a day's re
But the next morning everything
seemed to go wrung. Alice could not
accompany me, and I could not get off
as early as I_wished ; and, consequent
ly, I was peevish and fretful ; and Alice
reflected my humor, I suppose—as it
appeared to me she had never been so
At length however, I" drove away,
thotigh not in a very pleasant mood. It
was an October day ; and, as I rode
along, noting the brilliant tints of the
landscape, memory went back to the
golden antumn when I wooed and won
my bride.
"How lovely Alice was- then 1" I
thought. And hoir happy we were 1
But that was long ago. Yet nature is
the same, though we are changed. Let
me see : we have been married three
years ; is it possible it is no longer I"
And I felt a pang, as I contrasted the
past and the presenti to think that we
could have settled down into the com
monplace life we now led.
We had no serious trouble, we didn't
quarrel ; though, when I felt cross, or
other things didn't go to suit me, I took
no pains to conceal it, and often spoke
harshly to Alice, who sometimes replied
in the same spirit, sometimes with tears.
Yet we were generally good friends:—
But the charm, the tenderness of our
early love had imperceptibly vanished.
I had become careless about my ap
pearance at home, and Alice was equally
negligent. Her beautiful brown hair,
which she used to wear in the most be
coming curls was now usually "brushed
plainly behind her ears, unless she was
going out or expected company. I dis
missed the subject with a sigh, at the
doctor's gate, with the reflection that it.
was the same with all married people—
must be so, in fact—for how 'could ro
mance and sentiment find place among
so many prosy realities ? I supposed
we were as happy as anybody ; and yet,
it was not the kind of life I had looked
forward with so many. bright anticipa
The doctor came out and greeted me
cordially. In, the halt we met Mrs.
Stearns, looking fresh and lovely in her
pink muslin wrapper, with her jetty hair
in tasteful kriads. She' scolded me
playfully for cot bringing my wife, chat-.
ted a few minutes and then' flitted away,
while the doctor, remarking that his
motto wad, "business first, and pleasure
afterward," led the way to the library.
As we entered the room I noticed a
vase of bright autumn flowers on the ta
ble, imparting an air of taste and,cheer
fulness to the apartment. I made some
remark about it, to which the doctor re
"Yes, I am very fond of flowers; and
love to see them in the house; and, as
I spend much time here, my wife always
keeps a vase of-them on the table, as
long as they last."
Our business was finished before din
ner, and we walked out in the grounds,
which were quite extensive, and taste.
fully arranged.
There was a variety a flowers in
bloom, and I noticed that the doctor
selected here and there the finest, until
he had a handsome bouquet.
When - we reached the house, Mrs.
Stearns was standing on the steps. The
doctor, still Continuing < our conversa
tion, gave her the flowers, with a slight
bow and smile; and, holding up a:spray
'of crimson berries, which he had broken
off, she bent her head while he fastened
it among the dark braids of her hair.
It was a trifling incident yet their
manner arrested my attention. Had I
been a stranger, I should have pro.
nounced them lovers instead• of sober
married people. All through the day
I noticed the- same delicate attention
and deference in their deportment to
each other.
- E. - tigt,loliSla ed.. April 11, 1E354_
There was nothing of which the most
fastidious guest could complain ; yet,
while showing me the most cordial at
tention, they did not seem to ignore
each other's existence, as married peo
ple so often do.,
had never'visited the doctor heron,
and was very much pleased with his
tastefal home. I said so, after didner,
when we strolled out into the woods.
"Yes," he said, "I think it pleasant ;
and," he added, "I believe I am a con
tented mad ; so far I am dot disappoint
ed in life."
"How long have you been married,
doctor?" I asked.
"Ten years."
"Well," I pursued, "can you tell me
whence the bright atmosphere that sur
rounds your home. Tell - me bow -you
and Mrs. Stearns manage to retain the
depth and freshness of your early love,
as you seem to do ? I should think the
wear and tear of life would dim it some
what. I never saw a home where my
ideal of .dornestic.happluess was realized
before. It is what I once dreumed of."
The doctor smiled, and, pointing to a
thrifty grape-vine clithbing over a, neat
lattice, and loaded with purple fruit, he
'That vine needs careful attention,
and, if pruned and properly cared for,
it is what you see it ; but if neglected,
how soon it would become a worthless
thing. So the love which is to all, at
some period, the most precious thing in
life, and which needs so much care to
keep it unimpaired, is generally neglect
ed. .Ah 1 my friend it is little acts—
trifles—that so often estrange . ' loving
hearts. I have always made it a point
to treat my wife with the same courtsey
that charactOrized my deportment in
the days of courtship ; and, while I am
careful not to offend her tastes and lit-
tle prejudices, I am sure that mine will
be equally respected,
That night as I rode homeward, pon
dering the doctor's words and reviewing
the years of our married life, I was sur
prised at my own blindness, and I de
termined to recall the early dream, if
The next morning, at breakfast, I as
onisoed Alice by a careful toilet, chat
ted over the dinner, and, after tea, in
vited her to ride. When she came down
in my favorite blue organde, with her
hair in shining curls, I thought she had
never looked 'eviler.
I exerted myself, as of old, to enter
tain her,,and was surprised to find how
quickly and pleasantly the evening
I resolved to test the doctor's theory
perfectly, and the result exceeded my
most sanguine expectations.
For all the little nameless attentions
so gratifying to a woman's heirt, and so
universally accorded by the loier and
neglected by the husband, I find-myself
repaid a thousand-fold ; and I would
advise all who are sighing over the non
fulfilment of early dreams, to go and do
likewise, remembering that, that which.
is worth winning, is worth keeping.
ti' Among the patients in the Gen
eral Hospital in this city, is a secesh
soldier.. He was very sick when first
brought here, but is now doing better.
He is a crabbed customer. Now that
he is recovering, his surliness begins to
show itself in a manner that his com
rades don't care about putting up with
—at any rate from a woes& In the
same ward with him is a Union soldier
—an adopted citizen, from 'the land of
kraut. Friday morning Union German
said something to _ secesh. Secesh
vouchsafed only in reply, "Go to —2'
"Do vat ?" Secesh repeated his remark.
The German was not at all exasperated.
"Ah 1" said he, "mine frien.' you ish too
kind. I cannot go to dat place."—
"Why not ?" "It ish now full. It ish
very crowded dere. Sigel he fill it• up
mit dead rebels. Even der tuyful has
to shleep out o' doors." The laugh
came in here from the boys who were
lounging around. Secesh had nothing
more to say.— Washington Star.
Gr A dispute having arisen at an .
Italian court between a lawyer and a
doctor, as to which should w alk first in
a public , procession, it was referred to
the court fool for judgement, who gave
it in favor of the lawyer, on the ground
that the rogue should always precede
the execationer;
. "My son, would you suppose the
Lord's prayer could be engraved in a
space no larger than the area of a half
dime r' "Well, yes, father, if a half
dime bras large in everybody's Ilya as it
is in yours I' think there would be no
diffurity in putting it in about four
NO. 23.
'lngle Death of Madame Farina.
An exchange gives the following thrill.
ing particulars of the death of the wife
of Farina, the celebrated rope-walker,
who is well remembered by our citizens .
"A terrible and heart-rending catastro
phe occurred in Havana on the Bth ult.,
at the Plaza Torre—Boil Ring. Mr.
Farina, the celebrated tight-rope walk
er and rival of Blondin, advertised,
among the many wonders, that be would
perform on the tight rope the carrying
of his wife across the rope, stretched
from one side of the ring to the other,
at a height of about sixty feet, upon his
back—a feat which he had before per.
formed in other places. He started
with the lady upon his back, and had
nearly finished his journey across, with
in about four feet, when the audience
applauded the daring act, it seemingly
being completed ; and the lady, in ack
nowledgement for that applause, loos
ened her hold upon her husband's neck
and waved her hands, and, on the in
stant of doing so, she discovered that
she had lost her balance, and called to
her husband to catch her, as she was
This he attempted to do, and caught
her by the skirt of her dress, but the
frail fabric. was not of sufficient strength
to sustain her with the impetus given to
her descent by the fall, and the dress
gave way, leaving a piece in the unfor
ttinate man's hand as he hung suspended
from the rope, sustaining himself by the
joint of his knee, by means of which he
had saved himself, and she went down
crashing upon, the seats that ascend
from the curb of the ring to the top of
the enclosure. She was taken up for
dead, but she showed, after some little
time, signs of returning life, and lingered
from Sunday until Thursday morning,
when death put an end to her suffering.
She was taken in hand by the ladies of
the neighborhood, and everything that
could be done was done. The wealthi
est ladies of Havana were at her bed
side and soothed her dying pillow. She
was embalmed and placed in one of the
niches of the burying ground. It is
said that from $lO,OOO to $20,000 will
be raised by subscription for the child
she has left behind.
la.kraciEn.—The Bridgeport Standard,
24th, has the following. It is interest
ing as shadowing forth the marriage of
the little General
Charles S. Stratton, the veritable
General Tom Thumb, is residing here
in his native town. He has travelled
nearly the world over, and has amassed
a fortune for himself, as well as made his
mother, two sisters and younger brother
independent. The little General is now
in his 26th year. His habits are unex
ceptionable, and his intellect and gen
eral business ability are such that he
personally attends to his own finances,
and transacts all the business appertain
ing to leasing his houses, loaning his
money on bond and mortgage, and look
ing after his estate in general.
The pettie General owns a fine yacht
bearing his own name, which he sails
himself, with as much nautical skill as
any "old salt" who sails out of Bridge
port harbor. He also keeps a fine pair
of Shetland ponies and a splendid fast
horse for his own driving, as well as a
highly trained pair of hunting dogs.—
His rifle and fishing tackle were of course
Made expressly to suit his diminutive
size, and he is a very successful sports
real. He killed several deer while
travelling West last year.
A few months since, the little Gener
al was made a Free Mason. He has al
ready taken three degrees, and expres
ses a determination to ascend the mys
tic ladder - until he reaches the top
round. Although General Tom Thumb
has always led a life of excitement, and
twice, after having retired to private life,
has felt compelled to exhibit himself
again to keep off the ennui ; he remark
ed to the writer of this article last week,
while quietly twirling his elegant little
mustache, of which he seems quite
proud, that he hoped one of these days
to get married, "in which•event," he ad
ded, with a roguish look, "I guess that
the eares of a family, added to my or
dinary duties, will give me enough to
occupy attention, and prevent As ne
cessity of again seeking the excitement
.of a travelling exhibition 1" .
sue' A. case of unusual interest has
been on trial before the Supreme Court
of Maine, sitting at Augusta, in which
Miss Sarah'A. Lee, of Vassalborougb.
sued Mr...,&ndrew Morse, a wealthy'gen
tleman of Bath, for damages to the ex
tant of $lO,OOO, for breach of promise of
marriage. The jury awarded bar $5500.