The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 27, 1862, Image 4

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Successor to Dr. Franklin Hinkle,
Dealer in Drugs, Perfumery, Soaps, 6-c
PR. LANDIS having purchased the entire
interest and good will of Dr. P. Hinkle , s
rug Store, would take this opportunity to in
form the citizens of Marietta and the public
generally, that having just received from Phil.
adelphia a large addition to the old stock, ha
will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand
the best and most complete assortment of eve
rything in the drug line.
g o t of EtipeD tivo loife,t
consisting. in part of German, French and Eng.
lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams,
Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other
Hair Combs, Hair Oils,Pomades,etc.
Port Monies, Pocket Books, Puff
and Powder Boxes, 6w,, BSc
The celebrated' Batchelor's HAIR. DYE,
De Costa's and other Tooth Washes, India Cola
gogue, Bartv's Tricoperous, fox the hair, Bay
Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot
tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour of
Rice, Corn Starch,.Hecker's Farina, all kinds
of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of
Phosphate, or Chemical Mod, an excellent er
ten) for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con
lomptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk,
an excellent preperation-for-the table ; Table
Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod
Liver Oil. All of Hael's perfumery,pomades,
soaps, &c. His Kathairan or Hair Restorative
is now everywhere acknowledged the best.
Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and
Brandies for medical purposes.
Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution
be taken in the c.ompounding of Physician's
The Doctor can be professionally consulted
at tee store when not engaged elsewnere.
Marietta, August 24, 1861.-ly
the entire stock, good will and fixtures of the
Drug Store of Dr. J. H. Grove, take_ this one
that of informing the patrons of this establish
ment and the public in general, that nothing
shalt be wanting to insure at all times a fresh
and complete assaortment of
Phip, 1. 3
.orftkeiv, loifefi
Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Combs,
Tooth Washes and Powders, Hair
Dyes, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Oils, Mildew', Varnishes,
Dye-Stuffs, Glass,
and everything usually kept in a well regula
ted apothecary.
A new and fancy lot of COAL OIL LAMPS—
the Bust in the Borough—at prices to suit the
times. Lamp Tops attached to old Lamps at
short notice. Globes, Wicks, Chimneys,
always on hand.
A very convenient "Haan LAMP" for car
rying about the house, just received.
A nicely selected lot of all kinds of Station
ary, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c.,
of all grades and at all prices.
An endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar
ticles on hand.
Just received, an excellent article of Coal
02 I now se lling at 10 cents a quart.
Marietta, November 9, 1861. ly
Howard Association, PurLADELrum.
For the Retief of the Sick and Distressed,
afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases,
and especially for the Cure of Diseases of
the Saual Organs.
MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the
Acting Surgeon.
Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhces, or
ceminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the
Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies em.
played in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted
in Sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.—
Two or three Stamps tor postage will be ac
Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No.
South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
fR. HUNTER has for thirty years confined
his attention to diseases of a certain class,
in which he has treated no less than fifty
thousand'cases, without an instance of fail
ure. His great remedy, Dr. Hunter's Red
Drop, cures certain diseases when regular
treatment and all other remedies fail; cures
without the disgusting and sickening effects of
all other remedies; cures in new cases in less
than six hours. It ,roots out the poisonous
taint the blood is sure to absorb unless this
remedy is used. It is One dollar a vial, and
cannot be obtained genuine anywhere than at
the old office, No. 3 Division Street, New
York City. Book for 10 three cent stamps.-
200 pages full of pictures. [Apl.26-Iv.
If OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Marietta and vicinity
Can be found at his Drug Store, formerly
Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhere
professionally engaged.
To ray Farnams : Having been called to
a position in the U. S. Navy, I hereby resign
my profession to the care and attention of Dr.,
Henry Landis, in whom I have every con
fidence, having bad ample opportunity of as
certaining his ability to fill my place.
Formerly Keesey's.
The undersigned having leased the above
named old established Ferry and Hotel, in
HeHam Township, York county, opposite the
borough of Marietta, Where he is prepared to
entertain the public at his bar and table with
the best the market affords. He would very
respectfully inform' the traveling public that
having obtained
First Class Ferry Boats,
and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully preps.
red to accommodate persons wishing to cross
the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise
without delay or detention. .lOHN NOEL.
The undersigned having leased the old "Steak
house" stand, at the corner of Front street
and Elbow Lane, would most respectfully
inform Waterman and the traveling public
generally that nothing shall be left undone
to make it deserving of a liberal support.
Marietta, March 1, 1862.
A . —in good condition—will be sold
at the low price of $1 each and delivered any
where in or near Marietta free of charge. Be
ing in want of cellar room, if taken from the
store soon, a trifle less will be taken. Also, e
lot of exeellent
very cheap. For sale at DIFFENBACH'S
Why ,buy K
an E explo siv O e
oiI SE , when a few cents
more per gallon will furnish you with a
Perin'a Salt Manufacturing Company,
• No. 127 Walnut street, Philadelphia. ,
February 15, 1862-Iy.
iollock's Dandelion Coffee.
preparation, made from the best Java
Coffee, is recommended by physicians - as a
superior Nutritious Beverage for General De
bility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disordors.—
'thousands who have been compelled to aban
don the use of Coffee will use this without in
jurious effects. ,One can contains the strength
of two
_pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25
cerfb. For sale at J. R. Diffenbach's.
, F ,i4b ... f received at the cheap store of
kjclop; StWi'LY on hand, Monongahela ree
tified Whiskey. Benjamin co,
For sale cheap at Afenbach's
New and Cheap Books,
The subsriber having just returned from the
ars at the lowest prices all kinds of Books.
Law, Fiction, Medical, Religious,
Biographical, Mechanical
and other kinds. These Books will all be sold
at the lowest prices as we had the advantage
'and were the only Bookseller from Lancaster,
at the Trade Sales, and as a consequence, we
can sell lower than any Store. A few of the
Books are here mentioned :
Worcester's Unabridged Dictionary,
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
McClellan's Bayonet Exercises,
Revised Army Regulations,
Soldier's Text Book, -
U. S. Infantry Tactics,
Zouave Drill 1300 k,
Gift Books of all kinds,
Photographic Albums,
For the, pocket or Centre Table, in great va
riety. The Gift Book for the season.
School Maps, Charts and Cards,
Pelton's Outline Maps,
Sanders' Elocutionary Chart,
Sanders' School Cards,
Sergeant's Scliool Cards,
- •
Webb's School Curds.
Bibles in great variety from Twenty-five
cents to Twenty-five Dollars, some of them
having the finest bindings and plates ever re
ceived in town.
Sunday School Books—Methodist, Lutheran,
Episcopal, Presbyterian, American Tract So
ciety, American Sunday Sceteol Union.
Games and Puzzles
Traveling end Shopping Bags,
Cabes, Writing Desks,
. Money Purses, Pocket Books, &c &c.
Instruments, Call
Bells, Fine Pocket
Cutlery, Pearl and Ivory
Paper. Cutters, Gold and
Silver Pens am. Pencil Cases,
Checker Boards and Men, Chess
Men, Dominoes, and an endless
variety of useful and fancy articles
selected expressly for the approaching
Holiday Season. For price and assortment
of goods in my line, I fell quite confident I
cannot he surpassed by any in Lancaster City.
School Books—.-Sanders', Sargent's, Towers,
Parker & Wilson's Readers. Monteith's War
ren's, Mitchell's, Smith's Geographies. Also,
Algebras, Arithmetics, Grammars, Histories;
Dictionaries, &c. Stationary. Copy and Com
position Books. Cap, Note, and Letter paper,
Blank Books, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils,
Pens add Holders, Ink and Inkstands, Rulers,
and Envelopes. The best Ink in the market
sold here, viz : Maynard and Noyes. Arnold's,
Hoover's, Laughlins & Bushfieid's, Black
wood's. etc. At the Cheap Book Store of
Nov. O. I No. 32, N. Queen st., Lancaster.
Great Books in Press !
IfAilliQiviOepts of fhe Ghopt ilebelqori;
Or, the Heroism of our Soldiers 6. Sailors.
1 VOLUME, LARGE 12 KO. PRICE, $1:25.
The critics and the public are right in pre
dicting that this will surpass, in graphic nar
rative, exciting interest, and extensive popu
larity, all other histories of the War for the
Union. Its theme will be the heroic daring,
patient suffering, and hair-breadth escapes of
our soldiers and sailors, and its incidents will
form the theme of conversation at innumerable
firesides for years to come. It will contain, in
addition to its stirring details, the philosophi
cal Analysis of the Causes of the War by
" The Rise of the Dutch Republic," etc., the
dates of all the important events from the
John Browsk raid, and an accurate and'revised
account of the principle battles, with engra
One-third the proceeds of all SUbserplionti
sent direct to us will be given for the Relief of
Disabled Soldiers, and all persons who wish a
copy of the work, and also to benefit the sol
diers should send their name and address at
once. Also, any officer or private; or person
in any section of the country, having knowl
edge of a heroic act or stirring incident will
oblige us by sending an account of it.
Dooksellers, Postmasters, and Canvassing
Agents will be furnished with a Subscription
Prospectus, on application to the Publishers.
113.- A liberal commission given to soldiers
desiring to act as agents in taking subscrip
The- History of American Manufactures,
FROM 1808 TO 1860.
2 Vor.L, Bvo.—Vor.. I now ready, Vol. 11.
nearly ready.
THIS is probably the largest and most im
portant work now in the. American press.
We have also just published new editions of
the following useful and popular books:
The Business Man's Legal Advisor;
Or, How to Save Money, by conducting busi
ness occording to law, as expounded by the
best and latest authorities. 400 pp, sheep.
Price, One Dollar.
Opportunities for Industry;
Or, A Thousand Chances to Make Money.—
Cloth, $l. This has been republished in
England. •
Every business man and clerk should have
these books. They will pay the buyer a hun
dred fold. Every parent should get-them for
their sons.
All these boas are mailed, post paid, on re
ceipt of price. We pay particular attention to
mailing books, wrapping them carefully, and
will procure and send, post paid, any book
anywhere, on receipt of publishers price and
six stamp's. Address
Its Loves and hates, sor
rows and angers, hopes and fears, regrets and
ups-; Manhood, how lost how restored ; the
nature, tieatment and radical cure - of sperms.:
torrhcea or seminal weakness; involuntary
emissions, sexual debility and impediments to
marriage generally ; nervousness, consump
tion, fits, mental and physical incapacity, re
sulting from self abuse—are fully
explained in the Marriage Guide,
by W.M. YOUNG, M. D. This most
extraordinary book should be in the hands of
every young person contemplating marriage,
and every man or woman who desires to limit
the number of their offspring to their circum
stances. Every pain, disease and ache inci
dental-to youth, mi c •rity and old age, is fully
explained; every pa..icle of knowledge that
should be known is here given. It is, full of
engravings. In fact, it discloses secrets that
every one should know; still it is a book that
must be locked up, and not lie about the house.
It will be sent to any one on the receipt of
twenty-five cents in specie or postage stamps.
Address Dr. Wm. Yonne, No. 416 Spruce
Street, above Fourth, Philadelphia.
Ir Afflicted and Unfortunate, no matter
what may be.your disease, before you place
yourself under the care of any of the notorious
Quacks—native or foreign—who advertise in
this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr.
Young's book, and read it carefully. It will
be the means of saving you many a dollar,
your health, and possibly your life.
DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of
the diseases described in his publication, at
his office, No. 416 SPRUCE Street, above Fourth
Office hours from 9 to 3, daily.
Having just teturned from the city with
a nicely selected lot of Ready-made Clothing,
which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at
reduced prices; having laid in a general assort
ment of men and boys' clothing,which he is
determined to sell Low, eon casn. ..His stock
GLOVES, SUSPENDERS . , &C. F.VerYthing in the
Furnishing Goods line. Call and 44Eaniine be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sbld at
prices to suitihe times. JOHMBELL.
Corner of I.bow Lane anVagket,Si
next < ,r to Casset.s
"Marietta; a .ber 29,1856._ .`‘
- s e - )' , THE
Giuqf iferbßi lea, Eor Fehm
This Celebrated Female Medicine possesses
virtue unknown of anything else of the kind,
and prooving effectual after all others have
failed ; it is prepared Loin an •' Indian Herb"
peculiar to Northern Mexico, and Texas, and
is used by the Natives in producing the MONTH
LY SICKNESS. It is designed for both availed
and single ladies, and is the very best thing
known for the purpose, as it will remove all
obstructions after other remedies have been
tried in vain. It is a pleasant tea, containing
nothing injurious to health, and a cure can be
relied upon in all cas.s.
Prolapsus Uteri, or failing 01 toe Womb
Floues Albuscor Whites; Chronic Inflamation,
or Ulceration of the Womb ; Incidental Hem
rage or Flooding ; and disease of the Spine.
la— Ladies in the early stage of pregnancy
are cautioned against the use of this tea, as it
will produce miscarriage.
Prepared and Sold by
DR, G. W. ENGLISH, No. 729 RACE -5T.,
Price $l.OO per package, (with full directions
Tor use) sent by Express or Mail
to any address.
Dr. E. can be consulted in all obstinate
Female Complaints, in person er by letter,
and will furnish the Gutta-percha Female
Syringe—highly recommended by the Faculty
to married ladies for special
Also Radical Cure and other Trusses—lm
proved Rotary and Spine Abddminal Support
ers—Shoulder Braces—Elastic and Lace Stock
ings—Spinal Apparatus, for Weak and Curved
Spine—and Instruments for all Deformities.—
A large Steck of the above articles constantly
on hand, and will be furnished at lowest rates
by sending order with measurement and full
All communications strictly confiden
tial. For further particulars please address,
I[3 I have no Agents.
N. E. corner of 7th -6. Chestnut Sts.
This Institution, which was established
1844, and is now consequently in the eight
eenth year of its existence, numbers among
its graduates, hundreds of the most auccesiful
Merchants and Business Men in our Country.
The Object of the Institution is solely to
afford young Men facilities fur thorobgh preps
ratinns for business.
The, Branches taught are, Book4eeping, as
applicable to the various departments of trade ;
Pennmanship, both plain and' ornamental ;
Commercial Law, Mathematics, Navigation,.
Civil Engineering, Drawing, • Phonography,
and Modern Languages. '*
The System of Instruction is peculiar; no
classes or set lessons are made use of, but each
student is taught individually, so that he may
commence at any time, and attend at what
ever hours are most convenient.
Catalogues are issued annually after the 75th
of April, containing names of the students for
the year, and full particulars of terms, &c.,
and may be obtained at any time by address
ing the Principal.
In extensive accommodations, wide-spriad
reputation, and the lengthy experience of the.
Principal, this Institution offers facilities su
perior to any other in the country, for young
men wishing to Prepare for business, and to
obtain A DIPLOMA, which will prove a recom
mendation-for them to any Mercantile House.
Crittenden's Series of Treatises on Book-
Keeping, new • more widely circulated than
any other woik-ol the subject, are for sale at
the College.
• Attorney-at-Law,
Jan. 18, 2 62-Iy] PRINCIPAL,
Empire Shuttle Machine.
Patented February 14th, 1860
Salesroom no Broadway, New York.
THIS Machine is constructed on an entirely
new principal of mechanism, possessing
many rare and valuable improvements, having
been examined by the most profound experts,
and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfec
tion Combined.
The following are the principal objections
urged against Sewing Machines.:—
I.—Excessive fatigue to the operator.
2.--Liability to get out of order.
3.—Expense, trouble and loss of time in re
4.—lncapacity to sew every discription of
s.—pisagreea:ble noise vrtiile-in operation.
The Empire Sewing Machine is exemp
- Yrcnn , all these Objections.
'it has a straight needle perpendicular ac
tint), makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE BTITCII,
which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike
on both sides ; -performs perfect sewing on
every description of material, from Leather to
the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen
silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest
Having meither CAM nor COG WHEEL,
and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth
as glass, and is
It requires fifty per cent. less power to
drive it than any other Machine in the market.
A girl of twelve years of age can work it
steadily, without fatigue or injury to health.
Its strength and wonderful simplicity of con
struction, render it almost impossible.. to get
out of order, and is guaranteed by the company
to give entire satisfaction.
We respectfully invite all those who may
desire to supply themselves with a superior
article, to call and examine this unrivalled
But in a more special manner .do we solicit
the patronage of
Merchant Tailors, I Dress. Makers,
Coach Makers, COrset Makers,.
Vest Makers, Gaiter Fitters,
Pantaloon Makers, Shoe Binders,
Shirt and Bosom Makers,
Hoop Skirt Manufacturers,
Religious and Charitable Institutions will
be liberally dealt with.
. Price of .111ACHINEtS Complete:
No. 1, or Family Machine; $45 00, ,No. 2,
Small sized Manufacturing, $60.00, No. 3,
Large size Manufacturing, $75.00
Cabinets in every Variety.
We want Agents for all towns in the United
States, where agencies are not already estab
lished, to whom a liberal discount will be
given, but we make no consignments.
T. J. McARTHUR, & Co.,
510 BROADTVAY, New York.
Opposite the Gross Keys Hotel,
THE undersigned would rospectfully inform
the public that he still continues, at the
old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets,
directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep
on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from
Half Spanish up, in,prices from- $6, $7420 to
ipbo per thousand. TosAcco.—Natural Leaf,
Excelsior-Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con
gress Fine Spun Lathes Twist, Coarse Spun
Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Dphir tobacco, An
derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci
gars manufactured, of imported stock. , Sums
HALF SrArrisx. Rappee Snuff and all kinds
Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs,
inie-cutipes, Cigar Tidies, Itc. (jan.30,"58
CAME to the premises of the subscriber, re
siding in East Donegal township,. near
Marietta Borough, about the Ist of June last,
. .
supposed to be about 18 mohths old. -The ow.
ner s ial Bereby notified to. come forward and
prove property, pay charges and take it away,
otherwise it will be sold according to. law,
August 2.1, 1861-tf
L' ES AND GENTS Anderson has just
• :received an elegant assortmcntof Perfe ;
,consisting of Toiliet Soaps,. "Hair Oils,
tracts and Colognes at prices mucht.beldw
a nuil rates, lso some:very handsome Canes
tlemen„.Porrmenies, &c.
General Election of 1862.
I N Pursuance of the duties imposed by the
Election laws of the State of Pensylvania,
I S. W. P. Boyo, High Sheriff of Lancaster
' county, do hereby publish and give notice to
the qualified citizens, electors of the several
Wards, Townships, Districts and Boroughs of
the City and County of Lancaster, that a Gen
eral Election will be held on Tuesday, the
14th day or October next, 1862. at the several
places hereinafter designated, to elect by bal
One person duly qualified for member of
Congress for the ninth Congressional District,
composed of the County of Lancaster.
Four persons duly qualified for members of
the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania.
One.person duly qualified for District Attor
ney of the County of Lancaster.
One person duly qualified for County Com-'
-Two persons duly qnalified for Directors of
the Poor.
Two persons duly qualified for Prison In
One person duly qualified for County Sur
One person duly qualified for Auditor.
. Ist District—Composed of the four Wards of
,city. The qualified .voters of the
North East Ward will hold their election at
the public house of Anthony Lechler in East
King street ; those of the North West Ward
at the public house occupied by Adam Trout ;
I those of the South East Ward at .the public
house occupied by Samuel McCollister, in East.
King street; those of the Soutb West Ward at
the pliblic house - of Amos Giclff:
2d District— Drumore township, at tLe No.
2 school house iii the village of Chestnut Level.
3d District—Borough of Elizabethtown, at
the public house now occupied by George W.
Boyer, in said borough.
4th District—Earl township, at the public
hall in the village of New Holland, in said
sth District—Elizabeth township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by Franklin Ec Elias
Bentz, in 'Brickersyille ' in said township.
6th District—Borough of Strasburg, at the
public house now occupied by Henry Bear, in
said borouch.
7th District—Rapho township including the
Borough of Manheim, at the public house oc
cupied by David Wolfe, in said borough.
Bth District-Salisbury township, at the pub
lic house mow occupied by John Mason, White
Horse tavern, in said township.
9th District—East Cocalico township, at the
public house now occupied by Widow Fulmer,
in the village of Reamstown '
in said township.
10th District—being a-part' of the 'township
of East Donegal, at the public school house in
the village of Maytown, in said township.
llth District—Carnarvon township, at the
public house now qecupied by John Myers, in
the village of Churchtown, in said township.
12th District—Mastic township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by George Robinson,
in said township.
13th District—Bait township, at the public
house now occupied by Edwin Garrett, in said
19th Distriet--Colerain township, at the
public house now occupied by James G. Hil
debrand, in said township.
15th District—Fulton township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by Joseph Phillips, in
said township.
16th District—Warwick township, at the
public house now occupied by Samuel Licht
enthaler, in the village of Litiz, in said town
17th District—Composed of the borough of
Marietta and part of East 'Donegal township,
at the public school house in the borough of
Marietta, in said township.
' 18th District--Coluinbia borough, at the
Town Hall, in said borough.
19th District:.—Sadsbury township, .at the
public house now occupied by Abraham Roop,
4n said - township. :
20th District—Leacock township, at the pub
lic house now occupied by George . Tiller, in
said township.
21st Distriat—Brecknock township, at the
public house now oectipied by Isaac Messner,
in said township: '
22d District—Mount Joy borough, at the pub
lic school house in the village of Mount Joy.
23d District—Being part of East Hemplield
township, at the public house now occupied
by: Jacob Swarr in the village of Petersburc
in said township.
29th District—West Lampeter township, at
the public house now occupied by Henry Mil
der,-in the village of Lainpeter Square,.in said
township. • .
26th District-Conestoga township, at the
public house' now occupied by John G. Preis,
in said township-.
26th Distrid—being part of Manor township,
at the upper school house in 'the borough of
Washington, in said township.
27th District—Ephrata township., at the pub
lic-house now occupied by John W. Gross, in
said township.. • '
2Sth Distrlct—Conoy township, al the pub
lic'schooLhouse in the village of Bainbridge,
in said township.
29th Distriet—Manheini township, at the
public house now occupied by Charles IL Kry
der; in the village of Neffsville,. in said town
- 30th District--Being part of Manor tow ndnin,
at the public house now occupied by George
Bomberger, in Millerstown; in said township.
31st District—West Earl townships at - the
public house now occupied by Graybill B. For
hey,. in Earlville, in said township.
32d District—West Hempfield township, at
the public house now occupied by John Ken
dig, in said township.
33d District—Strasburg township, at the pub.
lie house now occupied by James Curran, in
the borougb of Strasburg.
34th .Distlict—lleing parr of Manor town
ship, commonly called Indinntown district, at
the public /Muse of - Bernard Stoner, in said
township. •
35th District—West Cocalico township, at
the public house now occupied by John W.
Mentzerin-the Tillage of Shoeneck, in said.
36th District—East Earl township, at the
public house now occupied by 'Henry Yundt,
Blue Ball, in said township.
37th District—Paradise township, at thp pub
lic house now occupied by James Frew, in
said township.
38th District—Being a part of East Hemp
field township, at the public school house in
the village, of Hempfie. in said township.
39th District-Lancaster' township, at the
public house . now occupied by P. H- Summy,
in said township.
40th District—East Lanipeeer township, at
the public house now occupied by >Henry Ken
eagy, in said township.
4.lst District—Little Britain township, at the
house of Aaron Brogan & Co., in said town
42d Distriet--Upper Leacock township, at
the public house of Michael Bender, in said
43d District—Penn township,, at the public
hous"e of C. Hershey, in said township.
.44th District—Borough of Adamstown, at the
'school house in said borough.'
45th District—Clay township, at the house
of George W. Stpinmetz, (formerly, john Erb's)
in said township.
46th District—Pequea township, at the pub
lice house of .Benjamin Rowe. in said township.
47th DistrictProsidence township, at the
house occupied by Daniel Hnbei, in said town-
43th District—Eden township, at the public
houie of William 7. Hess, in said township.
49th District—Being that part of Mount Joy,
township heretofore included in the 3d dis
trict, at Lehman's school house, in said town
both Distria—West Donegal township, here
tofore-included in the 3d election - district, at
Ruff's school house in said township.
51st District—That part of Mount Joy town
ship, heretofore included in the 22d district, at
- Benjamin Breneman's school house in, said
52d District—that part of Rapho township
heretofore included in the. 22d district, at
Strickler's school house in said township.
53d District—That part of East and West.
Donegat townships, - heretofore included in the
22thdistrict„ at the brick school' house; in the
village ef.§pFingyille, in said t0:11%7104p.,
The General Election, ,in all the WardS, -
Townships, Districts and 'Bel'euglist ;of- the
coUnty, are to be opened between the hours of
eight and ten o'clock in the forenoon and shall
continue without interruption or adjournment
until seven o'clock in the evening, when all
the pollsshall be closed.
Every person except Justices of the Peace,
who shall hold any office or appointment of
profit or trust under the Government of the
United States, or of this State or of any other
city or incorporated district, whether a com
missioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent, who is or shall be employed
under the Legislative, Executive or judicary
department of the State of the United States,
or of any city or incorporated District, and
also that every Member of Congress, or of the
State Legislature, and of the Select and Com
mon Councils of any city, or Commissioner of
any incorporated District is by law, incapa
ble of bolding or exercising at the same time
the office or appointment of judge, inspector
or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and no inspector, judge or other officer of any
such election shall be eligible there to be vo
ted for.
The Inspector and Judges of the elections
shall meet at the respective_ places appointed
for holding the election in the district to which
they respectively belong, before nine o'clock
in the morning, and each of said inspectors
shall appoint one Clerk who shall be a quali
fied voter of such district.
In ease the person who shall have received
the second highest number of votes for in
spector, shall not attend on the day of any
election, then the person who shall have re
ceived he second highest, number of votes fur
judge at the next preceding election shall act
as inspector in his place. And in case the per
son who shall have received the highest num
ber of votes for inspector shall not attend, the
person elected judge shall appoint an-inspector
in his place—and in case the person elected a
judge shall not attend. then the inspector who
received the highest number of votes shall op- -
point a judge in his plaee—or if any vacancy
shall continue in the board for the space of
one hour after the time fixed by law for the
opening,of the election, the qualified voters of
the township, ward or district for which such
officers shall have been elected present at such
election, shall elect one of their number to fill
such vacancy.
It shall be the auty of the several assessors
of each district to attend at the place of bold
ing every general, special or township election,
during the whole time said-election is kept
open, for the purpose of giving information to
the inspectors and judges when called on, in
relation to the right of any person assessed by
them to vote at such election, or- such other
matters in relation to the assessments of voters
as the said inspectors or either of them shall
from time to time require.
No per Son shall be permitted to vote ‘ at any
election as aforesaid, other.than a wtite free
man of the age of twenty-one years or more,
- who 'shall have resided in the State at least
one year, and in the election district where he
be "offers his vote at least ten days immediate
ly preceding Such election, and within two
years paid a State or county tax, which shall
have been assessed at least ten days before the
election. But a citizen of the United States
who has previously been a qualified voter of
this State and removed therefrom and return
ed, and who shall have resided in the election
district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be
entitled to vote after residing in this State six
Months , : Provided, that the white freemen,
citizens of the United States,
,between twen
ty-one and twenty-two years, who have re
sided in an election district as afoiesaid, shall
be entitled to vote although they shall not
have paid taxes.
No person shall be permitted to vote whose
name is not contained in the list of taxable in
habitants furnished by the Commissioners, un
less First, he produce a receipt for the payment
within two years of a State or county tax as
sessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give
satisfactory evidence, either on his oath or af
firmation, or the oath or affirmation .of anoth
er, that he has paid such a tax, or on failure
to produce a receipt shall make oath to the
payment thereof. Second, if he claim a right
to verb by being an elector botiveen the age
of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall
depose an oath or affirmation that he has re
sided in this State at least one year next before
-his application, and make such proof of resi
dence in the district as is required by this act,
and that he does verily believe, from the ac
count given him, that he is of- the age afore.
said, and such other evidence as is required by
this act, whereupon tlie name of the person
thus admitted to vote shall. be inserted in the
alphabetical list by the inspectors, and a note
opposite thereto by writing the word " tax,"
if he shall be admitted to vote by 'reason of
having paid tax ; or- the word ''a,ge," if lie
shall be adniitted to vote by reasonof such age,
shall be called out the clerks, who shall make
the jike notes- on, the lists of voter kept- by
Id all cases where the name of. the person
claiming to vote is found on the list furnished
by the Commissioners and assessor, of his right
' to vote, whether found thereon or not, is ob
i jected to by any qualified citizen,. it shall be
the duty of the inspectors to examine such per
'-son On oath as to his qualifications, and if he
1 claims to have resided within the State for one
year or more his oath Shall not be sufficient proof
thereof, but shallmake proof by at least one
competent witness, who shall be a qualified
electer, that he has resided in the district for
more than ten days next iminediatilely pre
ceding such election and shall also himself
swear that his hoes fide residence, in pursu
ance-of his lawful calling, is in _said district,
and that he did not remove to said district for
the purpose of voting therein.
Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who
shall make due proof, if required, of the resi
dence and payment of taxed as aforesaid, shall
be admitted to vote in the township, Ward or
district in which he shall reside.
Ilan) person shall prevent or attempt to
prevent any officer of any election , under this
act from holding such election, or use or three ,
en any violence to such officer, or shall inter
ruptorimproperly interfere with him in the
execution of his duty, or Shall 'block up the
windoW, or avenue to any window where the
same may be holding. or shall riotously dis
turb the peace at such election, or `Shall use
any intimidating threats, force or violence,
with design to influence unduly or overawe
any elector, or to prevent him from .
voting. or
to restrain the freedom bf choice, such persons
on conviction shall be fined in any sum not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars, and imprisoned
for any time not less than three nor more than
12 months, and if it shall be shown to Court,
where the trial of such offence shall he had,
that the person so offending was not a resi
dent 'of the city, ward, - district or township
where the offence was committed, and not en
titled to vote therein, then on conviction he.
shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
than one hundred nor more-than one thousand
dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six
months nor more than two years.
- If any person or persons shall make any bat
or wager upon the result of any election with
in the Commonwealth, or shill offer to make
any such bet or wager; either by verbal proc
lamation thereof or. by any written or printed
advettiiement, challenge or invite any per Son
to make such bet or wager; upon conviction
thereof he or they shall . forfeit and pay three
times the amount so bet or to be bet.
If any person not by:law , qUallified, shall
fraudulently any election of this tom
monwealth, or being otherwise qualified shall
vote out of his proper district, or if any person
knowing the want of such qualifications, shall
aid or procure such person to vote, the person
offending, shall on conviction be fined in any
sum not exceeding tivo hundred-dollars, and
be irePrisohed in any term not exceeding three
If any person shall vote at more than one
election district, -or otherwise fraudulently
vote more than once on the same day, or shall
fraudulently fold and deliver to the inspector
two 'tickets together, with the intent illegally
to vote, or shall procure another to do so, he
or they offending, shall on conviction be fined
many sum not less than fifty nor more than
five hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for any
term not lets than three nor More thanitwelve
months.. ,
If any person not qualified to vote in' this
Commonwealth agreeably to law, (except the
Sons of qualified citizens), shall appear at any
place of election for the purpose of influencing
the citizens qualified to vote, he shall on con
viction forfeit and pay any suns nOt exceeding
one hundred dellars for ev - erx such offence,
and: be imprisoned for•any-throirnot exceeding
three months.
4tieiebl.tto ProViiiens of the sixty-first
seethin 'of the. every General and-Spe
cial Election shall be opened between the
hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and
shall continue without interruption or adjourn.
ment until seven o'clock in the evening, wI. E „
the polls shall be cbsed.
• The Judges are to make their return., 1:r
county of Lancaster, at the Court House. In
the city of Lancaster, on Friday, the 17th dxv
of October, A. D., 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M.
8. W. P. BOYD, Sheriff.
SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Lancaster, Sept. 10 18G,'.
eradicates all the evil edesta of self at use,
as loss of memory, shortness of breath, giddi
ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of vis
ion, or any constitutional derangement of the
system brought on by the unrestrained indul
gence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex.
Price one dollar.
NO. 2. THE IlArat.—Will cure in from two
to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoea,(clap)
without taste or smell and requires no zestrlc.
tian of action or diet; for either sex • price $l,
NO. 3. Tax TEEMS will cure eleet in t'
shortest possible time, and I can show certui
cates of cures effected by this remedy, wlici
all others have failed. No taste or smell.--
Price one dollar.
NO. 4. Tim Pr xi-rr..R is the only knotA.
remedy that will positively cure stricture:,
the urethra, no matter of how longstanding or
neglected the Case may be. Price one dollar.
NO. 5. Tan SOLLITOR will cure any m. ,
of Gravel permanently and speedily remo;
all diseases from the bladder and kidneys. -
Price one dollar.
No. - 6. THE PREyENTOR iS a sure prevc,
tion against the contraction of any disease.
less expensive and fair preferable to anythi:„:
in use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l.
NO 7. THE AHARI.a will cure the whi , .e,
radically and in less time than they can to ef
fectually removed by any other treatment ;
fact this is the only remedy that will realiy
cure thin disease ;_ pleasant to take. Price
NO. 8.; THE ORIEis.:TAL PaSTILS are et. -
tain, safe and speedy in producing menstrua
tion or =reefing any irregularities of
monthly periods. Price two dollars.
spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price
Either of the Remedies will be sent free v
mail on receipt of the price annexed. Circe_
tars containing Yalutt)te information with
description of each Remedy, may be obtaiii,,l
by enclosing one post stamp. Address
These Remedies are sold in Marietta only
JOHN JAY LIDHART, where circulars cc')
laining a full description of each case can be
obtained gratis, on application.
General Depot, North East Corner of York
Avenue and Callowhill atreet, Philadelphia, l'a.
Da.' In complicated vises I can be corm:re,'
by letter, or petsonallyat my office ; entraiir,,
No. 401 York Avenue. Da. F.
August 27, 1859.-IY.
On the Phyriologicalrietes of Mani,' r ;,.
Price only 25 cents. Seat free of postaze to
all parts of the Union. On the infirmities ul
youth and maturity, disclosing the secret is:-
lies of both sexes of ages, causing debility,
nervousness, depression of epirit, paipit a holt
of the heart, suicidal imaginings, invo iunnirs
emissions, blushings, defective mettiozy,
in l
gestion and lassitude, with confessions
thrilling: interest of a Boarding School
a College Student, and a Young Married Lady,
§-c.; ere. It is a truthful adviser to the married
and those contemplating matriuge, who enter
tain secret doubts of their physical condition,
and who arc conscieus. of having hazarded tint
health, happiness, and privileges to wkich
every human being is entitled.
YoUNG MEN who are troubled with
weakneas, generally caused by a bad habit in
youth, the effects of which are dizzinen,,
pains, foreetfulness, - sometimes a ringing i , i
the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back
and lower extremities, confusion of ideas,
of memory, 'with melancholy, may ho eure.t
by the author's new Ports and .London Treat
We have, recently devoted much of oar
time LA visiting the European Hospitals,tivad
ing ourselves of the knowledge and research,
uf the most skillful Physicians and Sa g•
in Europe - and the Continent. Those
place themselves * under our care will now
have tit , : full benefit of the many run and ,f
-licatious Remedies which we arc enabled lo
introduce into uur practice, and the puli:.e
may rest assured uf the same zeal, assiitiliy,
SECRECY and attention being pald t t ttwir
cases, .which bus su successfully distinguisl.e.l
us heretofore, us n Physician in our rEr ttii‘a
department ,of professional Practice, Jar J':c
past twenty--flue yeam
far Medicines, the efficacy of which has been
tested in thousands of cases, and never failed
to effect weedy cures without any bad ie•
suits, - will use none but Dr. DeLaney's Fe
male Periodical Pills. ..The only precaution
necessary to be observed is, ladies should
take them if they have reason to believe they
are in certain situations (the particuMrs
which will be found on the wrapper accom
panying each box,) though always safe at d
healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they.
Price sl'per box. They can he mailed t)
tiny trait of the United States or Canada.
To vit E LADIES—Who need a confider:::!
medical adviser with regard to any of the.,
interesting complaints to which their delicm.
organization renders them liable, are pat lice
larly invited to consult us.
For mat ried ladies whose health will not a , !-
mit, or who have no desire to increase their
fitnailizs, may be obtained its above. It is a
perfectly sale preventive to conception, an:.
has been extensively used during' the last
years. Priv: reduced to $lO.
A. Treatise on the Cause of Piemature De
cay— A•solemn warning. Just published, a
book showing the insidious progress and pre
valence among schools, [both male and le
tntile.l of this fatal habit; pointing out the
fatality that invariably attends its victims, and
developing the whole progress of the disease.
from the commencement to the end:
it will be.sent by Mail on receipt of two [3
cent Stamps.
Attendance daily, from 8 in the morning t,l
9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 till 5 r.
Medicines with full directions sent to' any
part of the United States or Canadas, by pa
tients communicating their symptoms by letter.
Busineas correspondence strictly corfidential.
Dr. Office located as est
...0 under the nameis
DR. LACRO abI isIX, h
- No. 13 Idsiden Lane, Albany, N. Y.
Nos. 221 East Twenty nerd Street,
173 y 175 Grand Street 4 215 Centre Street.
This Estaßlishment has been in successfc I
operation 24 years, and is the Largest of the
kind in the United States. We have on hand
or manufacture to order every description of
Plain and Ornamental Pier, Wall, Oral 4'
Mantel Glasses, Connecting Cornices,
Base and Bracket Tables, with
Marble-Slabf,,Toilet Glasses,
c. 4c., fre.
Mouldings for Pi ct u r e names, in lengths suit
able for transportation, either Gilt, Berlin;;,
Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, Birdseye, MahotgaLy
lite. our new Atanufactory and extensive
facilties enable list, furnish any article in our
hue as good as, and as cheap as the
Dealers are invited to call on us
When they visit .New York. We claim to be
able to supply them with every article in our
line which they can possibly!require, at prices
lower than their can purchase elseware.
IQ — Orders by mail attended to With prompt
ness. Do not fail to call when 3au visit New
Office dr Ware-roome,No. 215 Centre St. 7 N. F.
3m]. HORACE V. SIG Agt.
0 for culinary purposes, warranted genuine
H. D. Beifansin t Ca's. •