The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, November 08, 1862, Image 2

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    the naticttiatt.
,Atutipthz, 131 a.
la' Messrs. MATHER & ABBOTT, No. 335
llroadway, New-York, are duly authorized to
act for us in soliciting adyertiaments,
receipt for the same.
ury Department has made a new arrange
ment for the delivery and distribution
of the postage currency. On Tuesdays
and Fridays it will be sent to New York,
Thursdays to Philadelphia, Saturdays to
Boston, and Mondays and Wednesdays
to Washington, whence it will be dis
tributed among the States •not reached
from the other depots of delivery. The
receipts are nowlbut $40,000 daily, but
on and after November 6, $lOO,OOO
worth will be furnished.
AN OLD Somm.---Thomas Stewart ,
aged ninety-two years, of East Newton,
Ohio, was a private in the 101st Ohio
Regiment, and took Tart in the battle of
Perryville, where he was complimented
for his bravery and soldierly bearing.
He has four sons, two grandsons; and
three sons-in-law at present in the army.
He was born in 1'770, at Litchfield. Con
necticut, where his father now resides
aged one hundred andlwenty two years
ar It is said that Mr. Rankin, col
lector of the port of San Francisco, now
in Boston, has tondered Governor An
drew a company of cavalry of Massa
chusetts men in California oo the con
dition that the expenses of transporta
tion to the Bast shall be paid. Govern
or Andrew has acceded to the proposi
tion, and the company will be assigned
as part of the quota of the city of Bos
ton, if accepted by the city government.
Az-James Douglas, of Stony Creek,
was born in Rhode Island, Aug. 1, 1753,
and is now in his 110th year. He is
rather below the medium size, and such
good health and vigor, that we see no
reason why he should not continue to
live a few more ceturies. He persists
in working, like most old people, and in
summer time walks about two miles ev
ery day to labor on a farm.---New Ra
ven Journal.
ger The Milwaukee Wisconsin of
Monday states that it was not Mra An
na Bishop, the operatic singer, who was
lately burned to death in that city, but
another lady of the same name—the
wife of the proprietor of the City Hotel
at St. Paul, Minnesota.
Gir When Great Britain fought Nap
.olen, she made the Bank of England
totes legal tender, and the premium on
gold rose so high that twenty-one shill
ing pieces rose to twenty-seven ; but
that did not prevent ler from carrying
on the the war succeasfnily.
WILL report has reached Clucinnati to
the effect that tho rebel Van Dulrn wee
killed by a staff officer of the rebel }'rice.
Van Dorn and Price had some diffien3-
ty; Van Dora drew a pistol to shoot
him but- Price's staff officer killed Van
Dora before he could fire.
or General Jeff C. Davis has deliver
ed himself up to the civil authorities
of Indianapolis, to be tried for man
slaughter, in killing General Win. Nel
son. He was admitted to bail, and has
gone to his comniand, with tho army of
the Cumberland.
A Dwarf Elephant, twenty years old
and only thirty inches high—a perfect
Tom Thumb of the elephant tribe—ha 3
just been added to Wombell's (now Ed
mond's) menagerie , in England. It was
imported from Maloof'.
W General McCall, who is still suf
fering from his recent sickness, is at
Willard's Hotel, Washington, preparing
evidence in relation to the part taken by
the Pennsylvania Reserves in the battle
of Malvern Hill,
sr The Government has advertised
for two thousand Head-Boards for Graves
to be delivered whithin thirty days.—
They are to be black walnut, clear of
knots, four feet long and ten inches
gir A Clergyman has administered the
following warning t • o crinoline carers ; w
"Let women beware, while putting on
their profuse•and- expansive attire, how
narrow are the gates of Paradise."
sr The Richmond Dispatch com
plains that rebel soldiers have been bu
ried in that,olty before they were dead.
We don't know that there was anything
verpwrong in it.
sr An Intelligence Office has been es
tablished in• Cincinnati for the purpose
of finding , employment for negroes as
they arrive from the South.
ifir An individial recently claimed a
certificate of exemption on the ground
that a large wart on his nose obstruc
ted his eight,
The 40,000 men to be ~rafted in New
York are to be put t'n old regiments.—
No new ones will be formed.
In Vienna a company has been formed
for the purpose of-washing the windows
by machines. The charge is one cent
Per window.
The Albany Gas Company have re
fused to sell their coke, and determined
to give it to the poor of the city. This
is an example worthy of commendation.
On Friday contracts for horses for
the governmont were awarded at Phil
adelphia, at a rate varying from $ll4.
to $ll6.
The colored population of the District
of Columbia have addrelzsti a memorial
to the Pr;sident.for a speedy transfer to
the home furnished them by the agent
of emigration.
The President has appointed Col
Henry H. Sibley, of Hinursota, who
was mainly instrumental is putt!ng down
the Indian massacre, a Brigarlis . .. Clan
oral. This was richly deser7erl.
A largo Union meeting ims held at
- Beaufort, N. C., or. the 21st ultimo.—
Eloquent speakers were present, and
resolutions endorsing the Fresidant'e
proclamation and free labor were
Evory State of Jeff Davis' new nation
which Mr. Glsdetone thinks ie aetablish
est has the United States flars nc.v wa
ving over some portion of it, and on%
Florida, is entirely nr_der the control of
the United States luthoritic.3.
Major W. W. Russel, Fwaaeter of
the Marino Corps, and :ncently attached
to Gen. McClellan's staff, committed
suicide last Friday morning with both
sword and pistol, while laboring under
temporary insanity.
Mrs. Jessie Fremont has in press a
volume entitled "The Story of the
Guard; or, Chronicle of the War," in
which it is said she will. "tell home
truths appertaining to her husband's
much-abused campai:,a in Missouri."
A. Washington corzospond:at says:
The National Bank Note Company
having brought the clz.ily delivery or
postage currency up to $58,00, thero
is now a slight falling off, owing to
the process of 3orae the ar
rangements but this will soon bo reme
died, and the daily delivory of currency
carried up to $lOO,OOO.
Fine specimeas of cotkm have been
grown in Indiana this season. As Liany
as twenty-eight balls were found on a
single stock. No doubt is Mt but
cotton can be made s preiltaLlo crop
in all the ,Oho river - counties of Indi
ana and Illinoia.
A refugee from the vicinity of Lees
burg states that a rebel cavalry force
appeared in that place on Monday last
and forcibly carried south all the no
gross who had previously been collectcl
together there, and placed in confine
ment, by order. cf General Lee.
• A person named Sely Lewis, who
was arrested at Memphis charged with
being a spy and smuggling goods
through the lines, bad been tried by
court-martial, found guilty and sentenc
ed to death, but the death sentence
has been revoked by the President nod
I imprisonment for months ordered.
The horse railroad recently built in
Washington has proved a great success.
'f,-tu can ride from Georgetown to Navy
Mtn; for ilTe cents a. distance of nearly
fi ve mugs. The number of cars now
employed is forty, but it is proposed to
put on the roe.d soma thirty-five cars in
It is alleged in 19;tshington that the
person who farnisllod John an Buren
with a copy- of Gen. Sco, + t's letter to
Secretary Seward, store it from the
Slate Department, is which he Yfes 4:"
til lately a clerk. It is also alleged that
the same person appropriated other Ile
portantatate papers.
An accident occurred on Friday morn
ing on the :Northern Central Railrsad,
near New Cumberland, Pa., by the
breaking of a rail, which precipitated
the train down the embankment, badly
breaking the care and injuring a num
ber of the occupants. The accident de
layed the train six or eight hours.
Quite a number of rebel prisoners
captured at Antietam, and in the sever
al engagements in Maryland, have ta
ken the oath of allegiance and have been
released. A number of them are now
in Washington seeking employment at
their trades. Several printers are
among the number.
An order has boson issued by Major
General Wool prohraiting the issue of
.any more passes to visit prisoners at
Fort McElenry. Parties who have-ob
tained inch passes have abused the
prvilege thus granted, and the General
is determined in future to avoid giving
them an opportunity to repeat' the of
J. F. Bollmyei, editor of the Dayton
Ohio, Empire, was shot dpad last Satur
day morning by Henry M.'Brown. The
difficulty grew out of personal =sunder
standing, occasioned by the shooting of,
a dog belonging to Mr. Bollm,yer by
Brown's son. Brown gave himself up,
and was sent •to jail to await a trial._
A tiigedy, • - -
- TfE MA]3IET T lAN. --A
Blankets are being furnished to
those of the drafted men who are unable
to procure them for themselves, by
2°mo — charitable' persons who desire to
do their share toward the comfort of our
soldiers, and make no ostentatious dis
play of it., It is worthy of remark that
those engaged is this priaseworthy
movement are the Mennonites, the "con
scientious" men, upon whom such un
reasonable abuse has been visited, and
who now 3hOT7 themselves more patri
otic than t:' , l .tay-at-home --nestion
m-ongera who revils them.
Cr P. Montgomery, late Editor of
tne Vicleouzg Whig, who zeoently made
his escape from the South, is stumping
Illinois for the "Abolitionists," Puragn i
Brownlow and Senator :Fright of Indi- I
atm, are in the same business. The
Hon. To. Holt of Kentucky, has written
a litter to Mc.ssacinetts in favc..: of
the Abolition party. The Rev. Mr.
0-•:to: of Tennet.:c; 4.nd Colonel Ham
ilton of Texas, are speaking in Ne^
York ^,n the F^MO side of the question.
inet it ? -or is it i'
The ‘o:, - from tie internal tax
it is said Pt Wkshitigton, will largely
exceed iha estimate of Congress. The
data recei::.l by the Commissioner of
Ileirc!ze, leads to the belief that it. will
reach nearer 3250,09!),009 than $150,-
000,0 . 30, the eui it was Ztrst thought it
would pro;luce. In cne district la New
York, '.there tl.s colleotor thougikt 3,-
000 would be 15;23
are re Taizetl.
if - -; Captain Boggs z!ated at the As
tor House in New Y;:rlz, that the robel
melody beginning
" Butler 11-9 to toin,
has Mmcst r.G.:zsd to be sung by the
secesulonistz of Now 0r1.: , 27. Our
men,-however, have catizht it cp ; the
camps of ''.lo rot-lora' army are .;Iva with
it ; and it can be heath' Gf a r -tight
ovsning on tbe vessels ascealir.g the
Cr The United States military store
keeper at Washington rer , ;...ted on
Thursday that within tho last week he
has receive& 52,000 blanbats, which are
being• izeuzd f - o the army, that he
has .7i pt ,d far the array of the Poto
mac, from the 24th instant to 0.7.te,
000 uniforms, 50,00 a of - Aria have =seen
sent down to Harper's Perry end that
A boy, twelve years of eae, named
Hurl, escape:: from Clo Indian attack ea
a seta•:ncnt near Lake Shetck, Minn.,
ar.d s!firr:ed end led his baby bret!..3r,
two years olil, sixty ntilee to New Ulm,
as :^..eay.. - st settlement. /".9 "butts in
the woods" wete fourteen Zap making
the :oerney, subsisting ca wild fruits
and roots. The mother of the children
hStB aiRl,O Leen rescued.
The Readieg papers say 'that
measures are being'tahon by the Inn
keepers of Berke county to test the
U. S. Tax Lr.w, whick m,Aes them pay
for two licenses—fcr one 1".3 tavern
keepers, :uot:.•er as retail liquor dos.l
ers—and that they have the best author
ity for believing that such a construc
tion 17:13 never dreamed of by the . &m
-ore of th 3 bill.
:Liss Lizzie Fly, of Denmark, is
announced as editor of the Bridgeport
Reporter. Two editors of that paper
have gone to the war, and to avoid a
like catastrophe the publishers have
wisely resolved to place in their chair
editorial one who Is exempt from such
err The Commissioner of Internal
Revenue has decided that all marriage
certificates must hero a ten cent tax
stamp upon them or else be declared
invalid, and a penalty enforced against
them, which, in addition to fines, may
be the seperation of the parties.
' The late Governor General of
t qanada, Sir Edmund Head, has refused
the Giovernorship of Bombay, at .Z 12,500
sterlia.7C per annum, in consequence of
the clim'ete not being likely to agree
with Lady _4lead. Isn't he a consider
ate hnsband
li' The i.'rrek - tnakers of Manchester,
England, degrosus o'f testifying their rev
erence for the,:v of rrince Al
bert, have agreed to ,lontribute the
bricks required to lay the' foundation of
the memorial to the Prilue Vhich is to
be erected in that city.
sir Mr. Lyons hae proposed a resolu
tion in the rebel Congress offeriin $2O
to every negro who should kill a whits
Union soldier. Pretty good for oor
"wayward sisters," who howl so dismally
over the arming of negroes.
gir At the commencement of a late
term of the Supreme Court in Boston,
there were on the docket no less than
one hundred and -fifty cases of divorce.
Many of them had their origin in=spirit-
Sr Milton Dale, of Knight's Land
ing, Yolo county, Cal., has a Durham
cow that gives at two rankings eight
gallons a day, and from it Makes two
and a half pounds of butter per day.
or The debt of Mexico to the allied
powers, is stated in round numbers as
follows : "To England,.s7'4,ooo,9oo ; to
Spain, $10,000,000; to 'France, $500,.
—On the morning of a recent battle I relates that between three and four
near Harper's Ferry, after a sermon by l weeks ago the wife of Mr.
e George L.
one of his 'chaplains, Stonewall Jackson, Ford, of Glastonbury, Conn cticut, who
who, by the is, is an elder in the Fres- I
has mourned unceasingly over the los s
byterian churcb,.adiLiaisteredthe sacra - of two children three or four years ago,
ment to the church members :..4 his ar- I and had recently been troubled with
my. He invited all Christians to park.:- - ' church difficulties, spiritualism, Scc.,
cipate in this ceremony. A Baptist, an d was i,..T he
.'ar and mother, Mr.
health, became violent
the straightest of his sect, thoroughly ly insane. Her fax,.....
^qme to as
imbuet with the idea of close comma- Lucians Talcott and wife, ~..
nionwas seen to hesitate ; ?gut the ac- . sist her husband in taking care or per,
casion, and the man who presided, o?er- and after four days and nights of inces
came his scruples, and thus it has hap- sant care, Mr. Ford, Mr. Talcott and
paned that the prespect of a fight and wife also I?ecame insane—through a sort
the eloquence of Jackson made a Bap- of mesmeric influence, Mr. ' Ford thinks
List forget that baptism is the door into ,and all four were shouting and break
the church. In all Jackson's army an ing ell the furniture in the house. The
oath is rarely utterorel A religions neighbors removed Mr. Ford from the
enthusiasm pervades it which makes nresence of his wife, whet he became
every mi:-1 a kern. Conscious of the rational again, and remains so. Mrs
justice" of our °flan, and imbued with Ford was removed to the Insane Re
the strongc3t convicticu of patriotism, treat. Mr. Talcott And wife were ta
his men are irresistible. In this inci- ken there a few days later, and Mr. Tel
dent we have an explanation of General , qtt has since •died. AU the parties
Jackson's invincibility, and we are thus are of respectability and property. Mr.
enabled to understand why his men are Talcott and wife ware spiritualists
all heroes, and why they endure without
a mom= thp severest hardships to
I which ~. ny troors have been subjected
during the war. When peace is restored
it will be honor enough for any man to
ez.y, "I belonged to the army of Stone-
wall Jackson."
I.:.PORTAIIT.—The Commissioner of
Internal Revenve iias decided drit, un
the new tax law, - butchers who
run a wagon through the country, from
which to sell their meat, Must take cut
pedlar's license for the same. The
license is ten dollars for one and fifteen
dollars for two homes.
• It has. been arse decided that yen
das criers come under the head of ate
ticneers, must take cut a license
e.ftire they can henceforth cif a single
sale. The price of an auctioneer's li
cense is twenty doll'lrs.
Hucksters who buy up produce through
co - ntry and sell is towns or cities
from their wagon must tali° out a
peiler's license. If they hard their pro
duce to the city or town and sell thence ,
from atolls or tables, they are rezitir
ed io take out dealers license, prc-ri
dir:g their saes reach a thons7ad
meanest act of the wh 'e sucurrad
et C~spiin Bills. When the I—zitle was
over, and tie night had covered the
de,,d and the wounded under the darl:
tress, the Bishop-C eneral 2ulk ztationed
himself, with P. small and secret force,
the shadow of the forest, by the side cf
the dead, hyena-no, and, when a benev
olent and Christian heart came to look
for his dead or waunderfriend,ho would
take him prisoner, march Em off, and
strip him.
In the regular service there are 281 sur
geons and 271 enlisted medical cadets
and hospital "stewards. In the volun
toer service there aro 2,060 surgeons
and 1,200 contract physicians employed
e 3 assistant surgeons. There are also
202 stall surgeons and 120 assistant staff
curgoons. The total amount of these is
4,124, and is exclusive of new appoint
over forty years, Doctor Holloway has
been supplying all the Armies of Europe
with his rills and Ointment, they having
proved themselves the only Medicines
able to cure the worst cases of Dysen
tery, Scurvy, Sores, Wounds and Bruis
es. Every knaPanck shonid contain
them. Only 25 ctn. per Box-or Pot. 232
Mated in Queen Anne's county we ob
serve the names of john T. Hand, editor
of the Maryland Citizen, and John H.
Thompson, editor of the Centreville
Times. These gentlemen will now be
in a favorable position to determine that
oft-debated question, "Whichls might
ier, the pen or the sword ?"-t-Cecil Dem
A SAD INCIDENT.—The funeral of Ser
geant Charles Lewis, of Canterbury,.
killed of Antietam, was held last week
at Canterbury, Connecticut. At the
same time was buried tha daughter of
the Rev. ..N„ B. Hyde, a bright girl of
twenty-one, betrothed to Lewis. She
sickened upon hearing of his death, and
soon after died. •
Senator Hunter, of Virginia,
made quite a blunder, and electrified the
rebel Senate, some time ago, by inad
vertently swearing one of the clerks, to
the Constitution of , the United States.
gar A shoemaker, .named Davidson,
w ail shot by his faithless wife at the
Frement. hotel, in Lafayette, Indiana,
on Friday Toot. She was arrested and
lodged in jsil. He will recover,
Sr ',rho diffinvoce between war and
peace has been well defined by one of the
ancients. - "In time el peace the eons
bury Jathers ; in the time of war
the, fathers bury their sons',"
eir John G. Whittier, "the Quaker
Poet," hfut been nominated by the. Re
_publicans of the 4th Senatorial Dis
trict in Massachusetts for State Sena
tor. • .
Ur Gen . . Mitchell has died. of yellow
fern, 'Pctrtitiiyal,'s-oilthlina,s
w 3ALTIMORE, Nov. 3.—The American
'-ns a letter from Dutton, Caroline coun
ty, Maryland, giving an account of the
lynching of a negro who was under ar
rest for having outraged and murdered
a little girl, the -daughter of Edgar
On Saturday night, a large number of
excited people came into town, surround
ed tho jail, forced open the doors, and
took the prisoner out and hung him.—
While he was suspended fifteen bullets
perforated his body. He was then taken
down, when his throat was cut by the
infuriated mob, and his body dragged
through the streets. It was finally ta
ked to the front of the negro church,
where it was cut to pieces and burnt.
Sourn..un—"My dearly be
loved hearera," said a very popular
preacher down South, haranguing his
hearers on tire importance of persever
ance and fortitude during the present
war, "you must do what General Wash
ingtokdone nt tiro battle of Waterloo.
In the head of the skirmish his horse was
gilled by n British cannon ball. Did
Warhicgton gi:e up his horse to the
enemy ? Not he. He sung out at the
top of his voice, "A horse, a horse ! my
kingdom for a horse l" A horse was
insta_Aly bro-,ht him by Prank Marion
and he drove the British from the field,
and secured the liberty of South Caro
Tiffin, Ohio, on the 15th ultimo, the
Elephant Hannibal, belonging to Van
Amburg's Menagerie, treated himself to
a repast which cost him over eighty dol
lars. A candy pedlar had stocked hie
wagon with a supply of delicacies, and
had gone to the hotel stable for his
horse, when Hannibal broke loose from
his fastenings, smashed the wagon to
finders, and "gobbled" down, in a few
.:.cments, six thousand gingerbread
cakes, seventy pounds of assorted can•
dy, and forty pounds of "French kisses."
MONEY FOE THE YrooPs.--Nine hun
dred thousand dollars were, a few days
since, sent West—s3oo=4J it to Cin
cinnati, and $600,000 to Louisville—
for toe payment of troops. The Secre
tary of.the Treasury has directed that
$200,000 $300,000 shall go forward dai
ly, until all back accounts of this de
scription have been settled. •
cotton crop from _ the Carolina Sea
Islands this season, raised by the con
trabands, is estimated at not less than
35,000 bales. This has been grown and
will be gathered under the direction
of the Government. 4 ' small portion
will only be ginned on the spot. Last
season tho amount of Government cot
ton was 2,000 bales, which sold for
$600,000. What it cost the Govern
ment to produce this amount is not
SINGULAR LucK.—Mr. Samuel C. Har
ris, of Butler township, Schuylkill coun
ty, was enrolled twice in that township
aad once in Columbia county. It seems
that his residence as well-as office are on
the boundary line of the two' counties,
and the marshals of both claimed him.
He was not only enrolled three times,
but his name was down three times on the
day ofdraft—once in Columbiaand twice
in Schuylkill. A wonderful freak of the
blia•goddess I
PLIIC.K.-S. H. Hill, a young man who
had just returned from New Orleans,
where he was a .waiter .for for an officer in
a Vermont regiment, enlisted in North
ampton, Mass., .a few days ago, but was
rejected by the surgeon in consequence
of having a stiff finger. He was told
if he would have the finger taken off he
would pass. The-finger was accordingly
removed, and the plucky young man has
mainder of the year 1862 be as proEi
porous as the part which has gone by,
the sum total of the receipts from cus
toms for the year will be over $65,-
000,000, a greater amount than has
- ever been collected in any previous
O' Huntingdon and , Center counties
having fctrnished their,. quota's n,
teers, escaped tin drafted Altogether.
ing is the form of the oath administered
and the questions propounded, when ex
emption from military duty is claimed
on the plea of conscientious scruplea.—
We have nothin; to say on the hard
ness of the oath thus Made necessary, or
the humiliation of the questions that
must be answered. It is a bitter dose
to swallow, and the man who could rest
easy over such swearing, would be able
to sleep on a bed of sabre bayeigta, It
qftid that the WI has been ,
mo bee.
dified, but iach ~,,t the fact- "he ,
following is the oath pit , required.:
-County, S.
Before me, Commissioner to Superin
tend Drafting for said county,— per
sonally appeared --- who being duly
did depose and say, that he had
conscientious scruples to bear arms, be
lieves it unlawful to do NO, whether in
self-defence or in defence of his country,
or otherwise howsoever ; that the sam
ples and belief above stated, have not
been formed lightly but -carefully, du
liberately and conecientionsly, and ase
declared and_professed not for -the pur
pose of evading the military service of
his country in the present exigency, but
because he solemnly and religiously
holds and maintains them, and in his
conscience believes that it is his boun
den duty to act in accordance with
them on all occasions, and under all cir
'Would you take up arms in defence
of your own life or the lives of your
wife and children ?
Answer, 'No,'
'Would you stand by and see your
wife and children murdered without ta
king up arms to defend them P
Answer, 'Yes.'
'Would you stand, by and see yovr
father and mother murdered withoutlit
king up arms to defend them, if in so
doing you could prevent it?
Answer, 'Yes.'
'Would you allow your property to
be taken from you if you could pre
vent it, and if in sp doing yon could
prevent it without imperilling - 31)dr life
and limb ?
Answer 'Yes.'
Sr Charles James Faulkner, sent
Minister to France by Mr. Buchanan,
used this language en the Emancipation
Debates in the Virginia Legislature in
1832 while then advocating the complete
manumission of every slave in "'Virgin
ia : "But, sir, it is said that society
having cotrfirmed this tight of property
on the elaveholder, it cannot now take
it away from him without an adequate
compensation, by which is mina full
value. I may be singular, in the opin
ion, but I defy the legal research of
the House to point me, a principle re
cognised by the law, -even in the or
dinary course of adjudications, where
the community pays for the property,
which is removed or destroyed, because
itis a nuisance and injurious to society."
This is going farther than the President,
who offers compensation to the loyal
slaveholding B s iates, and only enfran
chises unqualifiedly the slaves of the
traitor States, and then because of a
military necessity, r foar million slaves,
men and women, working in the fields,
that being equal to eight millions men
and women North, the delicite habits
and labors of men and women consid
ered, being the salvation of the traitors
in arms.
far The scoundrel who has been furn
ishing the rebels witk information of
army movements in advance, haa been
detected. Re was the confidential clerk
of Adjutant General Thomas, whose
loyalty has been called into question
more than once. Re will probably be
promoted to a more responsible position
somewhere, and to a place where he not
only can serve his Southern brethern
better than heretofore, but steal some
thing handsome for himself. He was
detected in the business last fall, but
Thomas said he coold not spare him
from the department, and he was re-:
tained. Instead of that, if the charges
are trae, both Thomas nod his clerk
ought to have been shot long ago,
gir Seven thousand men are now busy
in completing the iron-clads in and,
around New York city. In addition to.
these, ten first class foundries have alt
their men engaged upon the machinery
and turrets, while the ordnance shops
in the country are preparing the arm*.
iiEr A steel suspension bridge of one
hundred yards' span is now undergoing
the scientific test at Birkenhead, Eng
land. The steel used in its construction
stood the handsome test of seventy tuns,
per square inch of tensile strain.
A Mrs. Rosenfield was burned to
death in Baltimore on - last Friday, by
her clothes taking fire from a lighted,
match which she had carelessly thrown
on the floor and then walked over.
air The Louisville -Journal says that
lotteries are now licensed in - Kentucky.
A per tentage of the profits is to ba
used to buy a State Library.
tar Aiways bequeath to your wife as
much money as , you can. You know ,
that her second husband, poor fellow,
may not have a cent in his pocket.
Gir Why in a lover like a dog ? Ba,
cause he bows no be WOW.