33.A.I.T..m:irt,litcyr an_ci Proprietor_ VOL. NINE. , PIIBLISHED WEEKLY AT, ONE DOLLAR. A YEAR PAYABLE IN ADVANCE OFFICE on Front Street, a few doors east - iii Mrs. Flury's Hotel, Marietta, Lancas ter' County, Pennsylvania. Twists, One Dollar a year, payable in ad vance, and if subscriptions be not paid within six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged. No subscription received for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discon tinued until all 'arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to noti, fy a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, Will be considered a new engagement. • Any person sending us rivn new subscribers shall hate'a sixth copy for his trouble. ADVERTISING RATES :. One square (12 lines, pr less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertlon. Pro fessional and Business cards; of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col umns, five cents Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, TREE j but for any additional lines, five cents& line. A liberal deductitni made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. Jos ParrtrisC of every description neatly and expeditiously executed, and at prices to suit the times. [From the New York Mercury.] STANZAS. Written by an Asent . SOldier to his Wife on her Birthday October 3d. Thou art as far from me this day. As When of yore we used to say : "The hills from the sea-side." A score of years have passed away, And still I chant that sweetest lay : ' "Tpou, art my youthful bride." This century bee given to fame lan'Y a great and noble name; But none so dear to me As that you bore when first we met, Except ifie one thou bearest yet— Love twining mine to thee. We blended in our youthful years Our hopes and joys, our smiles and tears ; AB angels wert thou pure. Time bath not robbed thee of thy But in thy noble mind canst trace The loyclyyouth mature. Then wert thou all the soul could crave ; My heart thy trusted, Willing slaye,., And thee , my heavenbelow: In thee my hopes and love had birth ; For out of thee no place on earth Could solace half My woe: Benignrint heaven hutb on us smiled"; I lymeneul joys the years beguiled With hopes of peace above ; And thou, the blissful source tp me Of all I prize,.of all I be, Three soweentrs of love. The first, our sweet and lovely Grace, 'Whose brilliant eye and comely face Art thou, again sixteen. The last, the cherub of them all, "Our darling Milly" do we call; A romping lad between. Next tine and them 'twere truly vain To tell thee how my heart doth pain To hear my country's call. In her behalf, without suspense, I'll wield the weapon eLdefence Till every traitor Tall. Or I myself a martyr rest Upon my country's faithful breast; Defending still the right, And wielding with a trembling hand The wrapon I may yet-command— Though dying will I fight. In her defence forth will rgO To strike the last, the fatal blow In this intestine broil.; Or dig the grave that Shall ineloie The deadly mass that shall,repose Upon her sacred soil. Though Fate debar our meetilit here, Thy memory shall be my cheer—; For thee 1 still will pray-; And though engaged in deadly strife, Thou art my own, my loving wife, And this thy natal day. For The Martenlan. The True Cause of the War. BY O.RANTELLUS. Much has been written and spoken on the cause or causes of 'the present war between the northern and southern Uni ted States,—or rather, on the southern lebellion 'against the authority of the general government. Nearly all the views and sentiments expressed by 'dif ferent individuals, have contained more or less truth, but the larger portion in pur estimation have been tainted with prejudices, biases, and great fundamen tal errors. A. long article upon `this subject, published in the Lancaster In telligencer of Sept. 30th, last, seems to be, id' an eminent degree, one of this character. The writer of it may be hon est and patriotic, and as far from inten tional evil as an angel is removed from the regions of the condemned and yet, his article does not reflect the true cause cif the war, and subjects 'him to a suspicion of sinister design in writing and publishing it at this juncture in our national affairs; Waiving all idea of criticising it as a fiiithful historical re cord, so, far as it goes, of the past and present attitude of old England towards the United Mates, yet,. the.deduptions and conclusions ,of the writer, are, in the main, entirely erroneous. - The'arti cle in question is written from a merely aluVeytnVent altonsgliraitiaoma!: gitilettV to . politics, Yittraturt, ritAlturt, Ittos of lilt gag, Yotal aintriligtott, partizan etandpoinVand all ifs details, deductions and conclusions are' sadly tainted with Partizan biaSes. The time has come in the hiFitory of our country, when* to be true patriots, men must learn to elevate their minds, above merely political .partikan Views, and, having the fear` of God, and . the love of their country - before their eyes, must discuss the matters relating 'to 'its welfare on broad catholic grounds.' In doing this, the slavish bonds •of 'subser viency to mere party, in trying times like these, 'must be broken, and' the In man soul be free and independent enough to speak and act the truth, ac cording to the dictates of an approving conscience. If this is not the case . , the wrong can never be righted, for men are not in a condition to teach truth while they are-in error themselves, and they can never divest themselves of errors, unless they see them, have •the honesty to acknowledge them, and the indepen dence to' abjure them. 'The ' fundainen tal or superinducing cause of the'present domestic war in the United States, does not Hein the agitatione. growing out of the existence Of slavery in the southern States,'and their attempt- to extend it over the territories'; ; nor yet in its non existence in the northern States, and their attempt to have it abolished, or re stricted to its present limits. It is true, that these unhappy divisiciris and bitter agitations among the •people of this country upon this subject, have been seized upon by partizan leaders to' ad vance their own political' interests, and have been finally made use of as a spe cious pretvice for an unhallowed and ignoble revolt against , the government instituted and transmitted to them by patriotic and self sacrificing fathers, who, by seven yedra of bloody toil bad wrested these fair lands from the domin ion' of a tyranni* monarchy";' yet this was not necessaril.# to cause of tb'e war. The real' cause lies deeper than this, and is of such a nature that it must have ul timate& itself in a violent form some time, andln its manifestation must have siezed upon some plausable pretence, in order' to secure adherents enough, to lie- Complish its purposes. The whole cense lies in that struggle - which lies constant ly been going on, in this, world, ever since governments have been instituted among mefi, between two opposing sets of principles occupying .the hearts, the minds,' and the.:affections of men—be tween that love nf rule, on the. one hand, which delights itself in making' every thing else subservient to its, dictations, its comforts, and-its aggrandizernents. ; and on the other hand,- that 'genie of freedom and equality before God and the law, which is the birthright of every living soul which the Creator has form ed. Between these principles there must always be a conflict,' because one or the other will prevail. 'Even admitting that it is true, that the chief motive which led England to emancipate her slaves in, her colonial ,possessions, was, in order that she might thereby more successfully sow discord among the people of the United States upon that subject; yet, bad the whole country been true to itaell, and had the whole people effectually weaned them selves from the love of those odi'ons dis tinctions in English society, which are *based upon blood and birth, she 'Sever could have succeded in fomenting trea son an rebellion among , us. : 'Even if it were true, that the "Queen of England" and her "maids of honor," in - collusion with other distinguished' liersoilapie of the English realm,-akied and abetted by sympathizers' on this Side of thikAtlan tic,—had formed philanthropic: associa tions and leagues, for the ostensible ' amelioration of African bpndmen in the United States,_ but really for,. the pur pose of, creating jealousies and ijistrusts between the different sections of the country ; still, she-must have signally failed in such nefarious 'designs,Thad there been no sympathy for English in stitations end social distinctions previ-, ously existing 'amongst us, and no ha tred and disgust for those democratic enactments whiCh are calculated to4pro duce social,. financial,._and intellOctual equality, amongthe people at large.— Finally;even if it is true, that the whole course of the,English_ Government and the English netion'towards the Govern ment of -the 1513 ited-States t and'towards, its people, was intended to= eventually overthrow the government otthe-,latter and bring, it apsectiallrunder the King.' ly rule of the former;; :yet, bad .there not been a strong partiality for king craft among sera' of mg . ,own people - that was only waiting for ,a fitting ,op portunity to affiliate itself with ,tingly partialities on the other eide of the_ we, ter,--an intestine war, and all its atten- 4 _kt_..• . ':- 7tl - 1: - '4. l i)f:, : t - :, : . .:. i,:,::-.,.,a,:71.1.4-, MARIETTA, .- px 4 '..SLALTu:-_OO.. , Xo'NFEAtOi.i. : ' . /.9,, -,1 , 862. EMI dent horrors, could never hive been in angarateid'in these States. Lei a spirited and self dependent son re volt against the iron rule of an arrogant, envious; and- domineering father; and set np an establishment of his own, based upon ofiposing p'rin'ciples, or upon a sys tem of more liberatand republican views; and, although that father may 'be com pelled byan inexorable train of circum stances to acquiesce in, or acknowledge the right of self control on the lien' of his son; arid may renew. and 'Continue his social relations with him ; yet, so long as the arrogance, envy, and self will , of the father continues, and the disappoint ment and chagrin•which grew out of the original eeperation, that father will al ways secretly desire the failure, the dis tress, or the final overthrow of the house hold of his son ; and especially, will this be the case, if that son has been blessed with a career of prosperity that equals, or is destined to outshine his own. ..Nor will the subsequent ostentatious over estimation of his own virtues, abilities, resources, and prowess, on the part of that son, nor the invidious criticisms and hauteur of his father, narrow the breach that, is between them, albeit mu tual misapprehension of each others re al abilities and intentions,. may lead to external or outward relations of amity and comity between them. If, in addi tion to this, that father, is surrounded by a community of neighbors of like ar rogant, envious and domineering ,pro clivities or- characteristics as his own, who, on account ,of the effect it may have upon 'their children, are as hostile to the success and happiness of that son in his new ,domicile, and under its dem ocratic government, -as his father can possibly, be _they will sustain . ,that fath er in his hostility, even when 6ont , pa rental affectionfind pride, he had felt disposed to look with approval upon his son's rapid commercial, mechanical, ag ricultural, and intellectual progresi; and especially will this be ,the case, if,that son is surrounded - by neighbors; who by the force of his example, are severing (or have severed), the connections, be - tweet' .theinlielves and the governments of their parents. ' • This.seems-to have been, and probably is still , the state 'of affairs existing be tween'-Great Brittain and the United States'of America. Indeed whatever the appearances heretofore nuty have been, or whatever they rosy be in the future, it cannot be otherwise, from the very Eia tore of the institutions governing the two countries, than that. England should.al ways eontinue to regard the United States, and its form of governuient, with jealousy, and with unqualified aversion. Somebody has wisely written that there is no such thing as disinterested nation al friendship ; and that where there is the appearance of national friendships, it is based entirely upon self interest, or the ability they may possess of command ing the res Pent of the world. As soon as the ability to maintain its dignity and independence wanes, or as soon as neighboring nations have no longer an interest in its existence, so soon will its rights be curtailed, its flag. be insulted, and its territory be ipvade.d. England has no interest: in the welfare_ of the United States government and its peo plo, any farther than; it mci;,,v , yield her -a market for the , purchase, of raw material for the supply of her own manufacturing establishments, and an , outlet for the ,sale of their fabrics. Professing, upon moral grounds, a holy horror, for the ,in stitation.of African slavery, yet, in or der to receive an undiminished' anillnn interrupted supply , of•cotton;she would not hesitate; upon merely pecuniary grounds, to , forego her pious:profeesions, if - she cbuld , thereby successfully ulti mate-her greater hatred' for , Republican institutions. 'This, from all that has transpired between the two governments from the very formation of the American union the fiesent time, seems to have been the real attitude, of OldEng lands towards us, notwithstanding she may have, had many high functionaries and worthy eivillians, who unequivocally wished us well. ptit. no unfriendly . at titudeoeEngland towards,, us, „nor 9,5 combinations of any foreign governments' —their kings, queens, or maids of bett or, -or any of their other high officials, conld-ever have been the , cause of such a war as is novi , raging between the two contending sectionset Ilia country; if -we had been true , t 0 ourselves, - and 'had fostered-the spirits of freedom and'eqeal ity, as they are uttered-in the "Declare- • tion of lode - penal:reit," that magna char to of our rights and our liberties. Withont intentional dispa:rateinent, or invidious comparisons between the direr - ea sections of onecountry; yet, -it does seem that when, more than eighty xedrs ago, the, dark ,spirit.. of:monarchy and a priviliged aristocracy was-ban ished from these. States,:--- by the final fall of YorktoWn and : the recognilibn of our inclependence,—as' ,he winged`` his flight to the old world,,lie contrived to dibp an eicrein'entiCions seed in the n e ts, that - must havelaileri and'germlnatedin South Carolina, for that State has been the yeriilhot-bed of arrogabeei-self-Will, and aristocracy ever: eince.nhe' limp been a pert of this governnient, If not of' this continent. Every` other State in , the Union;"especially-those north ofill.ason and - Dixon's line, haie c from time to time so altered, amended, and liberalized their fundamental laws as to br,ing them in harmony with, the enlightened pro gress of the age, bat South Carolina has - hugged to her bosom, arid fostered and nursed those fossil institutions, social customs, and, habits of thought, which she brought oyer with her from the,mo ther, country, long years ago,,auCinpro cess of time She 4as become `more,il liberal and aristrocratic, if 'possible, than, she had been in the days of her rio• litical infancy. It seems now rather a matter of astoniehment that she ever should have participated in our revolu tionary struggle, and :her subsequent conduct perhais only goes to show that she was altogether selfish in that war, and that she only unitedwith the'Other colonies, and sympathized With them in it, so far as it was a war for Colonial in dependence, and that:had England ack nowledged- her individual - independence in the beginning - of the contest,she would not`hate voted another dollar or an other man to' continue it on the part' of the other colonies; for, there is abuit- dance - of evidence, during the whole course of her, _subsequent - history,* to prove also that she heartily regretted her position As a member ,of the American Union, lierbigoted ideas - of social cast and priviliged orders, strengthened by her -institution of legalized- serfdom— which incladed, citnlly, her whole col ored population, and socially, the indi gent portion'of even her white popula tion-have tind9rgonh . no change since ihe daiA of her colonial dependence, or if a change has takedplace, she has on ly beCome more aristocratic, self-willed, and illiberal than sho was before, (as has hfreadi been remarked,) and tlie, so- dal and politichl poisons hminating from her attitude, and her_ example has fatally imbued.the.minds orniany of her hitherto law-abiding and union-loving neighbors. An fultiniate seperation of - South - Oardlina- from' her sister States has long - since been cherished as an in evitable,. - foregone • conclusion, . and therefore She never entertained the re motest idea of a "compromise" with the General Government or with the other States on any terms.. The compromises involved in an honest adherence to the Constitution of the United States, were more than was ever palatable to her ; and therefore,' ever since that instrument became the supreme law of the land, she has been seeking_ a pretence to evade, or'entirely throw off "its requisitions.— Profeissing to be; Democratic, she yet diapised and set at nought the very es sence of Democratic institutions, by a perpetual' decree ,of human inequality before the law, as the fundamenial basis of.lmman.society,•sind•as a rellgious'doc trine ineulcated by the' word of God, and.*.therefore binding., upon the con -sciences and the lives of teen ; and also by a 'determined resistance of the mill of thelleople at large, c,onstitutionally ex piebsed.. The southern press and south ern sit:item/en—land.; especially those of ontli,. Carolina; and,perhaps most:espe cially, those of Charleston, have• been sufficiently outspoken, from time, to time, to ebrivinee:an'y rational inao;that their, people. had as little affinity for the demoorapc,„institutions of the north, as the most bigoted and fanatical abolition ist had for thepeculiai institution of the South. It is true that they had politi cally fraternized with the great Demo cratic .party,of the, country, but it was _only.beeause that, party in , the magna nimity Of i as power, .permitted itself, to lie an instrumentality through, which the South could exercise a con_ trolling infhienhe in the affairs of the' general goviirriinent. - So'shoi ns'it : benaate ap parent that other council's` might pm 41n 'opposing influence there,iiiii South dishonestly' and` igno miniously deserted the government es 'tablishe'd by the fatherri Of the republic, Ana contrary to Democratic 'or Republi "can pretideht;bya self-chnStitnted and arbitrary agency established the South ern Confddekior,.ntul • from 'that stand point attempted to-,:overthrow the go:. .vernment that kiaffbeen - derdocratically established by the people. Had the South been true to the country and the =II ' Constitution, and had her Represebta- I, tivq E 1 1 2.0 Senators,pet, deserted their of . stations. in the'.A.meritars Con gresa, on the day-of Mr. Lincoln's inau- I gnration ;hands would ha've • been completely tied ; ;, for; holding a prepon deratin," influence in-the United-States Senate, and in the Supreme C,ourt the United States, no- law could have been pasSed, .no appointment made, nor no judieal decision elicited, Abet would have been inimical to her interests, her institutions. or to her political • and .so cial prejudices because for the sake of a continuance of that tranquility and prosperity whiph had BA long character ized the history of our country, the dem ocratic party . would have conceeded much to her wounded condition,- incur red ,throngh the election of a Freesoil Repuidipan President. It is the sherest nonsense to suppose that South Caroli na would have listened to any- compro mise • after ,the announcement of ,Lin coin's election to the,presidency. Per haps some of the other States, who, sub sequently revolted,—if, based upon .a 'recognition of the justice of, their cause —might have done so, but South Caro lina would have haughtily spurned any proposition that did not embrace an un qualified recognition of her .indepen dence, and her right-to a large share of the public' . property / 'The ingratitude of the Southern States, and particularly the State of South Carolina, is very great—ungrateful o e corm try and, the government; ungrateful to,the northern, eastern, western and pacific states and their ~people, and last althougha not least;ungrateful to the democratic par ty, through the ascendency of whose wise and liberal principles the country has. achieved ,so much prosperity at home, and so much honorable distinc tion abroad, What did the Democratic party not do, to satisfy the exorbiant de mands of the South ? Did it not set the first fatal and peruicique example. of ,se cession at the ..Charleston convention, by a portion of its members withdraw ing from that-body ; because the ultra measures of the South could not pre- Did it not saprifice a Douglass upon the alter-of political faction to satisfy the demand,gthe South ? Did it-not subject the larger number of its . adherents,to the contumely of the coun try, at large, by supporting fortthe pres idency, a-candidate who, was ; even then meditating treason .againet his, country, and who subsequently ell io himself with its enemies, and took•up traitorous, arms against it, all to mollify ,the south, and to secure its continued alliegence,to the ,Constitution 7 But.all . this availed no thing; and- can.any mind that has been able to comprehend the position of the Centending'parties in our, country, arid the motives and means which led to their present attitudes, suppose for 'a moment that now is the time'to submit to a compromise with these who scorn fully sneered at; and repudiated all pre positions of peace, before actual hostili ties commenced, eighteen months ago ? It is. true the border states might have listened to a compromise, and •might have entered Into one with the northern states, at the proper time, for they were in a condition to be serious 'posers by a state of war. But the Southern States would not have held themselves bound by•the acts of the border States. They had , determined through an un founded pretence to cut themselves loose from the "readsills" and "while slaves" of the north, and establish themselves in a government of their own, whose -chief corner-stoue should be founded upon "black slavery." The time had arrived when .the ."Cavalier" and the ','Puritan!'_ could .no longer politically and socially• cohabit with each .other— when tire "Planter" and' the `nrankee" could no longer, meet on terms of social and commercial. equalitywhen the sweaty exhalations of the •" Plebian" must Pte no longer wafted to the. nostrils of the "Patrician," and this has- been the 4uperindking. cause of the war. The infatuation of the South becomes ,mopaapparent and more ridiculous, from thefact thst although she is conspicuous ly cozening, with England, and is sympa thizing with and fostering English so clat and political customs, and - is hearti ly longing for English commercial inter course ; yet England as heartily y despi 'sea her, and will not even permit her own great love for cotton, officially rec ognize her independence; England on ly Seems "te iimiiattuze with • 'the South because in her 'estimation` she is 'the weaker section, or faction.. The South . is too. much blinded by fury against the north. to, see We, and. whilst-she re mains thusi blinded she and her friends will offer pirthe: cause:of the oar and profit by it. ES tal~Yi shed April 11, 1854, In c.orclusion, let it also.b.e. distinctly remembered, thatin•all the past strug gle of our country with its enemies, those who sympathized with them and gave them "aid, and,. comfort," have earned for themselves a notoriety and a reproach, that has almost attainted their 'posterity for many years; and has con signed many of Chem to a merited ,polit ical and social death.. If, therefore, the party that is out of power is popu larly.entitled to the control of the go verntnent, but is for the time being con_. stitutionally forestalled or superceeded, let it feel asureld that the destinies of our, country are to the hands, of God, - and if needs be, "He ,will bring it to pass,' and that.consequently its highest duty ispatientlyand,perseveringly, yet law abidingly, to, await , its- time. • One law less and perfidions example, furnishes a pretext for a multitude of subsequent acts df counter violence . and perfidy, as much among nations and political par-. ties, as among communities, societies, families and individuals. Nee. goVernment, nation, no party, no society, nor no individual that composes apart of a government, nation; .party or society, is, or can, be, perfectly indepen dent; or can afford to, do without the as sistance, sympathy, and fellowship of the governments, nations, • parties, societies and individuals, by which they are sur rounded. And if, • through the purse proud, state-proud, or family-proud fal sitie's by which their minds are influ enced and swayed,one portion of the peo ple of a government,nation, party or soci ety, array themselves in a deadly and un warrantable conflict against' another por tion, if the conseciasnoes gf such hostil ity against their fellow man recoils upon their own heads, it is bat in accordance with a just law of sequencd which is,a part of the organic structure of society, and Which must ultimately react in a de gree.proportioned to the'causing action. Entertaining these views it seemkto be the highest folly for parties, states, and nations, to be indulging in criminations and recriminations in regard to the cause of the war.. Primarily, every unregen erate man in the Country 'me con - Whited' to the cause`of it ; and secondarily South etn,pride;,arristoeracy, and domineering exclusiveness has been the cause of it ; and thirdly, political wrangling has been the gut through which it•has-been void ed upon the country. SarrimENTAL LADips,--I hate those mere gentle zirls:nithopt mind, or spirit, or feeling,to Ammo .. the blush .upon a pallid cheek; tpfellow might as well think of - living -upon: Sweet: cake 'and sweet' bream . , and sweet strawberrids, and all the sweets, 'which, after all, ara sure to - become sours, as going : through life with a sleepy-headed beauty, Whose roughest word would be,: "An' if :it ' please you, sir !"----Mrs. S. C. Halt. NO. 18. • is ,true there was much seem ing provcrcation for the south to in augurate and - pursue the course which she has, in th,e.unnecessaiy agitation of a subject whichmas.caleulated.to impair and bring•into.disreprite one of her lo cal constitutional ,privileges; but then no matter how , s unwise and indiscreet those agitations were, in_a country: and under a government which guarantees to its citizens the tight of discussion, and the freedom of speech and orthe press, these agitations should have been met with counter argument, and the ex ecution of existing laws,—Where such bad been violated,--and not 14 treason, rebellion - and war. In order to sustain the General Go vernment in the execution of its laws in timeslike these, and at all times under • • circumstances of a similar 'character, there should b'e 'but one sentiment on the subject of its existence and continu• 'arm, and that sentiment ought to be pledgid in its behalf, no matter of what political party its rulers may be, fur it has happened frequently in the history of our country that the party in ,power, has been under the necessity of invoking the assistance of parties out of power, in sustaining the ,national dignity and honor.: If the party or parties out of power now do not assist with their whole heigt in -upholding, the government against its, sworn enemies, can they ex pect to receive the countenance and support of the partids 'oppoied to them, in any subsequent danger to which the government may unhappily be subject ed? INTb matter how parties out of pow er may have acted under similar circum stances heretofore; it is not a progress ive nor a christian principle to expect "an -eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" in such a case; especially' when the- very vitality of the government transmitted to us,by our patriot sires, is assailed.