TCRLISIIED F.VEIFF fAATCIZDAY MORNING. AT ONE (XXLAR A-YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 0.11, $11:25 AT eliF. F.ND OF THE TEAR. - - - OFFICE: CRCILL'S ROW, Faorr-ST., MARIETTA, PA. A PVERTISEHEICTS AT THE 1:7811AL RATES; A large addition to the JOB Pierryrrteo depart ment of THE MARIXTTIAN " establish ment enables us to do everything in the Job line with neatness and dispatch, and at very low prices. JOEIN PRACTICAL HATTER, NO. 92 MAAKET STREET, MARIETTA iTIAICES this method of informing his old friends and the public generally, that he has re -taken his old stand (recently occupied by George L. Markley,) and is now perma nently fixed to prosecute the Hatting business ALL ITS BRANCHES. Having , just returned from the city where he astlected a large, varied and fashionable iisort ment of evetythlng in the HAT AND CAP And now only asks an examination, of his -Mock ai prices, before purchasing elsewhere. Haying also laid iu a stock of 'Batting materr :al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man `nfacture all qualities—from the common Soft, - to the most Fashioned.: Silk Hat. , Employing none but the beat of workmen, rand manufacturing good .goods at low prices, he hopes to . merit and receive a liberal shase of Ipublie patronage. 14 - The highest pride paid for Furs, - - , -tillrade' or cash': mariattai Marsh 9, 1881. S. S. , RA.THVON, Ittirehtuit Tailor, and. Clothier, At F. 9. Kramph's Old Stand, on the Cor ner of North Queen and. Orange Streets, Lancaster,.Penn'a. GATEF U L to the Citizens of Marietta and 'vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a Continuance of the same; goring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS, CASSZHERES A N D VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. . ALSO, - -READY-HADE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. DAVID ROTH ) Dealer in Hardware, Cedarware, Paints, Oils, Glass, 'title, Cook, aoo otileh stobes, &0., MARKET-ST., MARIETTA.. AITOHLD take this means of informing the VVI citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish anything in his line, 'consisting in part, of TU hie Cutlery of all kinds; Building an d Housekeeping Hard 'ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils, Class, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives, Forks, Sp - oons,,Shovels ' Po 4sere, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop tier and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and aII other kind of Locks, Nails, spikes and mind everything usually kept in a well regula ted Hardware establishment.. A LEXANDER LYNDSAY, . Fashianabie bred mad Shoe Meattifficqurer,., , , .MA 'MET STREET, MAttIETTA, PENN Wou. 'd moat respectfully inform the citizens a th i s Borough and neighborhood- that he bas „the hart, 'est assortment of City made ,worti in leis li ne af bnuities! in this Borough, ar.:d be an,* pm . Watt: BOOT AND SHOE 1!,1 A ti a se u , i s Inablen to select with more iudg ment than t h ese ti vho are not. He continues to man ufacture in , 'be very best manner everyl.hing in the 6001 AND SHOE LINE, whit h will ;inerrant )1 0 t neatness and good fit. and', .gamine his stock before :pur 'chasing elsewhe re. "TILE UNION." iirc'h, Street, above Third, tJh'TON S. NEwcoirrta, Proprietor. 113 - This Hotel la antral• convenient by Wassenger Cars to alf pat is of the City,- and in 4.wcry particular adapted. to. the comfort and' wain ts of the business publiC. Terms 1..59 per day. W HITE SWAN HOTEL, FRONT STREET, MARIETTA.: 4.4 , 40.11~W.1". The undoniened having again leased this' Old :and popular hotel, takes this method of in donning his old friends and the public gendt mily, nothing !Mail be spared to keep up ithe reputation of the house, and make it worthy of the support of the traveling pub lie, GE111: W. IfECKROTHE. eirot isiprobaierg ial SPAriilff Ewpire Shuttle .Machine. Patented February 14th, 1860. Saffesrooen, 510 Broadway, New York,. IrIJ.H IS Machine .is conatructed on an entirely new principal of mechanism, posses Sing manly rare and valuable improvements, having been, examined by the most profound experts, .and ipronounced. to be Simplicity and Perfec tion Cemtbined. The following are the principal objections , .orged against Sewing Machines:— J.—Excessive fatigue to the operator. 'l.—Liability to get out of order. ;IL—Expense, trouble and loss of time in re valuing. 4,--Incapacity to sew every discription of nubtenal. 45.--Disagreeable noise while in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine is exempt • ' from all these objections. It has a straight needle perpendicular .ac tion, makes the LOUIE Or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, front Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen silk thread, from the coarsest •to the finest number. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is EMPHATICALLY A noisless MACHINE It requires fifty per cent. less power to drive it than any other Machine in the market. A girl of twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and wonder/of simplicity of con struction, render it almost imponsirde to get, out of order, and is guaranteeif by the company to give entire satisfaction/ We respectfully invite all those who, may ,depre to supply themselyes with a superior article, to call and examine this unrivakd But in a more special manner do we solicit ihJs patronage of Merchant Tailors, Dress Makers, Coach Makers, I Corset Makers, Vest Makers, Gaiter Fitters, )pantaloon. Makers, Shoe Binders) Shirt and Bosom Makers,, Hoop Skirt Manufacturers, rir Religious and Charitable Institutioas will be liberally dealt with. Price of MACHINES, Complete: No. 1, or k'amily.Machine, $45 00, ; No. 2, Serial! *zed .IVlsmifacturing, $60.00, N o . 33 Large size IVlanu(acturing, $76.00 Cabinets; .every Variety. We want Agents for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already estab lished, to whom a liberal discount will be given, but we make no, consignments. T. J. McARTI4II3, Si, Co., 610 BROADWAY, NeW TOSJC., YOTT'S Hanging and Side Lamps, For Sate at WEST & 110T/PS • . " ." T" L_ B,a er„ Proprietor_ - .„ .hi‘akt ' . "‘t.lo/ CPir • I tte r ft 9ri l A t i r a l : A e A alt a 1 , 1 .0 the urgent , renriest,,o'f M.r. o whom the tollewin,g letter was ad -d aressed, ,we mimic into our columns, ` ... • verbcdpiz Without comment s , SLOOP OF tv+ri.r.l.lirsicrWa. ' ' ' "icod Sacithirste;' r ' •• RaWrea'Przend:- I -I This morning came your letter of 3ist, l and I assure you IV was:indeed Welcome, for' ft 'is' the first news 'received from' glithe since leaving ElaMptoe heads: a`da'Yor 'two after'the' mailing 'of your letter. I had anxiously leaked for letters;' 'n4?)t alone from yourself but othgr 'Of niy , • , • friends in Marietta, day after d i rty, week after week and &hairy Month after month, until 'I became so discontented, that I vented my wrath upon my ("Jack of Clabs") neg,ro servant by occasionally plae'ing" the toe of 12:1s , boot (no deubt) Where it' shoeld' not be, arid 'stilled the longings of my heart aexfOus in 'thecex ' isme, the 'enjoyinent 'of " _Eager 'ffeer," until that 'olio obt'andi finally was cciinPeiled to came doWtrto adittle whiskey 4- water, the "rye'? .being predominant in the aforesaid ,mixture, and now afterteceiving my,. .I find " Malony" hinw.lf,again, Ina, a little amused in looking nver;of,the ,containing,,a list ,of, the Officers attached 0 : MA8 b l/easel t to„find comment upon,your humble , friend "4. AL"—viz "tke, last keapd,of bin?, .was,, that 4 g had turnld ; SecesA, Cpid , was fighting against Uncle Now, I can not fora moment, comprehend , how such a ,slander cC r uld,possibly getafloat. treely,admit I wit a Strong,sympathi-. zer' ortlui South, prior, to thn war, .T., had sufficient reasons so-to be, but when the Matter cafe& to;be so serioa as it is. I felt 1113 , Si:ilea Pennsylvabiliii; and - could therefore' do r no than' aceept 'offers madelci Wfi'llsrahroad s'fo'fe turn to the United States and' triketart in the gloriontincilise` ot suistatuilig the Union and 'upholding the' Cobititution. I 'sacrificed no little when I bid fardWell to my friends iff'SbhtligAmerica. re turn 'honie. 'But "I felt it'adrity h aild ac cepted it.cheerfully and now" find thyself side .by side with many' bthere, who:like mCaelf offered freely :their Services in a -;;;;;, dapacity, and their bloOdlor tli e gobcrof their Common Country; It well if•soine others who new en joy themselves inthe gaiety of, female 6 0 , a 'ety in Old "Marietta",would go arid do iii;ce wise, persons, who ,cry loudly, for aastayling the Union, young men ~who have u o Ltmilies to require there presence to t t ,wach over them, but who _. remain_ dance -Attendance, & hold the woollen thread„os some , fair one blisters her delicate, ,dear, little fingers in. Knitting etc,—for the poor, Soldier who has gone forth to save theirlio?led Country an d doing--battle for its exist ence. W 133 - niy 'friend if I were -- end f those ladies (and very' hityipity `l'M'ficit) who belong 2o that "Patriotic Circle," I would treat iiitleticorri any young niaa who would' ttms tit:Cain. to , Play" the agreeable iirheri‘theirt onntry is tit 'da'n-: ger. Ch'! what Willaittr4 it be to one and all of nkwliCi - niav toYeturn to our happy itome's and - receive cordial welcome of those we love, it will be an ampile recompense, for ..all dangers all. privations. and trials we may have passed through, to know and feel that we are deserving all the. homage of our:fair townswomen. I " Malony" turned .Secesh ; Heavens forgive him .who .would thus wound a heart whose-every-impulse . is .and ever ha's been •for the g,00d• ,, 0f his - Count'ry,% I defy any man to prove:to the contre.ry,l they say h belonged, to a Secret Society tinctured with Secessionism, , Bnt. Whati, ..gtft of, that, do what ,Qpnltitutyd that Society; No was attaphed to the organizatioit longbefore,l arrlTe[b in the United States and before even president :was nominated hyeither:,party, at the last election. ; I left theprganiza- ; tion priar . :to, ,my „leaving. the gaited. , States on the 21st of lag. March a year ago, my reasons for, doing cause it was incompatable •, with my interests; and other reasons ' Of whiclil I hive nottha they day I held cOmmtinicathin ivith the South' dufing . my*stay in }Annetta, and I'ask. why' not .; .did . not eveiy parse& who - hUd' bhisiness = Santli 'do the' same 'thing, Uncle Sam carried the Mails, and IPaid` for my letters, is it atry badie t s'bnisitiess` what my, buisiness w,as,,thero, huh ) f-its all, folly, and u• few l ,would. l bo,, notables exclaimed', 4,e .i:3.8ec6'411, and. 04 9 0 1/.4 , Secesh. Maven forbid—l qui acquaint- iThatzm mime fax -ffjc 'hat 'emit . MAY-10 , 4186Q: • nlri;'ll ed through. the, Southern., States more than any pther one perscs,in , Marietta. 1 watch with anxious „ eyes all ,move ments made .by our ,grand ,a.nd noble army, which has at,last pushed forward to open, the, pileens. Which c.ontairoo many Union patriots in durance yile:--- 1" loiyafrienilFlhere .I...havet loved -com panions there,, who ~stood by. my side when danger, pressed round ,and me in a foreign clime, and. wkio ,never swerved for a moment in their friend ship for me and I now 'vow' 'I will push forward.all my humble yet feeble ener gies to the accomplishment of opening ..every, prison door, au &freeing every state from the' °Contamination of that Curie of ,our Country; "ARebel." I Congratilate •iny Country; the 'gran.l aftny on the re .ceut victories in the West; it 'Will liitios'a good effect ibroefd, teaching' thenie that •our==gloroicia-Union' is not dead-LWhen they read :the addount' - of the 'deeds of Valor done'by that army •the noblest the world has ever', seen iriarshilled'for Con flict their- hearts.will quake, and feel the, ' truth.that the American Union is. note thing of the past.' What; an dead Re public ;• show Such • vitality, b y 'Heaven I bete 4ho'he may that would utter such .anlassertion is•a liar and his heart is"hs false as 13--- I. t Our Union 'not only exists,.bnt.itdexhibits'alife and gigantic energyln-its efforts for self preservatioi3 such. as . I the 'Strongest ioVernment Europa cain'not display. • After' all' the secret•preperations' and plettiags ; "of the last thirty years, made under the' gred est,„advanteges,. by ; traitors. whir :were ! cunnincrly-conspirincr .in the Yery Conn-, ,eil.gbambers and legislativelhalLvof the governineqt, which they,,were seeking to overthrow -7a, government which they disarmed before.they assailed—a govern_ . ptphopii.of its.strength. by the mere Wql: l ll§,arre ofSecession. Lukkii-TRicT. I I4B rallied in= an...incredible brief ,space ef, an ;army of .brive au,d4ardy ; volunteers such !.•as neither preat France, nor /Spain mild have gathered, tagether.ibr.drafts; pressments , a n d..,4,oiascriptions. Our whole Country shelled beneath the tread of the Soldiers of the - Republic , the „air tremble With their`shouts, ttia slit' is overshadowed with their bann'ers and along theft glittering lines passes from battalion to battalion the thrilling cry "'The Union lives"! ''k he Unioit lives!". That Chiseiling'sonnd is wafted across • • . the rebel Ifarriers'to the Southern States, and our friends"-and patriots there hear iridthe 'evangel which 'proclains their enfranchisement frdm a lawless and cruel desPotism, re echo the shout, while old men and Matrons, the ,aged and the yOUng clasp their hands with tearful pitise'and sob aloud "Ged i be praised I The Union lives I Our delivererh ha - ve come.".., The pent up, lightnings ntjhe people vengeance,is,ready burst,upon their .tyrent, oppressors in, terrible Iretri4 button. The electric ,spark,oft, freedom I say,,has _sped and far alongthe•Merititl - peake and rattling cregs,goes , forth this living thunder,. not from ,ona,lene . , cloud but the.heavens and the mountains have feend a tongue, and .whispers hope to the heart, of the,pattiot, there. .- ; ,This This glorious Union dead 1-4 ; pause 1 7 -This precious Sacred patrimony, of our rero- ; lutionary Sires, dissipsged:in xiot and lawlessness & licentiousness !—I rpflect?., The enirriies drfreedoni and Republi can liberty—the plottere Of this Secei sion treason, Who idly rdrearriea that a lifeless geverninent ley before them' to be' disseet'e&at their mercy-- may well start with diSmay' 'a's the 'outstretched form Which , wore the semblance of death' springs: uPtin•the pandplY of war; even' as . t6Hebrew prophetwas startled when he beheld the dr.i. bones Ofthe'ialley in- . Spiredl with life- marshalled' in battle array'.": All 'alonii,..this' oust of Rebellion. swarm our noble vessels of war,-all'th'e' kebol ;ports and harbors.are now:securely blockaded ! rebel , fort after. fort: bas' been: b.onAtarAqd sk.taken-by,bur, noble:Aare,: tinik l eaalord:cities vainly.struggle 'Lis our. iron•Agrasp,: father,of. water& teem with our iron clad gunboat& deseending anccessfutly. , ,.upom :their strongholdS, While from the, ;Sepnlchre. of crucified loyalty the corner stone is about—to be• rolled away that AZ redeemed spirit May Clii , M . .p l eice l unt?,te nation For. my'seli Wald 4 Foulkf.lcan not but that ours is the heroic' age of free govern- Ment,'s,, the last experinaent that the • a i .1. • a. Wdr/a will ever witness ;, and the very. last it origlit"ti, wit.p. ss t if we must fail, we are ,en, the.. remote- confines iof•sthe world,—mo.^ area' is left fop farther trial,' and if• the sun ,of freedom .goes down now, it will never 'rise hereafter.. Be- . . . 4 , .. . + . ••. ' . ' ' 41 :: i ', • '.' •.-.,:::: '.:,.': .- , '...; - 4 ::,-. '-'' :,- ' rr , . ~..,..., .., . .. - i ii j i . , ' i t .. . , . ~.. . . . + =EMI , 4Z ' 1 l l, 7 ,, , )1,1 1 . ' l, O t ., 7: . 44 44,,,, - 014 yowl my coneption , this generation is celled ' l ie' 'occupy the 1466ittVolitieal responsibility "'which can' lie' ftlip'ofnted unto man. .I,honor thelmpoio r deeds of our - fathers . of the ,revolutien, I. lovete recount'theirltistery, but the deeds„. of the present day will occupy a, mPrecpn epieuoue.,-part -,- - iu,,history‘ than those,of ,the revointion, ,, our :fathers ,had to .meet 4,foyeigrvfoe r lirho could not enter into the interior of ,our country, but_we, ,an 1 intestine foe spread over an area ex cealditig More then:half of EctroPe. Oc `"citifanullY chmes r borne te kir - ear : from the isfOrthL- , Peabe, pearo, 'peace, 'arid piey,ure ,indeed, swept words ,to mound most,grateful to my,ear, and my heart sickens as ,I read the report, of the bat tles lately fought in .the y west, and see slain Or tlie mutilated as they clasp the earth; and behold , thetears of the iidow and the-fatherless.— , -God knows liirbrild gladly, welcome peace,e but it; will not 'come at.our: bidding: -I- flatter .Nmyself that, theretcan , be,not. such , a thinge as,ya lasting peace with a divided Uhion. '.:I say the Union can alone be perpetuated under the diiiist,ffaiialkiiOn fIiVYI l eer. forefathers. If youbelieveme not go read 'over pie histOry of that Poliveriiion in Philadelphia composed 'Ot!kiiii4o i d sfiritiiitii'ashingteon, Franklin . and Sherman, and see their efforts for weeks :and months to, ccinsumate , a govirnixient `for ris, and.the-cry, :oflpeacel-will riot:-be 'atjoy until every rebel:has thrown doWn their arms,• can you, think oflpeece even iredkilitietta;:when yontrecolleet.ho* old age . .in: its-helPlesinessi, femilainimeepcp in its.unprotectedlloneliness ; .:the rights of property, in their moral Sanctuary;. loyal men, in the refuge of ' God's eon- , secreted house, and l i the yoeug bride, in the holy of holies of her husband's ,bosom, have been abused, inaptted„plun dered, burned, or ravished, just as, the Sell,dpiritef, the ,gonfe s derate ,Soldiery PFCIPP4 I . ,Y.9 3 ' 111 3 Pla,nY a home, the former abode ofpeace end . ,, security, there have gone up tears and groans and plaintive pleadings, mingled "with shrieks of frenzied., ,horror, :to the: mercy seat crying for: . ..vengeance. No my friend there' an berm peace whildt such demons desecrate,:onr fair. lan& : That man who talks to me of liberty and peace when the Union has been broken up is infected with treason or insanity ; he might as well talk of composure amid the thfoes of the e . earthquake, or '9r safety on, the flaming : v erge 'of 'the Note:Lin,' ' 'All historY (and I flatter myself I have 'reed ~ •s I .. ' 4, do little), give the lie to any such flatter ing predictions, aad What I still see in hilmannattire stamps' it witl i k e a r n insane absurdity. ' Make peace by giving the South what they ask for, break the hondi of thetUniontand every thing Treat and good goes,..with , it: The. advtaeafee , e'f freevinstitutiens'• would , theiovered With confusion; -while the::.veiyigre'ves . of :dess potism'wonld givelup:their dead Imola& tatioicat My niottoisithis—My , CoiintrY as ct,whale=Not , the Noilthi-of ithe , Soirtht.: Not the East or the West, but my Countrty as. a great and gloriouA WBOVE. Let rivers roll and menntaiOs swell to .di : versifyits surface, but over, all the patri otic Pride and syMpathies of. the Anieri can must Ilew,undistinguisking and, deep, as one united Republican realm of the free, I 'would that the Nation perish at once rather than groan out a miserable existence under :the , yoke of SOutliei.ri oppression as has characterized its leadz ers, let the tempest that now beats•uPon , `us, bear away with it every, relic t of our past glOry,oirery memorial: of opr.Kes.. ! ent existence. 'Never again let.,the, erci'cinenee dr cir'oratOrs thunder , in our lialls of legislatiori or the incense,of, gratitude ascend , from our altars, but let every itreaM that wandersthrough : our fair Country murmur only of ruin, eve,rY,brPez9,PAP „sweeps . : ,, a ' , • from .the Ik I TA. to i theMOUnti tOP, r tell onfy J Ofgias ,desoration every mave,thathreaypoe. our shores rumble like clods on the coffins' . of . the'deadimberiL our, :COnritiry shall be reed . by , those traitors :,in' arm'' gooti,„da glorious• a , Cenatitii! tion .an d , so: grateful. a Country: ..4%; :few' , words Inorcron this subject and 'I 'nay' farewell. I cannot close,without recur ring to the "lainented dead, of our late glorioud vidtOties 'by some regfembratt-,. ces. They who poured out their fife blood; and, others . , who Imayl-yet 'alive mutilated and deformed, who will' carry tot the. grave the marks .'of •;what they: ' have:done for their Country. The dead' are - bey ondJour:.sym p athy sl but; we =can everlcherisli . vgratefal memory. Of their self , devotion and you who: are ',exempt:, land , whose „field .of-duty is at home, care , for their friends, watch- , kindly. Over- =ME EMS =I MIZZ :71 - : : r i v er 7 h -I, —(;) - a-. TYTeaz-- MP= RIWV .~,~, QM =l2 -- n --- NO-41 - .: „them: smooth the ,rough paths ..ove! nhicbttheytmay 41130, erp 4 they,.. sayefare: , 'NFRI/At 0 .4. 1 .47.9 11 ,51,44.' , :ii.33atii honorable; a .ioillle,fitondaaniik r lgkrnytysturifaill notoin ,y c9ir, 4 uty,jan4JElepr en,,wi ij o row ard tyoti L'i'Ld Y:C10 4 rilhilYA'giidOnefierld , ifriebd I, ,"Xotilk,' ; ',.for liingh,,,,senttmoista l as4hosei t liefilky.e,a pen, 4. t... , t och ono tAriz 0 .43kb 4 , ' • "arfetta”. fist a%Zecessionistr-:-ifr S. I; ;5e:,►,,,,- ~.., 6 V 4 . - - • ~. u thoughts such expresSions are ~dis Joy. 1; traitorous and rebellious ..I amiindeed a Becessioniat and yet 1.-kayo's consolation for I r fe i til: Lanic ‘ far ,RoEe,isifi43. tR,,, atriot t i han f 1 , t i ?,`?TtYl/197°140.!Fti4ceiiiie; f forgive, me for ti•esspiisisiNg t so„loegiopomr youe t'#ae:. ' Ac°ll4 liPttPlP, 'tin"' IffPit that it became ,i4P.- tc ,, A.Pea..lf. qi B 1 I.llaYet„ -4one.: I care not what others may thinz, but with:lon arid 'that' Talc' Who lieV . Ei.ti3ben` I.zfriendly toward' the 7.1 could'init allow such an assiirticergo!unccintii.dlcied. '' , q : i t havo , spiikenlreely and .1 4 11.opelibidefeiy: hope , you will - net:find:one `word ln tliis I . haisty written letter , to , w'orin d -Year 'NO., inks (Timex yOurplesitnietin' Vehdfni ktr, but =that: I-May. ,,. finiluittlyiihtwia'ilttrain, I .trulrgratefullfoi4S,AgfigeildP Adikeiriiber me‘veryi - kindly tire MT. Trainer; , youfsar. ;hens ~ indeeditinylfrierid'.4 Vinsiatiriil Yeil"l' neverliadi reaeotkonhinlizotter`Olfejiiiti; can show him this let464flouiiiiiii tfit,' oi:any „, of zoir,"9c,,W i lr i ke - Ods, 4 " - gho .46;m1d gnoi. Of — A t ll: 11- 7 , "}Flig, wlhelast' I Xlcerli' of la.jid: trrnrigec:sili,,' an,/ was 1 ;,, 1 , , 405ia* ,, .., v a .., I , e; 0 . 44 k. i et.6.11,,F4; . 1 - 11 9 11 A n g vsc rC t ie,t 3 t Prqpjg fivi",,9vo4 siaiiag, yet it: affects Me pff:somdk 77 neia "i.jia."Rerrie Remember ii i r t ilis .ii , , - ~.,; -, -,. n. IFff... roulk'Od trio c4ild'ien in and • • :. -, • . - • ,-, a Ltvr. 1 kindness. Icy, q.:., , respect. 'l' hope tO bp in Marietta : some time in kai, - ivheliVe Call have act r it, ..P. 1. . .= W. I :• , .0... 1, 4 % 4 ,, over' old affairs gone by. Adieu Vmon chu amid" Xe;:y Respectfully - c A.Al,Maiony 17. 1 5,N, , ! North, Atlantic ; 73*kacling,§, ivadfcp = Mr. Jelin 'it Voulk Marietta 1-11 41i Lancaster Connty • • , a r The battle atpr liearoriith can not- koe % delayed muohllonger.-, Shiba ~Gen. Xlallecli's•arriyal at Pittsburg tLanding, t4O-•.4)!XICEIt,I has. birought , ,Order. , .ontf of chnos, , ,,Aral refertned t and- averginized his ,arnlyjsio , that4)itlisiliterallys „The ;.whole.. of 1 Use. corpse, with the exception.fof,„Genbial Mitchell's division.;;ir now at this point and all cbil e Osiionifent;;Ei l ee'Alli, irik a host in itsele Awa r toliiii : deLT , gie , s • army, which has been ordete'd frem, the le4er Whi 3 6.11:i4 - Plaibls nom itirit*'4en'. 4 lfidra, at PitltSbnie l Ehidiiiiii flirgeiTto'fceiltuaii R°49n PAlffeJfits;lPElffilL4l l 4,-011 ittlis!.p.on tkng!o—earSekti,mrtiopp, ; on ;the. Patti.; gkael•PefßFP.i 1 49Ck1ia 1 4'.419.v.e.di towards Yorktown. Gars llitchell.haslalso been taxgelyae,dilfprcsiji Fed w &Ole to defend himself ...„.againtsk i any force Beauregard- can send against him.— ef l e fitl"4,7 o 'ifee, n ta sa y tao J pYeeirigiCPCYmliira:' V4)&611; 1 '110 egiliksl76l' "Lid' Gen. Mitchell hatie Ciettrge / cli l ekY his fl m ow n ; of . r e tr e at , ; but 3,citt-hme e xPect,ll9 4P 1 4 g era/ ".cittcAsarinl-g4O 6 A VI stirf9derri4.9l:lo. retreat MP1441b9.-116KVil less—as there is no other ktrAgetipal :point in the Mississippi valley worti defending: IWe lexpebtl will' • thbiattabli; and iflhortgifielqtheOwill tetla`• worse thrishingtlian he aid , atlfkittiiiitlir Landing. - m9ll . men 0 TIDE PIY TRY.XPAII.EzS lately arrived, sa , ys...a Buffalo 4:leper, froiwthe loweeregins'of Tinne4seeffre lates any Arhuside 'or ttlidt l / 4 6.9' irti" Whidli=she' danag'id 'hbr Viduahrei. Her hisband had heft leniii"tit `menemeritft'df fhb tP ktr,ParPfPP Ll 9 Pr,qr.PrLY7ra„P,olpisr abki.PP. Ae°PliPg. itAte PCFP,A 3 PI4I):sq soelations, ; she r , • l4 ) ,,,past,,,,ieexralpe4A4 4 IRIVAi2.IIIII/40419rtiDand convertngugll, her personal goßda, at great sacrifice, -she- worked the gold coin into the dappingsloita:pastelacied - letied.lionnefetatd'plaeglethelilveilliece& lietweeri l'aYers of and , butter Ide- • pcisited indlei — baket.'Agettinvont':on 'her journeyyshe 'thus timausged to 'elude the hordes ofthieitelttlulitkoseit hertpath. intelegent faiineibeineaskell if hiad horseSo wireisiell , thatchidpreplil ed*:,f`Yes, they are mitched-=first-rate'; one of them is will'inkto do4l,ll.theiverk, aniil the otliefiS wilTirthe - should.!' c.OO ,‘ 4,0 uuf irge 'LON' If JJeff flEttivie 9 waisti ) toe Safe pliicepiwd &Riseahichc44ol6lita la high tztesticildiswl it kipvitketilhitzfi,/F. [From the Columbia Spy STRIKE FOR THE UNION, E= Strike for the Union ! do it noir ; Crush viletrenson at one strong blow; Strike for our banner! rear it high ; Bright Starathat noontide sun defy ! Strilte for the Union ! Strike as the waves strike! where it stood, Drown discord in a rushing Hood'; Strike as the lightning ! quick and fast Scorch the serpant with a hot, blast r Strike for the Union t Strike but to conquor I know no fear, Who's not'brave is a cause so - dear? Strike though we perish Heaven will bless The widow and the fatherless. • Strike for the Union: ,kagiff...riALL9#l4,l,o4:olB,thOUght :- ill home, with,blood . , our sires once bought ; St - rifle foi our-birtbiright ! he's the heir, • Who fighis'foi ffedoniveveri where! •,Air ••. r . ,`: Strike Sob the ilniow! ' Strikef foT theirreientl who shall say 'TI ere ii k krnalf valve in one day! isirikeforifielutta r'lirhie 'awaits heri grand rolliof unborn States— , ~,; "„ I Strike,for the Union ! CnnsTr i a, P.A s • vasig ' SONG Elf `UUR FLAG: 4 13 Y, 3 1 ,ETA ,P.• EINEM 4 1 ;lt - 7 , WE With deep affection, And recollection, . • : x J.:, I often.thinlrof - F- 3 , • ..;, 1 ,Who seiolds :.po .wotild ; . ~ln dal% ofchildhoo,ll Fling o'er, my f&icy !"'r:.tB , :Their maje = tic spells: 1 ,, 19e our Flag ; ' On That I goi!dt;,, Aid still grow fonder, ' 'Prduellagih'i thee; ',44 brOiutatiipee itieaming, rn allcmy dreaming. I seem to-see. =II AndiubilpLißry,, T° Algo , " Ik efterf;plinie,. " NW tli f eidlerolitilit • ~I‘. ^ . • eJ , I OfTtlitifliddiffgr'•`' tr,Mtiline imploring,. BEE Hadbnaught.aublime. dwelling 'On thy proud swelling, - Witlr sweetretelling, , t " A T '' s '''' "Stilt igicikeed T 4 larla n•mrl o3ic,Whygoro3rd4striPesigtreliining, .it ei1.141,4 1 1.1ifY dredming I ", I ..eee nl ed to, sne. Asks glorious ..t ,Fratutheldlokitoriotia For blood-and strife; „,, f of FOViclicise , • TheThrave, DrAad :e* Gave up t./1,41. life. 91 ';‘ . 11 It:Oldie digs gory ' I've heirdrthe glory, and- atoty s • Tsdd.tenderly - ; : :.- But thy stark,gleaming, Tliy broad stripes streaming, In all my dreaming " ever sect: . ' „ , •t , 1 '4 ,11 ""tle.dideiYAkeni' -' ' ' ' ~ . r-;1 PWith ttiMmings•gOldmi, ‘..4.: , ;•!:otSeelftlto embolden.. ; . 7 ••••-: ••:•• • T•lte. t elam4of l tboae t i , .. • . ... 1 , 1 l• Lt.) 1. _ E ''''.. eh i en nl tl Y• PiieF • • '. Of royal sPiniidor, " 1 j u i l elg 4 " "-'' ' ''i i surrender iii ' ; d "'f i n . ' .iitVreliilaie ' . 111-41.14 k! , '. •• • ,r See our flag-yonder— v.-.. •• ,:= On thatd;:pblaWer"i.• 4 '' - ' • .••1 • ;.•••>l4 l ._iti.filtiAt SAlWardaderi .1 ) .. .. Li „nit I t r- 1 e,:t1!i02..9t . th9l - . • Thy bfar)l hhtO ra .glev ipg Thy broad stripes streamt n 'I;-vtr qii 114'1? dr ilg 3 I ' ''„, gI ~ , ' ,!,t 1,-) 0p1,44, Tei . olfusi, of, 1 t. r I s.- :-... : 411 1 t rm:!s•:,,lii.-N , l 1' :•i. ' Fag of our nation, i The bestoblation b ' A , Of adoxittiolni. I. : J r. 5. ,', ,t, ,/,Rtreptime., 1 Tirant and tory • 1:: :'L.1.,--, .., ,4 .F 1 ... , ....., 1. ,_ , 1 Have learned thy itory,- 7 , 1 ''' The ,tae of for . " '' L '"Andlibeid i k '` J , " 1 • l ulls. , -; 4 et, f 1 I.t.L, 6. . And children wandering, t i And heroes pondering, 11,11 A t And•talddn thandeithg, i t.10.-:1 .4..i..§.# 131 11 1 39P.0r th...b.e. !.,,) :‘ , I ,„, I , t•,-F• h yt li ri g h ttric ar litgl9n4ng*. . .-.40 V T b rir ad 4VP e lf Or•eanillS, '.. In all my dreaming , ' ' ''4 •L A I V A l 1" ' Vl l iiii r- ' ' - , qir. 9-. !" t" ...7::?•:-- 1 1. ** ll) 7lT.4 l3 4lofeqt Pftt, }lo, 4l.uOceeses 3urnside and Foote is,keryt-percep.tible in all quarters. The contrabands, as niay well 'be are not; iicidiffer ent.!,'Onb"4 'thein `qiiieily, Inquired, • • `"iotinlyOulell'aihi it is that 'master Burni3fdeld'untftliat'it' idok five north. enersltolexpiallbnektWoittheenctirl" "No" replitalsies,'ihbV ' taprfsiniE , -- nertherners to catch iiiie,sOntlerner—he runs BO fast —:and then t it takes the other northener to whipluml" - • wood for a co,otratiand. • , , _ It is said ,ti i kt#Rhe, fLqlznoistledgeo rikht of an edit,orailias„mtvAl m i rt i ptk r, e 6 Sikh t, iS a part of tke " ,be of, the , t.t ••1.144 4 , press'."--Amen. .! ft., .... 4fma4, l krat.trd4nectby,hit m2pfilkoAd,AkessisqnfitpAgnflopa verdict a -1, 1 ,4444/4A Opibitlldlit; tfir It is much to "tie eared that the "ghlis utnAtglass: "Wrigetneal't`ve the ,iersiacrtilbe E ? art t° do a ‘l 2l *alit the face to bear it, out. - 1 FEZ