DR. LA CROIX'S irRivATE MEDICAL. TREATISE ON 3he Physiological Views of Marriage! 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS.— Price only 25 cents. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret fol lies of both sexes of ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirit, palpitation of the heart, suicidal imaginings, involuntary emissions, blushings, defective memory, indi gestion and lassitude, with confessions of thrilling interest of a Boarding School Miss, a College Student, and a Youug Married Lady, 4c., 4c. It is a truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating mairiage, who enter tain secret doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is entitled. YOUNG MEN who are troubled with weakness, generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which aro dizziness, pains, forgetfulness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremities, confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be aired by the author's new Parts and London Treat ment. We have, recently devoted much of our time in visiting the European Hospitals, avail- ing ourselves of the knowledge and researches of the most skillful Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many new and ef ficacious Remedies which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest assured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECRECY and attention being paid to their cased, which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore, as a Physician in our PECULIAR department of professional Practice, for the past twenty-five years. FRENCH FEMALE FlLLS.—Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efficacy of which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad re sults, will use none but Dr. DeLaney's Fe male Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should not take them if they have reason to believe they are in certain situations (the particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accom panying each box,) though always safe ued healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. Price $l. per hox. They, can be mailed to any pact of the United States or Canada. To THE. LADIES—Who need a confidential :medical adviser with regard to• any , of those interesting complaints to which their delicate organization renders them liable, are particu larly invited,to consult us. THE " ELECTRO..GALVANIC PROTECTIVE." For married ladies whose health will not ad mit, or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. it is a perfectly safe preventive to conception, and has been extensively used during the last 20 years. Pries reduced to $lO. :TUR SECRET OP YOUTH UNVRILF.D.. A Treatise on the _Cause of Pieinature De cay— A solemn warning. Just published, a book showing the insidious 'progtess and pre valenee 'amentschools, [both male and fe male.] of this fatal habit, pointing out the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and developing the whole prOgress of the disease, from the commencement to the end: •It will be sent by Mail on receipt of two [3 cent Stamps. • Attendance daily, from S in the morning till 9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 till'a P. st. Medicines With full 'directions sent to any part of the . United States or Canadas, by pa tiehts communicating their symptoms by letter. Business ,corresporulence strictly confidential. !&• Dr. L's Office is still located as esblish ed, under the name of DR. LA CRO IX, a t at Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. [ly dreqf ifetbAl 184,, For DR. ENGLISH'S INDIAN VEGETABLE EZVIMENA.G,GGIIE! This Celebrated Female Medicine possesses virtue unknown of inithing,else of the kind, and prooving effectual . after all others have failed; it is prepared, Loin an " Indian Herb" peouliar to Northe'rn•Mexica and Texas; and is used by - the, Natives in producing the moreru- Ly &mums. It is designed for both married sail single ladies, and is the very best thing known for the purpose, as it will remove all obstructiods after other remedies have been tried in'vain. It is a pleasant tea, containing nothing injurious to health, and a cure can be relied upon in all cases. Prolapsus Uteri, or failing of the Womb Floues Albus, or Whites; Chronic Inflamation, oeUlceration of the Womb ,; Incidental Hem rage or Flooding ; and disease of theSpiae. Ladies in the early stage of, .pregnancy are cautioned against the use of this tea, as it Will produce miscarriage. ze , • Prepared and Sold by •. DR. G. W. ENGLISH, No. 216 SOUTH 'SECOND STRE ET, , Philadelphia, Pa. Price $l.OO per package, (with full directions for use) sent by Express or Mail to any address. Dr. E. can . be consulted in all obstinate Feniale Complaints, in person cr by letter, and will furnish the Gutta-percha Female Syringe—highly recommended by the Faculty married ladies for special purpooes. - Also Radical Cure and other Trusses—lm proved Rotary and Spine Abdominal Support ers—Shoulder Braces—Elastic and Lace Stock ings—Spinal Apparatus, for Weak and Curved Spine—and Instruments for all Deformities.— At large Stock of the above articles constantly on hand, and will be furnished at lowest rates by sending order with measurement and full. particulars. Kr All communications strictly contiden For further particulars please address, Dr. G. W. ENGLISH, 216 S. 2d. st., ,Below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, PA 1;1 . I have no Agents. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, N. B. corner. of 7th 4. Chestnut SO., PHILADELPHIA, This Institution, which was established in 1844, and is now consequently in the eight eenth year of its existence, numbers among its graduates, hundreds of the most successful Merchants and Business Men in our Country. The Object of the Institution is solely to afford young men facilities for thorough prepa rations for business. The Breaches taught are, Book-keeping, as applicable to the various departments of trade ; Penmanship, both plain and ornamental ; Commercial Law, Mathematics, Navigation, Cited Engineering, Drawing, Phonographyi and Modern Languages. The System of Instruction is peculiar; no classes or set lessons are made use of, but each student is.taught individually, so that he may commence at any time, - and attend at what ever hours are.most convenient. Catalogues are issued annually after the 15th of April, containing names of the•students for the year, and full particulars of 'terms &c., and may be obtained at any time by address ing the Principal. In extensiimAceommcidations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the Piincipal L tiihniiiitiiution offers facilities su pencir to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for business, and to obtain a DIPLOMA, which will prove a recom mendation-for them to any Mercantile House. fa" Crittenden's Series of Treatises on Book- . Keeping, now more widely circulated than any other woik on the subject, are , for sale at the College. . . S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Attoiney-at-Law, PR/NC/PAL. Jan. 18'62-Iy] "THE 'UNION." • Arch Street,' above .7hird Philad4 hia , UPTON S. NEWCOMEttj' Proprietor. Kr" This Hotel is central convenient .by Passenger Cars to all parts of the City, and in every particular, adapted to the comfort and Wants of the businebs public. , - ;.va— Terms $1.50 per day. 4 TUST RECEIV at the "Enterprise Wine t) and Liver St '':Mount Joy r e supenca article of Champagne and Gfrmaa Wines. Pie Bugle Calls ! The War has Begun! A War of Extermination against Bad Teeth., Bad Breath, Diseased Gums, floothache, Earache, and Neuralgia. OUR ARTILLERY IS DR, WM. B. HURI)'B DENTAL TREASURY. A COMPLETE SET OF REMEDIES FOR PRESERVING THE TEETH, Purifying the Breath and Mouth, and Curing Toothache and Neuralgia. CONTENTS Dr. Hurd , a Celebrated raotprm WASH, one bottle. Dr. Hurd's Unequalled TOOTH rownun, one box. Dr.,Hurd's Magic TOOTIIACAIE DROPS, one bottle. Dr. third's UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA ?LAS TER. Dr. Hurd's MANUAL on the Best Means of Preserving the Teeth, including Directions for the Proper Treatment of Children's Teeth. FLOSS SILK for Cleaning betireen the Teeth. TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc. Prepared at Dr. Hurd's Dental Office, 77 Fourth St., Brooklyn, (E. D.) Paint ONE DOLL .‘R ; or, SIX for $5. IQ— The Dental Treasury makes a package eight inches by five, and is sent by express, 113-Full direction for use is on each article. The following articles we can send sepa rately, by mail, viz: The Treatise on Preserving the Teeth sent, post-paid, on receipt of 12 cents,or four stamps. The Neuralgia Plaster, for Neuralgia in the Face, Nervous Headache, and Earache, sent, post-paid, on receipt of IS cents, or six stamps. The NEURALGIA and RHEUMATIC PLASTER, (large size), for Pains in the Chest, Shoulders, Back, or any part of the body, sent, post-paid, on receipt of 37 Cents. Address,. WM. B. HURB & CO., ribune Buildings, Nxlv . YORK. -0- 1> Dr,. Hurd's MOUTH WASH, TOOTH POWDER, and TOOTHACHE DROPS can not be sent by mail, but they can probably be obtained at your Drug or Portodical-Stores. It they cannot, send to us for the DENTAL Treasury, Price, sl, which contains them. NOW ARE Dr. Hicrd's Preparations Good? The best evidence that they are is, that their firmest DiendS and best patrons ate those who have used them longest. Dr. William B. Hurd is an eminent .Dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer of the New York Slate Dentists' Association, and these preparations have been used in his private practice for years, and no leading citizen of Brooklyn or Wil liamsburg, questions their excellence, while eminent Dentists of New - York recommend them as the best known to the profession.— Without the aid of advertising, dealers have sold them by the gross. The - ttlitor of the Brooklyn Daily Times say s:—"We are happy to know that our friend Dr. Hurd, is succeeding beyond all expecta tions with his Mouth Wash and Tooth Pow der. The great secret of his success rests with the fact that his articles are precisely what they are represented to be, as we can testify from their -long use: , The well known P. T. Barnum writes : "I found your Tooth Powder so good that my family have used it all up. We find it the best Powder for the Teeth that we ever used. I shall feel obliged If you Will send me another supply at the Museum St your convenience, with bill." •- 'But ;their cost:is so kmall that every-nne martest the matter for himself. 13ewain . of tiie ordiaary Tooth Powders. 'Di: Hurd's Tooth Powder contains rio acid, nor alkali, nor charcoal, and polishes withokt wearing the enamel. Use no other.* What will Dr. Hurd's Reniedies" Effect 4 Dr. HurlPs Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder will give young ladies that finest charm in woman—a sweet breath and pearly teeth.— Try them ladies. Dr. Hurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth, 'Pow der will cleanse the mouth from all foul ex halations, and if used in, the •mprning, will make the breakfast tat& soteeter and 'the day .begin more pleasatttgy. Hundreds of persons can testify tofthis. Try them, gentlemen. Dr. Hurd's -Mouth Wash and Tooth Pow den arethebest preparations in the world for :curing bade Breath and giving firmness and -health to the gums. Hundreds of cases of Diseased Bleeding Gums, gore Mouth, Canker, etc.,have been cured by Dr. Hurd's astringent was. Dr. Hurd's Mouth Wash and Tooth Pow der give an additional charm to courtship, and make husbands more agreeable to their wives and wives to, their husbands. They should be used by every person having • • • ' ARTIFICIAL TEETH, which are liable to impart a taint to the mouth. 'Dr. Hurd's TOOTHACHE • DROPS cure Toothache arising 'from exposed nerves, and are the best friends that parents can have in the house to save their children from torture and themselves from loss of sleep and sympa thelic suffering. Farmers and .Meebanies ! you cannot well afford to neglect Your teeth. For a trifling Slim, you can now get preservatives, than which Rothschild or Astor can get nothing better. Remember that DYSPEPSIA and CONSUMPTION OF TgE. LUNGS often originate in Neglect of Teeth- Send for the Treatise on Teeth, and read Dr. Fitch's ob servations on , this: subject: If 'tob late !to arrest decay in your own teeth, save your children's teeth. Neuralgia Plasters ,Dr:Hurd.'o3 Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Picts terir are the most pleasant and successful reme dies ever prescribad for this painful disease. The patient applies one, soon becomes drowsy, falls asleep, and awakes free from pain, and no 'blister or other unpleasant or injurious consequences ensue. For Earache and Nerv ous Headache, apply accordincr" to directions, and relief will surely follow. Nothing can be obtained equal to Dr. Hurd's Compress for Neuralgia. Try them. They are entirely a novel, curious, and original preparations, and wonderfully successful. They are of two sizes, one small, for the face, price 15 cents, and the other large, for application to the body, price 37 cents. Will be mailed on receipt of price and one stamp. What are the People Doing ? The American. people are intelligent enough to appreciate preparations that contribute so much to the happiness of those using them, and they want tlferh. Every mail brings us letters, some ordering the Treatise on Teeth, some The Neuralgic) Plaster, and not a few enclosing 37 cents for the Mouth Wash, to be sent by mail ; but to these we are compelled to reply that it is impossible to send a half pint bottle by mail. The people want these Remedies.. Who will supply them 7 NOW IS THE CHA.NCE FOR AGENTS, Shrewd agents can make a small 'fortune in carrying these articles around to families, The Dental Treasury is the neatest article that a man or weman can carry around. Send for one and see, or' better, 'a dozes, which we will sell, as samples, for $7. Agents supplied liberally with Circulars. 3l:J=4 Now is the time to go into the business, to do good, and make a profit. We are spending thousands for the benefit of agents. New England- men or women ! here is something nice, and a chance to take the tide at its . flood. Address, WM. B. HURD 4. CO., Tribune Buildings, N.ew Tenn : . . That remittances may be made with confi denCe B. H. ic co. refer to the Mayor of irtroo4yit :to G. W. Griffith, President of Parrnets". and Citizens'. Bank, Brooklyn ; to Ax; Coe; & Co., New York ; to P. T. Barnum, Esq„ New York, etc., ate. 'Pe b. 22-Iy.] DANIEL G. BAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LANCASTER, PA. OFFICE :—No. 24 NORTH DUKE STREET, opposite the Court House, where he will at tend to the practice of his profession in all its various branches. (Nov. 4,'59.-1y C OLUMBIA INSURANCE COMP A.NY This Company is authorized by its charter to insure in the county, or in boroughs, against loss or damage by fire, on the mutual plan; for any length of time, limited or perpetual, either for a cash premium, or a, premium note. PRE7lifitlM NOTE SYSTEM: Those who insure for a premium note will be insured for five years, and subject to assess ments in case of losses. CASH SYSTEM. Those who insure fora cash premium will De insured for any term not exceeding 5 years, 'and not subject 'to any assessments. +One+ per centurri premium will be charged on farm pro perty for the term of five years. _ _ _ _ DEPOSIT SYSTEM Farm . property will oe insured for the term of ten years, for a deposit of three per cent. of the amount insured, the whole amount of the premium note to be returned at the expiration of the policy_ withoit interest, or the policy will be renewed for ten years,without any ex pense, at the option of The insurer. C. S. KAUFFMAN, PREiL9ENT. GEORGE YOUNG, JL.,• Setretitry. Directors : MICHAEL H. MOORE, Vice President. M. M. STRICKLER, Tredsurer. JACOB B. SHUMAN, WYATT W. MILLER, HENRY It. KNOTWELL, ABRAHAM. BRUNER, SR., HENRY E. WOLF. Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. 11 3 — J. S. BOATFI, AGENT, .MayLOW.G. March 30, 1861-1 y HORACE WEST, M. D.]-pluutzsarr IioTH • NEW FIRM.' WEST & ROTH, yy HAVING PURCHASED the entire stock, good will and fixtures of the Drug Store of Dr. J. 11. Grove, take this me thod of informing the patrons of this establish ment and the public in genera], that nothing shall . be wanting to insure at all times a fresh and- complete asssortment of ' GINNie4I3, Toilei Soaps, Hair and Moth Brushes, Combs, Thoth Washes and Powders Hair Dyes, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, tiVhitelead, Varnishesi Dye-Stuffs, Glass, and everything usually kept in a well regula ted apothecary. A new and fancy lot of COAL OIL LAMPS— the finest in the Borough—at prices to suit the times. Lamp Tops attached to old Lamps at short notice. Globes, Wicks, Chimneys, &c., always on hand. A very convenient "HAND LAMP" for car rying thaut the house, just received. A nicely selected lot of all kinds of Station ary, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c., of all grades acd at all prices. An endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar- Aides on hand. Just received, an excellent article of Coal 0 i 1 now selling at 15 cents a quart. ' Marietta, November 9, 1861. ly lODif NO. 92 MARKET . STREET, MARIETTA MAKES this method . of informing his old friends and the public generally, that he has re-taken his did stand (recently occupied by George L. Mackley,) and, is now perma nently fixed to prosecute the Hatting business IN ALL ITS aRANCHES. . Having just returned from the city where he selected a large. varied and fashionable assort ment of everything in the HAT AND CAP LINE, , and now only asks an examination of his stock and prices, before.purchasing elsewhere. HavingiilSO laid in a`stocleaf Hafting materi alithe will he enabler}, at abort notice, to man-, ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft, to the moltYashionable Silk Hat: ;Employing none but, the best of workmen, and manufacturing good goods at low prices, he hopes-to merit and receive a liberal share of public . patronage.• lEk : The highest price _paid for Furs.—in .trade or cash. Marietta, Mardh 9:1861. ffiESII GOODS :Air SP4NOLER AND PATTERSON'S. AFULL assortment of Fre s h Winter Goods.pf the alosidfsirable styles; • Lathes, , Geutlurneffi a :Misses and Youths 811mcls euer.y quality. French Meritroes'at a - great bargain, Fancy Wool.DeLain4kbel" the cost of importation, Cobuygs i Tbi,bitq, Prints and Ginkhanis kieht variety. Cloths, Cassinieres . and'Vestingi very cheap, Cloaking gtloths ie,ail colors,. at a decided bargain, Roods Ilubias, Gloves „ and notions gedertilly; asicheart aaever. -A Job lot of extra-fine F.MEIROI r DE'IIn 'dOL;LAICS at less than 'haf thel timbal host, Flannels, Muslinl, Checks, Sheetingp and all other kind of, DRY GOt/DB,.folrether! with Groceries, Fish, &c., in full supply. ARRIAGE. • - Its Loves and hates sor rows and angers, hopes arid fears, regrets and oys ; Manhood, how lost how Kesiored+ the n ature,, tieatment arid radical cure g,sperma torrhcea or seminal weakness; tinlioluniary emissions, sexual debility, and im pediment* to marriage generally;, nervousness, consump tion, fits, mental and phYsital incapacity, re- Lilting from self abuse—are fully explained in the Marriage Gnide, by Wu. Youric, 111. D. This most .extraordinary book should be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who desires to Limit ,the number of their offspring to their circum stances. Every pain, disease and ache inci •dental to youth, maturity and•ola age, is fully explained; every particle ot knowledge that should be known is here given. It is full of efigfavings. In fact, it discloses secrets that every, one should know ; still it is a hook that Mustilk locked up, and not lie about the honse. It will be :sent to any oee on the receipt of twenty,,-five cents in, specie or postage stamps. Address Dr. - Wit. Youno, - No, 416 Spriice Street, above Fourth, , Philadelphia. 31'' Afflicted and Unfortunate, no matter what 'may be your disease, before you - plaee yourself under the care of any of the notorious Quacks—native or fweign—yho advertise in this or any other paper; get a copy of Dr. Young's book, and read it - carefully. It will be the .means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. DR. YOUNG can •be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publication, at his office, No. 416 SPRUCE Street, above Fourth Philadelphia. Office hours from 9 to 3, daily. FRESH WINTER GOODS AT.DIFFENBACH'S. nAVING just received a large. and nicely selected stock of all kinds of Ladies' erentleinan'. Wear, which will'be sold at 'very moderate rates for cash. Silks, a full line at old prices. Extra, uality Muslins, all prices, Best make of Flannels, do A large stock of Shawls, Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels. White Goods, Mitts, Linens, Embroideries, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Gloves, Hosires, Very large stock of. Domestic goods. Cloths, Cassirneres ,Vestings, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins, Delaines, Calicos and Gingliams, Drillingsg Sheetinigs .aa Checks, . Eant,Stuff, Hickgry, and Ticking, Embossed Paper Coitus, ten for a Quarter, Paper Neck-Ties—something new, cheap and beautiful. ALL KENDS OF HOUSE FURNISHING Goods. Linen and Woolen Table covers. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds • and Patent Fixtures, Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths. Canton Matting, &c. Wall and Window Paper, Transparent Blinds. Glass, Queensware and Cedarware. The above goods have been purchased LOW FOR CASH. and will be sold at correspondinmly low prices, for cash. . . Groceries. Wines and , Liquors, of all kinds and prices, contantly on hand.-- Monongahela Whisky by titti'..barrel at Pitts burg..prices, the freight added. • SOMETHING, FOR THE TIMES!! A 0 TT . NECESSITY IN EVE O RY HOUSEOLD !!! JOHNS & CROSLEIPS , AMERICAN CE.AIENT GLUE. The Strongest Glue in the World. The cheapest Glue in the World. The most durable Glue in the. World. The only reliable Glue in the World. The best Glue in the World. AMERICAN CEMENT .GLUE 3a ,the only article of the, —; kind eycr produced which - • Will Withstand Water IT WIL:I.. MEND,WOOF), Stive-your broken Furniture. . . IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, &c. IT WILL MEND 'GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle. ITr WILL MEND 1 1 , - 01tY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fan ; it is easily re paired. ' • . LT WILL. MEND CHINA, Ybur broken China Cups and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARI3LE, That piece knocked out of, your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN. No matter if that broken Pitcher did not cost but a shilling, a 'shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That cost ly. Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will never show when put together. . • IT WILL mend BONE, CORAL, LAVA, and in fact everything but Metals. tny article ' Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not; show where it is mended. EXTRACTS. " Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue." New York Times. " It is so. convenient to have in the house." --New York Express. "It is always ready; this commends it to every body"—N., Y. Independent. " We have tried , it, and find it as useful in our house as water."—Wilkes' 'spirit of the Times. ECONOMY IS WEALTH $lO.OO per year saved in every family by one Bottle of ;. American Cement Glue. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 cents per Bottle, ' Price 25 * cents per bqttle. .Price .25 cents per .Bottle. Very. Liberal Reductions to Wholesale . • Buyers. „. TERMS CASH. - I For sale by all Druggists and StOre keepers gendrally throughout the country. JOHNS 8p CROSLEY, (Sole Wanufacturers,) 78 Wit LL141.11 STR EET ' , (Corner of Liberty Street,) NEW YORK. Important .to House Owners Important to Builders. Important to hail Road Coinpanies. Important to Farmers. To all whom thismay concern, and it . concerns every body. • JOHNS & (.)ROSLEY'S_ IMPROVED GOTTA PERCHA CEMENT 11,90FING. The Cheapest and mostduiable Roofing in use IT IS FIRE AteD WATER PROOF. It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds, steep or flat, and to Shingle• Roofs without removing the Shingles The Cost is only abold One-Third that of Tin, and it is TWICE as durable This article has been Thoroughly tested in New York City 'and all parts of the United States, Canada, West- Indies, and, Central and South America,•dii buildings of all kinds, such as Factories; . FOuedries, Churches, Bail Road Depots, Cars, .and op Public Buildings generally, Government Buildings, &c.,, by the principal Builders, 'A'rchitects and . others, during the past four yeals, - and has proved to be the CHEAPEST . and MOST-DURABLE ROOFING in use;. it,. is .in every respeet a Fire, Water, Weather and Time Proof cover ing for roofs of all kinds. ' ' This is the only ntatetfaC,Manufactured in the United States which combines the very de sirable Properties bf Elastifrity and Durability, which are universally acknowledged ,to be possessed by GUTTTA PERCHA and.INDIA RUBBER. No heat is required in making application. The expense of applying it is trilling, as an ordinary Roof, can be covered and finished the same day.* It can be applied by any one, and when finished' forms a perfectly FIRE, Prtoor 'surface, with an clastic body, whidh cannot be injured by Beat, cold or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any external action whatever.' LIQUID GOTTA . PERGUA . CEDTENT For Coating Metals of alt kinds when exposed to the Action elthe Wheth er, and for Preerving and' Repar ing Metal Roofs of all'Kinds. This is the only Composition knoWn which will successfully resist extreme changes of all climates, for any length of time, when a'pplied to metal, to which it adheres firmly; forming a body equal to three coats of ordinary. paint, costs much less, and will last three times as tong ; and from its elasticity is not iojored by the contraction and expansion of tin an other metal roofs, consequent upoli sudden chafige of die weather. . . . . . R will not CRACK in cold or RUIV - #1 Warm weather, and will NOT WASH OFZ., Leaky tin and other metal Roofs car; be readi ly 'repaired with Guta Pereha Cenuint, and prevented from'further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a perfectly warer tight roof fer.many years. 'This Cernent .is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of Iron Ratlings, Stoves, Ranges, Safes, A . griculttzral Implztnents, 4e., also for general manufactuiing use. Gutta Percha Cemen't. For preserving-andrepairing , TIN and other METAL ROOFS of eyery dpscription, from its great elasticity, is not injured by the contrac tion and expansion of Metals,. at.d• will Uot CRACK in cold or, RUN in.warm weather. These materials are adapted to all climates, and'-we are - Prepared to supply orders. from any part of the country, at short notice,,for GUTTA Psacrtw Roosi NG" in rolls, ready pre -pared for use, and Gutta Perches Cement in barrels, with full printed directions for, app#,- cation. AGENTS WANTED. - - We will make liberal- and satisfactory ar- Kangemepts with respoaslble parties ; who Would like to establish themselves in a Idera tive and pernianent businets.. - Osr, froinas,,are Cg.sh. We can give abundant proof of all...t've claim l'Etv'or•df 'car ImProvecl Ro6firig Materials, baying, applied Ahem, to.. several. thousand Roofs in New Y.ork.City and vicinity. JOHNS CROSLEY,' K 'SOLE STANurAcruitElts, .Wholesale Warehouse 78 William-st„ N. Y. Full descriptive ciieulirs 'and prices will be furnished t [Oct'fil-1y • 11111 E ONEESSI.ONS arid TXPERIENCh ofka SurPERER, asa.warning and for the ,especia 1 benefit of young Men 'and these who suffer With Nervous Debility, Loss of,Metriory,'“Premature -Decay, &c.,- Sze:, ,by, one who has ,cured Aimself ,by i simple means; after tieing put"to 'great expense 'and inconvenience, throu,gh. the -use or :worthless medicines prescribed,by,l9arned Doct?rp,-- Single copies' may be hid of 'tie auihOr, D. •A. • LeArnmir, Esq., - Greenpoint, Long _island, by pnclosipg a post-paid, aiclressec! Address, ruis A. tams - Eva, E Greenpoint, Bong Island,- N. Y. • Jan 117.2.m.] ICKORY ft Oak '"Wood, 50 Cords each, Ala Hickory and Oak Wood. Or . ders must be accompanied with the cash when they will be promptly filled."Spangler & PatferSon. ekLD BOURBON WHISKY in qf. bottles, something ery'fine, in store and for sale At the Enterprise Store," Mount Joy. A/UADERIA WlNES r full bodied and fruity ht the " Enterprise Store.", REESE,'MoSitt Toy.' a`celit iMpivbeiriepi-_;O.-eAr;ofj ;Ij-1z)).,0,:' Empire Shuttle .llachine Parented February 14th, 1660 Salesroom, 510 Broadway, „Ai: ty York:. THIS Machine is constructed on an entirely new principal of mechanism, r osics,ing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfec tion Combined. . The following are the principal:objections urged against Sewing Machines:- I.—Excessive fatigue to the operator. 2.—Liability to get out of order. 3.—Expense, trouble and losi of time in m iming. 4.—lncapacity to sew every d.iscription of material. s.—Disagreeable noise white in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine is exempt from all these objections. It has a straight needle perpendicular ac tion, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which Will neither - rip nor ravel,) and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every' description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with cotton, linen silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. _ _ Having neither CAM nor COCr WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is EMPHATICALLY A noisle,ss MACHINE It requires fifty per cent. less power to drive it than any other Machine in the market. A girl of twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and wonderful simplicity of con structioh, render 'it almost impossible to 'get out of order v and is guaranteed by the company to give entire satisfaction. Yje respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine, thiS -Emma/led Machtne. But in a more special manner do we solicit the patronage of.. Merchant Tailors, 1 Dress Makers, Coach Makers, Corset Makers, Vest Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Pantaloon Makers, Shoe Binders, Shirt and Bosom Makers, . Boop Skirt Manufacturers, $ Religious and Charitable Institutions Will be liberally dealt with. - „.. . Price of MACHINES,-Complete: No.l, or Family Machine, $45 OU, No. 2, Small sized Manufacturing, $60.00, Nb. •3, Large size I . 4:lanufacteiing, $15.00 Ca6inets in every Variety We want Agent's for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already estab lished, to whom a liberal discount will be given, but we make no consignments. T.J.,. 41oARTHIlit, 4 CO., 670 linoanwAy, New York. Something New! fo fleaT.A D ies. -ER 8 „ Patent hemmer and Shield, , FOR' HAND.§EWING. rs pronounced by all who.have'used it ~ just She thing" for those using the needle, as it completely protects the finger, and makes a neat and uniform hem 'Avhile the operator is sewing. One half the labor of sewing is saved by using this remarkably SIMPLE AND NOVEL INVENTION. No lady should be without it.' It is also just the thing for girts..to use learning to sew. Its remarkable cheapness brings it within the reach of the million. Sample sent by mail on receipt of 'the price, WENTY-FIVE CENTS. DescriptiVe Circulars furnished on application...- A liberal Di:icattia tek the Trade. - Enterprising agents Wanted in every town, and county throughout the United States and Canada, will find most profitable employment in selling this useful article, as it meets with ready,sales wherever offeredhas no competi tion—and profits are very large. , $l5O PER MONTH can be REALIZED. Address, A. li. DOWNER, Patentee and Proprietor, 442,Broadway, New-. York: N.B.—General and exclusive agencies will be granted on the most liberal terins:' [3m CLOCKS, L. WATCHES, , Jewelry, Silver and Plated , -W are. ELI HOLDEN,,7OB 121 PHILADELPiITA ihrporter of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Invites special attention to his full' suPplk of Watches, of American,. English and Geneva Manufacture. Jeivelry of elegant designs; Sillier 6- Plated Ware of the best 'qUality, With an extensive assortment of guperior Time-)reeping Cleeks, In style and price adapted to the wants of all. Good goods and fair prices is 'my principle. la''.l.lso, to his „Patent Shirt Studs, being of novel construction, possessing advantages over any other invention.' Philadelphia, March 23;'1861-Iy. - WINES AND LIQUORS IvralF Alexander D: Reese, WINE AND- , LIQUOR DEALER, Main Street, [EAST WARD 3 Mount. Joy, . , Lancaster County, Pa., , THE undersigned would most respectfelly j beg leave to Wolin ihe public that be has opened a WINE AND LIQUOR STORE in all its branches. He will, constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wanes, Gins, Irish and Scotch ' Whisky, Cordials, Bitters, e i rC. Also, a very superior Old Rye Whisky just reethied, iS Warranted pure. A chpige article of Herman Wine:„ 'Various brands of Champagne Wines.. - R. do*. asks of Alie Public is a .careful examination of his ;stock E 934 prices, which will, he is quite confident, result in Ho lel keepers and others finding it to their advan gage to nlalce,their,pprchases'of him. " ALSO—Kerosene, or Coal Oil, Pine Oil and -Fluid at redtleed" prices,' at Abe ''Enterprise Wine Rt Liquor Store) , A. D: REE.sE.. Mount Joy, June 22, 1861-Iy. ST. LOUIS HOTEL, CHEST UT-ST., A.119.VE PHILADELPHIA,- ; In the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Market, Third and Chestnut-sts., Banks, Post Office, Merchants , Exchange, BOARD PER DAY, $1.50: . Accommodation when required bn the Etrno- FEAN PLAN : Rooms from 50, cents. and up wards, per day, and. Meals at a fi.sst-class Beittitednt Attached to 'the •Hotel: Prices according to the.Aills of Fare.- The Cit r y caratake pas.songers from any station To OP`CLOS.E. TO the FlOtel. French, German. and Spanish 20-Iyj spoken.' R. J. Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, . O A F T}E BAL . TIKORF. COLLEGE ,OF DENTAL SoRGERY; LATE nARRISIIIIIIG; PA. OFPICR: Front stieeq lourtti door, from Locust, over Saylor Sr McDon- i litaiZei ald's Book Store ; Colutubia: 'Entrace bd 'weed the Drug.and Book Stores. [3-1 GAIN REDUCED--The . imst Coal Oil at fl_4o cents per gallon; or 19 cents per *quart, at the Hardware of PATTERSON t CO- Mariefts;' February 22,1562: - 10AlTr1471 1 Nerl2R viTEGtul• POT Sale. at •DIFPEN➢ACH'S• Cheap rash &fore. ozHinges, A General Assortment of all kinds of BUILDING 'HWRDWARE LOCKS i eS'crews, Bolts.,...Cejjar,,,GAtes, Oils, Glass'and Vugy.,,very_cheap. P ATT.F.ItSON* CO. - • I:0: W. WoRRALL, sUlt6 EON DENTIST, Haim; rernov , d to t.':r Rnn sfrrtner:y U, Dr. So•ent:-. , 1. o:C , iniort S'pa7:fier ~ .,<<