The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 31, 1862, Image 1

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T 1.`1" T, Sr:72:S'
Ha to 'lia! ,tor; I'm NTINr.
awat " .11.4 at F.TTIAN
enables 113 LI I .l ,3 vt.rytlting. in the ..101•
with acatnest and dispatch, and 'at vcr:,•
low prir - e't. •
rpiliES this method of tnformin iris old
fiiends and the public V? n erUlly, that he
bus re-taken hi 3 all stand (rccently occupied
by George L. Macklvy,) and is how perma
nently fixed to prosecute the Ilattmg, business
. .
. .
'Having just tett:lima from the City where he
selected a laige,vari , d anti fashionable assort
ment of 'everything in the
and now' only csk,.; an evnminatiou of his
stock and prices, lictore purchasing elsewhere,
Having also ]aid• in a ; - ,toc It of Hutting materi
al, lie will 1)e unz:Hcd, at short notice, to man
ufacture a ll qualities—from the common Soft,
to the-most .rus'iiitpable Silk Flat.
Employing - none but the best 06701tMell,
:and manufacturing good• goods at low prices,
he hopes to merit and receive it liberal share of
public patronage. a.. The highest price paid
•for Pnrs.—in•trade or cash.
Marietta, March off, 1567.
/luring removed to the Rooms formerly occupied
, by Lir. Steentzcl, enljoining Spangler 4- Pat
terson's Store, Market .Street, where he to now
w.,, , prepared to wait on all who may feel
disposed to patronize him.
Dentistry in all its branches car
ried on. TEETII inserted on the most approved
principles of .Dental science. Ail operations
on the mouth performed in a skillful and
workmanlike manner—on fair principles anti
Haring. determined upon a permanent Inca
lion at this place, would ask a continuation'
of the liheral,patronage heretofore extended
to trim, foi "which' he will render every podsi
hlc satisfeetion..•
Ether tachninisterej to proper persons
C HEAP . .T 4 PS.
A. FRESII titirm.y. OF
Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns
of every patent, stmble, for the Parlor, the
Kitchen and the Citairther ; flanging awl tide
Lamps fur Halls, Churches, Stares awl 011 ices.
Having purchased awl.) from the manufactu
rers in large guaranies at the lowest cash rates,
we can sell them hutch under the usual retail
prices, although evely other description ut
goods are advancing.
URNEPT'S Cocoaine. A compound of
0 cocoa- nut op, &c., fordressing the flair.
- 14 or ellicaey and agreeableness, it la without
tit) equal. It preyouts the hair from falling off.
It pro fh wes its lir aithy and rigorous grow th.
It is net greasy or sticky.
it leaves 119 disa..;reeable odor.
It softens the hair when hard and dry.- -
It soothes the irritated scalp elan.
It it I/0 fthi the airfacsl lust: e.
II remains lenge:A in effect. Par sale by
W EST & Ito•l 1, .Sztecco.coss In lb% Grove
Arlo: NA coA r. !
WA URA T :NO ti- EN? 1,0".1VE
AND Al. 10 ANY
liVby buy en explosive oil, Irlies e few cents
mare per L.t4lltnl ill f
. ;Ju with s.
.7'enn'a sal 114 oitla , Thir:,,2y Cnin puny,
137 IVelnet Piii
February 15,
"THE IMICill."
.41relt S'lrect, abor, Malty!! Iphia,
Uriu.; S. Ick:wcnltth,
ICI — This Hord is CClitra convenient by
l'at.unger Cars to rot pails or the City, and in
evvry particular attained to lbw cu.nonrt and
, a ants of the business
I'ur'rn4 pe r day.
WM. 13.
Commission Lumber Jlerehant,
freBt Fulls tivenue, Baltimore, Mc!,
ha P ECTFULLY offers his services Cro the
, t_ „shit of Lumn su. of every description.
li'rinn hid kniiiiJiinge of the budiness he feeis
viini4lect of being able to obtain tha highest
roles fur everything, Cu un:310,1 to him.
11. L. Sr E..T.
ESPECI FULLY inform their
frieods and the:: public that they
still continue t h e iVATL'if, CLUCK
ANo JE ti EL.NY business sit tho old
" . "101,8tund, North-west Comer of Noe - ut
Queen sweet. rued Center Square, Lanco'ster,i'a
A fall assort:neut. of :;ocals in our line 'of busi
ness always an hand and for sale at the fence's/
(welt rotes. 1 - Lpairing . atUtded, to par
e:malii; by the proprietors.
rlllN American Watenss are among the best
1, 61,1c/we/Jen' now in use, and fur durability
strength and simplicity far surpass any other
watch made in the ; world.
H. L. 5 J. L A T. Hi
Corner of Nertir Queen-st., La.? Centre Square
Lancaster, Ptl., hay:, theta tut- :,:;tie at the ver!,
lowtst ralts—er cry watch accompanied with
thQ Liihnufactul'cra
,pwaiautce to ensure its geu
ENV EMI V.—A large and selected stock o
CP fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
It. L. & N. T. ZAIIM'S.
Cur. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all
goods warranted to be as represented.
he undersigned having again leased this old
and popular hotel, tikes this method of in
% forming his old friends and the publiegoner
-;„ally, that nothing shall be spared to keep up
the reputation of the house, and make it
,worthy of the support of the traveling pub-
GEo: Xy. fat:tutor/IE.
1 - ) i ' It. II ENRY LANDIB
his professional services to the
CitIZCIIS Of Marietta and vicinity
Can be limnd at his Drug Store, formerly
Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhere
professionally engaged.
To MY riannps: Having been called to
a pimition in the U. S. Navy, I hereby resign
my profession to the cam and attention of Dr.
Henry Landis, in wham I have every con
fidence, having had ample opportunity of as
certaining his ability to fill my place.
10 RIM E GROCERI ES:—Rio, Java and
.I.a..uira Coffee ; Crushed, Pulverized and
b i. „, v2. ,'S ugaF ; Superior Green and Black Tea;
Rice, Cheese and Spies; ti:rup aid printe,ba
king Molasses; ELtieellent Pearl 13:isle) , at
.1. R. 1111 , 11: NEAGH'S.
I_ —in good condition—will be
at the low price of $1 each and delivered any
whcre in or near Marietta free of charge. ' Be
lo.; in want of cellar room, if taken from the
00011, a trifle lead will be laXcn. Alb°, a
Lit of excellent
very cheap. For sale at Dll-TENBAC
TALL PAPEILS.—We have Just received
V another supply from the New York and
Philadelphia manufactories. Purhcasets can
rely upon the, newest styles, whcih .be
1: kw at J. IL Dilienl4,:clC.i.
,; ;,.
Nos. 221 East Twenty Thad Street,
173 4- 175 Grand Street 4- 215 Centre' Street
This Establishment has been in successful
operation 24 years, and is the Largest of the
kind in the United States. We have on hand
or manufacture to order every description of
Plain and Ornamental Pier, Wall, Goal*
Mantel Glasses, Connecting - Cornices,
Base and Bracket Tables, with
Marble Slabs, Toilet Glasses,
4^c•, 4e, ko.
Mouldings for Picture names, in lengths suit
able for transportation, either Gilt, Boding,
Rosewood, Oak, Zebra, Itirdseye, Mahogany
&c. Our new Manufactory 'and extensive
facilties enable us to furnish any article in our
line as good as the best, and as cheap• as the
Dealers are invited to call on us
when they visit New York. We claim to be
able to supply them with every article in our
line which they can possibly require, at prices
lower than they can purchase elseware.
irJ-, Orders by mail attended to with prompt
ness. Do not fail to call when 3ou visit New
4 ;lf/ice 4. Ware-rooms ,No. 215 Centre St., N. Y.
The Summer number will contain Four Large
and Splendid Fakhion-Plates. "Three Full-
Sized Patterns, Comprising the
Together with nearly il/0 Engravings of all
the novelties for
,weenier Bonnets, Cloaks, Children's Dresses,
Trimmings, Lie., and Valuable information to
Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, and Ladies
generally, presenting the largest and best
Fashion Magazine in the World, published at
.173 Broadway, and sold everywhere at 25 Cts.
or sent by mail post fief, on receipt of the
amount, Yearly $1 with the following valua
ble premium:
Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to
the selection of an cents worth of plain pat
terns, from the designs in the book, or from
the show room, or they may be ordered and
by mail any time during the Year, by paying
the postage.
Kolloek's Dandelion Coffee.
rri ft S prepaiation, made front the best Java
cffirre, to recommended. by physicians as a
superior Nutrttious Beverage for General De-
Willy, spepsia, and all bilious disordors.—
Thousabds \VW have been compelled to aban
don the use of Coffee will use this without in
jurious enects. One can contains the strength
of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25
The purest and best BAKING POWDER
'spawn, far making light, sweet and nutri
tious ikcaLl and Cakes. Price 15 cents.
M. H. KULLUCK, Chemist,
Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets,
Sob! by /Ail Druggists and Grocers.
Philadelphia, March 1, 1862.-Iy.
VTAWING purchased, in connection with
Morrison Roth, Dr. Grove's Drug Store
aim located in the Borough of Marietta, MI
the practice of the medical profession, would
respectfully offer his service to the public.—
He can be found at the office formerly occupied
by Dr. Crave;
The undersiened tales pleasure in recom
mending Dr. West to his friends and patrons.
Dr. W. has been int:cuing in this vicinity for
the past 0 or ii years, and will, beyond doubt,
give rote satislaction to all who will give
a trial. J. B. GROVE.
lioducei the intimation and dispel pro
tinding Piles by exhalation, so that the parts
may be returned to their place, without pain
or injury, in a few days.
It is also a superior remedy for tumours of
any kind wherever it can be applied with the
finger or a camel's hair brush. Sent by
Mid on receipt of letter enclosing a 2d Cent
piece, and six cents in stamps. Address,
Price 25 Cents a Box. D. S. DARLING,
L_2-31n] 102 Nassau &teat, N. Y
The infallible Corn 6' Bunion Cure!
softens the Corn or Bunion and wastes
the excrescence by exhalation, leaving the
Ilesh and skin salt and natural.
When used according to directions, it never
fails to cure. Try it! Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Sent by Mail on receipt of the price, and
six cents in stamps to pay postage.
Price 25 Cents a Box. D. S. DARLING,
102 Nassau Street, New York.
Feb.22.3m.J Sold by Druggists.
JOHN BELL, Merchant Thilor,
Con of Market-st., and Elbow Lane, Marietta
ItATEFUL for past favors I would retire
Ufmy thanks to my numerous friends and pa
trons and inform them that I still continue the
old business at the cld stand, where I will be
pleased to see them at all times, and having a
full and splendid assortment of
which will be made up to order at the shortest
notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona
ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait
upon my old customers and all who see proper
o patronize me hereafter. 0ct.29-'56.
For sale sale at Wok les. Four cents a quart,
or 13 cents a gallon.
A SUPER:IOft. COOK STOVE, very plain
style, each one warranted to per
fern, to the entire satisfaction of the pur
chaser. PATTERSON & CO. d„,.',01,
TTICKORY & Oak Wood, 50 Corda each,
Hickory and Oak Wood. Orders must
be accompanied with the cash when they will
be promptly fillet. Spangler & Patterson.
10 GOODWIN'S Sr !MO's. Plantation fine
Li. cut Chewing ' Tobacco.. The best in the
world. For sale at WOLFE'S.
Uperior to any now in use, can be had at the
Cheap Store of Dijfenbach.
yrADERIA WINES, full bodied and fruity
.1 at the " Enterprise Store? ,
.1. D. REESE, Mount Toy.
r ,,,-,, . __ ._ . ,7 f i 0 • . ' i
.• ' 1
1 , 1
...1 t-1 r 4 t
l- ,14
I . ..,
r r:
VOL. 8.
Mirror of Fashions.
Horace West, M. D.
l'he Piles Cure!
1t I . locprakrit "I:).clinzObitztia ?journal for fly fin* rcc.
MARIETTA, MAY 31, 1862.
....... ... ..
Empire Shuttle Machine.
Patented February 14th, IS6O.
Salesroom, 510 Broadway, New York
HIS 'Machine is constructed on an entirely
new principal of mechanisth, possessing
many rare and valuable improvements, having
been examined by the most , profound experts,
and pronounced to be Simp/icity and Perfec
tion Combinea.
The following are the principal objections
urged against Sewing Machines,:—
I.—Excessive futighe to the oirerator
2.—Liability to get out of Order.
3.—Expense, trouble and loss of time in re
4.—lncapacity to sew every discription of
s.—Disagreeable noise while in'operation.
The Empire Sewing Machine is exempt
from all thm objections.
It has a straight needle perpendicular ac
tion, makes the LOCK Or SHUTTLE STITCLr,
which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike
on both sides; performs perfect sewing" on
every description of material; from Leather to
the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen
silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest
having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL,
and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth
as glass, and is
It moires fifty per cent. less power to
drive it than any oilier Machine in the market.
A girl of twelve years of ate can work it
steadily, without fatigue or injury to health.
Its strength and wonderful simplicity of con
struction, render it almost impossible to get
out of order, and is guaranteed by the company
to give entire satisfaction.
We respectfully invite all those who may
desire to supply themselves with a superior
article, to call and examine this unrivalled
But in a more special manner do we solicit
the patronage of
Merchant Tailors, I Dress Makers,
Coach Makers, Corset Makers,
Vest Makers, Gaiter Fitters,
Pantaloon Makers, Shoe Binders,
Shirt and Bosom Maters,
Hoop Skirt Manufacturers,
Religious and Charitable Institutions will
be - liberally dealt with.
Price of JVACHMES, Complete:
No. 1, or Family Machine, $45 00, ; No, 2,
Small sized Manufacturing, $60.00, No. 3;
Large size Manufacturing, $75.00
- Cabinets in every Variety.
We want Agents for all towns in the United
States, where agencl,s nre not ali.-ady estab
lished, to whem a liberal discount will be
given, but we make no consignments,
T. J. itIcARTHUR, & Co.,
510 lito.A.DwAv, New York.
Something New!
Dio4 -Npoi-tai l t fo icy, 11.,q04.
Patent Hemmer and Shield,
Ts pronounced by all who have used it "just
I the thing" for those using the needle, as it
completely protects the fniger, and makes a
neat and uniform hem while the operator is
One half the labor of sewing is saved by
using this remark - ably
No lady should be without it. It is also just
the thing for girls to use learning to sew.
Its remarkable cheapness brings it within
the reach of the million. Sample sent by mail
on receipt of the price,
Descriptive Circulars furnished on application.
A liberal Discount to the bade--.
Enterprising agents wanted in every town
and county throughout the United States and
Canada, will find most profitable employment
iu selling this useful article, as it meets with
ready sales wherever offered—has no competi
tion—and profits are very large.
Address,- A. H. DOWNER,
Patentee and Proprietor,
442 Broadway, New-York.
N. B.—General and exclusive agencies will
be granted on the most liberal terms. pm
Formerly Keesey's.
The undersigned having leased the above
named old established Ferry and Hotel, in
Hellam Township, York county, opposite the
borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to
entertain the public at his bar and table with
the best the market affords.- He would very
respectfully inform the traveling public that
having obtained
First Class Ferry Boats,
and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully prepa
red to accommodate persons wishing to cross
the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise
without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL.
Opposite the Ci - oss Keys Hotel,
TILE undersigned would rospectfully inforra.
the public that he still continues, at the
old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets,
directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep
on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from
Half,Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2O to
$BO per thousand. TOBACCO.—Natural Leaf,
Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con
gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun
Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An
derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of line Ci
gars manufactured of imported stock. SIXES
HereSPANISH. Rappee Snuff and all kinds
Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs,
Fnie-cutipes, Cigar Tubes, 4-c. jan.30,'58
Having just returned from the city with
a nicely selected lot of Ready-made Clothing,
which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at
reduced prices; havinglaid in a general assort
ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is
determined to sell Low, Fon CASH. His stock
consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS, Fnocr AND
GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, Bz.e. Everything in the
Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be
fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything soldat
prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL.
Corner of Elbow Lane and Market St
next door to Cassel's Store.
Marietta, October 29, 1896.
12 Syrup, for children and adults haa,':j4st
been put up at my store, which should begin
very family this cold weather. Da. LAND'S
Dollar a Year
[For The Mariettan.]
Little Cherub, escaped from the realms of
To visit our dark earth awhile ;
Thpu;st hidden thy wings in thy earth-ward
But the angel is seen in thy smile ; —
And the dewy-like light, that shines in thy hair,
Is the glow of the kisses, the angels left there.
Oh what can thy errand be here! little stranger
What tempted thee down from above 7
To our man sion of sin, and sorrow, and danger,
Hast thou coma with a message of love !
They dwell in thy land, whom I once loved in
Oh teach me to fly to their mansion of bliss.
Oh! sing but one song, touch thy silver-string
ed lyre,
In dreams thy low strains have been heard,—
By the music arranged for the Heavenly choir,
`Mortal ear hath never been stirred;
But sweet visions like thee, in my darkness
and night
Come to gladden my spirit, with dreams of
Art thou, like all other bright visions of earth,
To fade from my fond longing gaze ?
Tao soon, thou 'it return to the land of thy
While I sicken with life's dizzy maze :
li,nckezi but die not,—the cold tide of life
A§ sails, but o'erwhelms not, my bark in the
Pie met some bright spirits like thine, in my
',That were lent to us mortals awhile,—
Lent to cheer some lone heart, to kindle hope's
.But the angels too, longed for their smile ;
..A4id bore them to' Heaven, to join their bright
How soon may I fly to that "beautiful land?"
I hear a low-tone :—is't thy lute or thy voice?
• Wait mortal in patience prepare,
" Ji e calm troubled, epints, arise and rejoice!
He for his children :loth care:"—
"He sentleth His angels, —He heareth thy cries,
He prepareth a mansion for thee in the shies."
Yoax COUNTY, May 19, 1862.
Or, a Mistake about Marriage.
When I was a little girl, I was a fat,
merry, jolly dumpling, as happy as the
day was long. Everybody pinched my
red cheeks, and I waddled about with
my doll in my plump arms, finding fun
in everything, and fully believing that
my doll was as sensable as myself ; and
perhaps she was almost. But I had a
natural antiphatby to a spelling-book,
and no fondness for spending a long
summer's afternoon in peaking- a needle
in and out of a hit of calico, though I
considered patchwork all foolishness,
and gussets as utter superfluities, though
I was called a simpleton for asking ma
why cut cloth up and then sewed it to
gether again, still I was found of picking
up ideas after my own fashion. When
the wise people around me supposed I
was thinking of nothing but my play,
two little ears were open to everyword
spoken in my hearing. And many was
the word impressed on my memory
which the speaker forgot next moment.
The talk around me was my real eduea
tion, as it is of all children, send them to
what school you may. .
When I was ten years old, I bad one
sister, aged fifteen, and another seven
teen ; and, as usual with girls at that age
they had a set of cronies, some very like
and some quite unilke them in character.
One afternoon, as I was tending my doll
Ophelia, mho was . sick in bed, I heard a
brisk discussion among these girls, which
I 'may almost say, decided my fatoTor
The first words that caught my atten
tion came from an animated, rotnatic
girl of sixteen, scolding because the
heroine of a novel she had just read was
left unmarried at the end of the story.
What surprise was expressed•sithis
catastrophe !—what indignation !
One of my sisters did not seam to
sympathize with this burst of disappro
bation, and then came pithy question,
"What ! would you be willing to die
an old maid 7" Mary said, very quietly,
"Yes ;" and sister Ellen added, "So
would I !"
Then Mich looks of amazement and
incredulity. "You can't mean what
you say," cried one. If .I did not know
you too well to think you a hypocrite,—
said another. "Why, it was meant
that all women should be married !"
exclaimed a third. "Then why are they
not married ?" asked Mary, with 'her
usual simplicity.
Eager and hot grew the' controversy
and I lost not a word, while Ophelia lay
NO. 44.
flat on her back, her still', kid arms
sticking out, and her croup quite for
gotton. Then first did I take notice of
that terrible combination of monosyll
ables,—"Old Maid." In how many
different tones of contempt, dread, and
appreciation, did 1 hear it uttered by
those juvenile voices ! What anecdotes
came forth abciut cross old maids, and
fidgety old maids, and ugly, and dressy,
and learned, and pions, and flirting, and
mischief-making old maids. Never did
a bevy of regular flfty-years-old spinsters
utter so much scandal in one afternoon
poured forth by these blooming young
creatures. Two or three friends of my
mothers, whom I did always cherish in
my innocent affeetions,because they talk
ed so pleasantly, and . . were so kind to
me, now appeared like new personages,
"Miss Z. was so ugly, she never ,could
have had an offer t" "Miss Y. dressed
so shabby, and wore green spectacles to
look liberty." And "Miss X. was for
ever talking about Sunday-school and
society meetings," and so on.
You may be sure that the next time
these ladies came to our house, I scan
ned very closely the face of Miss Z. a
face I had always loved before ; but
now I saw that it was exceedingly plain.
I looked hard at Miss Y.'s drab-colored
bonnet and shawl, perceived that they
were old-fahioaed and ordinary, and that
her green spectacles looked pedantic.
Then Miss X., beside whom I had al
ways squeezed in upon the sofa, encour
aged by her kindly smile and delighted
with her conversation,—how uninter
esting she had become ! They were all
old maids!
It must be observed that they were
right, good sensible, domestic girls they
were—had no part in this bewilderment
of my young ideas. They were in the
minority, so I took it for granted they
were in the wrong. Besides, what . chil
dren •are ever so much influeueed by
what is uttered in the familiar voices of
their own family, as by the words of
comparative strangers? Take care of
what you say at a friend's house, with
the young folks catching up every ran
dom sentiment you drop. Many a
judicious mother's mourning exhorta
tion has been blown to the moon by
some light remark from a dinner guest,
. did not after all mean to give his
real opinion, or whose opinion was not
worth having,
And now, I assure you, my education
went on rapidly. It is perfectly marvel
lons, in how many ways, and by what
different sorts of people, young girls are
taught that it is a terrible thing to be
an old maid. Fools never show their
folly more than in their hackneyed
jests upon this topic; but what shall
we say of the wise folks who sin almost
as often in the same way. What shall
we say of the refinement, of him who is
gentleman! y in thought and expression
on all subjects but this ? of the human
ity and chivalry of him who assails the
defenceless ?—of the justice of•him who
taxes a class with the faults of individu
als, and wounds with that meanest of
weapons,—a sneer ?—or of the Christian
ity of him who indirectly censures and
ridicules one of the arrangements of
I learned my lesson thoroughly, for it
came to me in some shape every week.—
I read it in every novel and newspaper,
and heard it from every lip. The every
men who spoke truth and sense on the
subject, sometimes neutralized it by an
idle jest in some moment of levity, and
the jest drove out the truth from my
young heart. At eighteen, I lived only
for the ignoble purpose—l cannot bear
to say—of getting married : bat what
could have been the ruling wish of one
who had been taught by society to dread
celibacy worse than death ? I dare say
I betrayed it in the ball-room, in the
street, everywhere. I dare say I was
duly laughed at.
At last, quaking on the verge of six_
and-twenty, I had an offer—a most
absurd one. I -was six years older than
my lover, aad ten times as much sense,
probably, except on one point. I knew
that he was "rather wild," as the gentle
phrase goes. In . short I neither loved
nor respected him ; but I was Willi ng to
marry him, because then I should be
Somebody, and should not be an
old maid.
My parents said "No," Positively. Of
course I thought them unreasonable
and cruel, and made my self very mis..
erable. Still, it was something to have
had "au offer" of any kind, and my,lips
were not hermetrically sealed. 1 had
several confidants, who took care that
all my acquaintances should Ulm th
a few years longer, not seeking how to
be useful, or trying to find out for what
good purpose I was made. Neither
was I looking for a companion who could
sympathize with my better aspirations
and elevate my whole character, for
had no right views of marriage. 1 was
simply gazing about in anxious suspenso
upon every unmarried man of my ac
quaintance, for one who would lift me
oat of that dismal Valley of Humiliation
into which I felt myself descending.
Had I met Apollyon himself there with
the question on his lips, I believe I
should have said "Yes."
At thirty-six I wore more pink rib
bons than ever, was seen everywhere
that a respectable woman could go,
wondered why girls went into company
so young, found I was growing sharp
faced and sharp-spoken, and was becom
ing old-maidish in the worst sense of the
word, because I was an old maid against
my will. I forgot that voluntary cell.
bacy never affect the temper.
My sisters; be it remembered, wore
older than I. They too were single.
But they had lived more domestic lives
than I, had read fewer Works of fiction,
had been cultivating their own nature,
and seeking to make everybody arouud
them happy. And everybody reveren
ced them, and loved to look upon their
open, pleasant countenance—l mean
everybody worth pleasing—and they
were very happy.
At last our good parents died, and
left each of us a little independence.
Within a year I was married.
I was married for my money. That
was ten years ago, and they have been
ten years of purgatory. I have had bad
luck as a wife, for my husband and I
have scarcely one taste in common.
I never see . my plimp, happy sisters
and then glance in the mirror at my
own cadaverous, long, doleful visage,
without wishing myself an old maid. I
do it every day of my life.
The half of my sex marry as I did--
not for love, but for .fear !—for fear of
dyior, old maids.
They have their reward. And they
whose idle tongues create this mischiev
ous fear, and thus make so much
domestic misery, have their responsi
Or, The First Lessons in Drilling.
The July sun was almost overheard in
the heavens, drinking up water from the
little brooks, and fairly scorching, the
short grass in the pastures. The cattle
left off feeding in the tneadow and stood
knee deep in the pound, Where the thick
shadows of the wood fell over it. It
was far too warm to work, or oven play,
so •the boys, who had been standing all
the morning with their fishing lines
dangling over railing of the bridge, put
up their hooks and threw themselves
down in the cool shade of the old elms
on the bank. They made a . very pretty
picture as they lay there, with their shirt
collars unbuttoned, and their moist hair
pushed back from their flushed faces.
One of them, Willie Downer, had a
pictorial newspaper in his pocket, with
large engravings of the regiments of sol
diers at Washington, their camp grounds
flags, and cannon, and the uniforms they
wore. He spread the papas on the grass,
and began explaining the pictures to his
companion, Archie Morris.
"If I was only old enough," said Will
ie, earnestly, "I should enlist for a sol
dier. It would be so grand to go and
fight for the country, and defend our
liberties. Don't you wish you were a
man, Archie ?"
"Yes," said A rehie, !`I should like to
be a man ; but mother says we need no 1,
wait till that time to be brave ; we can
show our courage now."
"I know," said Willie, "cousin Lyman
joined the company, and he is only three
years older than I but then he is as tall as
father, every bit."
"That wasn't what mother meant,'
said Archie ; "she said a good soldier
must be ready to undertake any duty,
and it took , a great deal more courage to
do little disagreeable things than to
march up in the face of an enemy to
battle. -Then she said the first duty of
every soldier was to learn to obey orders
and that is just what we boys are do-
Willie looked a good deal dissatisfied
and did not seem to like this view of the
matter; but just at this moment some
body came to the door of one of the
white cottages just below the bridge,
and called " Willie ! Willie !" He did
not stir, but went on examining the
"Somebody called you, Willie," said
Archie, lookiug toward the houses.
"It's only mother," replied Willie ,
"she wants me to go on some errand,
and I am not going out in this hot sun,'
Archie looked at him for a moment in
astonishment, and then asked—
"But what will she say when you go
home !"
"Oh I said Willie, carelessly, "she
won't know I heard her, for I didn't tarn
my head a bit."
"She is going to the spring for water,
said Archie, still watching the house; "1
would scorch my face to
,a blister before
I would lie here and let my mother do
Pooh !" said Willie, "that's nothing