Cte 'focal Blarititian. MARIETTA CAR Tim E.—The several pas senger trains leave "Upper-station" all follows: The morning train east at 7:50. The mail train West at 12:09. The afternoon train east at 3:06. The evening train west at 6:55. The evening mail train east 7:06. Saturday, Maroh 15,1882. lII' The box sometime since sent to Dr. GROVE. at St. Louis, by the " Pa triot Circle of Marietta," has thus hand somely been acknowledged by the Sec retary of the Sanitary Commission.-- "The Cittle" is still progressing In the good work. It this week acknowledges the receipt of , two excellent pillows from Mrs. Inhoif. Alm s.lVistirn &Mimic Commission, Saint Louis, Mo., Feb. 15' 1862. To the Ladies of Marietta, Pa: The Western Sani tory Commission take pleasure in acknowledgitig the receipt of a box of valuable flospitat Stores, in excellent condition, from the Ladies of Marietta, Pa., directed to Dr. Grove, who was preneut, and assisted in the opening of the box. The goods will be most useful, And do great good to •our sick and wounde4 soldiers. The Commission send their warm 'Very respectfully, J. G. FORMAN, thanks, = - - LIEUT. AORIANDER N. Suirr.mr.---We are pleased to notice among the promo etions by the ( Pritsidemt " for . gallantry end good conduct .during the engage intents ,of November 224 and 23d, be tween Fort.Pickena and Rebel batteries," the memo of our gallant townsman, Lieut. A tetanderoN.l4hipley.. The President has conferred Upon hliti a brevet Captain cy for hiaflallant conduct during the fierce engage : teen tt between CoLßrown's forces, and the rebel batteries. At the time we published the full particulars, in which the commanding officer made. special notice of Oar brave and accom plished toWnsmaa,.,pnd the efficient ser vices be- reedered in that terrible en- counter. Wiwce gratified to see that the President has rewarded a merito rious officer, and hie to record the Lieutenant's Airtime progress up the ladder of fame.—Hewrisiparg Telegraph. Lieut. S. was, for a short time, a resi dent of this borough, and his friends in this vicinity will IWO with pleasure the above good tidings. ear We are informed by the Superin tendent of the Canal, Oa the water will be let into it •on. MOnday next. The Eastern Division in a state of thor ough repair, and only requires the com pletion of a winding bridge east des to be ready for the opening, and that will be finished before this week is ended.— the Juniata Division, however, having been so badly damaged by the floods of last simmer, Is nut yet fully repaired, but a large force of workmen is engaged, and it is thought they will have all com pleted by Monday next.—Harriaburg Patriot. The winding bridge spoken of above is at the "lower-station" of this borough, and will not, in all probability, be com pleted for a week or ten days hence, although a full force of workmen are busily at work. A new and beautiful acqueduct has also been built at Chikies —half-mile below town—which is just in course of completion. The boat yards iu our vicinity are very active and, boat men are bringing their teams from the country / ithlre they were wintered, and everything looks businesslike along the canal. or The Laneaster Unitin in speaking oldie importance of the coming Friday electicin,very truthfully says:, The elec tions for township officers, throughout this Counoosrealth, take place on Friday tbe 21st lost. It is to be hoped that these elections may be well attended; and that'good men luny be chosen to fill the, various offices. The wellbeing and good order of a' toivu or neighborhood depend, very considerably on having really honest and upright men as Jun tices of the P eace, School Directors, Roid SlltierVjigoirs, - Ccinstables, &c., and, those mho do not attend the election or who' use thetr inlinebce in 'favor of incompetent men, for theee positions, do the community in which they live a seri ous wrong. ifir We received a few days since, from WILLIAM id.STßaotrart, of Albuquerque, New Meiio,lbibletly of,tble plitoe, con taining a remittance for The Mariettiam He ears Ui Ibis 'letter, anrciigsi other things, that about 6,000 volunteers and regulars have gituie' .down the Rio Grande for-the purpose of retaking Fort, Fill : more and repairing" the .damage done by the surrender of that point. Be says they are bound tddrive the rebels from the territory of New Mexico. sr Mrs. Samuel Johnson will rent a front room on the first , floor and one on the second, together with the carriage house and stable attached to her resi dence, on Market Square. This would be an excellent location for a physician. Mr. Stehman also offers a very pleasant residence, located at the lower station, for rent. Or We are very sorry to learn that Lieut. Ober, "Ben" of the Lancaster Express, is lying very ill at Nashville, Tenn. - THE LITERARY SOCIETY was well at tended on Monday evening last, although a rain storm prevailed at the hour of aesembling. Mr. floffmier answered the referred question, " What is the cause of the existence of Coal Oil beneath the Earth's surface." He traced its origin to the Carboniferous period, when the coal beds were formed ; substances were submerged from which the oil issues by the action of internal heat, and other, unknown causes, although the oil wells of the State are of recent discovery, Lyetl was quoted to show that valuable fountains of oil have been running in other portions of the earth for many years. Rev. Mr. Wheeler lectured Upon the following subject : " Can man viobitb the laws of Nature," he argued in a comprehensive and logical meaner, man's inability to vidate nature's laws, defining law to be the principles of action, by which the (owes of nature are governed "by the great first cause," pad the violation thereof, to bitsre, eject, or blunt the force of the law , And, by a lucid train 'of reasoning demonstrated that, although Mankind used the term, it was clearly incorrect, ae in each Acid every case spoken of, the laws remained in full force and virtne, and were never injured, although the individual who would attempt to do them Violence, might suffer injury kir his temerity r7 - Man's' Violation enables him to place himself under the laminae' of Mich of nature's forces,"er aid` in the development of health and happiness' and also brines him in contact with those that oppose' his vital poWerd With suffering and diseaak and in sithet case he is stirronnki4li *bj! ligivs'tbottlie''haa no power to suspend, annul or tweak, The lecturer toaAe,.apparent, the Sn= premacy of the Divine colitrol of the universe, and the . thetbr iniidffisted toward man in the puniahnieit that fol lows the disobediatic'e th laTat, or- dained for the government of his physi cal and moral donstittitioh. The lectere was followed by an animated discussion, in which the phrafiesand expreisiena of society, chillfiy, were adducid at meats agaiast the opinion . .. of le leo: Lure. Secretary. On Monday evening next, Mr. Isaac S. I.4iest, will answer the following re ferred question : " Does the Water of the Mississippi River flow up hill r Dr. John Cameron will deliver s Lecture, entitled "An hoer nmonP the beauties of Burns." La the Dociaria a native of the hind that gave birth to the " Immortal Bard," a rare entertainment may be expected. We have been requested to give notice, that a public meeting will be held at the Town Hall, on Thursday evening next, at half past 7 o'clock, ler the purpose of settling &Boro ugh Ticket, to be supported the day following, (Friday 21st). Whilst in this connec tion we may be permitted to say that the truth of the old addage, " let well enough alone" has never been deL nied. The borough has never been under better management. than now, and as street lamps are being put up and other borough improvements in embryo 'Mould be well to let the present "Fathers" continue the good work be gan. At least, let there be an harmo nious meeting, without regard to any political prediOtione, and present such a ticket as will please " the most hard to-please." ar Our neighbors at. Maytown have received acknowledgements from BS; Louis, for the receipt of the following articles for the sick soldiers : 20 prs. woolen socks; 2l prs. woolen mittens; ,conffortables ; 6 feather pillows; 6 pilloiv cases ; ; 6 under shirts . ; 9 prs. of drawers; 3 towels; sheet; 4 rolls bandaged ; lot of dried fruit ; 3 pkti, tracts ; bag& ,hops ; 3 pound, corn starch ; 2 dos. nutmegs ; 6 crocks apple butter ; lot of dried corn ; 1 jar graim jam ; lot of jellies and preserves ;.jr raspberryjam ; 2 pounds farina; peek, age of tea. The receipt of articles-#(0 aiii) acknowledged by .f) x . J..s. Groyei to whose care they were sent. oir Waunderstand an effort is being made Omagh the leeslattice, to luaro a supplement to the :Marietta and May. town Turnpike Oharter, pneted l low ing , said company to 4dc.tkdamizeo the river rdad, as iltr west en Mflier & ser's saw mill. This, to 011, does at all appear - leceitsarY.:-it ti4 - tiro gi‘c points *bre thus. ao. be :Dille Seceisilfe in bad weather, the. might be some { reason for it. Will most Mandrel' ate movement give as some argamant in i)s favor ? A new eoluiteribit On 1 04' two dollar notes thellelambialisiiilillie made appearance. .here, and is' cal culated to deceit's the very beetjadpi or paper money. eiguature of 001. Stioclo s 's so - wellexecuted that the etadi ier hrilada =IAA be at a lola to detect it. The "impress/On" is heavier then the genuine, and the plate is also a trifle shorter. Oar seshnowill do well to have any such notes that may be offered carefully examined by a good judge of money. ==il liir Counterfeit $3 bills on the Col umbia Bank, Pa., are in circulation.-- There are no genuine bills of this de nomination issnekby this Bank. FOR "Tux MARzErray." CAMP MU', Maeda 11, 11362. Col. F. L. Baker: As many of my friends are anxious to know about myself and company, I will give you no acount of our departure from " Oamp Ourtia," if you will do me the favor to publish it. Oa last Saturday we received the order to draw three days rations and have them prepared for our departure on Staiday morning at 8 o'clock, of course all things were prepared /accordingly in due seas on, and all was •in medium" at the proper time ; it war* busy time ; et:tidier" were rejoicing that they were now to start Air " dials;" Sunday morning came but "no transportation until ationtlo . o'clock, when; he order wasgivair to fun* Bus— all were ready—mitwithstaading the mud overabotrisp—abent 11-o'clock our gallant Colonel made his appeirence to lead the colourn— . and toward was the move of the 107th. In passing along the, streets of Harrisburg such waving of handkerchiefs by the ladies You can batter immaginethan I can thistribe,-and all Meng the . road Wks the eipmi cheering from the Windows and-porches of farm houses. Company E..capgein for o I %l ' l share, and richly. did they deserveit for their mealy.conduct, pit being Babbitt it appears the 107th Wragexpected, as we neared Baltimore alone, 71.2 o'clock in . the evening, (at tome feriale Semi nary) there was 0 •fibe display, a large Er°!'P of young lOiso ko4.ofofflab!Afli:io front of the bedding...and displayed the Stars and . Stripes inteiteled with wrl i tatlis end properly illuminated, the Yagi grand. We ratichrfd about o'clock, when We.tOrmed line and march ed through Uhl etreebriciiil the saving of she ears and 84i'lp:lie had Itolies Iterchieftx-•in PlisSing t oldiig I rn94o4t-', fj , heard a *Vet keiiiiile:titiout,. Aim? parry EP r4hfkkg \geptremen, &c.," which .mistra bOys •lbel • tioniewhat 'Sat' miiiirtaY4arlftittliftj little 'gal, Minis Xiang the tiddr3l, of Company L. and laid gebt-Ilye lfilth; bring back' (tielictid r of" 314 for featball, the Men' promised 11W, 111: 4 .1 have my detilke WHethortlibreall fulfil their proniise. We were stopped in front of the Sol dier' Relief AritdCiatitot budding there we were, supplied with Slipper and ' Lodging for 44. few hours. The Relief Associative is entirely kept'up to feed toldiere by the State and Union citizens of Baltimore, at they, pass-through. I was informed we wive the fourth regi ment they fed that day, and , expected the 'fifth before daylight. On Monday morning we left fur Washington ; as we etarted it begairie rain, which put rather I' gloom to our expectations, and, all thought we Would have rather a rough time of it, in getting our tents pitched, for the report was we had to' march a bout 8 miles ; when we arrived it began to clear off which gave all things a more °bolting aspect. After standing awhile in the mud as tough as rsorter, we were marched to the SOldieri test and got dinner' about 2 o'clock, when orders Were giveri to fall in and march to tha place of oar encampment; by this time we found out where we were going.— We lay about If miles from the Capital on a fine elevation and one of the•most beautiful locations for an encampment Its the whole neighborhood and the boys are all well pleased with their. leFtil4Olt. it being ow an elevated spotand you can see,for miles . ,oround yon.. The men are allivell "except, one man. I had to leave in .. 3 , P a li fe r r t—P j oi T it .4; ,g) PF ha v e miles but tortinty ;,the.meriore all pleased with their ,ColotreL and Lieut. Cel t My °coupon) br i coniposed of 41 1 olottOr, Ferry and York COuntiew, and men of which I fell proud'; in consequence pf .severe counties being represented welitivelitin2- edit Voi4 iiefOgi) leaving Comp Curtin, I requested my men, that , in *sing along ihe road:they should behave thmitselyes like men and Soldiers worthy 011ie' cause, (and they did.) I alito iskeehotr many in _the ialks were willing to follow me as their Cap tain to the laliti4itideariveut all hats, mid With pledgibg to Stand by me tattle lasi inch.' Having the con fiatinalr df My men, I feel the more en couraged-for duty. The troops tare etill iiiOVinglint *hire, I cannot tell req. lag the restrictions of CorreaPenden trend you will thus excuse rife fetiiiitgiviiig a detailofthia more , had y, io i 6; i skirikkaiiiiio wound send yo u a fall 4 4 ' ol y ion; but io my next I will dOjo. ,ffani t wish :to write to my 'ctim pailyitherireit: riddreee=Coinpany Et 14),*.tAliofilitt• tiNt r teOhitlitoth 0 ...• ,Oov ol o. l lpt i t T.D. Reath. -• • KO Aliti Pilisideni of the l i entis viktdau•gentral -Railroad has served a notice ' utia'n keiistanf ltar Sedetaii Seottio-resing-hie duties-as ' Wee 1 3. res ident of the line, 'or , to - '4ffice. The, rend needs his services or those of some competent took If one can be :wind. . . 14eport that the United 13fit,es fivedcillar Treasury lintel has been coun terfeited is said to be untrue. tis fir; ther said that It •was raked by persona interested in bridging said notes into discredit. lar The adusinistratort of the lite Judge Groah's estate,,will sell his .hoeue hold effects thia afternoon. Sel, tisetnent. D I F. D At Milli:tort, near Litiz, on the 6th instant, Col. Cartruvriirr Wisn, aged 68 years. On the evening of the 6th instant, JOSEPTS Rirstaivrtrznt of-Lancaster, aged 79 .yearn. Laumuster, on Saturday last, JOHN A. LAN . am, founder of the old "Lancaster Museum," aged 85 years. VOLUNTEXAS ATTENITON !—For the de rangements of the system, incidental to the ehange . of diet, Wounds, Eruptions, and ex posures, which every Volunteer is liable to.— There 15410 remedies so safe, convenient, and reliable as Holloway's Pius Ointment, 25 cents per box. SOLDIERS SPECIAL NOTICE.—Do your duty to yourselves, protect your health, 'use Hollo way's Ping 4. Oiritment. For' Wounds, Sores, Bowel Cnmplaipts and FeVers, they are a perfect safegard.. .Fuld. directions bow to use them with every box. Only-25 cents. PUBLIC SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE Will be sold by public saleiat the late residence of Jacob . .Grosh, deceased, in the lower end of Marietta, on SATURDAY, 'MARCH 15TH, '1562; ' The Household e , OF - SAID'DECZASND, CONSISTING OF 2 4 5, Bebaingl 5. 1 . 1 1 13 q451:' • ' • 14bVe; •eotiet•s; . • `,,• • TBLE ,LINEN,, Book C A. ases, & etOry, Desk, ~tArcp ,of ChoiOe 'Books, Cape% StOves with Pipe, Cooking !Aeneas, "Kitchen wares, &c. , . . 41,1:80.--LAI'Buggy and Harness , ) , a one-horse fiardeas anti Many other I. , oltrtiditte too nunierbus , to, medtion' i- Sale ici'ehrdinence l'o'clock in 'the afternoon, When ' etmdror conditions will beingde ItnoWn by • A: B. Gansu, C. C.- - 1 ) ..-Gibs'ir, 4 March 151 - • Adniiiiistraiorf. -N 0FF1G.A.410.4 F.O4VREN'I‘. Ono of thelnoef debirable"locatione ii this place eor an office, and' ateepingliyoni innnefilately aboi , e,•tiogetliteetvithea carkiage house and - fine - stable.".JUdivie`dit War Matket equaYe:' ltbiut 4.erylanknial7,e. ,•I•6p,ldithigr k. • • . 4 , 4 " '-• • ' ' • ~a , , j ., • FOE RENT. • j• 4 ' A very dekirable Dtvelling House, two 1. • 4°9.9,!: `. , Tht... l AVrrckit4C. M 9.04 9,71 towerrpyition.,,Abriett,s,,:st proseq, occupied Y,fßWßi . cALe}n ' aenA se l squabl. Jo quire of , .' W. ST.y.'I 4 I4IAH, . 4 Ticket Cflire; "Upppr-Station,?,, p. members of Marietta F.neanizinent 1 , 16: 76, ,1. ,O. O. F. are requiltedlio meet at :he hall on THURSDAY Evening nex-ti:March 20th, et oclock, as busineaeof great Nip - int:ince will be laid be fore the "Catoto." By order of the C. P. "JUAN' NAYLOR 'SCUD] e WINES & LIQUORS. . D. BENJAMIN, DEALER IN WINES & LIQUORS, gieot Building. Marietta, Pa. BEGS leave to inform the public that be will continue tho.WINEISrI4QUOR busi nesi,"in al! . its branpAes. lie will constantly keep on hind all kinds of Bratidies, Wities, Gins, Irish and Scotch Whisky, CordiaL; Bitters, c,, BENJAMIN'S Asa? Celebrated Rose ` • ; ALWAYS ON HAND. A very surerior OLD RYE• If'IIISETY ust received, which is warranted pnre. ' Air now' asks of the, public is a careful' examinittinn of' his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in 110. tel keepers and' others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases 'from rim. COAL ! COAL! COAL ! For Sale' Cheap for Cash. jTIE undefsigited being anxious to close out the'presentStock, Will sell at the folluUring tlow prices, viz .: : • ... 400 ji • Ealnmnrn Company, Egg and *Stove size,-at $3.30.. helnokin; Rea Ash, ' • - -.: 3.25. Shamokin, White Ash, Lykens }alley, broken, 3.10. Lykeng: Valley,-Stove, ' • . 3.25. MititleAo.2 , 49t)i ~ ' .. t- . • . %O.', TH9S. ZELL, Age. Marietta February 15, 1562. • - , C . 1!" 14' Agl E OP...§ l !!' l l.lc or • Coal Oil lamps and Lanterns of „every 4patern s suitable for, the Parlor,:the Kitchen &al tkee,beraber ;,:tialiging and Side Lamps for Halls, elturchee, Stores ,aud Offices. Hang pure/teased .them from the manufactu rers injailueluailtitiesatrthe kivrest oaith rates, yf.qick...l:ol,thellk.inlacti....vadqr the usual retail pi:teem(' although every other • description..Af gooileada.advancing. "PATTERSON § CO. TVit 1111' 1 8%414 &fit: ""ji pc SPXT SZliti t .E7l ATARIETTA. The undersigned haufitg again leased thisaeld and popular hotel, ,takea Ahle method of in forrnidgt,hi4 of tfriend&and the publitgouer ,, 4,11, ...Olaf liotpir444llol.lhe.spared;to lreup up the rOV(ati.. oll Of 3 1 PuPg , = 1 , 13 * l*lfte *to) , Afij!pbrt, of the traxelhig gob -I.Ea: W. liaciacmgm. Marietta Felliqap; IS62 e 29:510 ' If. L. &E. J. ZAHM ' : • It -------- ,spi„,c.l . FULLY;` inform, Itieil e ..,“••. •••.., . R. , .siitlei Lad , the putthc tp .. et. o rx 5„... : ,..," 6 lvo'nfinue the IP"Al'ell, CLO,OK 4.141) JA'NfrALlit Y luisiiraa at the A la • . . staiid;:gorth,West Coinei or IqOAt .. fi . gileefr . t e 'anittelifellqiiiie; tail:ciatek, Pa, A, fall. a/1411 . 01'ml af, gag@ iii,.oai• kiaepf,jmai iwas 611waya on tutk alia'NF sale at the 4itoes; caili 'ratfit. " lI:Y.' itegfiiii . ,a,yh+ilid tp o p:sr : ilAttilifbrthi PAin'it'i&it.• " ' - • N oL4TEDwA A E: 4.l.arge,Aastinl i klyck ISt Pritecf.*lfe at it - r. t i - E. J. ZA.garts, . rier,9SAoktli tb.teee,ette6t &,-,CentdrSquexe, Lancaster, Tit. 'Teti, Setts, i n v a riety , Coffee Milk `Piteliiil," Collets; v Biitt - stit'llas,:Viii Baskets, •Card Beskets, Spoons,.Forks k linivfee . , Capteke, 804 4., at faalauriteteferii pre-es. _ itarkerneoatteridellAci.pikrilerate tam' I tw.pl,ll,X 1 . .e zend,eMeM,e . ' . .d stock` 'fine jewi.likef the latest pfitteir!9. from the 1 A.'im eif Mi. - foil& IV tli'e ott r titirditi•be foant it ' If.. L. & E. J. ZAHM'S. Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan caster, PA. 0111 1 .priCeE1 'utodirate , and •all goods warranted to be as represented. _ . .. _ e4I...O.Igtik.RokrisASSORTMENT -OF Hamrpemi_and Pilled ,Iron, U. ._ . Ears, Norway. 'Nail 'Rods American and German • • Sprinciiiiii — dift Steel. Wagon Boxes, 'lron Airitisi-Siiringtii , dic.; - for smiths. '' ..1 ) .421T8.R50N $r CO. r-awnig G B. 0 Java and rAguira Cdffae 41veriaed, , and Sugar ; Superior Green and Black Tea ; Rice, Cheeae - alidliirdeAr . Bytuti 'Excellerit'Pearl Barley at J._ Rs DIFFENBACIPS. driBENTS .N-E r W STYLp=CAPS AT CRULL'S. 1117 DR HENRY LANDIS, SUCCESSOR TO ,Matgle, JS 'AEA Dearer in Drugs, Perfumery, 6-c 1 - 1 - LANDIS having purchased the entire interest and good will of Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug Store, would take this opportunity to in form the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, that having just received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and most complete assortment of eTe rything in the drug line. /L o f of FAitcli consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other Hair Combs, Hair Oils, Pomades,eic. Port Monies, Pocket Books, Puff it 7 and Powder Boxes, dic., Sic The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR DYE, DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes,lndia Cola • gogue, Barry's Tricoperous, fox the hair, Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot- Balm of a Thouiend Flowers,"Flour of Rice, Corn. Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds of pure dround Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphite, or ChemiCal Mod; an excellent ar. _oral for crank. dyspepaia and a tonic in Con _umptiVe cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an excellent preperation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Hael's perfumery,pomades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the best. Old" Port, Sherry. and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. ,Dr.l l . - 011 himself see that every precaution be taken in the compipnding of Physician's prescriptions. 55 the poctor can be pipiessionally consulted at the store when not engaged elsewnere. Marietta, August 24, 1861.-Jy _ifixutietta - 61'eLect '""el Lad. THE undersigned will open a select school. commencing on Monday, May sth, and continue 12 weeks. The course of instruction *Ml:pc.' thorough and practical—well &titil lated to prepare the young for the active dutieh of life. The developement of the in tellectual and moral faculties, the 'formation of eoriect habits of thought and the communi cation 'of ti§efol Inibivledge, will 'be the three peittneinikt objette of' every recitotiton and exercise in the salvor: • "1' ~" . . . ?drib bf PrifriallY-dtipnitni.ofit;" , ' 02.00 . 6 .6 Secondary . ; 3.00 `kin "dedifclioli r exce p t in cases of protracted flint:net:4l' " f H. IL 'BALWYOZ' Maiiethe, 'Aerterch'S; 1862.. r a MEATY LAIVDIS" •f" •- fII:F_ENS his professionat services, to the kjertiiens ofigarietta sir;d2yiespi.ty Cis}, be fpuad of hio Elteg tore fOrzneriy it all ,not ie ei‘ewni pinfeeidonady engaged. - 1:To Brv:,:FAlErplt --Tlaviog,,been_ called to ,a position in the U. S. ,Navy, I hereby resign my profession to the care and attention of Dr. Henry Landis, in whom I have every cow ndence2 having hati ample opportunity of as certaining his ability to fill my place. F. HINKLE; M. D. MARIETTA MARBLE YARD. biontkees, siollo, &C. MICHAEL GABLE, Marble Mason, Opposite the Town Hall Park, .Marietta, Pa. THE Marblebusiness in all its branches, I will be continued at the old place,,near the Town Hall and opposite Funk's ems keys 'yeArern, where every description of marble Work' will be kept on hand or made to order at short notice and at very. reasonable prices. *emits, June 29, NO. 49-ly The Infallible Corn Ar. Bunion Cure I D. S. DARLING'S. . . CORN AND BUNION SALVE , tj a ll oft bl en softens the Corn THOuT orPA IN Bunion l)R1 1: 4 1id w ju nY ti . wastes - t "excrescence by' exhalation, leaving the c e flesh and skin soft and natural. When used according to directions, it never fails to cure. Try' it! Satisfaction Guaranteed. - ' gent by Mail on receipt of the prite, and six cents in stamps to pay postage. Price 2.5 Cents a Box. D. S. DARLING, 102 Nassau Street, New York. Feb:22-3m.] Sold by Druggists. . . The Piles Cure! DARLING'S TUMOUR OINTMENT Reduces the inflamation and dispel pro truding Piles by exhalation, so that ;lie parts may be returned to their place, without pain or injury, in a.few days. It is also a superior remedy , for tumours, of any kind wherever it can be applied with the finger or a camel's hair brush. Sent by Mail on receipt of letter enclosing a 25 Cent piece, and six cents in stamps. Address Prige.2s, Cents a Box. D. S. , DAR L I fiG 7 feb22-3m] 102 Nassau Street, N.. Y. TWENTY EYIPTY tIOGSHEADS 2 2: ,11 4. —in good condition—will be sold at the low price of $1 each and delivered',ny where u , or npar. Marietta free of charge. lik ing in want of cellar room, if taken trom•the store soon, a trifle less will be laken. Also, a lot of excellent • WHISKY BARRELS very cheap. For sale at DAPFENBAE 11k TICE] ENER'S Excelsior Hams. These ill celebrated SUgar-ctued HAMS are piit up expressly for Family use. Theyare of de licious 1 14:Y5!.T.i h r ep,,froin the unpleasant taste Of salt and pronohnced, by epicures the tiestln YYPr I 4, , l E9T Dale:at K. DLEFENBACH.'S. 'March 8, 1862. . • • • . . RESIN HOME 013.0.17N.p- sPNKS AATERON' ! 4ttent,ign Attaers and Having a great demand for Igt ir, fk ikr 4 e4 MCES, kl44.Xe.conglusled cOor lime to keep a conatant simply of f3roun¢ Pep: per: Ground Cpiegeneier, and sweet Marjoram. T 4 ' 'AVP'S ! tilki t §l . 'WAD ,' Mt, Aftileraigned . has received ' 'another,- lot of r FOM and . Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp. liades of every variety, and,pkiye. call.and see them lhoeActif. e Stin:e'cif Dr. .1-AnA'Li'ntlia. T : 0 , lArliS`;thsito, CA.OSPirgASI — A 'verY i st - p . „a -p s e , r, ar t a r tl i ig et in io ri:Afi . F 6 re i ' l ry y fh arie a ti. pd af G b e e rp: ku a t ii? .. fill . .Veitings, a ve*,*ltfilVtatitirog)able lot;jiiiit 'rived Ed-Direnbach's th'euip Sig . , .• WIVITT.,VediI 6 H l mi. up f--.L'A. Cobgh - Pyiup, ifiir children and adu l ts bap, just nen put ulp!ai:' diir %hire, - intiCh'aboftild be in - JB - 1 very family this cold 74ib.Fher. ' Da. ' LANDIS. HAM PAGIC P. and other Table Wines, guarranteed-to-be-pure,-and-sold is low as Can , bobought in. Philadelphia aro Neiv-Voik„l H. D. BENJAMIN, ?%0t- Building. . _NEw 'BR ASS •• IL) Z.. 0C K S—Good Time Keepers, for One. Dollar., Clocks, WatcheS and Jewelry carefully re paired:and Charges moderate, st WOLFE'S. 5 -.. A w lt h ttL w B ii 'itt b o e no oo ng:th a e t la th W e . j h o i w sk e e4 mallet rates by the barrel ci gallon, at J. R. Diffenbach's Cheap Store. VINNGAR.- ! .. 7 10 BARRELS OF IL) FUR E tIIiEft'VLIVEG4R For sale Sale= Tko Font cents a quart, or 13 cents a gallon. lUGLY and Sleigh BLANKETS (if various Stile ' s and at much lower prices thad" the same sold last fall. Spangter Patterson. QT. CROIX AND NEW ENGLAND RUM CI for culinary purposes . , warranted genuine t H. D. Benjamin Preo's.. RitAgDlE§-4al_brands- , -gaarreittid to be genuine. Ben/omits ff__ Co. XI R PROPYLAMip t MILOINIOO* During the past year we have introduced to the notice of the mediesl profession of this country the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Pro- pyiamine, as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; and having received from manly sources, both from physicians of the highest standing and Flattering testimonials of At real value from patients, the most In the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in.a form READY FORIDIMMIATIE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those who are suffering with this afflicting complaint, and to the pi:whim' practitioner who may feel disposed .to test the powers of rhisi valuable remedy ELIXIR PRO"PYLABMIL 3 id the form above spoken of, bas recently been extensively ex- perimeuted with in the Pennsylvania Hospital, and with marked success (as will appear from he published accounts in the medical journals.) liz3— It is carefully put up ready for immedi ate use, with full directions!, mai can be ob- tallied from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Masai,gating Chemists, Philadelphia. 111tEN0I2'S . • CONICAL ,WASHLAIG. MACHINES ! The most minplOpittbitalandvenient and end n Dinka] frirlhe purpose. Will do the waspiog of •lin ordinary family beforo before 'breakfast, not duly saving time but Clothes. By strictly-following the printed .directions, which are simple and easy, it will wash, at one time, %shirtrib or two kozen small articles, in tabout.six or ; seven rotSatites,.or their equiva lent. By, Al the orniitary methods of cleaning fine .fabrics,,sucli as laces, the greatest care is required, while with this machine the most dektcartik arlipleacan be washed without the,possibility 91. damage. These results are produced by the constant reaction of ths sp,da while the machine is ilk motion. Families, laundries, lofels, boarding houses, hospitals, aisylums; boarding schools; on ships and on steamers, and in the army, who have machines in hse, hive seht in their testimoni als viltintlitily, knd the enconinms of the pose are very numerous, some of which I have pus lishelin a neat pamphet form. All I ask of the pubiic is a careful examina tion of this machine before purchasing of others. General Pep0t,,419 13rqadway, corner of ' Canal street; New-York. ' PRICE ONLY TEN DOLLARS. N. B.—A liberal discount to the Trade. Agents wanted. Send for a Circular. Address Box 21393 Netv-s"ork City. PHILIP FRENCH, Paorsurroa. Dec. 21 3m.] A First-Cbuir gamily Newspaper She Rellia of i'l'ogi'eSs• ANDREW /AOICSON DAVIS, Editor, ASSISTED BY AN ASSOCIATION OF AELE TERN AND CODRESPONDEN*S. An independantJournal of. Health, Progress, it'd Reform's, pledged to the discovery and ail-. plication of Truth—devoted to no sect, be longing to no party, not given to one idea. Tnis well-established Family Journal is commended to - the attention of all reformatory, progressive, and aspiring minds, as affording the broadest and freest platform for human thought and effort, of any newspaper in the world. The columns of the Herald of Progress are open to candid and intelligent articles upon every question of human interest, embracing new investigations and discoreties in . Sell ace and art, and all important movements in phy sical,-educational, social, political, an 'theo logical" reform. isio subject is tabooed, ani theory, clique, or creed, exempt from criticism, whenever the cause of truth deMands Among the regular departments of the paper are Questions and Answers, and Medecal,whis pers, and Prescriptions, by the editor, Voices from the People, Childhood, Brotherhood, Teachings of Nature, Spirit's Myateries, Doings of thew Moral Police," Pulpit and Rostrum, • Laws and Systems, Tidings from the Inner Life, The Editor seeks to preserve the columns of the paper 'free from the bitterness of party strife, sectarian bigotry, or fanatical zeal, avoiding captions;eriticisrn, seeking rather to discover the noble,lenerous, and maNy trait); of human character,io impart healthfAgvJgex ous, and spirittnd tetic..l l tPuglit, and inspire hionitne, Ailiooferipp4, 2 throptc action. ' The Herald of Progress is'intilished weekly on a doutheftllio-of tight pages; liar $2 per annum, or $1 for six months, payable iu ad- Vince. To Clubs, three. copies, $o; ten ciapiti, $l6-; twenty copies, -$3O, • IiZZ•-.Specitneu- copies sent fineen. .-Address, : - DAVIS- it , CO., . . • 274 Canal St. ( (LA'. 'A: gOOk for ,overy koto. o • ' -- lhe; ffk.,(l4l4ef. 6 fillhAt contalai * For the ELTMAN 'ECYHIOrriVIIPIO BY , Andrew Tooltatfaclilassia, (Formerly known • hi'' , a l'eupil.faste Cl` iticiA4 an Just. . t. e, 4444, 1.111"4 II .• addpted In r.usy in the ,t „ ay, Glfil ' Tht WOOL; contains more rs‘ n THREE 111.JisiDiti15PiEgthilPfitikg. for the treatment anikauve etpvet nay Nand red direrfmk .4/Awes spa Lorna of , dit4ge incident to iiiimprpalix t •4.4.*fOritgitia 01C.Kiittnfin Oa tight ort4e!9: Bl tiPPriar Corisnittoit, , ? a gate in which tvewritrEttaftid,fcgiotioiloi iitOntrna system is transparently disdose4,mithAe most appropriate remedy. rAite .grotest variety of The Harbinger of jealth cannot fail to awaken inteniteintetes - in the ,minds of tine moat inteftelit o /.04 . Poret?4llliod will prove invaluable to,lthe,general Nader, containing, gait doee,„iliformottoa zoncerning methods of treatinent.hitherto unknown to the world,r and. iWP.etrtilig. ittiPortalit 1314ggeSti9fid respacting the • SELF-HEALING ENERGIES, which are better thin inedicine. ' lt is a plain, Simple guide to health, witio rio quackery, no humbug, no universal panacea. Sent by Mail for One Daher. Published and, for, dale at the otEce of the Herald of Progress, 274 Canal Street, N-X. • Four hundred and twenty:eight pages, Itnos good paper, and well booed. Prig, ells (tug Dollar !. A liberal'aiscount to the ,tr'san• 4 ," Single .copies mailed free on receipt orpzma. , Eighteen cents salditional required, if sent to California and Oregon. Address, A. J. DAVIS & C. 0., Publishers., 274 Canal St., New York. THELartat and beat aseortakent of Fancy Cloth & sahnerea and vesting ever offend in this market and will be sold at prices. whtch defy ocumpetitinn by R. Diffrabach.