The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, May 17, 1862, Image 1

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    r I ET' F.VERY
0 E : CRUM:B ROW, .6toNT-ST.,
A Jarge addition to the JOB PRINTING depart
ment of " TUE MARIETTTAN" establish
ment enables us to do everything in the Job
hoe with neatness and dispatch, and at very
low prices.
suocessos TO
„g. ,Mtzide,
91' 1 Dealer in Drugs, Perfumery, .ke
PA. LANDIS having purchased the entire
interest and good will of Dr. F. Hinkle's
g Store, would take this opportunity to in
form the citizens of Marietta and the public
generally, that having just received from Phil
adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he
will apron° pains to keep constantly on band
the best and most complete assortment Of eve
rything in the drug Hue.
Et W.of of EgneD any loild
consisting in partof Gorman, FrenelLand.Eng
lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams,
Tooth and Nail Brushes,l3utralo and other
Hair Comb?, Hair Oils,Poatades,ett.
Port Monies, l'ocket.Books, cl
and Powder Boxes, 4v., 4w
The celebrated Butchelor's HAIR .DYE,
DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes,lndia Cola
gogue, Harry's Tricoperous, for .the hair, Bay
Rum ' Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot
tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour of
Rice, Corp Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds
of pure Ground Spices, Compound,Syrup of
Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar
teal for entitle dyspepsia and tk tonic in Con
.‘imptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk,
an excellent preparation for thelable ; Table.
Oil—very tine—bottlesin two sizes. Pure Cod
Liver Oil. All of Jlael'a perfumery,pomades,
soaps, Ike. His Kathdiron or flair Restorative
is now everywhere acknowledged the best.
Old. Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and
Brandies for medical purposes.
Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution
be taken in the compertading of Physician's
The Doctor can be professionally consulted
at the store when not encased elsewnerc.
Marietta, August 24, 156,1.-1y
New and Cheap. Books,
The subsriber having just returned from the
are at the lowest prices all kinds of Books
Law, Fiction, Medical, Religious,
Biographical, Mechanical
and other kinds. These Ilooki will all be Sold
at the:lowest pncea as Vie had 'the advantage
and were the only, Bookseller from Lancaster,
at the Trade ; Sales, and as a consequence, we
can sell lower than,any Store. A few f the
Books'are here ineritioned':'
Worcester , " Unabridged Dictionary,
Webater's Unabridged Dictibnary,
McClellan's Bayonet Exercises,
Reviseil Army Regnlatious,
Soldier's Text Beak, "
S: infantry Teaks,
Zoutive Drill Book,
".daft Books of all kinds,
Photographic Albums,
For the pocket or Centre 'Fable,' in great va
riety'. The"Glft Book lot "the season.
School Maps, Charts and Cards,
Pelton's Outline - Maps,
Sanders' Elocutionary Chart,
Sanders' School Cards, -
Sergeant's Scliool Cards,
Webb's school Cards.
Bibles in great variety from Twenty-five
cents to Twenty-five Dollars, some of them
having the finest bindings and plates ever re
ceived in town. '
Sunday School Books—Methodist, Lutheran,
Episcopal, Presbyterian, American Tract So
duty, American Sunday School Union.
l amen and Puzzles,,
DressingCasses - '
Traveling and Shopping Bags,
Portfolios, Calms, Writing Desks,
Money Purses, Pocket Books, &e , &c.
Instruments, Call
Belts, Fine Pocket
Cutlery, Pearl and ivoly
Piper Cutters, Gold and
Sillier Pens am: Pencil Cases,
Checker'Boards and Men, Chess
Men, - Dominoes, and an endless
variety, of useful ,arid fancy articles
selected expressly' for 'the approaching
Holiday Season. For price and assortment
of goods in my line, I fell quite confident I
catinot,be : surpassed by any in Lancaster City.
School Itooks--ISanders', Sargent's, Towers,
Parker at. Wilson's Readers'. 'Menteith's War
ren's, Mitchell's, Smith's geographies.' Also,
Algebras, Asittimetics, Grammars, 'Histories,
Dictionanes; &c. Stationary. Copy and Com
position Books. Cap, Nbte, and Letter paper,
Blank Books, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils,
Pens and Holders, Ink and Inkstands, Rulers,
arid Envelopes. The beat Ink in the Market
sold here, viz: Maynard and Noyes, Arnold's,'
Hoover's, Laughlins & Bushfield's,' Black
wood's. etc. At the Cheap Book Store of
N0v.30. I No. 32, N. Queen at., Lancaster.
N. E. corner of 7t h 6r Chestnut Sts.,
This Institution, which was established in
1844, and is now consequently in the eight
eenth year of its existence, numbers among
its graduates, hundreds of the ' most successful
Merchants and Business Men in our Country.
The Object of the Institution is solely to
afford young men facilities for thorough prepa
rations for business.
The Branches taught are, Book-keeping, as
applicable to the various departments of trade ;
Pennmanship, both plain abd Ornamental ;
Commercial Late, :Mathematics, Navigation,
Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonogi.plry,
and Modern Languages:
The System of Instruction is 'peculiar ; no
classes or set lessons•are made use of, but each
student is taught individually,'ao that he may
commence at anytime, and attend at. what
ever hoina are most convenient. •
Catalogues are , issued annually after thei loth
of April, containin g names of the students for
the year, and full particulars•,of terms,
and may be obtained atany,time by address
ing the Principal. • • • '
In extensive accommodations, wide-spread
reputation, and the lengthy experience of the
Principal, Institution offers , facilities su-•
perior to any other in the coustry,, , for young
men Wishing to prepare for business, and to
obtain A aLeLoina, which will prove a PCCOM
mendation for them to any Mercantile House.
Ir Crittenden's Series of Treatises on Book-
Keeping, new more widely circulated than
any other work on the subject, tre for sale at
the College.
Jan. 18,162-IA
?he ' Fancily , Soappaker.
All Kitchen grease can be made into good
EP-Directions accompanying each box.
Soap is as easily made with it, as making a cup
of Coffee. Manufactured ONLY by the !,
rArcrcrems,--PENriA• MANUFACTURING Co.
No. 127 Walnut-st., Philadelphia.
rIPHE Largest and best assortment of Fancy
1 Cloth & Cassimeres and vesting ever offeredv
to this market and will be sold at prices which , '
defy competition by J. B. Difenbach.
W / F0 . : 4I 1 !i i l4
)..i /
_ l l — i l, r , is o r 7.A,
, +
1 3aIK_er,
VOL 8.
EikeAt iftbigp De f ii42 iea , Fot-17e,ii)qies.
. This Celebrated .Pemale. Medicine possesses
virtue unkno'vn of anything else of the kind,
and 'prooving effectual after all others have
failed ; it is prepared• from an •' Indian Herb".
peculiar to Northern Mexico, and. Texas, and
is used by the Natives in producing the siorixtf-,
Lv SVOICTISSS. It is designed for both married
and single ladies, and is the very best thing
known for the purpose, as it will remove all
obstructions after other remedies - have been
tried in vain. Itie a pleasant tea,. containing
nothingjujurmus to health, and a cure can be
relied upon in all eas.s.
Prolapaus Uteri, or failing of the Womb`
Floues Albus, or-Whites ;- Chronic Inilamation,
or Ulceration_ of the Womb ; Incidental klem
rage or Flooding t and disease of the Spine.
Ladies in the early stage of pregnancy
are 'e antiotted" agalnkt tie :lite Of HAS led; tig'it
will produce miscarriage.
Freiared and Sold by,.
_ _ .
DR. 'G. W. ENG LIM, N 0.729 RACE -Sl.,
Price $l.OO per package, (with full directions
for use) sent by Express or Mail
to any address
Dr. E. can be consulted in all obstinate
Female Complaints, in person or by letter,
and will furnish the Gutta-percha. Female
Syringe—highly recommended by the Faculty
.2 married ladies for special purposes.
Also Radical. Cure and other Trusses—lm
proved Rotary and Spine Abdorninal Support
ers—Shoulder Braces—Elastic and Lace Stock
ings—Spinal Apparatus, for Weak and Curved
Spine—and Instruments for all Deforthities.—
A large Stock of the ,above articles constantly
on hand, and will be furnished* at lowest rates
by sending order with measurement and full
t?' All communications strictly confiden
tial. For further particulars please address,
Da. G.W. Exausg, 720 RACE-ST.
I have no Agents. ,
AKES this method of informing his old,
I, friends and the public generally, that he
boa re-taken his old stand (recently occupied
by George L. Mackley,) and is now, perma
nently fixed to prosecute the Hatting business'
Having just returned 'from the city where he
selected ,a large, varied and fashionable assort
ment of everything in the ' '
and now only asks an examination, of Ms
stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere.
Having also laid in a stock-of Hafting materi
al,.he will be enabled, at short notice, to man-
Ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft,
to the most Fashionable Silk -Hat. • •
Employing none but the best of workmen,
and manufacturing good goods at low . prices,
he hopes to merit and receive a liberal thereof
public patronage. 313- The highest price paid
for Furs.—in trade• or cash.
Marietta, - March 9, 1861.
, STRAW (;0011E4 4:().,
p ure tha th t ew:laeraesunroew ojreg=irr
at our Old Stand,
Nos, 103, 105 10 North Second St.,
above Arch, Philadelphia.
In every variety, of the LATEST IMPORTA-
Twigs, and oftheimwest and most fashionable
Will coMprise every variety of Bonnets, Hat's,
and Trimmings to be found in that line, of the
latest and most approved shapes and styles.
Mar. 22) . , H. WARD.
The Infallible Corn,4- Bunion Cure
j softens the Corn or Bunion and wastes'
the excrescence by exttalation, leaving the
flesh and skin soft and natural.
When used according' to directions, it new
fails to cure. Try it! Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Sent by Mail on . receipt of the price, and
six cents in stamps to pay postage.
Price 21 Cents a Box. D. S. DARLING,
102 Nassau Street, New York.
Feb.22-3rn..1 Sold by Druggists.
Why b u.y, an explosive oil, when a few rents
more per gallon will furnish you with a
Penn'a Salt Manufacturing Company,
No. 127 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
'February 15, 186:2-1y. • '• •
Arch- Street, above •fthirtt,"Philadelphia;,
Urro - cr S. Nrwcoinna,
" Proprietor.
tR - ' This Hotel is central coreventent by
Passenger Cars , to all parts of the City, arid ii
every particular adopted to the comfort alid
wants of the tiosicess
lt:k• Terms $1.50 per day. •
The undersigned having again leased this old
and popular hotel, takes this method of in
forming his old friends and the public goner-%
ally, that nothing shall be spared to,keep up
the reputation of the horse, and make it
worthy of the support, of the traveling pub
OFFERS his professional services to the
citizens of Marietta and vicinity.
Can he found at his Drug Store, formerly
Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhere.
professionally engaged.
To my FRI En Ds : - Having been called , to
a position in the U. S. Navy, I hereby resign
my profession to the care and attention of Dr..
Henry Landis; in whath I `have every eon
fience, having had ample opportunity of as-:
certaiiang his - ability to lin my place.
Laguira Coffee; Crushed, Pulverized and,
inOWII Sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea;;
Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup apd prime ba
kinWolaSses; Excellent Pearl Efirley at
40trakiti iltntrsAanialumlni for -111
• ~ . - •:
MARIETTA niAl A 7-186 z.,
Our bugleb sang tthet—forthe night child had
And the sentinel stars. set their. watchzn
the' sky ; ' . . •
And ; thousands had sunk on the grmind. over
. POWeke' l s7-
The weary to !Jeep and the waunded to die.
When reposing that night on; my pailet 'of
3y the wolf-scaring I fagot that guarded the
slain; • '
At the' dead of the night ri sweet ii4ie'n I saw;
And thriCe 'ere' the • meriting
. • .•
, ,
mehou g ht frdm thebattle-fiel d 'sdreadfig
Far, far I had roamed Oct a desolate track;
, Twa's auttim---and sunshine'arosc on the way
• To the honse'of Yny fathers; that • welcomed
I fieW to the pleasant fields traversed so oft
In life's Morning, march, when my bosOM
was young ;
I heard my own mountain-goats bleating
aloft, • • , ,
And , knew the aweet strain that the eorn
rapers sung. ,
Then , pledged:we 'the wine-cup, and fondly I•
eveoze .
From my home and my . , weeping friends
~ ?never te,part ;
My little,ones kissed me a thousaMi times o'er,
And my wife sobbed aloud in her fullness
• of heart.
cc st a y; stay with l us—rest, Xhou;ari %yew arid,.,
Worn 3."
And fain 'was their war broken soldier co
", stay; , ••• .;
But sorrow "'returned' with the dawning of
And the voice In xny'dFortoany, wear • molted;
•.co. ;
Death=bed of President4ackson;,,
F .-17 : 7- •.:,3 • i
.One Sunday. Mprning inAhe year(lB27;
as General Jackson and hie wife ware
walking toward thevlittle Hermitage
chtireb, she entreated him to take a l de 7
cided stand as Ey Christian, and to unite
with the oharch. He replied':
"My dear, if I were to do that it would
be said, all over the. country,iliat I had
done it for tbo sake of political effect:
My enemies would all say so. I can not
do it now; butd promise you that when'
once Morel am clear of 'polities * I .will
join the eharcb." ' ' •
On the 23d Of:' Dee:ember, 1828, Mrs.'
Jackaon'died.- •It:wns'a terrible We'd to:
her husband, who had lovcid hill. for her
singular :xferver" and": coikkancy. age'
never quite recovered from tte:slidole
His spirit became:Wry much snbdued,
and he gave up entirely , the, use etpro-,
fane langus:ge, to
,which he had been
aWfullY addieated in his younger.days.
Mr. .14icholas •P. Trist,
was private Secretary of President jack-,
son. On ono occasion, it seemed neces-.
nary for him to enter the Preiident's
apartment after he lad , retired..fer: the.
night. He found the President, in his,
night dress, sitting at a table, with hie
wife's minaturo propped up against some-,
thing before him, and between him and
the minature lay his wife's well-worn
prayer book; from which, according to
his invariable - custom, he was reading a
prayer, before he slept. •
About this time there was a season of
special interest in Washington. The
pastor of the'church Which the President
attended, and from whom the writer has
the anecdote, called at the White Hoine;
and entered into conversation with the
President npon'the subject of personal
religion. He replied :
"No man regpects - religion more than
I do or feels mom deeply its importnace.
I promised, my wife that I would attend
to the aalvatieo. Of my soon as
the election was over, but now the cares
which engross me are,,,so ov,er whelming,
and,my cabinet -in such a divided state
that I have not a monmet's time to think
of anything but the urgencies of the pass
ing hour. But I am resolved, as soon
as I leave the Presidential chair, , and• re
tire to the seclusion of the Hermitage, to
take up in earnest the subject of religion.
It was the old excuse ; ge thy *ay far ,
this. time ; when I have a convenient
season., The hour of retirement came,
and still the General did not keep his
promise. To one who addressed him on
the subject, he wrote, in. August, 1835,
"I would long sinca have made this sol
emn dedication to Almighty God, but
knowing the wietchednese of , this world;
and how prone many are , to evil, that
the, scoffer of religion would have cried
out, 'hypocrisy !lie V 11.47 joined the church
for political effect:,''i
I ttonght it best ro
postpone this public act, until my retire
ment to the shade 'of priyato life, when
no false imputations could be made that
triightte injurious to religion." • -
Abouti a yaar'frOrn tMi tiflia, in isn,
there W aI) rgiraqe'd Meeting at the.
Hiiiirtittsge; Gen':-4iiicksOn attended all
the services" With 'deep solemnity. He
was 'deeplj-impfessed'hythe:liiit sermon,.
and' Urged 'the preacher, Rev. br. Edgar,
of Nesh•Villa; to go hoine with him. • An'
engagement prevented this. -'l3-en. Jack
son, ,a ? sin-convicted', men,• with : lids,eyes
open to fliis.,true ~conditleu,,t p ased,
evening, and,most of tfianigj: i leading
the Bible, , and in meditation and prayer.
The anguish andidatilif that digit', eter
nity alont 4 lctin retreat. '‘"lsTith i 'the . likh't••
of the mornihr pe,h.ce
soul., 4tt §ttfillathafit
th f it, little Etermitage i churck., ; That very.•
day, the General made a, public profess=.
ion of faith in Christ. The church was
crowded to its utmost capacity, .the,yery
windows being darkened with eager faces
As; in great infirmity, , he leaned upon his,
staff, giving his assent to the creed and
and covenant of the cherch, 4 teara trickled
• . • # .., •
freely dawn his furrowed cheeks, and all
were overcome with emotiop • . „,
Frani this time until his death he
spent m9st of his time reading the Bale;
Scott's family: Bible he- read through
twice, and daily bonducted fairfily pray
ers, summoning all thelrinsehold•ser"-•
vanta4 — On `the--.Bth ofi Jnne'•lB4s,tlie
summons Icarcia.'for- the 'weary 'piligrirn;
then 78 years of age, to appear before'
his • final judge., : . As, he 2 ,lay,,tipon his
dying,hed.After,a.sevflre t 3 pftlEiq he swoon=:
ed- , awpay,,A4ed ,all..,forii a few .moments
thouoht him dead- But he revived-14nd
•,,raising his eyes, said,: . - • r,;.-
"My dear,children, ,do ,yon,grieve,for
the. 'lt ktrue1 t rd "o
`going to'leave you.
12;iii - Wt4l'aNcare of m situation have
s4triirpdinuch . tiodily.pain ; but my stiffer-,
ingr aro fades nothing compared w i th
uPOn the accursed 'cross, that we might
all besaved l who,Ptit our
He'then took an ci ffectionafe leaire''of
of each Ono of his fainily, taking ibein
One by one by the hand,'and addressed
to each Vie few of `coun'sk
'Ltd:then? , writes Dr. Hselman;
was ptesent' "delivered one of the most
impressive lectures' upon , tlid•sfibject of
religion that-'l l have isvei liesi.d. He
spoke for nearlyan hour,"ands'pparently
with , the 'P'Ower 'df fdr he
:spoke with csilinn'esSiivith'stranith; end
oven with auimation.". : lu,conclusied,te
said, ,"My •,de ay ; ehildren, ;.friends:: and
servants; L .hope!andirastAolineet you
'in heaven, both whiteLand.blackit', The
last sentence. he • repeatexl,: "both white
; Alt present were, in tears.. ?0, , d0 not
cry;",,said the Oeneral, , 'fbagood•children
and !meet -in heaven.? .These
were his,..last , - words: =; He Ceased .to
breath, and died without struggle,or
!‘ill.ajor revfis,: writes ths,b i ieg 7 ,
rapher, pA ws, fire! dpwia,
the body nylon 'the bed and closed, the
eyes. Upon looking again upon the
face, he observed that the expression of
Pain which it had worn so` long had
passed-away. 'Death had restored to it
rfatti . rigneis andiedrettity.. The aged war'-:
rior slept."
A Tinxisn. ViTii.L.—A testator left to
his eldest son one-half of his IMrses, to
his second son 'one-third of his horses, to,
his third son one-ninth of his horses ;
the testator had seventeen horses. The'
executof did• not know what to do, as
seventeen will neither divide by tiwci, nor
by three, nor`by ¢trier A dervise came
up, on ''horSeback; and said, "Take my
horie and : the others."
The:re were then eighteen horips. The.
executor then gave to the, eldeit son
one-half, nine ; to the second'pon one=
third, `six;' to;' the third son One-ninth;
two ; total seventeen. The derVise then,
said, '"You don't want nay hore now;`
I will take him back again."
ar We . have knoWn persons so sen
sitive that•the mere sight of..pills would
do _upon them what the . actual taking
of pills is , intended, to no. And this
appears to be' the case mith the , rebels.
At Yollztown,, the, bare sight of Dr,
hicOlellan's pills brought on a tre
mendons evacuation.
OW "Sam," 'said 0118 " Hale
another; odoes* your .sehoolmaster ever
give you a , ii.kierd of merit?" "Is' pose
he does, he, giNres- me Ettlickin' regular
every day, and says I merit two 1"
lE'ell,tipe thinks it is.aanisfortnne
for,a, man .to-:.have a crooked nose, for
730 has tofolicw it. ..
'l l .erarL--. , :•C)xica . U3cDllax a '-Y-ear
ThOnag 'f..lllpagher.
Thegalldbf, and ` gifted G,en. Thomas
Francis lie - Ether, now in the teld'nacr
the flag of his adopted country, relates
an incident *Bich shows the patriotism
_of the — Oatholic clergy in this' merrien 7
tons ' struggle: The unctions humor
Meagher in telling the' story giros
more .than .half its charm. Very
in the war Governor Spregne sent, here -
gobit became lemon's for their fine ap
tacked to one of these was a young
priest, the head of a large congregation
Province,in and lesined and : loyal
He as knownTo"ia';: 1
by the boys, ado' At Via occasional visits 1
to Washington 'soon 'bneatrie:a geiferrd
fa4Orite. ` Was atelieVecin Meagher,
and loVed to converie "With the orator
hero., ,One.evening, while Meagher was
lying ill at' the National 1 Efe s tel, in this
city, Father Tom: entered ttha; room •of
hie frienit, and was ,presented ,to., the
well-kriown„ Alexander; .Oiraitry,
although,, personally. , a stranger to the
ehaplp.ig, was at once remembered'
as man of , great genius: 'and greater,
eccentricity. • Dimitry had just been re,.
- called from Central America to which
country he had been ,seut l ea American'
' minister : by : Mr: Bechanan's ; patriotic.
MinicLititrationi and as Mr, I), vies .not:
only n• citizen ;of_ New, Prleppp : and a
faripas,pro 7 sly,veryite,
man,. he was, ,no, co p lacent,, m
An. earnest._ .Catholic Elie first
gFRPtAtg: to.Fnthnr Tom. seas ; *grunt of.
dis approultio,4-0, se.eirigArigioa Catholic
priest, in- the -"lr.ankee uniform." "I
aQt hoilified; sir, said the 16611v:411e
tIat , -Yriu 'dishOndi
Yo*# bY Vigarini lijiery, Of:
the'opPiessor of thoSorith- 2 -therinigera-:
ble"Lincbln,`ii;h6, - 'instriadl of walk`iiig'
ou• allz fours; " is pei:inittell by DiVibe
Provide - rich to Staild' oktkelegs, as if
to carimiturty hurrianity.". Oh, Mr;
Direitry," respbadid Fithtit '" Ntre
will riot qu;,rrel'ii.boutstfersonai. in'atters;
01.'1 might' oldllOueateention to th&
tridior 'andzimhe'cile;
who ' produde'd - thefiai, &OW wilds Vein g
you took." " Imbecile roared 'the
noisy scholar ; "Xtribeciler: Down i pn
your Lieu. and r heg pardon,
_of, your.
Maker for_o:43 ilitstLit ; to one
,of ,the,bpst
of Men, or. I, will, make
,nri.examplo. of,
You, .h 1 ?1 , 9 PaitnP;iYou Erstuth? _
was, nw the turn of the so ldier ; priest
to lose his temper. "If lam a.holy,
man, sir," he shouted, "I am, not, as, you !
are, a traitor and an ingrate to my
,There," he said„pnlling etf i
his glove and , in •Dindtry's,
face ; " there is my.pledge that I carry
a bihve heart Under ;In# rbsiiry, an& if
you;aroliot alebward you will-take it uP
and , let me 'proie.:iti to You:" ":After
ivititing tor reatiothie - lrom thwastorind
ed. ;blusterer,' Father' , Tom bid' General
Meighei , good night add left the room.:
Itratew days the litignist; I philOsePheri
diplomatic, and Professor, ishOok the
dust of Washington from his feet, and is
now, we believe, cursing his bad luck
and the Southern ConfederaCy in the
panic-etrnek city of New Orleans.
er When Gen. Butler futt , took corn:
mand at Fortress Monroe Id was stig_
matizdd by, the New Orleans papers as
a man of negro extraction, who once
followed' the prOfeSbion of a' barber in
the Cresent City. He will now - be able
to latloer his oldcustomers Jo their heart's
content, and they may well consider, it
close shaveif he,speres their necks. -
a' There are two ,
sorts of, people
whose statements ,shOulf;l be, taken with i
caution : lovers, when speaking.of the.
objects of their ;affections,. and grao-,
mas, when speaking of their grandchild-
"My brethren," . :said Swift, in a'
sermon,' "there are three sorts of pride:
of birth, 'of riches, of talents:-. ; I ,shall,
not, speak of the latter, none; of you ; being.
liable to that abominable vice.g ,
or A curse is like a stone thrown up
towards heaven, and most likely
turn on the head of • him that sent it.--
Walter Scott.
or , It is said that a Paris , physician
has ascertained thatt a shock of electri
city restore a persen dying from the
effects of chloroform.' ' '
ear In China, if a young man is , not
married by the time he is twenty, he is
drammod out of town. No place for.
bachelors among the`fum-fnms. !!
sir " Leg bail" is a bmb of to law
An affair, somewhat novel and exci
ting, took place in the villiage of
Catalogue, a few days since. It appears
that Joseph Baker, of that place, and
late of Greenport, went to New York a
few weeks ago, for the purpose of ob
taeiing a wife. His first move was to
publiql,a notice, in the New -York Sun,
stating that a young widower, about 25,
years of age, having one child, and a
farm at a short distance in the country .
wished to enter a second time into the
matrimonial, state, with some respectable
lady, of about his own age.
NO. 42.
This notioe nttrieted the attention of
a yeung girl in the`city, aged some 18 or
19 year's, "by'Scieeil's notice. This was
followed by an interview between the
parties. ' -.'"
According to the account which the
girl gave at Cutchogne, Mr. :linker re
presented himself to her to be a gentle
man of character anAltspectability, in
;"ttiat be
hid a' yal9bce d farm on Long Island,
With a good''house,'"plea'sa4iy'situated,
AO lilt ifeel3B4lllfripiovitrielits end
• r , 4 •7' !:
appurtenances; that he dept caws and
oder' 'itoch,. together with a horse,
carriage, etc.
After ~a negotiation of• several ; days
a matrimonial : engagment was,entered
into, yvhic,h.Nas, Finally ; consummated in
dno.form,by s,clergyman:of the city, 011
Saturday morning last. After theinar
riage ceremony was, solemnized, the
parties, accompanied by the mother of
the bride, immediately left the city, and
teak the accommodation train to visit
the splendid establishmen,t, ofrlfdr. Jos
eph Baker, at Cutchogne, on Long Is
land, : with high ',hcipes .and pleasing
'anticipations, no doubt.
:On arrivingTat.Mr. Baker's handsome.
country residence,- behold, it .was not
there •I Nothing but a, little shanty,
;situated insavolonesome l out-of-the-way
place, with every indication "of indolence
and poverty, instead of ameat. comforta.
.ble• dwelling,ti presented, itself to the
* astonished strangers. The ; poor girl
and her mother, afte - takinga - fair view
! of tile tEe
inipoeition;` B aud tub manner in 'Which '
*the . datighteil''.shaa' l beep chilled, over
!Whellied`Witir diisilittbiiitnientmortifica=
tion and 'diegtist,''. at-Once decided to
.returntb:tlie'citi -
The l k shelter at the
I.hohnie of *Mr. Hailock, at no great dia.
tanee, and after maliing l Pre'Perinquiries
respecting : , the charsater,,pa ! !:?its , and
circumstances of the said JOseph Baker,
as they werelibilerhteckin commu
nity, $• •
[ laity, they declared -that the marriage
!-•=) .r • I
• Nvot4 0,9, 4, On VI: Bten e l mi
misrepresentations :and hypocrisy. 9.
lawy,er and jestige were;called in,to untie
the Matrimonial knot, Whiphhad,so
cently, and so imprudently an f oo lishly
on .the, t part, 13 5'
the parties. ,
Writings ,wereAalx ,executed, by
which, the young , lady, relinquished all
claim and . right of dowerf to any property
which the said Joseph r Baker might
have, with a consent on his part that
the marriage contract, ' all intents
and litirposet“night :be`dissolved. The
mother • and .diughter ~took. - the cars on
Monday, and rettirneci•te, the city.
We understand thakM.ists Craig, now
Mrs. Baker,ds -an industrious respects,
ble tailoresslin- New-York, and
of respectable 'eeimbCtibiatt';' and that
the matrimonial'allitiiide between herself
and Baker was Witt:AM' advice arid con
sent of her mother, Who,- it Seems, gave
too much credit to fair protestations
without proper—l:m*63E The - girl, we
apprehend, has learned that answering
an ,advertisement of that despriptiori is
, a silly and somewhat dangerous practice •
erPain is' life's sentinel. It gives
warning to danger.' It is nature's mon
itor. It says, "Take care—you have
violated tlfe.laws of ' health ; you have
wounded yoarself—Aesist,or died"• But
when the wound is,mortal heyond hope,
the sentinel givesmo challenge. , : Fain
is of no-use thew The viptimmustdie
and usually he suffers little.) Pain; Ogre
fore ; if it be a penalty, is also a mercy.
Itt is' designed.' only to feints ordatiger
and to make'rfs-'avoid if. • •
eir Everything; we .understand, is
finished up atl No: 19, and our Voote
steps are now onward toward . Memphis.
ar Lord Byrbn says that the truest
way to pronounce a Polish 'name is so
sneeze three timesrand say ski.
oar Ho who knows the world will not
be too bashful, and he who knows him
self will never be impudent.
gar The stiongest woman
shrinks from being caught in •hetnight
sar Air is a dish one feeds on every
minute, and, therefore, it need Tie good.
cr Don't Ideate yourself on the back
of a wild hone unless you, want to be
- 1110' Women never tire oitttikin r about
babies, awl 'men about hoeses:-'
Ailvertinng for a Wife.
The Watchman of March 25th, pub
lished at Greenpert, on the east end of
Long Island, gives the following history
of a hasty marriage, occasioird by ad
vertising for a ' wife in the newspa
pers :