The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, March 22, 1862, Image 2

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    A New Song to an old tune
COL. BAYER—As many of your read
ers are familiar with the old song of
"the Red, White and Blue," I suppose
they would like new words to sing to
the same tune, and therefore send you
the following. Mr. Forman, their au
thor, is Secretary to the Western Sani
tary Commission, in which he has render
ed much and very efficient service. He
is also the popular Chaplain of the
"Lyons Regiment" of Illinois Volun
teers, and compiler and author of "The
Soldier's Manual of Devotion," a work
admirably adapted for public and private
worship in the army, and containing a
choice collection of hymns and patriotic
songs and odes—some of them composed
by Mr. Forman and Col. I. F. Shepard,
commander of the "Lyons Regiment,"—
of the latter it is said that his "genius
for poetry is only excelled by his talents
as a military, officer." A. B. G.
Additional verses to an old song.
Blest banner of Freedom, thy pinion
Floats wide o'er the land and the sea;
The emblem of peaceful dominion,
Our eyes turn with rapture to thee;
Though war-clouds and danger are o'er us,
Thy folds are still dear to our view ;
With the flag of our country before us,
We'll march to the Red, White and Blue—
We'll march to the Red, White and Blue—
We'll march to the Red, White and Blue—
With the flag of our country before us,
We'll march tothe Red,White and Blue.
The glorioueensign ne'er sever,
Let it float in - the ether above,
Its istare,.the'bright symbol forever
Of Union, and Freedom, and Love ;
never grow dim in'their shining,
Nor fade frcii:Wheir colors so true,
The Stars and the stripes still entwining,
Hurrah . forthe Red, - lithiteand Blue I
Hurrah ✓Src.
Though traitors shall meet and dissemble,
And - armies of'rebels shall rise,
Our banner shall cause them to tremble,
As it waves in the bright Southern skies ;
And millions, of patriot voices
Shall the chorus of Freedom renew,
And'Shout, as the nation rejoices,
Huirah for the 'Red, White and Blue !
Hurrah, &c.
Though tyrants and despots assail it,
And threaten our land to deform,
To the mast-head and 'flag-staff we'll nail it,
And 'bear it aloft through the storm.
Our country no foe shall dissever,
_ While the armies of Freedom prove true,
The flag of our Union forever,
Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue !'
Hurrah, lkc.
Benton Barracks, Mo.,
Feb. 10th, 1862.
from General Halleck, dated at St.
Loais on the 13th instant, says ;—Evi.
deuce has been received at these head
quarters that Major-General Sterling
Price has issued Commissions or licenses
to certain bandits in this State authoriz
ing them to raise " Guerrilla forces,"
for the purpose of plundering. General
Price ought to know that such a coarse
is contrary to the'rulds of civilized war
fare, and that every man who enlists in
such an organization forfeits his life and
becomes an outlaw. All persons are
hereby warned that if they join any guer
rilla band they will not, if captured, be
treated as ordinary prisoners of war, but
will be hung as robbers and murderers.
Their lives shall atone for the barbarity
of their General"
or An old Secesh followed his run
away darkey to the camp Of the Second
Ohio Cavalry,: of Platte City, Ito., one
day last week, and took him off to the in
tense disgust of the soldiers, three of
whom, at,night fall, stole out of camp,
cut across lots four miles to the old sin
ner's house, and, peeping into. the win
dows of an out-house, saw the contraband
stripped and tied and a man flogging
him in presence of his , master. The
door was burst open in double-quick
time ; the master knocked down ; the
slave untied, and sent,• before daylight
neat morning, to Kansas, with a treasu
ry note in his pocket to pay his ex
the Editor of the New York
Tribune has seen an extract from a pri
vate letter, dated New Orleans, Dec.' 10,
written by a gentleman - of influence,
which, speaking of the tendency of pub
lic feeling in that city, says: "There is
a great deal of suffering in New Orleans.
All the papers are issuing half sheets,
There 'exists a large Union sentiment,
and people are beginning to express
their opinions pretty . freeTy, ; there is no
doubt that on the approachof the Fed
erals the city will axe surreidered without
any fighting."
cir The tax question is destined to
undergo a long and weary discussion.—
NearlY 'every trade mentioned in the
list,has its representatives at Washing
ton to keep the tax off its 'goods alto
gether, or else reduce it to a merely
nominal rate. If the members of each
„House are only approachable, they will
have, a glorious time in fingorkeg black
mail. But it is hoped, for, iheir own
honor, that, in such a crisis as this, not
one 'can be found to deviate from the
`the strict path of duty. The taxes
Inuat - ^be levied, and the people must pay
Wei - learn from Memphis that
Priiillient.`Dairis has made a requisition
upon all the llovertiora of the Southern
Stan for their entire militia force.
zht *tatitttian.
F. L. Raker, Editor
-ifitafif-tta- ,
11...?' Messrs. Mecruna & ABBOTT; - No. 335
Broadway, New-York, are dulv authorized to
act for us in soliciting advertisments, &c.
or A report'was going the rounds of
the pre* and we copied it as a matter
of the daily gossip, 'that a notice had
been served by the President of the
Pennsylvanta railroad upon AssiStant
Secretary• of War Scott, to resume his
duties as Vice President of the line, or
resign his office, as the road needed his
services, to which the Philadelphia In
quirer of Monday lasts says : We are
informed at the office of the Company,
that the above statement is untrue, and
has no foundation whatever. No such
notice has been served.
air Peterson's last Dectector thus de
sciibes 'uncial counterfeits which are
likely to get into circulation iu this
Columbia Bank, Pa.—We last week
apprised' our readers that there were
counterfeit $lB and ,s2s on this bank.
There are also counterfeit s3s and sss
in circulation, altered from .a broken
Washington bank,of the same name.—
Observe the: name of the State and
town, which are darker than the rest of
the note. Most of them have a course
red stripe on each end..:
Harrisburg Bank,"Pa.-ss, altered—
vig., bust of General Scott; girls on
right. The is have only a bust of the
Or Colonel Geary, with, some of his
officers, and a detachment of the First
Michigan Cavalry, rode to' Ball's Bluff
lately, and buried the whitening bones
of the brave American soldiers, who fell
upon that field in. October klast. Im
pressive remarks:proceded this humane
act, and a monument of gross rebel ne
glect was hid from human sight.
eir A. bill has passed the Kentucky
Legislature inflicting a fine of not less
than $5O or more than $5OO on ,any
minister or priest who shall solomize
marriage unless he shall have first taken
the oath of allegiance to the United
States, and sworn that' he has never
aided the rebel States.
ilkir The Secretary of the. Treasury, it
is said, has determined to have the sig
natures engraved on the new legal:ten
der notes, which will materially shorten
the delay, leaving only the trimming,
cutting and registering to be done after
the notes reach Washingtop. The print
ing of the whole ninety millions will
take about two months. . .
plir It is stated that U'ens. Buckner
and Tilghman are confined in aeperate
cells iu the basement story of Fort
Warren, bat the cause is not known.—
The other rebel officers from 'Donelson
have at times the liberty of the Fort.—
They are said to have greatly improved
in, appearance"J3ince they reached the
Fort, having had time to rest and re
Ur It is believed in high quarters at
Washington, that another fight between
the Monitor and Merrimac is certain,
and it is just as certain that if it shall
take place the Merrimac will be sunk.
Capt. Ericsson says she will not stand
over the third shot; but then, inventors
add builders are always sanguine.
pig- - Two Union men who recently-left
New Orleans, declare that twelve thou
sand persons in that city belong to the
Union clubs there, and are only awaiting
the approach of that - . S. forces to rise.
The greatest excitement and distress
prevailed 'when they left
ar On some of our troops visiting
Ball's Bluff, , where Gen. ,Stone allowed
our troops to be so cruelly 'slaughtered,
the bones of many of our brave soldiers
were found bleaching upon the, surface,
the rebels not possessing the humanity
to bury our dead. The bones were
gathered together and inhumed with' im
. •
presive ceremony. -
gir Among the trophies captured in
the recent engagement 'at Pittsburg,
Tennessee, was 'a drum on which was
painted "captured from the Federal army
at Manassas."
fir A committee of Hoop skirt man
efacturers of Philadelphia, has gone to
Washington to • remonstrate with the
government against the heavy tax on
err Getierals Pillow and Floyd have
been suspended froM tfieir com mands by
Jeff Davis, until a more satisfactory ac
condi is given . of the Fort Doneleen .af
fair. '• • '
Gir Daring the recent floods in Cali
fornia, Hercules, the largest of the fa
mous grove of mammoth trees fell to the
Glodey for April is already on our
desk. Lot every one examine this num
ber closely ; for beauty and variety it
Las never been equalled. we
have tha exquisite plate of "Ask for it,
Nanny ;" next, the exquisitely beautiful
colored, fashion-plate containing seven
figures'; another extension fashion con
tains four figures ; "An April Shower,"
a seasonable engraving; then seven
more figures of spring fashions; "Cos
tume and Portrait of the Prince Royal
of France," and a variety of other very
useful and ornamental engravings.—
Drawing Lessons, Model Cottages, and
Health Department; Juvenile, Horti
cultural, Musical, and Fashion depart
wants. But what will be valuable to
the ladies is "the science of Drees Cut
ting," with diagrams. A treaties upon
this. (to the ladies) invaluable science,
by which every lady will be enabled to
cut her own dresses, is worth at • least
one year's subsbription. In the March
and _April numbers, Godey gives Pat
terns of forty Spring dresses, certainly
fourtimes the number given by any other
magazine. The greatest number of en
gravings ever published in one issue are
in the April number, seventy-eight in all,
more than can be found in any 'other
three Magazines.
ar The Merrimac, it is ascertained,
was really badly damaged in the late
encounter., She was not able to return
of herself but had to be towed to Nor
folk, where at last accounts she was be
ing repaired. The forward part of the
bow was stove in, and her ram" twisted.
Buchanan, her traitor commander; was
not killed as was first supposed, but
only badly wounded iu the knee by .a
rifle ball, which may however result in
the loss of his leg. From seventeen to
twenty were killed on the Merriam;
besides a number wounded.
cr General Fremont's appointment
to the command of the Mountain De.
partment was solely the act of the
President, who has not hesitated to de.
blare his conviction that the 'General
had been more sinned against than sin
ning. In other words; his real services
have been entirely ignored, while his
smallest delinquencies have been pared.
ed,to the fullest extent and commented
upon in the most reckless and unjust
manner. It is evident the General has
at least one true friend in the Chief
Magistrate of the infirm. ' ' '
Cr The act of Gen. Wool,in ordering
the "special!' correspondents from: the
Fortress is very generally commended
by those who desire to see the war, move
on triumphantly„ as it is evident that
much of the matter published in late
correspondence from that point has
been of more benefit to the,euemy than
help to our own side. Henceforth Gen.
Wool will supervise such intelligence
as may be sent, and this will appear in
the regular dispatches of the papers of
the "Associated Press."
fEr John Minor Botts and 20 other
peaceful Union men have been thrown
into M'Daniel's negro pen. Jeff basis
has proclaimed martial lavi:and ordered
the distillation and sale of liqnors to be
suppressed. There is evidently'a great
alarm at the Rebels' 4ea.d quarters, and
much gasconade in consequence.
stir Tne Editor of the West Bend
(Wis.)Post is in trouble. All his bands
enlisted, and he went down to Milivaukee
in search of others.:• - He engaged a jour
for six monthi, took him hoine, and. - the
same day.he found him-swim into - service
for the war. The editor's wife has now
gone to type-sticking, and he advertises
for wooden legged printers.
far Jeff.' Davis in his message abuses
Buckner. Now, to be sure, Buckner is a
bridgedestroyer, a house-burner, a horse
and cattle thief, a hog and sheep stealer,
and very likely a coward, but we are for
giving him fair play. So, if he wishes
to reply from Fort Warren to Jeff Davis
and Gen. Pillow, our columns are open
to him.—Prentice.
John Bell, la his large iron, mill,
destroyed by our troops, worked two
thousand negroes, turning ont balls and
shell for the South. The hardest,blow
that the. South has received is in cutting
them off from this and other iron-works
that line the Cumberland river, for it
was from these that they derived their
chief supply.
Cr Hon. Alfred Illy, having received
about fifty letters from milldrs' residing
in New York, appeared before . the Com
mittee on WaYs'and Means recently in
opposition to the proposed"tai of ten
cents-on every barrel of flour. The re
sult was that this was stricken from the
pir The Rid:talc:lnd . Exagiitier says,
that„if•things continue as they nciw, are
"the. Southern Xonfederacy will .beren
dered a hell on earth.-for the-aLext=jen-
Ciar It-was, reported that Gen. Bragg
had evacuated „Pensacola,. A. portion
of his •command had already reached
Paiion Brownlow has arrived at
Nashville, having been released by the
rebels from the Knoxville jail..,
far They are waking a saddle in Chi
eirtneti'whieh wiltiCoettsl,lo(); as'a pre
seat for (len. McClellan.
MRS. PoLx.—The Nashville corres
pondent of the St. T,onis Republican
Mrs. James K. Polk has an elegant
residence near the city, and the remains
of her husband, once President of the
United States, are buried here. One
of our Generals had a short idterview
the other day with Mrs. Polk, ,and al
though their meeting was preasent as
far as politeness could make it,- no,
doubt remained of the lady's faith in the
Southern cause. She took occasion to
say that, although the people of the
United States once made her husband
President, the abolitionists did not do
ler Congress is evidently deeply im
pressed with the importance' of increas
ing our supply of iron -clad steamers and
gunboats, and a bill has been introduced
into the Senate providing • for 'the
completion of the Stevens Vattery, .and
the Construction of a powerful BteaMl : ani
and a large number of new iron-clan tin:
boats., •
ear Mr. Wilson, of the Judiciary
Committee, introduced a bill proviAing,
that ,no person who has ever held
office, either civil, military, or naval, un
der the so-called Confederate, Govern.
ment, shall ever hold any office under
the United States Government, or in
any State of the Ul3lOO. Such a bill as
this will doubtless pass.
ezre - A cow of Joseph L. Bailly,
Bradford; Chester county, was iiold to
Thomas Harrington; of Westchester, for
$75:00. In one week she made fen
'pounds of baiter During six monYks
and two 'weeks she 'made 400 - porn:ids: '
Bowling Green, Ky., has the ap
pearance very much of one vast ceme
tery. During its occupancy by the re
bels, not less than forty seven or forty
eight hundred new graves were made in
its vicinity.
Cr. Co I. Josiah ,Harlan, of the
,Regiment of Pennsylvania
,Cavalry, has been 'presented with a
handsome sabre by the men under his
When Breckinridge .was first ac
cused of treason hia'asked a suspension of
Puplic Opinion. Now Public Opinion
asks a suspension of him.
Nos. 221 East Twenty Third Street,
173 tp 175 Grand Street $ 215 Centre Street
This EstablishMent has-been in successful
operation 24 years, the Largest of the
kind in the United States. -We -have on hand
or manufacture to e order every description of
Plain and Ornamental Pier,' Walt, Oval 4
Mantel Glasses,..tlonneeling Cornices,
Base and Bracket Tables, with
Marble' Slabs, Toilet Glasses,
$c...• ' '
Mouldings for Picture names, in lengths suit
'able for transportation, either Gilt, Berling, :
Rosewood, Oak . , Ze.bra, Birdseye, Mahogany
&c. Our new Manufactory and extensive
faeilties enable us tl furnish any article in our
'line, as good as the best, and as cheap as 'the
Dealers are invited to call on us
when they visit. New York. We claim to be
,able to supply them. with every article in our
line which they can possibly require, at prices
lower than they can purchase elseware:
lam' Orders by mairatiended to with prompt
ness. Do not fail to call when 3 oti visit New
Office& - Ware-rd oins,No. 215 Centre' St., N. Y.
3m]. ...; .lIORACE V. SIGLER, Agt
T IST OF LETTERS Remaining in the
_IA Post Office,:at Marietta, Pa., March 6th,
Arnold, Miss Rebecca Krowser, -Samuel '
Blensinger Miss Alarg.Keller, Kasper
Bucher, Christian Sr. Kilyan, John ,
Beck, Mis. Sarah J. Miller, Mrs; Margaret
Brien,Miss Adeline; .Machen, :Mrs. Louisa
Bollack, John Esq., McMullen, John
Bell, 'Miss Sarah Jane MCCarm, James
Bristle, John 2, Max. George ,
Burnser, Benjamin Marlin, Miss
Buchanan, E. O'Brian, John
Crider, Jacob:& Leman,Pierson, Samuel L.
Conner, Robert Pierce, Mrs. Mary
CreMer. Joseph ' Peck,`Johii Esq.
Crum, Miss Rebecca .-Park, , ,Miss Mettle. D.
Cook, Miss Nellie Roberts, Joseph
Detwiler, Lizzie . Rutledge,
Eyster, G. M. Esq. Rowley Henry • : u.
Erwicht, Mrs. Sophia Rosh, George G. Esq.
Yisher, Miss Sarah Sheign, Tim
Fletcher,. Henry Esq. .Sheetz, Edmund ,
Hengst, Jonathan Todd, Mrs. Mary,
Jones Migs silly Watson, Johrisoii 4. Co
Persons calling for any of,the..above letters,
will please say advertised.
March Bth 1862. • " A. CAisni. P. M.
seleation of "Frendh" and' 'German
Clotheoand•Cassimere r and 'a , variety' ofbeauti
ful, Veatinge t a new and fas il ion!lttla Nt,juat
rrrved Defeittrach'e . cheap 'Stare.
_Ll` Syrup, for "chifdien adults leas'just
been put up at my attire; which should be: in
very family this cold weather. , Da. LANDIS.
~D4pAc- I N E. and ~oper
I L ananteeil to be pure, and sold as low as
cani tie bought in Philadelphia oi. New-York.
11,. ;Picot,
-1 A
C TE K9O S d S Time
Keepers, for One
Clocks,' Watches and 'Jewelry carefully=re
paired and chargfta;moderato, at„W9I4',FJS..
•BARRELS Monongahela Whiskey
which _will be, soilkattheywest
market rates by the barrel or gallOri, of
• J. R:•Diffenbach's Cheq: Store:,
. . ,
j • • PURE CIDER VINEGAR sale at Wo(fe's. Four cents a, quart
or 13 cents'a
A CHOICE Lot of Books for children called
indrstructable Pleasure Books ;. School and
other Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders,
&c., &c. • For sale by Dr. Landis.
THE - Lirgest and best assortment of Fancy
Cloth & CaSsimeres and vesting ever offered
in this , marketand will be sold at prices which
defy competition by Diffenbeich.
IDOUGGY . and Sleigh BLANKETS of various
stYles and at much lower prices than the
same sold last fall. Spangler Patterson,:
Q NSTANTLY on hand, Monongahela ree
k.) tified Whiskey, - Benjamin 4 , Co.)
BOIIItEN'S long Celebrated GIN, ' •
A. A. REW4lifix, „
..\\\.Q,Ncia%4 -spx•
During the past year we have introduced to
the notice of the medical profession of this
country the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Pro-
py/amine, as a
and having received from many sources, both
from physicians of the highest standing and
Flattering testimonials of its real value
from patients, the most _
in the treatment of this painful and obstinate
disease, we are induced to present it to the
public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE,
which we hope will commend itself to those
who are'sulTering with`his afflicting complaint,
and to the mebical practitioner who in ay feel
disposed to lest the powers of this :.valuable
ELixra PRorytamiNi, 311 fhe trine above
spoken of, has recently been extensively ex
perimented with in the
Pennsylvania hospital,
and with ?narked ,xuccess.(as will , appear from
he published accounts in the medical journals.)
IE3 It is carefully put up ready for immedi
ate use, with full directions, and can be ob
tained from all the druggists at. 75 cents, er
bottle, and at wholesale:of •
Druggists atid Alsnufacturing Chemists,
Jul-ly . ] Philadelphia
The most simple,durable,eonvenient and eco
nothical,artiele ever invented far - the purpose'.
do the. ty,ashiug : of an ordinary lamily
lieforo 'before breakfast_, not only saving .time
but 'eldthes.J. • •
By strictly following the printed directions,
which are simple and easy, it will wash, at one
- tiiiie - ;likoShirtS, Or' two dozen small articles,
in.abut six or seven minutes, or , -their equiva
lent.— Bi . "iilithe'ordinary methods of cleaning
fdie.fahrfcs; such- as laces; &e., the greatest
are is lrequired, while with this machine the
most delicate articles can be washed without
the:posSibility•of darnagel , '
_These' results are produced : . by the constant
ie'aCtion'of 'the suds while the machine is in
motion. -
Families, laundries, lintels, boardinghouses,
hospitals, asylums, boarding schools, en ships
hnd , bn steamers, and in the army,' who have
machines,ln use, have sent in their testimoni
als voluntarily, and the en con jams of the press
are very numerous ; some of which I have pub
lished in a neat pamphet form.
All I ask of the public is a careful examina
nonefthis machine before purchasing or minis.
Gcneral.Depot, 4,19 . Broadway, corner of
Canal Street, New-Vork.
N. IL-21 4.beral discount to the Trade.
Agents wanted. Send for a Cueular.
Address Box 2893 New-York City.
21 3m.]
liraye Soldiers and Sailors
- r - r oLLow.o"s' PILLS AND DINT
rr who have Friends and
Relatives in the Army or, Navy, should _take
special care, that they be amply supplied with
these Pills "and Ointment; and 'where' the
brave-Soldiers and. Sailors have neglected to
provide themselves with . them, no better pres
ent car The seht , them' by their friends. They
have been proved,M, he. the .Soldier's never
failing-piend in the lour of need.
Coughs and 'Was affecting' Troops.
Will be speedily relieved a' e ectually
cured by using these adroirableatnedieines, and
by paying proper, attention to the Directions
which areattached to each Pot or Box.
lleadaclze and ITTak of, Appetite,
. .
". Ineiddirtal to Sold
Those feelings which so sadden us, usually
arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed
prespiration, or eating and drinking whatever
ieutviholesome, thhs disturbing-the healthful
action of ,the liver and stomach. These organs
must be relieved, if you desire to do well.—
Tire -tiddrdihtt" to' the printed
instructiops,; wlll ;quickly , produce a healthy
action in both liver and stomach, and as,a
natural consequence a clear head' and good
AtßPet*,t- '
Weakness or Debiljty. Induced by over
Will s'oon disappear' by: the use of these in
valuable Pills;' and the Soldier will qUickly
acquire additional strength. Never let the
boWels .be either confined or unduly acted
upon. It may seem_ strange that llolloway's
Pills should' be . recommended for Dysentery
and Flux, Many persons supposing that they
would increase, the relaxation. This is a
great - mistake, for these Pills will correct the
liver and stomach and thus remove all the
acrid humours from the system. This medi
cine will 'give' - tone and vigor to the whole
organic system ;.however deranged, while
health and , strength follow as a matter of
course. Nothfrig 'will stop the relaxation of
the Bowels so sure as this famous medicine.
Volunteers Attention 4 Indiscretion of
Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings
can with certainty be radically cured if the
Pills are taken. night and morning, and The
Ointment be freely used asstated in the printed
instructions:' If treated iirany other dinner
they dry up in one part to break out in another.
Whereas this Ointment will remove the
formorfrem the system and leave'the Patients
in vigorous and healthy man.. It will •require
a little perseverance in bad cases to insure a
asting cure. - •
For Wounds either."occasioned by the
n Bayonet, Sabre or the Bullet,
. • Sores or Bruises.
To which every Soldier and Sailor are
there are no.
r medicines so safe ? sure and con
venienas Holloway'd Pills 'and Ointment.—
The poor wounded and almost; dying sufferer
might have his wounds dressed immediately,
if he would only,. provide himself with this
matchlesi Ointment, which should be thrust
into:the Wound:and emeared . all around it,:then
cover wish a piece of linen from his Knapsack
and cOinpieiseB With" a hatidkeichief." 'Taking
night and morning'=6 or 8 Pills; to cool the
system and Rreveut inflarnm ion.
Everyl Sordieni KObpsitAk - 'and' SeaMan , s
Chest should he provided .witirthese valuable
Remedies.. ;
lirrosmiyr CAUTION . one are genuine
unless the words " Holiowwv, NEW YORir
and LorpoN," age. discernible as
k' a, Water
mark in every leaf of ttie boo of . direeilonS,
around each pot or the-: same may 'be'
plainly, seen , by holding the leaf to the
A handioine &Wird will be given to any one
rendering suclAinferrnation as may 'lead' to the
detection of any party or parties counterfeiting,,
the medieihei or vending the `same, knowing
thenuto be sputious.
'!: * *Sold at, the Xanufactory of Professor
HotioWl "1, 80 Maiden Line; New York,
and by all respectable' Druggists and Dealers
in ,Medicine throughout thecivilized world,
in pots, at 25C".. 62c. and 'Bl , each:
There is eonsiderablei saying by taking
the larger sizes. •
N.B.—Directions for the guidance Ot 'patients
in every disorder are affixed to each pot.
December 14, 1861.--No. 20-Iy. .
TALL PAPERS.—We hive jiistreceived
another supply from the NEW York and
Philadelphia manufactories. .Purhcasets can
ely upon the newest styles, *tott
old unusuallyzlow at 1. Etiffenbsphia.
• 04
And General Machinists, Second street;
Below Union, Columbia, Pa.
They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron ,
Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces,
Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns,
Fronts, Cellar Boors, Weights, &c., for Buil
dings, and castings of every description •
Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and
Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Miieliinery
for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings,
Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oft Cocks,
Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit
tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues,
Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors,
Washers, &c.
Front long experience in building machinery we
flatter ourselves that we can give geleml satis
faction to those why may favor us with tbeis
orders. V.:3 — Repairing promptly attended to.
Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet
with prompt attention . . .Prices to suit the times.
Columbia, October 20,'1860. • 14-tf
Howard Association, PHILADELPHIA.
For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed,
afflicted with Virulent and (*runic Diseases,
and especially fur the ,Cure of Diseases of
the Sawa Organs.
MEDICAL ADVICE given "gran* by the
Acting Surgeon.
Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhies, or
Seminal Weakness, and other Diseities'of the
Sexual Organs, and on the New .Petaselits em
ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the *Meted
in sealed letter envelopes, free`of
Two or three Stamps for posta , re will be se
Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2
outh ilium Street, Phila:delphia, Pa.
.Beantiful Complexion:.
R. THOM AS F: CILA PM A willaelid to all
who wish it (free of charge); tlie * Recipe
and full directions for making and Mang a
beautiful vegetable Balm, that will effectually
remove Pimples,'Blotches, Tart, Freckles, sc.,
leavin„„ ,, ic skin smooth; clean, and
beautiful ; also full directions for using Pela
/recta's rekbrated Stimu/ant,' warranted to start
a full growth of 'Whisker:, or a Mustache, in
less than thirty days. Either of the above
can be obtained by return mail, by affdressing
(with stamps for return postage) Die. THOMAS
F. Cu A P.m AN, Practical chpmat, 831 Broad
way, New York. Ofiti.ll4m.
Hora,ce West,
friimrs2 il it i-c o h tr e D ib r. i n
c ul t; o u ;
s w t 0 w i th
and located in the Borough of Marietta, for
the practice of the Medical profession, would
respectfully offer his service to the public.—
He can be found at the office fortherly occupied
by Dr. Grove.
The undersigned takes pleasure in .7corn
mending Dr. West to his ftiptids_rd patr.nts.
Dr. W. has been practsing vicinity for
the past 8 or 9 years, and will, beyond doubt,
give entice satisfaction to all who will give
him atrial.
S. S. RA:I'll - VON,.
Merchant Tailor, and Clothier,
At .F J. Eramph's Ohl Stand,,on the Cor
ner of North Queen ant Orange
Streets,. Lancaster, Penn'a,
GRATE b' t 3 L to the Citizens o arietta
and vicinity, for the liberal paitionago
heretofore extended, the under'signed respect
fully solicits a continuance of the same '; a's
suring thein,,that under all circumstances, no
efforts will he spared in rendering ,a satisfactory
cyuivalent for every act of co ti fidthi'e:tre bosed.
CLOTit§, CASSIJIKRES AND v sp.riteo.f, atm
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the friaileeruiriishes - , constantly kept on hand
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea
sonably, as taste or style may suggest.
A LSO,- it:EA D V-111 AD E CLOTH Ifit:,
(,entlemen's _Furnishing Guuods
and such articles as usually belong to a Wet:-
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishment.
SAP ON I 1•71,I31 4 „s,tipoNiFm-t. !
The, Family Schrvataker.
All Kitchen grease can be made into good
ifi'Direettons accompanying each box.
Soap is as easily made with iti , sis making a cup
of Coffee. Manufactured ONLY by the
No. 127 Walout-A., Philadelphia.
February 15, 1862,1 y.
l'I"T IPS Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban
dages, Shoulder Braces—lnstruments for
Deformity, &c. These articles aro
very highly recommended by Ptofes
sore Pancoast and Gram of theJeffersou Med
ical College of Philadelphia, and, the under
signed knows them to be the best articles, of
the kind in use., F., ' •
A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts for
Coo ring--something.very nice.
Liq,nict_ltennet . for making delicious - desserts.
Pontine, Honey and .othe fine Soaps.
Frangipannie and other Extracts.
Fall sale by Da. IL LANDIS..
W l S il up E eito N rol - d l l c d=old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry an*
Pert Wines.
Pittsburg Whialrey always -on .hand at the
lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy at
a very low figure, by the barrel
, J. It. DIFFENBACH. Market-st.
NOTICE.. All persons indebted to Thomas
Zell, either by note, book account or oth
erwise, are requested to call and settle the
same before the first tiny of April mext, as af
ter that period the books will be placed in the
hands of John Auxer, Esquire, for collection.
Marietta, March 8,1862-4 t.
Select School,
THE undersigned, will open nu Monday,
April 2.,9th, 1862, a Select School, for is
term of three months.
The advanced_classes o to occupy the Rich
School buildint; and the other classes, the
mints now occupied by Mr. Eleistand . and
Miss Cadwell, in the,Town
Hoping, 'that' the pationa - have sufficient
confidence ,in the subidribers, they "deeta it
unnecessary to call upon them personally.
I. S. GEIST 5 ,
can be had of H. L..& E. J. Zathit — e64.
North Queen-st„. and Center Square, Linea.-
ter, Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Ley„ers 7 .-
the best article of Swiss levers now in the mar
ket. They are lower in price than any,w.iitqh
of equal quality andjust as true for mekeeliing
SPECTACLES to suit all who
can be aiddd with glasses;
can be bought at IL L. ¢ E..T. ZAITIN'S, Cor
ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square,
Lancaster. .New glasses•refittedizi old frames,
at short notice. [1.,6-1v
E GOOD* &13 R O's. fine
worldcl o C r h s e a w ie m: t Tobacco. Tl l l4 4: ! , e L lt , ir: s t . loy
, •
0 TORE R.OOM TO LF.T.—The BOom lately
j occupied by Miss Margaret Trainer as a,
Millinery. Apply to• BARR. SPANGLER.
111XCELLENT Cooking and Eating Apples
..E4 always on hand at Anderson's.
D RIED FRUIT now selling cheap at
IFY one of those beautiful 8 0 F T
JUIr RAM at Caut.t.'s, 92 Market-st.
SEGARS and Chewing'Tobacco. A largo
and good variety at J. M. Andersen's.
• •, QV? ,
S Hanging and side Lams', -
ForSete: irt . 'W. P. Sr* ROTH'S:
D '