PVIILISII ED EV E/11' SATURDAY :MORNING. AT ONE DOLLAR A-YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE, OR, 41:25 AT TUE END OP THE TEAR . _ OFFICE: CRLFLUS: ROW, FRONT-ST MARIETTA, PA. A DYLItTISEMENTS AT TIIB USUAL BATES A large addition to the Jon PRINTING depart ment of "TIDE MARIETTIAN" establish meat enables us to do everything in the Job line with neatness and dispateb, and at very low prices. ‘741E0 : W. WORRALL, k r x SURGEON DENTIST, Having removed to the Rooms formerly occupied by Dr. Swentzel, adjoining Spangler tr Pat tersorgsAore, Market Street, where he is now py,epare,d to wait on all who may feel ifeir a z disposed to patronize him. Dentiati'y Hi all' branches car ried on. YEETII inserted on the most approved principle; ef Dental science. All operations on the mouth perfermed ir. a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY REASONABLE TERMS. \rink determined upori u permanentloca tion at this place, wonia ask a continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended 'to * him, for which he will render every ppssi ble.'satisfartion. P:ther administered to, proper persons DAVID QOO„EIRA.N, Painter, Glazir and Paper Hanger, WOULD inost'iespectinlig inform the cit izens of Marietta and the public gener ally that he is prepared to do Iloase 'Painting, China Glming, • Paper flanging, &c., At very short notice :and at prices to suit the tunes. lie can be found at his' moiner's resi dence on the corner of Chesnut and Second streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church, and immediately , 'opposite the old Oberlin Coach Works. [ Aug. 3-Iy. ERISMAN 2 B Saw 11 and Lumber Yard, MARIETTA, PA CONSTANTLY, on hand Et full assoktme,nt of all, kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he oilers at reasonable - prices. Boards, , Plank, Joist; Scantling, • Rafters, Laths, Shingles, 43-c. Oit'it^,l'lNE 4. HEMLOCK TIMBER. All ordersattendedto withtlispatch. J. M. ERISMAN. '11111.}: American Watches are among the best J tienekiepeTs now hi' uSe, and for duiability , atr - engtn and sinitdicitir far surpass any other 'watch made in the world. IL L. le E. J. 2 A HAT 'Corner of North Queen -st., and Centre Square 'Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the very slowest rates—every watch :accompanied with 'the m an I/ factures guarrantee to ensure its gen mineness. A MEItICAN HO' EL, PHILADELPITIA ..Located on Chestnut Street, opposite the OLD STATE HOUSE, mti'd inclose proximity to the principal Jobbing :and Impoiting Houses, Bunks, Custom House, 'and plueeS of amusements. The City Cars 'can' be taken at the door (or within a square) 'fur any depot in the City. The House has .been renovated and refitted, and . :PRICES ItEDDCED TO $1.50 PER DAY. WYATT & HEULINGS, PROPRIETORS. E AGLE HOTEL, FRONT STREET, MARIETTA, P.L. 'The undersigned having leased the old "Stack- Moiase" stand, at the corner of Front street •anti Elbow Lane, would most respectfully inform sWatermen and the traveling public generally that nothing shall be left undone to make it deserving of a liberal support. SAMUEL G. MILLER Maiiettn, Modal R, YS62. . J. A. CONGDON, ATTORNEY-A T-L A \V, Opposite the reeldence ,of Col. John W. Clark, Market.st., 3larietla, Pa. rompt attention given to securing and col -nlecting Claims. sad , Orpho nt , Court busi ness generally. Will "attend - .to business in Lancaster and adjoining countiet4 Conveyancing 'anti other writings promptly executed. C A It D. JOHN CAMERON, N. D.. Hygienic Phy.sinian, & Accouchenr, Owner of Front cord Gay Streets, M ARIETTA. WM. B. REDGB.AVE, Canirnivtion Lumber Merchant, West Falls. Avenue, Bahintore, Md. ESPECTFULLY offers his services for the 11 - I,sale of Ltlre a E n of every description. - From his knowledge of the business he feels confident of being able to obtain the highest market rates for everything entrusted to him. JAMES N. KING, A.TTOIINEY-AT-I.AW, REMOVED TO No., 139 SOUTH FIRTH .STREET, ABOVE WALNUT, Philadelphia. DANIEL G. BAKER., ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' LANCASTER. PA OFFICE.:—No. 24' NOWT'S DUKE STREET, opposite the; "Court , House, where he will .at tend to the practice of his profession in all its various branches. [Nov. 4,769.4 y , 0 A. General Assortment of all kinds of ' BUILDINO,HAADWARS., LOCKS, Binges, Screws, Bolts, Cellar Grates, Oils, Glass and Putty, very cheap. 1,,,a1 P ATTERSON Ar. CO.. ~ ~ - . SUP.ERI OR COOK gTO YE, , c r y plain jstile, each one warranted to per form to the entire aatiafactio tt , of the p.ur, chaser. PATTF.B.SON SC. Co. lIICKORY & Oak, Wood, 60 Cords each, Hickory and Oak Wood.. Orders must be accompanied with the cash when they will Le prumptly iilJQt. -;Spanglerl&,Patterson. MADER : IA WINES, full bodied and fruity at the .f , Enterprise Store." A. D. REESE, Moir* Joy. OLD BOUIIBON WHISKY in gt. , bottles, something very fine, in store and for sale At the "Enterprise-Store," Mount Joy. , O LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch 11 and Irish WiII'RKIES, warran tie pure, at 11. D. BegatnataAß. - - • TUST R EIVE I D at the “Enterprise Wine and Liquor Stere,” Mount Joh,* supenot article of Champagne•and 'German Wines. X.CELLENT Cooking and , Eating Apples E.always ou hand at Anderson's. TAILED FRUIT now selling cheap at DIFFENBACIPS. • • BUY one of those beautiful 8,0 F Tit HATS at Patties, 92 Maiket-st. QtEGA'EtS 'and Chewing Tobacco. A large },j and good variety at J. M. Andersca?.s. -roTre , flidgiiig and: Side Lamps, Wet. SalAvit WEST Sr..ILOTIRS. BatiLENt'S long celebrated GIN, H. D. BENJAMIN. C ST4NTLY on hand; Monongahela re,e tiftedbiskey. . ' ,'Beftjarain 4-"Co.} i • " . . . Y.til'S NSW STY 1$ CAPS; AT.QRULVS ~~ Itllo9t6titt I= . .rolpristor_ VOL. 8. WOMAN'S LOVE. Men cannot love as women do ;-'—therm'ay Be all. devotedness, and, seem to live - And breath but in the , idolls, sight.; On all the things she has touched as sanctified ; May think of her all day—dream all the night Of her fair lice; and irefignieinaigaVirerr Be feverish—maddened into jealonsy, 1 , If she has but a smile, that is not theirs ; May be lured back to tebderneas span, By a kind word ; may linger on her. steps-- Hang on her smiles—but still.ther.cannot love As woman do,—Their love is but a dream, A witchery—an enchantment—and it dies, Leaving, perchance, some lithe lingering light On the horkzon of their thoughts, but not The. glory and beauty of its dawn ! But HER'S ! If it be dreamy, never nrearn Had such reality. It doth imbue The very essence of het 4ife--doth tinge Her heart, her soul, her needs, her words— doth clothe Its object with all radiance, and then worship The glory.it hath . rnade ;. it doth endure As a fixed star - that sets not: tier world ; Time cannot change it—lt defieth time ; Sorrow (loth fail , to dim it—hike the fire, That burns Abe lilng!Atpr for t some , sk,iaklscl Tears do but feed itsname. Neglect, unkind- ness, They only prove its truth. Woull the smooth cheek Be pale and withered--the rich hair turn grey- The lip be parched and fevered—the eye dim, In the Neglected--if het Love meta) die ? THE PARTING LOOK. • • We parted—cold and wordly eyes " Upon that parting fell, And bravely we kept back our sighs, And calmly said "Farewell.” But there are looks, we learned of Love, That none but Love can read ; And-like the dash from cloud to cloud, From heart to heart they- speed. Calm, as it ne'er had breathed a vow, Thy rich voice faltered not; Serene as heaven thy princely brow, Is Love were all forgot! Yetin ona eager glance, thy soul, On wings of light to mine, In wild and passionate sorrow, stole, And whispered Words divine Heaven's blessing on that royal heart, That thus can lavish feelings ! , Twas alnicist sweet, tho' pain to pgrt, Our silent love revealing! YOUNG LADITS,—Did you ever think what a contrast there is between the young lady of today and one of fifty, or even a score of years ago'? Thew a lady was one who could take care of herself—could sing in plain, musical English, wash, bake and cook all kinds of, food, milk a cow, if necessary, and make Iterself useful generally. If she did not she was Called lazy—that was all there was about it. But now we have no lazy women—they are all deli cate. The modern young ,lady is a strange compound of dress and nerves— by which we mean those "exquisit sus ceptibilities"- whiclfcause her to shed der-when she sees a washtub and scram at th'e 'sight of a cow. She is a h - ving image wade to be waited upon. '`She sings "divinely", and "exquisitly," but neither one of these .affects you as the jabbering of a North American Indian, for it is not half so intelligible. • She lounges abbut in the morning, crochets or embroiders a little, then dresses her self up and promenades for the benefit of.some "genteel exquisite." Thus Tass her . &yrs: Now you needn't tell me that old bachelors are for ever harping on woman's faults—that we do not find any such ladies—that they are the same now they always' were., -Ras no sachet thing. It is an uncommon thing to find a lady now-a-days that half pays for the food she eats.' ••She iwt nothing but a bill otexpense to her father, and a larger one to her husband, for he not only has iter-te igupbort, but one or two hired girls to wait upon her also. My, advise to every young man is to.beware of a fashionable young lady. Never marry the girl who sits in the.parlor while per 'mother Stands in the kitchen. It won't pay . . Coss ThaiD. We have printed many reeeipts for making corn bread, nearly all differing somewhat in the process; one lately contributed to the Prairie Farmer is thp'beat, and acdords, we believe with the Southern 'mode, where they know more - thatt . we about - making ty'vorn meal into cake or bread. • "To 1 quart of - good meal, add enough cold water to reduce it to , a thin batter add salt 'enough for the taste, and then hake well done io pans an inch deep in ,the any one has are ciepe thayrwill produeaa. better corn cake than %the- above, I shave , not yet found ' - • • AR. editor who wass - goidg - • a ing, 'said he was "going to press." I=l3l MARTETTiv;,-mARCIT4S - GIVE'HIM - 'A TRADEI=arhIPAVViee of Franklin, to giVii'eviirY child,a z t,rade by which he cam earn "•a iiwina if4necestark-`, conies of a human apailerice'cllideilgari the sage of oar :Revalution:• , - licerdthe countries others' a common :custom*<= St: though educated in the law,' qt ,the l fa`pt of Gamshel, also aCquiredgthe4iMpoititht orantal handicraft df which he"was.able-toearyrdiis'lKitig, while proseCuting hiilll ` 4Si . oa. . It is a good and.a‘Wise thing-toldotl-; You may he ii,blb leatre'`YohrClitldren fortunes, tint riches "take. to' themselves wings, " You may giirlitlie4:ol,44l4- ucations, and they .may 1:;e gifted with extraordinary geningi, tint _ they „pity 1p placed in situations ) where "no education and no talent may be. ,SO:anu4l3w, as some humbfe, honest trade, by whioh they 'eau get their living aud,,be useful to others. , • 4 • • 2 It neednot take seven yeurs.,,,,§eyer al months of earnest work, are, in some 4 cases sulfieien;,' to learn ,an ordinary business. ft* every , young person, ntale • - and female, were obliged it,gie.intervals of study, preparitory or professional, to learn farming, gardenitig,,,,siipeulakipg, tailoring, blacksmithing, or if • ladies, millenery or dress making, or 9111 , of twenty kindi of work or business, it would alwayi giye them a security, and independence. It is well forevery one to laave somethiAg.j.; We do not know what reyolutious ma; come in our time. We do not know what misfortuneS "'may, come to us indi vidually. There is no harm . .in ;kips able to take care of ourselves in any possible emergency. • CANgONADING ANYRAIN.-E i, xpe rience shows that the dis'ebaiiti of • Iteav'y lery is, usuallY"followed by rain; Tlie batiles of the French UrMies..W.e:reVe ceed by - eopiotiS iains that rendei.ed Small streams imphssable; and at the bdtile of Solferino; a storm' of-such fierOUb'eis'a ose that the conflict we's 'EniSpen ) de'd. The same result attended the battles o'T our present war. After Gen'l.ll69lel- fan's four different battles - there were t: "rains on the hillOvii . na days ittsPec tively, and Gerel 13eauregard, in :his re cent report of'Bull was prevented following•up his victory by the heavy mini of the folfowing'daYs;'ilt Fort Donelson the bombardnientbrFri day was followed by . a rain on Saturday. 'Er EMIGRANTS FOR HAYTI.--:Nineieeil colored persons, froth ' Lessfistoivii' Danville ; in this State, passad the city recently, on theli Republic, of Theya,re the ad vance guard'of the apfing emigration from New -York` - ; in company Witli — a number others,in the' bark'Willielbiiiis, for Port au Prince. They were all agri culturists; sober and'inclustriodS and:Will it is thoUght, do well in which they have selected. - , Therevis present organizing in our citia congplftry of two hundred colored peraene, balling .themselvds an Industrial Ret?imelitr-who purpose leaving,here early in .:Iray fcir 'About' tw0 , ..-thdusand -l etilbred .residents of the United iStates. have left for Hayti_ !luring...L4lost year. t are; said to find , their. now .renitsynee patisfaetory,AlVl to ..provo'..,themselves exemplary= citizens.— Harrisburg i Tat. legrc4ph. . • E. W 4 girl as present,e4 S. to z .imnes I. as an English prodigy, because she - wui deeply learned.- The person who intro duced her, boasted 'Of hex proficiency in ancient languages, 'I 'can assure 4 - yourp . • . 1. ; majesty,' snid:lle,..that she can 43.40.1 and write Listiti,.Greet and Hebrew. , iare'atiaininmita forAtfainsef t said James but pray jell cab ; An idle tiiaiffateii - asld u `mantown k coal merchant whatcoal, multiplied bey eightd l d r with a top ` add, d to m i . gel;;niia b 4 r l hel en . . f. 7 • titro'Cted w'oold.ooi .i 4 neV? • to If yon . ` bet.' n 'em" the oost-nierchnt, • • r r;;;r1 ' , I•Q -stare:l4, t, ger, One Sabbatrifteruoon - alvOhy minister. observing, ;by the time he reach,- • ed the third "hear of hiadilc,oupp,the drowsy disposition, of sevigalfikhis kijar . ~. ~,:l - disposition, i r . ~.4 4V ti , Ei2 ars, quietly,reinarkpd,liktha thl.rdplati . i nose of'you who are "awake will notice" 'Yon haven't opened your mouth durinl the Whole " session;' coraVained a memberl 66 legtelatureAiriother representative, _ -....t.4h,,,ye5...1..have,4-was. the, reel' yawncd .thx.oggh- the whole , 4conm.-0 , 1 ye= speech." . . • 4s , -•s R ti!, =I t ' = $*11.4 . 1.074 !ntf 'lll,i ENSIKA I X,q;z:7oo-- 7 -0.1 .- 3_e. Dollar a Year !7NI ====e2==iMl MIMIM!MRMWM!!! Mr...Thurlow Weed' writes Wlettor ,tq,,tile„,„ - I. , onif t .od i ri t ar,', l 4 9(fel l igkrUrg t .l3„th, iri:whichh re gives the follthlifig;:aclo - Ont, ofthirianer in which' nil 4:,;1'14d owttObrottglit to resign his place eet Sec:. tetFy, , War under „Dir,,,Anelianan, :whit:h.-belled used to further tho ends - 61 4 i,A R '', : 4 , 1 17 `I."! teittittvot.gtot , ?.a , "In February; Mi . ijor Anderson., 'corn gligging4ool/Z 4. 1 , 47 u1eircr:0?:3 4 4ja liarborpfindittehislosiiionsandangered, p t ali`da * j7Z i arll:6,l4 Aland , ?bit . illitintenrovaiirient;coverttothe.stronger fortress of Sumpter rSikeretcpiii' Aloa" Floydo(kiecretary of War, much , excited, Cill'etl'aVe the Presideit s le l eie that Major Anderson had violatediespress therebf wised hint: (Floyd,) and that unless .the Major was iminediifelf e 'refilluded to ;Fort Moultrie he.ohonld •resign. the War o ffice. ,y1.14.„..:.1 rs'4l ,4 , 4t..11 "The Cabinet was aesembled.directly. Mr. Buchanan, explaininellanitbarras. went ofiho Secrotarffi, of:War, remarked flatMajoi.Alidersda would 4 4, '' occasion exasrortreitio.n is the-South ; he bad told Mr. Floyd thlit' qovern went was strong, forbearance ::towards 'erring littlthlerif. 4 faigi4.lkin theta back' to, their allegianCe,' and that-that officer 'Wight be ordefeil*backt After an om ..tk," A. • •-• , ,inoos- silence,,the President Inquired how the stiggeltion struck "his Cabinet? "Mi. Stantop,just, now galled to the War 'Offiee, but then Aitorriery'General . .. , 4*l-t ; if* ans,,w,eged,;,,trhat,,ce„nrsa,Ar, President ought certainlyto be regarded as mod liberal Ito ,the ~erring brekhreo ; ' bat whileNwe-memter of yiir' cabinet has fraudulent ,accepteuces. for millions of dollareafloat, an'd while the confidential clerk of 'iteTther-fiinagelf rto': t. teaching rebellion—has t just, stolen nine hundred thousand dollars from the trust fund,“lthe'alba'rftieb,tcOorei ing Major_Andersanback to 2•ort Moul trie „w0,n141 qbn, dangerops.,,But, ,if; you ,iu,teut tg 4 trzit, fore .; it! is done; I ; beg that you will accept my resignation„' ” added the Secretary of State, *T. 4 . ; 'And mine, also;', said:the ~"ost4iias',ter ',ter gen 9 lll,x - f .: , 4 1‘ And followed . the . Secre- AtafY.o 3 f I ,4ft Tirfli,4l l rY.,. G.enfilr4 l "This ;if , course opened the.bleared nYns of,tl3e g..rePidenf , and Fesujtediriihete.;aeptapce .. ol4.r.,Floyks resignation.it , -- Ittivit , s:rE' SCOFFiRel:—.Of 11t r. Elaynes,lW tititt AMP& aft r the 'pu`lil cation' di Ilin'idrnita on li b dt , , g4l trEarlare%• surely die," two reckless "ylnitig'imen Vgvitig hrreoTod i ,elifei tVtri 'Rig "Wit, 'one of fhtin said, " Path& iiitynCl:htde ydu fiewOl"t'"”Nd" salt qdr. - §lalridis, -- " 'What ?" "It is ..,treiit , neiisiedced."' ll, ohav'is etViri4i," cs'a t id.'the first, "the devil Fantod." In a moment he eldlentlefifin Tiffin up !loth &it di? Mid'iolacitiV e lheni ' the head %tail& 'yntineifielly an er in a toi - 34 . 6E soleinii'caqCerti; 24 oli 41ciat r heVornfi of "- v,e,ast le: 4cili fcilfr 4 on • TUE Jun.—. 7 The jug is, a, inost,sinffular utensil. A f)ail, tumbler, or decanter, can be rinsed-, and ; you can satiety .our ' self „by optical 4 p t robt; tha t it isclean.; 4« « A 3.4er„,- )4 the 11 3 g A lt / 8 k it a- t h 9l t iVkii t °R , i g t 9StrA B : Bl l:4F4et. 3 % AgigY ° toenetrat i e i t o tikl.youri,nloyep the sayf f p. Yoa can clean. it.only-by putting in I'antialtingki4lupAttudvioußing %pt. I Iv AbANlAierigqn3ef3,,AuVelegiu, you- judge lcu L live.AnceuedadAin cleaningjkajgg, and ? v Aenee, , Tthe jug -4- IMP) the 11 4 1 4fte,4ezkrt-rii iligreillibPl4 o 4 ll 4Ppr look into its-receseea r -and yon can only ' eointilitan .14 , 01 *dr A. 1,1 .v,..v4•41 air Mite Buffalo Appublip says : 4.101 rt. receptlyineked9, tlicl : l4 l :46wjag E memo rands yOulik iadyse;attired incameamkaidered *wet ,tal Ma; an de)Elluisite eliMtfeollav al* hill) tat a likatufeiaad a istatia.fully, 44,* 41:08splettilamInerate4 flouneeM:4 , 4 "I must get a— Vail, ItNon s :ll,oes, • --Laise. 4t. a44leill/c. e10iV r a.6459 , :- 5a ; . , NKfran f il;a 7 iire i nle t4 itertreg at 'tli l last itletfirOftlttiiiit u fi firtaiideoiogliet )Ih9/PA?W/Y€PWAVA t d ‘MI t2PhS,6 4 , l .ct P qiffa u o4 919P1el few peotte: WiriP ale . " reaciniblettratii reSVP 14 99PNeglitSPEtis: is *VON vitovii,y tich r Epsser wh b. 4o e , ,n f ) t ,1 1 .91 4 11. 04041,9 .Pcr.#,Va , 44 1 1 1 ' of answering what is said to him. • ' t%C. • t*ik 40i . . lEEE f , ! . ! 1 ..!. , 7.i! -, .- - 7 , v• ENNA ME IME:1 aw w - 7O:- lib ',41 ' Vullefa.rraztlf."` • •of antrVitlf etic eye looteilforWaid"to - tlie'eldsing, act of Time's real dratiimx; f3s consumm'''ated e in'tbe r "WiktelCtirmfilier l ifitl the 6'fies' "Pasiingoawny - 1" iiiirftien )onttlteAbobiiiiibfild "of earl - lilt Sinftlabd 'ner, and' `e.iierything, points to lhetirlie 'whet Nbinie angles Obtfie -itid • ' the grave. The whole earth is nalsol9tini . of bitried ! greatness, and' we nre daily trending over l Alie „graven .of thirty l , t -:. ". 4 e l:4Ps r Yi ,gF e Skt a Cs -05 . 4 V v ii ° P e OlVlqr-S'he W. ( 1.044.1' 0 % 1 4 VA spices, seem to be transitory ,and parts c4.the, th-tlte lights,qf ciyiiiza tion learnitig and refinement -are.palinn• their inefllectual flies, before the baneful shadows of ignorance, ioolatry and sup erstition. 4.sja giner„the : traveler treads .upon a soil rich in, historic lore and the recolllctions of a gloyton,s, past while the present population is degrad ed by ignorance aird*slavery. The glory and siilitiadr tierifyWifieretit naiions .tlikCiose and' fliiuriiifia t thei f eluiveVien natftigititifind, laid 'the Star of 'the term • er greatness has set green; - of a ''sttirlbiiitinight',- lin' Which no future inor iow %hall 'ever' rise." l i ke 4 herdsnian's fleck add A f he-Wild beitstlf of the wilder enese." now Wander over ilbs - ,tOmbe of tind'the uses, and the once ,splended palaiee of Primp and, Cream's, are:now =masses of ruia..€4,o,ver.whiphlhedestroy -I,er Time has driven lieruthless ihd9dea- Lolnting -plowshare:, The _;wealthy! merchants and 'crafty tradesmen.. effi,Stnyrkla , dornot now stop _tolinquiretwheFe Homer - Alias ban; and the ,4ch,..znellow , sky. of an cient 'an d proud lonia 4no,longer 4nipires orators, painters or poets, orlights the waning fires of a zealous attedevoted patriotism. iho same da'k and tairibie,dxim hanos like elobaiy''p'all s of deoth .pver the viiiiestettiv-,fc-i- t4 ar c ' 149 f tt d f The rtpu s blid e lora 1 '6;3'1;24 Rl* nations ;, tite - gptden 'lyres of David and 'I; %fah are no longer swept bY'llving haVds„and the voiceless silence „ 1 .• 7 9 .' "e' • ,death"reigus supreme where mus!c ones ravished the happy hearts of busy r• Ito; $ thousands. lat The'wanderibg .41,4 ab, without a home a , country i now , comes,4ndifferenVind ,UP me Xed,., to, te,st ~the, poles of his tent lagainsk tte shattered tooltimfis of !Etat , myra i and makes Lis bed,upon the 'crud :hltpg ,:frag ments,,ofl thrones„und crowns. 13051o,npthe peerlessAn een of , empires that uot, escapeditlie , ,common ftlte i .,and ".41:4 also; has,falleolbeneath :the: crushing stroke-of .an , inevitable,destiny; and, tbat proud city,;whielr„swayedflho.4ceptre of supreme power over the oppressed tribes ,o As ug million& -has • 4 ;..1- .OA-th scht. t rceli: belfiu4; . itt . t.,race of its form- er .greatness, or a crumbliou to shim where the ramparts of 'Semiramis oice stood , Its . A YPE.BETTING mACHINE.— yr C copy tile Tolltlvide frbm 'Chambers' EdinbliiirA Journal:-Mr. Felt, of Boitbil, Massa chusegal., has ..inventedi a' type-setting ,mac.l2‘ina, ovhich,Acoording. to the de ncriptions -whichfshasbcome ;before; us, Mill be for, compositors-what AheseWing maching-las. been for 'seamstresses: It ,has capacity), if requited; funnily quanti ty of each character : it wilbsetv up, two colaics;itihe same me , and in,di a mit preperiy "Bpaced," ; leaded" and 'jcitTfied,;'ltt thq an hour. It will also distribute the tyjui after , the work, ie printed,; and what' more, it'lc.eeps 'a rekisteiiii duringpnochmg holes In etrl~s of paper y the composition';' and if at any time reprint of themork should', baludiesitfor the k eempositor has %only, to , ,introdu eit the register in,stos tits, machine; when'by sainge - Itieesmontdvause o Ue Batting ..of type goe.sron hpreeiselp eagoir. the ,first edition. If the etehinestill do this, I ii'ceryiinly ietiliZriabfe : • - on. this this 'joint, howetei; ,E r eglish printers hs.l , , V,41410.4 4 Will ` have an opportunity to badge .for themselves, for tht inventor intsindi to allo.*: A medical woe fella Ire Mad who lived five :`Yeirs witts'a bblr'in 1 304 / 1 , 5:12W1 llkd its Ilive Olio as-Jong 3v.ithynothingatut_bulls in their head5.,•,,,,..„v,*4.,1 oggsAnitc,NriAil4P,ld 4.9lo.lPriEtys 11 1 .4 1 4tiEhMIT, tlonAtoiseintkaakeug we, men, ha would have nunAgov.) Tpwlre: ofkidpidow • Few Persons are. awa of the "Strict ness with which the :rower of hocidodi is guarded from foes without and treach ery within. lilti:ecOtitidilio it up every and as rig* Pgiia l tiiihkrari: as if' the French invasions were'adtially afoot:— Immediately after tattbo ail• strangers are expelled': and the gates once dosed, nothing short of such illibeiktivt riecestd ty as fire or sudden .illness cad proctdig their being reopened till' the appointed hour the next morning. The cereinOtly Very ancient, Ciirious add stately: A few minutes - before -thcr, clook..stsikes the hour of eleven=orri Tueslteyt add rii durretttsWeiVffaltraid'Vrrdeir(Fe'o- , mait.portec),ichithed iti'allydg, red elk*, b ear iiv.. in :this. Mind Ihige bundh' or • keyspandlittt(edded by a - brhtNer warded, car7ii3g - a - gliantie' letterti, appears in• frontof tilt(warn iuhrdhetitEV;suid' cats out in.a, Ituysl4.-- Attilwwor'dit-Ithe-bertdarit gfratd,. withl fivel-or sued; thrde oats and to) the dr - outer" gate ;: each son ery:d4tallet*.ink, : WS' they. Pass' , his post--• - ' • ' • • MEE ".Who girth ilidte The gat'etl New erwitifily atta' barred---the Ntogildeli 'wearthg' as solemn' an Ratite iirotreiSiOri qeturbs,. and . the' We titril t 1116'slittio 1 ti on • and. re cell e. ttie"stiin# inent 1 4 ' as bet - ore. 'oneb"rn,or 3 / 4 3' jiff fr#t di' the rtiain . - gnardhciune; the. seht*Hlierit . ' giien a tddt:',, adtPthe'rni- - lowlnitoileriaVoillalien place het:weed' 'him 'and tfferapprtiactiing-party--- Midst thereli r ; " Whosli teyil 4 ' • Anita ,V„/s4orilett. keys ' , and a 1 is Well:" The yeoviittiaptieK,then,eidlaints, ' l4 ,44ppr:l 3 lessjt),Resp:'ficteriat" Tie Titan 4 4 4 lard jderoritedly felipotid' The Officer',,qti' dtdy gibes the word' ".Presqit ?r,.li/thi' ; tkl.:fiferocke' tlittle.;• the officer then lkigiep,thcr hitt .4it.his sword ; escottiaall- in 'lulling their' 'companion S ; yeoman' idiker maiehes mitiestreitity the itainde' ground aloue - to ddlibldf theileye the' lientebant'srloligingrf.. • The 'eereilibllT 4 6er, 'ilbt obi is an egress ail tdtelly'kedlluded, but thoser4itbiff 'the' countersign, aby o«e *l.o/ forgetful, .ventures. &wharfs guatters - -un RrovNeg with ~t.alisnmet is stiVe to be made . the piey,.ofJhe setitiiiel. yf s hose Test he Rroesse., • A 1 B 0A Bpi, A 13ENDflE47-r-Titejinick erbocker is . responsibps for. the follbtv • ink : "One of Adams and`Compatirs press messengers --an observant wag sWorn, as Most eipes's -tneeino kers and tiiiiroatif eini l lebtOisi nre—gives Abe “folloiving amusierg' ad count • of khe Voak an' stiOrtel."- • Which-he was " erpreiisee sOuthWerd f l attionk other "drY He , was , et:Mated in a stronk`weedeti cage, but seeing.himself latte mirror, which. was,also being , traiterietted by-express, he becameaitta,,everf, crushed .I.liyeagh.,the top of the cage;and alighting ,upontthe..ilopr of Al e. car; threvt° himself into position ; and tonrched eideirays uPC,kll.l:kis reflection ip the -mirror. The first touch of his tusk broke rte . ...gran, fractured particle ' s 'then eghiiiiting a dozen boarsin formidable battle' array. Our ferocious hilik then Seeing 1.14i:t the enemy had 'the nnmbers tu,rtied,hks tiatai upon; the diScotirteous,BWipe, atigetittery ink me alone and defenceless, tiikhed upon me.' I beat-a-hasty retfeat , Over trunks anit)boxes,' bninfoing'iriAelid a kihst the ibef'oflhe r 'eet k iis , cf . iotede,tintil aceivh'cfre'a hoiliirger thin myself dolitd"th 'l4Ated back, my atikefeMsiFeitedl :thislafer pnibenx.wouid„ mouth. and run .about; tlieWliks,shaking ..+l3 if to sp,tifft 1,-.4.110. 4 .110 hog._ 4.oeng,th ,ketto,..oprgy treoeipt his month, raised his nose,-and ran side ways. reihila ribtltlindit any 'longer,— fgoeliottof a of of keionis, and rush ed't Oa ^ • . squck • him n blow titiiinft eye, and be tell: I 'then inverted thtl'eale - tiptii`Min:ll'd °. ati i, e - in as I would-have.done-with any-other hoe" . . Scotch admajd r yv .wakask -0-84r.seditlff te:reiseitafgaßr the king w.. l .%:angn7l.o4.l4Adeed, I'll do nae sic thing ; I never could raise a man for nizaelf, all I'm' net going .. to raise inn ref King Gearge. 4110 4. P Wredever a see squ Ble ' • 'yo 4 4 UreetrAhascilline• aiM feaditilie-liu the _ shape of aii a - audwitit) sore you make yoursele of the nputsr. „gander. . 1 . 4 7on hp;" iratrold'and homely' expressioqtint few "men can look on 844 ippablo A.O;Atif4lo , AggreM - ow a day and Bay as mach, '''ege:WhY is it impossible, for a person who lisps tcoiOlke"tr` a young ladiga t tjTo takes eyoggiiiigiSor litythe, - • ar The Ni;ord .Int ill an old Eng'Esti Swke . 'wee,es,Spring; so that forty days of.lche spring time fast , eeme,to •be called Lent: , u F: ~ MCI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers