=ZZi Ii .: , !A I:: F.; • 'HA •,••,,y;11 p ; ,,_ sprozer tram .;,•;tv , " I. pp. , t -slat I , IILYNS: the 1I.1 , ': . 11i:.!„ Til C• mail train al 1 Tio• afl , rti , lnii train east al 5;16. +I hr train west itt Saturday May 31, 1862 w r y Another box has been sent by the " Patriotic Circle " of this Borough, to the sick soldiers at the St. Louis. Hos pitals, in charge of Dr. John 11. Grove. The box was forwarded on Wednesday, and contained the following, together with the names of the (loners: From the Circle, 15 hospital shirts; 1G pairs drawers ; 19 pocket handkerchiefs, and a large box of\ lemons ; Mrs. Thomas Zell, 2 papers corn starch, 2 sponges, 1 bar of castile soap, 1 paper tapioca ; Mrs. Peg gy Wilson, 2 papers farina ; Miss Bailie, a bundle magazines and dried fruit ; Mrs. J. W. Clark, 2 doz. oranges, 2 papers corn strach, 2 papers farina, 2 lbs. rice ; Mrs. D r. Hinkle, 2 papers corn starch, I paper farina, 1 box gelatine ; Mrs. J. P. Timlow, 1 pr. pantaloons, 1 vest; Miss Iludisill, 1 pr, slippers; Mrs. M. Moore, 4 pr. slippers ; Mrs. Sterrett, dried fruit; Mrs. Dr. Mehaffey, dried Fruit. Mrs. A. N. Cassel, 1 bottle wine ; Mrs Dr. Grove . 1 paper corn starch, 1 paper farina, 2 •cirts. dried apples, 1 lb. pruens ; Mrs. Abrm. Cassel, 2 cakes chocolate, 1 pkg. tea ; 111 rs. Grosh, 2 coats, 1 pkg. books, :magazines, &c. ; Mrs. F. L. Baker, 2 ; papers farina, 2 papers corn starch, dried .cherries and apples ; Mrs. J. Llewellyn, 1 paper tea, 1 paper chocolate ; Mrs. J. Stahl, lemons and dried peaches ; Mrs. G. W. Stahl, dried fruit ; 111 rs. Benjamin, dried cherries; Miss Emma Eagle, 2 prs. crochet slippers ; Mrs. Jas. White .hill, 1 pr. sheets, 1 pr. linen pillow slips, I linen handkerchief; Mrs. Sam]. John sen, a roll of linen, bandages and lint; Miss Annie Eagle, 1 handkerchief ; Misses Mahling, dried cherries ; Mrs. lVolfersberger, 1 blanket and pillows; :Miss Sthals Sunday school class, com posed of the following boys: Howard Cassel, Burd Cassel, J. Milton Roth, Franklin Cushman, Cyrus Ripple and ranklio Erisman, 2 lbs. dried peaches, 2 :'-be, raisins, 1 lb. dried apples, 1 pound 4a2 e s , 2 papers farina, 2 papers corn -ntareh, and 4 , lemons. Master J. Tate Anderson, an interesting boy of 11 years plead with his mother to be premitted lo open his money box and buy testa ments with his money, for the soldiers, which he did, sending sixteen in the box. We are glad to learn that there is to )e no abatement of the usefulness of the -Circle, so long as their continues any wants in the hospitals. We are re •quested by the ,oildcers to announce the :loft meeting aE Mrs.S..P. Sterrett's on Tuesday evenng. LANCA:STELL Ft:scißr.lis; An election for officers of the Lancaster Feucibles re ,cently took place at their Armory, in this city, and resulted as fellows : Captain—Enllen Franklin. LiBulenan!—Jolm I, Hartman. 2d Lieut.—James P. Dysart, 2d 2d Liezd.—John T. KaeGonigle , Orderly Sergeant—• Henry E, Slayructlier, 2d Berl.—Samuel W. Rowe, 3d Sergt.—NenTy C. Biggs, 4th S(vg.t.—Daniel 11. lleitshu, Quartermaster Sergeant—David Bair Jr Ist Curporal—Andrew McGinnis, 2d Cur.—Samuel C. Steigerwalt, 3d Cor.—James Redsecker, 4th Cor.—Benjamin Conn. Secretary—Edwin E. Snyder. Trrasurer—Andrew McGinnis. Surgeon—Dr. Henry Carpenter. The Fencibles have adopted a new and temporary uniform, consisting of dark bine blouse, dark pants and a fatigue cap, which makes a very pretty appearance. They have also organized a Drum Corps, consisting of eight drummer boys. This splendid body of citizen soldiery is now stronger than ever it was, number fully one hundred active members. The mil itary spirit, although the war is still pro gressing, has not been suffered to die out in our midst. We have as fine a battalion of soldiers as aro to be found anywhere in the State, viz : Fencibles. Captain Franklin; Jackson Rifles, Lieut, John Pees; Independent Greys, Capt. Boyle ; Artillery Cadets, Capt Young. —Lancaster Trion. Cr Capt. William G. Kendrick, of Company A, 79th ('Lancaster County) Regiment arrived at home on Tuesday last. It will be remembered that the Captain and fifteen of his men, whilst repairing the telegraph line near Pulaski, Tennessee, were taken prisoners a few weeks ago by Col. Morgan and a portion of his command, and were subsequently released on parole. The Captain will r emain at home until he is honorably exchanged. Ile is looking very well. *FA most distressing accident occur red on Thursday noon, near the railroad tunnel, by which an old german named Wolfsberger lost his life. From as near as we can learn, the old man was on his return to this borough, from Columbia, where he bad been to church, and when near the tunnel—walking on the track— the mail train west confused him and he was overtaken and run over, and literally cut to pieces cr What a livoly - Jima the boys have —and some of a large growth too—in laying away quarters for the Circus on Saturday next. Just think of it—Dap kjardner is coming—and thep fur fan, ('.rri ,por,i!f•nro of The )lariettian.) 3/I:thassas Jaw,:lion, 111 AY 14, 1862. Hy Dun- Col: 1 have not been able to write for some lime. We arrived at this renowned spot on Monday morning the 12th. I will commence at Alexan dria and briefly give you an illustration of "squatter sovereignty" in that place : An individual will see a sign in front of a building—Miss A. d B. Fancy Store— you walk in, - when you find you can be accommodated with groceries, fish, salt, Se,—C. D. Jeweller--here you will find a Jew selling clothing—E. P. Coachma ker—here you will find a lager-beer shop or some contraband keeping oysters.— These few instances will illustrate bow practically the squatter business bas been carried on at Alexandria ;—as the reb els left, the newcommers took possession and set up business quite different from what the signs indicated. The mer chants and businessmen, however, can resume business on taking the oath of allegiance to the United States and to the new Commonwealth of Virginia un der Governor Pierpont. A great many refuse the oath to the new State—pre faring to hold-on to the "Old Dominion," and in consequence of such refusal 23 business establishments which had con tinued and remained open are now clo sed. What the result will be it is hard to conjecture. Gov.Pierpont addressed the Alexandrians a couple of weeks since with regard to their duty as citizens; his remarks were brief and well-timed. He is spoken of as a firm and determined man—one that cannot be trifled with— they will be obliged to do one thing or the other ; some, however, think that if Virginia is shortly taken the old gov ernment will go on under Gov. Pierpont. There axe a great many secessionists in Alexandria and I have no doubt if it did not lay under the guns of Fort Ellsworth, a powerful construction—and Fort Ly ons—there would be frequent outbreaks by the citizens, as only one regiment is stationed there. About three miles from Alexandria, on the left of the railroad, are two or three very fine farms—one of them belonging to Mason and is said where he was' born, the mansion of which we use for an hospital. Frem Fairfax Station to Buil Run Bridge— where the principle part of my command is stationed to guard, and for the safety of which I am'responsible, is generally hilly but the largest white-oak timber I ever saw. South of Bull Run Station are a great many huts, built by the rebels, and good ones too. The land about the Junction lies beautifully, and from ac counts must have been well cultivated, but all the buildings occupied by white folks, with very few exceptions, were de stroyed and burned. The conflagration was not intentional but to prevent the Union forces from getting their baggage wagons, truffles, &c., they fired them and the flames communicated to the ware houses, iu which were stored a vast lot of greeso, which produced an awful and destructive bonfire—at one place you can now see enough of tallow that did not burn to load S or 10 army wagons. The works around this place were well arranged and so located that they com manded every portion of the country. About one mile North of this, is where Beauregard bad his bead quarters—this farm is one of the finest I ever saw and is in charge of a government agent—it having been confiscated and will shortly be sold, together with its entire stock, which is of the very best character. The farms in this section are very tastefully laid out and the only section I have been in that reminds me of portions of old Lancaster county, and the rebels very wisely selected it for excellent winter quarters, which they had. There being such an irregular mail for our regiment DOW that we hardly get the news of the times. In my next I will give you a description of the Bull Run Battle Field. The Marietta boys are all well and enjoying themselves in fishing. E. D. R. C:g. The Columbia and Maryland line Railroad is being pushed forward again and with show of determined success. The present officers are as follows : President : Bartram A. Shaeffer. Directors: Jeremiah B. Haines, Ja cob Tome, Thos. Baumgardner, C. S. Kauffman, Joseph Balance, Jas. Mc Sparren, John A. Shoal', John Long, Samuel J. Reeves, Jeremiah Brown, Wyatt W. Miller, Jacob B. Shuman. Chief Engineer : John Sheaff. Treasurer; Joseph Balance. Secretary Jeremiah Brown. CO' Col. Amos S. Green one of the track contractors of the Reading and Columbia Railroad, we understand is pushing forward his part of the work with greet rapidity. The Col. will not be found napping when there is room for anything to be done. tgyA week or ten days since we re ceived a letter from Quartermaster Mc Clure, Otter Island, in which he speaks of the good condition and fine spirits of the Marietta boys on the Island. Col. Welsh is in fine health and is anxious to gratify his men with a brush. Cr The next meeting of the Horticul tural Society will be held on Monday the 9th of June at 2 o'clock P. M. at Cooper's Hotel. Premiums will be a warded for fine Strawberries ke. JIST OF LETTERS Remaining mthe Post Office, at Marietta, l'a., May 29th, 1662. Aland Jane A Menzes John 3 Allen John Myers mar).- Albright Mollie J 11leliey Robert Brenneman Ann A 2 Merrell Joseph Brimmans R Mack Elizabeth Barton Geo W McCoy Rebecca Bekler ;Micheal McPherson Adam Buckler Michael Mismur George Bates C S Mc Pherson S 11 Butler John H - Nicholas Jacob 2 Baker Jordan Nease Wai Bell Wm NM; Philip B Brenner Q C Pearsall G T Bock Albert Patchin Jackson Brose Daniel Peck Thomas Esq Bruner A Pond John Bocker Carl Panics George Bullar Mrs Mary A Pennell T. W Brooks Mrs Amy Reiff Elizabeth Block Mrs Ada Robinson Limo Bowman Henry 2 Smith Henry Cole John Sword Miss M 3 Carskaddan W B Stanton Charles Chandler Amer 2 Sloanaker John Chase John M Schwatzkupp Adam Cook Sophia Stuchell Alex J Clark Lewis Shaffner G W Dorsey Win Strausbaugp Caroline Davidson Mary Stacks Mary F Engle Hiram Slonaker, Mundy & Co Grady Henry Shireman Jacob Horning Geo H - Sehrode Abrm Haynes Eli B Smith Ogdeu Hoosier Joseph 2 Todd Mary Haines T B Trumpeller Henry Hoover Peter Urban Harry Johnson Charlotte Updegralf Leah Kauffelt 1 - 1 White Martha A Kimball Joseph D Wanore John Kauffman Joseph C White Geo M Kyler Leonard Walton Geo D King John Woods W S esq Light Absolem Wiley Mary E Lagrange. Wm H Wiley John Laucks Eliza Watson N esq Liece Henry White Russel Lease Mary Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say advertised. GARDNER GINPRIGERICAN i IiET •!, The largest and most completely equipped Eques trian establishment in the World, COMPRISES THE GREAT Troupe of American and European Male and Female Artists, AND THE MOST Magnificent Collection of TRAINED HORSES AND PONIES, Ever brought to gether, affording facilities for the presentation of more novel and varied Performances than have ever been given in a traveling exhibition. The management takes pleasure in announ cing to the public that they are able for the :engin of '62, to cater for their amusement in a most superior manner. The wagons have been newly painted and decorated so as to present a neat and elegant appearance. The 1-larne3s are new and beautiful. The ward robe is of the most costly description, manu factured from designs imported from Paris du ring the past winter, and in fact the whole paraphanalia is of such a description as to at once give satisfaction to all. WILL EXHIBIT AT MARIETTA, SATURDAY, JUNE MANUEIM, FRIDAY, JUNE 6TH. LANCASTER, MONDAY, JUNE 9TH AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock; perfor- mance to commence half-an-hoar LATER ADMISSION 25 CENTS. One of the greatest features of this Exhibition IS THE EngliSh Steeple Chase, Introducing - the entire company, mounted upon their highly-meetled charges leaping Hurdles, Hedges, &c. ZDLmbe DAlf, Will also form another feature of the Show, in which the horses will, at the word of command, lie down, get up, and go throughout a variety of performances. THE BEAUTIFUL TRICK HORSE Ywz S 1 - 191GTON. Will appear at each Entertainment and go through his wonderful and truly surprising performances. The performers are all well known, and pop ular, and comprise all the stars of France, England and America. Oaalz at theb , „API:II7IES. Dan Gardner, K. Hemmings, G. Derious, John Foster, Henry Moreste, Signoir Parker, F. W. Whittaker, Mons. I.Vnoit, King Brothers, Miss Eliza Gardner, Mad. Camile, Little. Minnie, Master Edward Gardner, C. Kicker, J. Wambold, T. Boline, and a host of auxiliaries; the whole forming a bright constellation of Equestrian. Acroba tic and Gymnastic talent ; the whole enlivened by the wit of three great clowns, Dan Gard ner, John Foster and Young Dan. On the morning of the exhibition the Com pany will enter town in grand procession, headed by Peter Britner's American Brass Band seated in a beautiful Band Coach, drawn by a line of splendid horses, followed by all the horses, ponies carriages, luggage, vans, &c. W. H. GARDNER, Agent. THE PEOPLE'S HAT AND CAP STORE SDVILTZ & No. 20 NORTU QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER. THE Subscribersare desirous to inform their I customers and the public generally, that their preparations of a large assortment of FINE SOFT FELT AND &)I . l.llrti. 13[490L - 0, 5 ADAPTED FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR have been completed ; the same comprices the richest and most beautiful shades of color and style, which taste and long experience could produce. In our assortment will be found all THE NEWEST STYLES OF Silk, Cassimer and Soft Hats, STRAW . HATS, Every style and quality for Gentlemen and Boy's wear. A full line of CHILDREN'S STRAW GOODS, AND SUMMER STYE CAPS. In conclusion, we would return our sincere thanks for past favors, and trust by varied exertions, attention and dispatch to merit its continuance. Jonx A. SR ULTZ.] [HENRY A. SIII7LTZ. Lancaster, May 24, 1562-tf C O' STANTLY on hand, Monongahela rec tified Whiskey. Benjamin 4- Co. - UXCELLENT Cooking and Eating Apples always on hand at Anderson's. YOLUNTEEIIS, voice from Yorktown ! 'et Eqefs spelic E A D the following brief note received Ja i this morning from one of our brave sol diers now before Yorktown: Camp Winfield Scott, mar Yorktown, Thomas Holloway, Esq., . No. SO Maiden Lane, New-York. MAY Ist, 1862. Sir:—As there are none of "Holloway's Pills" for sale hereabouts, I enclose an order, for which please send me the amount in your very valuable Pills without delay. If there is any postage or expressage please deduct it, And Oblige Yours truly, in haste, T. H AN LEY, ADJT., 9th N. Y. Cavalry. n Before Yorktown, Virginia. P. S.—Your Pills are famous for the cure of Dysentery, and I have no doubt that they will prove as efficacious in Chills and Fever here, as they have in other divisions of the army. PRINCE'S Celebrated Protean Fountain Pen. The "IVe Plus Ultra" for writers. Ready at all times and in all places. - Pen, Pen-Holder, and Inkstand Combined. WRITES from six to ten hours with once filling. Regulated at pleasure. Very compact, for the desk or pocket. No climate affects the ink contained in the fountain. In corrodible. All inks used. Just the Pen for all purposes. Testimonials received here in favor of this Pen sufficient to warrant all writers having one. The Pen for Merchants, Bankers, Clerk - a, Ministers. Travelers, Re porters, Schools, and Students. Every church should present one to their pastor. The flow is perfect. Each Fountain warranted. Pens sent by mail on receipt of money. The best Pen, No. 1. $5; N 0.2, $4; No 3, $3.50. T. G. STEARNS, General Agent, May 10-3 m I 335 Broadway, New York. A. CASSEL P. M COAL! COAL! COAL For Sale Cheap for Cash. riIHE undersigned being anxious to close on j_ the present stock, will sell at the following aze,low prices, viz : ilt Baltimore Company, Egg and 'aff Stove size, at $3.30. Shamokin, Red Ash, 3.25. Shamokin,'White Ash, 3.25. Lykens Valley, broken, 3.10. Lykens Valley, Stove, 3.25. White Ash, nut, THOS. ZELL, Agt Marietta, February 15, 1562. ISIEYER'S WORLD'S FAIR PRIZE MEDAL PIANOS Attention is called to the recent improvements by which the greatest possible volume of tone has been obtained, without sacrificing any of the well known sweetness of these Instruments. This, with an improved touch and action, ren der these Pianos uneaqualed. The dull and muffled, or metalic and wiry tone is entirely avoided. All Instruments warranted to stand all climates. PIANOS and Mr.ronaorts for sale and to rent. Repairing in all its branches, carefully at tended to. [may 17-3 m Saw IEII and Lumber Yard, MARIETTA, PA. ONSTANTLY on hand a full assortment Ijof all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, Which he offers at reasonable prices. Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling, Rafters, Laths, Shingles, Pails, 6.c., (3-c., 'c. OAK, PINE 6• HEMLOCK TIMBER All orders attend'ed to with dispatch. J. M. ERISMAN D.ENRY LANDIS, M. D., Successor to Dr. Franklin Hinkle, Dealer in Drugs, Perfumery, Soaps, S•c DR. LANDIS having purchased the entire interest and goad will of Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug Store, would take this opportunity to in form the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, that having just received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and most complete assortment of eve rything in the drug line. ?{of of lEtis)eii 4110 Toilet al-fieles, consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Hair Combs, Hair Oils,Pomades,etc. , Port Monies, Pocket Books, Pil.ff The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR DYE, De Costa's and other Tooth Washes, In dia Cola-. gogue, Bariv's Tricoperous, fox the hair, Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, .Flour or Rice, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar ical for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con _omptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an excellent preperation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine--bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Haers perfumery,pornades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the best.. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution be taken in the compounding of Physician's prescript ions. The Doctor can be professionally consulted at the store when not engaged clsewnere. Marietta, August 24, 1861.-ly TlutEiccirs CONICAL WASHING MACHINES ! The moat simple,durable,convenient and eco nomical article ever invented for the purpose. Will do the washing of an ordinary family beforo before breakfast, not only saving time but clothes. By strictly following the printed directions, which are simple and easy, it will wash, at one time, six shirts, or two dozen small articles, in about six or seven minutes, or their equiva lent. By all the ordinary methods of cleaning fine fabrics, such as laces,B.c., the greatest care is required, while with this machine the most delicate articles can be washed without the possibility of damage. These results are produced by the constant reaction of the suds while the machine is in motion. Families, laundries, hotels, boarding houses, hospitals, asylums, boarding schools, on ships and on steamers, and in the army, who have machines in use, have sent in their testimoni als voluntarily, and the encomiums of the press are very numerous, some of which I have pub lished in a neat paniphet form. All I ask of the public is a careful examina tion of this machine before purchasing of others. General Depot, 419 Broadway, corner of Canal street, • New-York. PRICE ONLY TEN DOLLARS. N. B.—A liberal discount to the Trade. Agents wanted. Send for a Circular. Address Box 2893 New-York City. PHILIP FRENCH, PROPRIETOR Dec. 21 3m.] LAMPS! LAMPS! SHADES, &C. The undersigned has received another lot of luid and Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp S 'lades very variety and price. Call and see them the Drug Store of Dr, Henry Landis. A voice from Yorktown ATTENTION! WAREROOMR, 722 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ERISMAN , S and Powder Boxes, &c., 6c The Columbia Insurance Company, Of Columbia, _Lancaster Counts, , , Pa. CHARTER PERPETUAL ! THIS Company continues to insure Build- Inv, Merchandise, and other pnmeity, against loss and damage by fire, on the mutu al plan, either far a cash premium or premium note. The success of the Company has far ex ceeded the most sanguine expectations of the Directors, and it will be noticed by the follow ing statement that its atrairs are in a healthy and flourishing condition. WHOLE AMOUNT INSURED $712,707 34. Balance of Cash Premiums unexpended. Feb ruary ]st, 1561 2 $665 IS Cash Premiums received during the last year, less agents' commission, $3,315 54 Interest received on money loaned last year, 29 35 Losses and Expenses paid the last year, $2,704 21 Balance of Cash Premiums unex- pended, Feb. Ist, 1862, It will be seen from the above that the money paid in advance for policies has peen sufficient to pay all losses and expenses and leave a surplus fund of over Fifteen Hundred Dollars, and that the Directors have never levied any tax upon the members of the Com pany C. S. KAUFFMAN, President. GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Sectary. M. 111. STRICKLER, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: C. S. Kauffman, Abraham Bruner, Sr., , John Fendrich, H. G. Minich, Samuel F. Eoellcin, If. Knotwell, M. M. Strickler, Michael H. Moore, George Young, Jr., Nicholas Ale Donald MMIM REFERENCES.—The following persons are all members of this Company: Bainbridge—R. H Jones, John H. Smith, Joseph Klutz. Columbia—Geo. Bogle, Hiram Wilson, F. S. Dietz, Casper Yeager, H. C. Fonderstmth, John Shenberger, J. G. Pollock, Frank Shillot, John Gaus, J. J. S. P. S. Mc- Tague, Michael S. Shuman, R. Williams, John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise, Washington Righter, Samuel Shoch, Robert Hamilton, Eckert & Myers, Thomas Welsh, Win. A. Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip Sehalck, David Hanauer, John Kramer, Jacob Stacks, Jacob Strine, Benj. F. Appold, Wm. Whipper, John Q. Denney, John Felix, Silvester, yogis, Samuel Arms, A. Gray & Co. Bast liesnpJirid —Simon Minich. Fahnouth--Abraham Col lins, Samuel Horst, Michael Hess. Lancas ter—John Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer, Henry E. Leman, Wm. T. Cooper,'John Sheaffer, Geo. Reese. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehaffey, John IL Sammy, Frederick Mahling, E. D. 'loath, Calvin A. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. & F. Fletch er. Mount Joy—Jacob Myers, Israel Barn hart, Michael Brandt, John Breueman.— Man/tem—John Hosteler, J. E. Cross, &mil. Long, Geo. Weaver, John M. Dunlap, John Hutt, Philip Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, David Fisher. Maytoum—Hiram Beatty, George 13. Murray, Samuel PCnce, Simon F. Albright.— Mountville—A. S. Bowers. Manor Township —Jacob B. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius L. Shuman. Penn Township—Daniel Frey, Henry B. Becker, Henry Neff, John E. Bren ner. Bapho Township—Christiam Greider, Edward Givens, Michael Witman. West Hempfield Township-11. E. Wolf, 11. A. Price, M. A. Reid, J. H. Strickler, Amos S. Bowers, Jacob HoliMan. Warwick Township—Daniel B. Erb. ME 11:' The Company wish to appoint an Agent for each Township in Lancaster County.— Persons wishing to take the Agency can apply n person or by letter. jeS-35 A MERICAN HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. Located on Chestnut street, opposite the OLD STATE HOUSE, and in close proximity to the principal Jobbing and Importing Houses, Banks, Custom House, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the door (or within a square) for any depot in the City. The House has been renovated and refitted, and PRICES REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DAY. WYATT & HEULINGS, P - ROPRI ETORE E AGLE HOTEL, FRONT STREET, MARIETTA, PA. The undersigned having leased the old "Stack house" stand, at the corner of Front street and Elbow Lane , would most respectfully inform Watermen and the traveling public generally that nothing shall be left undone to make it deserving of a liberal support. SAMUEL G. MILLER. Marietta, Match 1, 1862. JAMES N. KING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, REMOVED TO No. 139 SOUTLT FIFTII STREET, ABOVE 'WALNUT, Philadelphia. r i t i IVII3ROIDERIES—Just received the largest ir and most desirable lot of Embroideries eve tittered for sale here, consisting in part of beau tiful French Worked Callers, Cuderaleeves Spencers, Swiss and Jackonett Edging and In serting, Flouncing, &c., selling very low. J. It. DIFFENBACH. QPECTACLES to suit all who kj can be aided with glasses, can be bought at H. L. $• ZAIIM'S, Cor ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames, at short notice. [v6-ly LADIES AND GENTS Anderson has just received an elegant assortment of Perfu mery, consisting of Toiliet Soaps, Hair Oils, Extracts and Colognes at prices much below he usual rates, also some very handsome Canes tor gentlemen, Portmonies, &c. DA.NIEL G. BARER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER, PA OFFICE :—No. isionxit DUKE STREET, opposite the Court House, Where lie will at tend to the practice of his profession in all its various branches. [Nov. 4, '59.- ly 0 A General Assortment of all kinds of BUILDING HAADWAR_ ,E LOCKS, Hinges ' Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates, Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap. P ATTERSON & CO. CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wines, guarranteed lobe pure, and sold as low as can be bought in Philadelphia or New-York. H. D. BENJAMIN, Picot Building. FLAVOURING EXTRACTS: Vanilla, Strawberry, Pine Apple, Almond, Rose, Lemon, Just received and for sale at WEST S ROTH'S. TUST received at J. J. Libhart's Drug store 0 the largest assortment of Coal Oil Lamps ever offered in this borough. Now selling the best Oils, from 13 to 15 cents per quart. K.NIVES & FORKS, Britainia and Silver plated Spoons, Brass, Copper, Plain and Enameled Iron Kettles, and Housekeeping goods generally. Patterson 8c Co. Itoward Association, PHILADELPHIA For the Belief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially fur the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcea, or ceminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies em ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in Ssaled letter envelopes; free of charge.— Two or three Stamps for postage will be ac ceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No,. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. D YOTT'S Hanging and Side Lamps, Fel ,Stile at WEST Sz ROTIPS. .. ;.` ;. i:; i. WINES &, (TOltS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. F,GS leave to inform the public that he JIM!l continue the kVI NE& I.IQ t Less, in all its In:1'11711es. 11 0 will con.taffily keep on hand all kinds ul Brandii:.:. Gin;:, _Trish and Seolch Cordials. Bitters, 13ENJAi'd N'S Justly rated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON ITAND, A very superior OLD RY E (VIIISKE ust received, which is W arran tc 41 pi All 11. D. 3. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in tel keepers and others finding it to . their ad vantage to make their purchases from I im. $4,210 07 New and Cheap Books, $1,505 SG The subsriber having just returned from PHILADELPIIE4 TRADE SALES, ffers at the lowest prices al! kinds of $4 ; 210 07 EMBRACING Law, Fiction, Medical, Religious, Biographical, Mechanical and other kinds. These Books will all be sold at the lowest prices as we had the tidy:min:2e and were the only Bookseller front Laticast,:, at the Trade Sales, and as a consequence, can sell lower than any Store. A few of tho Books are here mentioned : Worcester's Unabridged Dictionary, Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, McClellan's ;Bayonet Exercises, Revised Army Regulations, Soldier's Text Book, U. S. Infantry Tactics, Zonave Drill Book, Gift Books of all kinds, Photographic Albinos, For the pocket or Centre Table, in great riety. The Gift Book for the season. School Maps,Charts and Cards, Pelton's utline Maps, Sanders' Elocutionary Chart, Sanders' School Cards, Sergeant's School Cards, Webb's School Cards. Bibles in great variety front Twenty-five cents to Twenty-five Dollars, some of them having the finest bindings and plates ever re ceived in town. Sunday School Books—Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian, American Jr act. So ciety, American Sunday School Union. Games and Puzzles, Dressing Cusses, Ladies Traveling sod Shopping Bags, Portfolios, Cabas, Writing Desks, Money Purses, Pocket Books, &c Mathematical Instruments, Call Bells, Fine Pocket Cutlery, Pearl and Ivory Paper Cutters, Cold and Silver Pens anC Pencil Checker Boards and Men, Chess Men, Dominoes, and an endleis variety of useful and fancy articles selected expressly for the approaching Holiday Season. For price and assortment of goods in my line, I fell quite confident I cannot be surpassed by any in Lancaster Co v. School Books—Sanders', Sargent's, Towers, Parker & Wilson's Readers. Monteith's War ren's, Mitchell's, Smith's Geographies. Also, Algebras, Arithmetics, Grammars, Histories, Dictionaries, &c. Stationary. Copy and Com position Books. Cap, Note, and Letter paper, Blank Books, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils, Pens and Holders, Ink and inkstands, Rulers, and Envelopes. The best Ink in the marker sold here, viz : Maynard and Noyes, Artioni's, Hoover's, Laughlins & IMO:field's, Black wood's. etc. .At the Cheap Book Store of JOHN IsIIEAFFER, Nov. 30.1 No. 32, N. Queen st., Lancaster. Cam;.; WINESAND LIQUOIIS Alexander D. Reese, • WINE AND LIQUOR DEALER, Main Street, [EAST WARD ] rLefutint Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. THE undersigned would most respect foli, btg leave to inform the public that he has opened a WThE AND LIQUOR STORE in all its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scolc4 Whi.sloy, Cordials, Bitters, .-c. Also, a very superior Old Rye Whisky just received, which is warranted pure. A choice article of German Wine. Various brands of Champagne Wines. rP•AII A. D. IL now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and prices, which will, he is quite confident, result in lin tel keepers and others finding it to their advan tage to make their purchases of him. ALSO—Kerosene, or Coal Oil, Pine Oil and Fluid at reduced prices, at the "Enterprise Wine 8,- Liquor Store." A. D. REESE. Mount Joy, June 22, 1861-Iy. S. S. RATH - VON, Nerehant Tailor, and Clothier, At R J. kamph's Old Stand, on the Cor ner of North. Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. GRATEFUL to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore exttnded, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIM ERRS AND V ESTES GS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest, READS-MADEALSO,- CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gonads and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Chithing establishment. DAVID ROTA Dealer in Hardware, 'Cedarware, Paints, Oils, Glass, PRVIoV, cook, , B-4 an oiNV Siobes, MARKET-ST., MARIETTA. WOULD take this means of informing the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish anything in his line, consisting in part, of Table Cutlery of all kinds ; Building an d Housekeeping Hard ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Took, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives,Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po kers, Tongs, Canlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pa and all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and an fact everything usually kept in a well reg,ula ,ed Hardware establishment. - 11 ITTER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban dages, Shoulder Braces, Instruments for DetormitA , &e. These articles are ,-;; very highly recommended by Profes sors Pancoast and Gross of the Jefferson Meo- Teal College of Philadelphia, and the under signed knees them to be the best articles, of the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. D. A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for Cooking,—something very nice. ' Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts. Poncine, Honey and othe fine Soaps. Frangipannie and other Extracts. ' For sale by Dn. H. LANDIS. SAPONIFIER! SAPONIFIER' I The Family Soapmciker. All Kitchen grease can be made into good se AP BY USING SAPONIFIER. • 13Directtens accompanying each iz. as easily made with it, as making a cup of Coffee. :Manufactured uxt. vby the PATENTEES, — PENNA. MANUFACTURING CO. No. 12 7 Walnut-st., Philadelphia. D RIED FRUIT now selling cheap at DIFFENBACI-Pb. EMI