The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, July 05, 1862, Image 2

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    the Mtatitttiatt.
F. 1,. 'ci,lcer, Eclito7
Broadway, New-York, are duly authorized to
act for us in soliciting advertisments, &c.
WHAT tin BrdEN DONE.—Since the ad
vent to power of the Republican party
the following benetlcient measures have
been accomplished :
Ist. The freedom of the territories.
2d. The extirpation of slavery in the
District of Columbia.
3d. The enactment of a Free Home
stead law.
4th. A sound national Paper Curren-
sth, A Protective Tariff.
6th. The establishment of a Depart
ment of Agriculture.
7th. The Recognition of Hayti , and
Bth. The prohibition of Polygamy in
in the territories.
9th. An Overland Telegraph to the
Pacific Railroad bill.
Considering the time that the Repub
lican party has been in power, these re
sults speak trumpet tongued for its sin
cerity and vigor. The measures still
pending in Congress are the Confisca
tion bill, which has passed the House
but not the Senate ; the bill to establish
Provisional Governments in the rebel
lions States, which have been favorably
reported in the Senate ; the bill to ad-
Mit West Virginia as a State, condition
al upon the emancipation of the slaves
therein ; bills to organize the territories
of Arizona and Launiwa, and to admit
Utah as a State, and to amend the Fu
gitive Slave law—all of which stand a
good chance of becothing laws. '
40 - Gen Alfred Buckley, of Raleigh
Court House, Western Virginia, who
commanded a Rebel brigade under Wise
at the battle of Gauley Bridge, gave
himself up to General Cox upon the ad
vance of our forces through his town, re.
curly, and asked to be permitted to give
in his allegiance. He had resigned his
commission in the rebel army, disbanded
his , men, and was living at home quietly.
Gen. Cox sent him to Gen. Fremont,
who had him sent to' Columbus, Ohio.—
Buckley was a graduate at West Point,
and formerly an army officer. He is a
man of wealth and of great influence in
hie county.
or The London clergy are receiving
all sorts of warnings that their sermons
are too long for hot weather. The
Times, the great repository of British
woes, contains innumerable complaints
on this subject. The general desire
seems to be that in Summer the clergy
man should dispense with the sermon al
together, and confine himself to the lit
or A pair of Colt's pistols have just
been completed, which are to be present
ed by -President Lincoln to the King of
Denmark. They are elegantly carved
and beautifully ornamented with gold
and silver. A shield inserted in the
handles bears this inscription : "From
the President of the United States to
the King of Denmark." Tke cost of the
beautiful present is not far from $9OO.
f ir When the rebel lion broke out
a nephew of the rebel General-John B.
Magruder was residing and earning au
honest, iving for his family in Camden,
New Jersey. The nephew went South
to look after the rights of the seceded
States, and is now a soldier under the
command of his uncle, while his wife and
childred are supported by the Poor Com.
missioners of Camden county.
W Gen'l Pettigrew earnestly denies
that any negroes are used by the Con
federates otherwise than as body servants
and says that if they fought it was en
tirely voluntai y and in that capacity.—
He characterizes the idea as barbarous,
and trusts the confederate will never re
sort to it, saying that if they cannot gain
their independence without their aid,
they deserve to be conquered.
W.A. party of sick and wounded fed
eral soldiers were fired'upon from sever_
al houses, while passing through the lit
tle village of Houma, in Louisiana.—
The perpetrators of the outrage having
escaped before aid arrived, Gen. Butler
issued an order directing the burning of
all the buildings from' which shots had
been fired.
sar No more furloughs are to be grant.
ed to men in health. Every man and
every officer is now expectedJtobe with
Lie regiment. It is a pity this rule was
not established a year ago, and it is
hoped that It Will lessen the multitude
of loafing soldiers about Washington.
ar Col. Samuel W. Black, formerly
Governor of Nebraska, Was killed at
the battle before Richmond.
Marshall of Memphis has issued the fol
lowing order :
The practice too, often indulged in by
evil disposed persons of insulting and
using violence toward loyal citizens, will
no longer be tolerated under any cir
cumstances. Union citizens who have
placed the American flag over their
houses will be protected in this mani
festation of their loyalty to the Govern
ment, and heareafter the Provost Guard
are instructed to shoot down any one
who may attempt to remove the flag; or
insult the owner or his premises.
Cr Gen. McDowell was thrown from
his horse, on the 18th. It appears•that
as he was leaving his headquarters for
the depot his horse became frightened,
and suddenly rearing, fell backward with
his whole weight upon the General.—
Col. Scheim and Majors Mears and
Brown, staff officers, ran to his assist
ance and extricated him from his peri
lous situation. At first his injuries were
thought very serious, as he was 'Uncon
scious, and as every attempt to move
him followed with manifestations of pain,
but in the course of a few minutes he so
far recovered as to recogniie his officers.
The latest intelligence from him was,
that he was rapidly recovering.
sr Much complaint has .been made
because the White House on the Pa
muhkey river, near Richmond, hay not
been used as a hospital. Mr. Dunn, of•
Indiana, who was with Gen. McClellan
when he took possession of the place,
says it contains only six rooms of mod
erate size, and is the house where Wash
ington first met his wife—where he court
ed and married her. The property is
now owned by a grandson of Mrs, Wash
ington, and out of regard for the memo
ry of Washington, Gen. McClellan
placed a guard around the house to pro
tect it from injury.
The Episcopal churches in Wash
ington where secessionism has ever been
made manifest have been taken for hos
pital use. The last service before such
occupation of these edifices was held last
Sunday. During the service,,the Go
vernment cartmen were depositing the
lumber needed for the necessary altera
tions in the street before the churches,
and in an Your after dismissal the floor
ing was laid over.their pews.
lar There seems to be considerable
suffering among our troops on the Pe
ninsula. At the battle of Fair Oaks,
the storm had checked the , arrival of
supplies to such an extent, that when it
was desired to make soup for the wound
ed, there was a lack of the proper mate
rial, and horses were ordered to be kill
ed and their flesh prepared to supply the
eir Two of our colonels, walking
through the streets of New Orleans,
heard a secesh orator abusing Gen. But
ler. They arrested and took him before
that officer, who, after hearing the case
said :—" Get a shovel and pick, send
him to the earthworks below, there to
dig gravel for the term of 30 days. Then,
if he behaves, let him go ; otherwise,
extend the time to 60."
lir A. friend writing to us from Port
Royal on the Bth of June, says the New
York Commercial ; says that Gen. Hun
ter's colored regiment is now uniformed
and numbers one thousand_ strong ; that
the rainy season has set in affording
about a couple of magnificent thunder
storms daily, and that the health of the
troops is by no means so bad as was
feared it would be.
f fir Richmond is described by fugi
tives who have lately arrived in Wash
ington, as a hospital and grave-yard.—
Bread and whiskey compose the staplqp
of consumption ; the one stale and the
other strong and poisonous, being all
that are lest to feed the starving masses
congregated in the doomed city.
gr The Board of Presidents of the
Philadelphia city passenger railways
have before them a petition, numerously
signed, requesting that restrictions now
existing against colored persons riding
in the cars might be removed. The
matter will be considered at the meet
ing in September.
gir It is a fact which will hardly be
credited in this country, that of all the
women married is England in the year
1860, more than $O,OOO were unable to
write their own names. Throughout the
nation, one marriage in every six, neith
er man nor woman could write.
sgrAn order was issued from the War
Department on Saturday last allowing a
premium of $2 for each accepted recruit
volunteering for three years or the war,
and permitting one month's pay in ad
vance to all who are mustered into ser
vice, whether regulars or volunteers.
•er The leaders of the Rebellion, as
well as officers of diffierent commands
unanimously claim that they have at
present a larger army than at any pre
'dons time.
eir Eight. Governors of rebel States
are now out of employment, wandering
nir and down the earth, like so many
deer which have shed their horns.
ar Ex:President Van Buren (now
eighty years • old), is suffering from a
!lanterns:affection` of • the throat or
bronchial organs.
It is reported that the Government is
about to call for 300,000 more men.
The wife of U. S. Senator Harlan has
been nursing the Pittsburg
Landing, for two months.
It is intimated in foreign papers that
at the great Catholic Convention about
to meet in Rome, the question of the
Pope's emigration. to America will be
seriously discussed.
The Crescent newspaper establishment
at New Orleans was recently sold at auc
tion by order of General Butler. It
brought $3,200, and was bougnt by Ja
cob Barker.
The Charleston Mercury, of the 7th,
announces its intention of henceforth
printing only on a half sheet. It ack.
nowled ges the loss of nearly 2,000 sub
Christopher Poulton was hung at
Catharines, Canada, on the 11th inst.,
for the murder of his wife. He ended
a drunken frolic by chopping his wifb to
pieces with an axe, and his worthless
life was ended by a noose. He former
ly lived in Philadelphia, and married his
wife there.
The water in Skunk river, Chicago,
does credit to its name. The Journal
says "it smells to heaven," and that "if
any means mould be devised to turn that
water down the Mississippi river, it
would end the rebellion in thirty days.'
A pestilence is close at hand.".
Tne surveyor of the port of Baltimore
seized, ow Tuesday, a schooner laden
with sugar, for Norfolk. Having sus
picion, he examined the cargo, and when
the first barrel, purporting to be and
manifested as sugar, was opened, it was
found to contain &fifteen gallon keg filled
with " old rye," packed firmly around
with nice sugar, and as far as the ex
amination Went every one contained
The Richmond Despatch says ten sol
diers who recently deserted from Fort
Sumpter ; nd took refuge on board the
blockading steamer Seneca, state that
the rebels at that post have made ar
rangements for blowing up the fortifica
tions as soon as it, .shall be apparent that
Charleston must surrender.
The Richmond Enquirer, 20th, states
that a Confederate -court-martial, held
to inquire into the destruction of the
Merrimac, had decided that the same
was, unnecessary, and that the_ vessel
could have been sent up the James river
to prevent the passage of the Federal
vessels, and destroyed at a later date, if
found desirable.
Mrs, McGregor, of Thompson, Ct., re
ceived a few days ago another letter
from her husband in rebeldom. The
epistle was finely written on tissue•pa
per, and was crammed into the, hollow
of a military button.
Lieut. Wardon, in a letter to a friend,
dated June 16, makes the following allu
sion to the condition of his eyes : " I
regret to say that my eyes have not so
far improved as 'to enable me to write,
and my wife ha's still to .act as my aman
The Washington papers bring indica
tions of a popular sentiment in the Bor
der States with reference to Lincoln's
emancipation policy and state that eman
cipation societies are forming in many
sections of Kentucky and Missouri.
Fourteen " Ladies" of Lagoda, Indi
ana, were brought to trial, at Crawfords
ville, on Tuesday, charged with riotous
proceedings, in destroying the contents
of a whiskey saloon, in the former place.
The jury imposed a fine of one dollar on
Bach. The costs amounted to about one
hundred dollars.
Dr. Robert Wood, a native of Augus
ta. Maine, but for many years a resident
at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, hiui sent
to Gov. Washburn a draft for theism of
$5OO, to be expended under his direc
tion for the relipf of the sick and wound
ed soldiers of Maine.
The rebel newspapers everywhere
complain greatly of the , many deserticins
from their armies constantly taking
place, and say that some effectual means
should be taken to put a stop to it.—
Nothing less than the punishment of
death, they say, will do this.
Col. Black, Provost Marshall of Mem
phis, has ordered that the Mayor and all
other city officials shall take the oath of
allegiance within three days, or be arres
ted and treated as traitors.
Congress has appropriated $lOO.OOO
to raise the wrecks of the. Cumberland
and Congress, which were sunk by the
rebel steamer Merrimac.
The Federal government has contrac
ted for 5000 tons of pig lead ; this vast
quantity of metal is to be turned into
Minnie rife ballets ; it will make one
hundred and fifty minibus of balls.
In accordance with a telegram re
ceived-from the Secretary of War, on
Thursday afternoon, to Marshal Murray.
Pierre Soule and Adolpho Mercerean,
prisoners of state from New Orleans,
were sent to-Fort Lafayette. T6ey had,
been lodged at the Astor Souse since
their arrival-the, day before. Their ne
gro servant " Jewell? and their baggage
'were also taken to the fort:
Charge d'Affaires from Denmark had ad
dressed an official note to Secretary
Seward, at Washington, desiring to ob
tain persons of African descent for culti
vating sugar in the Danish island of St.
Croix. This mode of providing for con
trabands of Rebels, and others disposed
to migrate, may perhaps be considered
in Congress. Few of our States, how
ever, can spare any considerable portion
of our best laborers—they are the true
producers of wealth to a nation, and if
better treated and stimulated by wages
would enjoy more, and be more profita
ble in the aggregate.
A BRAVE SOLDlER.—Stephen Leonard
of "Hale's Eddy," a member of Sickle's
Brigade, 21 years of age, 6 feet 2 inches
in lieight, weight, 240 pounds had two
'fingers shot off at the commencement of
the battle of Williamsburg,.and a third
shot so near off that be found it in his way
in loading. He cooly took out his knife
and cut it off, and replaced the knife in
his pocket together with the finger. He
then fired thirty rounds more when he
,was struck by a ball in the head. As
he fell he said "I have done all I can,
don't let the rebels get my body." and
died immediately.. Mr. Leonard was
born in Scottownship, Wayne county.
pondent of t4e New York Tribune thinks
the probabilities in front of Richmond
favor delay. He gives his reasons
"Because, first, as I heard rough•and
ready. Heintzelman say,We've got 'em
foul-sure; and what the d-1 is the
use, Senator, [l'm not the man be was
addressing], of risking anything till the
last man is just where we wan't him ?"
And, secondly, a few days delay will add
to the certainty of the success of the
plan of attack.
A Nxw BANK.- William H. Hodge,
Peter G. Washington; John M. Broad
head, and other gentleman. who have in
years past occupied positions under
Government, have applied to Congress
for a charter for a banking institution to
be called the National Bank, with a
capital .of $500,000, which may be in
creased to $1,000,000. They are only
to issue notes stamped by the Secretary
of the Treasury "secured by the United
States stock deposited in the treasury
of the United States."
SESESH VI/Gamic : At Norfolk, a wo
man passing by two Union soldiers, ga
thered hastily her robes to her side to
prevent her garments being polluted by
touching a soldier's coat. The soldier's
stopped, and one said loudly, " Ah, a
nice kind of woman is that; don't you
see she has got some contageons disease,
and is afield we Union soldiers shall
catch it from her ?" The Secesh female
looked mad enough at this interpretation
of her folly.
ST. CHARLES HOTEL.—The St. Charles
(the principal hotel in New Orleans) is
to be reopened for the entertainment of
the public. General Butler, -who for
some time past has occupied the St.
Charles as his headquarters, will remove
to a private -house. By this arrangement
the number of strangers now flocking
into New Orleans will , be provided with
accommodations, which, up to this time,
have been lacking.
BLACK SOLDIERS.—During the Revo
lutionary war, slaves—Virginia slaves—
fought side by side with Virginia white
men. After the war, the Virginia Leg
islature recognized the value of their
services as soldiers, and made them free.
.This fact shows two things, both doubt
ed in the latter days by some— that
black men, slaves, were seviceable sol
diers, and that freedom is a boon to the
slave. -
FEARLESS HON &STY .-A business firm
in New Orleans, at the beginning of the
outbreak, owed two hundred and fifty
th onsand dollars in New York. This
was sequestered under the Confederate
laws, but the firm steadily• refused to
pay ever, at the risk of jail or whatever
proceedings and are now making ar
rangements to discharge the debt to the
proper creditors in full.
hnndred pounds of beef, one , hundred of
veal, two hundred and seventy of tripe,
one hundred and sixty-five of cheese and
three hundred and fifty of fish—all dis
eased and unfit to eat, though offered for
sale—were. during the past week seized
by the police of New York and removed
from the city limits.
egraphic despatch from West Point
states that Gen. Scott received intelli
gence of the death-of his wife at . Rome,
on the 10th inst. Mrs. Scott (formerly
Miss Mayo) was attended in her last ill
ness by her daughter and son-in-law.—
Her age was seventy-two years.
last General Case, while attending on the
funeral of the late Mrs. Campeau, at St.
Anne's Church, Detroit, was taken sud
denly tipd seriously ill, and conveyed to
his howie with many fears of hie immedi
ate decease. He was considerably bet
ter, hofvever, on the following day,
The news of the passage through the
'United . 8 ates Senate of the bill recog
uizing Ha ti was received at Port au
Prince wit much enthusiasm.
If)e solaiet.'s True :Eriema
HOLLOWAY'S CIIATMERT.-1.013g marchesd
sore and stiff joints, blistered and inflame,
feet, all these the Soldiers must endure,
14/OTHERS, REMEMBER THIS, when your sans
are grasping their muskets to meet danger,
think what relief a single pot of this A
HEALING & COOLING Salve will give to the
one you love wher far away from home and
friends. It hardens and snakes tough the feet
so that they can endure great fatigue. It
soothes and relieves the inflamed and stiffened
joints, leaving them supple, strong and vigor
ous, while for
Sabre Cuts and Gunshot Wounds,
It stands unequelled, removing and prevent
ing every vesuge of inflamation and gently
drawing the edges together, it quickly and
completely heals the most frightful wounds.
- Wives and Sisters of our Volunteers.
You cannot put into the Knapsacks of your
Husbands and- Brothers, a more valuable or
more necessary gift than a supply of this
Extraordinary Military Salve.
The lonely sentry walking his rounds at
night, exposed to drenching rains and chilled
night air, is often seized• with most VIOLENT
PAINS, Cough and suffocating 'Hoarseness,
first symptoms of quick consumption, but if
supplied with Holloway's Pills and Rollo
way's Ointment, all danger is averted, a few
Pills taken night and morning, and the Oint
ment briskly rubbed twice a day- over the
throat and chest will remove the severest
pains and stop the most distressing'or Danger
ous cough. Therefore we say to the whole
Soldiers Attention !!
See, to your own health, do not Mist to the
Army supplies, although most valuable.—
These Pills and Ointment have been thorough
ly tested, they are the only remedies used in
the European Cauips and Barracks, for ,over
forty years Doctor Holloway has supplied all
the Armies in Europe, and during the Crimean
Campaign he established a depot at Balaclava,
for the exclusive sale of these Great Remedies.
many a time his special Agent there has sold
over a ton in weight of the Ointment in a
single day. These terrible and fatal enemies
Dierhea, Dysentery, Scurvy, Sores and Scrofu
lous Eruptions, all disappear like a charm
before these Pills tf Ointment, and now while
the cry ringi throughout the land,
To Arms! To Arms!!
Do not let these brave men perish by disease
place in their hands these Precious Remedies,
that will enable them to resist the dangerous
exposures, the Fevers, the Chills, and
wounds which they cannot avoid, and wha
more, cannot frequently get succour in th
moment of need, whereas if our brave men
have only to put their hands into their Knap
sacks and find there a sure remedy for all the
casualties of the battle field. How many
thousands of lives would thus be saved who
would otherwise perish before relief could be
Inroararir CAUTION !—None are genuine
unless the words a:Holloway, New York and
London? are disernible as a Water-mark in
every leaf of the book of directions around
each pot and box • the same may be plainly
seen by holding th e leaf to the light. A hand
some reward will be given to any one render
ing, such information as may lead to the de
tection of any party or parties counterfeiting
the medicines or vending the same, knowing
them to be spurious.
*.*Sold at the Manufactory of Professor
HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and
by all respectable Druggists tend Dealers in
Medicine, throughout the civitized world, in
boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents, and $1 each.
11:3=' There is a considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes.
N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients
in every disorder are affixed to each box.
Ifaitable BoNtioli
Situate on ti.e,Seuth East Corner of Mar
ket Square and Gay Street, known as the ma
Built expiessly fora public house; with all the
modern improvements. A large Brick Statile
with convenient Stalls is attached ; two excel
lent Pumps—one front, the other at the Kitch
en dobr; a Cistern, &c.,
The Lot adjoining the Hotel will be sold
with it if desired
NO. 2. LOT NO. 76, Fronting on Market
Street and adjoining residence of the Misses
Haines on the North, an Alley on the South
and Lot No. 77 on the East. On this Lot are
Each Two-Stories high; the one occupied by
James M. Anderson, and almost entirely new.
There is a pump and cistern in the yard. The
other is occupied by Jacob A. Wisner.
NO. 3. LOT NO. 77, adjoining No. 76 on
the west, an alley on the south and Lot No.
78 on the east, on which is erected
Frame Dwelling Rouse,
now occupied by John Sultzbach
Fronting on Fairview, ,Street on the South.
NO. 5. Six and one-half Lots of Ground,
rooting on Fairview Street on the North and
John Roath on the West and an alley on the
No. 6. Five acres and 'three quarters of
land situated in East Dcinegal Township, join
ing land of John W. Clark on the .North and
the Borough line on the East and a Street on
the South. There is an excellent
on the land.
All the above property will be sold in pay
ments. The one half of the purchase money
to be paid when the title is executed and the
other half payable one 'year-after, with Inter
est and approved .security.
N. B. All rents now due Charles Kelly or
coming due must be paid to the subscriber.
Marietta, June 21, 1862-ff.
Picot Building.ldarietta;Pa.
SEGS leave to inform the public that he
will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi
ness, in all its branches. He will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, c.,. .
Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky,
A very superior OLD RYE WHISKEY
ust received, which is warranted pure.
13- All H. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock , and pri
ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others finding it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases from I im.
Attention is called 'to the recent improvements
by which the greatest possible volume of tone
has been obtained, without sacrificing any of
the well known sweetness of these Instruments.
This, with an improved touch and action; ren
der these Pianos uneaqualed. The dull and
muffled, or metalic and wiry tone is. entirely
avoided. All Instruments warranted to stand
all climates.
PIANOS and MELODEONS for sale and to rent.
Repainng in all its branches, carefully at
tended to. [rev 17-4fn
NIETOLFE'S Ceiebrated•STOnng and Clasp
The' beat mr
the ciiiii—mideinif sold id
Price, 6 cente.l • WOLFS'S.
_ -
The Bugle Calls ! The War has Begun;
A War of Extermination against Bad
Teeth, Bad Breath, Diseased Gums,
toothache, Earache, and Neuralgia.
- -
Purifying the Breath and Mouth,
and Curing ToOthaehi - and . Neitt-"litsit:
Dr. liord's Celebrated SOUTH visas, one
Dr. Hurd'a Unequalled TOOTH POW.DSR ) ,
one box.
Dr. Hurd's Magic TOOTHACHE DROPS, one
Dr. Hurdle WANT/AL on the- Best -Means
of Preserving the Teeth, including Directions
for the Proper Treatment - Ofthildren's Teeth.
FLOSS SILK for Cleaning between the
Teeth. !
TOOTH 10 1 1(CKS, etc., etc.
Prepared at Dr. Herd's , Dental O ffi ce, 77
Fourth :, Brooklyn, E•.`.)
Parcz .ONK'DOLL k t;1 or, SIX for $ll5.
11" The Dental Treasury makes a package
eightinches by five, and is sent by ' express.
-Full diredienfor use is on each article.
The following articles we can send sepa
rately by Dail, viz :
1 ..
The Treat e on Preserving the Teeth sent,
post-paid, on eceipt of 12 cents,or four stamps.
• The Neu- //tia Plaster, for Neuralgia in
the Face, N vous Headache and Earache,
sent; post-pa ,on receipt of 18 cents, or six
Chest, Shodl:
body, sent, 4)
large size), for Pains in the
eis, Back, or any pa i ri e f the
st-paid, on receipt of nts.
WM. B. HURB Ss C am.,
Une Buildings, NEW YORE.'
ail, but they can probably
our Drug or Ponodical Stores.
lend to us for the DENTAL
,ftl„ which contains them.
Curd's Preparations Good
e that they are is, that their
d beat patrons are those who
• longest. Dr. Williani B.
ient Dentist of Brooklyn,
New York State Dentists'
these preparations have
;,private practice for years,
Inn of Brooklyn or Wil
is their excellence, while
f New York recommend
'own to the profession.—
advertising, dealers have
13 - Dr, Hu
not be sent.b
be obtained at
It they cannot
Treasury, Prie
Now are lii•.
The best evide
firmest fliends
have used th
Hurd is an en
Treasurer of tl
been-used in
and no leading ci
liamsburg, quest]
eminent Dentists
them as the beat
Without the aid
soldthemby the
The Editor of
say s :—" We are h
Dr. Hurd, is suec.
floes with his Mo
der. The great
with the fact tha
what they are re
testify from their to
e Brooklyn Daily Times
.y to know that our friend
ing beyund all .expecta
, Wash and Tooth Pow
t of his success rests
'. is articles are precisely
seated to be, as we can
The well known
"I found your Too
family have used it
best Powder for the
I shall led obliged i
supply at the Muse
with pill."
T. Barnum writes:—
' wider so good - that my
t. up. We find it the
• th that we ever used.
11 will send me another
eat, your convenience,
But their cost is
may test the matter
Beware of the
Dr. Hurd's Tooth P ,
nor alkali, nor char
wearing the enamel.
What will Dr. Hit
small that every one
diuury Tooth Powders.
der contains no acid,
and polishes without
se no 'other.
„ir Remedies Rffe ct?
ash and Tooth Powder
that finest charm in
and pearly teeth.—
Dr. Durd's.Mouth
will give young lad
woman—a sweet b
Try them ladies.
Dr. Hurd's Mouth
der will cleanse the
halations, and if us
make the breakfast t:
begin more' pleasant!
can testify to this.
sh and Tooth Pow
' th from all foul • ex
in the morning, will
sweeter end the day
Hundreds of persons
them, gentlemen.
'ash and Tooth Pow
:ons in the world for
giving firmness and
undreds of cases of
Sore Mouth, Canker,
Dr. Hurd'i astringent
Dr. Hurd , s Mouth
der are the best i‘rep:
curing • bad Breath
'health to the gums.
Diseased Bleeding Gu
etc., have been cured
Dr. Hurd's Mouth •
der give an additional
make husbands more
and wives to their
be used by every ppr
s a h rz n to d co T u o r o ts th hip P ,
eable to their wives
I. ends. They, should
which are liable to im.
Dr. Hurd's TOOT .1
Toothache arising froi
are the best friends th .
the house to save thei
and themselVes from I.
thetic suffering.
Farmers and Mecha
afford to neglect your
sum; you can now
which Rothschild or
better. Remember t.
originate in Neglect o
Treatise on Teeth, a
seivations on this su
arrest decay in your
children's teeth.
a taint to the mouth.
CHF. DItOPS cure
xposed nerves, and
arents can have in
ildren from torture
of sleep and syinpa-
1 you cannot wel
pth. For a trilling
preservatives, than
or can get nothing
HE LUNGS often
- lb. Send for the
pad Dr. Fitch's obi
t. If too late to
teeth, save your
Dr. Hurd's Neur ,
tern are the mostpleass
dies ever prescribed f.
The patient applies one
falls asleep, and awake.:
no. blister or other u.l
consequences ensue.
ous Headache, apply ac
and relief will surely fol 1
obtained 'equal to Dr.
Neuralgia. Try them.
novel, curious, and orig
wonderfully successful 1
one small, for the
and the other large, fors
price 37 cents. Will
price and one stamp. i
W7tat are theP
The American people
to appreciate preparatio
much to the happiness
and they .want them.
letters, some ordering the
some the Neuralgio PI
enclosing 37 cents for th e
sent by mail ; but to the
to reply that it is impose'
pint bottle by mail. Th.
Remedies. Who will au.
on-Adhesive PlO4-
)1 successful reme
. painful disease.
Li becomes drowsy,
from pain, and
sant or injurious
rache and Nerv
ng to directions,
. Nothing can be
rd's Compress for
ey are entirely a
preparations, and
hey are of two
, price 15 cents,
Lion to the body,
fled on receipt of
ritelligent enough.
, at contribute so
ose using them,
- mail brings us
eatise on Teeth,
2 and not a fey<
outh Wash, to be
cF. aye compelled
, to send a half
; , ple want thebe
hem? -
Shrewd agents can ma , small =fortune in
carrying these articles : td to 'families,—
The Dental Treasury is th itest-artacle that
a man or weman can car 9tud. Send for
one and see, or, better. ozeu; which we
will sell, as samples, for ... Agents- supp lied
liberally with Circulars. Now is the time.
1 to go into the businesi, to ood, and, make
IL profit. We are spendin .: usand s ,f tn th e
benefit of agents. NeW gland „men or
women ! here is efornethin e,:and a chance
to take the, tide at its flood Address,
WM. 11. a ~ ..4. CO., -
T , _Buildings,- -
w Yoax.
e with confi
'Vie Mayor 'of
'`President of
Brooklyn ; to
P. T. Barnum,
That remittances racy
dente,W. & Co. "ref
Broollya ; to G. 'W. G'•
Fanneral and • Citizens' B
Joy, Coe, & Co., New York
Esq., New York, etc., ete.
Arch Street, above 7hi
lcr This Hotel is cen
Passenger Cars to all parts
everf. particular adapted
wants of the .businasspubl'
'`Teresa 'OW per" day
veaient. by
City, and in