The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, September 06, 1862, Image 2

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the ttatiettimt,
...fir:ueietta, Oa.
fl Messrs. MATHER & ABBOTT, No. 525
Broadway, New-York, are duly authorized to
act for ue in soliciting advertisments, &c., and
receipt for the same. •
dir A citizen of Anne A rundel coun
ty Md., has written to the War Depart
ment to know if magistrates, constables,
justices,,and sheriffs are exempt from
draft, aad has received the following an
swer :
WASHINGTON CITY, August 14,1862.
SIR : In reply to yours of the 9th inst.
asking that justices of the peace, sher
iffs, and constables be exempt from
draft, I am directed to say that your re
quest is granted, and said parties are
hereby exempt.
By order of the Secretary of War:
Brigadier General and A. A. G.
er F. Webster, mortally wounded in
the late battle, and now dead, was the
oldest son of Daniel Webster. Ills
younger son was in the army in Mexico,
and died in service there. His daugh
ter, Mrs. Appleton, died some years ago
—so that now there is none left of the
blood of "Webster." Colonel Webster
was at one time Assistant Secretary of
State Department under his illustrious
father. He was also appointed secre
tary to Caleb Cushing, when the latter
was minister to China.
far The New Albany (Indiana) Led
ger states that a rather laconic sword
presentation took place at Camp Noble,
a lbw days since. 'A member of the
Sixty-sixth Regiment purchased a sword
for Captain J. Girod, and Captain J. H.
Fawcet was deputed to present it. This
the Captain did, as follows : "Here,
John is a sword." Captain Girod took
it and replied': "Thank you ; I'll see
you again about it, after I have tried
it." The presentation and reply were
both to the point,
Or The. late census returns of manu
facturing establishments in New York
eity;reveal the fact that more capital
is employed in carrying on printing
trade than any other business, the
amount being over eight and a half mil
lions. Over six thousand persons are
employed in the various establishments ;
use up about five millions of dollars
worth of raw material, ink, paper, &c.,
per annum, producing over eleven mil
lions' worth of books, papers, etc.
tar A thousand surgeons reached
Washington, for the purpose offering
their services to the Government. A
portioa of them only have been accept
ed. Many of them apparently to, do
what is called high surgery. Six Who
were ordered to report to Assistant
Surgeon Alden, United States army,
who is fitting up the Georgetown Col
lege as an hospital, refused to do so,
saying that was not the kind of work
they came to do.
or A Great Outrage was committed
in Rutland, Va,, Saturday night last.
No less than thirty two of the best and
most costly monuments in the grave
yard, in the western part of the village,
were overturned, and many of them
grossly mutilated and broken, and all
damaged more or leas. Monuments
costing from over one hundred dollars,
were so injured as to be nearly worth
ler The Democratic Senatorial Con
ference,says the Johnstown Tribune, met
again at Altoona and nominated W. A.
Wallace, of Clearfield county. Wallace
is a Breckinridge Democrat, and an
open sympathizer with the rebellion
and its leaders. The election of such
a man to represent the loyal and patri
otic people of Blair and Cambria coun
ties in the Senate of our glorious old
Keystone State mould be an outrage.
Some politicians believe, notwith
standing appearances, that there is at
the bottom a complete accord betimen
Garibaldi and Victor Emanuel. Rica
soli-is saidlo favor Garibaldi's advance
on Aome.,
' gar tiei►eral Stone, who has been con
fined in Fort Lafayette for severs
months, ,has been released, and is resi
ding with his with his family in N,e
or The Secretary of State has writ
ten a letter to the British Charge d'
Affairs, stating that persons of foreign
birth are not liable to draft unless na
of the rebel General Stonewall Jackson
is the daughter of Rev. Dr. Junkin, of
Philadelphia,formerly President of La
Fayette College in, this State. Stone
wall is a praying man, a professor of
religion, and believes himself to be the
Putnam of the southern confederacy.—
It is needless to add that his attitude
toward hiscountry is a source of the
deepest regret to his venerable father
in-law, Dr. Junkin.
ilF2r Gen. Frank Hughes, Commander
in•chief of the Breckinridgers in this
State, is getting, up meetings against
the Administration, in various parts of.
the State. One was held in Philadel
phia where the sentiments held forth
were so treasonable that one of the
speakers (a son of "Tory Ingersoll")
was placed under arrest.
tEr The Cleveland Leader annonces
that a very pretty yoUng lady of that
city, offers to kiss any able bodied, good
looking young man who will enlist.—
Improving on this idea, the editor of a
Wheeling paper suggests that some of
our pretty, rosy-tipped young ladies of
fer to marry such of the young men as
will enlist, after they return from the
isr The pistol of Daniel O'Connell
were recently sold at auction in London.
With one of these, in 1845, O'Connel
shot D'Estere. An inscription inside
the pistol case stated that D'Estere was
promised £l,OOO down and £l,OOO for
life, by the Dublin Orangemen, if he
killed 0 'Connell. The pistols brought
£1 18s.
Ur Frank Hughes has got up a paper
in Philadelphia, irrwhich his dangerous
ideas are set forth. Its whole tone is
calculated to sow discord among our
people. It is a pity that Frank does
not follow his relatives to Secessa. He
would not be able to do near the harm
to the loyal cause there that does here.
General McClellan has his head
quarters at Fort Lyon. Ills friends say
that he has taken umbrage at the action
of the. President's appointment of Gen.
Pope to the chief command of the arm
ies in :Virginia. The Army of the Po
tomac is now completely merged into
the former.
ar To make lager beer the following
new receipt is given : Take a barrel
and fill it with rain water, put in one
pair of old boots, a head of last fall's
cabbage, two sixes, a sprig of wormwood
and a little yeast. Keep it for a year,
and then "dish out."
There was non' a particle of truth
in the rumor, that the New York Trib
une had been suppressed for impugning
the fidelity of General McClellan to his
high trust. The New York Post, of
last evening, says "The story was cut
from the whole cloth."
ar A Western paper, in noticing the
presentation of a silver cup to a co
temporary, says: "He needs uo cup.—
He can drink from any vessel that con
tains liquor--whether the neck of a bot
tle, the mouth of demijohn, the spile o
a keg or the bunghole of a barrel." -
ear The battle-field at Bull Run pre
sents a sorrowful spectacle. Army
Surgeons and nurses are needed.—
Free passes will be furnished and all
expenses paid to those who will go and
care for the sick and wounded sol
Frederick Lauer, of Reading,
last week received an order from New
Orleans, for one hundred barrels of lag
er bear, the first order from any point
south of Washington, that 51r. Lauer
has received since the war has commenc
The average number of suicides
in France is nearly three thousand a
year. Official statistics show that in
thirty-two year; from 1827 to 1858, in•
elusive, upwards of ninety-two thousand
persons killed themselves.
Cr A painter without arms, a Mr.
Flea, in Belgium, is exciting general
admiration by the excellence of his
works now at the exhibition of the
Brussels Academy. He was born with
out arms, and paints with his feet.
or The watering-places, notwith
standing the boast of the southern chiv
alry that they supported these places,
were never so full as this year. An
other bogus pretense of the South is
4re Mr. Benson, the Ex-President of
Liberia, has arrived in Berlin, and was
received by the minister of Foreign
Affairs with the same courtesy extended
to white officials of equal rank.
'The friends of Ore stes A. Brown
son are talking of sending that distin
guished gentleman to represent them
in Congress.
q William A. Jackson, fate coach
man of -Jeff. Davis, is advertised to
address the citizens of Boston, on the
Cr Col. Fletcher Webster, son of
Daniel Webster, gas killed on the battle
field on Saturday last.
• El-Governor Hicks, of Maryland, has
joined a company forming in Cambridge;
ad., as a privitte..
M. Genin lately addressed the Aca
demie des Sciences on the subject of
"The Sex of Eggs." He affirms that
he is now able, after having studied the
subject for upwards of three years, to
state with assurance that all eggs con
taining the germ of males have wrinkles
on their smaller ends, while female eggs
are smooth at the extremities.
Some of our cotemporaries, says the
Boston Journal, speak of the reply of
President Lincoln to Hr. Greeley's im
pudent letter as "unprecedented" in the
conduct of rulers. This is hardly true.
Some three years and a half ago, the
Emperor Napoleon replied to the attacks
of the English press upon policy and
his intention toward England, in a letter
to Sir Francis Head. And that letter,
although addressed to an individual,
wan written for the public.
A pierce of blue granite, three eighth
by one-eighth of-an inch in circumfer
ence, and about a quarter of an inch in
thickness, has been removed from the
eye of Pascal P. James of Northampton,
Mass. Mr. James is a stone cutter, and,
has carried the fragment is his eye for
fifteen years. The wound was never
probed, and the orifice where the stone
entered bad healed.
Startling! but true.—The Volunteers
are braving the dangers of Fever, Scurvy
Wounds and Cholera. Many a gallant
fellow will leave his bones to bleach,
who, by the aid of Holloway's Pills &
Ointment, would have returned to his
family strong and healthy. Soldiers, try
them ! Only 25 cents per Box. or
Pot. 226.
Napoleon 111 is bathing and drinking
the waters at Vichy. He takes three
glasses of the mineral "tipple" regularly
before breakfast, in company with the
guests, then walks or drives, and retires
early. The other day there was a ball at
Vichy,when Napoleon danced with yoUng
village lass—and all the people cried
"Vivel' Empereur !"
At Anandale, Buller county, Per n
sylvania, all the male inhabitants have
gone to the war, so the Post office De
partment is informed ; and the post
office can only be kept in operation by
the appointment of a, lady. firs. Nancy
A. Black has accordingly been appoint
This being the fruit season, thieves
are committtng their depredation in
various sections of the city and county.
They should remember they are subject
to a fine of $5O and imprisonment in the
county jail, not exceeding sixty days.
Speaker Grow has been unanimously
renominated for Congress from now
Xllth District of Pennsylvania. As be
usually has from eight to ten thousand
majority, he , stands in great danger of
being elected.
Wool is now higher than it has been
for forty-four years. This is owing to the
large demand for army goods, and to
the advanced price of cotton. It will
not soon fall so low again as it has been
of late years.
The Great Eastern, which arrived in
Flushing Bay on Wednesday morning
from Liverpool, brought fourteen hun_
dred passengers (five hundred and six
ty-one in the steerage) and three thous
and tons of merchandise.
A man named Nelson, a city railroad
conductor in Chicago, went into a bar
ber shop' in that place, while laboring
under an attack of mani-a pots, asked
for a razor to shave and cut his throat .
from ear to ear,and died almost instantly.
Two establishments in Austria -em
ploy six thousand work people in the
manufacture of lucifer matches. • The
annual production is forty-four millions
of matches. One of these concerns is in
Vienna the other in Bohemia.
Thomas D'arcy McGee, the Canadian
papers seem to think, will resign his
ministerial office on account of its func
tions having been reduced so as to
remove from his control superintendence
of emigration matters.
Albert King, Esq., of Syracuse, N. Y.,
was shot dead while hoeing in his gar
den, on Monday last, liy the accidental
discharge of a small Derringer pistol,
which he had in hispocket.
Lieutenant General Scott writes from
West Point that his condition is so im
proved that he is now able to take his
daily walks without the assistance of a
cane_ even.
Illinois has raised 50,000 ont of her
quota of 52,00 for the two calls, conga
qnently there will be no draft there, as
the other 2,000 will not be - long want
A piece of land was recently sold in
London at the rate of £1,900,000 per
acre—sufficiart to cover it with silver
equal to half a dollar in thickness.
A recruiting tent, in New York, has
this motto, "Come in out of the Draft."
It is presumed that those who do not
enlist now are "out in the cold." •
Lord Huntingtower has been fined
£l2 10s for smoking a cigar in a first
class railway carriage in England.
Mrs. P. -White, wife of Beubeu T.
White formerly of Buffalo, was murder
ed at Wankeband. While drank.
Cr A soldier who was in the late bat
ties before Richmond, remarks, that "it
is astonishing how indifferent to danger
a man becomes in action after being in
it a short time. While supporting the
battery, some of our men lay down on
the ground and slept soundly, utterly re
gardless of the shells that were burst
ing around them. If I had not seen this
-I certainly never would have believed
DI AR RI E 0 .
On the - 26th ultimo, by Rev. A. H. Kremer,
STUART A. WYLIE, Esq., Editor of tLe
Lancaster Daily. Inquirer, to Miss 8itt11341.-
FEE, daughter of Geo. Brubaker, Esq., all of
Lancaster, Pa. -
FFICE:—Front street, fourth door from
VD:must, over Saylor & DifeDonald's Book
Store, Columbia. Entrance between the Drug
and Book Stores.
Columbia, May 1, 1860.-Ir.
s4o.] WAGES PAID. ($lOO.
T 0 sell goods for the
We will give a commission on all goods sold
by our agents; or pay wages at from $4O to $lOO
per month,. and pay all- necessary expenses.
Our machine is perfect in its mechanism: A.
child can leara to operate it by half an hour's
instruction ! It is equal to any Family Sewing
Machine in use, and we have reduced the
price to Fifteen Dollars.
Each machine is warranted for throe years.
Address C. RUGGLES, Gen"l
July 26, '62-IY.] Detrcit, Mich.
Dealer in Hardware,
Cedarivare, Paints, Oils, Glass
?Oloi-, cook, Rali.ano Sz,!..
WOULD take this means of informing the
citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he
is prepared to furnish anything in his lint,
consisting in part, of Table Cutlery of Ili
kinds ; Building a n d housekeeping Hard
ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Furnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po
kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop
per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and
all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and
fact everything usually kept in a well regula
,ed Hardware establishment.
Boot and Shoe Manufacturer,
Would. most respectfully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER
himself,is enables to select with more judgment
than those who are not., He continues to man
ufacture in the very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will 'warrant for neatness and good fit.
P-Call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger.
'W OULD most respectfully inform the cit
izens of Marietta and the public gener
ally that he is prepared to do
House Painting,
China Glossing,
Paper Hanging,
.At very short notice and at prices to suit the
times. He can be found at his motner's resi
dence on the corner of Chesnut and Secon.l
streetsya few doors below the M. E. Church,
and immediately. opposite the old Oberlin
Coach Works. [Aug . . 3-Ty
Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns
of every patent, suitable for the Parlor, the
Kitchen and the Chamber; Hanging and Side
Lamps for Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices.
Having purchased them from the manufactu
rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates,
we can sell them much under the usual retail
prices, although every other description of
goods are advancing.
H. L. & F.. J. ZA.HIII
ESPECTFULLY inform then
FlLfriends and the public that they
Vr.:s' j still continue the WATCH, CLOCR
.:7,0 AND JEWELRY business at the old
stand, North-west. Corner of North
queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa
A full assortment of goods in our line of busi
ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest
cash rates. 111:: Repairing attended to per
sonalty by the proprietors.
American Watcnea are among the best
j_ timekeepers now in use, and for durability
strength and simplicity far surpass any other
watch made in the world.
H. L. 4- E. J. Z A H 11/
Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square
Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the vert
lowest rates—every watch accompanied - with
the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen
KoCook's Dandelion Coffee.
milli preparation, made from the best Java
1 Coffee, is -recommended by physicians as a
superior Nutritious Beverage for General De
bility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disordors.—
Thousanthi who have been compelled to aban
don the use of Coffee will use this without in
jurious effects. One can contains the ttrength
of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25
cents: For sale at J. R. Diffenbach's.
JEWELRY.—A large and selected stock of
tfr fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
H. L. & E. J. ZAIII.VPS.
Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all
goods warranted to be as represented.
SPECTACLES to suit all who
can be aided with glasses,
can be bought at H. L. k _E. J. ZAHM'S, Cor
ner of. North Queen-st., and Center Square,
Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames,
at short notice. [v6-ly
WOLFE'S Celebrated Spring and Clasp
The best in the world—made and sold at
Prlee, 6 cents.] WOLFE'S
Finely flavored Ice Cream can be had
WOLFE'S every day and evening, Sunday's
Market-st., Marietta.
Syrup, for children and adults hag just
been put up at my store, which should be. in
very family this cold weather. Da. LAND/S.
ID UGLY and Sleigh BLANKETS of various
I) styles and at much lower prices than the
same sold last fall. Spangler 4- Patterson.
50 . 13AwrthiitetL!..=`,IbaenTotiahaet'',:evttlt
market rates by the barrel or gallon, at
T. R. DiffelOach's Cheap &pm
ic i e, best iq fiia 1110 W,
Insuring Fine Teeth and a Sweet Breath
T - 10 YOU wish to be blessed with and
mired for pearly while and sound TEETH
Use Dr. Wrn. B. Hurd's Unrivalled Toot h
P o w der. warranted free front acid, alkal.
or any injurious substance. Price 25c a boxy
C -
Beware of the ordinary cheap Tooth
Powders, which whiten but distroy.
Do you wish to be certain that your breath
is pure, sweet and agreeable to husband or
wife, lover or friends 7 Use Dr. titian's cel
ebrated Mouth Wash. Price 37c a bottle.
This astringent wash is also the best remedy
in the world for Canker, Bad Breath, Bleeding
Gums, Sore Mouth, etc. It has cured hundreds.
DO you, or your children sutler from Tooth
ache Get Dr. fi UItD ' S Magic Toothache
Drops. Price 15 cents per bottle.
Are you afflicted with Neuralgia? Get Dr.
HUB D'S Neuralgia Plasters. The most ef
fective and delightful remedy known.
They do not adhere nor blister, but soothe
and charm pain away. Try them. Price, 15
and 37 cents ; mailed on receipt of price.
Do you wish a complete set of Dental Reme
dies and a Treatise on Preserving the Teeth 7
Get Dr. William B. Hurd's Dental Treasury,
the neatest and most valuable present that one
friend can make to another. Price Sent
by Express on receipt of price.
For sale at all the best stores throughout the
CAUTIOT.i :—As there are dealers who take
advantage of our advertisements to impose
upon their customers inferior preparations, it
is necessary to insist upon having what you
call for, and you will get the best, thoroughly
tested, and prepared by au experienced and
scientific Dentist, Treasurer of the New York
State Dentist's Association, and Vice President
of the New York City Dental Society.
Great Books in Press !
liy,!.i6enis of Bp Cireql ion;
Or, the Heroism of our Soldiers 6- Sailors.
1 VOLUME, LARGE / 2 MO. PRICE, $1:25
The critics and the public are right in..pre
dieting that this will surpass, in graphic nar
rative, exciting interest, and extensive popu
larity, all other histories of the War fur the
Union. Its theme will be the heroic davog,
patient suffering, and hair-breadth escapes of
our soldiers and sailors, add its incidents will
form the theme of conversation at innumerable
firesides for years to come. It will contain, in
addition to its stirring details, the philosophi
cal Analysis of the Causes of the NVar by
Joon. LOTH ROP MOTLEY, LL.D., Author of
" The Rise of the Dutch Republic," etc , the
dates of nil the important events from the
John Brown raid. and an uccaratc and revised
account of the principle battles, with engra
One-third the proceeds of all Subscrptions
sent direct to us will be given for the Relief of
Disabled Soldier-r, and all DOYHMIS who wish a
copy of the work, and also to benefit the sol
diers should send their name and address at
once. Also, any officer or private, or person
in any section of the country, having knowl
edge of a heroic act or stirring incident will
oblige us by sending an account of it.
Booksellers, Postmasters, and Canvassing
_Agents will be furnished with a Subscription
Prospectus, on application to the Publizhers.
A liberal commission given to soldiers
desiring to act as agents in taking subscrip
Ihe ristnry of ...:merienn Yanufactures,
BY J. LEANDER ntsliot
2 Vots., Svo.—Vor. I now ready, Vol. 11
nearly ready
probably the largest and most im-.
I portant work now in the American press.
We have also just published new editions of
the following useful and popular books:
Business plan's Legal Advisor;
Or, How to Save Money, by conducting busi
ness occording to law, as expounded by the
best and latest authorities. 400 pp, sheep.
Price, One Dollar.
Opportunities for Industry;
Or, A Thousand Chances to Malice Money.—
Cloth, $l. This has been republished in
Every business man and clerk should have
these books. 1 hey will pay the buyer a hun
dred fold. Every parent should get them Li'
their sons. .
All these books are mailed, post paid, on re
ceipt of price. We pay particular attention to
mailing nooks, wrapping them carefully, and
will procure and send, post paid, any book
anywhere, on receipt of publisher's price and
six stamps. Address
FREEDLEY .5 1 . CO.,
Prepared from an nnpros;ed recipe by the pro-
prietor of
" The Lroiher Jonathan Polish,"
is certified by all the leading New York Fur
niture Dealers and Piano Forte makers to be
the best in tarn world for removing scratches,
marks and dirt, and restoring a high and last
ing gloss to all kind's of Varnished Work, from
Furniture to Leather. it is cheaper and bet
ter than varnish, dries immediately, and is ea
sily applied. With a piece of canton flannel
and a bottle or two of this
New Furniture. Polish,
a housekeeper can work magic in the furniture
of a house and keep it looking like new. Now
is the time to " shine up " your tables, chairs,
desks, pianos, picture frames, carriages, etc.,
and make them look fifty per centutn better.
This is true economy. For sale by Furniture
Dealers and Storekeepers generally. price 25
and 50 cents a bottle. Depot No. I Spruce
Street New York. Special Agents Wanted.
Address, Box 1972, New York P.
And General Machinists, Second street,
Below Union, Columlda, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water ; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
Frain long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give general satis
faction to those who may favor us with their
orders. ri='Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. Prices`to suitthetimes.
Columbia, October 20i 1860. 14-tf
AND y.quar, TO faux .
Why b u y an explosive oil, when a few cents
more per gallon will furnish you with a
Penn'a Salt Manufacturing Company,
No. 127 Walpat atTeet, Philadelphia.
February 15, 186271 y.
perior to . any now iii use, can - be had-at the
C eap Store of Diffenback. ' •
The Soldiers True Friend Alirr!ys
It F 1 A D V
i10:.1.01V OIS, F7N2.—Long
core and still joint, blistered and inflame.:
feet, these the Soldiers must endure.
MOTO ERS, RI77.IEMBETZ Tu:s, when your sons
are grasping their mushets to meet danger,
think what relief a single pot of this A c c
iirActlNG C. COOLING Salve will give to the
one you love whet far away from home and
friends. It hardens and makes tough the feet
so that they can endure great fatigue. It
soothes and relieves the inflamed and stiffened
joints, leaving them supple, strong and vigor
ous, while for
Sabre Cuts and Gunshot Wounds,
It standsnnequellcd, removing and prevent
ing e , 7ery vestige of infiamation and gently
drawing the edges together, it gnickli , and
completely heals the most frightful wounds.
TVices and Sisters of our Volunteers.
You cannot put into the Knapsaeks of your
Husbands and: }MAIMS, a more valuable or
more necessary gift than a supply of this
Extraordinary Military Satre.
The lonely sentry walking his rounds at
night, exposed to drenching rains and chilled
night air, is - often seized . with most VIOLEZir
PAINS, Cough and suffocating . Hoarseness,
first symptoms of quick consumption, but if
supplied with Holloway's Pills and Hollo
way's Ointment, all, danger is averted, few
Pills taken night and morning, and the Oint
ment briskly rubbed twice a day over the
throat and chest will remove the severest
pears and stop the most distteasing or anger
ous cough. Therefore we say to th D e whole
Soldiers Attention I!
See to your own health, do not. trust to the
Army supplies, although most valuable.—
These Pills and Ointment have been thorough
ly tested, they are the only remedies used in
the European Camps and Barracks, fur over
forty years Doctor Holloway has supplied all
the Armies in Europe, and during the Crimean
Campaign he elltablished a depot at Balaclava,
for the exclusive sale of these Great Remedies.
many a dine his special Agent there has sold
over a ton in weight of the Ointment in a
single day. These terrible and fatal enemies
Dierhea, Dysentery, Scurry, Sores and Scrofu
lous Eruptions, all disappear like a charm
hefoiefliese Pills Ointment, and now white
the try rings throughout the land,
b Arm! To Arms!!
Do not let these brave men perish by diseas ,
place in their hands these Precious Rented es.
that will enable them to resist the dangerous
'exposures, the Fevers, the Chills, and the
which they cannot avoid ; and what is
more, cannot frequently get succour in the
moment of need, whereas if our brave mer,
have only to put their hands into their Knap
sacks and find there a sure remedy for all the
casualties of the battle field. Bow many
thousands of lives would thus be saved who
would otherwise perish before relief could be
LJI PJRT ANT CAUTION !—None are g enuine
unless the words "Holloway, New York and
London," are disernible as a Wel rr-mark in
every leaf of the book of directions around
each pot and box;
the same may be plainly
seen by 'holding the leaf to the light. A hand
some reward will be given tb any one render
ing such information as may lea.. to the de
tection of any party or parties Lounterfeitin:-
the medicines or vending the same, knowing
them to he spurious.
•„,"Sol,l at the Manufactory oL Professor
HOL LO WAY, SO Maiden Lune, New York, and
by all respectable Druggists and Dealers itt
Medicine, throughout the civiiized world, it,
boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents, and $1 each.
ICY - There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes.
N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patient,
in every disorder arc affixed to each box.
On the Physiological Views of Marriage!
Price only 25 cents. Sent free of postage to
all parts of the Union. On the infirmities ol
youth and maturity, disclosing the secret fol
lies of both sexes of ages,
causing debility,
nervousness, depression of rpirit, palpitatioo
of the heart, suicidal imaginings, in vo tintaiy
emissions, blushings, defective memory, iudi
gestion and lassitude, with confessions al
thrilling interest of a Boarding School Miss,
a College Student. and a Youu,g Marrwd Lady,
&c., 4 - c. it is a truthful adviser to the married
and those contein plating mai riage, who enter
tain secret doubts of their physical condition,
and who are conscious of having hazarded the
happiness, and privileges to which
every human heistis entitled.
Y iUNG MEN' ho are troubled with
weakness, generally caused_ by a bad habit in
youth, the effects sk. which are dizzines4,
pains, forgetfulness, Sometimes a ringing in
the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the hark
and lowr extremities, coaCion of ideas, loss
of memory, with inelanclitMy, may be cured
by the authors new Parts arat, London Treat
We have, recently devoted iruch of our
time in visiting the European Hospitals, avail
ing ourselves of the knowledge and researches
of the most skillful Physicians and Surgeon.'
in Europe and the Continent." Those who
place themselves under our care will now
have the full benefifit of the many new and
licacious Remedies which we are enabled tii
introduce into our practice, and the public
may lest assured of the same zeal, assiduity,
.•iiECRECY and attention being paid to then
cases, which has so successfully distinguished
us heretofore, as a Physician itrour eceur.i i ii
department of professional Practice, for the
past twenty Jive years.
FRENCH FEMALE PlLLS.—Ladies who wish
for Medicines, the efficacy of which has been
tested in thousands of cases, and never failed
to effect speedy cures without any bad re
sults; will use none but Ur. Delaney's Fe
male Periodical Pills. The only precaution
necessary to be observed is, ladies should not
take them if they have reason to believe they
are in certain situations (the particulars of
which will be found on the wrapper accom
panying each box,) though always safe and
healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they.
Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to
any part of the United States or Cs- tda.
TO T F.: LA nrEs—Whi
medical adviser with ref
interesting complaints to
organization rendeis the
laxly invited to contwit ul
Tue. ELEcrao-GaLv.
For married ladies wtose
mit, or who, have no desi
families, may be obtainer
perfectly safe preventivt
has been extensively USE
years. Pric - i rediced to
A Treatise on the Cause of. Premature De
cay— A solemn warning. Just published, it
book showing the insidious progress and pre
valence among schools, [both male and fe
male.] of this fatal habit, pointing out the
fatality that invariably attcnds its victims, anal
developing the whole progress of Ow disease,
from the commencement to the enit -
It will be sent by Mail on receipt of two [3
cent Stamps.
Attendance daily, from Lithe morning tit
9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 till 5 e.
Medicines with full directions sent to any
part of the United States, or Canadas, by pa -
tienta communicating their symptoms by letter.
Business correspondence strictly confidential.
. X:r* Dr. Vs °Mee instill located as establish
ed under the name of DR. LACRO.IX., at
No. 13 Maitlen Lane, Albany, N. X.
GOaDWAN'S & BRO's. Plantation fine
JD. cut Chewing Tobacco. The best in, thi
world. For sale at . WO.LFE'S.
a t TORE ROOM TO LET.—The Room lately
10 occupied by .141i40 Margaret TrAiwa - as S.
Millinery. Apply to BARR SpANGLER.
j will be reeelYed at the cheap store of
ECARS and Chewing: Tobacco. A large
),,,3 and gond variety at J. M. AndeFsea's.
.B.exiamin k