The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, October 25, 1862, Image 1

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    F_ - E3..A.K311=1, =di - tor mad. Proprietor_
OFFICE on Frost Street, a few doors east
of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, Marietta, Lancas
ter County, Pennsylvania.
Thais, One Dbllar a year, payable in ad
vance, and if subscriptions be not paid within
six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de
layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50
will be charged.
No subscription received for a less period
than six months, and no paper will be discon
tinued until all arrcarages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A. failure to noti
fy a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and
25 cents fez each subsequent insertion. Pro
fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less
at *3 per annum. Notices in the reading col
umns, fire cents n-lipe. Marriages and Deaths,
the simple announcement, FREI* ; but for any
additional lines, five cents a line.
A liberal deduction made to yearly and half
yearly adrertisers.
JOB PRINTING of every descriptien neatly
and expeditiously executed, and at prices to
suit the times.
Through the mould aid through the clay,
Through the corn and througkihe hey,
By the margin of the lake,
O'er the river, through the brake,
O'er the bleak sad dreary moor,
Oa we hie with screech and roar!
Splashing, flashing,
Crashing, dashing!
Over ridges,
By the bubbling rill,
Like 40,000 giants snoring!
By the lonely hut and mansion,
lly the ocean's wide expansion,
Where the facto , y chimneys smoke,
Where the foundry bellows crank—
Don't along—
lash along—
Crash along—
Flask along,
On, on, with a jump,
And a bump,
And a roll—
/Iles the fire-fired to its destined goal !
O'er tke aqueduct and bog
the We fly with cease ese jog,
Evesc instant eomething new,
Every instant lost to view,
Now a tavern—now a steeple—
Now a crowd gaping people—
Now a hoilsw—now a ridge—
Now II cross-way—now a bridge—
Km in!, —in rnble—
Frettiag—getting in a stew !
Church and steeple, gaping people—
Quick - as thought are lost to view !
liveryth;ng that eye can survey
Turns hurly-burly, topsy-turvy I"
lolach passenger is thumped, and shaken,
As physic is when to be taken.
By the foundry, past the forge,
Through the plain and mountain gorge,
Where cathedi•sl rears its head,
Where repose the silent dead;
Moskuments amid the grass
Flit like spectres as you pass ; •
If ta hail a friend inclinad,
Whish ! whirl ! ka-swashl—he , s left behind!
humble, tumble, all the day—
Thus we pass the hours away
"teve often said your woman's love
Was mine'and mice alone;
, While sitting 'neath the oak, whose shad*
Was round about us thrown;
And hand in hand together clasped,
My head upon thy breast,
You spoke of ever harboring
Love as a welcome guest;
But uow I'm going far away
To roam the trackless sea,
And much I fear, when I . am gone,
Yotinl never think of me.
The spring again shall soon return,
With flowers bright and fair,
The happy birds again shall sing,
Caroling in the air;
The trees once mere shall blossom forth,
The bees again shall hum;
The butterflies on golden wings,
Shall in our gardens come;
The ivy, as in days of y ore,
Shall hide the blasted tree ; •
But 1 shall never smile
If you are lost to me.
Within my heart sad memory
Will mournful music bring ; •
And sorrow's trembling fingers shall
Strike on its broken string:
A nd . l will think of happy hours
when you were by my side;
When leaning on my shoulder, love,
You said you'd be my bride !
Oh, thy, dear one, when far I roam,
Upon the trackless sea,
Let me return to find you true
Unto yourself and me.
ear Intelligence has been received in
official quarters, that the Sioux Indians
in Minnesotiehave ceased their hostilties
and were surrendering, and that the mil
•itary authorities were severely punishing
the most prominent of the guilty parties.
The entire number of warriors does not
art alOgenbtot renitzetnutia coltrrral : pcttottb. foValitics, Tiltratort, a g riculturt, Ram of It gag, Yotal alottiligtuct,
"Render therefore to all their dues ; tribute
to whom tribute is due ; custom to whom cus
tom ; Year to whom fear; honor to whom hon
The foundation and the perpetuity of
an efficient and equitable systein of hu
man Government, is based upon a just
and humane system of taxation.
Governments could not be instituted
among men, and if instituted, their con
tinuance ceuld not be provided for, with
out laying an impost or tax upon the par
ties to the government in some form or
other—and the peaceful and prosperous
condition of such governments greatly
depend upon the willingness and the
honesty with which the subjects or citi
zens under them, submit to taxation.
Taxation or tribute is perhaps as old
as Government itself, and in the earlier
patriarchal days already, we find that
Issitchar, although he was "strong as an
ass" yet, "seeing that the land was pleas
ant, he bowed his shoulders to bear, and
became a servant unto tribute." As the
human family increased in numbers, and
other forms of government than the pa
triarchal form becatim necessary, in order
to insure the protection of the citizen in
all the rights of conscience and of prop-
erty, the demand for judicious systems
of taxation increased; and with this in
creased demistid, also came the difficulty
to levy and adjust a system of imposts
or taxes that would operate equally and
justly upon all the industrial interests
that claimed protection from such gov
The difficulties Mainly involved in the
subject, no doubt arose, and still arise,
from a disposition en the fart crone por
tion of the people to avail themselves of
all the benefits of legal and social pro
tection without yielding an adequate re
turn ; and en the part of the other por
tions, from a desire to oppress or impose
onerous tythes or duties, in order to ad
vance the interests of individual aggran
Under all forms of Government, there
are and probably always will be—at
least until the human family exhibits
other evidences of regeneration from
evil than are now apparent—extraordin
ary occasions, when the protection of
the social and political fabric absolutely
demands an increase of the taxes, two,
or three, or even sevenfold ; and on all
such occasions if it is demonstrable that
such an increase
. is necessary and just, it
becomes the duty of every citizen to
bear the burdens iinpesed upon him with
patience, and to sacrifice present per
sonal comfort to the common weal. Cry
out and oppose national or state taxa-.
tion as much as people will there is not
yet,—nor has there ever been a more ar
bitrary or extravagant system, than that
which they impose daily upon them
But even in ordinary peaceful -times,
as the populations increase and the ma
chinery of governments necessarily ex
pand and become complicated, the de
mands upon the pauper, the criminal,
and the educational exchequiers of the
various communities alone, must also
bring an increase of the expenses of go
vernment, and these increased expenses
must be met by'some sort of taxation—
either direct and special, or general and
by imports or duties—and the citizens
to whom are guaranteed "life, liberty
and. the pursuit of happiness" under such
governments, are bound by every con
sideration of honor, of duty, and by pa
trioticim, to share the increased burdens,
in proportions to the interests fer`which
they claim protection. Nor is this all
—the citizen who has -the
ability to contribute, through taxation
or impost duties, to the support of go
vernment, but wile resorts to shifts and
subterfuges through which he may enjoy
an immunity from such taxes, is either
consciously or unconsciously defrauding
his government, or is unpatrietieally and
unjustly transferring a burden, which he
himself ought to bear, and ought to feel
a pleasure in bearing, to the shoulders
of his neighbor, who is perhaps less in
terested in the stability of the govern
ment, so far as property and pecuniary
wealth are concerned than he himself
is. There is certainly something in the
composition of the haman mind aad of
human morals, in regard to tax or trib..
pte obligations, that is utterly at vari
ance with-all acknowledged laws of reli
gion, Of honor, of reason, and in number:-
less instances—of comm' sense.
_Hundreds, yea tiousands of men who
are honest in all their business transac
tions and who promptly discharge, even
to the amount of a single farthing, their
various money and other ohligations,
.1, 1 1.t1. L I .-titttiot
at the same time do not scruple much
to wrong or defraud the' government
under which they live—and from which
they claim protection of person and
property,—in one way or another, either
by omission or commission, out of the
tythes, taxes, or imposts, that are hon
estly due to it. Men who would not
misrepresent or any manner traduce
the character of their neighbor, do not
hesitate to misrepresent their own pec
uniary circumstances before an assessor,
a collector, or an appeal commissioner,
of taxes. There seems to be a feeling
on the part of many men, that- all or
nearly all, government officials are dis
honest- and speculating, and therefore
tEat they themselves are in a manner
justified in withholding from the govern
ment. that, which would,only enable 'its
officers to defraud it out of more than
they otherwise could do. Possibly
some religious professor who finds him
self acting thus may appease his con
science by setting such conduct down
to his credit as an act of charity, in
withholding the greater temptation from
his fellow sinner. But the commonest
penetration cannot fail to •preeeive that
this is a charity in one of its most cor
rupt and perverted forms, if it is entitled
to even' the name of charity at all.—
When these practices are continued by
a whole people—when the tee just men
that would have even saved Sodom and
Gomorrow can net be found amontg,them
—that people-may be said to be hope
lessly dishonest and corrupt;. and a'
moral atmosphere will emenate from
such a-people, or from such--a portion
of them as are so.attained, that cannot
but, have a damaging influence upon
the whole face ofsociety ; , and eventeally
must ripen it for the- execution of any
acts of fraud, oppression, rapine or re
bellion, that may diserThowel themselves
from the lowest imps of the infernal re
Bat in addition to the too prevalent
disposition to shirk or evade direct tax
ation, there are many persons who also
evade indirect taxation, when it comes in
the form of imposts or tariffs, anerno
matter how necessitous the Government
may be, that imposes those taxes, the
result of their actions is still the same.
If a man from an honest plea of poverty
avoids the use of articles of daily con
sumption, upon which a (to him) pro
hibitory tariff has been imposed, of
course po hurrinne or 'Christian mind
would compel him to their use, _or even
recommend them to him for any pur
pose. _flat this evasion, as a general
thing, comes from parties who can well
afford to assist in repleting •the exche
quer of the government;
.by the con
sumption of such,articles ofdoniestic use,
upon which a tariff has been imposed
out of public necessity. Such conduct
may not be dishonest in the sense in
which the world, views it, but to say the
least of it, it is not honorable, and in
its effect is evil. It is not honorable_
klecodse it shifts the burden of govern.
ment expenses, from the shoulders of
those who are able, and who 'ought
therefore to be willing to bear them,- to
those who are not able,and who have no
property interests at stake in the gov
ernment. When, from the evasion of .I
tariffs, or from the non-consumption of
tariffs, or commerce upon which a tariff
has been imposed, the revenue of a gov
ernment is insufficient to meet its cur
rent expenses, that government, in or
der to insure its continuance must re
sort to direct taxation ; and if the peo
ple under it, in addition to the evasion
of its imposts, also, by subterfuges and
misrepresentations seek to evade its tax'
laws, that government then may justly
be regarded approiimating to a condi;
tion of inevitable disintergration and
decay. It lacks all moral bonds of a
peaceful and harmonious union, and in its
hour of tribulation the conduct of its
people will be characterized by frauds,.
self aggrandizements, apathiee, disaffec
tions and incipient treasons, ifrthey do.
not break out in open and bold revolt
against the legally constituted authori-
Our country is now in' deed of. men
and means. Men eithei by voluntary'
offerings or by _legal conscriptions, she
can always -obtain in abundance pro
vided she is .'furnished with these pecu
niary means that can only continue to
flow into her treasury through the chan
nels of her impost and tax laws ; and it
becomes the highest duty of every cit
izen to pay promptly and frilly all the
tythes, taxes, and tariffs that legally fall
to his share without any misrepresenta
tion or self-evasion of mind in' regard to
his pecuniary posessions, or - to the
amount imposed apon him, so that it
has been constitutionally and equitably
imposed. When the .country is in dan
ger, or sawing to and fro in a rebellions
or revolutionary tumult, it is no time to
cavil in the paying of taxes, arid to
question the manner of their. appropria
tion. The responsibility of appropria
tion rests with the disbursing officers of
the government, and if a fraudulent use
of the national-means is made by them,
the nation will•hold them accountable
for it, and at the proper time, visit them
with a preper punishnaent. It cannot
be regarded as injustice on the part of a
government,-,to demand one portion of
its citizens or subjects to, pour out their
money, asifreely and as copiously, as it
requires another portion to pour out
their life'S bleed, in defence of the su
premacy of its laws, and the upholding
of its flag. ,
No man can say how far his omissions
of duty to his countryin this respect have
been instrumental in bringing about a
state of evasion and encroachment, that
may finally culminate in open defence of
public law. Neither can any one truly
say that his evil deeds, no matter hew
secretly they may have been perpetrated,
kayo not had a:damaging influence upon
political, .social 'and religious 'morals of
the country. It dogs not alwals require
the overt act to poison the social or pol
iticial atmosphere. The coVert as well
as the overt, have both their evil effects,
for acts done secretly, or those intended
to be done, do always, in one way or an
*other, disturb the legitiMate order of
things, and predate disquietudes., confu
SiOrl, and ultimate wrong.
Let no "man therefore presume to meas
ure the length and breadth of his own
patriotism, or'to make the most remote
comparison between himself and •the
most, apparently, Unworthy other man,
so long as he is deliquent in rendering
the full amount of his tax an impost
obligations to his government, accord
ing to the extent of his possessions and
abilities. The, government •was formed
by the, people and for the people, and to
the people it is responsible for the hen
est and faithful discharge of its duties ;
and so soon as it is unmistakably demon
strated that the goyernment is a fact
that it is capable of undisturbed perpetu
tation, the people will call its public
functionaries to in account for all their
deeds during the days of civil commo
tion ; but if the people themselves' have
been delinquent and corrupt how are
they to be qualified -to sit in judgment
aid award a righteons verdict ?
Pay taxes therefore as any other debt
is paid, without regard to what may be
come of it after it passes into the hands
of the collector or the Treasury of the
Government. This is rendering "unto
Caesar the things that are Cmsar?s," and
"unto God the things that are God's" ;
for it is a duty we-owe to our God in a
higher sense than we owe it to our
country, to.abstain, in spirit as well as
in letter, from any and every.act pro
hibited by the command "Thou shalt not
steal." The great events transpiring in,
the history and experience of eur, coun
try are not only civil and p.olitical events.
The Almighty would certainly nqt have
permitted such things to transpire in
this 19th century; without being over
ruled, by Him for some special good to
the present or coming generations. If
we are tin-worthy, we may be swept
away with. the rubbish of passing events
and our,places may be filled by others.
Can we ever be esteemed worthy, if- we
ara knowingly delinquent 'in our public
and private duties to our• country and
our God ?
11011 E-SICKNESS. -To the question,
"Can I do anything for you, my man ?"
asked; patients by hospital visitors, the
answer, very often is, "Can't you get me
a leave of obscene° ? I want to go
home." This comes from as brave and
true hearts as ever beat steady in' bat
tle ; from men who have _undergone
hardsaps, and hunger, and fatigue,
without a murmur, but who find them
selves prostrated by woundi or by sick
ness, and whose thoughts now turn to
wardloied ones at home. What sick
man, on a hard' bed, in a room filled
with other sufferers, &spend to the gaze
of the curious, often -experimented on
by young "sawbones,", anid with a few
'coveted delicacies, would' not yearn for
hoine tbinforts, for the pillow smoothed
by a beloved female hand, and for the
cheering . society - of watchful - friends
Governor Andrew's proposition, that
wounded men be sent to their; own
States, is hailed with exceeding great
joy by the inmates of thehospitals, and
their "want to:go home." . -- In - Heaven's
'name let them-be taken there, and that
as soon - as possible.—Letter from Wash
, . ,
Aril 11, 1354_
A FEW Hiormit FAcrs.—Martin Van
Buren is the only man who has held the
office of President, Vice President,
Minster to England, Governor of his
ewn State, and member ,of both Houses
of Congress.
`l'homas H. Benton is the only man
who has held "a seat in the United States
Senate, for thirty consecutive years.
The only instance of father and son in
the United States Senate at the same
time is that of Hon. Henry Dodge, Sen
ator from Wisconson, and his son, Au
gustus C. Dodge, Senator from lowa.
General James Shields is • the only
man who ever represented two States in
'the United States Sedate. At one
time he was Senator from Illinois, and
itlubs'equently Senator from Minnesota.
John Quincy ; Adams held position
under the Government during every Ad
ministration from that of Washington to
to that of Polk, daring which he died.
He had been Minister to _England, mem
ber of both Houses of Congress, Presi
dent of the United States.. He died
while a member orthe House of Repre
The only instance where three koth
ers occupied seats in the lower House
at the same time, was when Elihu - 0.
Washburn represented the first District
of Illinois. Israel Washburn, Jr. the
Third District of Maine, and Cadwalader
Washhurn, the Third District of
Pontoon boats are flat-bottomed„ thirty
feet long, two and - a half feet wide at
the bow, and five and a half feet wide at
the stern, swelling out at the sides to
the width of six feet. Each fits on a
running gear of four wheels, and is used
as a baggage wagon for the pentboniers,
Carrying its proportion of string pieces
and plank. On reaching a' river the
boats are unloaded, floated across by ca
bles made fast up the stream, then the
string pieces are laid across from one
boat to the next, and on these are placed
the planks, each twenty-one feet long,
which form thelarigway of the width. It
is a fine sight to see a regiment come to
a river bank with a pontoon train, un
load and launch their boats, moor them
into line, and in less than five minutes
from the time the word "halt” was given
have a bridge, say six hundred feet in
length, over which an army can safely
pass with artillery and ba,ggago.
GARIBALDI :--Linder dates of Septem
ber 14, Garibaldi in answer to a letter
from the American consul at Vienna
asking him as he had failed in his pa
triotic efforts in Italy, if he would offer
his valiant arm in the American strug
gle•for liberty and unity, and promising
him an enthusiastic reception, says : "I
am a prisoner and dangerously wounded.
It is consequently impossible for me to
dispose of myself.
"However, as soon as I am restored
to liberty, and my, wounds are healed, I
shall take the first favorable apportuni
ty to satisfy my desire to serve the great
American Republic, of which I am a
citizen, and which is now fighting for
universal liberty."•
Jon BROWN.-A letter written by
John Brown, two years before his fa
mous raid upon Harper's Ferry, has been
found, in which he speaks of .the plan,
and says, "I expect nothing but to en
dure hardness ; but I expect to achieve
a great victory, even though it be like
the last victory of Samson." Few minds
are capable of understanding such devo
tion .to one great "idea. Such faith as
- his is counted madness, and doubtless it
had in it the elements of madness,; but
who - dare sit in judgment upon such a
man in the lurid and terrible light of this
WART IS A DARLING ?—lt is the dear,
little beaming girl who meets one on the
doorstep ; who flings her fair arm around
one's neck, and kisses one with her whole
soul of love; who seizes entys hat, who
relieves one of one's coat, and hands
the tea and toast so prettily ; who places
her elfish form at'the piano, and. warbles
forth,. unsolicited, such delicious songs;
who casts herself at one's footstool, and
clasps one's hand, and asks eager, un
heard-of questions, with such bright eyes
and flashing face ; and on whose, light,
glossy curls one places one's hand and
breathes "Gad bless, .her," asi the fairy
form departd., . '
g, JUST So mathematician being
asked by a stout fellow "if two pigs
weigh twenty pounds, how much will a
large hog w,eigb 7" replied, "jump into
the scales, and I. will tell you immedi
ately:l The Alert) , stoat buffer was last
'seen turning a.sl3arp corner.
Adventure with an Elephant
In 1847, I was the superintendent or
a cocoa nut estate belonging to a Mr.
Armitage, situated about twelve miles
from Negomba. A rouge elephant did
some injury to the estate at that time ;
and one day, hearing that it was then
en the plantation, a Mr. Lindsay, who
was proprietor of the adjoining property,
and myself, accompanied by seven or
eight people of the neighboring
went out, carrying with us six rifles,
loaded and primed. We continued to
walk along a path which, near one of
turns, had some bushes on one side.—
We had calculated to come up with the
brute where he had been seen half an
hpur before ; but no sooner lead one of
our men, who was walking foremost,
seen the animal, at a distance of some
fifteen or twenty7rods e than he exclaim
ed, "There ! there !" and immediately
took to his heels, and we all followed
his example.
The elephant did not see us until we
had run some fifteen paces from the
spot where we had turned, when he gave
us chase, screaming frightfully as he
came on. Mr. Lindsay managed to
clinile a tree, and the rest of my compan
ione did the same. As for myself, I
could not, although I made one or two
superhuman efforts. But there was no
time to be lest. The elephant was run
ning at me, with his trunk bent down in
a curve toward the ground. At this
critical moment, Air. Lindsay held out
his foot to me, by which, with the help
of the branches of the tree, which
were three or four feet above my head,
I managed to scramble up to a branch.
The elephant came directly
,to the
tree, and attempted to force it down.
which he could not.. He first coiled his
trunk around the stem, and pullet at it
with all his might, but with no effect.—
He then applied his head to the tree,
and pushed with it for several minutes,
but with - no better success. He then
trampled with his feet all the projecting
roots, moving, as he did so, several times
round and round the tree. Lastly, fail
ing in all this, and seeing a pile
_of tim
ber, which I had lately cut, at a short
distance from us, he remdved it ri.ll
(thirty-six pieces), and one at a time, to
the root of the tree, and piled them up
in a regular business-like manner; then,
placing his hind feet on this pile, he
raised the fore part of his body, and
reached out his trunk, but still ho could
not touch us, as we were too far above
'him. Mr. Lindsay then fired,and the ball
took effect somewhere on the brute's
head, but did not kill him; it made him
only the more furious. The next shot.
however, levelled him to the ground. 1
afterwards brought the skull of the ani
mal to Colombo, and it is still to b:
seen at the house of Air. Armitage.—
Tennet's Ceylon.
qz - A dog at Hertford, England, lately
picked a ten pound note from the mud
and after drying by the stove, put into
his master's hied. This is very well for
liertford ; but we know a dog that is ac
customed to go every day to get a pen
nyworth of meat, which is scored against
him, and one day s-eeing, the butcher
make, two marks instead of one, he did
not seem to notice it, but watching hie
opportunity, seized a doable amount,
and• ran home with it in a great state el
Passably intelligent ; bat there is a
Newfoundland dog in Bloomington that
knows a trick worth two of that. Liis
master recently gave him a basket, and
said, "Carloe, take that basket and ge tc
market." The dog trotted off and seiz•
ed a paint brush, and commenced illus
trating the basket with beautiful stripes.
"What are doing, Carloe, to the basket?"
yelled the dog owner. "I'm going to
mark it," quietly replied Carloe.
ear &story is told of Dick a darkey in
Kentucky, who was a notorious thief, so
vicious in this respect that.all the theft
in the neighborhood was charged on him.
On one occasion Mr. Jones, a neighbor
of Dick's master, called and said Dick
must be solll out of that part of the
country, for he had stolen all of his (Mr.
Jones') turkeys. Dick's master could
not think so. Tl•e two, however, went
into the field where Dick was at work
and accused him of the theft. "Yon
stole yr. Jones' - turkeys," said the mas
ter. "No, J didu t , slum," responded
Dick. The master persisted. "Well,
at length said Dick, "I'll tell yonzes4sa:
I didn't steal den? turkeys ; but last
night when I went across Mr. Jones'
pasture I saw one of our rails on de
fence, so I brought homer de rail and
confound it, wheal came to , look, 'dare
was nine, turkeys on de raiy."