The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, November 22, 1862, Image 1

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    3E3A_IAT...3EII=I, Editor mad Proprietor.
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Jon PRINTING of every description neatly
and expeditiously executed, and at prices to
suit the times. '
Music, wild, thrilling music,
Throbs out-e'er the midnight air;
A thousand lights are flashing,'
And happy hearts are there.
I hear the tread of dancers,
As graceful forms glide past ;
'Tis a scene of wildering beauty—.
Too fair, too bright to last.
And I have been the gayest
Amid these scenes so bright ;
They think-that I am happy—
But oh ! I'm sad to-night !
'Neath the diamonds coldly flashing
Upon my heaving breast,
Though my laugh has rung the loudest,
My lone heart would not rest.
And be bath viewed my conquests,
And heard my mocking laugh,
And his burning eyes have followed
Whene'er i near him passed.
Ile hath knelt in love before me—
Oh l his anguish I could see—
But 1 turned as coldly from him
As once he turned from me.
And in hasty words I told him
I could never love him more!
'Twits wild, wild agony for me,
And my heart grew sick and sore.'
Yes, I masked my love in coldness,
And from him turned away—
From my wildly-worshipped idol—
And my heart-stringsshattered lay
There was ever in my memory
Vows uttered long before,
And though I smiled upon them,
They soon forgotten were.
For another form had won him—
An angel form he thought;
But soon ho wearied of a love
By golden purse-strings bought.
And tonight again he met mo
'Mid this scene of revelry ;
And I viewed his pale lips quiver
In love's fearful agony,
His face was pale and ghastly,
As he stood from the rest apart,
With his proud arms tightly folded
Upon his bursting heart.
I could have died then for him ;
But I seemed airpfejadiy gay,
Awl the grandly swelling:music
Bore my merry laugh away..
U woman I thou canst worship
Arid still be proud and cold,
Though a weary heart is breaking
'Neatli the satin's gleaming fold
The subjoined beautiful lines originally ap
peared in the Dublin "University Magazine,”
several yews sinee. To numbers the little
poem will he new, and can hardly fail to at
tract admiration, if it does not cause the heart
to throb.]
The Dying rather to his Daughter.
To me, my sweet. Kathleen, the banchee has
And I die—ere to-morrow I die ;
This rose thou host gathered and laid by my
Will ltire, my child, longer than I.
My days—they are gone like a tale that i 8
Let me bless you, And bid thee adieu,
For never to father, when feeble and old,
Was daughter so kind and so true.
Thou bast walked by my side, and my board
thou bast spread,
For my"chair the warm corner hest found,
And told my dull ear what the visitor said.
When I saw that the laughter went round,
Thou succored me still and my meaning ex-
When memory was lost on its way : -
Thou bast pillowed my head when I laid it
to rest—
Thou art weeping beside me to-day.
Kathleen, my lovo, thou hast chose the good
And more then thy duty bast done ;
Go now to thy permot, be clasped to his
For he rnerita the love be has won.
13e constant and tender to him, as to me;
Look up to the mercy-seat then,
When in the shadows of death Which I
Come back-to my arms again !
Ilere the girls and he;e• the widow •
Always cast their earliest glance,
And with scaleless face, conruder
dC they, to, wont stand a chance
`•Co make some clever fellow double
In bliss, and often, to—in trouble.
ATI cu tptitkut ransplbatha aftruntal gthrotth to volitio, Nittratart, agrituiturt, Ilan Af te Pa,v, Prat gatelligtrat,
r - The Falcon.
The fine mansion of • the °Alberg t
family, near Glnckstad, was- brilliantly
'lighted ) and the sound of music_ and
dancing was .Lorne on the evening air
across the rolling, sparkliermaters of
the Elb. That night a- grand ball was
given by Count Frederick Alberght, the
only remaining, representative of the
noble family whose name ha bore. The
building warmassive atone, drawbridge
and battlemented towers ; if was a fine
old feudal castle, built in the time of
Frederick IL Outside it looked grand
gloomy; inside it was ablaze with light
and redolent with perfume of .choice
flowers, which were scattered in
fusion, not about the Urge reception
saloon, but in all the smaller apartments
which were thrown open to the guests.
In a little room far removed froth the
rest, in the eastern tower, stood two
persons—a young roan, remarkably
handsome, though there was an expres
sion of deep care upon his face, and a
lady. The lady . was not remarkably
handsome, just now, as she listened to
her companion with drooping :eyes.—
Indeed most people would call her sim
ply pretty till she raised her expressive
dare blue eyes, and the briliant, sylph
like smile broke over her face.. The
two were standing carelessly together,
the lady leaning against the heavily
carved oaken window frame, and the
young man nearly opposite her, -cares
sing a bright eyed falcon that "perched
on his wrist. . •
"So, Count Alberght, you will be re
membered for -a long while as the young
noble who gave the :most splendid ball
as ever yet attended."
The lips of the young man curled, and
he answered, contemptly--
"That is surely a ILAIMI worth gaining
at any price."
"Of coarse said the Jad,y. But why so
scornful about it 9" . ' .
"You know, Lady tena, that " cars
only for your: approbation; that the
ball given onii,in honor of and to
please you, whose sligbtest wish I would
gratify at any expectse.!''
"Alas ! Count Alberght, I am told
that a dozen times each day.",
"Probably; but_ the words do not
come from the heart; as mine
"Pooh said the lady; "they: all
swear that." - .
"Well, Lady. Lena,,l may sometimes
bo able to prove.the truth of my words.
I have been a fool.. For.three years.
I have huog upon ,pour , accents, and
fulfilledlour every wish r as far as lay in
my. power. My fortune; was am
ple, I laid at your feet, that lon might
have every possible want supplied ; and
in return for thtildevotionj. have receiv
ed nothing but:Slate:is and scorn.—
You know that Move you as few loie—
withicay whole heart - and soul—aud yet
you scorn me. You are rich and noble.
I still love'yon as madly as ever, but to
night is the last time I willbow before
you. This once I plead, LadyLenn,to be
shown some kindness. FortliV last time
I offer myself. Will you-accept me"?"
Lady Lena turned very pale as she
listened to the rapid, pashionate words
uttered by the young man. who knelt
before her. Her eyes grew dark with
some inward feeling,
.but -her" words de
stroyed the faint hopewhiCh 'had risen
in his heart and the gentle fizpression
on her face.
"Oh ! rise, Count Frederick, for. I
know that thidis all nonsense--insanity.
To-morrow you beside rue - as
usual, and the. next, and , every day, just
as you have bean for years.'.'
The young man rose; and, in- answer
to her.taunt, only bent his head and ten
derly stroked the glossy head .and. neck
of the bright eyed .bird wrist, that
looked from one to another, - as if inquir
ing what was going‘on.
Piqued - at his silence, the lady 'ex
claimed— '
"What now is your boasted love ? I
say a bitter thingto you, d you do
not retaliate:"
cannot forgetAuself 80 far as to
retaliate to a- woman." -
"No," said she.;'"WV yen can sneer.
You sneer and. stoke:your falcon, which
know possesses ::wore of your boasted
love than .
,I do."
"Jeanette never wortuds me," he. repli
ed. "In return for my caresses she does
not give me bittdr Coldness."
"Perhaps she would if she could speak,"
Persisted the lady. ' -
"Actions, Lady'Lena," said he .`speak
louder than" vorde • -
The girkaleyes flashed, ,and she turned.
to the'door punka as.she neared it, and,
looking - , over ler shoulder, said con;
"l suppose the cause of your love for
4:4t.... • - 1; - 1 zitit .- ti'......n..,
that bird is becau , se she once belonged
to_eome former lady love."
The tone was very insulting and this
time the young man raised his. 'head
with , flashing. 'eyes, and."words Were
rapid and indignant. - - •
"Yon are right," he replied.. "This
falcon belonged to a noble lady, whose
lcind wornanly.heart scorned to inflict ,a
wound upon the meanest creature; who
trampled not under foot honorable love
offered her, as if it were a disagreeable
thing. ' Cine whom I loved devotedly,
and who, had she been unable' to return
the affection offered her, would yet have
rejected it with considerate - gentleness.""
"Why, then, don't you return' to this
paragon of tenderness and virtual"
sneered' the lady.
"She would willingly seothemy wound
ed spirit," he -replied"; "but she is dead."
Without another word, Lena aped
from the room, her brain on fire,
her eyes full of tears.. Could Frederick
have she, leaning far, out of
the windOw, wept bitterly, ho would
have forgiven the bitter words. As it
vas, they parted in anger.
Left alone, Frederick . paced and
down the room. In his despair lie mur
mured aloud— ' "
"I have been a drivelling foolr—La mad
man 1' For three years I have :destrey
-ed and devoted my time, heartand fort
une to the 'service of his heartless -wo
man,,- ono .day. rewarded-with $ smiles,
-the next with frowns. To-mocrow, when
the bills are paid for debts.incurred for'
this night, Isbell be ahsolntely,
less—all my fortune spent : upon' "this
vain flirt, who is undeiervitig the'nathe
of woman. Yes to:Merrdw, my horses,
furniture aid plife will hoe'.sol - d; my
servants dis Charged, and that will
remain to. me is this old castle, and my
faithful nurse lgargaret, ,Who will not
leave me, itudimy falcon. --Vhie building,
now ringirkg, - with the sounds' of music,
-dancing and oterry' laughter,. will be clos
ed, to becomeitlle sanctuary of rats and
owls. For myself, :I shall withdraw from
society, and in this small gloomy tower
support my despair es best I may. I
have been worse than foolish—l have
been wicked. But this 'unmanly repin
ing will not - do. I must rejOid my guests.
So saying, Frederick replaced the fal.
con on his perch near the window, and
forcing, a• gay smile and careless -air,
sauntered into, the ball ,room, and from
that time until the company left he, was
seemingly, the *gayest, of the gay.
. * * * * 44 , *
"Quick I Susan, fasten this bodice, and
bring-me the hood and mantle and the
thick shoos !" exclaimed tho Lady Lena;
and she added, impatiently, "You'll
have to pin this handkerchief and apron
string, 'fdr my hands tremble' BO that I
cannot, do anything."'
The maid obeyed, and soon hat. young
mistress, stood before tho elegant mirror
laughing to see herself in complete peas
ant's attire.
"Will anybody know me•? elite asked,
laughingly, as she drew the hood over
her face. .
"Na, indeed, Lady Lena," replied the
maid ; "if 1 hadn't seen you, dress,
should not know you myself." .
"Th . eir I am off!"
Suiting the action to the word, the
graceful Lady Lena ran out of, the room
and down stairs in a very tindignißed
In the garden she was mat by Susan's
lover, wbo exclaimed--
- '."Pears - to me we 'are in a monstrous
hurry, Mistress Susan. Can't you Stop'
to give a fellow a noontide kiss ?"
"Away with yon:1" . she exclaim
'.:You shall have.two kisses when I come,
back, if you won't stap me:now."
•"Good bargain, .Susan," said
have not much to do, , mind mill wait by.
the gate.till,yoncome back." . ,
Away sped Lena. After a., pretty,
long, rapid walk she reached Castle
berght, and enterning by a low postern
door, which:she dpened,made - her Way to
the tower where she tiaiv' old Margaret
"Good noon, (lathe Margaret," said Lo•
The old woman 'raised her. heady and'
recognizing Susan, Lads Leiaa's favor
ite Waiting maid,, she returned a very
sulky greeting.
"Don't be cross, Margaret," she contin
ued. "I've, got a beautiful note
lady for your, young,mastef." _
' "You needn't come here with it, theia,';,,
said d,amd Margaret. "your lady's.netes
have brought sorrow to"
"But,.Margaret, Lwas.sent to, deliver I
it and to xeceive . ca AuswerD 4! I 4 1.are, 1
not go back r,withoutit,; A ,wenktAost-I
Me my place; and yog wpuld t besq,eru,i
el as that to a poor girl who has never
done you, any harm."
Here Lena began to eob ; Margdret
'rose, Saying—
"Yon have ne ver done me any Aarm
so give , me the note and let me take it
up stairs quickly!"
The note was produced and Margaret
grumblingly took it up stairs, muttering,
as she did so—
"Much good it will do my poor young
master. It isn't sealed very closely, and
NI could read I.would open it, and then
itthere was anything in. it to wrong,him
I'd sooner. put my. hand in than
give it to•him.
By this time .she had reached, the
second story, and knocked at the dqor."
"Come in," said Frederick, who was
seated by the window, reading. He
looked up as the old woman entered,
and neked what she wanted.-
' "A. note for you, sir," she replied.
The young man's 'face turned. a shade
.paler,:and hie hand alightly , trembled as
he took the deliegtely perfumed note.—
A moment' he .paused, overcome by his
feelings, then impetously tore the note
opem.arvEread the following words :
"Lady: Lena Erfdrt being about to
visit-England for several years, desires
.the pleasure. of= meeting once more
ter.friend, Opunt Frederick Alberght
.who.has so mysteriously withdrawn him
.self` from sciciety. She will do herself
.thwhonor of dining . with , him this day
.at , five-ci?clock."- . •
, •Aispasni-passed over the young man's
face,' and lie. Murmured "Once more."-
-titen turning to Margaret he said
is there in the helm to eat?"
"As good as nothing, sir," replied the
faithful woman ; "for there is only the
scraps left from your breakfait."
"That's bad, Margaret," said he ; "for
I have no money—not' a single kreutzer ;
and here is a note from Lady Lena, in
forming me that she will dine with me
"She must not come, dear sir. There
- •
is.nothing to give her."
Frederick seemed lost in thOught.—
Sttddenly he raised his head.
"I have it now," said he. "You must
serve up My poor` Jeanette here. It is
can do." '
"Oh 1 masterl . What, roast this poor
bird yol loved so long, and whichbe
lorige:cl to r ."
't o husti, Margaret; not another word;
Only do'as I bid you. Serve the bird up
as best you can. Have the table laid
for two'in the dining room, and. have it
ready precisely at five o'Clock. When
the lady arrives summon me, and serve
dinner immediately. I shall be in my
chatalier, to which I shall now retire."
Margaret dared not remonstrate, but
Sobbing and 'wringing. her hands, she
Went "down Stairs. Lena watched Mar
garet coming with intense anxiety, and
when Margaret entered ifi.such distress
of mind,:she sprang up, .
"Whatie the matter,,, ? Has
anything happened to your master r
"Indeed, there has 1" woefully answer
ed Margaret.
"What ?" said Lena. "Speak, wo
"Oh I, only he's gone clean demented.
You bring a note from your haughty
mistress; who ought to be drowned , in
the Elbe, for she always makes trouble
for_ my dear young master, one of whose
fingers is worth more than all her body;
made him waste all his fortane„so that
now he is as, poor as Jobe, :;and now
makes him kill his beautiful falcon."
A: triumphant smile flashed into the
eyes of the 'false - waiting woman, and
she 'asked
so ?"
. .
"Why, you see Mistress Susan, your .
lady - enming to 'dine with him, and
there is nothing in the house, neith
er victuals, not even a kreutzer, so he has
009 rad ttle,falcon to he roasted for your
v 4.400 lady's zimier." •
"I.llave.,no,doubt make capital
eating," laughed the _ .
"Out, upon -you-1," said Margaret.—
'Yon are -to' hetirtless - an your mistress
Go'back to her,' and tell her that she is
Welconic - Itope the bird may ' stiok in
herthroatsand choke her, unfeeling wo
man that she is!"
"Oh I don't take on so, Margaret. I s h e replied. "To-Morrow I leave for,
am sorry. your master is so poor, bnt. he England, never to return. I could not
. lady a dish valuable for .10 . go without asking you to forgiye me,
rarity; for I Warrant:me, she has never .without felling you ['Lithe only 'excuse I
tasted roasted falcon:before."
can offer, that if I made yin suffer, I suf
Margaret's 'only answer throw ferad also, aud,perhaps more actually;
hersefffinto'her chair-and sob. Theis' for I was called - heartless,'Cold and.un-
guised 'Lena approached her. s ' - rferpled by the only being I ever lov
• "Don't feel so sad. But tell mo 'wli) t' in this world, that 1.---"..
i il f
should; 44. :Count Fredqi4 care so ,ji c . She could' say no' more,, for she was
much for the poor . claspekin eager arms and covered With,
"Don't yot, know that ! Why, be passionate' kisses. A few mipetes, she
cause it belonged to his blessed mother, ' was there, and freed herself, ail'blushitig-
.= - talolilaecl April 11, 1854..
who is tkowarigel in heaven."
Tears fdled'Lena's eyes, and she said—
" Wen; T didril know that, and it is a
real shame to roast the bird ; and if you
will keep a secret, I'll help yoli. Gire
me the bird, and I'll take it- home and
send you another in return. • Your ma&
ter will be none' the wiser."
Margaret's fade lighted up, and earn-
estly•thanking the - girl,she left-the room
and soon'returned with the falcon, close
ly hooded, which she gave to the false
Susan, viho'went off with it. '
Punctual to the minute came . Lady
Lena, and never had sho looked more
lovely or been dressed with so much
elegance and taste. Margaret, with a
sullen air, ashered her into the dining
room,-where. Frederick came forward to
receive her. He• was struck with her
fresh winning appearance, and she with
his Pale,' haggard - appearance:—a bitter
chadge to be wrought in so" few weeks.
His greeting was frigidly polite, and
herd pniticulary general and kind.
The dinner wad soon served, and Lena
shuddered as she glanced round, the
long, dark; unfurnished room, seen last
brilliantly lighted, and decorated, and,
filled with sprightly guests, and before
whom groaned a table covered with ev
ery luxury the season afforded and mon
ey could buy. What a contest I Now
all the gorgeous lianging, furniture, pie
tines, silver, .glass and lights were gone
and in. . their place stood in the empty
room-- a small deal table, bearing. two
covers and one dish of meat.
. With all his grace, of manner,, Freder
ick led Lena to the table, and took his
place opposite her. „ The meal was a si
lent one; for Frederick was •abstracted,
and Lena 130 nearly overcome by every
thing around her that she could scarcely
repress her tears. As they rose from
the table, the cOuntsaid—
"l BM sorry, madame, to offer you so
poor a repast; but—"
"Don't speak of it count," hastily inter
rupted 'Lena, affeCting a gaiety she was
far from feeling: "It was charming—so
new ; And I never' tasted a more delic
ious, chicken."
"I am happy to find that
.I have pleas
Yon," said. Frederick ; "but allow me,
in all deferenee to-;your taw, to correct
one Miktake—the bird you have partaken
of was not a chicken, but my falcon I"
"Your pet felon said Lena,, in, well
affected astonishment.
"The same e,Madame," he replied.
"Prederich 1" she exclabiaed.
The' tone in which his ,namtoAntit
tered caused Frederick to. start. He
was dumb with , surprise when he saw the
haughty Lena burst into tears ; but-be-
fore he could recover his self possession,
Lena stood before 'area and - pale.
"Frederick, to-day we part forever,"
said she.; "and before-we do so, I must
obtain . your. 'forgiveness.- You have al
ways treated me with respect and love
and I—l have repaid your devotion with
coldness and scorn. Will you forgive
me ?"
"Most certainly," coldly answered
Frederick, making a great effort to sub
due the paision her unwonted gentleness
had - roused . ; '"r loved you, and, proba
bly, by my unceasing devotion, wearied
you. I needed a`lesson, and I have
learned it. I could expect one who did
not love to—"
"Stop here, and listen to me," said
Lena;. "and. if my confession, _ made in
this hour, seems unmaidenly, let my ex
cuse be that it is only reparation in my
power'. lam wealthy—the wealthiest•
woman in all Germany, as it is said.—
From my childhood I have feared to .be
loved for my wealth, and with my earn-
est nature I know a marriage without
love would be death. People, whom I
counted .my warm sincere friends, told
me that my Aches were all you cared
for—that you lavished your compara
tively little wealth upon me - only the
more surely to gain possession of my
princely fortune. -I did not believe
them, but wished to try you: In my
cautiousness" I went too far—too -far ;
for I have lost what :I value more than
life—your love l"' .
, q,ena, Lena, be• careful I" said the
young man. -
"kam past earin,g far anything now,',
NO. 17.
and tearful from her lovers embrace. A
moment she left the room, and that re
turned, bearing a basket, which she gave
to Frederick. On opening, it, his falcon
flew oat. Resting her beautiful head ou
Frederick's shoulder.she said—
"Take me, dear Frederick. I yield
myself to be overcome by your love and
unselfish lievotion—actually brought to
hand by your falcon."
All together Again.
All togethei, altogether,
Once, once again ;
Hearts and voices, light as ever,
Gladly join the_welcome Amin.
Friendship's link is still unbroken,
Bright is its chain ;
Where the parting word was spoken,
Now in smiles we meet again.
C l 'o2liS
0 could we ever
Dwell in social pleasure here,
No more to sever
From the friends we love so dear.
While the absent we are greeting,
Let us forget
In this hour of social meeting
Every tho't of past regret.
Since the present, full of gladness,
Bids us be gay,
Banish every cloud of sadness.
And be happy while we may.
When the warning, we must sever
Comes once again ;
Yet in feeling, true as ever
Shall our faithful hearts remain,'
Oft shall mem'ry breathing o'er us
Sweet friendship!s strain,
Bring the happy time before us,
Till we all Shall meet again.
That Beautiful Land.
A beautiful land by faith I see,
A land of rest from sorrow free ;
The home of the ransomed bright ant"!
And beautiful angels too are there.
Will you go ? Will you go ?
Go to that beautiful land with me ?
Will you go.? Will you go?
Go to that beautiful land ?
That beautiful land, the City of Light,
It tp - 'er has known the shades of night,
The glory of nod, the light of day,
'lath driven the darkness far away.
Chorus you go ? &e.
In visions I see its streets of gold,
Its beaatiful gates too behold,
The river of life, the crystal sea,
The alphrdsial fruit of life!s fair tree,
C7tortis :—Will you go ? &b.
The heavenly throng arrayed in white,
In rapture range the plains of light;
And in one brmonious choir they praise
Their glorious Saviour's matchless
Chorus Will you go ? &c.
Our Flag is still there.
Our flag , is there 1-our flag is there we'll
hail it with three loud huzzas !
Our flag is there ! our flag is there ! be
hold the glorious stripes and stars !
Stout hearts have fought for that bright
flag, strong hands sustained it mast
he id high,
And oh 'I to see hbw proud it waves,
brings tears of joy to ev'ry eye.
Our flag is there 1 our flag is there we'll
hail it with three loud huzzas !
Our flag is the - re I our flag is there I bo
hold the glorious stripes and stars.
That flag has stood the battle's roar, with
foernen stoat, with foemen brave ;
Strong hands have - sought that flag to
low'r, and found a speedy watery
grave !
That flag is known on ev'ry shore, the
standard, of a gallant band,
Alike unstain'd in peace or war, it floats
o'er Freedom's happy land,
Our flag,-&c.
Unfarl your Banners.
Unfurl your banners,
And fling them .to the breeze,
And shout for the temperance law,
The law we know will please. '
'Hurrah !'Hurrah ! Hurrah !
A shout for ill's temperance law,
For well we know 'twill please,
For well,we know 'twill please,
For well we know 'twill please.
Old men and young men
Support the temperance cause,
0 drink no more rum and gin,
But .firm support the laws :
Hurrah I Hurrah &c.
Mothers and sisters,
0 lend a helping hand,
And heaven will bless your home,
:Your own dear father-land ;.
Hurrah 1 Hurrah 1 S✓e.
-HOW TO STOP SWE &RING —An i telii
gent lady whose little boy was.beging to
swear, anxious to express to her child
the horfor of profanity, hit upon
plan of waseing out his nioutli with soap
suds whenevoihe sivore. It was an ef. ,
foctual cure. The boy understood huffs
nacithefs senstai.of corruption of an °ail,
which twith•the , tasto of suds, produced
the desire I'ol4 , This practice should
be universally adopted.