areilt ,Savio Empire Shuttle. Machine --T.— • l'atente:(ll4'ebruaii 14th, 1810 • 510' 'Brbtidtbuil, .1 . 1 - c to York Stle , rooin, IS alachitre is constructed on an entirely nem; principal of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuableimproyeasent,i, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfec tion. Cdmbined The following are the principal objections urged akain'at'geWink Mitchint-s:— .I.—Excetwive faprrue do the operator. 2.—Liability to Lt .- et out of order. 3.—Expense ) trouble nod loss of time in re paruig. 4.—lncapacity to sew every discriptioo' of lotttenal. 5. —Disagreeable noise while in operation. The Empet Settnng Machine is exempt from-all these objections. It has a straight needle perpendicular ac tion. manes tile LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will inettiW- rip, nor ravel; and is - alike on both shish, performs perfect sewing on every descripftion "of material, froth tether to the•Jinestaiallgua#Muslin, with cotton, linen silk thread, rom the coarsest to the finest number. 11i . neither CAM nor Cclce WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth •at t IfBsd, a 14** , t, r . - %h • )14 EMPHATICALLY 4jtai t iliM MAPIP it requires fifty per cent. less power drive it tlisidtalipbthetiMacinnein'the market. A girl of, twelve years of 'age can worli it 'steadily; -Witter` eift ftttieueor injury to health. its 454 k4114104 VOW* A4,7ltPltedt, y ktruction, 'render it almost impossible to gel 'out teftirder,lind4dyiteitreenteettnbrtliecdmpany giveto ogre ifaction. d We rMeetittllYitivite thosb who may desire tab pep tyAgmselyes White % superior article, to call anT examine this tenni:a/fed Machtee. Avittutlet govitcl Itiptoner, du we solicit the patronage of IVleretaidt Watlo4' Itrebs.hinttkers, Coach Makers, Corset Makere, Vest Makers, Gaiter Fitters, Pantaloon Makers, Shut initliier4 r shirt and , Atlittilabla nip i, . , "i' AFtt _,.., ~.01411040 4 rer4; 0-2 .-- Religipiiim H i apo..tneitittitiftria,will 'be libezally iii, with,— _ ____ Pe . rico4 - Afi ,affildn:ii&niplete; • No .1, or Family Machine, $45. Mt, No. 2, Small ,siked • Idanuiactwing,;`s6o.oo, No. 3, Large size Manufacturmt,476:oo, Cabinetvin •-everyl Yorii49t,i• • We wafft.Agents Statesi Wlndretteelicits qtre aireaq estittit lishedi• tb whetbotlitiefel discount Will , b`e given, but we - thate ncrentokigirnents. ' , V.V. IAYAILTILUft, 3t eo. ; 510 ButPAIDWAy New Ycitk.,,' Ife*ls igillo4dgalyi DUW.NE'R'S Patent,Lemur vid Shield, FOR H AND*SEWING. TS pronctungd by all who have used it "just the'thirig"'"for thcfse using 'the iiPidle as it completely tests the' finger; and inalees'a newt and unifo#9 hem' while the o'perato'r is sewing, One half *tlig - khilidr* of tiewitig is'skved by using this remarkably SIMPLE AIID • ,No.laAy, shaultlibewithout IL It is also just the thing for girls' to use learn sew.. Itsitotnarkahle cheapness brings it within .tbkoViletitiOte, rie rii9o4 SUlRkkitol 6 Y mail On fee o hce, .gpfeteßrf ini 1 cENO, Descrißite Circulars furnished on aßplicktion. ...4/. c 4 . . .. ~1 /2 ea‘ Discouq 0 ,tie Trade. Entergokne agents &anted, iii 4 every town no 1%0 " migtiout the :Unitell States . and Aft *C l ank 4- nem& prdOtable enipinyinept is se) sild trful article, as it ineetk with I•eady *les' Oyer offered—has no cenipeti Lion—and; pro si are very I l r g e * ' , $1.50 PER NMI J.II son be-REALIZED. Addreko) . ' o' ;.. , A1,.-,IL DOWNER, Patestee..audt Proprietors ' . , ;-.. , 4142(..BroadWay; New-York.' N. B.—General and exclusive agencies wi}l be granted On\thi 'moat liberal terms, pin ••• eitH WATOLiTES, Jai**l4,,VilierC and , Plated, " axe. 17 LI: aiti1 4 4414, , 7 2c0 , 1414.RKET 4, ,, 0. • la a e E Importer of Clocks: Watches and `Jewelsg.l •InvitOS , spetrolUtittoritftnotti stippik of Watckesviof Anieriesol4baithilAnit-GeneVa. Manufacture. JewstiOgof klSetritt rldstrs, Silver 6 , Plated Ware of the best:4 ittaity , With an extensive, assortment at Superior Time-kgeping Clocks, In sYsiemid prick,adupted so the wants of all. Good goods andpfatc;prices is my principle. Also, °AWL au teat shirt Studs, being of Revell coaitructianmessettaing advantages over any.other inmentianv4 •.+, srr -Bhiladelpbmt,Alakell 1.86-1-17:, , pot - - = ,- -'A WTNES ANI) - LIQUORS.'' !•,--- 'emAtekander D Reese; .. - voiA'ATfeTliettO la 11EA't,Elt, ' Mail; tafer.lS , RA STW44 I I-1 •M ' °Unt Joy, b , ' 4 InViaster'enistyy- Pb. , , , , frkbLEAtmOffiign . impwauld ,inost ' respectfollt bi.g, leave to infoellittpoiTtublicishatsho , las 0 panedbis,W I NSW lan ...limy o RATA:main-O,A its bratufhes. , Ailleik*M" ccinsiaritly keep on hand alilitifda elf t..a.,i ~ - ' B D s - Gins, ` ; - KM 444:„Scottt Mt.A4V. A Also, atittuplrskieeAlhisicy just received* a 1 uTr."' Mc Deachketirin Ville. tiValious b .rosilikie agliP NipeAti ti • A t ; / ,11 liblidl or 414W'A lA. .K. no w asks of tile iiii lie ;s a careful eatursitustion.of •hisitatslciedod Prices, ati,Kti . i n vb le itt quite cont49s,; . re sulk q go te eep aitclAers hailing. IA to rlieira vale tage to nu their purchases of jiini. 3 ,Ar e st),-,* sigitic, ox. alt i Oil:Pine Oil' and Fluid' tr ' , Liana Iltie'eg at titek‘iigfrpii# Wine* L'ilieqr '4Pre:" .. 4. P 4 t 7 §,o ) blotnit pn, sung-It:Vs f-ly. - . QT. LOUIS , k3CHElrskrr-wr., -NecOrs.‘Titrat, - • PHlLAldiltinitAff In the immedlale neigittriulSoodrafitha Jobbing Houses on Market; ThirdittldrChkedut-stk, - Banks i Post , .offieerMeretifintswExchhtge, &c., &c.••4•Bre. • -.BOARD Pla VAT, -$1.50. • Accommodation when, rgquired on the-Euito- PEAN •piare: RooThs fitinit6o Ceara and up watdOper-tiky; ifizicr'Weins 'at- a Riirtaurarit attiehed to.-the 'Prices atsoeiliq Mike liPps , OrTiFeercL " The City eatstakyilaikeirgetra adirstatlon TO Or ciciss iwthe' 4 ll".ll . • • ^ Preyed, Grer - mtill•altd- , Spnish July 20-Iy.] spoken. R. S. Z. HOFFER, DEFUST, • . '. .OF TUE. BA LTUICINE,COIALF.9.E OF DENTAL I.OLOKILYg sLATE, OF kJ All.RlliallitG, , PA.) 2) OFFICE,: Front strept, fourth door Art , _, - :, - . from Locnit, over'Saklor &Mr Dild-418=, Iddl - BOW Store, Columbia: Entrance' .e weon•tfte.Drug and , Book Stores. [3-4 :-: s ''' eirljr It-g•DUCRD- - Ttre best Coal Oil at l'eltrits' per gallop, ,or 10 cents per 'quart, ir Atte Ilititlwarre of ' ' •' - -: • - - PATTERSON ar CO. Marietta; - February 22,1862. - bARRns PURE CTPER VINEGAR FOR FAMILY USE. For hale at Ri f waN.Baqt!a: Cheap Cash 4.#•. CHASE'S CONCEATTIZAZED LYE, su perior to any now in use, can be had at the Cheap Store of Diffenbach. DR. LA CROIX'S • PM\ E MEDICAL TREATISM ON 77,e PlTsiological Viers of 111(D'Fiagel 2:50 PAGES AND .139 ENGRAVINGS.— Price only 3:7! cents. Sent free of postage_ to all parts of the Union. On the infirmiti O s b 1 youth and maturity„.disclosing the secret fol lies of both sexes of ages, causing debility, nervousness, deptesslim of spirit, palpitation of the heart, suicidal imaginings, ihvo luntarSr emissions, hlushings, defective memoly, indi gestion and 'lassitude; with confessions of thrilling interest bf a Boarding • School Miss, a College Student, and a Young Marked Lady, kc., 4c. It ts a truthful adviser to the inn rried and those contemplathig mairiage, Who enter tain seefet doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which Oft human being is entitled., ' • ftUNG :KEN who are troubled, with Weakness, generally caused 'b,Y * a. bad habit In youth, the effects of which are. diiziness, pains, forgetfulness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, Weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremities, confusion of ideas, loss of 'Winery, with hielahncholy,"roay'he cured by the author's new Parts. and LondOn Treat ment. We have, recently devoted much of our time in visitingthe European Hospitals, avail ing ou'rselvts of the knowledge and researches of the most skillful Physicians and Surgeons in Eurdpe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the futl benefit of the many new and ef ficacious Remedies which we are enabled to Introduce into' our practiee, arid the public may assured otthe sante assiduity, SECRECY and attention being paid to' their cases, which his so , 'Successfully distingeihed iis . heretoforn,lss'a Physician in our ZIECIILTAII. `department df professional Practice, tot the past twenty Jive years. Fv.c . 14811 TEltrata who Wish for Medicines; tlikefficacy of which has been tested in thouSendi of cases, and never failea to effect speedy cures without any bad re sults, will use obne'brit Dr. DeLanere Fe male. Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, le t dieashoUld d'fit take them if they have reason to helleye they are in certain situations (the..parilculars which will be • . found on the Wrapper, accom panying each brix,),though always ; safe aUd healthy, so gentlk„yet so active ate they, Price, box. ; , They can, be, mailed. to any pant of the Unite . gtates , or Canada. • To Lantas-L Who need . .aconfidential medical adviser with regard,, to,,4tita of thee interesting complaints to. which their Beli`cate organization readerstlient,liaMsr.atet,Pegieur larly invited to consult F. 4 •, , ...ETLEcT0t0,,G 64.y.arr .I,laosEcertyr.?' For mat rleclindics whosehealth wileihtie,uo desire to increase their faitiflisl, may be 01).444 ~qhfive.• , „It 4 a perfectly safe -preventive to conception, and has haerbcfiga, l l ll liY Med MAMA Ake last 20 years. Prtc: reduced to slb. THE' CRET OF YO„ Tlt.,TryrzieED. Treatitieeittlt):tkuile - or De sol2nkitatalpg4 .That" putilislied'„ IrdinCerttiviiirg Th'e irraidlinfa Vogfela s 'and pre valence among schoolo-blth fet rhage.jirorttlisafafti(lhabililibillting but‘the fad - Ohl-that id'verriatily•gttends itev ietirh s, 'anti developinrtltet*hdle progres9 or the" disease, from the oommendernent'to'the end.. • r It willtie sent'by iJail on receipt of twb [3] cent Stamps.- ".!" Attendancedaily, from 8 in the morning till 9 at night, and on Sundays from 2 till .5 r. N. Medicines wiieffik directions` s'enero any part of the United States or Canadas, by pa tints Taptinunicating theksyroptomsby letter. llustukss coriespondeliCe, strictly co'nfidential. Dr: L's Office-is still located as ettathisir- • ed, under the name. of 1 D1,1.. 1.41 CROIX, at' ataftleilien Lane,. Albany, SUPPLEE & BR() IRON AND BRASS , j • • le OTJ D •11. , And _General Machinists, S'econd::striet Below... Union, Columbia, Pa They ire prepared to Make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, fore.Steenl l , Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellaripoors,- Weights, - &c., for Buil dings,ipfl,c,patifigs of every description ; .STE.4Ig EAGINES, ATEGILEES, '47 •elti sf,i?sr sronzart AND Ltarioi.r.n kaitney ;. umps,.Brick Presses, 111.fting and Pulleyi, kill `Gearing, Taps, pies,. ,Machinery fqc. qjpg. .ipld Tanning ;, Brass Bearings, StcaM,, - Slaat Gapges.t.l.ubricators,,Oil Cocks, "trVVeS'fOr .team; G . as, and Water ; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, ,Nets, Vault Doors, ye:she's,. tke. • 7 . 3LACR I SMITBING in GENERAL. Win long ex p erience in building machinery we flatter ourselves that we can give general sails ...faet4on .thOse why may favor, us with their WRipniring promptly attended Yo. ,_Orders mail'addreSSed'as'above, will meet \kith ifrottiptattention. Oise* tO suit the times. ' ' • UPPLEE,, .R. StTPLEE: ,c t o.luxotti4, ,00car ,150; , 1441 • .41*pard 4,90cta40* For .4he' Belief► of the - Sido and Digressed, afflittett *ilk. Virulent and (Thronie Diseases, aid especially Jul the Cure of Disvases . 'of :the &Dual Organs. kJ:4OAI' Myrnsilgiven 'graffs, 'Surgeon. ' ' • q„• luable Repotta o n e S.pernititoritrea, or 4einini2l ,, Weaknesh,.'end 'other pillaties of the tbittatarOrgatts, tend on tlie'/V - Ott ern tploye'd inttbe Dispensitry,• sent id the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free' of charge:— Two or gift; - Stant& Itzt lihatai t 'lleVeill be ac celtabO. 4 j Address, DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard. Asatienition; 19j2 , Soutlk , NiAtitfitreet,..l3hiladalphia, Pao, f , Beautiful Itutrplerieur Tirmit4:ll 4 Ft. f7filitilqleWilllse6d to all who ;wiiheit ffilee of charge), the'Recipe and. ull dfrealiolts'gorsimalting and using a beautiful vegetable Balm, thtttivill effectually remove Pimples, ; Tan A Freckles, ite., 4rci,,: leaving the skiff 'atomith,, clean, a4ll - beautifull dire/ ions for USing,P,ela rreare's ed tiirmk, ebrated , Shira Wittiiiit o eif t Alit a full growth of - Whilfie4e; tr a 'Mustache, in less -than thirty AIN. 'Either' of the maitre attained' hfiefltrifmail, by addressing (w ‘ ith.stampaffurrOgn _Floatage) Da. Toosnis 2-' 7 rOgg.ica L r t'Aelnist, 831 Broa ja i, Nest F 1 7G '*" " ' Fitta 1122140, . , "". te•Treit D. piriebhada`,Yti "Chnbeetfon 'with 11. Ilarrisgo..Roth„pk ) G./favii,"B l .l),rpg Store ' , ioca4d . refilik.Bblough.. of lidarietpi,' for ilie; - practiCe kledfel"firofeasion, would lOffectftAtly flci - Aiif - hrviee VI ; 'the ,fhplic.— lin. can b " aettreofti4e furaperty occupied by Dr. Claire. The nnderpigged, takes pipastur iniAconit rnendlogAri,repds l and f)atrana. Pr. W. iln. , . keerAlßactairig in. tgis'4ictnity for the AA' 8 Gra yearn, andlieyorid,doubt, give' smite, tioditifactiba:to vihe will g ive him,agotriall 7 : J. 'II.III.N,F 4 .TT;S pricoainea- A. compoundd Qacoa - nut;Qil,:&e.,,fordresSing the Hair. I..efficany and agreeableness, it is without 41 an equal: C It plWents tl*hi fir 40 si kr. ~ •Iti'pfomotesits healtliyal - h Ws not greasy dr . sticky:, . 4 J tient es-no llisagrdeabie:odor. , -II It koftenethe.hairoeliernhard.and dry. • : It soothes the irritated scalp skin. - . *lt affords:the rieheifluakeH q,' '!. r : „, It remains longest in effect. For IMle Iv:4 WEST • & itOTH, Sy. , kessois•to Dr.tGrove. ANT CILFE'S Celebrated Spring,and Clasp SHAWL PINS,•' The best in the world—ln:id:nandld at ' ...Nine, 6 cents.) WOLFE IS. 1.,14 1 ,0 • •VA Celebrated Imperial Ex- TV tatiaionWg'Spiirig Skeleton Skirt, witii seif-adjoldll4l3ustle. The 'latest and best in uje',,lslrZakle cheap at _Diffenbach's. RXIVES & POKKS, Britainia and. Silver , - plated Spcions, Brass, Copper, Plain and Enameled Iron Kettles, and HousekeePing goods generally. Patterson, 4. Co.:, 9 06 SACKS OF SALT For sale cheap at Diffenbach's IUO THE PEOPLE OF THE * • UIIITED STATES IN the month of - December; 185.3, - "the Under signed for the first tithe offered:for sale lie lira public Dr. .T. , Bovee Dads .Imperial Wive Bittere,,and in this short period they haye such universal satisfaction to. the many thou sarifffof persons who have tri€d them thatit is now an established article. Thw arnointtie of lipdily_and .rriant al -rnisary, nriaing3f4e.iYALlS4 a neglect of small cOmplaints is surprising, and ibis therefore of .the utmost importance Vila a strict attention 4, the least ; and most trifling bodily ailment pbthild be had,; for, .diseasesof tfie body Must trittiriably`affect - The subscribers` now bilir asks. trial , Of De.J. Loeee. Dods' Atpe . iial - Wirtitißliteils? Trot - wall who haveiiht'ulied - thern. eirechar lenge the world to produce their.emial. , 4 aria q_ 'these Bitters - for the cure o f Weak Stomachs, 'aeileicil'Debihty,•and for tPuiififihg.” gm: ricking . ..the Blood, aro absolutely.-unsurpasped by any other remedy op.parth, To „,he fissured of this, it is , only necessary to make tlike;tlial:. The' Win'e of A Superior being about one-third.stronter khe other Wines; warming and ioyigoratiog,the ,syetera from the head to,,the feet. at e e b"tt rs a strengthen and invigorate the / whok system and give a )52re tone andrAea/thy i action to l 4l i}o ;,pottpe ~equaliwial the circulation, If-- moving obstructions, and producing a general warmth: alheyare also excellent,forbuseaSeS and Weakness peculair to. . Femalet, where a tonic is required to str . engt hen one brace tboys tem. No lady, who : s subject tojassitude and faintness, should be without Abet% as they are reeivifying ih their aoticia. they Thqsf Bitter.s well not, only sure„,.. but„eyecent disease, rind in this respect are do9bly vaius c ble to the person who wray useehim.4 For drie,ipfent, , COneumpion, Weak Lungs, indittestioni Dryeesia, Diseases of the Nervous System. Paralysis' kites :}g4A4l, , icyl i L bops , cELEBRAT#,6.IXFINA:ATTAIit k ARE .. .IE6W iivkitra) P0Y""qoi• - " A • e Fora, spc coin OW":OV""di l e Clergy, they are tiulyvailhilile m " For the aged, and infant s and tpuerawatel a wealt•conntitutioa-7frirAisteranos pel, Lawyers, ; ird.all o die. ape lrs—for Boo*" keepers, Tailors, Spanistresses,ihdattl6 Artists, aild, all petsons o ,leactisig,„wedeptary lite, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they ate wholesome, inno cent; anti delicious to the taste. They protipce all the exhilarating effects of Brandy or Wine, without intoxioattng4 snAaretayalpnbleirean gdy forpersops atithete.d to Ili& !tsp. : mi . . ewe stye strong drink, and „Who wish tq refNp frOnalit2 .:rheY Arp:wipe,padentirelt free from the 4 -poisonsconttrinediwhe aduillert4ed :Wines ankliqupte witti which the conitty.y4tdeoted, These Ilittets not only cureAptriniespd. "Diaz. ease and oho ii. 4 tmusektiby,,,allii,o9;;Livglin a country ' where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevetli, l areapmalent. Being en tirely innocenVanir IiOmIEW, they may be giv e. eely to "Children and Infants with ini t• ysicithis,.GlbepjiarlieeriNiitr thirirdilincesid ,voeafen; itlltn'itctrofifdraltitiiiy, ' alAtibld 7 Wait in spreading Wasp ,nrubi f aluibi l E - RareliVb , * the land,•and.tilireby * *eltially..aid in ban ishing Drtriartineega and ii S ee r in ad afections of the .ElodipticlOadtwhl -, ..ffetvous Headachr,„„Dl 4 ,l3oe".lm'elrkg WI Bitters will'' be . forDuttblblitiointkittifery , , eati:aeious. • , - 1 - 44 ----' - ';' ' ' ' 3 "' - ` ''' Pf. E m Ati.l , q, sz:e -Tv 4,..3 The Many cerfiftZgaknticlr'hirve) fc . i t'l. dere& us, and the letteltwhicll - '&e ate W - daily receiving; are conclusive lirObt that among the Wife - en s these,Bitters havexiven a satisfaction m e whiclshilAitlibraimie ever ' done bef re. Zo woman in the land should be with . ° tinlh):ol§Aylio alma use theill_wel - n -.. o hoop a supply. • W4 , 41 - .5 Dr. c J. Bovee Dods' Imperial Wineißitters Aie Pi•epared by an eminent and ,skillful phystilign Vlio' his need- thein , auccesifilly in his practice for the last twenty-live years. , The proprietor,' before purchasing' the' exclulife right to manufacture and sell Dr.: 1.: Bervie Dod's Celebrated-Imperial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distinguished medical ,practitioners, who pronounced-them a Valuable remedy for disease. Akhough the medical men of the • country, as a general thing, disapptove of Patent Aled icines, yet.we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in tile United' States, acquainted with their medical properties, who wilt not nighty approve Dr. J. 1.30pfg,..40,d's IMpeital Witte Batas. , i ~...,, • ~.„ .In.all ewly settled 'pieces, where:piers.. is always a ' large quantity i of ilp cttypg,,,tiru)yr from which a poisonous 'miasma is. craattAl, these bitters Should be used every,morzuwa be; fere breakfast. , .. , ...a.%i .‘; , _ L aimL t Dr. J. BoveeDads' Imperial-Wine Bitters Are compesethof a , purel . and npriilditeiligtl 'Wine, combined" wgh,,Aitirbe s siy,.:Sejornon s Seal, GomfleY, Wild . CherryTree .13a'rk; Spike nard, Ch m aomile Flowers, and Gentian They axe manufactured by Di . . Duds., liirns f; who ii an experiencedmid, siccess*Ul MI - cian, and hence 'sh`LMIA . not 1)&41 1 , .. , :e mong the quaik Aiostrumi *liith/flond th. -.• and against which , the ' medicalV s e' o .%-;) "%e so justly prejudiced. ,' x, ,L , .".1t16.1, • These truly valuable' Bitters -have teen 'BO thorougly tested by all classes of ihepolnniubi ty for almost every yariety'of‘lliStraNe IfiETnAt toithe human system, that MAO bbitAafe' deems& indispelisatile as a Tonic, Medicine and a Beti&dgefF t t,t , dirAsz ONE' BOTT LE !-.lx con BUT. LITELE l'urffy the Blood fa-Cite tonitolat' Stomach !—Nefloilate the .system ' ,Ad Prolong 3 ' PRICE $ll PER - BOTTLET FOR 09 . .- 4.BI7PAREW BY . A WIDDIPIEttiiretA "- . '4B itztopvitiroW, '4 ' No. v . 13 - t For tutie/ brtdruggidts °WV' Ofr iderPkezibT sallyi throughout theicotntry. el -e= CRIMILENsTiIiEN , s PHILADELPHIA paRWPIAL 41, iiEr-CicE, N. E. corner of Tth Chestnut,Sje.„.. « , _ ,PHIL/111611111A. . • •• • .. .. • This Institution, which was . islabicsked ,l in 1844, and is now cOnseibilitly iii'llie ilea echth year of its 'exiiitence, ininib'eliS . ' aptg its graduates, hundreds of =tife‘Mosif - sliece ul Merchants and Business Men in our .tioitily. ` 7 O Thebject of the Institution is •sol Cly to afford young men facilities fur thtliehgb p e .1 - - rations for busines,s. The'llianches taught` are, Boo s, . applicable to the various depiiiiini4Ss " ire Pennmanshijs, both ,plain , ind ' Enna , . 1 • Conimercial Lain, Mailiernatics, Na,: 1 - , Civil Engineering, Drawing; .PhnFocVaPP,s and Modern Languages. ~ `The SYStetrinf InstructiOn is Jibetiliar t'iiii clasies l or letlasons are made unlit; but each student isiiinght iiidivignally,,ao that he May commence at any Bine, and' attend it' what ever hours are most convenient., ... r Catalogues, iiissited ann ual ly after hp lii ofAi:ail, containing p.amee Of tbi iitildints Or the year, and full parVeillaill of feint's; &C".; and'may be obtainedat any`thste by WA/tit Jog the Principi l . 4 ,' . ~, • n extensive acceitiModstiOns, wAde'.spdil reputatimi,.andthe lengthy experience of :the Pririchial, this Institution offers Tacililar ties peer to any..other in in,r, poi nt...try, for young Me wfshin g to:.llielnire foe.buSitkeii, and t 5 obtiiin,A niler.Oli f t, which will,prpim,a,reCsi : inehdiitiOn kirtpin to any Mercantile House. rr• Critteiiden's-Series of Treatises on Book- Keepinpnow- more imidely: circulated 'than any. other woiloon -the aubject ? are „for side,4l. the College. ••• - ' .•-• :.4 -.. .'.,- ! -3 -. ~' r• S. HODGE'S CRITTFANDEN,-- -.- i . :-• i' II ' Attorilel- at -latb, i • ., Jan. IIS , 62-Iyl -- a ,• i Paiworia.e"4. ADIES AND. GENTS - - Anderson. hi& just I received air elegauctissostirient of Atextu: inery„ consisting of Tdiliet Soaps, Hair We, Extracts and Colognes-et —prices much- below thwusual rates, also SOnilewety . handseriteldstis for gentletnen,Vortmouies, &e. • ' FLA.vouiviNQ , EXTRACTS: Vanillay Strawberry, Pine , k APPIei Jtosei, Lemon, ust received and for sale at W.Esr k Re= brands—euarranteed B uhie. Atexatider D. Reese. i. .. ,_~aarrv.s., ,- .~.Eh~.vw.t vawY.aP+elaEitsiiwM, Elivqf ißlN+l,4llW"jea, DR. ENGIIIiffi'S . INDIAN .11111MENAGOGUE1 This celebratmp'ernalfaeledig.,44.pussesses vie 'unknovri of anything elk of the kind, antlolpradviuk^ tffedfual *ter iiardthers have isirgared4lBrq an -- 4 ,lndrai Herb" pb*Ctiliafto Ofthern laeiceo, and rexaa, and iaatsedo the 4 .l*trititelin Irrodiicin k the at o NTH - JA..4designecl Coy _both ; and lingl6 Wales, and is Se,very best thing kliewnsforAfittpultas‘ertifffit •Wilrl4 cricrVe , q a ttpth i qia ait?gtiW4 TQP#cliiLdi 1 ~ 4 _814 trio vain. t itka'plealnut contanain Atiainkitiffitiiii , to;lieblf, YRIA9,4 it 2 , 1 1 9.0.417 , 1—* itt—,44mtehaw Prolapsus Uteri .gr failing o ewomb 7111fitaihrbViroMilireinC6iciliiirrifiltffitis '614 orAlvisprin.of,l4,4yorittlwlnuitlen.pil Herd : . rage or Plating; ana delike of the Spine. ' l Yet• tiding?' tgrigrlrek4li Witric7 suet cautiumeAtagebsesthefuseinf thimitha, mitt `l4P4ii h iffAMth4 c trAr,s 411e p r y mot diN49lollgEllWet SOIMITist i ~ a26 " /14149-§ Mtl f ttfithirra. 163 Srice4lllloipei shidegerWithutill tßirEcfiolid r:4 s*l3f444 o e itolerg e leek%**o.4tFt , 111Dr.trEt &tweet egfilihltedOinWitll ititittitrati dij&tsin person ,c,gp t y, low e atid 17.611' Aire' Glint-porous Female "Syrigigftirigllly4trec6.llllllfirditlllgy the An* , els ' F gd dtt P C l kri r q e d i t P laM 4 t t it iguYettlittita*ifi% NpiblikalrralitalstMot A?' nt l i fp` a aA Va+ rtt kipliteL4akleTnalkii 4 46615e01 , ..a Me tate tAlge cons4LV ri Ede, 'a tid "WTI le - Tu rhltlier'n lo Yates tit 80.4ittworjlepyeatiMitediteretrtettftnit..futi P articulars. rW"AIr titd.l,i , ,Farfiplien/Maftita,RettelitilttOgbt W • ` f FeC r i*s; aL l etl; l 4a 2_ 6 ...h ° Secondtreft, i3elow Dock. igt-arg ONW-riI.AVMVPAPPI. 3 t , '" }il l',. 9, A ° 4l4gt I etw 64- 7,A0 EflattM.. ASIMIP 4 II4RETIVIII * 10114111 , 034ettiiiitt - tbl la4p Nada rt 4 pirieyWbflxtratts:; They cure itiMatiftl4 l 4l 10 Vattesaitilli Abu: 1 4,g 4 WslidiAllitt.,. livtraant kidneys; they give tone to4ne digestive organs' tgaS , *A r tfiktte:;Ke V2l.lfiofir; U - airtioWP"itid axbalations?equalize4ltAsircami! • AnNt i frAfte;bl9lsl. no teticieofidSriver, klWeade Z e o r theAtttlit kg , uttk OttvAi* Cos ess CojL tvolredfVifidVu-elsr dftsrL'"*F ,11 ". Ofil#o46)/4141? Mitkeit balitueVONiskitk , chop ragulittesidliao a ys, teuto lit_evereafitrifetid tiff& ariffillietathraltbatthelinil %UP *IJI-"Dt a 8 2 1 1.1.91 , §63,1 4 ,1c , Much rhati and &Vett t err" cwt 1).“ . t.m. 4 . D4.12.444G!5c ; L:ME ,13:1,T,ERS 4 Is a superior tonic and diuretic,,;,excelient 4 k cases of loss of appetile, flatillarey, , feX itireatitgis,tirrartrlltritictoWeht ttlfeltidemnd oelt u blind, d prouaigg li kka bloAvg Ad genertradbilify - lit t ritilfin d agitrv*PrETAVM :tag , L':=.lminieohiyirsattolSOFPftirnirttA N i ttl x4" tPA96llS 4 Bl9 ' "44 &if been, a pap, ,ac galvanic - ,1 bleediiig,:theilahrßofiesyridi Darliq'sAlAil2wtkertliikbigetiVe.t Y diftrefiißliterc u `Add -now 4onsidev.:lnAtthl Wirely 4 gule l /4 Hun. ! ..Joltri qoal"r . iisf4,,‘i,/tr9Ndal.) Marbli TiPtPe"sfirulk of1W; nott fruvere edittividitanfordbilaft moan:fever: Ltioo4 ,c9:2Alim jii,ii6wA r es - awy r eAt REGI/L - Ay'appic: -- ir bro. upviny - cold find SfeverCay opgeliti : JJtigus to sthistattackl7o,lla4 4thrti l l i NtN i Ara k A vel T4 O. is nttikkitustig3t; AR., 42 a,EaAt 28thistrgetiAt Y., writes : ,August 13 1611.—1 had adi ti et kidire3 ., nitimint - ttae , veal imstbastuttall cam, I had used mo,ot I,ll,,liiirlds,9f,,xuedieirgA, b TOUtia ghaitAiftm fmitieg tsea----k Diiiiiirgwitig.oozoako,u,diafir v eilthig , t,taspassedieldtied;bblodPhyaeauAtina taam Wal e- 441V l g l egi a e l lV insting3 lartigetn C.kailbow,,ilkeblziebSther:StivtrlCtl, write.s ; "eb. 20, 1860.i-,l,,bave been sultigej "dittliekrafigurifto Nye* Attfe= 1 - ikimVeax4eftfoun,doug , ,.elquitlt.o.l tr . JAs j a,th9roymh thfrtimatietilitAitk .rirEtrrg." •‘. Jildittsitifeirsoof lirtooklidOwillesitiNFitn OA ..... .4ebli Nic i 4o44 4 e v Vizik i" fyam l ortwebrknhuitiVormassoorn4 tiaiam Salk iiinaiitt*AttlEstr*ologinithrofig Weir:BBl4i a• 15'18U07=-Mlll.o, , rirtrZn a (UM: itil LivetsollaithwadbjElliMoLibinal gka u Wvas inlyippd i tlfwA i k4ol -DAR tlfit'S "LT V 1 o eritt i9ovißg,"thg~bil and asv,aingtths,liy,prj.2 activity. rave altoThsed as a DANE:" • 44- " ,-4 z r ,MVlieniOni ififthit CfflertThree - give "1 iind • it them .n..iev; *pp mihitt k eetagtitem salt 4:03. 7a nieets the general wants of the stomach. and b s wefe Nafiiirdieddifed.a 4 ; adfLidifshogonLeAn.eitlytX FillPthotof i *Ph Ingot Fie 11en t ..itemedies on quire fog4hein a t il*Peto 4 res ; ial& no receipt "of the mow ; the Repled) , or accordie youP r ifit Xeß,o o . l ?!4l , 3s•MO:iiiin Swift ilVit*Pfiid%; o Addlis, DA.N,LEL S. DARLPM ? . • • r TOY DiCss,Vdt4:,ll'EVerimit: Buttupois:Aikcergo~hiloitto. acc4.,446 bm..l it latd ratt ritztititi r.t vrt'itikr !!' IkettellEMlKOMOe i/ eis4 41:04 , §rf,e47ottbevezilitiid,a,2 1 4/filetdelplbia i , e U.vvoi .04,PAiktestugto vt; vlviig4e.Vr At t ParrErhket •Ar ceatt , ao+ con'irtzdtittatby N'YtTN er 94r7 AtM a i ts 44rt VIP ery parfic.gar auapted - to To a d tVti 4 kr4 4 43 1844 ,1048 1 44- 1 5 - .:-. 14: em N-ei NYq. f - °-. -.I{PEAi i .' .-, -'«- MRE CSESSOijk and E 'Faicß, 41.: cireteri - AER,wPsdiirma; imahr g aP4 for/ t4e , simp:4*MPtlMAPAV!e4 and those who soutt with Nervoti s s_Debility a Edisufiffeinory; l o.4ixiatille.' Delhey;;-/km;loen r by ene* , :w.hothass,7u., '',,, kflorgutly Owl? mpans, Pfter,bejog pu t ; _ feaT elppire ' sp,d ibbonVeiteng;-tliro .t. Anifffirwortleili medicines PO B 4..tEs4 II J.2 6 .4MPWOIfd '.-. Single copies—tkit m,amAspot, the author, C.,*.4. Lewin , Esq",,Gjeenawit ~ ._,,,,,.ng Wind; "by endiosinetrt-paiiMtmd , , ... wish:lpm , Addretale,CistO. idieSislilltF'Esitslire laud,, Esg.Agun:olut- .1..0p g,Ja N., nil .r "''''''''4l" . 0 49 Wi n ial i d f r i ty - erc7pnt i'craor,„ ..ete Frge a d e tigval Fimfgraikrigat RAT,EFUL_for past favorsTwouta reter trons and Inform them that I still cosirlikke the old business attite,ol4-/444,,where wilt be raixo r l eg thlm at Atukes,.ansl. 4 haykig a 'Mind tifddildfd ' ' • eilaTHO , ,4 eAwIikERRAReVitEMNIV , GB: 4 vgltichrll be ci macle,xp„to order at the shortest ildtizrbrihe bestel'WolkfitertAttiorriesiculta 4 - bleotgrroaiwinittitbe yieSisett, tilsetiforesomdit uart. mold msittri_gmAil v alleho seepoper o patititiTmMrtrlfireT. rO'et".l9-- , 56. - A CH OlCELot,ol43e.ok,s.for.obildren c a l led indograaablo Plestsp . re .11a9ke ;Aehoond other rooks, e s tatgillid, 'Pe n PEW 'bob s, .-P0r41410:117134,..ica gATT WallittnEttflt SALT CHEAP, nt.folbillittil Call at the store of SPANGLER & ( -lOW:ABTA INSURANCE COMP k NY %-te. -r t Lis Company is autlajrized by its charter to insure in the 'county, or in bOrOusts, against lois or damage by lire, on the mutual plan, for anyjengt.ll of Cycle, limited or perpetual, either fora 'cash premium ' p're or a mirth note. 1,! PREMIUM NOTESTOTEM. A rse v i ho,imuie for a preaipm note will Seth Aired foY We yell's`, and sect to assess mehtsnazas ena, , , ,, i , - - 5.,l L . ~.,k4Joi ' MEAT. ThoWWlffro i'tash premium will oe inewest lijaangtritingfiwt exceedin..-5 years, 4, apksitkihjeeLl2ftany_nmaling.nts. r One per cohni tit 'ffroli-iftlWilgrA6f Ori fejt] Pro= pertyfor theft 4 l(Oble e veir 5..: i . - 1 4 '131.1E.)1. .- '•Arth Propeffi, I / le iTOreTibi the terra ' of ten Nears;loir wittipoisit eif.three percent. of the amount_inbured, thq,jvhole amount of the premlbir notelo - te ?kerne& at 'tie '6%lAm - don (*wire poliekrwithelitttf iiiterestlorztlr policy will be renewed for ten years, without anyex-. pense, at the option of the insurer. • ....k e 4c: $ - 30.1ffitutwovg,P:Pnr:IIDErvi. PAAWVPI.I-,-.47M5Yes 1: r .. . rectors ,:" PI 61ft'bflAt ii.fitlibViel Ffee•Presi dent. ~(InveNftl• i&1.,64:4,c154,F4', **wail:pa: 3 ,n - ,J A Coll B. Sll.lllll AN, ,%.ZOS4 5 MOW% 491. 4 14111 La 44 h ftAr. :4 - • IKet. I kinti* a [anMieT.Puith , gift 4 BORACEnTEST, . 1.2-UtRRISON ROTH. ' .seyot oetNatliWt • • MT g•T# k. ' thetdotirelstoelo gotifl ,itidd-stitttixtures agile p 4 ycistgr& i ,tn fa J,„,LL, arojs, ta)sp e ,tb / is p fn thod 114ti'Sn'g'itir this 61tablisb Oietit and hips 0 - 1011001 M rtneralthltit Ziothipti shwa. v a inautg at all owes 1 . 14e54) and cihripletr s4sPranefft. or; r; 11\7 leirftisivj 'Met - . 1 / 4 .ka 1,. 4,0 4 p 4 , ci er ic t oogkß.4o9, ,C,94b* Toodi k iVeeesd ow dirs, Am figi; PaenfllTorciV,VailitlY fin, bnittgalili 'V&A altar 0144 , 1 r - mod* e*St teisi *ass; 14 _ nnyawo4l, 4 7stiea.l ti teir ipothecaTy. Ai wn thviiiit ditntffilitidtdffiNgiiki•Ori. i thaftast tp, svit the t s Lam t T sI ftactia of shorittlittle: I§lstrer, siViic:enekniltineysokc. - ; * Y ar iWc i *Sfr rforlhrl foldiOttbairditlibiaoblitZitilittlicelreit 1 04 4 , 40 , 0; e 1 e s t tiVit Yen-ho Wicitts,o‘filiktzttc otitilltelideliVaiMlol4ll4 priktesti so; i.irrstro is 4ro vil fielet on hitl d. -arJ,ustrecefired„an excetteFr article = , 51 , ,G041.1 9 +ll.owsqlingAti laf i elgsa 1 1 )..*44 4 ty,4 grietii; Neve-miff& Ig6l. •, , • 400 2 010AAWCOTAgrIgill I dAtI t WrIA rfaktifekthNifinEttitd hi& old IL Mends and the public generally, that i lr his old stand (recently occupied rUnLoVitek - Iftirta laiioviipetina up*Affitm watewtHhe fAattznOusincais , xA't vle ir . i m 1 1 . 1 ., M1 •,;RAA . C9,44, „I", jriltuniea froin the city -where he se lectef ' ' rigs mrfiti Ta4ronabiellsoni3 nienjwtdiyeryllting,..49Ao, .1: I „A k „LL.AVSID Cr1 d P. LINE,, an &TA ilutrigk an examination of his itoldetidd'VriceEtbeAre phrehasing.elsewhere: dimung mateti : 41The will WC enittit , d;'at short nofrce, 7 te man ufitittritUiPtanitie-frote-tielconrirnon iSOft; to the most Fashionable Silk, Employing none but the Vest of *orirmen, and manufacturing good goods at low prices, re - Ceive.a - liberal/64A of pip Ilz.p a t rotp,ge mi D - Vir k ;ip l higheat,pripp,poA (04 trade or c,a;b. Ailrctills#B64.tti 00, sx• ' tickAtibligt At 4 D-74tIVIPPN:s.- t EJJU Llatitimitehtnti.of l'ENlEtti Winter. ii 9 9f tqst l 4Dirah,lp tityle4 - ' "Geittlemeß's; Miss 6 itch t INZlfis ° ks 43 tVAM . 7 4 _,k c Al t rb .$6 - Alpstitte, city:um-pint w . . 1 EZEtelLNeAtipcjirrre gre A t, bargai,c ? aricrWoo Mites ttlok# tliei cod' "' hapoliatiof Coltogsoehibitsr Pri ..4 7 4 1411 •ia •t v riet % '4 Arrttit fLatiB I A 114. g!" 4 2 , 4 3 ' , ...... C/Otha...CQUil/t.fri l if/a Vestingq, - KM slinap, gpaling clOl a y, in all colqui at 'Saint -1 1 ,LAM - 7W '''_MlN l : kNiibi s tralLelPf oVbi 1 ' tobstuAlnot49 l 3B Okera4,4-ailea94s *Vow: .4 . ,,a3 121 0 0LeVaAne ......414 , 3 _ 4. 1 13) WHIM MUM"r. An 4gla itt. MS i air t glif t 6 AIWA, • E nli flallitels,iakolinssdrieStice,,..Veelsogs audialt °l l4lll 4 4c*A z i i l W 4 44 g Arty.'N 4- - ett-Ili flr.:' -,. ' ' 1 MARRIAGE. f Its Loves and hiteVsor rows and an , Pect:lityren'ild Thais, regrets and tlio ,apt^diit Folistrtbrnr restdrettbiple vAtire,tmatnaeLso.d Ladle! cure of sperms: tiiiihrea or seliTiWiveliktiks'; involtintary erniSticar,lsezedabdeMkitrendOmpediments to tgmrite Atism.Ny d ; I nsvoNsnesa,,,egnsump T ton MI menial and physical'incatmeatx, re utti;fg, fromtvieffiffruireJ+arig fully , ' - 5., ,, 0r t*phatted in Ih"lial74181 Guide " 1510° 1:1 Wiii- kYouAGN PLA, :WhiP most I . extraordinary'boar 0104 be in the hands o f aVeri younk*prii`soli cofiterliptanng tdartiligis, azuVeFtry Ritperlyealnmho,tlesirgs ‘ to i .kwt th'i number of air offspring to heir cirCum atintes.bcDMyvatn7dlitasilidid iiictle in 4fW„ VAMOkluar X 14 .1 1 11 9.111, e, i,i'Bll. exillaine ; every im cif of t knowpdke tll'a RUM OfiltioivrillS , hattrkforeVit 3 1" t, is Tell 4of e9gravings.. l 44. fstetiA i dli k cAses isporels. Mt eery one sin:mill" know ; stip It is a 'VOW that' rads 't4)e leible'epfirodfiltt4ie,allitiltt thYtiouse.• IMYiPu f twlp sraf,om c Alhe,l69lßttpE twenty-fivp,cep s ua'specke or postage ,s am s. AMIN/ Dr. Wir l . 4 Iturrit*lNott4.l6lnltVrinhi * Street, aboverirtliptisti i*l.ll* tit p:3- Afflicte and Unfortunate, no matter what may be red? diietite'rb'efore you place yostirselfiululfasthema*oAanoicuthe'inotiiins Rhts.,,,- 7 . ttp,e, fgrstgol2, fl. l3 ny" oftreflillle, gerkilic 6 lo 4 doutelabbcd4tendaitlitdiatottlinixitlittMill 46 4 Vktif f eilfrha l i iralic:4B6l your eel o . , esteltalitatittlat 1 11fiefiltiesplAstil oirtimintspf ttat plisav&Aa t irkarputioa,,,at BM office, No 'l6 er t ate6Ti'ourtti thitadelphirtr..t, 4 4,,.... I t P...: ,' s-i ~.,!Mice tanara.froto 9 ily , 1104,, 42 ;ii , ' ,tv , , 4.0 SADONLOMARti SALEROMMEIVAP,4 -mow; 4PlettE94l9o o 4.Plic r • 411110421:* ramie 4gl o gP-94 , Aprectjla ArY t ' trawovi ions accompanying eaCh box. up Soap is as ealAyjnjOe.witii,tasmakidg a - cup f t ars i l r iniagwe d ta m TEFlak , Eiif Mil: UFA CVIt / faTe 0, ." 1 N 0 a iiiittst., Itlatina, 1 ' WetiiidirmsoB6.l-iwiNsokitia Wi *Um t j Ezwir ,irt. Trr, co f„,,a,0. c.1,....ic., Ll.V:WAS&Lebrplopi Trur4itagt n in3 .. fi d'irgeloWfffe?"93faceaT rt ay t .. 0r5q4,414.: , AboatitXrticie.o twp . fifilithi l e i nocaAyAre,a- et.. 4 tos,ccoi—ott- hti—iii n aiid-ttepthder, tugned 4 ,/ao a r4IQ tulle bcat_astglet,.ot fheliridlin ti . - '''.* Mikli t ,lIMP ' ' twi n & gi.mmamoi Riatitoringsitxtracteor V . i l O — Rtfitt b ig l a*liiagitutiertsi rat). ciaeOtoikeyiantkOalt ejtad ~ Soaps. it ' 4 :, . Frangipannie and other Extr 4 aqta. 4 _ For sale by Da. ETZTADIS:* ' - P9. O 3,RAVAT,,P 454 3 1 1 1 0 1111.ftiatItioaine put, Chewing, Tobaceo c , Tbo best woild: "Pei - dale Et 41141 • m c •VCiLliEt,"! 6""e` ""t'!:TtE A . t AklrtYLTei 92 occuy Ifratt_V Ts Millinery, Apply to BARR SPANGLER. Tl,c Bugle Calls! The Wan.has Begun t War of Extermination against Bad Teeth, 'bad Breath; Priediect Gums, 7ootleache, Earache, and 11'.euralgia OCR ARTILLERY . • Dr. Wm. B. IWO, DENTAL TREASURY. A co?rtl. ET E SST p rp. Eh( ,F,11,W1,4p, Put. fying4le Breaa and 414qt4 and Miring: Toothache - and iieuratin- Celebrated norriti nriart, one bottle. -- - • • • Jr. • H 1 0 46 ,Rhieqn.alletl room POWDER,. one box. Dr: 1-15triPti Magiefternittat e .DROPS, one bottle., , „.!,, • • • . Dr. Eltird's - unit PAL i...£l3_37EUrisiLGlA PL Al - MEI TER. Dr..Hurd'itlVlA.kiiiig,im-the,-/Jest, Means of Preserving the.Teelli, lncludial Direetiiins for the Propei`Trbit.~otEtliidtert'sfieeth. ISLOSS ' 'MAK .fottelhaning hiltlPeent" the Teeth. . e. TtlrOTE'FfeE'S; etcl ' .P,repareil:at 77 Fourth St,, Arpokilyn, (Z. ID) Pater:, ONE bn't,L tit - Tie; VIM for $5. ler Mae Dduzak TfessitrYdrabiat svilosekage . eight inches, by live, ' and is sent.loy express.; frWaPis - in alai 'article. , The following titsiclewtwwcep send siege- - rately,,,by . mail, viz,: • The Tivatiie af i Pres•thiiiiethe Teeth Sena* post-paid, on, receipt '31'42 den ts,oilbunstatrips: The Isleuralgicp. .1-10.7ter, for Neuralgia in the Face, Nervons Wild Earache, sent,Vosoipitie, bn leceipt:of 11t3rtixits, ...or•six stamps. U'R'A „„ LC 'dnd RHELNIYATIC PLA SWE.I2I (largte size), for Pains in the Chest, ,Shoulders, Bach, or any part of the Lity; sent, post-paid, on receipt of 37 Cents. Address, W WO it tz ' F " iribtineSuiteistes;Thlw Youi. ~.11::4=;Pr,Hurd's TOOT PDAVD'EtR, and TOUTFIADIfE DROV'S can-. 66tglk Vent.t.ilvDnititritiut .ttarcad . ..probibly np,obtajziktat.yattlrypisim_jorpoitc,_lo titores tliciS, can mit, s'efill to usforlhe DENTAL. T.reisdn-ff;xofite;-flllll,llthrtfra ihe . c, NI 0 aWittll te, Are Dn. Hurd'eitrepettPatiOne , (ool4 The best evidence 1.144., t 41 tipy tbse,is i at their firmest friends and:twit pats are those who, InNe &sea 'then) , knight/nitlit:.• a(444 PS:IPS(' Pft 34 00 k 'Yu:, Treasurer of die Npw York Stat eDentiste A;ioeitition',"J'arie.`thefsVl pi-e'rigraiitins have. 'logo loodr,in :10 Pfklate- , 1440Ps kr/years,- and no leadnig citizen of Brooklyn or ,IVil liilinituff;iftiFstioris''tlieleiiireelletice; while , emiperrt peakfister,9(NpiA, Wodt , iyeleriterrvrid them as known to the profession.-- WitStoiit the•eid tinArtlslnis.;; 'Maier's — hive sgld tileAtilpysttifk:gross• • -1 The Editor of the Brooldyn,Daily Timtg My's! :-tx , Jut kinitftliat odariefitk Pp ( HAW iiitstreceesliag .heyugia, ,enie ma, tions with his Mouth Wash and Topth Pow with Ow fisePilhatt hia-attictesiAtlleMcipaY , what ivy, are represeuted to be,os we can, lestarfrom - writes kupd,xour,irtetli Powder si good that my 1 4 :3,tniNqitiVe 'Ve t - Weft the• leAt i'sxwslekeOrithe 'l"Aethithetvw,e , emer need.; I shall beet obliged ifyou will send me another supply at the Museum at-Yrk ir jOrivintence;. with bill." ,J.Butt4 their :'cost 'is , so..sitiall that,OVery , may test the tnatler,for himself.. ttiOtti Vowriers. Dr. Hurd' Toottt IPow'xrer. co ntains. 'no acid} nor alkali, nor,charcpul, anfl polishes without westing th'S the'tio other. - What will 'Pr: iltirir e'Reetedies . • Effect ?- Dr. Herd's Mouth Wash thitTooth Powder will give , young ktdies..that..finest. charm in woman—a sweet t reath'and.yeary :teeth Try theiniallies. • Aurtl's Mouth Wash and Tlooth , Pow der will cieanse the, Mouth from all foul ex. lialations;' *it'd if luseV:iti 'the ' morning, wilt make the..brenkfastieste.sffeeter- mid the day begin more pleasantly: _Hundredslpf persons. can lestif/ thilr: TIY them', gentlernen. ~Dr-. tluriPa,,Moinhilhitish,And Teolh Pow der are theatest p,reparations in. ;the world for curing had ltreatVend•-givilfg fininiess and health to the gums. Hundreds of eases of Diseased.,l2leediog u rni,Sote Al, th , Canker„ etr, i lifivebalederidliYDV: thiltreattringent .wash. t • Dr. HqrtPs Mouth Wash and .Tooth arve additiOtrai'thitYinito cbilitahip,, and roolmhusbantis mere - Agreeable to their wives. and wives*.,;to their husbands, They should bgloseWliY eveVy Orsfirildvink • ' ' - ART' FIChAt TElirlif whithare liable In immtroaitainnth.liminonth. Hurls "TA Apt'. p upg.i, cure Toothache lirialn TOM - expese'd netts, and are-the besttfr thatvarerits cad. have in the liouag4 Avel,hqir,.ehildien,!'rem , torture and Iftefirtllte4 ffilingeisk Of 3leep'sind 'sy mpa - thatialanfferaqta Farmers ti nd,.: l lcollitnisl,y9u cannot well alfdrd ridglect Your `teeth. kor a trifling sum, .ymi- can • now.fget, preseriat,ivei; than which ltothschild or Astor can get nothing better. Remember ..that DYSPEPSIA. and cODISIIMPTI . O4 GE, THE. LUNGS ,91Leta original& iieNeglePt kif `Teeh. '" Siird 4 for tbe Treatisi qn ,Weeth, 'add read Dr. Fitch's ob ieiyations..on gds., stilject. too late to arrest decay Tber"Morn teet s ti; . aate your children's teeth.: . 2 " Dr. Hurd's Neuralgio. Non-Aftysixf• Plas tvs are the most pleasant and siiCeessful reme dies` ever 'preseribad. AthirtiallifiriVisease. The, patient :globes onn unna be.cometdrowsy, falls asleep, and awakesrif free ~fr9liain, and no -I:dieter or miter uriptertsain 'or injurious consequences ensue. pi Earafthe und Nerv ous Headaefie. apPlfaccording to ' directions, and relief nvtll stfreny lollow. , Dkatiftngt can be , oh*ner z t equal t to thud's . . ,p,stißpre ; ss for Neuralgia., they, ire eitirely a Drivel, curious, nnillorigittral pniplittliods, and wonderftilly,mg&ssfuj. "Tfam l nisie,,,, t of two gizee ., , one ite face, pirril " -- T5 eents, acid thenthbAargikfbi•eltOrafbanangilthe'body, Piq c • 1 37-• ' e Vi ts •A 4 / 1 ": 11 1,,Ae ROAMS WOO ° A . prtce air one siaritp," rat ar a Paoli rf e a tAtiv • tSe‘AqietiiiiirigielopiiVre iiiketfigniVenongli, to appreciate preparations that contribute so. much to the .happiniew of thous-using them, they w rei u 5.1444 eWrilNe"feltLtrireekb, fonantal hull born feW enc.l2siag,37 reutttifmfhede l lsr . tbAktir, bs be. seirrbrn - rutil ;;11Mt liteae we 'a re compelled, tr!,,reply ibiliratfiptinil3lo 3, toanbid Il'hislf P m l t Vf b , giL WeittAth eeet ierriedies. ie -r o wilritipply Meat intalw t: • 3 - Ig - rEnt en:metog. IcEtrrs. 4 "sMiiVd ifkr7l.l"trinifiiktlee'renillt 4thliirke-'. cat h r A u ll 4 hgst/PliAjeaes i acgruilmsfurniliei,-- 11 i TjA t t i e t t i tivrNiu s t i llopt n EtE ea und."Seild for orteurinfil betfetaanatezeitrimilich* we. 1 4 141 9 1 4 tRitt i fiS S &VV ) Plied. vir la he time to go into thedmg hlail,lklial'igOOftviiinii'mnite; a profit. We are spendiwthousands for the bengal d toa gettWiliMmit.iikingbhani linen _:.or 'wmen t r tki; : e_ie jamethinp„e„ amt ch.nce tnAikVttie 9 tide l ieltiVitier rnr idrae -- - , • TWO MrktiJ tli htotneSßUddingt, I.oo'w; rttiiim.tritilk'W. - Yong. .T lL a t r e m i t ta poesglizNinnial , witk eonfi deliee;'ye refer,to tge May o f i!roblilYnf; • %to, ilifikiAlailfati,nirtedidi-'if klkFßAls! -ADA*Pitierisßailica,VynoAdyn te' Soy, Coe, & Co., Drew York' 5 to. P. 1": Bitrnutri.' Esq., New York, etc., eta. _ fttb"c2i2ilr')., ==m 11 - 1 1 JasR.XORIYOd aq7. gelikhaxt!a Drug store. .764 144(.774.§{rant95, °4l4ni4 „Ai Now selling the beg Oils, from 13, to 15 cents per quart.