The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, March 29, 1862, Image 1

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A large addition to the Jos Parsuriteto depart
ment of " THE MARIETTIAN " establish
meta enables us to do everything iu the Job
line with neatness and dispatch, and at very
low prices.
RE pure vegetable extracts. They cure
. all bilious disorders of the human system.
They fregolate and invigorate the liver and
kidneys; they give tone to the digestive organs;
they regulate the secretions, excretions and
exhalations, equalize the circulation, and puri
fy tbe blood. Thus, all bilious complaints—
some of mihiet. are Torpid Liver, Sick Head
ache, Ilihrwepsia Piles, Chills arid Fevers,
CossivOnese wr L ooseness—are entirely con
trolled and cured by these remedies.
Airflow's Liver Regtatetor
Removes the merhidand billions deposits Rum
the stomach and bowels, regulates the liver
and kidneys, removing every obstruction, re
stores a natural and healthy action in the vital
, organs. It is a superior
'Much better than pills, and much easier to
Rs a superior tunic and diuretic; excellent in
cases of lose of appetite, flatulency, female
mita/mesa, irregularities, pain in the aide and
!bowels, blind, protruding and bleeding pile;
and general debility.
Jas. L. &Insley, merca ant, 1134 Fulton it.,
New Fork, writes, August IS, 1560 " I have
'en attracted with piles, accompanied with
I ,l„:kinlC, the last three years; I used
i A llrling's Liver Regulator and
Life Bitters,
And now cop ,Aider myself gent:hely - cured."
Ron. John A. Cross writes, " Brooklyn,
Match m, m oo. I n the spring of MB, I look
a severe cold, which i:iduced a violen fever.
I took two doses of .DARLING'S LIVER
REGULATOR. It broke up my cold and
fever at once. Previous to this attack, I had
been troubled with dyspepsia several months;
1 have felt nothing of it since."
Wiz Studley, Esq., 121 East 2Sth Street, , N.
Y., writes: '• August 13, 140.—1 had a diffi
culty with Kidney . Complaint three years,
with constant pain in the small of my back.-
1 had used most all kinds of medicines, but
found no permanent relief until I used
Darling's Liver Regulator, and Life Bitters.
1 passed clotted blood by the urethra. lam
now entirely cured, and take pleasure in re
commending these remedies."
Mrs. C. rehear, 11 Christopher Street, N.Y.,
writes: " Feb. 21, 1860.—1 have been subject
to attacks of Asthma the hull twenty years.—
/ have never found anything equalko
in affording immediate relief. It is a thorough
Liver and bilious remedy."
Mil. Young, of Brooklyn, wriles " Feb.
28, BOO.— la May last / had a severe attack
of Piles, weisch confined me to the /louse. I
took one bottle of DARLING% LIFE BIT
TERN and was entirely cured. I hare bad
no attack since:"
D. Westervelt. Esq., of South sth, near Sth
Street, Williamsburg, L. I. writes: " Aug.
5, MO.—flaying been troubled with a diffi
culty in the Liver, and subject to bilious
attacks, I was advised by a friend to try
I did bo, and sound it to operate admiiably,
removing the bile and arousing the liver to
activity. I have also used it ss s
When our children are out of sorts, we give
them a few drops and it sets them all right—
/ find it meets the general wants of the stomach
and bowels when disordered."
Reader, if you need either or both of these
most excillent Itemediea, inquire for them at
the stores; if you do not find them, take no
other, but incluse One ihrliar in a letter and
on receipt of the money, the Remedy or
Remedies will be sent according to your di
rectiOne, by mail or Express, puit-paid.
Put up in .5U cent and $1 Bottles each
And General Machinists, Second street,
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description ;
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Polio's, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery
fee Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Mesas & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
'Brigs in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters; Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, Sm.
From lotig experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give ge-ieral satis
faction to those who may favor us with their
orders. al-Sepal: ing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14-tf
Ilowqrd Association, PHILADELPHIA.
For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed,
' afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases,
and especially fur the Care of Diseases of
the Sexual Organs.
Manteat. ADVICE given gratis, by the
Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhcea, or
Seminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the
Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies em
ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted
in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge.—
T o or three Stamps for postage will be ac
Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2
South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Beautiful Complexion.
DR. THomts F. CHAPMAN will send to all
who wish 4 it (free of charge), the Recipe
and full directions for making and using a
beautiful vegetable Bairn, that will effectually
remove Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, 4.c.,
4c., leaving the skin smooth, clean, and
beautiful; also full directions for using Feta
,treau's celebrated Stimulant, warranted to start
a, full growth.of Whiskers, or a Mustache, in
less than thirty days. Either of the above
can be obtained by return mail, by addressing
kvith stamps for return postage) Da. THOMAS
Practical Chemtst, 831 Broad
way, New York. [jun 11-2 m.
fv .A.J il l a' URlN S G trat;err EXTRACTS:ine
Almond, Rose, jr, Lemon,
,ftegt xeceived and/or sale at WEST &
slyie,: awl one warranted to per-
oral to the eptire satisfaction of the pur-
glower. •. pATTEASON & .....)1
200 si°,.oCrK't4 B le heOcFSaApLaT DiffenbachTs.
JUST received at J. J. Libbart's Drug atom
the largest assortment of Coal Oil Lamps
ever offered in this boroagh.
Now selling the best Oils ) from 13 to 15
cents per quart.
undersigned has received another lot of
uid and Coal Oil Lamps, And Lamp Shades
of every variety and price. Call and see them
at the Drag Store of Dr. Henry Landis.
F i - L. Maimer, Proprietor_
VOL. 8.
A printer weary and wan,
His face all mortally pale,
As he wearily plodded his homeward way
Before the breaking of early day,
Break out in a bitter wail.
His voice was husky and low,
As though his lungs were gone ;
And he cough'd, and gash'd, and cough'd aga in,
And he preas'd his hand on his heart in pain,
While thus his plaint ran on :
"A world of toil is this!
It bath no joy for roe t
, Tis labor by day, and labor by night,
By the light of the sun, and by candle-light--
Labor continually.
Some men have a day of rest,
But Sabbath for me is not;
It is toil all the week, apd toil on the day
That God has given to rest and to pray—
! this is the printer's lot!
"When I was a boy," he said,
"I played en the hills of green ;
I swam in the stieam—l fish'd in the brook—
And blessed was I to sit and to look
Unfetter'd on nature's scene.
"For twenty sad years or more,
My life has worn away
Th musky looms of poisonous sir,
When I've yeatn'd for a sight of open day.
And the light of the open day.
" *. An innocent prisoner doom'd,
My heart is heavy within;
Oh why should a man untainted by guilt,
Who the blood of a creature never hath spilt,
But pent, like a felon, for sin'?"
The printer then cough'd and sigh'd—
The stars were growing dim,
And he upwards glanced at the morning sky,
And he inly thought it were good to die,
And death would be rest to him.
His heart 178.9 tired of beating;
He pnly'd to the Lord above
To pity a man whose heart had been riven
13y toil, for other men's interest given,—
And he wept for His mercy and love.
He hied to his humble home.
His infant awoke to cry,
“Oh father ! oh mother! I'm hungry for bread!'
And the printer hosed down, with en aching
On his Mary's lap to die.
Oh ye who have never known
The richness that's in a crust
When nothing is found on the desolate shelf,
And the sufferer's pocked is empty of pelf,—
Receive my story on trust.
Say not in your careless scorn,
W hat boots the tale to you
The rhymer who traces these roughly-writ
Hath known of such sufferers in other day-
And the main of his rhyme Is true
Remember this holy truth,—
The man who aloof hath stood
When a heart-broken brother for succour did
And he stretch'd not a finger to bless and to
Is verily guilty of blood
Bachelor's Hall, what a quire looking place
it is!
Kape me from sich all the days of my life!
Sure but I think what a burnin' disgrace it is,
Niver at all to be gettin' a wife.
See the ould Bachelor, gloomy and sad enough,
Placing his tay kittle over the fire— ,
Soon tips it over; st. Patrick ! he's mad
. enough,
(If he were present) to fight with the Squire.
Now, like a hog in the mortar bed wallowing,
Awkward enough, see him knading his
Troth ! if the bread he could ate without
How he would favor his palate you know.
Pots, dishes, pans and sich grasy commodities
Ashes and prate skins kiver the floor:
His cupboard's and store-house of comical
'things that had never been neighbors before.
His meal being over, his table's left sitting so,
Dishes tale care of yoursilves if you can !
But hunger returns, then be's fuming and
fretting so,
Och ! let him alone for a baste of a man !
Late in the night when he goes to bed shiverin',
Niver a bit is the bed made at all :
He crapes like a tarapin under the kiverin'
Bed luck to the picture of Bachelor's Hall.
Young man, do you believe in a
future state?'
"In course I does—and what's more, I
intend to enter it as soon as Betsy gets
her things ready.'
"Go to, young man, you are incorrigi
ble—go to."
"Go two? If it wasn't for the law against
bigamy, whip me if I wouldn't go a dozen.
But who supposed, deacon, that a man
of your age would give such advice to a
man just starting into life."
igr Will the rebels ever find a strong
hold strong enough to hold
J .~
16.tperilttuttiennstilbattia afournal for fly lantik
Charlotte Corday.
During the French Revolution 0f1798,
there lived in the city Caen, France, a
young lady, Charlotte Corday d'Armont,
a grand daughter of the celebrated Cor
neille. Though born of gentle bood,
she had been nutured in the school of ad
versity, her father being too aristocratic
to work, too poor to live comfortably
without work. In early life she was
placed in a monastery in Caen, where
her whole future destiny was influenced
by the peculiar discipline to which she
-was exposed, and the ideas of duty which
w ere inculcated. In the dreams of the
cloister her ardent soul became fired
witLl the ambition of exalted deeds,
whic,h should render her a benefactress
to her race.
After - thus living for six years, the
Jacobin government suppressed the con
vent, anti she took up her residence
with an elderly relative in Caen, where
she remained until she was nearly
twenty-five ;ears of age. Living amidst
the terrible scenes of the revolution,
where the guillotine was in constant
exercise, and the mob daily demanding
the blood of new victims, her thoughts
naturally turned to the possibility of
stopping these horrors. She- mingled
as much as possible with the Girondists
to ascertain who were the principal
agents in those woes which were deso
lating her native land.
Though Denton and R obspierre were
then in their ascendency, the sanguinary
delirium of Marat rendered him more
conspicuous to the mass of the people,
who saw "tyranny and freedom in one
man's hand only." To Marat then the
eyes of Charlotte Corday were directed,
as the one who was deluging the repub
lic in blood. She thought that his death
would arrest tbis flood and save the
lives of thousands. It had been an
nounced that he had proscribed twenty
five hundred victims in Lyons, three
thousand in Marseilles, twenty-eight
thousand in Paris,. and three hundred
thousand in Brittany. Conspiracies
were being organized all over the re
public for the overthrow of the blood
thirsty tyrant. The lover of Charlotte
Corday, whom she idolized with all the
purity and fervor of her impassioned
nature was engaged in on of these con
spiracies, which, if successful, would
cost the lives of thousands, and if un
successful would only consolidate the
power of the tyrant. Charlotte resolved
to free France of the monster at the cer
tain sacrifice of her own life.
All the energies of her being were
now aroused for the accomplishment of
this object. It was no easy matter for
an obscure young lady to get access to
the tyrant so as to be able to assassinate
him. She, however, formed her plans
so cautiously, as to guard against every
conceivable cause of failure. Not an
individual was admitted to her confi
dence. Religious enthusiasm contribu
ted its strength to her enterprise for she
doubted not that she was engaged in a
holy undertaking. Her well read Bible
contained a pencil mark around the
passage :
"Judith went forth from the city, a
dorned with a marvelous beauty, which
the Lord had bestowed on her to deliver
Having made all her arrangements,
she informed her friends that she was
going to England to seek that asylum
which France no longer - afforded. A
few trifling mementoes were conferred
upon her intimate acquaintances, and,
on the 9th of July, 1'193, she took the
diligence for Paris. Her whole world
ly possessions consisted of a parcel of
clothes, and a volume of Plutarch's
Charlotte was tall and dignified, with
prefuse black hair, and long eye lashes,
which seeming even darker than her clus
tering ringlets, gave great depths to her
piercing eyes. Her cheeks were well
filled and had the freshness and the
health of youth, and were often crimson
ed with the blush of excitement or mod
esty. Her dazzling beauty, winning
manners, and vivacity in conversation,
quite won the hearts of her fellow travel
lers, who strove unsuccessfully to draw.
from her the object of her journey, and
her address. One young gentleman be
came so enamored that lie begged per
mission to solicit of her relatives her
hand in marriage. She pleasantly re
pelled the honor, but promised that he
should know more of her ere long.
After a two days' ride, she arrived at
Paris' and Went to a hotel, where shdal
Ter - rYIB—OrLe Dollar a Year
lowed herself a day's rest, that her facul
ties might be in the best condition.—
She had no desire to figure as a heroine.
It was not for fame. that she wished to
sacrifice her life. In the cloister she
had learned the lesson of selt•abuegation,
and rather desired oblivion than noto
riety, as more pleasing to God. She al
so wished the act of assassination to be
a sacred, solemn scene, which should
strike terror into the hearts of tyrants.
She wished it to be public, that many
might witness the just retribution of
fiend-like cruelty.
Her first plan was to kill Marat in
the Champ de Mars, at a great celebra
tion, which was to occur on the 14th of
July. The adjournment of the ceremony
necessitated a change of theatre; and
she decided to strike him in the midst
of the convention, surrounded by his
satellites. She had no doubt that 'the
result to herself would be that her body
would be torn limb from limb. This
plan was frustrated, as Marat, for some
reason, no longer attended the conven
Her only chance now of meeting him
was at his own house ; and it was by no
means easy to obtain access to him there.
Fearing, as ail tyrants do, the dagger
of assassination, he was carefully guard
ed. Dissemulation was necessary to ac
complish her purpose, and she recoiled
from this more than she hesitated to
strike the blow. Her frank, honest na
ture was pained by the necessity of re
sorting to artifice, but in no other man
ner could her end be gained. She there
fore wrote two letters to Marat, request
ing an audience, so worded as, to induce
him to believe her oue of his admirers,
yet capable of a different interpreta
About half-past seven in the evening
of the 15th of July, she attired herself
in the most attractive manner, and pro
needed to the house of Marat. It was
an antique, somewhat dilapidated man
sion, where the blood-stained tyrant,
crowned by the mob, affected the display
of the utmost democratic simplicity.—
He was in his bath, penning ineamatory
appeals and inveighing against his ene
mies. It was not unusual in that day
occasionally to receive visitors in the
bath, and Charlotte, after encountering
considerable opposition, was conducted
to his room.
Marat was wrapped in a soiled bathing
robe, his matted hair bound in a dirty
handkerchief. His receding forehead,
protruding eyes, prominent cheek bones,
and sneering mouth, presented but little
to cause woman's tenderness to withold
the meditated blow. He excited such
a lothing. in Charlotte that she feared
to cast a second , glance, lea he should
notice her horror and suspect her er
With downcast eyes she awaited his
questions. Be inquired as to the state
of Normamdy, and asked the names of
the deputies in Caen. She gave him
some. lie wrote them down, exclaiming
in a voice of exultation :
"Well before they are a week older,
they shall have the guillotine."
At this Charlotte, with all , the strength
which excitement and the intensest en
thusiasm could inspire, plunged a dagger
to the hilt into his heart. With one
piercing shriek for help, the miserable
man fell dead. Charlotte was immedi
ately arrested, tried and condemned to
the guillotine. A. few days aftttr, all
Paris was drawn to her execution, at.
tracted alike by the magnitude of her
crime, and her youth and wonderful
beauty. She ascended the scaffold with
a cheerful and elastic step, and was
bound to the block. She was dressed
in the red robe of a murderess. A cold
rain which was then falling drenched
her to the skin. A vast crowd surround
ed the guillotine, assailing her with
oaths and execrations. She looked a
round upon them with a smile as if it
were an hour of triumph, and they were
friends chanting ber praises. The plank
slowly descended to its place. The axe
glided swiftly through the groove; and
her head dropped into the basket. The
executioner seized it by the hair, and
holding it up, smote it violently upon
the cheek. The observers report that
those cheeks were instantly suffused
With a crimson blush, as tho Ugh dignity
and modesty lasted longer even than
1 life.
tar "Gentleman and Ladies," said the
showman, "hale you have the magnificent
painting of Daniel in the Lion's Den.
Daniel can easily be distinguished from
the lions : 'by the green uottoimuriberella
under his arm."
A Jocular Epistle from Buckner
The rebel General Buckner has writ
ten the following letter from his head
quarters at Fort Warren,to the editors
of the Louisville Journal:
GENTLEMEN : Amongst other luxuries
of which I have been deprived since my
imprisonment, is the pleasure' of per
suing those chaste and refreshing notices'
with which, for sometime past, your pa
per has honored me : and although in
my progress through the North I have
met wish many attemps on the part of
the press at an imitation of your peculi
arly felicitous style of misrepresentation,
I have found none to equal the original.
I am therefore under the necessity of
applying to the fountain-head. I en
close two dollars, for which please send
me your country daily, to the following
address : Oen S. B. BUCKNER,
Care of Col. J. Dimmick,
Fort Warren, Mass.
P. S.—Since writing the above, our
friend, Col. R. IA . Hanson, has reached
this celebrated resort, and desires me to
add that the present of a demejohn of
whisky which he learns you have promis
ed him would never be more acceptable
than at this time—the lodality and the
latitude, as well as the sentiments of our
neighbors up the harbor, holding out
most tempting inducements to cultivate
a taste for that delightful beverage.—
As a matter of caution, however, he ur
ges me to add that he hopes, that if o the
liquor be of good quality, you will not
venture to taste it, as he might thereby
incur much risk in losing it altogether—
a privation which, hoe ever agreeable to
yourself, would be attended with serious
inconvenience to himself during the pre
valence of the prevailing "nor'easters."
S. B. B.
B REGION - RIDGE'S 11 ABITS.--7 e have
just had an interview, says the Louisville
Journal, with a gentle man of high
character who lives in Ilopkinsville.—
Be says that he heard a lieutenant in
the rebel army speak of Jno. C. Breck
inridge as a, common drunkard. His
int ixication was so frequent that he was
hardly ever able to perform his official
duties. On one occasion a party of sol
diers were sent to destroy some liquors
in a doggery. but Breckinridge, ordered
the liquor to be brought to his quarters,
when he indulged in a drunken revel.--
When his command was ordered to
march on Rochester, Green River, he
pretended to have rheumatism so badly
that he had to stay behind at Russellville
dead drunk. The rebel lieutenant added
that the Confederates had fost all confi
dence in him, and regarded him with
mingled contempt. Alas for human am
bition and folly A few brief months
ago, and he seemed the petted,child of
fortune, and to-day he is a detested and
and despised traitor, groveling in the
very gutter of disgrace.
few days ago, as Gen. Buell was riding
on horseback through the streets of
Nashville, an aristocratic lady,.a Mrs.
W., living in a fine, large house, stood
at an open door or window, waved a
rebel flag toward him, and cried, "Hur
rah for Jeff Davis and the Southern COD
federacy,!" The General reined in his
horse, turned toward the lady, touched
his hat with all the courtesy and suavity
for which he is remarkable, and, survey
ing the fine house from top to bottom
with the eye of . a connoisseur, quietly
remarked, "An excellent house for a
hOspital." In less than two hours every
room was full of sick soldiers, and Mrs.
W. was politely requested to take kind
care of them. We heartily congratulate
her upon her blessed' privilege of minis
tering to the needs of suffering patribts.
—Louisville Journal.
4' An Illinois asseniblyman, debating
a question with much earnestness, moved
his chair from its usual place, and for
getting it when he had finished, sat down
rather solidly where it ought to have
been. Above the roar of laughter. his
voice was heard exclaiming : " Mr.
Speaker, I still have the floor.
eir It is related by the French family
of the Duke de Lewis, that they have a
picture in their chateau in which Noah
is represented going into the ark, and
carrying under his arm a small trunk on
which is written, "Papers belonging to
the Levis family."
er An advertiser in one of the papers
says that he has a cottage to let contain.
lag eight rooms and an acre of land,
ering the enormous number of young
M. D's that our medical colleges turn
out every year, we certainly ought (if .
there be any virtue in "regular playsicli
ing,") to be a much healthier people
than we are. But the bills of mortality
do not shorten as the list of doctors
lengthens. Quite the reverse I Shall
we say then with Macbeth, "Throw
physic to the dogs, I'll none of it?" No,
that will not do. Nature, when attacked
by disease, needs an ally to sustain her.
An ally, remember ; not a depleting
agent, that helps the disease and ex
hausts her energies. We verily believe
that most of the drugs administered in
acute diseases have this effect. Such,
however, is not the operation of one
medicine now generally used in this
country for complaints of the stomach,
liver and bowels. We mean Holloway's
Pills. Of course, our readers are aware
that both the Ointment and Pills which
bear the name of that distinguished
physician and philanthropist, are in the
highest possible repute all over the world
but we haire' only had an opportunity to
witness the effect of the pill. It gives
as pleasure to testify ' to their efficacy.
In dyspepsia and liver . complaints they
unquestionably work the most marvelous
cures. Nay we will even go so far as to
say that with thiircmcdy within their
reach, no mail or woman '
need ever be
long troubled With dyspepsia The pills
remove the distress at the stomach, and
restore the strength and appetite with a
rapidity that is really astonishing. The
curative action' seems to be the same in,
all cases, without reference to age consti
tution, or sex. Such, at least, is the
conclusion to which our experience and
observation point.—N. Y". Advocate."
NO. 35.
March 4,1862
Swarming of the Medical Hives.
Monday the 24th ult., Mr. Micheal.
Doody, a respectable farmer of Iberville,
who resides about seven miles. from the
village of St. Athanese, Quebec, sent
his two sons, aged seventeen and eight
een years respectively, with a sleigh and
horse each, to bring home two loads of
of wood. They had to go about nine
miles to obtain it, acd had returned to
within .tw6 miles of their father's house,
when, from the drifting .snow and the
boisterous state of the weather, it is pre
sumed they were unable to proceed far
ther on their journey. On Tuesday
morning, the bodies, of the unfortunate
youths were found frozen stiff, about
three acres distance frorb the house of
Mir. La Rue, on the4ihambly.
NOSE AND Lars:—A sharp. nose and
thin . lips are considered:by , physiogno
mists certain. signs of a shrewish disposi
tion. As criminal was once ,oa,bis.way
to the , gallows, proclamation wasi glade
that, if any woman woaldlmarrylim un
der the gallows,
.rope around
his neck, he
.would receive a pardon.
"I will," cried a, cracked voice •from
the, midst of the crowd.. .
The culprit, desired -the eager candi
date for matrimony to,approach the cart,
which she did-; and he-began -to examine
her countenance. '
"Nose like a' knife," paid he, "lips like
wafers.' Drfie_od, haogeian.".
GEORGE 11 . - (lierrtm4imiNS-1 , The Nash
ville 1-• atrint, of the.llth inst., says it has
frequently. heard expressions of surprise
that , theappointment of George fif Crit
tenden as major general in-the Confeder
ate army was' confirmed without an in
vestigation of the !Fishing creek defeat.
He was confirmed by a bare majority of
one, and that oue was the vote Ten
nessee cast by' Hon. D.M, Curren, 'of
Memphis, in theabsence of col
leagues who had left Richmond for
ler A Young and beautiful, but poor
widow, was about to marry a rich old
widower. Her frientis wished to -kon w
why she wanted. to marry him. She
replied, "for pure love; I love the ground
(meaning the farm, probably) on which
he walks, and the very house in which he
lives." There is platonic love for you
There is none of your school girl romance
in that. ,
*Er A Jolly old darkey down south
bought himself a new hat, and when it
commeced raining be put it under his
coat. When asked why he didn't keep
his hat on his head he replied : '•De. hat's
mine ; bought him wid my own money ;
bead b'longs to masse, let he take Deer
he own property."
atir The Boston Post lets off the fol
lowing squib
"Say, pomp, you Digger, where you
get dat new hat ?
" Why at de shop, ob course."
"What is de price of such an article as
dat ?"
"I don't know, nigger—l don't know,
de shopkeeper wasn't dar."
ifir While many of the friends of our
brave soldiers are grieving over their
absence, with heart, filled with gloomy
forebodings, the army,ol the Potomac i is
in, admirable physical condition and
buoyant spirits. Thousands of the men•
are happier and healthier now than nt
any former period of their lives.
Pleasure is sometimes only
change of poim. A man who has had
the gout feels first-rate when he gets
down to only rheumatism.