Rlaricttian. MA RI ETTA CAR Tint E.—The sin eral pas tenger trains leave "Upper-station" as follows: Ihe meriting train cast at ;:50. The mail train West at 12:09. The afternoon train east at 3:4:6. The evening train west at G:55. The evening mail train east 7:06. - " ' Saturday, April 12, 1862 "FORT TIPTON," Fairfax co., Va., April 7, '62 Col. Baker: Having received orders on the first day of April, that we were to move on the Second—all things were In readiness, in double quick time, for our departure to Upton's Hill, Va., which is about 10 or 12 miles from the camp we left ; we marched past the President's House, up through George town, and crossed the Aqueduct Bridge into Virginia.; on our march we passed Fort Cocoran ; the country through which we passed after leaving the Fort is rather of a poor soil, with here and there a few well arrayed farms. Our "Gravel Hill" is a fair representation of the soil ; but agricultural ingenuity is not displayed like at home. We are now encamped between Fort Upton and Fall's Church, places famous for the great skirmishing between our troops and the rebels, which is well known to most of your readers. Fort Upton is a - powerful Fort, on the top of Upton Hill; close by is a large house which has a lookout erected on its top, which enables a person to see for miles around; close by us, is a brick meeting house, which was used as a hospital for the sick of the \ I New York troops, ar'ound it are the arked resting places:of many that died; 'ltlv ) e graves are well sodded, with head arils erected giving the name, age, ace and Regiment of their deceased rnrades ; we at present occupy the e building for our sick ; about one \ f mile farther west is Fall's Church, lace .celebrated as the Church in ch (as report says) General Wash ton was married, and also for being 'Ace 'of his Head Quarters during 'olution ; the old seats are still the btick used for it were im- On Saturday we received or• ve those churches prepared, iabitants could attend Divine .nd also to protect them in and Religious rights ; I paid church, being anxious to the building ; the ten Com are printed as on tablets, 'ter passages of Scripture ; iption in honour of Capt. on stone and fixed in the lent—this was done in Capt. fur his liberality in to have it repaired. Part ion reads as folloWs : but ' of Capt. henry Fair- Nuld still be in ruins. is in the Rebel army mpany). I seed you small piece or chip 'the church, though iorne other person • WI L ETOU citt pre 01 for the fax this (The Cal in comml with this cut from the I did not cut performed the loose and I got is what I repro! pulpit. Fall's able times, must estieg .place ; about 8 miles from h camp, about a mile, is Munson's Hill ; it is a if wall_ filled • 'lt be held - ftgei) force; to sI Bill you can ington.., were were obliged time last fall was their ecriptiocks of cipatly direct fax Seminal; ing., meted steeple, and nonsp tattoos about 2 atilt was the Bet elation; ab Ist nod sth well imagine calved from thoy just found, for I hoods; arm we a heart townsmen, Herr and Ph. pened to be there on a visit to the First —I never saw a more hearty set of men, only one in the Regiment was sie4 ; .Captains Hess, Jeff and Barton lokc ,\ Tine; Lieu's. McPhail, Sourbeer aril. II Quarter Master Bear, and the officers i ' I general looks as if soldiering agree In with them. I then passed over to se 1 1 Lieut. Got Fisher, who, as well as all n t his mop, I found in good health ; I then of turned homeward, when I overheard someone call me by name, and on turn- ' : P . Vo ing around found Samuel S. Strachan emy, running up to shake bands with me ; he „,.. r ; said when he heard I was iu camp he rs ran frilly one half mile to see me, I never qe saw him look so well ; all had questions to ask respecting their friends, &c. It is growing late—all around me are asleep and I am shivering with cold, for it is snowing and blowing around us, which is something very unusual this season of the year in this vicinity. More anon. E. D. R. * : :s- Read the advertisement of the Columbia Fire Insuranee Company.— This company is located near home, and we knoll' the (officers, and, from the state ment made, the company is in a flourish ing condition, The managers of this company are some of the best business men in this vicinity ; men of irreproach able character for honesty and fair deal ing. Why go abroad for insurance when it can be obtained upon so fair terms, immediately at our doors. Support not only your home paper, but home fire insurance companies, home factories and in fact everything that can be obtained at home, ce The Ladies will open a Fair and Festival in the Town Ball, on Wednes day evening next, the 16th. instant, for the benefit of the M. E Church in this Borough, to continue during part of the following week. All kinds of fancy aad useful articles will be on sale; a supper will be furnished or Thursday evening. Tickets will, be put at a reasonable price. All kinds of refreshments will be served in good style. For particulars see bills. Dr. Compton resigned his posi tion as one of the physicians at the Poor [louse, and Dr.. A.. J. Carpenter of Lan caster elected in his stead. The medi cal board now consists of Drs. Bowman and Carpenter, (allopathic,) and Drs. Stebman and Barr, (homceopathic).— The two first named have entered upon their duties, and will continue six months When the others will take their place for the remainder of the veer. Snow on the or April—and not an ordinary snow either—but snow, some think, two feet deep on the 9th of April is certainly a very uncommon freak in this region—yet such is the tact. It is said to have been the great est snow storm known here since 1837. g:r Ben" of the Lancaster Express, Lieutenant of Capt. Peifer's company, now in Nashville, has so far recovered from his late dangerous illnesS as to be able to return ; he is expected• in Lan caster in the course of a week. The examination of candidates for the Naval and Military Academies —26 in number—took place in the Or phans' Court Room on Friday last, ac cording to appointment. The Evening Express contains the following with re gard to the examination It was announced to the young gen tlemen in attendance that the examine,• tion would net be public; that they should come forward and register their names, writing the same in, fell, and adding their ages and place of residence. After this was done numbers would be prepared equal to the number of appli cants, and they would be requested to draw from these numbers so as to de termine by lot the order of their exami nation, the committee proposing to ex. amine them separately and seriatim.— This being accomplished, the candidate drawing the first or least number was called in and examined, then the next, and so on until one o'clock, when the committee adjourned for au hour. Find ing that this proceeding would require several days to examine the whole num ber, the committee then resolved to ex amine two or more together, especially as they had sufficient extent of black board surface for four to work out their operations at the same time. The plan of the examination was accordingly •,ged in this respect, and at first two soon after four were called in and .mined together. Notwithstanding progress was thereby facilitated, the inittee continued their session, with Cher hour's interval for sapper, until r eleven o'clock on Friday night, !it they adjourned to eight o'clock following morning, there being still it candidates remaining to be exam- The examination was then re ted, and it was finished at about ution, and cut i on can rely it art of the old nage, in pence ‘rt and inter- t [louse is oath of our Munson or 'dace, and .t the close of the several examine- Is the candidates were informed, that rout d be unnecessary for them to re m any longer—the committee having !relined to make no communication ept to our Representatives at Wash ; from whom they would learn, he proper time, who are the success candidates, he committee speak in very favor : terms of the body of young men I thus presented themselves as com tors for the two nominations. DIED. uesday last, ELIZABETH ANN, daughter hristian and Martha Stibgen, aged 5 bia, DR. HENRY Sorra . , formerly of ZIE ter, on the, 3d instant, IVIr. LEWIS •D, aged 7S years. instant, Mr. MICHAEL McGRANN, lllMl=tl Dia ea and 'dysentery will deciminate Aunt s far more than the bullets of the F, the .re let every man see to it-that ries wr . him a full supply of HoLco- PILL.. Their use in India and the "r 1 housands of British Soldiers, Box. . 213 tl save& 25 cents p THE RESQUE I—Young men DIESS TO x ig ,s in li t f o o, the sh li : p id osu p r r e e s po a r nd dangers e thenselves of a for al Fevers. he Dysentery, the Sores and which are almost certain to follow.— VAY' PILLS used occasionally during , will insure sound health to . .Only 25 cents per Box. 214. LAMP STATEMENT- THE PROFITS ? MARIETTA, i\lAßcn 29, 1562 Mn. EDITOR :—As I understand that some persons are of the opinion that I made a speculation by purchasing . those Lamps and Posts, in Baltimore, for the Corporation. I would say, if they call advancing the money .and paying part of the expenses and no charge for time ; if they call this speculating I would say that I did make a trifle—that is, out of pocket. I will show by the following state• meets, first, I will give an extract of a letter from a friend, in regard to those Lamps and Posts ; Baltimore, Feb. 27, 1862. This is to inform you that I went to see those lamps and posts you were speaking of, and find they are very much disfigured, what is left of them, the superintendent of lamps told me that if I would take SO or 100 of them, he would give me the best they had; the price they ask is 50 cents apiece ; they also have lamps and frames to sat them in, which they oiler for $1.50, which would be $2 for lamps and posts. This lamination I give you with pleasure, &c. Statement of Expenditzwes Feb. 25, To paying fare from Mariet ta to Columbia, 15 " " " " Dinner at Black's, 40 fare fram Columbia to York, 50 York to Baltimore, 1.70 Supper and lodging at Guy House, 1.50 Breakfast at eating saloon,in Balt. 25 Fare.in street cars, 20 For 12.1 amps, bunt ers and frames, 18.00 20 cedar posts,at 40 12.00 3 lamp frarnes,3oc. 90 Hauling 4 loads of posts and lamps " « " " Fare Item Balt. to 1:1=1•11=3 cc cc cc cc cc 26 cc CC 13=1=3=B MO ME IMEMENE CC CC 'lt CC cc 2. 7 cc u York Dinner at the 'Mor tar House,' Fare from York to Columbia Stew at Resturant Fare from Columbia to Marietta Freight to Dan'!. F. Griffith on 34 cedar lamp pests from B. to Columbia 5 for paying freight to P. R. R. on 34 posts from Columbia to "Eagle Furnace," S. F. Eagle order for unloading posts 7 paying for taulin. , 34 cedar posts, and distribut ing same in town C. Stoltz, " holidays work distributing by John Folks S 1 day work setting lamp posts by John Folks " paying C. Stoltz fur hauling stone to fasten posts 10 I day work setting posts by John Folks 11 1 day setting post„J, Folks " paying freighthto Crosby on larrittS and frames from Ball.4l,,Marietta " use, of tools•for setting posts " paid for 14 bolts and washers 11 inches long, to fasten lamps, " load of stone to fasten posts 15 paid J. Livingston, for .1 days work, setting posts H. Libliart, seeing posts, Jno. Sergeant for painting 46 posts and frames, 15 lamps, 2 coats, 22 paying by Frank for 4 posts bought by him after I left the city to make up a load and one load of, hauling which is included in bill of hauling 1.75 ._ The above statement includes all my paying and receiving, with regent to lamps, posts, &c., which I can show by receipts or give satis factory evidence if requir,d. Hoping that this will be satisfactory to the citizens and show them that I have not made anything by the operation, and if anything, I have lost, as all are aware that a person will have some expense which I have not made charge oi, while abroad; they will also see by the above statement that I have made no charge for my services with the exception of distributing and setting posts. I will give another extract of a letter frorril a friend, in regard to these lamp posts. Balimore, Feb. 27, 1860 y. - This is to inform you that I was Emmet t i v ' hat disappointed after you left, by Mr. Dent ,mead calling on me and informing me they thy' . t. would have enough to fill the cars; ) I teen found Mr. Bitner's agent, who agree ', 1X:o. to take ~ the posts to Columbia. After wait ling, until i the man came with tho first load, li P. told me that he could not haul more than 12 - them. I " 1 - then went to ilie oilier Station 11. 111 'msts at one load, so he had to make 3 loads y of , /use to see if I could get enough to make the o 'her load, but ' found none there, so I started ov till e r to the other ..: place and took 4 more posts; s LI you w ill have 34 instead of 30. If l had time agent to know whether he won aid have taken 5 more lamps and frames I v . . to see Bitter's ould have sent them along, but as it is, I h --a 'cove N done the best ' to save expellees under the ~.) , ..1 did not see the compiroler u rn fil know wha , he will 4 posts. --- charge for the circumstances. I i. told. Mr. Bitner's agent to send you wotd. P is soon lie arrived at Columbia, which he so 'dad he would cheerfully do." In conclusion, I woo my self under many obliga d n M t say that I feel j'lons to Mr- Geo. Frank for his assistance in pi fulf)curing these lamps and posts. 13 ~ei r .espectluily, -- A ; JOHN FDLICS. I!EME=!:I3 r!=iM3=l3 IMii2 11==CMCI March 4, ." " cc 6 .c CC IMMECI CM=33 Assigned Estates r i Abraham, Sei Y . t t . A., H.. 4- J. School 1$ and Abraham dinihn Schoch. ME r I H E undersig distribute the hands of Benj. F. assignees, for th above named esta on Saturday, Ma'l • Library Room ot 1 a ~,ed, auditor appointed. to balance remaining in the P 11 ;! Hiestand and John Kline, likv benefit of creditors of the tes, will sit for that purpose 3, 1862, at 2 P. M., in the the Cuurt House, Lancaster. A. &LAMAY:ER, Auditor. April 12, IS6 201 TO THE LW r 'HE under . that he Limn ER Ira edge of,ever feels confide tion in the her, and he patronage. Mar. Q 2-62 • - • th. IBER DEALERS OF MARIETTA. wit signed would beg leave to state has bee]. assiomed the duty of e thy branch having a full knows • branch of the Lumber Business, ly dint that he can render full satisfac :ounting and Inspeition of Lim a ipes to receive a liberal portion of GEO. W. ETTLA. k eYi COA /or. e e ebi J ! COAL, 1 COAL 1 e bll Sale Cheap for Cash. e bll l dersigned being anxious to close out a os eser stocir,ewill vizsell at the following he w t ° Baltimore Company, Egg and list Stove size, at $3.30.- Tba u, Red Ash, 3.25. n, in, White Ash, 3.25. Valley, broken, 3.10. Valley, Stove, sh, nut,, . 2.40. THOS. ZE.T.L, Agt. Ita, February '15',,,,1362., , ~.,,, ryl HE u the pr bitamukt Shamok Lukens '- Lykens Tin While . Tin Uri oat is cu'idta 4 : p 1 Prt gerhad. she? 0 . nderslgned will open a select school, i-eBc ' encing on Monday, May sth, and let he 12 weeks. The course of instruction 3 brew iorough and practical—well caleu prepare the young for the active life. The developement of the in 1 - tis th e at; and moral faculties, the formation' habits of thought and the communV theft)l knowledge, will be the three he I ...,. ‘' objects of every recitation and the school. lee Not Trams: cm Nor rimary department, s2'oo • But secondary, 3.00 on except in cases of protracted . r H. H. SAWYER. ii, March 8,1862. Aka ~i~ coati Ti will fated du e , telle o e cat pal ex '~%~`~ ~....._t__ Sphifig of ISQ! Gear.> PRlEris J. B. DIFFENBA No. 61 Market Street, Mari a, Pa. 0_ O FFERS FOR SA LE 1 best Merrimac Prints at 12, c , " American " 12!; " " Cocheco " 121 ' 4 " Sprague " 121, " " Mourning " 14 The best Domestic Cingbams at 1 cents. Bleached and unbleached Muslin- t nearly OLD PRICES. NEW DRESS GOWS Such as English and French Chint , Mozambizes, UeLaineS, French ChaHies, French Poplins, White andColoid BRILLIANTS! Crapes, Veils, Collars, and Notions if all kinds Spring Cloaking Cloths, Fancy and Plain Cassimerfs, Black and Fang Cloths, Cashmeretts, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Window Blinds, Bulf Holland, for Curtains, Curtain 'Fixtures, MI of the above Mids haying been bought rolt , cAsit, will be sold cheap as the cheapest; the attention of persons waiting for low prices are respectfully invited to This notice. GROCEnIES: Ten Hhds. Extra Syrup ad 50 cents per gallon ; Excelsior Hams and Dried Beef, said to be the best in the world. Fresh Soda and Wine tup Biscuit; Sugars, cup market prices. luse Molasses at 2.5 MI 1.70 Coffees, Teas, &c., at the Five Mids. Sugar Ho' cents per gallon. LIQUO Brandies, Gins, Superior 0 : Sherry and Madiera Winee be sold at the lowest prid China, Glass and ;• The highest price pail Marietta, April 5, MR. ME The Columbia Insuran Of Columbia, Lancaster CHARTER PERPE, LOO IpHIS Company continues to ings, Merchandise, and o against loss and damage by fire al plan, either f;r a cash prom note. 1.00 The success of the Comp: ceeded the most sanguine r i Directors, and it mill be not jug statement that its aitaii and flourishing condition. WHOLE AMOUNT INS Balance of Cash Promitni 73 LUO 1.00 DO ruary Ist, 1861, Cash Premiums receive(' last year, less agents' tJ Interest received on in , last year, 1.40 50 3.73 3.50 Losses and Expense Tear, Balance of Cash pended, Feb. Ist 6.00 It will he se money paid in a sufficient to pa leave a surplu - Dollars, and levied any to ,e pant• oi C. S. K VUFFMAN, President GEORGE YOUNG, Jr., Sectary. M. M. SA! _IIICKLE.II, Treasurer. DIRECTORS : C. .WO:Kau ff man, Abraham Bruner, Sr., fr' . hn Fendrlch H. G. Minich, , e Pane/ F. Eue; kin, H. R. Knolwell, ory. iVr. M. Strickler, Michael H. Moore, George Young, Jr., Nicholas Mc Donald. Amos S. Green, REF ER CES.—The following persons are all mentbers of this Company: Bainbridge—R. li Jones. John H. Smith, Joseph Kuitz. Columbia—Geo. Bogle, Hiram Wilson, F. S. Bletz, Casper Yeager, H. C. Fondersmith, John Shenberger, J. G. Pollock, Frank Shillot, John Gnus, J. J. & P. S. Mc- Tague, Michael S. Shuman, R. Williams, John Cooper, Geo. W. Heise, Washington Righter, Samuel Shoal, Robert Hamilton, Eckert Szi Myers, Thomas Welsh, Win. A. Martin, Casper Seibert, J. W. Cottrell, Philip Huebner, Ephraim Hershey, Philip Schalck, David Hanauer, John Kramer, Jacob Stacks, Jacob Strine, Benj. F. Appold, Wm. Whipper, John Q. Denney, Sohn Felix, Silvester, Vogla, Samuel Arms, A. Gray Sr. Co. East liemplield —Simon Minictr. Falmouth—Abraham Col lins, Samuel Horst, Michael Bess. Lancas ter—Sohn Rankin, B. A. Shaeffer, Henry .E. Leman, Wm. T. Cooper, John SheatTer, Geo. Reese. Marietta—Geo. W. Mehalley, John H. Sammy, Frederick Mahling, E. D. Reath, Calvin A. Schaffner, John Naylor, Samuel Hopkins, Martin Hildebrandt, H. Sr, F. Fletch er. Mount Toy—Jacob Myers, Israel Barn hart, Michael Brandt, John Breneman.— Manham—John Restorer, J. E. Cross, Sam'l. Long, Geo. Weaver, John M. Dunlap, John Dutt, Philip Arnt, Jacob H. Kline, David Fisher. Maytozon—Hiram Beatty, George B. Murray, Samuel Pence, Simon F. Albright.— Mountvil/e—A. S. Bowers. Atoner Township —Jacob B. Shuman, Christian Miller, Julius L. Shuman. Penn Township—Daniel Frey, n H er. enry Rapho B. Becker To,wnship Henry —Chnsti Neff, John E. Bren nam Greider, Edward Givens, Michael Witman. West Heinpfield 'Township—li. E. Wolf, B. A. Price, M. A. Reid, J. H. Strickler, Amos S. Bowers, Jacob Roffman. Warwick Township—Daniel B. Erb. l The Company wish to appoint an Agent for each Township in Lancaster County.— Persons wishinc , ' to take the Agency can apply in person or by letter. • JeS-33 ill ~, JOHN CRULL, PRMITIEAL HATTER, NO. 92 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA MAKES this method of Informing his old friends and the public generally, that he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by George L• Markley,) and is now perma nently fixed to prosecute the Ratting business IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Having just returned from the city where he selected a large, varied and fashionable assort ment of everything in the HAT AND CAP LINE, and now only asks an examination of his stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. Having also laid in a stock of Ratting materi al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft, to the most Fashionable Silk Hat. Employing none but the best of workmen, and manufacturing good goods at low prices, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. 91 The highest price paid for Furs,—in trade or cash. Marietta, March 9, 1861. "ATRONA COAL OIL! WARRANT ED NON-EXPLOSIVE! AND EQUAL TO ANY Why buy an explosive oil;whitrit. few cents more per gallon will furnish-you with a PERFECT 010 MADE'ONLY BY Penn'a Salt Illannfacturing Company, No. 127 Walnut street, Philadelphia. February 15, 1862-Iy. DANIEL G. BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER, PA OFFICE :—No. 24 NORTH DUKE STREET, opposite the Court House, where he will at tend to the practice of his profession in all its various branches. [Nov. 4, ,59.-1 y _ 4182 ,, aw5w ." ; _ J. z ._ 416; 1 estings, RS: d Rye, Pure. Port, all of Which will, FOR CASH. , leensware, for produce Company MBE fiNZIE rinsure Build her property. on the mutu urn or premium ny has far ex xpectations of the .iced by the foliow rs are in a healthy URED $772,707 34. 'as unexpended, Feb -065 13 t during the ,OMMI6S1(111, $3,315 54 mey lounei ESE $4,210 07 -4 paid the last $2,704 2 Premiums un6x , 1862, $1,505 86 $4.,210 07 :en from the above that the dvarice for policies has oeen all losses and expenses and fund of over Fifteen Hundred hat the .Directors have sieve upon the members of the Corn ANNUAL STATEMENT Of THE FINANCES OF THE Borough of Xarietta, FOR. THE YENR F.INDING APRIL 21), 1562. 1. eceipts Balance of Taxes of 1560, SGS:SO Taxes of IStil, 993:00 1061:50 Cash in Treasury, March 30, 1561, 30:02 Expenditures Pioneer Fire Company, Rent, J. Peter Walter, Music, prank. K. Mosey, do John Suitzbach, do John H. Goodman, Regulating, WilHain Krater, services, Jacob Mellinger. Supervisor, 26:57 Allen S. Ruby, Smithing, -.9:76 15:27 Aaron H. Summy, Interest, F. L. Baker, AdvertisWg and Printing, 20:50 Henry S. Libliart, Salary, 5:00 George Rudisill, Sr., 10:00:64 A. N. Cassel, Lumber, 2:00 Hiram Wilson, Repairs, 0 C. A. Schaffner, Lumber, 6:95 21:13 John Folks, Repairs, Henry Mosey, Labor, 4:00 C. Shaen, Hauling, :25 Conrad K. Marks, Masonry, 3:37 Wm. Tinsley, . do 3:79 3 Jacob Mellinger, Supervisor, 1:25 Christian Stall; Hauling, 3;90 16:50 F. L. Baker, Assessor, Grove & Roth, Oil, &c., 5:74 Rasing & Grove, Repairs, 1:29 :00 James M. Armstrong, Swilling, 4 F. K. Mosey, services, 3:12 Konigmacker & Co., Repairing Hose, 9:00 Henry Sultzbacli, Stone, 8:25 L . L. Stehman, Hauling, 3:50 Harmony B. Society, Rent and Interest, 39:00 John Peck, Labor, 7:30 James Cushman, Hauling, 12:25 James Park, Chief Burgess salary, 2300 John Auxer, Treasurer, salary, 15:00 A. Emswiler, service's, 19:62 J. P. Walter, do 2:00 ----- Orders of 1860 paid in 1561, Deduct from above receipts, Balance in Treasury, April 2, 3562, Orders of 1860 unpaid No. 113. George Hipple, " 138. Samuel Scantling, Orders of 1861 unpaid : No. ISO, Musselman & Watts, Hauling, 27:00 154, John Folks, Repairs, .. 30:95 187, Henry 8: Libhart, Repairs, 6:00 155. Do Do Do . 11:10 191, 'Jacob Mellinger, Supervisor, 4:26 193, John Folks, Repairs, 82.5 194, F. Waller, Hauling, 1:60 195, John Fulks, Music, 4:00 196, Rusing & Grove, Hose Truck, 18:45 Jr, E. F. McElroy, Repairs, 5.00 195,J. Dowhower, Smitbing, 6:30 ' 200, J. Bauman, Repairing Hose, 2:00 201, D. Roth, Hardware, 6M7 202, Samuel R. Ripple, Labor, 7:50 203, Mehatfey, Houtz & Co., Lumber, 13:33 204, George W. Sultzbach, oil, 12:00 206, Sterrett & ardware, 26:14 207, P atterai & Co., eo,Patnt,RoPe, &c. 31:05 208, J. H. Goodman, Regulating, 3:25 210, B. Spangler, salary, 5:00 211, H. S. Libhart, " • 5:00 212, Samuel Hippie, " 6.00 213, F. Mehling Estate, 3:00 214, C. C. P. Grosh, 2:00 219, A. Emswiler, services, 19:62 220, 221, T. Hiestand, T. C. salary, 30:00 Totalenpaid orders outstanding, $36:2:49 Bond due Harmony Beneficial Society, 400:00 " " Donegal Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., 358:00 " " Pioneer Fire Company, 139:12 Note due Aaron H. Summy, 252:40 " " Samuel Hipple, 372:00 " " George Rudisill, 40:00 " " A. N. Cassel, 75:05 " " J. R. Ditlenhach, .131:33 " " Patterson Sr Co., 91:00 Three Notes due John Folks, 155:53 Less Cash in Treasury, Total indebtedness, 2394.56 Attest, THEO: HIESTAND, Tow N CLEnx. Marietta, April 5, 1862 WIRES Sr. LIQUORS. 1 H. D. BENJAMIN, DEALER IN WINES &I LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. -0- - pEGS leave to inform the public that he jwill continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters,6 - c,, BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, ALWAYS ON HAND. A very Bur crier OLD BYE WITISKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. 11 All H. D. B. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ito tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from 1 im. S. S. RATIIVON, Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At F. J. Examples Old Stand, on the Cor ner of North Queen ant Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn' a. R ATEF 171. to the Citizens of Marietta 13 and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as- ' stunt , them, that - under all circumstances, no efforts ' will be spared in renderings satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS ; CASSDIERES AND VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on s hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style may suggest. ALSO,--READV-ASADE CLOTHING, Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooods and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment. Select School. undersigned, will open on Monday, I April 21st, 1862, a Select School, for a term of three mouths. The advanced classes, to occupy the High School building ; and the other classes, the roams now occupied by Mr. Heistand and Miss Cadwell, in the Town Hall. Hoping, that the patrons have sufficient confidence in the subscribers; they deem it unnecessary to call upon them personally. Tuition the usual price. I. S. GEiST, THEO. HEISTAND. DR. HENRY LANDIS OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity Can be found at his Drug Store, formerly Dr. Hinlfle's, at all times when not elsewhere professionally engaged. To DIY FEIF.DIDS : Having been called to a position in the U. S. Navy, I hereby resign my profession to the care and attention of Dr. Henry Landis, in whom I have every con fidence, having had ample opportanitY of as certaining his ability to fill my place. F. HINKLE, M. D. SAPONIFIER ! SAPONIFIER f ! The Family Saapmalzer. All Kitchen grease can be made into good SOAP EY USING SAPONIFIER. jr Directions acorn:pampa& each box. Soap is as easily made with it, as making a cup of Coffee. Manufactured caet.v.by the PATENTEES, — PENNA. MANUFACTURING Co. No. 127 Walnut-st., Philadelphia. The Bogle Calls A IT'ar of Exterminati Tcah, Bail Breath. 7oo(hacke, Earache, DR, WM. B. I.llTi DENTAL TREA 10111:x2 A COMPLETE! SET OF REM) PRES.ERVING TUE Purifying the Breath al* and Curing Toothache and SeL.. 3a:3 a:7.1 7:7 :90 1.50 CONTENT S: Dr. II ird's Celebrated MOUTN. WA bottle. Dr. Hurd's Unelwalled TOO7II one box. Dr. Hurd's Magic TOOTHACHE DROI bottle. 4 Dr. HurtPs UNRIVALLED NEURAL p . , TER. Dr. Ilurd's MANUAL on the Or, of Preserving tie Teeth, including D for the Proper Treatment of Children a ttP„ FLOSS SILK for Cleaning belts Teeth. TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc. Prepared at Dr. Flurdas Dental Office, Fourth St., Brooklyn, (E. D.) React:, ONE DOLL ; or, SIX br 11E3e' The Dental Treasury makes a pact, eight inches by live, and is sent by exprtts l Ful 'direction , far use is on each 4. : Yr The following articles we eau Send h rately, by mail, viz: The Treatise on Preserving the Teeth post-paid, on receipt of 12 cents,or four sta: The Neuralgia Piaster, for Neuralgia. the Face, Nervous Beactache, and Earn' sent, post•paid, on receipt of IS cents, or stamps. The NEURA LGIA. and RHEILMAA PLASTER, (large size), for Pains iu Chest, Shoulders, clack, or any part of body, sent, post-paid, on receipt of 137 Address, WM. B. HUBB 6, - .C0., ribune Buildings, N ew 400.48 Dr, Kurd's MOUTH WASH, TOOT PaWDER, and TOOTHACHE' DROPS ca not be sent by mail, but they can probab be obtained at your Drug or Periodical Start It they cannot, send to uor the DENT. Treasury, Price, $l, whichs f contain the 07b.06 Iff la $33:5 33:57 34:08 67:63 Dr. Hard's Preparations Good ? The best evidence that they are is, that tin . firmest fiicnds and best patrons are those ~t, have used them longest. Dr. William Hurd is an eminent Dentist of Breiiiily Treasurer of the New York State Dentis. Association, and these preparations ha been used in his private practice for year and no leading citizen of Brooklyn or W-, liamsburg, questions their excellence, wild eminent Dentists of New York rccomnrnln. them as the best known to the profession., Without the aid of advertising, dealers have sold them by the gross. The Editor of the Brooklyn Daily Titers say s :—" We arc happy to know that our friend:: Dr. Hurd, is succeeding beyond all expecta tions with his Mouth Wash and Tooth Pow- der. The great secret of his success rests '. with the fact that his articles ate precisely what they are represented to be, as we can testify from their long use." The well known ?. T. Barnum writes:— "I found your Tooth Powder so good that my family have used it all up. We find it the . best Powder for the Teeth that we ever -, P, r shall Mel obliged if you will send me a supply at the Museum at your conv e with bill." But their cost is so small that et may test the matter for himself. .i& -- Beware of the ordinary Tooth Dr. Hurd's Tooth Powder contains '; f • nor alkali, nor charcoal, and polishes I . wearing the enamel. Use no other . What will Dr. Hurd's Ilemedi ' 4 l. ''6 -' ' '. Dr. Hurd's Mouth Wash and T,',' Pi: 1 1 will give young ladies that line :='; . u l , - i woman—a sweet breath and pe --: ;2 Try them lathes. 0( , ~, Dr. Hurd's Mouth Wash and = -'siigi . . dot will cleanse the mouth from all lout ex `ialations, and it used' in the morning, will $294:b6 $2110:02 15:46 make the: breakfast taste sweeter Rind the day begin more pleasantly. Hundreds of persons can testify to this. Try them, gentlemen. Dr. Hurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth Pow- der are the best preparations in the world for curing bad Breath and giving firmness and health to the gums. Hundreds of cases of; Diseased Bleeding Bleeding Gums, Sore Mouth, Canker,; etc., have been cured by Dr. Hurd's astringent k wash. Dr. Hurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth Pow der give an additional charm to courtship, and 'i' make husbands more agreeable to their wires and wives to their husbands. They should be used by every person having ARTIFICIAL TEETH, which are liable to impart a taint to the mouth- Dr. Hurd's TOOTUACH F. DROPS cu:, Toothache arising front exposed nerves, and are the best friends that parents can have in the house to save their children from torture and themselves from loss of sleep and sympa ,, thetic suffering. Farmers and Mechanics! you cannot well afford to neglect your teeth.' For a trilling sum, you can now get preservatives, than which Rothschild or Astor can get notting, better. Remember that DYSPEPSIA. and - CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS often. originate in Neglect of Teeth. Send for the Treatise, on Teeth, and read Dr. Fitch's ob- setvations on it s subject. If too late to arrest decay in your own teeth, save your children's teeth. Neuralgia Plasters. Dr. Hurd's Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Pias ters are the most pleasant and successful reme dies ever prescribed for this painful disease. The patient applies one, soon becomes drowsy, falls asleep, and awakes free from pain, and no blister or other unpleasant or injurious consequences ensue. For Earache and Nerv ous Headache, apply according to directions, and relief will surely follow. Nothing can be obtained equal to. Dr. lord's Compress for Neuralgia. Try them. They are entirely a novel, curious, and original preparations, and wonderfully' successful. They are of two sizes, one small, for life face, price 13 cents, and the other large, for application to the body , price 37 cents. Tlrill be mailed on receipt of price and ane stamp. What are the People Doing ? .~ Y"~9e ".~in'~b'k~la. 01:12. AtILTII.I,ENY I=LIIMIII Now ARE The American people are intelligent enough to appreciate preparations that contribute so much to the haptiaess of those using them, and 'Alley want them. Every mail brings us letters, some ordering the Treatise on Teeth, some the Neuralgic Plaster, and not a few enclosing - 37 cents for the Mouth Wash, to be sent by mail; but to these we at compelled to reply that it is impossible to send a half pint bottle by mail. The people want these Remedies. Who will supply them?. NOW IS THE CHANCE FOR AGENTS. Shrewd agents can make a small fortune in carrying these articles around to families,-- The Dental Treasury is the neatest article that a man or woman can carry around. Send for one and see, or, better, a, dozen, which we will sell, as samples, for $7. Agents supplied liberally with Circulars. ilao Now is the time to go into the business, to do good, and make a profit. We are spending thousands los the benefit of agents. New England men or women: here is something nice, and a chance to take the tide at its flood. Address, \ Wilt. .B. EMU) 4 - CO., Tribune Buildings, NEAlir YOANI. , ' That remittances, vay be made with, confi dence, W. B. H. & Co. refer to the Mayor of Brooklyn ; 'to G. \V. Griffith, President of Farmers' and Citizens" Bank, Brooklyn ; to. Joy, Coe,.& Co., New York; to P. T. Barnum, Esq., New York, etc, ete... • Yeb, 22,-ly.l I) IJY one of those beautiful SOFT r t HATS at CnuLL's, 92 Market-st. RIED F. 1113 IT now selling rhea , , 4 • /11' in - CEZI ENNI