T-J- BAKER , Editor emad ProiDrietor. VOL NINE. FUEL/SHED WEEKLY AT ONE DOLLAR, A YEAR, PAYABLE S 4 ADVANCE kFFICE on Front Street, a few doors east ,of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, Marietta, Lancas ter County, Pennsylvania. TElusis, One Dollar a year, payable in ad-. Vance, ar.iit if subscriptions be not paid. within six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged. No subscription received for a le6s period than six months, and no paper will be diston tinned until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to noti fy a discontinuance at the expiratien . of .the . term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. - Any person sending us FIYE new subscriber's shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. /wns:llama RATES: One square (12 lines, or less) 80 cents for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum.• Notices in the reading col umns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE ; but for any additional lines, five cents a line. A liberal deduction made to yearly and half yearly advertisers. Jou Parrirrno of every description neatly and expeditiously executed, and at prices to butt the times. THE BLIND BOY, It was a blessed summer day, The flower's bloomed—the air was mild, The little birds poured forth their lay, every.thing in gature smiled. In pleasant thought I wandeied on, Beneath the deep wood's ample Shade 'Ttll suddenly I Caine upon Two children who had thither strayed. Jutt at an aged birch-tree's foot A little boy and girl reclined, His hand in hers she kindly 'pat,. And then I saw the boy was blind The children knew not I was near, A tree concealed me from their view, But all they said I well could hear, And I could see all they might do. "Dear Mary," said the poor boy, "That little bird sings very Jong ; Say, do .4eo.hirn in his joy, And is }fie pretty AA his song?" "Yes, Edward, yss," replied the maid, "I see the bird, on yonder tree." The poor boy sighed, and gently said, •'Sister, I wish that I could see! "The flowers - you say, are very fair, And brightgreori leaves sire on the trees, And pretty birds are singing there, How beautiful for one who sees! "Yet I the fragrant flowers can smell, And can feel the green leaf's shade, And I can hear the notes that swell From those dear birds thut God has made "So, sister, Gad to me is kind; Khough - sight, alas! He has not given ; Put tell me, are there any blind Among the children up in heaven?" "No, dearest Edward, More all see— 'But why aSk rue a thing so odd 7" "Oh, Mari, lie's SO good to me, 'I thought TV like to look at Cod l" Ere long, disease hie hand had laid On that dear boy, so meek and mild; His widowed mother wept and prayed, That Gad would spare her sightless child. lie felt her warm tears on his face, And said, "0, never weep for me, I'm going to a bright—bright place, Where Mary says I God shall see. “And you'll be there, dear Mary, too But, mother, when you get up there, Tell Edward, mother, that 'tin you— You know I never aftWiYou here !” He spoke no thore, but sweetly milled Until the final blow was given— When God took up the poor blind child, And opened first his eyes in heaven l THE LAST fLY OF SUMMER. 'Tis the last, fly of summer, Lai buzzing alone ; All its black-legged companions Are dried up and gone. Not one of its kindred, • No blue-bottle nit h, To sport 'mid the sugars, Or in the milk die. Pll not doom thee, thou lone one, A victim tote, Since the rest are all vanished, Come dine you with me. Thus kindly I scatter Some crumbs of my bread, Where thy, mates on the table Lie withered and dead. But soon you will perish, • I'm sadly afraid, For the glass is at sixty Just now in the shade. When wasps have all vanished, And blue-bottles flown, No fly car inhabit This bleak world alone. "Ab, Jemmy, Jemmy," said kind hearted Dr. Ponsonby, Bishop of Derry, to a drunken blacksmith, "ram sorry to see you beginingyour evil course again nnd, Jenitny, I •titti very anxious to knciw that you intend to do with that doe lad your son '1" "Intend, sir," said Jemmy, "to do for him what you cannot do for your son." "Rh Lehi how's.that—hOw's, that I" To, whiditTjemmy, witlmaturst or genuine feelibg, paid, "I intend • to make him a better man than hislathe.rl'. `,4Jubtpcittut cnuz Lb ate azumil : grliottb. fa Yittraturt, a g riculture, Ittim Ai ftt paD, Natal 4nfriligente, TV't. [FROM THE FRENCH.i SALUTATIONS AMONG DIFFERENT NATIONS, The expressions used as salutations among different nations ha.ve, under their common aspect, something charac teristic and inteiesting even for the most casual obserier. In the East, the expressions savor, in more or less degree, of the scriptures, and of the serene and , patriarchal senti ments of the inhabitants. One recog nizes the, immobility of these. pastoral and warlike people, standing aloof from all human progress. Nearly all have a foundation in religious sentiments, and express peace to those whom they are addressed. The salutation used by the Arab, "Sal em," or "Shalem . ," means peace,, and is found in the word, Jerusalem. The Arab salutes his friend thus : "May God grant you a happy morning !" "May God grant you his favors ?" If God wills it, you are well." This last expression betrays their fanaticism. Torks-have a formula which can only be used in a sunny clime: "May your shadow never be lasi." An Englishman would never think of wishing -a fine efiadow. The climate of Egypt is feverous, and perspiration is- necessary to health ; hence the Egyptain. meeting yon,,asks : "How do 'you perspire 7" "Have you eaten 7" "Is your Stomach in good order 7" rn ,asks the Chinaan—a touching solicitude, Which can only be appreciated by a nation of gourmands. "Good cheer I" says the modern Greek in nearly the same language that the an cients were wont 'to greet their friends. A charming sedation, which could only have originated among the happy, care less Greeks. The Romans, who were heretofore ro bust, indefatigable, and laborious, had energetic salutations expressing force and action : "Slave", "Be strong",. "Be healthy"; and, "Guidavia?" "What do you do ?" or "What make yon,?" The Genoese of modern times says , : "Health and wealth", which is very ap propriate for an active and commercial people. The Neapolitan devoutly says: "Grow in sanctity" ;* and the Piedmontese "I am your servant". The "How stand you V' of almost air Italy, forcibly indi cates the nonchalance of that sunny land. The Spaniard, grave, haughty,and dif ferent, - f ishes you "Good morning", to which we respond : "At your serVice, sir". Another salutation which the Spaniard uses, "God be with yon, signor" shows a melange of respect for one's self and* religious sentiment. ' The ordinary salutation of the Ger man is : "%Vie Gehti ?"—L"How goeS it?"—and has a vagueness somewhat of the dreamy character of GermaQ. To bid one s.dien, he says : "LebElh sie uyohl"—"Live quiet and be happy".— This last plainly indicates his peaceful nature and love for the simple joys of life. The traveling Hollander asks. you : "Hoe waartsge ?"—"How do you go,!" The thoughtful, active Swede demands: Of what do you think ?" whilst the Dane more placid, uses the German expres sion : "Liv vel"---"Live well". Bat the greeting of the Pole is best of "Are you happy 7" The English have the "Good-bye", a corruption of "God be with you", - and some others ; bat that which best ex hibits the character of the English is, "How do you do 1", as the activity of the people is shoWn in this detnand where the do is spoken twice. Nothing is more characteristic, more lively, or more stirring than this. The "Comment vous portez-vaus" of the Frenchman is equally characteristic. Tina Frenchman is more active thau.lal borious—more ardent, more passienete than thoughtful; and hence the principle With him is not to do, but to go—to be livgly, to show himself. There is some thing in this expression : "Comment vous portez-vons ?"--wkiMh bespeaks at once his frank manner and pleasant face. VERY LAMENTABLE.--A wooden -legged amatuer happened to be with a skir mishing party lately, when , a shlillburst near him, smashing his artificial leg to bits, and sending a piece of iron through the calf of a soldier - near,him. The soh, Bier "grinned and bore it" like a . man, while the amateur was-load-and 'emphat ic in his lamentations. Being ,rebuked,. by the wounded -soldier; he replied, "Oh, yes, it's all well enough fiit Yew. to _bear it. ~,Yoru leg-olidalt , cost_anYthitig, and will heal:up:3 bat paid Nlt2bo cash' for mine." $ , t c _ + i x,.., _ , (1 tit N---llill rift I c. 4 11 j • 4" MARIETTA, PA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1862. EVIDEIOg OF ILL-B -There is no greater breach of good manner's— or, rathei, nobetter evidence oflll-breed ing—than' that of interrupting another : in convereation, While speaking—dr com- mencing a" -- retnitilt before another hai fully closed..Na well-bred person ever does it, or Continues a conversation long with one who does. The latter often ends an interesting conversation a brupt ly waived, closed or declined, by the former, without even suspecting the cause. It is a criterion which never fails to show the breeding of the' indivi dual. A well-bred person will not even interrupt one who is in all res pects great ly his inferior. If you wish to judge the good breeding of Apeman with whoin you are but slightly acquainted,. mark such person strictly in this' respect, and you will assuredly not be deceiv,ed.— However intelligent, fluent, easy,. or even graceful, a person may appear for a short time, if you find such, individual' guilty of this practice, yon will find him or her soon prove uninteresting and coarse. It is one of the surest, and most infailible tests ever applied for any purpose whatever. It is often amusing' to see persons priding themselves on the gentility of their manners, 'and '.pat ting forth no little effort to' appear` to advantage in many other respecti, readily betray all this particular. SHOEING GOVERNMENT *IMES. -- iVashington, from 200 to 500 mules and : horses are continually. .waiting for their' turn at the shambles.- The modus operz) andi in shoeing- government, mules is novel. The most of these mules being very, careful of their feet, will•not allow them to be handled. Consequently a machine is built called the "stocks:"— The mule is pounded into it, two straps under his belly, and then hoisted up, so that his feet will just touch the*beams below. In that situation each foot is fastened to the beam below by iron bands—the bands .being tightly fastened between the hoof and joint above. Af ter being` -made secure, he commences his frightful struggle, which lasts until he finds himself powerless, when four workmen approach him, one at each. foot, and in five minutes he is "done, fin- ished." There are two of these shops in that vicinity, *shoeing about 1000 mules daily. WHAT NEXT.-A gentleman who has just returned from the borders of the State relates the following: After the rebel cavalry left Chambersburg, an their way towards Gettyshurg, when about twelve miles distant from the for mer place, they met a large funeral pro cession, which they ordered to come-to. a halt. Dismounting from their own horses, they selected fortyrthree.of the best horses in the procession, and amongst them the horse attached to the 'hearse. No violence was used ; . but, to, the contrary, the'greatest politenese was displayed towards the surprised ..mOrirn era. At length one of the funeral ea cod demanded to know by whose orders their horses wore thus taken. the re ply was, "By order of Gen. McClellan; they are wanted for the army." As soon as the funeral horses were properly secured by their captors, they pursued their way to the Potomac, leaving the afflicted friends to find their way with the corpse to the place of burial as they best - might. • THE RAISE OF THE . ROTHSCHILDS .- IV WO George 111 came to the English throne there-was a little boy at Frank ford who did not dream of ever having anything to do, peisonally, with the sov ereigns of Europe; He 'was in-the first stages of training far the Jewish priest hood. His name was 'Meyer Ansetem , Rothschild. For Some, reason or oilier' he was placed in a counting, house at . Hanover, and,he soon discoVeied' what he *as fit for. He began humbly as an exchange-broker, and went on to be — the banker ofthe Landgrave of Hesse, whose private fortune he saved by,hia shrewd:, ness, when Napoleon overran, GermanY. This incident made his fortune, -for,he. soon became a royal banker, ark,d,when he died left a calossallortune to -his five eons; who settled in , fivif gredt-Citiee isf Europe; !and wild are each ridlier=atthis day than their father eiVerlivile. To CLEAN PAINT.—Mix tOge#LeX:inq pound of soft soap, half'-a pound of pu mice ?tone, powdered; and' half a'Potinli of pearlash, with-hot water, into a thin pastei take a painting• l brush, and lay on this mishit% "over' the paint which requires cleaning, ki.nd in five minutes wash it off with boiling water. Gen; Hbwell Cobb drinks 16 1 excess He's generallx a corned - _Cobb.. ; • BEARD his Five Lay "Sermon," Dr. Brown, thus -talks of the masculine prerogative :—" I am for beardi &it - and ''otit, 'because I think 'the' Maker of the 'beard Was and This is reason enough`; but:there are many others. The misery of shaVing; its expense, its consumption of time— a vast corporation existing for ,no other purpose but to shave mankind. Camp . bell, tho, poet, who had alWays a bad razor, I suppose, and Wtislaie of rising, said he believed the man of civilization who lived to be sixty, had suffered more pain in tittles every daY in shaving, than a 'we m • With a large family had from her children. "This 'would 'be hard'to prove; but it is a process that Bayer gets Pleasanter by .practice,; and thee the. waste of . time and temper, the ugliness of being, ill or unshaven. Now we can easily see advantages in it ; the masculine gender is--intended to, be more out of doors, and more in all weathers than, the amototli-chinnod'dnes, - and this' prd tects him and apple frOrn harm. It acts as the best of respira tors to the mason And - the east wind.—, Besides,lt is a glory ; and it must be 'delightful to have and stroke a natural" beard, not like , :bean-etalls or , bottle-- brush, but such a beard as Abrah'ani's Tor Abd-el • is the beginning ever to cut, that makes- alt• the difference: L hazzard a theory that no hair of thelieaci or beard should ever be cut, or needs , any more than the eyebrows or eyelashes. ,Tae. finest head, of hair I know is one which was never ant. .It is not too long, and , is soft and thick. The secret where to stop 'growing is in the,end of, the, native un touched hair. If you cut it off, the poor hair does not know when to stop ; and if our eyebrows were so cut they might be made to:hang over oar: eyes, and be wrought into a veil. "Besides, think of the waste: stance of the body in hewing 'a way - so much hair every morning, and encour aging. an endless rotation of crops.— Well, then, I go in for the beards of the next generation, the .unshorn beings whose beards will be wagging when we are away ; but of course they,. most be clean. But hovr are. we tossup our por ridge and kail ? Try it when. young, when there is just a shadowy down on the upper lip, and no fears that they will do' allltris "elegantly"' even. Na ture d geritle in her teaching . , even the'aocomplisliment of the"spoon." • PLANTING. TAPS. IN FALL.—We find that•transplantipg fruit Jrees , in. the fall is preferred*by many, so far as it relates to apples and cherries. For pears and small finite", spring is better; Our own' experience would make 'the- locality, • • rather than season; the guidirin Making the selectien. In uplands, or other lands of a naturally 'drY, silicibus'ntiture, should choose autumn ; but in moist, heavy or argillaceous soils, spring is un doubtedly the best, without, reference to the variety ; of the fruit. „And we should adopt, this course whether in re gard to shade or fruit, trees--atwals ex cepting the evergreens, which, we do not think do nearly so well in fall .as,spring. The best time to transplant in the fall is as soon as the tress are done growing whiCh can be determined by the change .of the leaf. By, this early operations the roots have time to seize upon the soil before winter sets in, and the tree is thus ready 'for an early , start . in the spring, and is also better prepared to the severities -of winter. Large trees, especially, should be transplanted very early, or not until the ground 'is frozen hard.---Genitantown. l'ekgraph. CELEBRATE? A.untous.--Steele wrote excellently. on temperance—when sober. aallust, who declaimed so ,eloquently Against -the licentiousness of the ago,• was himself a habitual debauchee. Th Johnion's essay on` pelaerkei; able, bnt lie . was himself a pirfect boor. The verses Of / Young give one the blUesi but he was briskly - lively man. "The c j odifortis lliirrian B: Heriu, was „ Written'in prisbn, under the most distreSiis' circumstances '"`the Miseriep or):llimart Life:" by Benieford, were, on the coin Cratiy comioSed . _drawing room, where , the author"' was surrouuded..ivitlx everSoluvary. AlUthe friends.ofiSterne knew him•to:be selfish man ;.yet, as sowriter, :he: excelled' pathos and charity, - at-one ::time: beritiitgA his wife, at=another:Wasting his - sympa thiels over -dead monkey. .So &flees, wrote in. praise of. poverty , on ,fornsed:oreolit—gold, With :millions: let Vitt at= usury. . _ It is a bad thing , when Generals are fighting and their troops not. Apr.ll _ll,--1s Taa,Esifiaa OF EfEALTH.— Who Wields ifs Sceptrc.- 7 -Univtirsal Empire has . baen the, darling object of scores of despots dynasties, and states, from the time of the Phapaohs to, that, of Napoleon le Grand. Sewers of blood have been shed : b.,#aia. it, and the bones of the, myri- ; ads who have beep slaughtered in the pursuit of this Chimera, woUld, if they could be collected, in one mass, overtop the highestpeak of the Himalayan moun tains. Rome Came nearest the consum mation, yet even she was never, in truth, the absolute "Mistress of, the World." Yet there is a species of universal em pire which, has been attained. It is an empire not over the souse and bodies of mankind, but over their diseases. :r be conqueror who has achieved, this grand result Doctor Holloway, of London; at least we are taught to believe that . he has done by,youchers from all, parts of the Christian: and heathen, werld, which seem to be irrefiitable, and which, in fact:, so far as we knoW, haye never been challenged. His ,Pills and ()int meit are "universal remedies" in. a double sense. They are . dissemminated throughout the habitable globe, and they • are, (so "crowds of witnesses" assure as) universally successful. Irithis country it is quite certain that the Pills are used with the most benefi cial effect in disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, and that scrofula, and all the family of eruptive diseases and diseharging sores, give way to the heal ing. operation of the Ointment Surely`ihe noblest of all universal em pires is that which stAtohes its healing sceptre , eyer the maladies of all nations! —"Day Book." ADVICE TO , WIVES.—.A wife must nec essarily learn to form her hustind's hap piness, in what direction the seeretlies; she must Eta cherish ";his Weaknesses by working upon them ; she must not rashly run counter to his prejudice ; her motto must be, never to irritate. She must study never to draw largely On the'sranll stock-of patience in-a man's nature, nor to increase his obstinacy by trying to drive him ; -never, never, if possibl6; to have scenes: I doubt' Much' if it real quarrel, even made up, 'does not loosen the bond 'betvieery man and wife, and iometimes, unless the affection of both be very 'sineere;• lasting. If irritation should occur, At woman must expect tO hear from Most men a strength and ve hemence of-language far more than the occasion requires. Mild, as well as stern men, are prone , to his exaggeration of language ; let not a: women be tempted to say anything :sareastil of Violeta iu retaliation. The b iite rest •re pen tan ce must needs folloW if she do. Men frel quently forget what.they have said, •but seldom what is uttered- bytheir wives. Thepare grateful, too, for forbearance in such Wei ; for whilst asserting most loudly that theyare right; they are . often conscious that they are wrong. Give little time, as the greatest boon• yomcan. bestow, to the irritated feelings of your husband.—English Matron. YA.NICEE Washington correspondent writes , as ~ "Peddlers of newspapers, pies, cakes and small wares, drive a thriving trade • • among the soldiers near Washington.= Near Fort Richardson a party of men have taken possession of an or chard and cider press, and sell great quanties ofthe liquor they , mannfacture to the soldiers. An , enterprising _firm have started - a bonelboilinL establish tnent on the river bank, end are making money by producing .a fertilizer from' the cast-off, bones of the camps. Carta permeate through all the roads and by paths collecting-grease, which is sold to the soap and candlemakeraY • Cows HAIF. FOR QLOTHING.—In some parts, of the South cow's.heir.is used for the mannfacture•of clothing, in the Place of wool which has hecome exceedingly . scarce. The hair is washed prefeetly clean, and pulled or beat so as to have no bunches. after it is - dried, it is ready, fOr use. Like wool for ordinary cloth it, is ax'e'd only'fur filling," and mixed only with about one-thiid cotton. or A man mith,s, scolding wife,when inquiud : ,qf respecting occupation, said he kept a hot-hoase. Gen. Mitchel proraises to be ;"restless='- f iri his: new` comiind. hope' he will liot•mhke the Coutitiy so` ' - To whip the rebela is the-only way to make England and France hear 'civil tongues in their months. - Vfe know: not how long-lived - the,war May be, bet it „awl _the , rebellion , will perish together. LOUISVILLE. JousNALlsms.—Poindex ter, the rebel chief; held as a prison a Missouri-village; has. had •one of his lags am pii tated. It is to the 'hoped 'the youngladiesiot the, village - will be eon sidorate'enpagh to invite him to their next, hot). ' • 14 The Southern papers call the re3er Has "dirt s eaters." no wonder they are so Much afraid of them. They are, sno `dotiht, apprehensive that tho dirt eaters, when they get South, will rat up not only, the proddction of the soil but the soil too. There is a vast deal of.disease in the Southern armies. Dr..&bernethey said that "all human diseases come from two causes, stuffing and fretting." If the fact is so, the rebel troops must fiet tre mendously, for they certainly don't get much to stuff with. Kirby Smith made the people of Lex ington carry all their OoOking•stoves to the foundries to' be cast - into shot and shell. Be probably eonWdered that, as he had seized and appropriated every thing they , bad to cook, their cooking stoves were to them a superfluity. It is said that liuctner in the battle of Chaplin Hills,' hearing the bullets -whistle all aroundhim, sought safely by lying dOwn - flat upon his belly. It wasn't the first time by a good many of his get tingput of a tightplaceg'y . Iymg.• Mrs. Swisshelm says that the popular ity of her paper in Minnesota is due to the fact that peolle.are always expect ing she will say something she ought not to. > She mightadd that she is too good natured to disappoint them: Elections take pive to-dny in .Indi ana, Ohio; Pennsylvania, Illinois, and lowa. If ont.will could ..prevail; 'not a solitary individual of rebel sympathies would be elected • in either of the five Stetes.: r " The..RiehinOnd.editois are all in favor of -the emblem of the "skull and cross boned." They have: such a fancy for the cross-bones • that: they are said to write all their editorials cross-legged. tfumphrey's youngest son, his name sake and f:ac-smile, belly and all, was slightly woundel 'a few weeks ago, in a skirmish at Newcastle, and the Citizens say that he roared"likes ireat bull calf. Jeff Davis's oppressions are fast be 'coming, intolerable.. The frogs, toads, and tadpoles of the rebellion will soon be croaking to heaven for help from the devouring stork: , . , . • General McDowell is at 'Washington, , preparing a statement of his case. Cen treville was the place where he should haVe prepared his case for the nation's verdict. "I want a safeguard," said a violent rebel to General Negley the: other day. "Hang out the American flag," replied the. General, "that is the - best safeguard I know of." ' The Golconda (111.)' Commercial says that' Buckner and Tilghman were ex changed for a blind teamster and a lame mule. The Yankees always were sharp at a bargian. The rebels will soon find their cup of gall and worniwoodcoMmended to their own lips. The invaders will' be invaded, 'the despoilers despoiled, the coercors coerced, the hangman hung. Cm . sar arid Perry are immortalized for their briefannouneements of victory. Gen.,, Rosecro.ns has surpassed them both. His diipatch was : "Lu-kered the enemy." Gen, T. W. Sherman, in command at Memphis, l'as, ordered that for ,every boat that is fired on ten secession fami lies shall be expelled from the.city. Humphrey Marshall's performances have been of the most insignificant char acter. Humphrey-must be the moan thin that brought forth a mouse. One of our rebel fellow citizens thinks it "hard-to say which army whipped at Corinth:" But it; is very ensy to say which ran. General Bishop - Poll oughtto know that a reverend divine shoulde't get drunk unless he can do so without. swear- Gen. Bishop E'elk is-a man of -large -.Eat Oere's-nothing lose in hirria Every inch that isn't traitor is hypocritel. The guerillas usually make their-ari°_: , pearance in citizens' d —,--the-diesiof any citizens they can manage -to rob. • • ' ' • . This rebellion is'a very foul business, put We think We shall be able to make a clean thing of it. MEM No. 14.