The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, August 02, 1862, Image 2

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    The Maritttian.
Of a .
E Mears. NIATi-tra & ABBOTT, No. 335
Broadway, New-York, are duly authorized to
set for us in soliciting advertimenta, &c.
The- Pottstown Bank was char
tered by the Legislature during the Pre
sidency of Buchanan, and out of compli
ment to the "upper end" Democracy the
portrait of the " old public functionary' ,
was placed on the upper left hand corner
of their $5 notes. This was before the
0. P. F. gave aid and comfort to the
Southern traitors, and we now see it
stated that this little compliment has
become a source of great annoyance, as
many of the notes returned to the bank
are mutilated by the words " traitor,"
" ten cent Jimmy," O, R. 5.," (old rot
ten.skreep), " Hang Him," " Pennsylva
nia's Favotite Son—in a horn," " Judas
.Iscariot," kc., written under the por
trait. In this straight the bank has re
solved to call in all the notes beating
the likeness, for the purpose of issuing
new ones more acceptable to the loyalty
of the country. This is necessary to be
done to abate the nuisance. Truly, the
way of the transgressor is hard. By the
way, the Lancaster Union says the old
demagogue spends his leisure hours now
in writing abusive communications for
the Lancaster Intelligetiour over the sig
nature of " Observer." We remember
an " Observer"—F. J. Grund—whose
letters to the Philadelphia Ledger used
to keep the 0. P. F. in hot water.
ar Forney's Press says " Old Iron
sides," Commodore Charles Stewart, of
the United States navy, who bad com
mand of the Old Ironsidee, and who per-
formed the ceremony of christening the
New Irousides " built in Kensington,
completed his eighty-fourth birth-day on
Monday last. He was born in that city
on July 28, 1778, the month after the
'British army evacuated Philadelphia .
yet he is said to be as active, blithe, and
cheerful as a man of forty.
o re- The Legislature of New York en
acted, in 1781, that any owner of a slave
who should have him mustered into eith
er of two regiments for the defense of
the frontiers, should receive a grant of
500 acres of land. And further, that
any such slave serving for three years,
or until regularly discharged, he, and is
hereby, declared to be a freeman of this
or There is a Union league in Bal
timore comprising 15,000 men. It con
tains some of the best blood of Balti
more, and it appertains to some of the
worst blood of the same. It is of im
mense assistance
. to the military. To
nothing can the timidity and silence of
the traitors there be attributed so mach
as to this organization.
Mr. AIRE; a refugee from Richmond,
furnishes some important Dews to the
Baltimore Anarican, Generals McCall
and Reynolds are now in an officers'
prison in Richmond, only slightly
wounded. The rebels are busy com
pleting the "Young Merrimac."
Tbe inhuman butcher, Fry, who
commanded the rebels at Fort St.
Charles on White river, and ordered his
men to shoot our sailors who jumped in
to the river from the Mound City when
her steam•chest was exploded, is now in
our hands a prisoner and wounded.
or The quota of volunteers called for
In the potriotic little town of Lexing
ton, Massachusetts, is twenty. The
citizens of the place have liberally Bub
scribed twothousand dollars as bounty,
money, that is, one hundred dollars for
each man.
if Goy. Curtin, in consequence of
Instructions from the War department
will not receive any recruits for nine
months sifter the tenth of August, com
plaints having been made by other states
that partiality was shown Pennsylvania.
gia• Gen. Pope bas promptly begun
1 0 Reuse the rebels at Warrenton.—
They do not enjoy the fun, it is said
but then he does not do it to please
them. So be will not suffer from dieep
poiotaient on that : score. •
cr Vermont sent on the first new
Regiment, and Springfield 111., (the
home of the I'resident) has the second.
Illinois is providing for ten Regiments—
one more than Was asked of her.
ar The Postmaster of Harrisburg has
sued the Patriot Sr Union for an alleged
Jibel..apon him , in his official capacity,
and not for any political assault.
go Times relates a novel runaway thus :
—On Saturday evening last, several per
sons indulging in lake bathing, had a
lesson taughethem which it is presumed
ey will not soon forget. A number of
horses came to the lake shore to quench
their thirst, when they were caught by
the bathers and mounted. The horses
bore this treatment quietly, until one of
their number became frightened, and,
without waiting for ,the rider to dis
mount, started on a furious gallop up
the street. The horse wouldn't stop,
nor could the rider dismount, so that
the situation was becoming perplex
ing to the surprised bather, who Mazep
pa-like, was compelled to continue his
ride. How long that ride lasted, or what
became, of the rider, has not been satis
factorily shown. It is certain, however,
that just at dark on that day several
citizens who were enjoying with their
families the evening twilight in front of
their residences, were astonished by the
unprecedented spectacle of a torso run
ing furiously by, ridden by a rider in fall
undress uniform. A few moments after_
ward another horse dashed by whose
rider was evidently in search of the first
for he bore under his arm a bundle of
Sr An affair of honor was to come
come off at the Arlington House, but
frustrated by the vigilance of the police
appears that Capt. C. F. Mackenzie,
of her Britanic maiesty's royal army,
while at table at Will'ard's a few night's
ago, asserted the superiority of English
over American arms. Capt. Whitte
more, of the United States Volunteers,
who was present, .expressed his prefer
ence for the Springfield over the Enfield
rive. The English captain called him a
fool, and instantly had a cup of tea
thrown in his face by Capt. Whittemore.
The insult brought challenge from Capt.
Mackenzie, which was accepted by Capt.
Whittemore, after having resigned- his
commission. After the acceptance, it
is said, the English captain desired to
back out, bat was informed that he must
either fight or take a public horse whip
ping. The meeting was arranged for
an afternoon, in the vicinity of the Ar
lington House, but the police were at
hand, and succeeded in arresting Capt.
Mackenzie. His opponent escaped
from the field as the driver of a pie
wagon, standing near at hand, and has
not yet been arrested.
gir One of Duryea's New York Zen
ayes writes thus : " I could hardly de
scribe my feelings on the battle-field
while the rebels were shelling us, and I
could not get a shot at them, and could
see my comrades killed and wounded all
around me. I felt a great deal of ner
vousness, but when the rebels came oat
to charge us it all left ine, and I felt as
cool as ever. When we commenced to
charge I felt, I might almost say, a thrill
of pleasurable excitement and as though
I could follow our colors to death.—
While the enemy were shelling I made
up my mind that when we came to close
quarters, `no quarter' would be our cry,
but instead of that, I gave two wounded
rebels a drink out of my canteen on the
liar The Secretary of War has author
ized Governor Morton to raise a caval
ry regiment in Indiana to serve in the
border counties of Kentucky, and has
telegraphed that arms and equipments
will be immediately furnished. It is the
intention of the authorities to organize
this regiment speedily, and it can be
raised much sooner than regiments now
forming. There are a large class of per
sons, good horsemen, too, who prefer the
cavalry service. If care is taken in re
cruiting to secure men accustomed to
handling horses, and there are thousands
of Boa in the country anxious to go, the
regiment (33.12 be made available at once.
gar In Buffalo a u - 7,!tu and a woman,
Luther and Diana Hart, were convicted
last Friday of treating a little orphan
boy, only three years old, who was left
in their charge, with the most shocking
inhumanity. The little fellow's body
and limbos were literally black, almost
to mortification, while his head showed
that the woman's fingers had clutched
his hair in frenzy more than once. Yet
the justice discharged Hart without
punishment, and imposed a fine of only
fifty dollars upon the woman.
Or There are signs of a considerable
decline in the price of specie. Gold
holds it old premium, but there are now
more sellers than buyers. The circula
tion of postrge stamps is greatly increas
ing, and as a small-change medium will
render great relief to small dealers.—
The preaium on specie will continue
until fall, perhaps, when bullion will be
gin to flow back from Europe. The
idea of issuing shinplasters has been
abandoned apparently.
Imo'' A. band of
,Mexicans who have
been acting in the capacity of teamsters
for the Government since the breaking
out of the war, passed through Harris
burg lately on their way to Mexico, to
assist in driving the French invaders
from their native soil.
ay- The American Tract Society have
undertaken a new branch, of publishing.
The managers have caused crackers to
be baked, ou each of which is to be
stamped a text of scripture. _
ton correspondent says : " The opinion
is quite general here that a secret under
standing exists between the Government
of the United States and the Emperor
of France respecting the position of the
European powers towards this country.
The report is that early in the history of
the Administration, various measures
were proposed and discussed to prevent
the interference of France in our affairs,
when, finally, it was proposed through
M. Mercier, of the United States would
keep quiet with regard to certain de
signs France had concerning Mexico,
the French government would promise
not to interfere in the war between the
North and South.
The negotiations were not concluded
until Archbishop Hughes reached Paris',
and it is alleged that through him this
secret understanding was finally arrived
at. France promised not to interfere,
nor to permit England to interfere in the
quarrel in this country, and the United
States promised not to object, except in
the most diplomatic form, and for the
purpose of concealing the agreements
to the French occupation of Mexico.
Hence amid all the rumors of foreign
intervention, Seward and Lincoln have
expressed an abiding faith in the peace
ful intentions of both France and Eng
land. Indeed, no other theory will ac
count for the occupation of Mexico, and
for the self control of those two nations
with such enormous temptations to in
terfere as this contest has presented.
the last acts et Congress was to pass ry
tarreney. It provides:
That on and after the first of Afloat,
all postage and other United States
stamps shall be received for all dues of
less than five dollars, and which may be
received in exchange for United States
No private corporation or bank shall
make and issue any token, note or de
vice for less than one dollar to circulate
as money.
Any person so offending shall, on con
viction, be punished by a fine not ex
ceeding five hundred dollars, or impris
onment for six months, or both, at the
discretion of the court.
—The bill has been signed by the
President. It is said the stamps inten
ded for circulation are to be printed on
Stout paper, without the usual mucilage
They are of the denomination of 1,3, 5,
12, 24, 30, 60, and, 9Q cents.
ALWAYS A-HEAD.-it is stated by cor
respondents at tile London Exhibition,
that the United States will carry off
more premiums in proportion to the ar
ticles exhibited than any other nation.
Our pianos, daguerreotypes and violins
are far superior to any other exhibited.
It is said that' he English jurymen dis- -
liked to award the gold modal for pian
os to an American, and proposed to give
it to some one else, "to encourage him,"
because he had a premium before. But
a matter-of-fact German replied, "the
Americans have made the best pianos ;'
to which sensible remark international
jealousy was obliged to succumb.
PAPER Cuannscv.—The Boston Trav
eler opposes the further increase of pa
per money, and illustrates the compara
tive value of the Bank of England not as
and U. B. legal tender notes, thus :
" Banks of England notes are bought in
New York by brokers at $5 50. when
in specie paying times their price here
was $4 70. In plain terns, a British
merchant can Bend Bank, of England
notes, not gold, into New York, ex
change them for our legal tender notes,
and then buy American flour by this ex
change at $4 26, that the people of New
York, who consume it here are com
pelled to pay $5 for."
Advertiser has a letter which states that
the family of Hon. Mr. Wickliffe, the
Union M. C. from Kentucky, has en
tirely deserted him, on account of his
udherence to the Union cause. • Three of
his ;ions are in the rebel army ; his two
daughters, one married to Judge Merrick,
formerly of Washington, and the other
to Senator Yulee, have given him up, and
even his wife declares that she cannot
side with him, and will never again cross
the Ohio.
of the borough of York has appropriated
the sum of $2,500, or so much of it as
may be necessary, for the purpose of
giving an extra bounty of twenty-five
dollars to each man in the borough and
vicinity who may volunteer, be accepted
and mustered into the service of his
country as a private or non-commission
ed officer. The council has also re
quested the County Commissioners to
adopt similar course in the country.
CONVICTED OF RAPE.—In the Superior
Court at Concoyd, on Friday, Eugene C.
Stratton, of Cambridge, a boy about 18
years of age, was convicted of having
committed a rape upon a little girl named
McGarvin. The crime , was committed
in. Cambridge several months since, and
the facts of the horrid affair were pub
lished at the time. Stratton has been
sentencedto imprisonment for life to ex
piate the crime.
Or In 1846 the mines of Lake Su
perior yielded copper to the value of
$830: last year---1861—they produced
$3,000,000 worth of copper. .
from Forney's Press of Monday last
the following article on General Robert
Patterson's speech made at the Shields
Banquet in that city, at the Continen
tal Hotel. Gen. Patterson in his speech
after some very severe strictures in re
gard to the United States Senate re
fusing to confirm General Shields as a
Major General, says : "Pray, who
brought on the war The wooly-heads.
Who prolonged with their interference
with the army ? The woollyheads. Rho
expects to be benefitted by its continualce?
The woolly-heads. [Applause.] Why,
we might ask, did they not make more
generals of that stripe ? They would if
they could, but they havn't them."
" Now, if my friend's father had gone
to Africa, or himself born anywhere
else but in Ireland, he could probably
have been smuggled thr ough the Senate;
but inasmuch as his father and mother
were white, and he was born-where they
raise good soldiers, God help him." [Ap
To the above Th 6 Press says :
" Justice to the U. S. Senate requires
us to say, first, that the action in
the case of General Shields was not
prompted by hostility to the land of
his birth. It does not become us to
give the reasons for this action, but
it is right to add, that when General
Patterson attempts to excite the pre
judices of our Irish adopted citizens
against the Senate, and in fact against
the war itself, by alleging that General
Shields was rejected because he is an
Iridium, hn flies in the face of record
which be, of all men, should gratefully
remember. The President has nomin
ated, and the Senate has confirmed, a
number of citizens born in Ireland. One
of the first thus honored was the gallant
Thomas Frances Meagher, who now
in healthy contrast *ith Gen. Pattersoa
is rallying his fellow-countrymen in
New York to the Union, and is re
minding them of the obligations they
owe -to their adopted country. His
speeches are instinct with the fire of
the most devoted patrotism, and are
responded to with alacrity by hosts of
Irishmen. Gen. Patterson, himself an
Irishman born, ought not to be un
mindful of the manner in which he has
been treated by the present Adminis
tration well in his own person as in
the persons of two sons. One . of these
sons was"appointed a paymaster by
the President and confirmed by the
Senate, and when he was anxious to
accept a colonelcy in the Meagher
Brigade, the Government, at , the re
quest of Gen. Patterson, consented that
he might accept that trust, without res
igning his paymastership. The other,
first commissioned by a Republican
Governor as colonel in the three months
service and afterwards appointed a briga
dier general by a Republican President
I was confirmed bye Republican Senate ;
and here it is necessary to state that
while .this nomination was pending a
,'number of the - Republicans of this city,
with the consent, and, doubtless, at the
request of Gen. Patterson, repaired to
Washington, and exerted themselves
with great energy to secure the favorable
action of the Senate. Among those who
responded to these appeals were that
decided Republican Senator, David Wil
mot, and hie colleague Senator, Edgar
Cowan, of this State, and their support
of the nomination induced other Repub.
licians to give it their votes. General_
Patterson himself was confirmed as a
major general by th is Republican
Senate, and is be not an Liebman born,
and one who has' relied upon the Irish
element in this quarter during the last
half century ? Is it not extraordinary,
in view these facts, that General Patter
son shOuld have assailed the Senate of
the United States in teries so offensive
and unjust? Either as an exhibition of
bad taste, or• a disregard of favors asked
and received, the censure of Gen. Pat
terson upon the Senate of the United
States will long be recollected by his
fellow-citizens. He also forgot, in his
alluaions to the politicians of the Re
publican party, that in the controversy
alter his military campaign in the valley
of Virginia he was supported earnestly
by some of the most influential of the
Republicati or Administration journals
of this city journalsconducted by gen
tlemen who will read what he said at
the Shields banquet with the more sur
prise when they recall the generous
spirit which animated them at that time
and when they daily realize the urgent
and overpowering importance of a uni
ted public sentiment at the present
We leave that portion of the speech
in which General Patterson tries to
show that the "wooly heads," and not
the traitors, brought on the war, to the
judgment of those who have read the
history of the rebellion, and who need
no new light to convince them who are
the real authors of , the present cru
sade upon free government on the Ame
rican continent.
er Gen. Bruce, the governor of the
Prince of Whales, and son of the late
Lord Elgin, died about three weeks
since from fever contracted in the East,
while accompanying the Prince. Gen.
Brace attended the Prince in hie visit
through this country in 1860. He was
much esteemed for his excellent quali
ties, and his loss is said to be deeplyfelt
by his young chigoe.
P. R. R. LIBERALI,TY.—Gov. Curtin
received a telegraphic despatch on Wed
nesday evening from Col. Thos. A. Scott,
announcing that the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company had placed suject to his
draft the eam of fifty thousand dollars,
as the contribution of the Company to
wards raising the quota of the old Key
stone. This is another strong test of
the devotion of this Company to our
country in the hour of trial, and worthy
of notice.
We also learn that a proposition has
been made among the employees of this
road to contribute one day's pay in
each month toward a fund to be appro
priated as a bounty to the volunteers
from this State. It strikes us that this
is a noble proposition, and we should
lake to hear of it becoming a general
matter among the employees of the road
in every department. The amount is
small add the manner of paying so easy
that all could go into it. When we con
sider that there are some six thousand
men in the employ of the company, and
that the average contribution of each
man would be about $1,33,. we have a
total ofsB,ooo a month. Suppose every
mechanic in the State, who has steady
employment at the good wages now paid
should fall in with the proposition of
the road men, what an immense fund
could be raised. We hope to see the
road men carry out the proposition. It
will reflect honor upon them.
fir The Washington Pennsylvania
Soldier's Relief Association, having
opened an office at No. 5 Washington
Buildings, corner of 7th street and Penn
sylvania avenue, where will be found a
register of all Pennsylvania soldiers in
or around this city in this city in hospit
ials, invite the friends of the same to
call, assuring them that all possible aid
will be extended in finding their sons.
Mr. Chao I. Wells, the Register,
will be found in the office.
The Corresponding Secretary, Mr.
S. Todd Perley, will answsr all letters
in regard to sick and wounded Pennsyl
vania soldiers, whether in or around
this city, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New
York, or New Haven. Addres, care
Box 84k, Washington D. C.
J. K. MOYAVAD, Pres't.
J, M. Sullivan Sec' y.
ti' The Philadelphia Inquirer speak
ing of the arrival in that city of Brig
ham Young, Jr., the slid or the Prophet
of Salt Lake, after ha4ing spent sever
al\ weeks in Washin tort. He is en
route for Europe, anti will sail in the
early part of next week, remaining at
the Continental Hotel until Monday or
Tuesday. The "distingukshed Visitor"
is apparently about 30 yira of age, of
quiet demeanor, and beari4 no external
evidence of being the son oNa prophet.
It is understood that the object is to
make arrangements for the i 8 portation
of a large body of Latter Day Saints.
ear The Hartford Press p .lisped a
letter from ex-Governor Thomal if. Sey
mour, declaring his utter hosk i ility to
the efforts of this government in the
suppression of the rebellion. 'he po
trait of the Governor has since b n re
moved from the. Senate Chambe . A
former admirer of Mr. Seymour htvio
named his child after him, repair,
haste to the office of the town cler
Hartford, to get the infant's name ch
ged. "Any name but that," said he,
Cr At a recent fight in the Indi,
nation, several detachments of Kansa'
regiments captured a number of prison
ers, a large number of horses, ponies
and cattle, a large quantity of camp
and garrison equipage, and fifty stand
of arms: Fourteen hundred loyal Indi
ana are aboutjoininglour troops. Over
four hundred Cherokee and Osage In
dians, who came into one of our camps
under false pretence; were taken pris
itir Six Union men have been hung
at Little Rock, Arkansas, during the past
three weeks. One was incarcerated at
Helena for speaking with a Federal of
ficer. A woman being suspected of be
ing a spy was arrested, heavily ironed,
and sent to Little Rock from the same
Secession sink-bole, and yet this town
put ont a white flag, and claimed indul
gence from the Federal gunboats when
last they,came by.
gar The Pennsylvania Central Rail
road. Company has appropriated Fifty
Thousand Dollars to the Governor as
bounty money to Volunteers.
the Honorable HENRY G. Lorca, Presi
dent; Hon. A. L. HAYES and FERREE BRITT
TON, Esq., Associate Judg• a of the Court of
Common Pleas in and for the county of Lan
caster, and Assistant Justices of the Courts of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery
and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for
the county of Lancaster, have issued their Pre
cept to me directed, requiring me, among other
things, to make public Proclamation thrbugh
out my baliwick, that a Court of °yet and
Terminer and a general Jail delivery, also a
Court of General Quarter Sessions of the peace
and Jail delivery, will commence in the Coult
House, in the city of Lancaster, in the Corn
monwealth of Pennsylvania, on the THIRD
MONDAY IN AUGUST, in pursuance
of which precept, Public Noltee is hereby given,
to the Mayor and Alderman of the city of
Lancaster, in the said county, and all the Jus
tices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables
of the said city and county of Lancaster, that
they be then and there in their own proper
persons with their rolls, records and examina
tions, and their other remembrances, to do
those things which to their offices appertain,
in their behalf to be done ; and also oil those
who will prosecute against the prisoners who
are, or then shall be in the jail'of said county
of Lancaster, are to be then and there to pros
ecute against them as shall be just.
IS6 Dated at Lancaster, the 14th day at
S. IV-P.-BOYD, Sheriff
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier,
At F. I. 'Crumples Old Stand, on the Cer
ner of North Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a.
GRATEFUL to the Citizens of Marietta
and vicinity, for the liberal patronage
heretofore extended, the undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of the same as
suring them, that under all circumstances, no_
efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed.
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the market furnishes, constamly kept on hand
and manufactured to Or 41.0. At!nly,. and len
ilonably, as taste or styl . stiggest.
Genlitmen's Furnishing GooodB
and such articles as usually belong to a Met
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment-
Musical Academy,
At Lancaster City, Penna.
Mrs. Graves and Daughter, from Phila.,
Teachers of the Piano, Guitar and Vera
Music. nuns, Five Dollars for three months.
Particular attention paid to the Rudiments.
N. B. Agents for the sale of GONAD
MYERS' world renowned Pr/trios. Ladies
desirous of purchasing a good HANO I are
respectfully invited lo call at the subscribers
residence where they can be seen ; also good
Second-hand "Pianos, from $25 and upwards.
Music Stools, $5. All the new Music received
as soon as published, for sale at city - prices, ty
June 14-3 m) No. 15, East Orange St-
Nonutonts, loNbs, - Deal) •10Reo, &o.
MICHAEL GABLE, Marble Mason,
Opposite the Town Hall Park,
i t
Marietta, Pa.
THE Marble business in all its branches,
will be continued at the old place, near
the Town Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys
Tavern, where every description of marble
work will be kept on hand or made to order at
short notice and at very reasonable prices.
Marietta, June 29, 1861. 49-1 y
Formerly Keesey's
The undersigned having leased the above
named old established Ferry and Hotel, in
Hallam Township, York county, opposite the
borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to
entertain the public at his bar and table with
the best the market affords. He would very
- respectfully inform the traveling public that
having obtained
First Class Fcrry Boats,
and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully preps
red to accommodate persons wishing to cross
the Susquehanna with vehicles or. otherwise
without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL.
Arch Street, above Third, .Philadelphia.
irr This Ifotel is central convenient by
Passenger Cars to all parts of the City, and in
every particular adapted to the comfort and
wants of the business public.
Kr Terms 4 41.50 per day.
XoDock's Dandelion Coffee.
T' preparation, made from the best Java
Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a
superior IVutrilloas Beverage for - Gent rat De
bilitj, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disordors.—
Thousandti who have been compelled to aban
don the use of Coffee will use this without in
jur,lOus effects. One can contains the strength
of; two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price "25 -
cents. For sale at J. R. Diffenbach's.
H. L. & R. J. %AIM
ESPECI FULLY inform their
' VP still e fr o i n ei t a i d n s u s e i tl i ie ti rV, l 4ft ' l, ut CLO CK 1 l
AND JEWELR Y business at the ilia
stand, North-weal Corner of Nor'h
Queen street and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa
A full assortment of goods in our line of bolo
nen always en hand and for sale at the lowe4
cask rater. ICr' ftepairin6- attended to per
sonally by the proprietors.
JEW ELRY.—A large and selected stock 0
fine jewelry of the latest patterns front Ilse
best factories in the country can be found et
11. L. & E. J. 2AI-I:WS.%
Cor. North Queen M. and Centre Squire, Lan
caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and an
goods warranted to be as represented.
013 PECTACLP.S to suit all who
can be aided with glas
can be bought at H. L. 4. .E. sse
J. , ZAHAPS, Cor
ner of North Q„ucen-5t.,, -- and Center Square.,
I Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames,
at short notice. [v6-It.
Va. J. Z. HOFFER, nENTisT,
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door 4 .7 ---
from Locust, over Saylor Si, kIeDOn-rillsas
aid's Book Store. Columbia. Entrance In:
een the Drug and Book Stores. [3-1
1• • ,
()Moshe the Court House, where he will at
teal to the practice of his profession in all its
va ous branches. [Nov. 4, '59.-1y
Norr an be had of H. L. &cox.
queen-st., and Center Square, LAM--
ter, 1 ~ in the shape of Equilibrium Levers—
the b article of Swiss levers now in the mar
ket. , bey are lower in price than any watch
ofequ quality andi ust as true for timekeeping
PIA OS. Persons who wish to buy e
PI '' o of the best makers will be shown
ow th can save a hanesome sum in the
purchase they address Ptatio, care '`os Joy,
Coe & Co. Publishers' Agents, New-York.
rcs A G oral Assortment of all kinds of
Hinge Screws, ...Bolts, Cellar Grates,
Oils, lass and Putty, - very cheap.
and most
offered for sal_„
tiful French 11
Spencers, Swiss
serting, Flounci
RIES-Just received the largest
sirable lot of Emlaideries eve
ere, consisting in part of beau
prked Collers' T.Tnderaleeves
Jackonett Edging and In
selling very low.
L ADIES AND ENTS Anderson bas just
received an e • nt assortment of Perfu
mery, consistin g • Toiliet soapslavir ode,
Extracts and Colo: s at prices much below
he usual rates, also e very handsome Canes
tor gentlemen, Port , nies, &c.
AGENERA t. A!,g RTIV • 0
Hammered and ' tilled Iron,- H
S. Bars, Norway, Nail ' odsrAirteriean
and German Spring • d Cast Steel, Wagon
Boxes, Iron Axles, Spri s, &c., for smiths.
For sale at PATTER'S' i 4- COBS.
Hickory and Oak
be accompanied with th I
be promptly fillet'. Spa
40 cents per gallon, or
at the Hardware of . •
Marietta, February 2.2,
Finely flavored Ice , C
IVOLFE'S every day and ev.l
excepted. Woure's VA /LIE
lITOLFES Celebrated Spnet
The beat in the world—made met
ood, 60 Corda•each,
ood. Orders must
Lsh when theywill
ler & Patterson,
e best Coal Oil at
! cents per quart,
ON 4 CP.
n 2 can be had
ng, *nolaes
h o STORE,
• d ci uip
d at