Vie 'ocal MARIETTA Can TIME.—The several pas senger trains leave "Upper-station" as follows: the morning train east at 7:15. The mail train, at 11:23. The afternoon train east at 5,16. The evening train west at 6:55. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, is e,?, UNION STATE NOMINATIONS FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, rIIONI A S E. COCHR AN OF YORK COUNTY FOR SURVEYOR GGNGRAL, WILLIAM S. ROSS, OF IXZERNE COUNTY. UN/ON COUNTY NOMINATIONS FOR CONG RESS. THADDEUS STEVENS, CITY FOR ASSEIMIS. iIEN,TANTIN CIIAMPNEYS, City 11 EN ft C. LEHMAN, East Hemipfield.„ NATHAN/ EL MAYER, Dranote, Dr. 11. B. BOWMAN-, Na 'FOP. DISTRICT ATTOICNEi JOIJN B. LIVINGSTON, City. FOIL 'COUNTY COIIMISSTONER )A Ic. El\ PP ER, Ephrata. 'FOR DIRECTORS OF THE POOR. Cot. SAMUEL SHOCK, Columbia, LEONARD PICKET., Bart. FOR PRISON INSPECTORS C E LONG, East Donegal, A. G. G ROFF, Upper Lencoelc. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR A. R. WITM ER, Manor. FOR AUDITOR. JOHN STROHM, JR. New Providence THE ELECTION ON TUESDAY.—The ex ercise of the elective franchise by the entire mule population twenty-one years of rge and ort r, in the choice of all lo cal, State and National officers, is an inestitnable privilege, enjoyed by no other people on earth. But, great as it 14, it is not so regarded by many voters, a portion of whom frequently neglect to exercise the right, and an other• and a larger portion vote thought lessly, recklessly, without regard to momentous questions at issue. AL the approaching election we have II great duty to perform at the polls, Upon a single vote may depend the life or death of the Nation. It may change the status of Pennsylvania, and open renoqlvania may rest 'the ques tion whether the Union shall he main tained or broken into fragments never to bo restored: believe that there is but one way to uphold the Union, and that is by supporting such candidates, only, for coneress and tie Legislature v. ho val no ilia Union immeasureably ab )ve every other thing and all other things that ever have been or ever can be pres-nted, involving questions of Nu ional policy. No candidate, therefore, who is not for the Union. first, last, nod always, without qaaliticAtion or mental reservation, and who will not support the Government, uncondition ally and unshrinking,ly in crushing out he rebellion by all and every means known to military law—no candidate, we say, who comes short of this tneas ore of loyalty and integrity, is worthy of the suffrages of the People of Penn. sylvania. CW Read the ticket at the head of this column and see that every name Is on the ticket you aro about to vote. Pb not scratch a Dtllllo. it is the only ticket a true Union-Poring voter should vote, from Stevens down to Joh❑ Strohm, jr. Beware of the traps laid to catch the unwary and unsuspecting. Read and compare all the tickets you can get hold ot'. Suspect every person, for we have persons belonging to our own party that require watching. Some pretended friends of Stevens in our own borough are "carrying water on both shoulders." Be on the look-out. SF By reference to our advertising columns it will be seen that MessrsJobn W. Fuiks and Henry Wolfe have gone into the boarding house ,. business. Mr. William Child, who, has just returned from Washington says they aro doing a very brisk business. "The Soldiers Home" is the head quarters of Marietta boys in out of the army around Wash- ington -to - Tickets with our whole State and county ticket, with the exception of Congress, with George M. Steinman in stead of Mr. Stevens are in circulation. The ticket is said to be an excellent itn mitation of our ticket and may deceive all who are not on their guard. Look out for them. Cr Remember that the election of Peters, Worley, Martin and Caldwell to the legislature may elect a Frank Hughes locofoco to the U. S. Senate in place of Hon. David Wilmot. Uni on men beware of the traitors in our midst. OF A tract of very fine Chestnut tim. ber land on the York - vounty shore, will bo offered for sale at Ilurroy's tavern in the village of Maytown, on the 13th in stant, by the executors of Michael Hoff man deceased. or Gold was quoted in Philadelphia at 22 a 23 cents premium,. CAPT. E. D. VOATII :—Reports having found their way here impeaching Cap tain Roath's bravery. The following letter from the Lieutenant Colonel of Captain R's Regiment, to Mr. Geist, principal of the Marietta High school, should put at rest such reports Camp Mercerville, .111 d., 1 October 4, 1862. Mr. I. S. Geist. SIR :-I have been informed, and creditably, that a report is in circulation in , your place reflecting upon the bravery of Capt. E. D. Roath. Usually such reports should receive no notice whatever but in this case I can not refrain from contradicting. it, for it is due a brave and faithful officer. The person who concocted the story is con scious of his own cowardice and wishes to bring to his own level, those who have so nobly done their duty. If there is on earth one rascal more deserving of the contempt of all good men, it is he who will hitch himself to the shafts of slander. The darts aimed at Capt. R's head will, I know, fall harmless at his feet, or rebound with fatal effect upon the guilty head of him who thurst them. I write yon, knowing you to be the Captains friend, and without his knowl edge or consent. The Capt. is quite well. Yours, truly, &c., R. W. Mc A LT.EN, Lieut. Col., 107 Itegt. P. V. HENRY'S RIFT .—Theunequalled, the wonderful qualities of this rifle are now known to the wild. The weapon is anxiously sought in all directions.— Every man in possession of it. is a garri son, every company an army. In these terrible times no loyal man should be without it. This weapon can be loaded with fifteen charges every fifteen seconds and the fifteen• charges can be fired ev ery five or six seconds. It can be load ed and fired sixty times every minute without the possibility of accident. It is most deadly at a thousand yards. One of these celebrated Repeaters can be seen at the hardware store of Patterson & Co., and is well worth the time to ex- EELIM Cr See that every voter'is got to the polls on Tuesday next. Don't permit one to remain at the home. The com mittee will have carriages on the ground to convey such as cannot walk. Fail not to have every vuteron the ground --rain or shine, for a full vote is certain ly a Union victory. (0- Col. John Forsythe Carter, form erly of the Lancaster Democrat, died recently at his residence, in Prince Geor ge's county Maryland. Ile has amassed quite a fortune lately, in government contract. To 'rim PUBLIC.—The undetslgned, having collected and expended the sub scriptions for defraying the expenses of recruiting the "Marietta Braves," beg leave to report— "'hilt of $103.50 subscrtbed, $l.OO re mains uncollected, $3.00 were expended by the person subscribing, ald 50 cents, paid in postage stamps, got wet and were worn to pieces in the pocket— leaving in the hands of the Committee $99.00. Paid Capt. S. G. Miller, as per three re ceipts, $55.00 4" F. IC. Mosey, for music and trip to Bar , risburg, as per live receipts, 26.00 " P. L. Baker, for printing, 2.50 " for banner, and carrying it, .2"35 " " horse hire, as per two receipts, 5.00 " " straw for tents in Harrisburg, 2.50 " " fare from Harrisburg,&c., .1.00 " towards tobacco for the men, 50 Amount, $95.35 Leaving ballance in C. L. Dellinger's hands $3.65. The above accounts and vouchers have been submitted to and audited by J, Auxer, Esq., and Rev. A. B. Oros)), to whom persons interested are referred —or they can be seen by calling on the first named of the undersigned. S. L. DELLINGER, 11. S. LIBLIA.RT. Marietta, October 9, 1862. er Mrs. Lincoln got alarmed recent ly about the danger her husband incur red in his rides to and from the Soldiers' home. So she procured a Presidential guard of two soldiers with loaded blun derbusses, and in this rustic style "Old Abe" drove up to General Flalleck's headquarters. such a style of retinue astonished the General, and a suitable cavalry escort was at once provided and now accompanies the "Commander-in- Chief of the army and navy." irr It appeals now that no drafting was required in Connecticut, and that the order of Buckingham enforcing it was based on a mistake as to the actual number of men needed to fill up the quota. It is said that soul% of the draf ted men will return to their homes. air A farmer near Boston is deserving of praise for having dispthied of a wagon load of Bartlett pears by affixing to it a placard, "Help Yonnelves," and leaving it in the street for the boys. We ven ture that load of pears paid. GO* A man from Charleston says that the six hundred and thirty-two houses burned in the great fire have as yet been replaced by only ten small brick stores. ear The French say that the flesh of a young horse is as good as that of a calf, but upon -the whole, we prefer weal to MARIETTIAN. CHEERS . FOR JEFF DAVIS I-A "Demo- cratic" meeting was held in Temperance• ville, on Saturday evening last, which was addressed by George P. Hamilton, Esq., the "Democratic" 'candidate for Congress. The speech was dull and lame, but the meeting was somewhat enlivened by cheers for Jeff. Davis, which were heartily given, as we are in- formed. We are not informed that the traitorous cheers were in any wise re buked. Those who gave them under stand the "Democratic" movement to be what it really is—a diversion in favor of Jeff. Davis—and so go straight to the mark by cheering for him. They have not hypocrisy enough to conceal the re al designs of their leaders.—Pittsburg Gazette. la - A story is told of the veteran Sumner at the battle of Antietam. His son, young Captain Sumner, a youth of twenty-one, was on his staff. The old man stood, amidst a storm of shot and shells, and turned to send him through a doubly raging fire, upon a mission of du ty. He might n'bver see his boy again, but his country claims his life, and, as he looked upon his young brow, he grasped his hand, encircled him in his arms, and fondly kissed him. " Good bye, Sammy," "Good-bye, father," and the youth, mounting his horse, rode gaily on the message. He returned unharm ed, and again his hand was grasped with a cordial "how d'ye do, Sammy ?" an swered by a grasp of equal affection. The scene was touching to those around. .0'• Mr. Henry Lynch, of Minnesota, in a letter to Gen. Hunter, urges the adoption of the pike as an implement suitable for arming the negroes with, in place of guns, should the occasion of arming them arise. He says:Let the pike handles be of hickory or oak, at least nine feet long—a little stronger than a hoe-handle (and the ngroes are pretty well drilled in handling the hoe already). These pikemen should ad vance immediately in the rear of a line of men with muskets, or with musketeers flanking them on the right and left.— The moment the musketeers are within charging distance, they fire and slip to the rear between the pike men, who rush forward with a yell to the order "charge." cr In Wales, near Carmarthen, re cently, a young women, who rejoiced in the euphonious name of Gwenllian Will iams, was attacked while on her way home by a rook, which flew at her face, flapping its wings and cawing most vio lently. She ran, and the bird flew after her, keeping up the chase until, as the story in the local papers runs, the girl felt exhaused, whereupon.the rook peck ed out one of her eyes. She was soon discovered and taken home. tar By a law of Congress, July 17 1862, it is provided That any alien of the age of twenty-one years and upwards who has enlisted, or shall enlist, in the armies of the United States, either in the regular or volunteer forces, on re ceiving an honorable discharge may af ter residing one year in the United States and proving good char.:inter, be admitted as, a citizen without any previous declar ation of intention. Of the five followers of John Brown who escapEcl from Harper's Fer ry, only three, now survive—Owen Brown, E. J.lleriam and 0. P. Ander son. Tidd joined Burnside's expedition, and died at Roanoke Island on the eve of a victory. Barclay Coppee, whose brother was executed at Charlestown, was one of the victims of the Platte Bridge atrocity. Qr . It is stated that Mr. Cyrus W. Field, of New Ifc.ik, is cn his way to England with an additional pro posal from the United States govern ment for unitingthe two continents by telegraph. • la — Dr. David T. Potter, eldest son of Bishop Potter, of New York, died at Ballston, in that State last week. He was a young man of fine talents, finished education, and of great promise in his profession. ora- A despatch to Mrs. Gen. Kearney states that the rebel Gen. Lee has caus ed her husband's horse and accoutre ments to be sent within our lines. They will be at once forwarded to her. a- Gerritt Smith has shown his-ac customed liberality, by paying $25 extra bounty to each of the fifty-two volun teers from whore he resides, Peterboro, New York. Cir The Suez canal is nearly comple ted, and the Viceroy announces that its opening shall be celebrated by a solemn fete, to which the world is invi ted. grilr The loyal North Carolina regi ments are filling up. Six new compa nies have been sworn in and attached to the Ist regiment North Carolina volun teers. Cr The remains of the late Mrs. Gen eral Scott have just arrived in New York from Paris. The funeral took place on Wednesday from St. Thomas' Church. stir All the able-bodied negroes in North Carolina are being seized by the rebel Secretary of War and set to work on fortification. DIED At Port Deposit, Maryland, on the Ist instant, Mrs. REBECCA. wife of George Stackhouse, formerly of this borough, in her 3.9 th year. ORPHANS , COURT SALE OF BOROUGH PROPERTY On Saturday' November Ist, 1862 In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster County, the undersigned Executor of the last Will and Testament of William Dix, late of the Borough of Marietta, deceased, will sell at public vendue, at the public house of David Casssl, in said borough, the following. Real Estate of said deceased : A LOT OF GROUND, Fronting on the North side of Front Street, 90 feet ancrextending in depth 200 feet to an Al ley, in the Eastern part of said borough, on which is erected A TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE And all necessary out-buildings. Also A HALF LOT OF GROUND, In the same part of said borough, fronting on the North side of Front Street 20 feet and ex tending in depth 200 feet to an Alley, on Which is erected a one-and-a-Half-story FRAME DWELLING, And other improvements. Purchase money payable April Ist, 1863, when possession and a clear title will be given. Sale to commence at half-past six o'clock, P.M. PETER BAKER, Executor Marietta, October 4, 1862 Another Lot of New Summer GOODS. CALL AND SEE THE FASHIONABLE AND CHEAP - DHSS GOODS , For illen's Ladies and Children's Tear. JUST SHELVED AT J. R. DIFFENBACH'S, No. 61 Market Street, Marietta, Pa. 0 (ZFFERS FOR SA LE Tue best Merrimac Prints at 121 cents, " " American " 121 " " " Cocheco " 122 " 4 " Sprague is IW, " - " " Mourning " 121 7 " The best Domestic Ginghams at 121 cents. Bleached and unbleached Muslins at nearly OLD PRICES. NEW DRESS GOODS Such as English and French Chintzes, Mozambiques, DeLaines, French Challics, French Poplins, White and Colbred Crapes, Veils, Collars, and Notions of all kinds: Spring Cloaking Cloths, Fancy and Plain Cassimeres, Black and Fancy Cloths, Vestings, Casluneretts, Tweeds Kentucky Jeans, Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Window Blinds, Buff Holland, for Curtains Cuttain Fixtures, All of the above goods having been bought FOR cam, will be sold cheap as the cheapest; the attention of persons waiting for low prices are respectfully invited to this notice. GROCERIES : Ten Hhds. Extra Syrup at 50 cents per gallon ; Excelsior Hams and Dried Beef, said to be the best in the world. Fresh Soda.and Wine Cup Biscuit; Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c., at the lowest market prices. Five Inds. Sugar House Molasses at 25 cents per gallon. . LIQUORS: Brandies,..Gins, Superior Old Rye,- Pure Port, Sherry and Madiera Wines, all of which will, be sold at the lOwest price FOR CASII. China, Glass and Queens ware, The highest price'paid for produce. MO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser j_ having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung af fection, and that dread disease, Consumption anzious to make known to his fellow-suf ferers the means of cure. To all whe desire it, will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the dirrctions for. preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE CURE for CON SUMPTION, ASTHMA, BROWNCHIST, &C. The only oject of the -advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread infinmafion which he, conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy asit will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamburg, Kings co., N. Y QM $40.1 WAGES PAID. [sloo. TO sell goods for the ADAMS SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. We will give a commission on all goods sold by our agents, or pay wages at from $4O to $lOO per month, and pay all necessary expenses. Our machine is perfect in its mechanism. A child can lean to operate it' by half an hour's instruction ! It is equal to any Family Sewing Machine in use, and we have reduced the price to Fifteen Dollars. Each machine is warranted fox three years. Address C. RUGGLES, Genq Ag't., July 26,'62-Iy.] Detroit, Mich. BIJRNETT'S Cocoaine. A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing the Hair. For efficacy and agreeableness, it is without an equal. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its hcalthy and vigerous growth. It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin„ It affords the ?idlest lustre. It remains longest in effect. For sale by WEST & ROTH, Successors to Dr. Grove T EWELRY.—A large and selected stock of tj fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the best factories in the country can be found at H. L. & E. J. ZAHINPS. Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all goods warranted to be as represented. AA - 7 - I LCO X S Celebrated Imperial Ex- It' V tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in use, just received at DIFFENBACH'S and wilt be sold at considerable below the usual prices. STORE ROOM TO LET.—The Room lately occupied by. Miss Margaret Trainer as a Millinery. Apply to BARR SPANGLER. BUGGY and 13LANKETS of various styles and at much lower prices than the same sold last fall. Spangler * Patterson. CHASE'S CONCENTRATED L E,su kjperior to any now in use, can be had at the Cheap Stoma Diffenbaeh. ORDERS for HICKORY 4 OAK WOOD will be received at the cheap store of J. R. DIFFENBACH. B OHLEN'S long celebrated GIN, H. D. BENJAMIN. BRANDIES—aII brands—guarranted genuine. Benjamin 4r C.O UY one of those beautiful S 0 F JD HATS at Cauces, 92 Market-st. C 0 h STANTLY on hand, Monongahela rec tified Whiskey. Benjamin Xf co_ SACKS OF SALT cheap at Diffenbach's New Summer Goods ll'e have ju3t received a full and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT CF EVERYTHING DESIRABLE IN THE' MARKET, FOB. LAITY'S, BM'S Mil} CHILBREV.i OUR VARIETY OF LADIES DRESS GOODS Is very large and contains many styles of rare beauty, adapted to the wants of the plain and gay. Our line of Alen's and Youth's Cassimeres CANNOT FAIL To sUIT EVERY TASTE Gloves, hosiery,. Mitts, and Notions of all kinds in full supply ; Sun Umbrellas, Worked Collars, Shawls, Veils, Etc. Ingrain, Venitian and Rag CARPETS, Transparent, Oil Cloth and Paper Window Blinds, Nall Paper in styles suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Halls. GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND FISH, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD VERY CHEAP SPANGLER. 4- PATT.ERSON. WINES Sz. LIQUORS. H. D. D BENJAMIN, **447 , - DEALER IN WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. 0 BEGS leave to inform the public that he will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, - ALWAYS ON lIAND. A very superior OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. All H. D. B. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces' which will, he is confident, result in lin tel keepers and others finding it to their ad• vantage to make their purchases from I im. S. S. RATIIVON, • Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At F. J. Kramples . Old Stand, on the cor ner of Worth Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. ellt ATEFU L to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES A N D YESTINGS ) and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. - ALSO READY-MADE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailorino• and Clothing establishment. - G EO: W. WORRA-LL, SURGEON DENTIST, Having removed to the Rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Swentzel, adjoining Spangler Ic Pat terson's Store, Market &rat, where he is now prepared to wait on all who may feel ° - disposed to patronize him. Dentistry in all its branches car ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science. Ail operations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Having determined upon a permanent loca tion at this place, would usk a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, for which he will render every possi ble satisfaction. Ether administered to proper persons JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor.-of Market-et., and Elbow Lane, Marietta f RATEFUL for past favors I wolld retuir kimy thanks to my numerous friends and pa [eons and inform them that I still continue the old business at the cld stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, C.A.SSINWRES Af VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the shortest notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and all who see proper o patronize me hereafter. f lA.RIETTA AMAMI? YARD, Womitrie Toi - q4, -B - 03 sfoße.s., MICHAEL GABLE, Marble Mason, Opposite the Town Hall Park, Marietta, Pa. METE Marble business in branches, I will be continued at the old place, near the ToWn Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys Tavern, where every description of marble work will be kept on hand or made to order at short notice and at very reasonable prices. Marietta, June 29, 1861 C IIEtIP LAMPS. A FRESH Surprx OF Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns of every patern, suitable for the Parlor, the Kitchen and the Chamber; Hanging and Side Lamps fof Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices. Having purchased them from the manufactu rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates, we can sell them much under the usual retail prices, although every other description ol goods are advancing. • PATTERSON 4 CO. DANIEL G. BAKER, ATTORNRY AT LAW, LANCASTER, PA OFFICE :—No. 24 NORTH DUKE STREET, opposite the. Court House, where he will at tend to - the practice of his profession in all its various branches. r Nov. 4,'59.-1y EMBROIDERIES—Just received the largest EA and most desirable lot of Embroideries eve otteked for sale here, consisting in p.trt of beau tiful French 'Worked Collers, Undersleeves Spencers, Swiss and Jackonett- Edging and in serting, Flouncing, &c., selling very low. J. R. DEFTENTIACH. - EIQUAL or REGULAR TIMEKEEPERS, Irj can be had of H. L. S. E. J. 'ZAHN', Cm. North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancas ter, Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers— the best article of Swiss levers now in the mar kat. They are lower in price than any watch of equal quality an d j ust as true for timekeeping OA General Assortment of all kinds of BUILDING HARDWARE, Locks, Hinges, Screws,, _Bolts, Cellar Grates, Oils, Glass and - Potty, very cheap. PATTERSON Si CO. SPECTACLES to suit all who can be aided with glasses, can be bought at H. L. 4- E. J. ZAHM'S, Cor ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames, at short notice. [v6-Isr . PRIME GROCERIE S:—Rio, Sava and Laguira Coffee ; Crushed; Pulverized and Brown Sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea, Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba; king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at ' J. R. DIFFENBACR'S. r 0 ANOS. Persons who wish to buy- a PIANO of the best makers will be shown how they can save a .hanesotrie sun in the purchase if they address PIANO, care os Joy, Coe & Co., Publishers' Agents, New-York. FRUIT now selling cheap at • - DIFFENBACIPti. - SUPPLEE & BRO„ IRON AND BRASS 0 Ti .N D S Genera/ Noclzinists, Second street, Below Union, Columbia, Pa They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights; &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, TILE MOST MODERN AND lOSFROVED .Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings, Stearn & Biast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, Sze. BLACKSWITHING in GENERAL. Pram long experience in building machinery we flatter ourselves that we can give genera 1 satis faction to those who may favor us with their orders. Rcpailieg promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt alteution. Price, to .vtit the tints. Z. SUPPL E E, T. 1?. SUPPLEE. Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14-tf DAVID COC H RAN, Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger Arrotun most respectfully inform the izens of Marietta and the public gener ally that he is prepared to do House Painting, China . Glossing, Paper Hanging, ~•e„ At very short notice and at prices to suit thc times. He can be found at his mother's resi dence on the corner of Chesnut and Secomi streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church, and immediately opposite the old Ober:in Coach Works. [Aug. 3- ly. A LEXANDER LYNDSAY, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Manufaciurcr, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that lie has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, Cud`s ing a practical BOOT AND SURE MAKER enablect to select wit!! more , Itlgnn.lit than those who are not. • Ile; ut.rou , s to ufacture in the very best mu.:)ner everytino4 in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which Le will warrant for neatness and good tit. Call and examine his stock before p‘ir chasing elsewhere. Horace . West, M. D. HAVING purchased, in connection 7.vilb Harrison Roth, Dr. Grove's Drug Store and located in the Borough of Marietta, for the practice of the medical profession, wculd respectfully offer his service to the public.— He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Grove. . The undersiened takes pleasure in recom mending Dr. West to his friends and patrons. Dr. W. has been practsing in this vicinity fot the past S or 9 years, and will, beyond doubt, give entire satisfaction to all who will give him a trial. J. D. Gsove. AMERICAN HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA Located on Chestnut sti•eet, opposite tic OLD STATE HOUSE, and in close proximity to the principal Jobbing and Importing [louses, Banks, Custom Hou,•, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the door (or within a t,quaro) for any depot in the City. The Ilmse has been renovated and refitted, and PRICES REDUCED TO 81.50 PER DAY. WYATT & HE:ICINGS, Pnorni hron3. Kollock's Daudelion Coffee. THIS preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians its a superior Nutritious Beverage for General De bility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disor,6l, Thousands who have been compelled to aban don the use of Coffee will use this without in jurious effects. One can contains the ttrength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price cents. For sate at J. It. Diffenbacli's. ' WINI. B. REDGRAVE, Commission Lumber Merchant, Brest Falls Avenue, Baltimore, Md ESPECTFULLY offers his services for flip rtsale of L untß E R of every description. From his knowledge of the business he feeln confident of being able to obtain the highest market rates for everything entrusted to him. DR. J. Z. 11 0 FFE It, .- 41, OF THE BALTIMORE . /fit aaa . OF DENTAL SORGERI. LATE OF ITATIRISU I IS.ItG. OFFICE:—Front street, fourth door frcm. Locust, over Saylor & McDonald'; Book Store, Columbia. Entrance between the Drug and Book Stores. Columbia, May 1, 1800.-11". H. L. sr,: E. J. ZAHNI - 1 - 1 ESP FULLY inform their L--ari friends and the public that the, still continue the fITATCH, CLOUT! AND JEWELRY business at the ',ld stand, North-west Corner of No,'n Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa A full assortment of goods in our line of har ness always en hand and for sale at she /otreht cash rates. 'O7.P• Repairing attended to per - tonally tonally by the proprietors. 49-ly TIRE American. Watches are among the best timekeepers now in use, and for durability strength and simplicity far siirpass any other, watch made in the world. H. L. i• E.T.ZAHJI Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square Lancaster, Pa., have them tor sale at the rel..; lowest rates—every watch accompanied wi!j the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its c.coh uineness. ( - 1 DTTA PEaCEIA BLACKlNG.witheut V'T brushing: For Boots, Shoes, llarntss. Carriages, and Military Leather Work. 1- gives the leather a polish like patent leather, makes it water proof, does not stain the whit est article of dress and need not be applied toner than two or three times a month. For sale at Dr. Landis' Deg Store. )LATE]) WARE: A Large and tine stocs of Plated ware at H. L. SI E. J. ZAIL - .4.'6, Corner of North Queen street & Center Square, Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee Urns. Pachets, Goblets, Salt Stands, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prices. REPLATIVG attended to at moderate rates ICE..CREAM. ICE CREAM. Finely flavored Ice Cream can be ba.'. 14/OLFE , S every day and evening, .Yunday's accepted. WOLFE'S VARIETY STORE, Market-.q., Mariettd. A supgatioa COOK STOVE, very pfai l L style, each one warranted to per r r - form to the entire satisfaction of the pur chaser. PATTERSON & Co.A!. 11 ICKORY & Oak Wood, 50 Cords each,. Hickory and Oak Wood. Orders muse be accompanied with the cash when they wil: be promptly fillet. Spangler & Pa.ttersan, . ACB OICE Lot of Books for children cart! indistructable Pleasure Books; School an , .. ther Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen AGM c., &c. For sale by Dr. Landis. - EILAVOLTRING EXTRACTS: - Vanilla,Strawberry, Pine. Apple, Almond Rose, Lemon., USt re cella d and for sale at WEST & RUT -. - rpo LANDLORDS! _ Just received, Scoter. And Irish W H ISKIES, warm: ted pure, at H. D. Beryjamain's.