'cTily 'Oat alatitttian. MA lir ETTA CAR TIME.—The several WAS ngur train:, leave " us miows: The mei ng Irani east at 7;15. 'l•he mail train west at I 1:2:1. The afternoon train east at 113. The svening train West at ti:h3. Saturday May, 17, 1862. co Our flanks aro duo Ifou. Thadde us Stuvous, Gen. John Patton and Col. James 'Myers for public favors. skr A man, suppusud •Co havo been :frowned about three weeks, was found in the I...lusgnehanna river, ut " Fiptch's Eddy," ou 4th instant, and was buried oti the biked opposite. When found be hail on a pair of soldier pants, bine knit shirt and a pair of . newly half- soled boots,; lie was without a coat—had san dy hair—of short stature and about 35 years of age. These facts we gather fr•tm Pilot John Coyle, who saw the man buried. sr We notice among the late tnillitari appointments that our former fellow townsman, Cyrus S. klaldeman, Esq., to be assistant Adjutant General with the rank of Captian, He is assigned to linty ou thq staff of Gen.. Van Allan. Capt. Haldeman has been for nearly a year a clerk in the Assistant Atljutant Gen eral's office in the War Department Washington, and has had ample op portunity of becoming acquainted with his duties; so he will take the field quali fied for his position, We congratulate the Capt'n on his appointment. —Colum bia Spy. = lir We are sorry to learn that the iuterest in the meetings of,the "Patriot ic Circle" is Ilagging and that the last meeting was a -Complete failure, The treasury still has funds .and meeting will be held-at .111rs."P.,L. Baker's on I:nesday evening next for the purpose of determining what disposition to make 4111e:balance. • = Whim error occurred, rip the marriage motto& of Mr. Collins to Miss Haines, in .dd Hut It, read as lami'fig takeo place •on the 4th of March instead 6f the 4th •of The parade Italie no desire to aate.dato a , single day : Oar error was i),uraly one of the firiuteee: Godey for *June is out_ WU can say nothing in praise orthis magazine uddeserved. it is the excelsior book. for the sex, and none should be without it. Diffeobach has just received part of his new Sinn:flier stock. Now's the time to select- beautiful goods. Adver tisemeutiu our riext. Ifir.Welfe, at - his, Variety store has lidded Ice ()ream to his business. See his card. - I=l . Tim Melange CASES.—Our readers will recollect the three Neffs who were indicted; for the murder of Jacob Smel zer, *tone of whom, Levi was acquait tea at last term of Court, on the strength of evidence showing that he . was Ander such absolute' dominion on the part of his father that when he ordered him to "shoot," be •fired, sold speak, involun tary, and without the malicious intent necessary to constitute murder. At the time the &her was not in custody, ho having adscoaded with the'money his sons had collceted to pay the Coun sel., Tice character of old N elf as la,ren . out/ in -the evidence published by us, was that afa dareing reckless man, regarding nothing which • stood in the way of his selfish ends—not even a human life. Many persons supposed that the escape, oaf old Neff was a trick of the defence to clear the boys by ibrowing the weight of condemnation upon the father. If this supposition were , correct it has been •frustrated by the subsequent arrest of Sam'l Neiy, senior, the father, who is now in prison awaiting trial. The accused wore.eat on bail previouly to (how we •dron!t know, en we supposed murder was an , accusation from which a man could not lie bailed out)" and old Neffpocketed the money aforesaid and sloped, leaving his bail,to be mulcted on the amount of their recognizanees. could- not appreciate the beauty of the proceeding and accordingly caught him and deliver od•him up to the proper authorities. Now, it „the evidence preduced at the trial of Levi was true, and is honestly reproduced, we think that the amen certainly deserves punishment and of whatever degree of crime the jury make him guilty. (though we cannot see how it can be reduced ,from that. alleged In the indintment)we hope that an example will barnacle ef him, for, with the black, record against him already brought out by' the testimony of his own family he will have no claims to the mercy ef the Court.—Lancaster Express. illiCOn the reception of the news of taking of Norfolk, Heckrothe of the NiThitd Swan Hotel, Russel Child and others brought alit the little cannon ing it before the Hotel door, riverward belched 34 rounds the Welkin ring. o Lenteet:er Church Advocate Le,Alfiritid ',add in. , Charles J. Ingersoll died .elphia on Thursday last. CREAM. ICE CREAM. Finely flavored Ice Cream can be had E'S every day and evenin ,, , Nunday's 1 . WOLFF. S VARIETY 'STORE, Marleet-st., Marietta. New Summer Goods .. . Ire have just received a full am/ COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 01 , EV LR ?THING DExIILIBLE IN THE AIARICET, (fl 1(11)1.":S, HEN'S iiNll EilitatElVZ 'HEAR. Oh' LAMES DRESS GOODS is very large acid contains many - styles of 1410 beauty, adapted to the wants of the plain and gay. Our line of illeu's and Youth's Cassimeres e....thivuT FAIL so sud EVERY TASTE Gloves, hosiery, Mitts, and Notions of all kinds in full supply ; Sun Umbrellas, Worked Collars, Shawls, Veils, Etc. Ingrain, Venitian and Bag CARPETS, Transparent, • Oil Cloth and Paper Window Blinds, Wall• Paper in styles suitable for Parlors, Chambers and Halls. GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND FISH. ALL OP WHICH WILL DE SOLD VEHY CHEAP. SPANGLER 4 PATTERSON. Marietta, May 17, 1862. A voice from Yorktown. VOLUNTEERS, ATTENTION voice from Yorktown ! g.et Dots sPoali for ibeivelbos. READ the following brief note received this morning from one of our brave aol- Umm now before Yorktown : ,Camp Tfripfiso .Feoet, near Yorklown, Thomas Hogoway,. Esq., No. 80 Maiden Lane, New-York. MAY ht, 1862. Sir:—As there, are none of "Holloway's Pills , " for sale hereabouts, I enclose an.order, for which please Send me the amount in'your very valuable Pills without delay. If there is any postage 'or expressage please deductit, And Oblige Yours truly, • in haste, T. HANLEY, Auxr., 9th N. Y. Cavalry. • Before Yorktown, P. §.-L-Your Pills are famous for the cure of Dysentery, and I have no doubt that they will prove as efficacious in Chills and Fever he re, - as they have in other divisions of the army. VUEY-ER'S WORLD'S FAIR 111 PRIZE MEDAL PIANOS. Attention is called to the recent improvements by,which the greatest possible volume of tone has been ; lehteiped, without sacrificing any of the well known sweetness of these In stru rents. This, with an improved touch and action, sen der these Pianos uneaquated. The dull and muffled, or tnetalic and wiry tone is entirely avoided. 'All Listrurneuts warranted to stand all climates.' ` WitiumOoms, '722 -ArtcH STREET, PHILADELPIIIA. PIANOS and MELODEONS for sale and to rent. Repairing 411 its branches, carefully at tended to. [may 17-3 m PRINCE'S Celebrated Protean Fountain Pen. The "Ne Plus 'Ultra" for writers: Ready at all times and in all places. Pen, Pen-Holder, and Inkstand Combined. WRITES from six to ten hours with once tilling. Regulated at pleasure. Very compact, for the desk or pocket. No climate affects the ink contained, in the fountain. In corndible. All inks used. Just the Pen for all purposes. Testiinenials received here in favor of this Pen sufficient to warrant all writers having.one. The Pen for Merchants, Bankers,-Clerks, Ministers. Travelers, Re porters, Schools, and . Students. Every church should .present one to their pastor. The flow is perfect. Each Fountain warranted. Pens sent bytnai: on receipt of money. The best Pen, No- I. $5; N 0.2, sti ; No 3, $340. • T, Cs. STEARNS, General Agent, May 10-3mf 335 Broadway, New York. B MD. D EIIi g O u It I E R SIS L y • Mirror-of Fashions. The Summer umbel' will contain Four Large wil Spicridid. Fughuni•Flates. Pura; Tuts-, .Stzed "Figterus, Comprising the NEW FRENCH. WAIST, AN ELEGANT SLEEVE, AND A MISSES SACK, Together With neatly 100 Engravings of all the novelties for • Numner Bonnets, 'Cloaks, Children's Dresses, Trinupings, Etc., and Valuable information to Milliners; Dress Milkers, Mothers, itiid Ladies generally, presenting the largest and best leaShiOn Magazine in the World, pliblished at 473 Broadway, and sold everywhere at 23 Cts. or sent by mail post free, on'receipt of the amount, Yearly $1 with the following valua ble premium. " Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to the selection of 50 cents worth of plain pat terns, froth the desiatns in the book, or from the show room, or they may 'be ordered and by mail any thue during the Year, by paying the postage. SPLENDID INDUCEMENTS TO CANVASSERS. COAL! COAL! COAL. For Sale Cheap for Cash. TBE undersigned being anxious to close out the present stock, will sell at the following • low prices, viz:. • -V_C? Baltimore Company, Egg and Stove size, at $3.30. Shamokin, Red Ash; 3.25. Shamokin, White Ash, 3.25. Lykens Valley, broken, 3.10. Lykens Valley, Stove, 3.25. White Ash, nut, 2.40. THOS. ZELL, Agt. Marietta, February 15, 1862. OR. HUNTER hasfor thirty years confined his attention to diseases-of a certain class, in which he has treated no lesi than fifty thousand cases, without an instance of fail ure.. His great Jemedy, Dr. Hunter's Red Drop, cures certain diseases when regular treatment and all other remedies faill cures without the disgusting and sickening efects of all other remedies; cures in new cases in less than hours. It roots out the poisonous taint the blood is sure to absorb unless this remedy is used'. - It is One dollar' a vial,,and cannot be obtained genuine anywhere than at the old office, No. 3 Division Street, New York City. Book for 10 three cent stamps.- 200 pages full of pictures. [Ap1.2.6-Iy. AIC OFFICE, &C., FOR RENT. One of the most desirable locations in this place for. an office, and a sleeping room immediately above, together with a carriage house and finer stable.. Located near Market S:quare. Rent very reasonable. For. further particulars in quire at this office. • .Marietta, March to, 18624 f. S ALT S ALT !!—if youlwaat to buy SALT CHEAP, Call at the store of SPANGLER & PATTERSON JUST RE.C.F.,IVED at the ~ Enterprise Wine and Liquor Stare," Mount Joy, a superior article of Champagne and German Wines. . OT. cßorx AND ' NEW lINGLAND RUM 11 for cOknory purposes; warranted genuine H. D. BenjUrnin4 Co's. • . BUGGY and Sleigh 13 LA NKETS of various styles and at much lower prices null' the Sums sold lust fall. SnaneLr & Puttemn. SpHyo of 1862! rr • GE100:i AT OM) PRICES J. B. DIFFENBACH, No, 61 Market Street, Marietta, Pa. irIPFERS FOR SALE I.J. . The best Merrimac Prints at 12 cents, " " American " ./217. " " " Cocheco . " . , 121 " '' " Sprague " 12 " " " Mourning • " - 1.2!: " . ,_ The best Domestic Ginghems at 121 cents Bleached and unbleached Muslins at nearly EEL:BM NEW DRESS GOODS Such as English and French Chintzes, Mozambizes, DeLain es, French Chalnes, • • French Poplins, White and Colored 131ILLIANTS, Crapes, Veils, Collars, and Notions of all kinds Spring Cloaking Cloths, Fancy and Plain Cassimcres, Black and Fancy Cloths, ' " Vestiitgs, I:ash mtretts, 'Tweeds Kentucky, Jeans, Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Window Blinds . , Buff Rolland, for Curtain's;' • • • Curtain Fixtures, &c., All of the above goods having been bought rea CASA', will be sold cheap as the cheapest; the attention of persons waiting for low prices are respectfully invited to this notice. GROCERIES : Ten Hhds. Extra Syrup at 50 cents per gallon ; Excelsior Hams and Dried Beef, said to be the best in the world. Fresh Soda and Wine Cup Biscuit; Sugars, Coffees, Teas, &c., at the lowestmarket prices. Five Hhds. Sugar House Molasses at 25 cents'per ' LIQUO - RS: Brandies, Gins, Superior Old Rye, Pure Port, Sherry and Madiera Wines, all" of which will, be sold at the lowest price roil cam. : China, Class and Queensware, I:p.-The highest price paid for produce. . Marietta, April 5,1802. HORACE WEST, M. D.)-- - sit4ißß/SOTi ROTH NEW FIRM. WEST & ROTH,' • ' • HAVING PITACIIASED the entire stock, good will and fixtures of the Drug Store of Dr. H. Orove, take Allis' me thod of informing the patrons of this establish-' ment and the- miblic in general, that - nothing shall be wanting.to insure at all times a fresh and complete asssortment of p.up, o.4lllicAlS,. T i ellll ll .leN, loilef Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Combs, Tooth Washes and Powders, Hair Dyes, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Whitelead, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, and everything usually kept in a well regula ted apothecary. 'A new and fancy lot of COAL OIL LAMPS.— the fisest in the Boroligh-at prices to suit the times, Lainp‘Tops attached to old Lamps at short notice. Globes, Wicks, Chimneys, &c., always on hand. A very convenient "HAND Lam." for car rying about the house, just received. A nicely selected lot of all kinds of, Station ary, 'Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inns,&c., of all grades and at all prices. An endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ticles' on hand. - Just received, an excellent article of Co a 1 0 t ; now se sling at la cents a quart. Marietta, November 9, Is6l. ly & BRO„ . '1,...,1. IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS And General Machinists, Second street, Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make . all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes; for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description ; .92'.EA111 :ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MOST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pinups, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pallcys,Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning; Bras. Bearings, 'Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, fiewlers ; Stao.-s ; Bolts ; Nats ; Vault Doors ; Washers, &c. BLACICSMITHING in GENERAL From lOng experience in building machinery we flatter ourselves that we can give gewal satis faction to those who may favor us with their orders. lta'Repairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times. Z. SUPPLEE, T. E. SUPPLEE. Columbia, October 20, 1860. • 14-tf /2 1, 71 4 WINES AND LIQUORS. Alexander D. Reese, WINE AND LIQUOR DEALER, AlainTee4, [EAST WARD Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa. THE undersigned would most respectfully bag leave to inform the public that he boa opened a WINE AND LIQUOR STORE in all its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, /via arul Scotch. Whisky, Cordials, Bitters, 4-c. .Also, a very superior Old Rye Whisky just received, which is. warranted pure. A choice article of German Wine. Various brands of Champagne Wines. All A. 1). It. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and prices, *Well will, lie is quite confident, result in. Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their advan tage to make their purchases of him. ALSO—Kerosene, or Coal Oil, Pine Oil and Fluid at reduced prices, at the "Enterprise Wine Liquor Store." A. D. REESE. Mount Jeiy, June 22, 1861-Iy. ; Wing & MUM 1 3) H. D. BENJAMIN, DEALER• IN W.INES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. B EGS leave to inform the public. thathe Swill continue the WINE & LIQUOR Nisi= Wu, in all its branches. He will constantly keep on , all all kinds et - - ' ' Brandies, Wines Gins, Iris arid Scotch Whiskey, Cordick Pit giq,;.S.c.; , BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated .Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND A Very surerior, OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received; which 'is warranted pßre. 10 All H. D. B. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which'Will, he is"conlident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make' their purchases from 1 in:. A,GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Hammered and Rolled Iron, H. S. Bars, Norway, Nail Rods, American and German Spring and Cast Steel, Wagon Boxes, ron Axles,Springs, ,Src., for smiths. For sale at PA TERSON 5 CO'S. t ..._rl TORE ROOM TO LET.—The Room lately occupied by Miss Margaret Trainer as a Millinery. Apply to BARB SPANGLER. S. S. RATE:VON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At F. T: Kranzph's Old Stand, on the Cor ner of North Queen ail Orange • Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. R A T U L to the. Citizens of Marietta Ur and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of-the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent fo'r every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES' A N D VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and i•ea sons.bly, as taste or style may suggest. ALS6,-READY-DIADE CLOTH Gentlemen'S Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. DAVID ROTH, Dealer in Hardware, Cedarware, Paints, Oils, Glass, 2010., Cook, Roii anD oThel sfobes, &c., MARKET-ST., MARIETTA WOULD take this means of informing the citizens of Marietta arid vicinity that he is prepared .to furnish anything in his line, consisting in part, of Table Cutlery of alt kinds Building an d Housekeeping Hard ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets, Churn's, Knaves, Forks, Spoons, ShoVels, Po kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Ped and all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and ,n fact everything usually kept in a well regula zed Hardware establishment. A LEXANDER LYND.SAY . , 17„ Fashionable Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizen of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the fargest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing.a practical BOOT AND SHOEMAKER Bimself,is enabled to select with more judgmento than those who are not. Be continues to man ufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good fit. • P3 - Call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. DAVID • COCHRAN; Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger. WOULD most reipectfully inform the cit izens of Marietta and the public gener ally that he is prepared to do House Painting, China . Glos.iing, Paper Hanging, 6.e., At very short notice and at prices to suit the times. He can be found.at his mother's resi dence on the corner of Chesnut and Second streeta, a few doors below the M. E. Church, and immediately opposite the • old Oberlin Coach. Works. [Aug. 3-Iy., MARIETTA MARBLE YARD. bformiliepiF, ifegb , .fortes, &c. MICHAEL GABLE, Marble Mason, ' Opposite the Town Hall Park Marietta, Pa. THE Marble business in all its branches, will be continued at the old place, near the Town Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys Tavern, where every description of marble work will be kept on . hand or made to order at short notice and at very reasonable prices. Marietta, June 29;1861. 49-1y NO TICE. All persons are cautioned against negociating any of theefollowing £totes and Checks, as they were stolen from our Safe on the night of the 25th inst. One Note of Lewis Z. Lindemuth, payable to us for $631, 00; one of Thos. Zell, for $600.00 ; John Z. Lindemuth, two notes of $200.00, each; one of Henry Kau felt, for $250.00, payable at Yoik Bank ; one of Steven Grissinger, for a balance Of $5O, due on a note fel' $600.00 ; one of Adam Fletcher, for $104.00 ; one of Dr. J. H. Grow, for $350.00, one of Henry Pickle for $971.45; Henry S. Musser, one for $1000.00; Jacob L. Engle, one for $59.00 ; Washington Stahl, 1 for $300.00; Dr. Isaac Bowman, one for $70.00 ; and Musselmalf Herr & Co., a Check for $l, 242.55„ payable . the Farmer's Bank of Lan caster. MILLER i& !SI U SSE R, Marietta, Pa. Marietta, April 30, 1562-tf. s3ori REWARD. The office of the sub -11.) scribers, near Marietta, was bro ken open on Friday night, April 25th, their fire proof safe was blown open, and about $BOO in bunk notes, besides two gold pieeea,,and a n'olotier ofoltd.eld add promissory notes stolen. Among the , bankmotes were three 50 5 s oh Hie Columbia _Bank, two .50Pg. of the Lancaster County Bank ; the remainder of the Money was chiefly of the bank's above named, and-of the Farmer's Bank of Lancaster, and the Mount Joy Bank. A reward of $l5O Will be given for the.,-recovery of the money stolen, and an additional $l5O fur the arrest and con viction of the thief or thieves on conviction. MILLER ,ST, MUSSER, Lumber Merchants, Marietta, Pa. 1_) ITT ER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban dages, Shoulder Braces,lnstruments for eformit3 &c. These artices aro very highly recommended by Profes sors Pancoast and Gross of the Jefferson Med ical College of Philadelphia, and the under signed knows them to be the best articles, of the kind in use. F. Hinkle, 111. .D. A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for Cooking—something very nice. Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts. Poncine, Honey and othe fine Soaps. Frangipannie and other Extracts. For sale by Da. H. LANDIS. TO THE LUMBER DEALERS OF MARIETTA, THE undersigned would beg leave to state that he has bee❑ assigned the duty of LUMBER INSPECTOR ' and having a full knowl edge of every branch of the Lumber Busineis, feels confident that he can render full satisfac tion in the.c.ounting and Inspection of Lum ber, and hopes to receive a liberal portion of patronage. GEO. W. ETTLA. Mar. 22-621 VIETINE AND LIQUORS. VV Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin, Old Madaria, Lisbon, Sherry and Port Wines. Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the lowest market prices. Very Fine llraildk at a very low figure, by the barrel. J. R. DIFFENBACH. Market-st. ,ItifiCHENER , S Excelsior Hams. These celebrated Sugar-euted HAMS arc put up expressly for Family use. They are of de licious , flavor, free froth "the unpleasant taste of salt-tind pronounced by epietres the bestl the world. For sate at J. R. DEFFENBACH'S FQUAL or. REGULAR TIMEKEEPERS, -calf be had of H. L. & E. T. ZAHN, Cm. North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lances ter, .Pa.,, in, the shape o f Levers the best article of Swiss levers now in the mar ket. They are lower.in ;price than any watch of equal qualityandj ust as true for timekeeping' oN2s, Celebrated Imperial _Ex wtension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt; with self-adjuatible Bustle. The latest and hest in use, for sale cheap at Difenbacles. . ACHOICE Lot of Books for children called indistructable Pleasure Books • School and tiler Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders, c., &c. For sale, by Dr. Landis. r - 110 LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch andirish If I SK I E S, warrau ted pure, at If. D. Bertjanurin's. DRIED FRUIT no,* t splling cheap at DI . , G REAT IMPROVEMENT IN SEWING MACHINES. Empire AS'huttle Machine Patented February 11th, 1860 Saicirbom, 510 . Broadway, New Turk THIS Machine is constructed on an entirely new principal of : mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfec tion Combined. The following are the principal , objections urged against Sewing Machines :- I.—Eteessiva fatigue to theoperator. 2.—Liability to get out of ordee. 3.—Expense, trouble and loss of time in re wiring. 4.—lncapacity to sew every discription of material. 5.L-Disagreeable noise while in operation. Tlte Empire Sewing Machine tis exempt from all these objections. It has a straight needle perpendicular ac tion, makes the LOCK Or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen silk thread; from the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAM nor COL; WHEEL, and The least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is _ _ EMPHATICALLY A noisless MACHINE 1 It requires fifty per cent. less power to drive it than any other Machine in the market. A girl of twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and wonderful simplicity of con struction,.render it almost impossible to. get Out of order, and is guaranteed by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to, call and examine this unrivalled Machine. But in a more special manner do we solicit the patronage of Merchant Tailors,- I Dress Makers, Coach Makers, Corset Makers, Vest Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Pantaloon Makers, &roe Binders, Shirt and Bosom Makers,' . hoop Skirt Manufacturers, ir_P-,Beligious and Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. Price of MACIIINES, Complete: . N0..1, or Family Machine, $45, 00, No. 2, Small sized Manufacturing, $60.00, No. 3, Large size Manufacturing, $75.00 Cabinets in every. Variety. We want Agents for all town, in the United States, where agencies are. not already estab to whom a liberal discount will be given, but' we make no cougigninents, _ T. J. McARTRIJR, & Co., 510 BROADWAY, New York E 0 : W. "WORR ALL, Ur SURGEON DENTIST, Bating removed to the.Rocons formerly occupied .by Dr. Swentzel, adjoining. Spangler 4.. Pa tterson's Store, Market Street, where he is now prepared to wait on all who may feel 4. - ;--; .6 disposed to patronize him. Dentistry in all its branches car ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science. All operations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and • ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Having determined upon a permanent lace thin at this place, would ask a continuation of tli'e liberal pitronage heretofore extended to him, for which he will render every possi ble satisfaction. E Ether administered to proper persons C HEAP LAMPS. A FRESH SUPPLY OP Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, of every patern, suitable for the Parlor, be Kitchen and the Chamber; Hanging and Side Lamps for Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices. Havino• b purchased them from the-manufaclu rem in large quantities at the lOwest cash rates, we can sell them much under the usual retail prices, although every other description at goods are advancing. PATTERSON 4 CO BURNETT'S Cocoaino. A compound . of . Cocoa-nut Oil, etzc., for dressing the Hair. For efficacy and agreeableness, it is without an equal. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its healthy and vigerous growth. It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin_ Itaffords the r ichest lustre. It remains longest in effect. For sale by WEST & ROTH, Successors to Dr. Grove JOHN BELL. Merchant Tailor, Cor. of Market-et., and Elbow Lane, Marietta RATEFIIL for past fayors I would retain kjfiny thanko to ray numerous friends and pg tr9ns and inform them that I still continue the old businesS at the. old stand, cohere I will be pleased to see them at all times, and having a full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIIILEI?.ES YESTIVVS, which will be made up to order at the shortest notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and all who see proper o patronize me hereafter. fOct.29-356_ AVM. B. REDG RAVE. Commission Lumber Merchant, West Falls Avenue, Baltimore, .iUd. RESPECTFULLY offers his services for the sale of Lunt B E B of every description. From his knowledge of the business he feels confident of being able to obtain the highest market rates for everything entrusted to him- H. L. & E. J. ZAHM RE ECT FULLY inform their 74M\ friends and the public that they . still continue the WATCH, CLOCK :,•;" - -A 6 AND JEWELRY business at the Old stand, North-west Corner of North Queenstreet and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa A full' assortment of goods in our line of busi ness always en hand and for sale at the. lowest cash rates. .11 - Repairing attended to per sonally by the proprietors. THE American Watches are among the best timekeepers now in use, and for durability strength and simplicity far surpass any other watch made in the world. H. L. ef E. I. Z A HIV Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at thevery lowa - rates—every watch accompanied with the matiulacturers guarrantee to ensure its gen , uineness. TFAVEL4Y,--A large and selected ste.elk,o ft; fine jewelry of the latest patterns fiom the ,best factories in the country can be found at H. L. & E. 3. ZAHMS.. Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan 'caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and all goods warranted to Ns as represented. A . pLATED WARE: A Large and line stockl-ix -• . of Plated ware at H. L. &'E. J. 2A's, Carrier of North Queei street & Center Square, Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee 'Urns.. Pitcheis,Goblets, Silt Stands, Cake ; Baskets Card asketS, - Spoons, Forks, Knives, Casters, Sic., at manufactnrers prices. RErcarrico attended to at rnoderate rates. TR. J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, VP OF TUE BALTIMORE COLLEGE 'OF DENTAL SU RyiRY, LATE - OF "14 R $1811‘1,11 . 61 . , ' OFF CE; Pront street, fourth door from Locust, over Saylor SelVaDiu-, 4 fiasmi.., aid's Book Stbre, Colunibia. ' be weeia the- Drug and Book Stores. [3-1 NEW S— W - I totd 88 C I: 0 Time Keepers, for One Dollar. Clocks, Watches 'and 'Jewelry carefully,re paired and charges moderate, at NVOLFE7. I3RANDIESLO brands—guananteed geu uiuo. Alexander L, Beede. The Columbia Insurance Company, Of Columbia, I,w:caster Gunty, Pa. CLIAIZTER PERPET UAL r HIS Company continues to insure Build ings, Merchandise, and other propel ty, against lossand damage by fire, on the mutu al plan, either fir a cash premium 01 premium note. The success of the Company has far ex ceeded the most sanguine expectations of the Directors, and it wi:l be noticed by the follow ing'. statement that its affairs are in a healihy and flourishing condition. WHOLE AMOUNT INSURED $772,707 34. Balance of Cash Premiums unexpended, Feb ruary Ist, 1861, SS6S IS Cash Premiums received during the last year, less agents' commission, $3,315 54 Interest received on money Inane' last year, Losses and Expenses paid the last year, Balance of Cash Premiums unex pended, Feb. Ist, IStl2, It will be seen from the above that the money paid in advance for policies has oeea sufficient to pay all losses and expenses and leave a surplus fund of over Fifteen Hundred Dollars, and that the Directors have never levied any tax upon the members of the Com pany C. S. K 4UFFMAN, President. GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Sectary. M. M. STRICKLER, Treasurer DIRECTORS : C. S. Kauffman, Abraham _Bruner, Sr., John Fendrich, H. G. Minich, Samuel F. L'oef/ein, H. Knotwell, Ir. M. Strickler, Michael H. Moore, George Young, Tr., Nicholas Mc Donald. Amos S. Green. REFERENCES.—The following persons are all mantiers of this Company: Bainbridge—R. 11 Jones. John H. Smith, Joseph Kurtz. Co/umbia--Geo. Bogle, Hiram Wilson F. S, 131etz Casper Yeager, H. C. Fondersmith, Sohn Slenberger, J. G. Pollock, Frank Shillot, John Gaus, S. J. & P. S. Mc- Tague, Michael S. Shuman, R. Williams, John Cooper, Geo.. W. Heise, Washington Righter, Samuel Shech, Robert Hamilton, Eckert & Myers, Thomas Welsh, Win. A. Martin, Casper Seibert, "J: W. Cottrell, Philip Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip Schalck, David-Hanauer, John Kramer, Jacob' Stacks, Jacob Strine, Benj. F. Appold, Wm. Whipper, John Q. Denney, John Felix, Silvgster, Vogle, Sathuel Arms, A. Gray & Co.' East Hempfield —Simon Minich. Fcarnotalt--Abraham Col lins, Samuel Horst, Michael Efe6s.. Lancas ter—John Rankin, 13. A. Shaeffer, Henry E. Leman, .Win. T. Cooper, John Sheaffer, Geo. Reese. MaHetta—Geo. W. Mehaftey, John H. Summy, Frederick Mahling, E. D. Roan, Calvin A. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. & F. Fletch er. Mount Joy—Jacob Myers, Israel Barn hart; Michael Brandt, • John 13reueman.— Manherm—John Hosteler, J. E: Cross, Sam'l. Long, Geo. Weaver, John M. Dunlap, John Putt, Philip Arn,.t, Jacob H. Kline, David Fisher. Maytown—Hiram Beatty, George B. Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon F. Albright.— /11ountrille—A. S. Bowers. Manor Township —Jacob B. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius L. Shuman. - Penn Township—Daniel Frey, Henry B. Becker, Henry Neff, John E. Bren ner. .Rapho Tortnship—Christiain Greider, Edward Givens, Michael Witman. West Hempfield Township-11. E. Wolf, 13. A. Price, M. A. Reid, J. 11. Strickler, Amod S. Bowers, Jacob Hoffman. Warwick Township—Daniel 13. Fib. 3 The Company wish to appoint an Agent for each Township in Lancaster •County. Persons wishing to take the Agency can apply n person or by letter. JrB-35 AMERICAN HOTEL, - PHILADELPHIA. Located on Chestnut street, opposite the OLD STATE HOUSE, and in close proximity to the principal Jobbitg and Importing Houses, Banks, Custom House, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the door (or within a square) for any depot in the City. The House has been renovated and refitted, and PRICES REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DAY. WYATT & HEULINGS, PROPRIErRa. E AGLE HOTEL, FRONT STREET, MARIETTA, PA. Tie undersigned having leased the old "Stack house" stand, at the, corner of Front street and Elbow Lune, would most, respectfully inform \Vatermen and the traveling public generally that nothing shall be left undone to make it deserving of a liberal support. SAMVEL G. MILLER Marietta, Maich.l, 1562. JAMES N. KING, ATT 0 ItNEY,AT-LAW, REMOVED ',TO, No. 139 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ABOVE WALNUT, Philaddidda. MBROIDERIES-Just received the largest JD and : most rlesirable lot of Enabroidetieseve 011ered for . sale here; Consisting, in put of beau tiful French Worked Cohere, Undersleeves Spencers, Sides and Jaekonett Edging and In serting, Flouncing, &c., selling very low. J. R. DIFFENBACII. P ECTACLES tt auit all who" ij can be aided %VI glasses, can be bought at H. G: , F 4 El J. ZAHill'S, Cor ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames, at short notice. ' [v6-11, LADIES AND GENTS AnderSon has just received an elegant assortment of Perfu mery, 'consisting of Toiliet Soaps, Hair Oils, Extracts and Colognes at prices much below be usual rates, also some very handsome Canes tor gentlemen, Portmonies, etc. DANIEL G. BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, _ . LANCASTER, PA OFFICE :—No. 24 NORTH 'DUKE STREET, opposite the Court House, where he will ast tend to the practice of his profession in 'all its various branches. {Nov. 4, '.59.-ly ( ON A General Assortment of, all kinds Of BUILDING .HARD,WARE, Locks, W Hinges, ,Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates, • - Oils,' Glass 'and. Potty; Very cheap. P ATTERSON & CO. RAMP AGNE 'and 'other Table Wines, C guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as can be bought'in Philadelphia or New-York. t inimaxisr, Picot Building. , , F LAVOIIRiISG EXTRACTS: Vanilla,, ,-,'Stiawberrx, Pine Apple, Almond, Rose, _. Lemon, ,Jiist receivedaiicl sale at WEsr & ROTH'S. TINT received at J. J. Libhart's Drug store ity the largest assortment of Coal Oil Lamps ;ever blfered in this borough. ' •"Now• selling•'the` best • Oils, from 13 to 15 . cents per qpert. • :TTNIVES & FORKS, llritainio. and Silver 4,1% . ple,ted Spoons, Brass, Copper, Plain and r Eutimeled Iron Kettles, and :Housekeeping ;goods generally. _Patterson 4. Cu. •A-4 4A Hsi REDUCED.—The best Coal—OA-at a1L . 40 cents - per, gallon, or 10 cents per quart, at the Hardware of • . ' PiTTEIZSON Co. marieuk,,Pobruary, 22, 1862: NIT OLFE'S celebrAtedAning and Clasp VV The best in the world—ma 4 : and sold at Price; '6 cents.] • WOLFE'S EGOODWIN'S & 'MO's. Plantation "fine . `cut Cliewip; Tobacco. The best in thf world. For sale at WOLFE'S. 'c iII NS PI'S EME'E.NTII-4:I'ED L Y E, ' su perior to any now in use,ean be Had at the Camp •Slore of Diffenhael!. - , 11(11.11,11:1V6 ff.:11,4 ctietlii.d.rd N, H. D.' 29 35 $4,210 07 $2,704 21 $1,505 Sr, $4,210 (17