The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, November 01, 1862, Image 3

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    Ely Soul Oarieitian.
MARIETTA CAR TIME.—The several pas
senger trains leave '° Upper-station" as follows:
the morning train east at 7:15. The Mail train,
west at 11:23. The afternoon train east at
5: The evening train west at 6:55.
fix The drafted men from this county
will rendezvous at Lancaster and Mount
Joy, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday of next week, as follows :
Those from the following districts will
report themselves on Monday next, at
the Court House, Lancaster :
Bart, Clay,
Earl West, Leacock Upper,
Larnpeter West, Manor,
Washington, Penn,
The following districts will report at
Mount Joy, on Tuesday :
Conoy, Hempfield West,
Donegal West, Mount Joy,
Donegal East, Rapho,
Elizabeth, Elizabethtown,
The following at Lancaster, on Wed•
Colerain, Little Britain,
Conestoga, Pequea,
Drumore, Providence,
Eden, Salisbury,
'lamp&ld East, Strasburg twp.,
Lancaster I wp , Columbia,
Lampeter East, Manheim twp.
The following at Lancaster, on Thurs
day :
Cocalico East,
Cocalico West,
Earl East,
The whole number drafted from the
county is 1625. Substitutes must be
offered at Harrisburg and there sworn
co. The eighth annual meeting of the
Teachers' Institute for Lancaster coun
ty, will be held in Fulton Hall, Lancas
ter, commencing on Monday, the 24th
instant, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and con
tinue during the week, The approach
ing meeting will doubtless be much more
interesting than either of its predeces
sors. A vast amount of useful and en
tertaining matter will be brought before
the Institute, by means of Lectures,
Class Drills, Essays and Discussions.--
No effort will be omitted to render the
exercises of the coming Institute pleas
ant and profitable, and it is hoped that
the Teachers throughout the county will
Abe present, and assist in not only ma
king it larger in numbers than any here
tofore held, bat °Geol . increased interest
to its members. School Directors and
friends of education generally should be
present to participate in the useful and
delightfa! exercises.
t,c i , 'Squire Ma:lune and Jsmes Dun
kle of this county, who were a few
months since arrested on the charge of
forging bounty land warrants and plead
guilty to the charge have been sentenc
ed by Judge Gadwallader., to five years
earls to the Rasters Penitentiary. The
Lancaster Express says Lieut. U. LI.
McGlone of Capt, company in
the 13511, a son -of the "Squire" whose
sentence is noticed above, and was gen
erally considered, previous to leaving this
county, as a sympathizer with secesh,
who went into service for the sake of
the pay of an officer; which opicion
gains strength from the fact that he also
is now in prison in Washington for ut
tering treasonable sentiments, having
been arrested a week or two since.
Gir Hon. John Reiman, one of the
Associate Judges of the Courts of York
County, died at his residence in York,
on Sunday morning a week, after a pro
tracted illness. He was a man well
known throughout that county, and was
much respected by all classes of people
for his kind and generous disposition.
Be filled the office of County Commis
sioner for three years, and was twice el
ected to the position which he held at
the time of his death. He was in the
Cdst year of his age.—Lancaster Union.
fur We learn, with much regret, that
Dr. Horace West will leave this place
on Thursday next, to return to Bain.
bridge. The Doctor has made a host of
friends in our midst, who will be sorry
to hear of his determination to leave.—
May he never want friends. A more
courteous gentleman it has never been
our good fortune to have met.
gir We redeived a' bundle of Rich
mond papers a few days since, from our
townsman John McAdams. Scott Pat
terson also sent us another copy of "The
New South." Scott is now under Gen.
Mitchell, who is doing things up right.
oar The Agriculturist for November
is out. No farmer can well do without
this invaluable monthly visitor. Only
one dollar a year. Orange Judd, 41
Park Row, New York.
Gir Capt. Daniel Herr of Columbia
has been compelled to resign his com
mission in the 11th Pennsylvania Caval
ry and will return home.
gir The Susquehanna ha§ been taking
a rise. The bars :n front of town are
covered and quite a current in the river.
Oar Capt. Rodgers of the Stanton Ca
valry is in town recruiting. He can be
found et the Donegal House.
ge- Gen. Jefferson, C. Davis has been
indicted at Louisville, for manslaughter,
for shooting General Nelson.
G. SCOTT ON 0. P. F.—The New
York Herald in speaking of Gen. Win
field Scott's letter to James Buchanan
on the origin of the war, holds the fol
lowing language : "It throws a flood of
light upon the trembling imbecility and
truckling cowardice Mr. Buchanan dur
ing the last dark six months of his most
wretched administration. There is noth
ing in all history to compare with it in
groveling servility, fear and obedience
by the head of a great nation, to a little
knot of insolent and threatening traitors.
Had the suggestion and appeals of Gen.
Scott, October, 1860, to January, 1861,
in behalf of strong garrisons in our South
ern forts, been adopted by President
Buchanan, he could have crashed this
great rebellion in the bud, as Gen. Jack
son nipped the nulification experiment
of South Carolina of 1832-33. This lit
ter of General Scott, with its valuable
memoranda and their dates and specifi
cations, clinches the nail of Mr. Buchan
an's shameful moral cowardice and sniv
elling dotage. His responsibility for
this war will follow him throngh a thous
and generations, in darkened contrast
with the shining patriotism of General
go. We clip from the Washington
Star the following notice of the 135th
Pennsylvania Regiment, Col. Porter, in
which regiment the "Marietta Braves,"
Capt. Samuel G. Miller are in.: "nis
fine regiment has been doing provost
duty for some time in this city, and the
general good conduct of the men, and
the soldierly qualities of the officers
have been remarkedby all. Col. Por
ter is a strict disciplinarian, and under
his management, the regiment, although
a new one, has attained great proficien
cy, and the good effects. of a stringent
enforcement of needed rules and regula
tions is visible everywhere. The regi
ment is encamped in the barracks, east
of the Capitol, formerly occupied by
86th Regiment, New York Volunteers,
and the encampment is kept in so neat
a condition as to make it a desirable
residence. When the 135th took pos
session the ground was in a miserable
condition, covered with filth, badly po
liced, roofs of barracks defective, boards
torn:off from the buildings, and every
thing out of repair. Under the energet
ic management of Quartermaster Cush
man, all this was at once remedied, and
the general health of the men fully at
test the advantage of cleanliness. The
buildings are warm, dry and comforta
ble, and present a really inviting ap
pearance. One of the buildings has
been fitted up as a chapel, and. Divine
service is held every Sabbath by the
Chaplain. The different companies of
the regiment do duty in Georgetown, at
the Old Capitol prison, the Central
Guardhouse, and as a street patrol,. and
in the perfon9ance of all their duties
they are remarkably efficient, so much
so that the citizens much - desire the re
tention of the /35th in this duty, and
the interests of the Government cannot
be•better subserved than by retaining
From the above it appears our Mari
etta boys are getting along finely. A
line frorn the Captain, Lieut. IC rater and
G. W. Hearothe, who is also at Wash
ington, says they are flourishing "like a
green bay tree." May it long continue
may' There is an error, we understand,
says the Washington' Intelligencer, in
the statement going through the pa
pers, that Brigadier General McCall,
commanding the . Pennsylvania Reserve
Corps, has been relieved from duty.—
The General has not returned to duty,
because detained by illness, which fol
lowed his imprisonment and exchange.
He i 3 now convalescing. We do hope,
however, that he will be relieved.
Cr George Bright, a brother of the
Indiana Senator, is a resident of Shelby
ville, Kentucky. It was he who, when
the rebels made a raid into that town,
informed them of the trap which was
laid for them.
Administrator's Notice.
_VA Borough of Marietta, deceased. Letters
of Administration, de bongs non, with the Will
annexed, on said Estate, having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto
are requested to make immediate settlement,
and those having claims or demands against
the same will present them without delay fnr
settlement to the undersigned, residing in said
borough. F. L. BAKER,
Administrator, &c.
Marietta, Oct. 27, 1862. -13-6 t
ders of the Lancaster and Marietta turn
pik e road company are requested to Meet at
the public house of John Kendig,
On Monday morning, November 3d,
at nine o'clock, to elect a president, managers,
and a secretary and treasurer, for the ensuing
year. ' By order of the Board.
A. N. CASSEL, Secretary.
Marietta, October 25,1862. •
Beady-made Clothing.
J. 4. DIFFENBACH having laid in a very
serviceable stock of strong and well-made
such as Coats, Pants and Vests, which will be
sold at a lower figure than can be bought any
where'else. Come and bear the prices.
J3UGGY and Sleigh BLANKETS of various
styles and at touch lower prices than the
seine sold last fall Spangler It Patterson.
BOHLEN'S long ,celelf. D bra .
CONSTANTLY on hand; Monongahela rec
tified Whiskey. - Beitiamtn 4' Co.
c - 19-TH - E
the Honorable HENRY G. Lona, Presi
dent; Hon. A. L:HAYES and FERREE Barer-
TON. Esq., Associate Judg , s of the. Court of
Common Pleas in and for the county of Lan
caster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery
and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for
the county of Lancaster, have issued their Pre
cept to me directed, requiring me, among other
things, to make public Proclamation through
out my baliwick, that a Court of Oyer and
Terminer and a general Jail delivery, also 'a
Court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace
and Jail delivery, will commence in the Court
House. in the city of Lancaster, in the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, on the THIRD
MONDAY IN NOV'R, 1862, in pursuance
of which precept, Public No!tce is hereby given,
to the Mayor and Alderman of the city of
Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Jus
tices of the Peace, the Coroner and 'Constables
of the said city and county of Lancaster, that
they be then and there in their own proper
persons with their rolls, records and examina
tions, and their other remembrances, to all
those things which to their offices appertain, .
in their behalf to be done ; and also all those
who prosecute against the prisoners who
are, or thee shall be in the jail of said county
of Lancaster, are to be then and there to pros
ecute against them as shall be just. .
Dated at Lancaster, the 13th Au of Octo
ber, 1862.
S. W. P. BOYD, Sheriff.
r 411[31 411:111 MAP Mbil •
a3aca Philadelphia
WHERE he purchased a stock of seasona
l' ly ble goods at such prices as to defy con=
For Men's Ladies and Children's Wear.
Such as Cloaking Cloths;
Silks, Poplins, DeLan - es; Prints,
Bleached and' unbleached Muslims of nearly
Crapes, Veils, Collars, and Notions of all kinds:
Fancy and Plain Cassinieres,
Black and Fancy Cloths,
Cashmeretts, Tweeds,
Kentucky Yeans, Carpeting,
Oil Cloths, Window Blinds,
Buff Holland, for Curtains,
Curtain Fixtures, &c., &c.,
All of the above goods having been bought
FOR CASH, will be sold cheap as the cheapest.
Ten Hhds. Extra Syrup at 50 cents per gallon ;
Fresh Soda and Wine Cup Biscuit; Sugars,
Coffees, Team, &c., at the lowest market prices.
Five Hhds. Sugar House Molasses at 25
cents per gallon.
Brandies, Gins, Superior Old Rye,
Pure Port,
Sherry and Madiera Wines, all of which will,
be sold at the lowest price FOR CASH.
China, Gl6ss and Queensware,
The highest price paid for produce
The Soldiers True Friend .always
HOLLOWAY'S o.l,vritEivr.—Long marches,
sore and still joints, blistered and inflamed
feet, all then the Soldiers must endure,
MOTHERS, REHEIOBER THIS, wlien your sons
are grasping their muskets to meet danger,
think what relief a single pot of this A L L
HEALINCIII CooLtam Salve will give To the
one you love whec far away from home and
friends. It hardens and makes tough the feet
so that they can endure great fatigue. It
soothes and relieves the inflamed and stiffened
joints, leaving them supple, strong and vigor
ous, while for
Sabre Cuts and Gunshot Wounds,
It stands unequelled, removing and prevent
ing every vestige of inflamation and gently
drawing the edges together, it quickly and
completely heals the most frightful wounds.
Wives and Sisters of our Volunteers.
You cannot put into the Knapsacks of your
Husbands and 'Brothers ; a more valuable or
more necessary gift than a supply of this
Extraordinary Military Salve.
The lonely sentry walking his rounds at
night, exposed to drenching rains and chilled
night air, is - often seized with most VIOLENT
PAINS, Cough and suffocating Hoarseness,
first symptoms of quick consumption, but if
supplied with Holloway's Pills and Hollo
way's Ointment, all danger is averted, a few
Pills taken night and morning, and the Oint
ment briskly rubbed twice a day over the
throat and chest will - remove the severest
pains and stop the most - distressing or Danger
ous cough. Therefore we say to the whole
Soldiers Attention !!
See to your own health, do not trust to the
Army supplies, although most valuable.—
These Pills and Ointment have been thorough
ly tested they are the-only remedies used in
the European Camps and Barracks, for over
forty years Doctor Holloway has supplied all
the Armies in Europe, and during the Crimean
Campaign he established a depot at Balaclava,
for the exclusive sale of these Great Remedies.
many a time his special Agent there has sold
over a ton in weight of the Ointment in a
single day. These terrible and fatal enemies
Dierhee, Dysentery, Scurvy, Sores and Scrofu
lous Eruptions, all disappear like a charm
before these Pills 4 Ointment, and now while
the cry rings throughout the land,
To Arms! To Arms!!
Do not let these brave men perish by disease
place in their hands these Precious Remedies,
that will enable them to resist the dangerous
exposures, the Fevers, the Chills, and the
wounds which they cannot avoid, and what is
more, cannot frequently get succour in the
moment of need, whereas if our brave men
have only to put their hands into their Knap
sacks and find there a sure remedy for all the
casualties of the battle field. How many
thousands of lives would thiis be saved who
would otherwise perish before relief could be
IMPORTANT CAUTION!—None are genuine
unless the words "Holloway, New York and
London," are disernible as a Water-mark in
every leaf of the book of directions around
each pot and box • the same may be plainly
seen by holding the leaf to the tight. A hand
some reward will be given to any one render
ing such information as may lead to the de
tection of apy party or parties counterfeiting
the medicines or vending the same, knowing
them to be spurious.
* * *Sold at the Manufactory of Professor
HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and
by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in
Medicine, throughout the civilized world, in
boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents, and ffil each.
There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes..
N.B.—Directions for the guidance:of patients
in every disorder are affixed to each box.
4140.1 WAGES PAID. fsloo.
TO sell goods for the
We will give a commission on all goods sold
by our agents, or pay wages at from $4O to $lOO
per month, and pay all necessary expenses.
Our machine is perfect in its mechanism. A.
child can learn to. operate half an hour's
instruction! It is equal to any Family Sewing
Machine in use, and we have reduced the
price to Fifteen Dollars.
Each machine is warranted for throe years.
Address C. .RUGGLES, Gen , / Ag't.,
July 26,'62-Iy.] Detroit, Mich.
On Saturday' November Ist. 1862.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Lancaster County, the undersigned
Executor of the last Will and Testament of
William Dix, late of the Borough of Marietta,
deceased, will sell at public vendue 3 at the
public house of David Cassel, in said borough,
the following Real Estate of said deceased:
Fronting on the North side of Front Street, 40
feet and extending in depth 200 feet to an Al
ley, in the Eastern part of said borough, on
which is erected
And all necessary out-buildings. Also
In the same part ofsaid borough, fronting on
the North side of Front Street 20 feet and ex
tending m depth 200 feet to an Alley, on
which is erected a one-and-a-half-story
And other improvements.
Purchase money payable April Ist, 1863,
when possession and a clear title will be given.
Sale to commence at half-past six
Marietta, October 4, 1862.
New Bummer Goods.
We have just received a full and
Is very large and contains many styles of rare
beauty, adapted to the wants of the plain and
gay. Our line of
Men's and Youth's Cassisneres
Gloves, Hosiery,
Mitts, and Notions of all
kinds in full Supply ; Son
Umbrellas, 'Worked Collars, Shawls,
Veils, Etc. Ingrain, Venitian and Rag
Oil Cloth and Paper
Window Blinds, Wall
Paper in styles suitable for
Parlors, Chambers and Halls.
Rhe the beef iq the. Bob%
Insuring Fine Teeth and a.Sweet Breath
p/seo "YOU wish to be blessed with and ad
, mired for pe pearly while and sound TEETH?
Dr. Wm. 11. Hurd's Unrivalled Tooth
Powder, warranted free from acid, alkal.'
or any injurious substance. Price 25c abort
Bewate of the ordinary cheap Tooth
Powders, which whiten but distroy.
Do you wish to be certain that your breath
is pure, sweet and_agreeable to husband or
wife, lover or friends T Use Dr. HURD'S cel
ebrated Mouth Wash. Price 37c a bottle.
This astringent wash is also'tho best remedy
in the world for Canker, Bad Breath, Bleeding
Gums, Sore Mouth, etc. It has cured hundreds.
Do you, or your children suffer from •Tooth
ache? Get Dr. HUR D' S Magic Toothache
Drops. Price 15 cents per bottle.
Are you afflicted with Neuralgia? Get- Dr.
FI UR D'S Neuralgia Plasters. The most ef
fective and delightful remedy known.
They do not adhere nor bliater, but soothe
and charm pain away. Try them. Price, IS
and 37 cents ; mailed on receipt of price.
Do you,wish a complete set of Dental Reme
dies and a Treatise on Preserving the Teeth?
Get Dr. William B. Hurd's Dental Treasury,
the neatest and most valuable present that one
friend can make to another. Price al. Sent
by Express ou receipt of price.
For sale at all-the best stores throughout the
Ca orlon :—As there are dealers who take
advantage of our advertisements to im pose
upon their customers inferior preparations, it
is necessary to insist upon having what you
call for, and you will get the best, thoroughly
tested, and prepared-by an experienced and
scientific Dentist, Treasurer of the New York
State Dentist's Association, and Vice President
of the New York City Dental Society.
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier,
Ai F. J. Kramph's Old Stand, on the Cor
ner of North Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a.
GRATEFUL to the Citizens of Marietta
Jr and vicinity, for the liberal patronage
heretofore extended, the undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of the same; as
suring them, that under all circumstances, no
efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed.
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the market furnishes, constantly kept on band
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea
sonably, as taste or style may suggest.
Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods
and such articles as usually belong to a Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
Musical Academy,
At Lancaster City, Penna
Mrs. Graves and Daughter, from Phila.,
Teachers of the Piano, Guitar and Vocal
Music. TEEMS, Five Dollars for three months.
Particular attention paid to the Rudiments.
N. B. Agents for the sale of CONR A.D
MYERS' world renowned Pr.& os. Ladies
desirous of, purchasing a good PIANO, are
respectfully invited to call .at the subscribers
residence where they can be seen ; also good
Second-hand Pianos, from $25 and upwards.
Music Stools, $5. All.the new Music received
as soon as published, for sale at city prices, by
June 14-3m] No. 15, East Orange St.
Attention is called to the recent improvements,
by which the 4reatest possible volume of tonfe
has been obtained, without sacrificing any of
the well known sweetness of these Instruments.
This, with an impioved touch and action, ren
der these Pianos uneaqualed. The dull and
muffled, or metalic and wiry tone is entirely
avoided. All Instruments warranted to stand
all climates.
Horace West, N, D.
Fir AVING purchased, in connection, with
Harrison Roth, Dr. Grove's Drug Store
an located in the Borough of Marietta, for
the practice of the medical profession, would
respectfully offer his service to the public.—
He can be found at the office formerly occupied
by Dr. Grove.
The undersigned takes pleasure in recom
mending Dr. West to his friends and patrans.
Dr. W. has been practsing in this vicinity for
the Past 8 or 9 years, and will, beyond doubt,
give entire satisfaction to all who will give
him a trial: '-• - • S. H. GROVE.
Opposite - the resulence - pf Col. John-W.Mark
•• Irid?ket,st 11farietta P
_lnsweance Xarnlzans,
Of Columbia, Lancaster County, Penn' a
MHIS Company continues to insure Build
ings, Merchandise, and other property,
against loss and damage by fire, on the mutu
al plan, either f.r a cash premium of premium
The. success of the Company - has far ex
ceeded the most sanguine expectations of the
Directors, and it will be noticed by the follow
ing statement that its affairs are in a healthy
and flourishing condition.
Balance of Cash Premiums unexpended, Feb
ruary Ist, 1861, $865 18
Cash Premiums received during the
last year, less agents' commission, $3,315 54
Interest received on money loanei
last year, 29 35
Losses and Expenses paid the last
year, $2,704 21
Balance of Cash Premiums unex-
pended,Yeb. 10, 1862,
It will be seen from the above that the
money paid in advance for policies has oeen
sufficient to pay all losses and expenses and
leave a surplus fund of over Fifteen Hundred
Dollars, and that the Directors have never
levied any tax upon the members of the Com
C. S. K A,UFFMAN„President.
GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Sectary.
C. S. Kauffman, Abraham Bruner, Sr„
John Fendrich, H. G. Minich,
Samuel F. Eoillein, Michael - S. Shuman,
Ephraim Hershey, Michael H. Moore,
George Young, Jr., Nicholas Mc Donald.
Amos S. Green.
REFER EN CES.—The following persons
are all members of this Compang:
Bainbridge—R. H Jones. John H. Smith,
Joseph Kurtz. Co/unibia—Geo. Bog' e, Hiram
Wilson, F. S. Bletz, Casper Yeager, H. C.
Fondersmith, John Shenberger, J. G. Pollock,
Frank Shillot, John Gaus, J. J. & P. S. Mc-
Tague, Michael S. Shuman, 8.. Williams,
John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise, Washington
Righter, Samuel Shoch, Robert Hamilton,
Eckert & Myers, Thomas Welsh, Win. A.
Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip
Huebner, Eplintfin Hershey, Philip Schalck,
David Hanauer, John Kramer ' Jacob Stacks,
Jacob Stripe, Benj. F. ApPold,Wm. Whipper,
John Q. Denney, John Felix, Silvester , Yogis,
,Samuel Arms, A. Gray & Co. East lempield
—Simon Minicla. Falmouth—Abraham Col
lins, Salauel 'Horst, Michael Hess. Lancas
ter—John Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer,, Henry E.
Leman, Wm. T. ,Cooper, John Sheaffer, Geo.
Reese. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehaffey, John
H. Summy, Frederick Mahling, E. D. Roath,
Calvin A. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel
Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. & F. Fletch
er. Mount Joy . H4acub Myers, Israel Barn
hart, Michael Brandt, John Breneman.—
Manheim—John Hosteter, J. E. Cross, Sam'l.
Long, Geo. Weaver,"John M. Dunlap, John
Dutt, Philip Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, David
Fisher. /Ifaytown—Hiram Beatty, George B.
Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon F. Albright...—
Mayan/Ile—A. S. Bowers. Manor Township
'=Jacob B. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius
L. Shuman. Peen Township—Daniel Frey,
Henry B. Becker, Henry Neff, John E. Bren
ner. Rapho Township--Chnstiam Greider,
Edward Givens, blichael Witman. West
Ilempfleld Township—H. E. Wolf, B. A. Price,
M. A. Reid, J. H. Strickler,Amos S. Bowers,
Jacob Hoffman. Warwick - fownShip—Daniel
B. Erb.
It-The Company wish to appoint an Agent
for each Township in Lancaster County.—
Persons wishing to take the Agency can apply
n person or by letter. ivB-35
600 000 MALleoLvsivrTAO`LE
Map of the United States,' Cazadas,
From recent surveys, completed August 10th,
18621 cost *20,000 to engrave it and one
year's time. It is superior to any $lO
Map ever made by Colton or
Mitchell, and sells at the
370,000 names are engraved on this Map
It is not only a County Map, but it is also a
County and Railroad Map
of the United States and Canadas combined in
one, giving
.Every Railroad Station
and distances between.
Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 per
day, and will take back all maps _that cannot
be sold and refund the money.
Send for $1 worth to try.
Printed instructions how to canvas well,
furnished all our agents.
Wanted—Wholesale Agents for our Maps
in every State,California, Canada, England,
France and üba. A fortune may be made
with a few hundred dollars capital. An Com
petition. J. T. LLOYD, No. i 64 Broadway,
New Yo r k.
The War Department uses our Map of Vir
ginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, cost $lOO.-
000, on which is marked Antietam Creek,
Sharpsburg, Maryland Heights, Williamsport
Ferry, Rhorersville, Noland's Ford, and all
others on the Potomac, and every other place
in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, or
money refUnded.
Typographical Map of Kentucky,
Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois,
is the only authority for Gen. Buell and the
War Department. Money refunded to any
one finding an error in it. Price dl) cents.
From the Tribune, Aug. 2.
"Lloyd's Map of Virginia. Maryland, and
Pennsylvania.—This Map is very Urge ; its
cost is but 2d cents, and it is the best which
can be purchased." •
Lloyd's great Map of the Mississippi
From Actual Surveys by Copts. Bart and Wm.
Bowen, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis,
Mo., shows every man's plantation ano own
er's name from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexi
co-1,350 miles—every sand-bar, islarrd, town,
landing, and all places 20 miles back from the
river—colored in counties and States. Price
$1 in sheets. $2, pocket form, and - $2.50 on
linen, with rollers. Ready Sept. 20.
September 17, 1862.
J. T. LLOYD-Sir: Send me your Map of
the Mississippi River, with price per hundred
copies. Rear-Admiral . Charles H. Davis :
commanding the Mississippi squadron, is au
thorized to purchase as many as are required
for use of the squadron.
GIDEON WELLES, Secretary of the, Navy.
Saw mill and Lumber Yard,
CONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment
of all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he
otters at reasonable prices.
Boards, Plank, Joist, &angling,
Rafters, Laths, Shingles,
Pails, t e . t c .
All orders attended to with dispatch.
H. L. & E. J. ZAHM
110 ESPECTFULLY inform - their
. friends and the public that they
elr;" still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
AND JEWELRY business at the old
stand, North-west Corner of North
Queen street and Center Square; Lancaster, Ps
A full assortment of goods in our line of bust,
ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest
cash rates. $3- Repairing attended to per
sonallrby the proprietors.
D RIED FRUlT7eligp at .
Great Boots in Press!
~hhillinginei of GiT4f
Or, the Heroism of our Soldiers 6- Sailors.
The critics and the public are right in pre
dieting that this will surpass, in graphic nar
rative, exciting interest, and extensive popu
larity, all other histories of the War for the
Union. Its theme will be the heroic daring.
patient suffering, and hair-breadth escapes 01
our soldiers and sailors, and its incidents will
form the theme of conversation at innumerable•
firesides for years to come. It will contain, in
addition to its stirring dt tails, the philosophi
cal Analysis of the Causes of the War by
" The Rise of the Dutch Republic," etc., the
dates of all the important events frhm the
John Brown raid. and an accurate and revised
account of the principle battles, with engra
One-third the proceeds of all Subscrptions
sent direct to us will be given for the Relief of
Disabled Soldiers; and all persons who wish a
copy of tile work, and also to benefit the sol
diers should send their name and address at
once. Also, any officer or private, or person
in any section of the country, having knZrwl
edge of a heroic act or stirring incident will
oblige us by sending an account of it.
Booksellers, Post:Misters, and Canvassing
Agents will be furnished with a Subscription
Prospectus, on application to the Publishers.
Yom' A liberal commission given to soldiers
desiring to act as agents in taking subscrip
$4,210 D i
31,505 86
$4,210 07
The I:istory of _American Mcnisfacturex,
FROM 1808 TO 1860..
BY J. LEANDER insnoo..
2 Voxs,„ Bvo.--Vot. I now ready, Vol. 11.
nearly ready.
THIS is probably the largest and most im
j portant work now in the American press.
We have also just published new editions of
the following useful and popular books :
Ike Business Man's Legal Advisor. ;
Or, Bow to Save Money, by conducting busi
ness occording to law, as expounded by tho
best and latest authorities. 400 pp, sheep.
Price, One Dollar.
Opportunities for Industry;
Or, A Thousand Chances to' Make Money.—
Cloth, el. This has been republished in
Every business man and clerk should have
these books- They will pay the buyer a hun
dred fold. Every parent should get them fcr
their sons.
All these books are mailed, post paid, on re
ceipt of price. We pay particular attention to
mailing books, wrapping them carefully, and
will procure and send, post paid, any book
anywhere, on receipt of publisher's price and
six stamps. Address
Tarsunn BuiLnirms, NEW-YORK.
DR. 1 „-. .gZr t A ( 41 S MEDICAL TREATISE
On the Physiological Views of Marriage!
Price only 26 cents. Sent free of postage to
all -parts of the Union. On the infirmities of
youth and maturity, disclosing the secret fol
lies of both sexes of ages, causing debility,
nervousness, depression of spirit, palpitation
of the heart, suicidal imaginings, involuntary
emissions, blushings, defective menfory, indi
gestion and lassitude, with confessions of
thrilling interest of a Boarding Schoot Miss,
'a College Student, and a Young Married Lady,
4-c., ttc. it is a truthful adviser to the married
and those contemplating pariage, who enter
tain secret doubts of theillihysical condition,
and who are conscious of having hazarded the
'health, happiness, and privileges to which
every human being is entitled.
Y.)UNG MEN who are troubled with
weakness, generally caused by a bad habit in
youth, the effects of which are dizziness,
pains, forgetfulness, sometimes a ringing in
the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back
:and lower extremities, confusion of ideas, loss
of memory, with melancholy, may be cured
by the author's new Parts and London Treat
We have, recently devoted much of our
time in visiting the European Hospitals, avail
ing ourselves., of the knowledge and researches
of the most skillful Physicians and Surgeons
in Europe and the Continent. Those who
place themselves under our care will now
have the full benefit of the many new and ef
ficacious Remedies which we are enabled to
introduce into our practice, and the public
may rest assured of the same zeal, assiduity,
SECRECY and attention being paid to their
cases, which has so successfully distinguished
us heretofore, as a Physician in our PECULIAR
department of professional Practice, for the
past twenty-five years.
FRENCH FEMALE PlLLS.—Ladies Who wish
for Medicines, the efficacy of which has been
tested in thousands of cases, and never failed
.to effect speedy cures without any bad re.
sults, will use none but Dr. DeLaney's Fel
male Periodical Pills. The only precaution
necessary to be observed, is, ladies should not
take them if they have reason to believe they
are in certain situations (the particulars of
which will be found on the wrapper accom
panying each box,) though always safe and
healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they.
Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to
any pant of the :United States or Canada.
TO THE LAnnes--Who need a confidential
medical adviser with regard to any of those
interesting complaints to which their delicate
organization renders them liable, are particu
larly invited to consult us.
For mauled ladies whose health will not ad
mit, or who have no desire to increase their
families, may be obtained as above. It is a
pellTectly safe preventive to conception, and
has been extensively used during the last 20
years. Pm: reduced to $lO.
A Treatise on the Cause of Piemature De
cay— A solemn warning. Just published, a
book showing the insidious progress and pre
valence among schools, [both male and fe
male.] of this fatal habit, pointing out the
fatality that invariably attends its victims, and
developing the whole progress of the disease,
from the commencement to the end.
It will be sent by Mail on receipt of two [3
cent Stamps.
Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning til
9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 till 5 P. Id.
Medicines with full directions sent to any
part of the United States or Canadas, by pa •
tients communicating their symptoms by letter.
Business correspondence strictly confidential.
L's Office is still located as establish
ed under the name of DR. LACROIX, at
No. 13 Msiden Lane, Albany, N. Y.
Prepared from an improved recipe by the pro
prietor of
" The Brother Jonathan Polish,"
is certified by all the leading New York Fur
niture Dealers and Piano Forte makers to be
the beSt in the world for removing scralchea.
marks and dirt, and restoring a high and lash
ing gloss to all kinds of Varnished Work, from
Furniture to Leather. It is cheaper and bet
ter than varnish, dries immediately, and is ea
sily applied. With a piece of canton flaunt/
and a bottle or two of this
New Furniture Polish,
a housekeeper can work magic in the furniture
of a house and keep it looking like new. Now
is the time to " shine up " your tables, chain,
desks, pianos, picture framer, carriages, etc—
and make them look fifty per centum better.
This is true economy. Pot. sale by Furoitur•
Dealers and Storekeepers generally. Price 2
and 50 cents a bottle. Depot No. I Spruce
Street .New York. Special Agents Wanted.
Address, Box 1972, New York P. 0.
perior to any now in use, can be had at th,
ap Store of Diffenbath.
TAYOTT'S Hanging and Side Lamp!,
Far Kale at WEST & ROTH'S.
For aale cheap at Diffenbach's
BRANDIES—aII brands—guarranted
4enuiae. Benjamin C