"g6trukat Venasythauia *anal getroo ratio, csitcrafurt, Nritulturt, 'Attu of e pay, yotatlf;nttili g nitt, *c. F_ L_ BAKER, Editor and Prcaprietc)r.. VOL. NINE. PVBLISHED WEEKLY AT ONE DOLLAR A YEA PAYABLE IN ADVANCE nkFFICE 011 Front Street, a few doors east `l of Mrs. Flury's Hotel, Marietta, Lancas ter County, Pennsylvania. TERM,, One Dollar a year, payable in ad vance, and if subscriptions, be not paid within six months $1.25 will be charged, but if de layed until the expiration of the year, $1.50 will be charged. No subsoriptien received for a less period than six months, and no paper will be discon tinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. A failure to noti fy a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new Qn- ' agement. Any person sending us FIVE new subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. ADVERTISING RATES - One Square (12 lines, or less) 50 cent's for the first insertion and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion. Pro fessional and Business cards, of six lines or less at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading col umns, fire cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE; but for any additional lines, five cents a line. A liberal deduction made to yearly and half -yearly advertisers. WORK TO DO, From the north and the west-- Thacare joined, heart and hand, For the flag of their sires, And tke laws of the land, Come forth, ye free inen, That aro loyal thereto, For Freedom has work Far her children to do ! Not the work that ye know, That is best for the free, gowing towns in new lands; Plowing ships through the sea; Ye are perfect in this, It is old ; but the new— • 'Tis a grim work your Sires Left their children to do . Could they speak from their graves, They would shout to their sons : “Leave your plows, drop your tools, Run and shoulder your guns ! Ye must march to the south, Ye must cut your way through, Or—leave the stern work yer your children to-do !" We hear the alarm • Like the lightnieg it rune, And thousaads of freemen Have shouldered their guns; They will fall on the south, They will email and subdue, Nor leave their sad work For their children to do I For the north and the west— They have - taken their stand For the flag that they love, And the laws of the land r 'They'll maintain them till death, Ay, arid after it, toe— For they'll still leave the work Which their children will do I . -. "ON THE MARCH." ! the regiment is ready— Our knapsacks full, our bayonets bright Came, oomrades, let us march on steady, Alaskaled and eager for the tight. strike eve our tents, in order muster, And wait the celoncl's first command, Lift up our flag and 'round it cluster, Sworn to defend it heart and hand. Our country calls ; the drums are beating, Thieughout the land from East to West ; Advance quick step there's nu retreating; The promptest, bravest, are the best. What though behind we leave our treasures, Our household darlings, home-born joys, Our work, our business, and our pleasures, Our wives our sweethearts, girls and boys 7 We go to win a richer booty Than all our labor could afford ; We freely go to do our duty, ,iind see the rule of right restored Then march, brave boys, with cheerful faces, And join the Union's mighty band, Resolved to rise to noble places, Or die to save our native land. dir It is a well authenticated fact at soldiers wounded in the head, on covery front the wound, have, in sone ztances, lost all consciousness of their rsonal identity. The case of a soldier .o died in one of the Paris hospitals, a striking confirmation of this fact. minded al the battle of Solferino, the sand soon cicatrised ; but he after . rds labored under a strange hallucin ion, fancying • himself dead. When -ed how he was, he would reply— ea want to know how Pierre Valin • why, be was killed at Solferine.— ' hat you see is not Valin,- but, a ma hue made to imitate him." Cr Some woman writes to ns that she inks that the rebel prisoners bare may poisoned. Not unless thy are so for. nate as to be kissed by venomous cra ore as she. cr The Richmond Examiner says the abet Government "draws a long breath - Tiler its late suspense." Let it draw as long breathes as itpleases, for it will tbavt. precious few of them. It is said that Htiphrey. Marshall is 4(pomirig in this direction. If any of our ittends design drawing a bead upon him 'hen ho gets in sight,Jet them practice ilWfore hand at a barn•door. C 6) i .,),..; -- - ctn +. ti. 4 4 + ti ,-•':Ht.pie 4--,Lttctift+ WASHINDTON AND THD CORPORAL...- During the American Revolution, it is said, tile commander of a little squad was giving orders to those under him relative to a log of timber, which they were endeavoring to raise to the top of military works they were preparing.— The timber went up with difficulty, and en this account the voice of the little man was often heard in regular vocifer ations of "Heave away I there she goes heave ho !" An officer, not in the mili tary costume, was passing, aad asked the commander why he did not take hold and render a little aid. The latter, as tonished, turning round with the pomp of an emperor, said : " Sir, I am a eor poral." "You are, are you ?" replied the officer. "I was not aware of that;" aad taking off his hat and bowing, the officer said, "I ask your pardon, Mr. Corporal," and then dismounted, and lifted till the sweat stood in drops on his forehead.— When the work was finished, turning to the commander, he said : " Mr. Corpo ral, when you have another such job, and have not men enough, send for your commander-in chief, and I will oome and help you a second Woe." The corporal was astonished. It was Washington who thus addressed him ! A...PLUCKY MAN IN WASNINGTO3)I That man Mr. Spinner the United States Treasurer. Some one was saying to him en Tuesday of last week, that probably the fate of the nation would be sealed within three days, the result of the next contest, at or near Centre ville. Dlr. Spinner replied, "IQ is not true, for if we get whipped there wo will still make another fight on the Potomac line ; and if we then lose Washington, the war will have only just begun. Not until there has been a funeral i,s every fa mily will the government and the people make up their minds to wage this war as it should be waged !" We like. such men and suck talk. If the question was put by the Government today to the peo ple of the loyal States, tisere would come up such tremendous .Nos, as would shake the White House to its founda tion.. We will yield ? Never ! Before God, never? A CALIFORNIA DODGE.—Those who go round with the contribution box in Cal ifornia churches plead and argue the ease at the pews as they go along. In one instance the following dialogue en suia : Parson L. extended the basket to Bill, and ha slowly shook his head.— "Come, William, give us something," said the parson. " Can't do it," replied Bill. "Why not? Is not the cause a good one ?" "yes, good enough, but I am not able to give anything." "Poll poh ! I know better ; you must. give a better reason than that," "Well, 1 owe too much money ; I must be just before lam generous; you know." " But, Wil liam, you owe God a larger debt than you- owe any; one else." "That's trae, parson ; but then he ain't pushing me like the rest of my creditors."' The ar gument was conclusive. Winn Isuiess.—We aft, informed that a daughter of Mr. Colgrove, of Clin ton Junction, who was married and re moved to Minnesota some time *nee, and settled near Bed Wing, returned to her father's house a few days ago. While riding near their residence, in Minneso ta, she and her husband met the sheriff of the county, who informed -them that he had captured three Indians. Suspec ting some deception, they washed the faces sf the captives and found one of them to be a white man painted. The sheriff and his party hung the scoundrel on the first tree they came to without delay or ceremony-.—Afilwaukie Sentinel. tiZm The Seneca. Falls Courier sayw that the Seneca Knitting Mills establish ment in that village recently contracted With the United States goverritnerit to furnish 700,000 pairs of stockings for the army, and daily turns out 8,000 pairs towards fulfiling the contract. About 300 persons are employed as operatives and from• 3,000 to 4,000 women. and girls are furnished with work at their homes in the surrounding country and in dis tant places. rersons without front teeth have been held to be exempt from the draft on account of their not being able to "bite a cartridge." In consequence of this; a good many fellows, it is said, have had their front teeth pulled. But now an order- from the War _Department pre scribes that the toothless shall not be exempt bat subject to draft 'for' the ar tillery service. Good enough for them. plir The women can't lirell bear arms, but let lo remember tlitytpiei have bOrs armies. • . , MARIETTA, PA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1862. At a temperance meeting once held in the State of Alabama, Col. Lehman owski (a Pole by birth, and we think whe was once Count,) who bad been twenty-three years a soldier yin Bona part's armies, addressed the meeting.— He arose before the audience, tall, erect vigorous, with a glow of health in his face; and said : "You see before you a man seventy nine years old. I have fought two hun dred battles, have fourteen wounds : in my body, have lived thirty days on horse flesh, with the bark of trees for my bread, snow and ice for my drink, the canopy of heaven for my covering, without any stockings or shoes on my feet, and with only a few rags for my clothing. In the deserts of Egypt I have marched for days with the burning sun upon my naked neck, head, feet blistered in the scoarch ing sand, and mouth Med....with dust, and thirst so tormenting that I have oat the veins of my arms and sucked my own blood. Do you ask -how I ser 4/ived these horrors ? I answer that next to the providence of God, I owe my pres'. ervation, my health and vigor, •to -this fact, that I never drank-a drop of spirit eons liquors in all my life." And he continued, "Baron Larry, chief of the medical staff of the French army, has stated it as a fact, that the six thousand survivors who safely returned from Egypt, were all men who,abitained from the use of ardent-spirits." • SETTING' TYPE BY STEAM—A type setting machine has been invented, which is said to work perfectly. The - ma chine, worked by an operator of common intelligence and industry, will set and distribute from 30,000 to 40,000 ems in, ten. hours. Fit st-rate compositors can not set and distribute more than 8,000 ems in the same time. Most composi torraverage. considerably below that.— Each machine costs 81,500, and occur pies no more room than two printer's cases. Although extremely complicated it is not liable to get out of order,-and those parts which are most likely to tecome deranged are easily adjusted. The owner thinks that a machine will last fifty years with good manakement. It may be worked by a pedal until the operator becomes weary ; but is intended and adapted to steam, and is seen to its greatest advantage only when driven by that mighty and tireless agency. ipir If there are any Union men who are half ready to despair, let them for God's sake be silent and not by *heir miserable .cros.kinge discourage those who are fighting or otherwise , working for the country. And, if thy ,must look doleful, let them either shut themselves up or wear their wives' or mothers veils over their faces. far A case of extraordinary longevity is noticed in the Paris journals. A man named Gallot,_ aged One' hundred and five years, appeared in company with his wife, who was one hundred and three years old, to receive his allowance from the Ministry of War for military servi ces. He was discharged from the army in 1815. fir At the last dates from Missouri, the notorious Coffee at the head of his guerillas was running, for his life. If he keep on running in this warm weather, he will be hot Coffee—but none the har der to take on that account. Cr If any young men refuse their aid to their country, it, to be hoped for their owh sakes that they will die young for their reflections in old. age would make them very miserable. 033 - Milton was once asked by a friend wether he would instruct his daughters in-the different:languages ; to which he replied, "No, Sir; one tongue is sufficient for a woman." , W - A Rebel paPer says we have not courage to strike an enemy in front. I t dOesn't presume to say that we haven't the cOurigo to kick him behind. Vy. Well may the Germans be proud of the noble Sigel, The vihole nation-ia echoing his applause. The whole world will, echo it.. or Every missionary - should' come away from among• the devifisli'lndians leaVing them - go towhere ' they ought to: • dir It used to be thought that- a draft gave people colds: Now the bare thought of shell a thing gives some folks agues.. . Our Union enthorititis are to of. ten' hingii!lhaOlt tivhendtlfe febela-ahould be hinting. up: • . A Remarkable Nan A BROTHER •IN CONGRESS.—J. S. B. Todd, who has been elected Delegate in Congress from the aew territory of Dacotah, is a brother of Mrs. Lincoln, and a graduate of. West Point in 1837. He resigned his commission in the army a few years ago, and took up a residence is Dacotah, from which territory he wal appointed a Brigadier General of Volun teers on the 19th of September 1861. He has been, most of the time, and we believe is sow, in command in Northern Missouri. Win. Jayne, brother-in-law of Senator Trumbull, was the opposing Union candidate. LINT A HII3IBIIO.—A. writer in the Boston Post says of lint : "Every ounce of lint sent to the army does mischief. Its only use is to cover up the blunders of bad surgery. It is seldom used by the best surge Ons here. In the army it is crowded into wounds by men who know no other way to stop hemorrhage, and there it remains until it becomes filled with filth and Maggots. It re tains the dischates till they putrefy, and produces intolerable stench. The tiernainatfon of its work is the death of the 'patient?! • - OUTRAGE.—The Washington (Pa.) Examiner of, the 4th says that on Satur day, the 30th ult., three negroas entered the Term house of Mrs. Craft, an aged Widow, between Brownsville and Union town; Fayette county, while all the oc cupants save the Old' lady, were absent, and outraged her person. They were pursued, and one of them arrested in the vicinity of Washington on the next day. He , was' taken to Uniontown.— Mrs. Craft is between 60 and 70 years of age. Nov Fn. FOR A SOLDIER.--In the New York Court of General Sessions, on Tuesday,, a Young man, named John Ri ley, being found guilty of an attempt at petit larcenny, his counsel , asked leave for him to join the army, when City Judge . M cCunn stated that he did not believe the army would be benefited by recruits of that class, and sentenced him to*the Penitentiary for three months'. INCIDENT FO R TR.E#SO'N.--SaMllOl Wei rik, the. editor of. Seling,s grove Times, had a true bill found against_ him for Treason against the government. This is oee one of the Breckinridge papers that has reviled no government and discouraged:enlistments ever since their favorite was defeated for the Presidency. They will now receive a traitors reward. Ur In accordance with an order re cently issued by direction of the Presi dent, the several army corps will now stand as follows4-Ist corps, Hooker; 2d, Sumner ; 3d, Heintzelman ; 4th, Key es ; sth, Fitz John Porter ; 6th, Frank lin ; 7113, Dix ; Bth, Wool; 9th, Burnside; 10th, Mitchell ; 11th, Sedgwfok ; 12th Sigel. par Wm. W. Ro'ss, a relative of John Ross, has arrived - at Washington with a communicatioa from the latter Presi dent asking that the Cherokees be • re cegnized in all their treaty rights, and setting forth that what was done by the Nation seemingly favoring _the rebels was under duress and from. intimidation. Cyr Henry A. Wise is in trouble again. He has belonged to the Outs ever since Roanoke Island was captured and. is becoming hugely disguated with that position. He dc,clares that the war has been managed abominably oa their , (that is, therebel) aide, and wants the anti-Jeff. DavisD men to have their turn LIOW eir During the rebel invasion of Ma xyland they ruined the Chesapeak and Ohio Canal, tapping, it in, five different places, iestroying ,tho flood-gates, and rendering some twenty five , railas of the coal useless. The railroad, telegraph, growing-corps and , private preperty.were also destroyed. Itir Now that all our posSessions, even •our lives, are threatened by insolent and Unscrupulous invade'rs, no act or word indicating sympathy with the foe should be for a moment tolerated. Vengeance is ernd's but punishment may well be the people's. Though we maybe.at present un der a cloud, we trust and. believe that it will soon pass away, leaving us, as the rain-cllud leaves the earth, all theTresh ir Inaqa:evii'invigbrated from the visi tation.'• .W Gen. Pope Isnin excellent fighter, but in using alt-kinatafgunsfagainst the xebels, ,he - _has notforgottatilthe wind- Metalcilishea April 11, 1834._ iffir Perhaps the most Melancholy fate which has overtaken any of the northern dough-face sympathizers, with treason, is that in whieh the Rev. Dr. Plumer of Allegheny is now. engulphed. Spurned from the altar—rejected from the charelt—thurst from a professorship —despised iu private—sccirnsd in pub lic—shorn of the honors which it requir ed years to, gather--he stands alone, an accused, a condemned and . a branded traitor.. Surely the fate of this creature '—for we will not call him man—should be a warning to all who may hereafter attempt to trifle with public opinion by disregarding what belongs to a loyal American citizen. gfW The Tipperary (Ireland) Free Press, of the 26th of August says': "We regret to state that the mysterious po tato blight has made its appearance among Es. Fields which were luxuri ously green are now scared and wither ed, while the peculiar odor which mark ed the presence of the blight in former years Is again sensibly experienced.— We understand that from the adjoining coanty of Waterford, particularly to wards DungaDvan, the same unsatisfac tory condition of the potato crop is. re ported." erGeneral Pope telegraphs from the West that the Indian difficulties in Minnessota are more formidable than he anticipated. He asks the authority to have regiments Of Volunteers mounted to parsure the Indian war parties. The eleven thousari'd men surrendered at Harper's Ferry, by Cel. Miles and Gen. White, are to 'be sent to the West to be used against' the Indians. They can at once be made useful, and they serve against the rebels for some time to come. A gentleman dined at a house in Efageratown where. .Gen. Leo Aand his staff had made their head•quarters.— The lady of the house told him that she heard Gea. Lee instruct his officer to see that no depredations were commit ted by. tho.soldiers while in Maryland but -:hen they entered Pennsylvania they might pilliage and destroy every thing on their route. fir Jacob Bramble was elected Sher- is'-lastfall. Bramble was very pompous, very complacent.and very proud of the honor. His . neighbors called to see him, to: congra.tulate him. "Approack," said he, ."appreaoh very near; • though I am Sheriff-elect,. I feel that I am still one of you ;Er Somebody in the army writes to a friend who ,coenselledhim'inall kind ness to bear himself bravely in the pres ence of the foe : "Don't bother me with advice. We think but little of the coun sels of rnen who stay at home. Come out and show us how to be brave." Flow silvery his moustaches loot," remarked Orson, as the Beau passed into the-el:ricking at the , Club.— "Silvery, w'ny they are as black as char coal," exclaimed Valentine. "Well, I mean Nitrate of Silier," exclaimed Or- 112 -;-Every.available article seems bound to go to lint just now. The od dest instance of this that we have yet heard of, however, was furnished yester-• day by our Milesiad reporter, mho on being asked for a loan of his umbrella said that it was lint already. Savin was lately asked to contrib ute to foreign missions.. "Not on any account," said le. "Why not?" asked the collector. "The object is laudable." "No, it isUlt," replied Savin ; "not half so many people go to the devil 'now as ought to." 40 - The father of General Isaac Ingalls Stevens died at Andoyer, Mass., on the 22d ultimo, ten days before his son fell nobly fighting for his country. His ago was seventy-seven. . Cr A dying kick is sornetinies the hardest sort of kick. That was a pretty severe one that .the rehela lately gave near Washington. ear The man who shouts for the'Un ion and doesn't take up arms for it - has more lung than pluel. fir Bread is the staff of life; and liquor .thes stilts-4he former: 'sUstaining a ratan aid the latter elevating' him . for a•fall. 0145 - He who has an inordinate admira tion for antiquity must have more taste• for wrinkles' than dimples, lir The , safest and com mone43t. warto deal is 4,c) .hey and-not pay: - t,7 NO. 10. From .faurnal of health. NEURALGIA ) From two Greek words, Neuros, nerve, and Algos, pain ; means nerve-pain ; but as there is no pain except in connection with the nerves, every pain or ache in the body is really "neuralgia." Ail ments-are generally named from the part effected, or the nature of the malady.-- "Head-ache," because the pain is in the head. "Pleuritis," or pleurisy, because there is inflamation; too much arterial blood in the pleura •r covering of the lungs. Neuralgia is always caused by blood; bad, because too poor or too much of it; too poor, because there is not exercise and pure air enough to se cure a good digestion, and the person is thin and pale ; too much blood, because there is too much eating, and the bow els not acting every day, more is taken into the system than passes from, it, and it is too full. The person may be fleshy enough, and does not appear sick at all. For a week, live on cold bread and but ter, fruits and cold water. Take an en ema of a pint or more of trepid water daily, and spend the whole of day-light in active exercise in, the open air, and the neuralgia will be gone in three cases out of four, the feet being kept warm, and the whole body kept most perfectly clean. There are twe kinds of neuralgia, sharp and dull; both caused by there being to caliph blood in or about the nerve. Perhaps arterial blood gives the sharp, venous•blood the dull or heavy pain. In either case, the pain is of all forms of intensity, from simple discom fort to almost unendurable. In the more fleshy parts, the- pain is less severe, since the soft flesh yields before the dis tending nerve; distended by more and mere blood getting into it, until it is occasionally three times its usual size ; but when the nerve is in a tooth, or be tween two bones, or passes through a small hole in the bone, as in the face, or "facial neuralgia," which is neuralgia proper, or the Tic Dolereux of the French, the suffering is fearful, because there is no room far distension, and every instant, the heart, by its beating, plugs more blood into the invisible blood vessels of the nerves. Bat in any such case, open a bleed-vessel in the arm or elsewhere, until the person is on the very point of fainting, and the most excruciating neuralgia is gone in an in stant, because the heart ceases to send en blood, and the blood already in a part, its naturally flows out of it, as wa ter naturally flows out of an uncorked bottle, on its side. Hence, a skin kept clean by judicious washings and fric tions, helps, by its open pores, to un load the system of its surplus ; the bow els kept free by fruits, berries, coarse bread, and cold water, is another source of deliverance of excess. While these articles of food supply but a moderate amount of nourishment, in addition, ac tive exercise still mere rapidly works off the surplusage of the system, and the man is well ; not as soon as by the bleeding, but by a process more effect ive, more certain, more enduring, and without harm or danger. Hence, there is no form of mere neuralgia, which i not- safely and permanently cured in a reasonable time by strict personal clean linees, by cooling, loosening food, as aanled, and by breathing a pure air u. resting in our chambers at night, and in moderate labor out of doors during the hours of daylight. Those -whe pre fer uncertain physic or stimulants to these more natural remedies, are unwise, and ought to have -neuralgia—a little.— 'Half a dram (or half a tea-spoonfull •r thirty drops) of sal ammoniac. in one ounce (or two table-speonfalls) of cam phor-water. Dose : one tea-spoonfull every flee minutes until relieved, or from one to three tea-spoonfulls of varieties o ammonia thrice a day, are valuable tem porary remedies. Cr The Rev. Edwin H. Chapin, o. New York, has gone to• Wiesbaden.— Immediately on his arrival in Paris h ,consulted.Dr. Trovsseau, who is one o: the Most eminent-of the medical frater nity in the French Capitol. ao eattre43 Mr.-Chapin-that he has ,no organic dis ease ; that his troubles, which have principally, taken the form of inflamma tory rheumatism, are merely the result of exposure, overwork and fatigue, aml that, although they may annoy him for some time, are not dangerous. air General Pope is returning to thri West.. The laurels that he won before he was called to Waihingtou did not we, are sorry to say, keep all their green ness in a Virginia atmosphere. When_ does a man die for his love% Wheitube twits his red whiskers brown.