The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 06, 1862, Image 3

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    ( ( 7 _ - k
;of, r 17111 111,` SPVerni 1 aS4etl;4l . l'
11 al " I '1,1”.1'-;1P.IlOil," Marietta,
,„1!„u : Mari..tta Accorninoilation Train
i's,t 7:11 , in the morning,. The Mail Train
at l'he Harrisburg Ac
t:0111:11(0;111°n Train _East at 2:16 in the after
noon ; the same train West at 6:5 in the eve
ning. Tire Mail Train East at 6:26 in the
To OUR SUBSCRIBERS.—To those sub
scribers of "The Martettian" who have
paid us regularly every year or every
couple of years, we have nothing to say,
except to thank them for their kindness
and punctuality ; but to those who have
i the paper for years without
paying for it'we must make an appeal
'which we trust will not be disregarded.
The extraordinary advance in the
price of printing paper and all kind's of
printing materials is without a parallel
in the history of the trade. Paper that
cost us a couple of months since, nine
cents a pound, is nit* selling at 18i cents,
with the prospect of going up still high
er. To meet these advancing'prideS it
is essential that our subscribers pay
their duos promptly. Those at, a dis
tance can remit by mail (do not register
your letters) at our risk, never having,
in our ton years of newspaper publish
ing, lost a dollar by the mails—if the
letter was not registered.
The first of January is fast approach
ing, on or beforo which period we hope
every subscriber indebted for a year or
more, will not forget-to pay the printer.
It is only by prompt snarlsl payments
on the part of subscribers and others,
that the newspaper business can be con
ducted without serious legs.
Last evening a handsome entertainm e nt
was Oven to ex-Secretary Cameron, by
Cot. James Duffy, of Marietta, on the
occasion of the General paying a visit
to his friends in the vicinity where ho
was born. A large number of friends
were present, and the entertainment was
prepared in, a style commeasurato with
Cal. DulTy's well known liberality and
good taste. In response to a sentiment
otrered appropriate to the occasion, Oen.
Cameron gave an interesting statement
of the feeling in Europe, in regard to
our ncinnal troubles, as they were ob
served by himself. The re-union was
Itept up to a late hoer and was altogeth
er a most pleasant affair. Con. Came
ron boobs well and is as hopeful as ever
of the triumph of loyalty over treason.—
Lancaster• Erenikg Express.
It'hirtl tloi3 your breath I Colonel
Doll' s entertainment to the Wlnnebago
Chief—only think of it—Cdond Duffy
—but—enough. The entertainment
wns, beyond any doubt, u grand affair,
for the entertainer is au fait in getting
up nnything to eal—yet it was not a
"feast of reason and a flow of soul," for,
we are told "polities makes strange bed
fellOWP,"Which was mule manifest in this
mstanee. One the most consequential
of the entertained was long r. devoted
friend of the Secretary of War, and du
ring the prevalunee ofthe "cont met le
ver' in this neighbot hood, went to Wash.
ington to get a fat contract from his good
ad friend Simon--tbo poor man's friend
—he who always stuck closer when for
tune frowni-d—but stratir.-e to say, the
shrewd, far-sighted Simon "pais id on
him," giving him !lie cold shoulder,
upon nhich the hunter of contract
crumbs went, offin high dudgeon. On
his !owning that the Secretary of War,
now Minister to Russia, was about to
return home to "see how the land lay"'
for U. S. Senate, the unsuccessful con
tractor gave vept to . his long • pent-up
wrath by saying that 'he hoped the ,
steamer would'aink ere it, reached New
York with its valuable cargo of human.
flesh. Now we are told this worthy Was
the most persistent dell the entertained
to do homage to the distinguished stran
ger. ThaGoneral, we learn, entertained
the company in his usual pleasant con
versational manner, leaving a very fa
vorable impression upon alli But then, -
as he was 'unquestionably on a political
errand,,-who is the IVagonseller of this
vicinity that ho is after ? Who can
Sell ?
11&" A Washington paper says "Min
ister Cameron called pp the Secretary
of War on Monday last—the first visit
he has paid to . thatofficial since his re
turn from Russia, and it is said the inter
view did not last over three minutes."
What is wrong? It is not
i possible
that the Secretary would treat so dis
tinguished a gentleman as the ex-Winne-•
bago commissioner, ex-U. S. Senator,
ex-Cabinet Minister ex-Russian Envoy,
who saw those iron-clads at the London
dockyards—this distinguished partaker
of Colonel DuiTy's bounties, coolly, in a
ward, there must be a screw loose some
where. Who can tell ?
a?' Col. Joseph W. Fisher of the
Pennsylvania Reserves, has returned to
his home in. Columbia, to recruit his
health. .
er The sale of the property of Peter
Baker, deceased, will be offered for sale
nn 4nturdny evening next, nt Case
ItO &arena borough residences will
he sold during the next three weeks.—
See our advertking columns.
c i l" Thu Teacheis institute COLIILIIe
ced its session on Monday of last week,
and continued until Saturday following.
It was more fully attended than any
previous sessiorr. Professors -Wicker
sham and Brooks of the State Normal
School, Nlillersvillo,and Professor Well
of Maine, were the principal speakers.
The following anecdote of a teacher
soldier was related by Professor Wicker
sham, in his lecture on "Awakening
Mind." The incident occurred at the bat
tle of Fair Oaks. A rebel battery, han
dled in a Masterly manner, was mowing
our men down, and it seemed impossible
to drive it from its position. The General
seeing this, rode up to the Capt. of a Lan
caster county ,company "Capt..l want
someone-who will go out between the
armies and shoot the, officer in command
of thatbattery." "why; General, it's cer
tain death .ter, attempt it 1" "I know it ;
but you• see how that 'fire is decimating
our" ranki. - ISthere no man willing to
sacrifice himself ?" "I'll see," replied
the Captain, as he turned to his company.
"Boys, who of is willing to go out
between these orMies,. and shoot yonder
officer ?" A stepped out of
the.rauks—"l"ll ió." Ile went, seem
ingly to cettain death. Crawling along,
he finally
,:teuchmil• a - slight elevation
.behind which he sheltered. There was
a c raekkoT s Rile; but the ball Miss4id
its mark: 'Agairi----4teady aim—a puff
of smoke I , The officer is seen to throw
up his arms. His gunners spring' to
catch Lim as he falls. The battery' is
forced to abandon tits position.- The
'brave soldier returns 'unharnied. "And,'
said the Professot im,a,berst of enthu
siasm; "1 would haye seatelied the army
through, but i, would:have taken that
young-Man by the Land:and said4o him,
'lt was bravely done 1' lie was a teach
er from this County. .1 will give you
his name--Gmaor. li. SworE I"
—Prom N.nd
la" A most distressirg and fatal ac
cident occured on Monday last as a
steamboat, used for carrying stone for
the canal company; was passing down
toward Columbia, when on nearing the
Hopkins bridge _it was found that the
boat would not pass under the' bridge
and whilst endeavoring, to raise some
of the timbers, a large piece was thrown
up and ou coming down caught a deaf
and dumb lad, six or eight years 01d,.a
son of Nicholas flora, between the
timber stick and the stone wall, crushing
his head in a horrible manner and killing
Lim instantly. On taking this boy to
his father's house, the sight°of whom
appeared to have crazed the: father, who
picked up a gun and threatened to shoot
Mr:Jacob M. Erisniae,who had charge
of the lad ; he was prevented by the inter
ference of a bystander. What is still
more singular is that the boy killed is
the third deaf and dumb son of Nicholas
Oodey for Jannai'y duL We
have never missed'a number in the past
nine years. Now is the time to- sub
scribe. The new: :volume coMmencing
with the Janttary numler. .I;oolcatthe
terms, cash, in advance One copy one
year, $3. Tao copies ono. Sear; w 5.
Four copies one year,-;. Five copies,
one year, an
,extra copy to the person
bending the club, ell). 'Eight cepi?e
one 'year, and an extra copy toi,tl4e„pet—
son sending the club,l, ; : I Eielfet , ecijii§s
one year, and au extra copy to the, pqr
son sending the club. $2O '
W. The Philadelphia Press Came . to
us n few days since in .a mew dress:arid
looks remarkable fine. Nothlyithstand
ing the high ,
of paper ; The Press
has not gone up in ptice, unr eloui
size. The Press is certainly one of the
hest dailies hi the Qualtdrlii,fy.
&r - Lieut. Samuel Evans, the 'sgnire
of Columbia, has &ten' Yiroinoted o act
ing brigade rynartermaster orthe First
Pennsylvania Reserves. As the 'squire
is a good feeder 'himself, we think - the'
boys will not suffer under his charge.
• -iar The locomotive
left Columbia on Wednesday morning
for Mariheim, ovar.titn-Goindr4itt and
Reading railroad". 'llls' was an . eicur
sion of the board.of directors to
road as far as completed. •
itir \\le fears frets tii ITarrtsburg,
Telegraph that blajor,Thomas.l..JM - dan.
of the Lochial Cavalry, who
. has 135irr ,
for several months a prisondr itt
dom, has since been released.
sir A. new Wilk, tp be called 7*The
Manufactures' 13nak" is to be establish
ed at Columbia, this' county Ul3 d r I the
free bankingiatv capital, ore hundred
thousaud dollars.
Cr We have printed and for, sa.le'tlie
usual New Year's Day.warnings to quip
premises leased for one year.' We hak
also blank leases for sale. Wo -will fill
them up carefully whet' desired. "
'Cy Geo. ITJOnec.,F6 --- 6 - ZPhilatie'lt '
advertise in this week's ..piti)er, SeWiag .
Machines for 'They are warranted
to do all kinds of family sewing for on 6
r The Philadelphia Press and In
quirer will be raised to three cents from
and after . Monday next. The Lancaster
little dailies have been selling' at two
cents fur the past, week,
ri - Z. • George - Angrstus - - is
about putting up . a handsome rosidence
on Front street, clear tho old horrmstead
;if paror.lF.
" ---' l
Car A numbLr of the Beltast
'Weekly News has been hid on our desk
by Mrs. Abraham Casseljanior. It is
a large and beautiful she t containing
fifty-six columns. In the News we find the
following, which will be new to readers
on this side of the Atlantic. Our Erin
frierds are mistaken—Mr. Train has no
official postion. "Mr. Lincoln has ap
pointed the well`known George F. Train,
of tramway notoriety, who is busy at pre
sent pouring out fierce diatribes in New
York against Britain and the British
to the-post of United States' Minister
at Paris, in room. of,Mr. Dayton. It is
said that the "situation" was procured
for Mr. Train throUgh the influence of
Gordon Bennet, editor, of the New
York //enda, to whiel paper the newly
/edged dipfoniatist 'is said to be aelarge
contributor . •
WAstitsorox's,'Wlit.' SoLD.—It ap
pears by a statement made. at a meeting
of the New York Iffstoripid Society,
that the will of Washington was stolen
on the advhbee of the army into 'Virgin
ia., and has since been sold to •the brit
ish 'Museum. It was, the last produb
tion of-his pan, having been written , ex
clusively by' ashington. It was depo's
ited in the Fairfax courtAhouse, and was
stolen by soldier, and has found 'its
way, notwithstanding the ,general tan
nouneement of the theft, ifito ' the enri
osity shop of the British,.where, it will
doubtless•romUio, unless efforts ara,patie
,to have. it restored.
McClellan is a snug-bunt" lath)
fellow, Weighing; aboutjotk, pounds..— .
But compels this with: the folltrWitfg
record of the Welght, et the offtc.eis of the
Revolutionary army as weighed at West
Point in 1 i88)- 4 General Washiniion,
209; General Lincoln, 234; Gerterti,l,
Knox, 2 . 90 ; General tuntitigdon, 195 : ;"
General Greaton,
, 163; Colonel Swift.
219; Colonel Michael Jacksan,. 252 - ;
Colonel Henry Jackson, 239 ; Lienten:
ant Colonel Cobb, 183 ; and. Lieutenant
Col. Humphrey, 211.*
Cir The liarrisburg l'olegraph now
comes to us with a new head and is
otherwise typographically
The-'I will soon be a necessity
to a very would-be well-informed mam—
The legislaturewill'soon cony'Oe'Whon
daily visits of this valuable aria indepen
dent republican-journal will be as ii6ce,s
sary as
.a counterfeit. detector on...every
counter., o
_ CO- The national convention of all
loyal and Ratrietic : men, watato
have been held at ittsharg,
_in this
State,on the 2ath of Ngveniber, is pest
poneduntji the Bth of *Topiary,
versary of the battle of New Orleans.
Secretary' Smith, - of the .Interior.
Department, will 'resign by the first of
the month. His successor ha's not yet
been determined on, but it is supposed
be will be taken either from Indiana
or Illinois.
• erne-President has to hang
thirty Of the three hundred Indians con
victed recently in Minnesota-for taking
pain the massacre of the white pdople
of that State.
la General Ranks was presented with
a fine black lorse, saddle, - and accoun 7
trements, - by the merchants of New
York, on Tuesday evening.
c a r The rebels, antkcjpating,_ tha-our
forces will winter in Richinond, seem . to
be clestrosingevet - ything valuable in the
Sanmel , ..fieft:•.formerly • of the
"Swae,hass.rejohled his company.
nin 1111
At.Mariettci thc! 7 27tb.ultimn., by Rey, P.
J. Ti . rrib:iw, MT. HARRY RICAARD . , 10 Miss
:ANNIE COlll6R.'
rroamisais - WrrtrAms AND ARVIS.]
v;?4,ieJ ....5.p,W4,-NG MACH I NES:
Warranted teb.e.,:etitial to alu S4Q or $ .
chide in the',Mailiet. Will do • all kinds
family setorrig: : For ditrubtlity it is unsurpas
sed, while for .cheapness, simplicity, ease and
noiselessness of. s action it basil° equals.,
MaChings ,forwarded by express, with
full directions fqx,using, payable on-delivery.
Every Machine warranted for one year.
Kn Akent is w i anted is ; every town and co.
in this. State: : - E.nclose a stamp for terms and
Address, post ofce box 2S9] - -
G. B. JONES . 4. CO.
Sates liosetnc; 50 North sth street, below' Arch,-
Cutout-for reference.] Philade/phia. '
. . .
T" undesripned would , - .4, A ---- --. - .
~,--„ -
' . respectfully inform the , us"- -' 7, k',
‘ '7. '
citizens of Marietta and '7 -- - - C '''o:--,
vicinity that be is prepared to deliver
7 All OLD 231LAIL. ..
~ ..
Baltimore Company, Stove and Egg at $4:50
DO , - Do Nut, 3:25
Shamokin White Ash, Stove Size, 4:50 .
'DO Red Ash, 9:50
Do- No. Four; 3:50
White , Asb Nut,
•Trevertbn, Egg and Stove size, 4:50
Marietta, September 6,1362.
pHOTOGRAPH f i.. F i ~,
ALBUMS ! ! „,/14. : ',LW:.
A fine assortment of PhOtograph'": ‘ jAir , ,t
ranging in price from 75 cents to Five Dollars.
Fur sate at DELLISGEWS Photograph Gal
lery, Market street, Marietta.
lat undersigned, having been in the em
ployment of the 'United States during the
last eighteen mouths,. as Clerk in the _Muster
ing and Disbursing Office and Office of Super
intendent of Recruiting Service of-Pennsylva
nia, respectfully informs the public that he has
opened au office in-the Daily Telegraph Build
.ing for the purple of, collecting' .Pensions,
BUFFALO ROBES, llorse lhankets,! Bounties , Back Pay and War CiaimaL also,
harness, Saddles, Whips, &c., 4 making out Officers' Pay Rolls, Muster 1616
A une , ussortment how-on hand at ./A i'and Recruiting Accounts.
S. 1 - ,. r.nrjA,INGER'S,'
----4 , . All eiders by ic.eil ;Metaled to promptly.
..".Tarket street. Marietta. Call and see beferc•:-“-- , SULLIVAN S. CHILD.
ur,h,: ii•- ._1:3:-... lure. 17.3 ;;; ! 114AuLloirr, _`got'. 7 . ), ! SU. P iv
'I/ a I, f
IN put, lance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned
Administrator of the Estate of Peter Baker,
late of the Borough of Marietta, deceased, will
sell at public vendue,
at the public house of David Cassel, at the
" Lower-Station," Marietta, the following
One Lot of Gtound,
.Fronting on the north side of Front street in
that part ,of the said Borough of Marietta,
laid out by Jacob Grosh, esquire, numbered iii
the plan thereof by number 67, containing in
front 40 feet, and extending in depth to Second
street, 200 feet, upon which is erected a
Xranie Stable and necessar?J outbuildings
Fronting:9n the north. side of Frout street. in
that part of said Borough of Marietta, laid out
. by, Jacob esquire, being the Western
half.J-ot'nuini)ered, in the plan, thereof by No.
,b:S,,contaiping in front:2o feet,'and.extendieg
in 4 depth to, B.ecotid street, 20p feet, on : .whieh
is, E }7.IC WA) A TWO- ST 0 War
Fr-a.m.e 'Dwelline , EQuse,
:Saleitd; commence at - half-past 6 o'clock in
the evening, ofssaid day, when terms and con
.ditionaoaritl be . made , known .
.0 FRED' K 1.. BAKER,
Marietts,:November 22, 1862-ts.
Borough Property. at Public Sale
. _ .
0n -Friday,-
,December 26, 1862.
THE under:Signet' Executor of the last will
and testament of ,Reny Rinehart, late of
the lieromdt of .Marietta, deceased, will sellv
public nutrell, at Funk's Cross Keys tavern,
on the.above.muned day, the following real,es
tate late of the-said-deceased
•One Lot of tfround,
silty:44.oA tho cast corner of .k...4cust end Froot
street, on. which is erected
Sale to commence al 5 o'clock in the evening,
when terms and .conditions will be made
4mi:own by SAMU , EL, RIPPLE,
Movember . ,29; 1R62. 18-3 t
Administrator's Sale
I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans ,,
Court of Lancaster county,-the undersigned
Administrator of tie Estate of James Chain
bars, Lh_ceased, will sell at public vendue, at
Oa Saturday, December 27, 1869,
the following Real Estate,. late of said deceased
One Lot of Ground,
FroLting on the corner of Gny and acid Fair
view streets, immediately apposite the Pres
byterian Burying Ground ; on which is erect
ed a
Posession given on the first day of April
Sale to commence at G o'clock in the even
ing, when terms and conditions will be made
known by the undersigned Administrator.
Marietta, December 27, 1562.
gip aiolo lob
Erna. I='_lailaclelphila
AXT HI:RE he purchased , stock of seasons
. ble goods at such prices defy com
For Ladic;s and Citildren's 'Wear.
Saalt as Cloaking Cloth,
Silks, Poplins, DeLanes, Prints,
Bleached and unbleached Muslins at nearly
OLD . rnrcEs..
Crapes, Vlls, Collars,and Notions Of all kinds.:
Fancy and Plain Cassimeres,
Muck- and Fan
. ..y Cloths,
Cashmeretts, Tweeds,
Kentucky Jeans, Carpeting, .
Oil Cloths, , , Windhni Blinds,
Buff Holland, for Curtains,
Curtain 'Fixture's,' &e., &c.,
All of the above geode having been bought
Fon CASH, will be sold cheap as the cheapest,
Ten Ilhds. Extra . Pyrup at 3 1 cents per, quart.;,
Fresh Soda and Wine Clip Biscuit; Sugars,
Coffees, Teas, Cc , at the lowest market prices.
Five 'Mids. Sugar' HOuse Molasses at 25
cents'per . gallon. -
Brandies, Gins, Superior Ohl Rye,Pure Port,
Sherry and Madiera Wines all of which will,
be sold at the lowest price FUR CASII.
China, Glass and Queensware,
The ,highest price paid for produce.
)101 - H. D'. :14EN JAMIN,
Picot Builsling, Marietta, Pa.
• • • a
DEG'S leave to inform ,the public • that he
I . 4)•vitl continue the WINES LIQUOR buoi
nessu all *its brahche,s.• coug*qy
keep Op. hAndayt kinds ( 4
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
1f9ti37..7iy; Cordials, Bitte_rs,o.c.,,
lastly •Celebtaeed Rose . Ithisky,
A very surerior OLD WHISZEY
ust received, which is warranted pure. .
Ita. All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is acareful examination of his stock and pri
ces, which will,- he iiconlident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding' it to thdle
vantage to make their purchases- from I
Collection of Pensons, Bounties. Back
Pay, and War Mims.
Officers' Pay Rolls, Misster Rolk,and
Recruiting Accounts made-out.
„ - !,T „
SPANGLE A:. t.C., 1'A:1 - TEI zls()N
WE have lately received a thwough as
sortment of Woolens and all other
Embracing the best styles of
Coating Cloths, Cassimeres
Youth's Cassimeres
Superior Fancy and other Dress Silks; every
shade of French Merino ; plain a:ld wool
DeLaines in colors; beautiful designs of
Mixed De LaMes, Coburgs, Alpaccas and
Lavellas ; Cloak and Sack Cloths; Rich and
Grave Colored JJiilmnral Shirts,
Latest Improved Spring Skirts; Fine, Medium
- and Common Shawls, Nubia Scarfs, Son
tags and illoods Gauntletts, Gloves,
and Hosiery Mullins, Counter-
Panes and Tickings; Checks,
Flannels and Linens.
Flom' aynd 1 able, Oil ClOths,
Ingrain, Venetian and. Rag - Carpet, Pa
per,- Linen, Cotton, and Woolen Carpet chain.
New Ma ckerel in small and
, large packages. All ofl which
we are new selling atpneeii below the present
City rates. .
. .
Marietta, November b, Ib6 - -
G1?0 : W. ; WORR A LL;
Haring remora( to the 1t00in.,3 formerly' occupied
by Dr. Sweittzel,:ail joining Spangler Pot
tcrson's Store, Ilfarker,Street, where he as now
prepared .to wait on all - who may feel
disposed to patronize him.
Dentistry in all its branches -,
tied on. TE'R.TII inserted'on the most apiproved
principles of' , Dental science. All pperations
.on the mouth. performed is a skillful and
workmanlike manner—on fair principlei and
'laving deter Mined upon a permanent loca
tion at this place, would salt a cotitinuatibn
of -the liberal patronage heretofore extended
to him,. for which he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
srp Ether administered to properpersons
Painter, ia,zier and Paper Hanger.
ou.x..D most respectfully inform the cit
izens of Marietta and the, public gener
ally that he isprepared to do,
House Painting,
- China Glossing,
Paper Hanging, 1 170.,
At very short notice and at priers to suit the
tunes.- He Elin be ,found at his Mother's resi
dence on the, envier of Chesnut and Second
streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church,
and immediately opposite the pia Oberlin
Coach Works. [AI.. 3-Iy..
Formerly Keesey's.
The undersigned having leased the above
named old established Ferry and Hotel, in
Helium Township, York county, opposite the
borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to
entertain the public at his btu• and table with
the best the market affords. Ito would very
respectfully inform the traveling publiC that
having obtained_
First Class Ferry Boats,
and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully prepa
red to accoinmodate persons wishing to cross
the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise
without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL.
JOIIN BELL. Merchant Tailor,
Got, of illarkel-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta
rtItATEFUL for past favors I would retell
vxmy thanks to my numerous friends and pa
trons and inform them that I still continue the
old business at the old stand, where I will he
pleased to see them at at tunes, and haying e
full and splendid assortilient of
which will be made up:tei order at the shortest
notice by' the best of workmen; and on reasona
ble terms, I would fie therefore, to wait
upon my old custcmet's and all who see t roper
to patronize me hereafter.
Ready-Made Clothing
J. R. DIFFENBAO: anying laid in a very
serviceable stock- cif strong and well-made
such as Coats, Pants and. Vests, whickwilkbe
sold at a lower figure than can be bought any,
where else. Cori* and hear he prices.
1 1 1 B URNETT 2 S . Cocoaine. 4 A compound of
Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for difeSsing the flair
For efficacy and agreetibleno,,it is without
an eflual.. ii prei , ents.theAatkfrems,ftilling off.
It - rifo nioteo its hcalthY at:* yigeyous.row th.
It is not greasy or sticky.
It lcai es no'disagreetible odor.
It softens the hair whea.bard - and dry.:'
It soothes the irritated .scalp, skin..
It aflords the tidiest lustre.
It remains longest in effect.' For sale, by
BEANE & Rolm,
Successors- to Dr. Grove.
VT brushing: . - Fr& Boots, Shnes, harness,
Carriag'es . „ 'and Military Leather Work, :It
giees the leather h polish like patent lcatkr . ,
makes it water proof, does not stain t.bouilltit
est article of dress and nectl - nOt be a'PMed of
tener than titro - Or threelinnes it Month.
Pur sale at Dr. Landis' Drug Store.
ACENE.II . AT, - Assortnient of Vanimere'd
ar?d.j4 . ll.LED .Lltav g H. S. 13 arA,.0
Norway, Rods, American and Get-(
man Spring and Cast S*lE:Wagon Jinx;
es, Iron' Axles,- Springs, &c.; tor . Smftlis..
For sale by PATTERSON &:TO..
Very plain style; each one warranted ..";
to perform to the entire satisfaction' of 4144
the purchaser. ' - l'-..."
A General Assortment of all kinds off .
Hinges, Screirs, 13otts, Cellar Grates . ,
- 'olls,"Glass and Putty, very cheap.
ICKOR-1 7 -& Oak ivood, 50 Cofda each,
J UL Hickory-and Oak Wood. Orders Must
be accompanied with ; the cash when they wil I
be promptly ' Spartgler & attekson. -
beli,utifuU IshilitoriiplOAlbutris for . Card
De Visitts„ at DELLINGER'S. _ ,
► for culinary purposes, warranted ganuine
11. D. Benjamin 4- Ca's.
BUGGY and Sleigh BLA - N - KETS of val , lout ,
131 styles'and at much lower prices than the
same sold last' fall Spangler 84. Palferson.
MO LANDLORDS! Just, reeeivell,-Scotch,
and Irish Tv — Hls warran-, -
pure, at H. D. Benjamain's.
will be received at the cheap store of.
.1. 12. DIFFENBA
Ct)N: STANT bY on hand ?Monongahela rec
tified Whiskey. 4i . Co • •
. .
Fur salt:cheap at Diftimbach's
` brand:, , -,: , ..;;:tr l ra i t .. e( i i ii
D RIED chap xI
I 1.1 1)-
11.11Lh . t 1 nie,,Ne,;s,k
TT OM !V.V.\ I 1 1. I.:: AND OINT
- . 1 mENT.—AII who im•.'e Friends and
lid.itivus in the Army or Navy, should LAI,
that the:, be amply supplied wL;...
these Pills and Ointment; sad where IL2
breve Soldiers and Sailors have negtect,l to
provide themselves with them, nu better pres
ent ran be Sent them by their fiiends. They
ha cc been pr,vel to be the 'Soldier's nevei
failing-hien.l in the hour of need.
Coughs and Colds affecting -Troops.
Will be speedily relieved and effectua'ly
cured by using ilm,e admirable medicines, and
by paying proper attention to the Liirectioni
winch are attached to each Pot or Bog.
Hcadache and Want of :Ippe' ice
Incidental to Soldiers
These feelings which so sadden 1/3, usual! e
arise from troulde . or annoyances, obstructed
prespiration, or eating, and thinking whatever
is uow holesoutC, thus disturbing the healthful
action of the liver 00,t ::tonitich. These organs
must be , relieved, if. you desire to do well.—
The Pills, taking- • ttecoqiing to the printed
instructions, will quid, ly produce a healthy
action in bath liver and stomach, and as a
natnral COILS,I.UUCIICC a e:eaz head and good
~appetite. •
11 - eakriess or Debility 7Oduced by ore;
Will soon disappear by the use of these in
valuable Pills, and the Soldier will.quickly
acquire additional strength. Never let the
bciwels be either confined or unduly acted
upon. It may seem strange that Holloway's
Pills. should be rceommet4e.l for pysentery
and Fling, dimly persons supposing that they
would 'lncrease; The , relaxation.. This is a
great*miStake, for these Pills will correct the
liver and stomach and thus remove all the
acrid humours front- the system. This tnedi
vine will. give tcrne and vigor to the whole
organic svitent however deranged, while
health and strength folloW as a - 14tettfr ‘.f
course. Nothing will stop the relaxation ~f
the Bowels so sure as this famous medicine.
Yolunteera Attention I disi.retion•
Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and. Swellings
can with certainty be
,radically cured if the
pills . are taken night : and morning, and the
Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed
instructions. If treated in any other manner
they day up in one part to break out in another.
Where is this Ointment will remove the
formor from the systeniand leave the Patients
in vigoious and healthy man. It will require
as little perseverance in bad cases to insure a
lasting cure.
For Wounds e.iater occdsioned by the
Bayonet, Sabro, or the Bullet,
Sore - s or Bruises
To which every Soldier and Sailor arc liable,
there are no Medicines so safe, sure and con
venient as Holloway's Pills and Ointment.—
The poor wounded and. utmost dying sufferer
might have his wouods , dressed, immediately,
if ho would, only provide himself with this
matchless Ointment, which should be thrum
iato the wound and - Snreared all around it, then
cover ii ith a piece of•littOit from hisilinapsack
and ccimprett:wd with, a ltandkesphief. Taking
night and morning 6 or S Pills, to cool the
System and 'prevent Irdlainal ion.
Every Si - dikes Knapsack and Seaman's
Cliest should tie provided - *Rh these valuable
151 rP ItTAWT ,CA 17T137: !—Nofie are genuine
unless the 'words 0 - HOLLOWAY, NEW YORK.
and LotiDoti," are discernible as a Watt,-
mark in every leaf of the book of directions,
around each pot or box ; the same may be
plitinfy• seen by holding the kiiito the tight.—
A. handsome reward will be given to any one
rendering such in formation'air MitY lead to the
detection of any party or parties counterfeiting
the medicines or vending the same, knowing
them to be spurious.
'„*Sold at the Itianufactory of Professor
Ifoi.t.owAv, - *Mien Lone, New York,
and by all resptitatile Druggists and Dealers
in Medicine tinoughoiii - •the civilized world,
in pots, at 95c. 63e._ artillpi, each.
ir„-1- There is considerO3le saving by taking
the larger sizes:
N.ll.—Pirections for the guidance'of patients
in eve:y dkordeftde altkea to each pot.
ll.cenila.r 21)-4. -
3)l'ootiii ? e,pf,l., ij.eo foges, &c.
M.). CH AEL GABLE, Marble Mason,
Opposite-the Town Hall Park,
alar • ietta, Pa.
fTII.IE Marble busiricss in all its branche,
Will be continued at the old place, near
ih.2 Town Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys
Tavern,where every description of marble
work will be kept on.haird or made to order ut
slort notice and at Yen' reasonable prices.
IManettit, June 29, 1861. 49-ly
Q' ti. 't!.. sx: K. J. ZA ti Al
1 ) 'ES REM BULLY inform their
R , -;-1. ~ 11§friendsnud the public that they
rt. 1. ✓ . ,./ still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
• Aso JE WEER Y business at the old
stand, North-west Corner of North
Queen street and Center Square; Lancaster, Pa.
:A full assortment of goods in our line of hum
ness always on hand and for sale at the lowtst
web rates.. lc. Repairing attended to per
tonally by the:"proprietors.
American Watches are among the best
j_ timekeepers now in use, and for durability
strength and simplicity, far .-surpass any other
watch nutdc in the world.
II: L. fY-E J. Z Air nr
Corner of North Queen-st.,and Centre Square
Lancaster, 1 u., Mayo them for sale at the rer, ,
lowest .putes---eyery watch accompanied with
the in an u faceurers guarrantue to ensure its gen
13 E; AT KD WARE' : •A Large and line stock
of Plated ware -at 41. L. la E. J. •ZA ses,
Corner of North Queen street & Center Square
Lancaster, Pa. Tea 'Setts, in variety, Coffee
Urns, Gioblets, Situ Stands, Cake
Baskets, Card , Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives,
Casters, &c., &c. at manufacturers prices.
REPLATING attended to tit Moderate rates.
kIWELRY.—A large and selected stock of
itt of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be fund at
& 1. I. 'LULU'S.'
Por. Nc-rth Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
easter, Pa. ,Our prices are moderate and all
goods warranted to, be as represented. •
. 1 , -of
can be ad oH. L..& E. J. ZAtfai, Cot
North quccn-St., 'and Center Square, Lancas
ter, Oa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers—
the best article of Swiss levers now in tho mar
ket. They aro' lower in price than any watch
of equal quality and; tot as true for timekeeping-
PECTAOLES to suit alt who
Scan be aided with glasses,
can be bought at H. L. L. ,f; ZAHM'Si.Cor
ner of. North' Queen-st., and Center Square,
Lancaster. 'New glasses+ refitted in old finings,
at short notice. [v6-1Y
OFFICE :—No. 24 Noscrit Dug E STREET,
opposite the Court finitsevittheteftife will at
tend to the practice of
.4 .iti.s.p.rofealton kn all its
various bianchei. [Not . . ,69.-ly
NTOTICE. All persons it; IVlariettak.know
ing themselves indebted to the undersign
ed are requested tovall upon HA RAISON:ROTH
and settle their accounts.. . H. WEST.
.Noveml,er 5, L d . 15-tf
S A.-LT ! S LTf you want to. buy
, SALT eu r,
C.:11 at the stnre, Of SPANGLER Ez. PATTERSON
yorps. Hanging and Side Lalnpf
P'Gr'Siele nt i3l A N Iti ft (Yi.2l
olle of S O i.' M I
HA 1'.14 t Nl,akut. st.;
/3 017LLN,s, 1,.„ ;
if. L. BENJA.II.I..V.