eke Yotal Darititian. Whlelrrtli CAR Traz.—The several pas wengtt trains leave "Upper-station" as follows: The townitre train east at 700. The mail train welt at 12.129. The afterneon train east at . 3:6t. 'The le veni ag train west at 6ths. The e'Veratnik Thal train east 7:08. Saturday, Mar& 8, 1862. I t 9l l our first plittetsoilt.!:ie fOnti6 'the t i oily3 . A..l4.u(iii.h, I,refatin g the . of Washington's Farewell iiii the 2,2 d nliinio. re Ito ••!!!"...".•".""" SWORD PRESENTATION, Somitthree or. four months , since E. D. Rooth ; Esq.,. of this borough, com menced raising a company of infantry for the war. Though he bad some repu tation as a drill officer, having emu 'mended. a volunteer companyisome Tears ago, let from the few left it home Who Were likely to volunteer, the 'undertak ing was considered dhuttifhl"ot'sie4ess. But having learned that .the Captain Would succeed, some of ditr l i adiestin der took to present him asword sae editable approval of his energy and peradverinee and a token of their wishes for his Mere Welfare. Misses Susan 't•alcer and liarrief, Kline, collected the neces sary fuhds, and en Tuesday last, by their appointment, Messrs. Kline, Geist and the Editor as a committee of purchascs and Rev. A.. 1.1. Groh as speaker, ire teeded to Harrisburg. A good and handsome sword, with exzellent belt, bash and dip ornament were procured, and at aboht 4 o'clock, P. 111., the pro sentatiob took place id due form in front of the Cdptaih'e 'marquee and the Com pany's barracks; at Camp Curtin, in the presence of all the conuny who were not on duty, and a titimhpr of spectators. The speeches Will be found below; and it mill be seen `that the Captain ac quitted himself well in speech .(as he has done in action) hpiwithstanding the short time allowed him fur peeparation. After the presen,tStion; the cotaa u ittee • mod speakers visited the barrackS, add ass aspper was alkoqt, being , nerved; had autioes served out to them and shared the ennuis% meal of the Camp. Ooirae, Aimed sad meat were •excellent, and the (table ware neat,andSubit,anlial. We connote/eta without commending the liberality and gallantry of our :netts in responding so readily to the -calls of the fair collectors 'on their ,purses; und.the gracbful and persever ing persuasions al the:Tonal; ladies who lbw nobly volunteered to Over onward , 1 he Captain , and his brave area_ The three vousing, cheers of the Corapafiy !or " the Ladles of Marietta." follotved .by three more for "the. Committee." and these by three more for "Captain Roath," told the grateful appreciation his compa ny and the spectators placed uptin the hole eirair. ADDRESS BY REV, MR. GROSH 4CAPTAIX H. I). Rokru—The Ladies 4of Alarietta (at whose request these ; gentleman and myself are , here,) are prompt and active in every *good- word and work, whether of religion, patriot ism or general or special benevolence. They participate eu'rnestly in whatever concerns theirfellow citizens, and, with the ready sympathy of their sex, wait not for solicitations to manifest their interest and give their aid. Before the fall of Sumpter—yes, wh.en fort after fort was wrested froni the Union—before our flag on the unarmed " Star of the, West" was basely Bred upon—they awaited in fear, and would have averted that dread culmination, 'could prayers acrd indignant patriotism have availed., They beheld, with pain ful shame ouriong-suffering and great ly forbearing government receive the tirst rebellious bldtv on the smitten cheek, and Larn .the °diet. to the stutter; and, what) that too was smitten, turn Again and again cheeks glowing with feelings of sorrowing affection, as if yet uncertain !bather the vetted audSny9r ed South. Aould really mean laballion and war. They -saw our good Mother gather up liar starry robes, so basely and wantonly trampled 9u, and slowly. pre- pare to crush ,the s,ertieat breod,atreas on under her fact, and chastise bar chil dren , wholad dared , displace otir Eagle and our stars wig —44 0 1 8 4 P and .the palmetto. ' -2 But when Sumpter fell—wheruit cow ardly 10,000 (Abseiled , 01 , 49hie0/17 9 " &im pelled IeSS ttiko 109 upproililoped . ,A ‘merican Soldiers. kit stistender mini& suf :focatlng smoke • and Acorciiing. dame, .dread, shame, dotilit, all.fledliajnqoyal woman's heart. Then ,the ,stmosit pa tience and most Ohristian fOrtrearance .could no longer doubt what duty and :aelf-preservation demanded . : The whole Free North. dashed an electric , fiaare of 'patriotism, and the atrk of armed d,e ifence,and retribution , commenced which is yet `proceeding ell aroggdd Among. the foremost in,doirig what sbey could to_ incite and cheer . ,teen ,"to noble deede of self-sacrifice and glory, and to•comfort and sustain the 'families left nehind, , the-women of Marietta were found atavury. opportunity. .the plied the swift needle _Olathe .the soldiers, and with - busy. feet, apd Cull hands visit ed and cheered their families. Later, when wintry cams called for hose and OlitteUs to 40*-4.911144i15ndv tind4let, their handa supplied the/shiiering Alt& needed 'warmth. And when the cry of suGrinir, came out from our hospitals, no hands were more ready than theirs, in sending delicacies to stimulate the dead ened appetite, or in providing dressings for wounded limbs, or in making up garments for the sick and enfeebled frame. From the hospitals in and around Washington—from-those in this place—and from those in and around far off St. Louis, the grateful prayers of our sick and wounded soldiers have celled for the blessings of God oh the heikda, heartl and hands of the womtn of Marietta. Such, Captain 'Eolith, as yoh, efell know, are the ladies-who- have ' , sent -us here at this lithe—apd from ,;such as they what can you expect but a mission of patriotism and of kindness? When our three months Volunteers went forth last April, :4pany regreilid that_ yoor business and farnily-affairs did net perm it yap commandtakilip: and lead our "Ohmeron:Guirddr 4n-their inakeVto-defepd. our coftuery.— • An dA Then, st‘ erlatei season, you- com-• menced Enlist : cling a, company from a neighborhood nearly depleted of soldier 2 material, nearly all douhted the possibili ty of success. • But though we-looked on in doubt, we did not look oaiti indiffer ence.—And when, at last, those -doubts were dispersed by assiihnces of t . Your success under difficulties that fully test ed your energy and perseverance, the Ladies' of Marietta resolved that your patriotic sacrifices and labors should-re ceive a substantial .token of public 'ap provrl; ' Though 'the means of our pe , 3- ple have been pretty heavily taxed, and must be, again and again, while this wicked rebellion endures—and probably will be,veler it is ended, in supplying the wants of the ',South, desolated- by - the swords and torches of her, own sons I— yet these ladies knew that "where thVe is a will there is a way," and 'many tightly closed pulse opened at the mag ic "open,'Sesame" of iheir sunny smiles and persuasive wards:- 6-Thanks to the liberality of alt,. they have,succeeded, and we are here to represent them. Captaie Roath, you isodi have been associated for years in a fraternal benev olent association for prolooting,"Friend skip Love and Truth ;" and I can testify to your long continued, earnest and en cleat iabors there. And I have been associated 'llth you in directing the Public. Schools of our borough, and thew well how faithfully and judicious ly,YOu have labored there. From this, we hope-indeed, your perseverance and success thus far gives us assurance, that you will be no less zealous, prudent and successful ib command of a company of our citizen-soldiery, wheresoever the fortunes of war may callyou and them..—. If you—and these,,our fellow citizens and your fellow soldiers, will but re member (and we feel trustful that nu will not forget)` /4 Cause that calla you from your families and homes--the Gov ernment, the Union, the great "rights of human nature," itself, in whose de fence you are to battle—sure are we that you will not fail nor falter in a single duly to your country, yourse:ves or your country's foes. Remember —all of you—that the eyes of your country aed,the world are upon you—that the harts ofloved ones at home hang trembling over your footsteps, as their prayers constantly :rise to Heaven for year welfare, your safety, your success, and your welcome return home in triumph and honor. Remem ber that "the spirits of just'men made perfect"—of Washington and the mar tyred and sainted heroes and sages of "olden time"—of Eli-worth, Winthrop and Greble, df Lyisn'ilad'Bak4r, of LA , der,and countless others of rank and Who hire:ascended ed high from -battle fields,of the present, ime—all bend from heaven, and look "approvalof your re solves and, deeds food for for Liberty! 4 ." And now, Captain Routh, accept. this S word, 'and its dppendages of Belt;'Sistr, and Bugle, from the Ladies of Marietta, as a When of aßpreval for your past exertions, .a`ad of hopes and irayersllfOr your future labors and success. Wear them wort,bily--usti them boldly, justly and freely ; and , lay them aside 'only when Virtory crowns the banner of our country—when the starry .and striped lag,waves over an entire Union of the free, and the brain. And' may God grant that , •this estord iffay eve! be in yotielfandi, arid , fo all under yourdehin mend; the Sword of the,. Lord . and- of . Fr'ee'doms; I t Reply by Oaylab; S. U. F4patiti, MIL GROSH AND Oommirrca-Through you I receive from 'the of my native.,borouih , and vicinity, tii.tesil monild of theit,.fiigh regard and eenem towardsme. - And while receiving this gift,'l must say that there are associations corineetild antli these pro procaedingiy•sihieli make 'thorn •duOubly interesting iddileasi g. First :—Be mauseethevLadies = atere the fret 'to - act. Sedent:•:=-Becaiiie fried adziniiteh to accomplish their, desire: And, Third ly :—Throegh the aniious ' solicitations of my mery(tinknownito , ineJto. our lady friends - A - A(92n,', 0'94., Alice rtion to'get . thisTift , for me, these proceedings also fully _gratify diem. '• Many . -Vrordn are dmiticeisifyyjci ,fee9.l;irf lifwe Jet wardr firefffifititt' br a - ATM throtiili - yon 'Cliatialar a ge. 7 4 -give-to-Ihr tadies-of-M•arrettal3roltigh and vicinity (including - 'all` friends at'. home) my warm and heartfelt thanks fpr ) this beautiful Sword, iielk and Sash; with which' I have just been presented. I most cheerfully aceept ~th% shall become a family relic, and af.me,. ; mento of friendship. 'While these beautiful military emblem's. in.,tbe . service of my country, I will aver hold in remembrance, that they were placed in my hands for a certain purpose, that purpose is, that I draw-the =swortdo only for the 'preservation tirthe and Constitutional rights. this I will d - o. And if surrounded On the field •with the clangor of. armsy and the cannon's roar of the enemy, my 'duty y , s . r will be -onward to victory.. We die inforrnesl History, that in, Creep, wshen, in thiezesuith,of heroglory, Rome, during the petted of her fairest, , ,,reno.wn, when their „Jwomen . in-, teresked themselVei in behalf df thei r . country„al l f th in prospered: in our cage. Knowing-thejustice of ourtcatise, the Union Ladies-ot tlieslantilmve, with brave hearts and a determined will, concluded to act their part,in the s grand dram's, of their country-faithfully. With such encouragement, the strongarms of our troops will be nerved, and manfully will they charge, when the command is given "Fonwinn," and overthrow the thankless hosts of the South, and bring them to a sense of duty,•so that they may acknowledge the supremacy of the laws, and gather once more arcaind the altar of the Union in peace and , harmony. Again I thank the Ladies, (especially those that interested themselves the most in my hehalf,) and all thosefriends who assisted in procuring this•gettering testimonal, of..thelr high, regard and es teem towards me. W bather lam worthy of their confidence, to wear the ,proud est emblem of my country, with which I have just been intrusted, through you, remains ;for the future to answer i • hat in conclusion, I' give you the assurance that' my feelings aim--"yon s rieekne7er, be ashamed of your fellow citizen." FATAL RAILEDAD ACCIDENT —Off Mon day evening - .Nathan Miles, colored; with his wife and another woman, return ing from a •funeral- in Marietta; were met on the Pennsylvania Railroad just below the tunnel by theaarrisburg Ac commodation Crain. The Wind' Was blowing a gale—so strongthat the party had been afraid to venture down the tow-path--which prevented the ap proaching train heingheard; and it was only by the light of the reflector on. the. engine that:the women who were iri ad vance discovered it when close upon them. They screamed and sprang from the track, and just cleared the train.— Miles,' who was an'eld mail, also strug gled off the track, but probably stum bled forward, for he was struck by the train in the head and knocked down beside the'rails. The train Wadstekpped and the injured man with, his companions taken aboard'afid brought back to town. Miles was carried into the, - switCh-tenders office where 'he died in about 'fifteen minutes. Miles was a quiet and indus trious man—one'of (he "best' otOur inhabitanti, Much sympathy is ex pressed for his family.—Columbia '.Spy. gig' The COliimbla Spy in speaking of ReV. Mr. Clawges' school celebration in that borough on the 22d ultimo, says : "The most . delightful observance,. of Washington's Birth:day, in Columbia, was=undoubtedly that participated in by Mr. Clawges and his scholars. As atr nounced. the proceeds ,of the sale of tickets furnished a dinner foi ; the school. At 1 o'clock,,the dinner await ed them. A bountiful spread it was Of,every thing—roast Lucas, bread pies, , cakes, custards, with all the et cetera iUcluding at least a wash kettle of:coffee. • Some — one hundred' and fifty shared in the feas', and there was eiiiingit to afford a welcome treat to a number of poor little follows who were on. hand outside:- 'Although thik was an occasio'n to, be delightfilly remembered by ;all who participated: • In projecting( car rying ferwod,and perfecting this pleig ing • little celebration -WI Olawges. has no doubt found his own reward ; for he Vellsdoinlind hishol4; has been in this 'Work tor the pleasutiAnd benafltof &is pipits. But he has cer tainly . earned' be.gides a general tic knowltufgemett of his worth as 'a man and usefulneasllit i t eagher Be always bas‘the love:of his .scholarscafid surely deserves the - pApeCat'And seem or the °attire •cominunity.." • (Coltimbiw Spy of' Saturday last says Capt. C. C. Iraldehan v. ;Paid tha.ttoroirgh alying tliat 'delis remarkably well and hearfy: paid , our place 'a pop visit on tFritlit'y °vanila n mae"thiprfirr'ldrA ie (awhile. No doubt of . his being a . favor i'te",ameseget the boys,and rate officer. May belive4to return-again iiißo,ng4, us tirlarg. Lydia 'Jane Pierson, a well known authoress, died-at her, residence, near #le 4ll l l -7..1 siPV• She was A a‘native of—Middletown,444- nekrout. Mrs. Pierson resided ',a . ,fea , years since and .edited paper t in an- easter, sir The .i.Liadies.Patriotmack now ledge Lrld:pj Ar..4oji.tririVos pital 14EppYi ra-J 11,:,?.latiry ' o o . 6re, tf * :2,:ilaktre t rittalkaltiali iseEtnAa Eagle;) !Thelma to'oiniTdeniitoryd:o. nations. zone were-very : highly en tertained-at Terriperaace ;:Wed nesday evening last, by Atraritr. York.. who lectured , oiltlie , mittitislhf4htfvfietilth Reformer" to a,ver'Y traivded house. At the condi risibit . of this lectit i fe, r. Cheany, commonly called the "boy -lec turer" gave therandiencea-few "Gough dashes" on tedifiemuce. - Thevlicile was quite a literary treat . or, 44. 1 illat_ntr. wy Saer „proposes opening, a summer schoollbir thtfirstrArondati in May. See his card in another colnAn la- Messrs Geist and Idiestand will open a select , school, commencing on Moiiday,..April 25th. tiee card: nay. Ar. Wheeler itAftgi of Dr Cameron, lectures on Monday eveuing: Car E.,xtra rine hameifol nib at Biffen baehls. , 13 I+l D-. On YlPA r t eo 47. ,, nigV , .4. l !" 4 2 , 7 s fSlcsf I i 1- ~bias.Stehmanporthis borough, aged 47 ycora. atl O'clock, Wit (Satuidly] afiernoon. 0111.1ier=.'ultilfro * ,' Pelt. MICH AEL 3 • of Gonoy towosfiip, aged 58, years. , .7...181`1 , 40.11 -BETTERS; Remaiiiing'n in the _Li Post Office, at Marietta, Pa., March.6th., 1562. Armold, Mitiaßetieccia.KiTneser, Samuel Blensinger Miss .IVlarg.Keller ; Kasper v Bucher; Christian-Sr. Xilyan, John ' Beck-, Mra. Sarah J.- • Miller; Mrs. Margaret Brien, Miss -Adeline Machen, Mrs. ,Louisa Bollacki John Esq., McMullen, John. • Bell; MissiSsrah Jane McCann.; James Bristle, Jeho 2 Max. George.. , Burhker, Benjamin.- Marlin, Miss Buchanan, E. O'Brian, John Crider, Saeot!ez Leman,Pierson, Samuel L. Conner, Robert Pierce, Mrs. Mary Creider Joieph Peck, John .Esq. • Crum, Miss Rebecca Park, Miss Mettle. D. Cook, Miss Hallie Roberts, Joseph Detwiler, Lizzie Rutledge, • Eyster, G. M. Esq. Rowley Henry - Erwicht, Mrs. Sophia..Rosh, George G. Esq. Fisher, Miss Sarah Sheign,:riani FleiCher, Henry Egq. 'Sheetz, Hengst„Jonathan. Todd, Mrst Mary,. Jones Miss Sally Watson, Johnson 4-Co Persons calling'for any of the above letters; will please say advertised. March Sth 1862. A. CASSEL P. M.' I'iNICHENER'S Excelsior Ham s These celsktrttcd Sugar : cuiecc.HAll3 are put up expressly for FEirnilx . use. • They are of de licious flavor, free frorethe unpleasant taste of sill and pronounced by epicures i the best in th'e tv•orle For sale ist ' J. It. DIFFENBACH'S: March 8 1362; ' - V'e.iect geelz.cai. • rtfiE Undersigned will open a select school. • _ . , commencing on Monda,. May sth, and continue 12 weeks. ,The course of iastruction will be thorough am; practical,-well calqu laled to prepare 'the' . yoUnk: for the active d'nkies,,pf 140. The ,developement of the in tellectual andmorak. faculties, ,the formatio'n coriect 'IOUS of thour g ht and the comrnpni caticui of useful kn:owledge, will be the thiee paramovut. objects ~of eyery, recitation and exercise in the school. Trims: Pupils of Primary departnactlt t X 2.00 " " SccondfirY, • 3.00 No deduction except . in, cltscs of pro tracted H. H. `§A.WIEIt... Marietta, Match S., 1862. " FRIERDS:ANDRELATIVI,S laF THE Brav,e Sadieis and, Stains. 0 LLOWArY'S 124,'S' AkINTEri- OWT ort -MENT.=-Aft who have Friends and Itelativesin'the-Artny or Navy, • - shbold' tale special care, ' that= they be amply supplied With these .Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors rthave neglected to provide themselves with them, ncrbeiter pres ent can be sent them by their friends.- They have been proved to be the' Soldier's never failink-flienit in-the hour lof need.. Cotighi and ,Collis affe.ctEng 7rocips. Will , be speedily relieved and effectually cured by using.these.admirable:medicinesiond by paying -proper-attention to the Directions whiclvare attachedqo each Potorßox. Sick Headache and • Wdnt 'Appetite, Incidental,to Soldiors. Those feelings/which sosadderr us, 'usually arise from trouble or annoyances,- obstructed prespiraticn, or eating and drinking irhatever is oh wholisome,.thus Aisturbing the 'healthful action oft-the liver arid' stomach'. These mints must be: relieved, if you desire to do well.—L The Pills, taking according to the printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both liver and otomach, and as a natural conseouence a- elem. head and - good appetite. Weakness or Debility Indubed by over Futigue o Will soon disappear.by. the neater, these in. valuable Pals,_ and , the-Soldier will quickly Kan ire. additional ; strength. Never the bowels be either confuted or unduly, acted upun. It may seem Atrange that liolloway's .Pills,should,,be reenmmendedefor =Dysentery add Flux, many persons supposing that they Would increase the, relaxatton. This) is a great mtstajte,,for Kilq9e Pillarwill correct:the liver and stomach and thus remove all the acrid boornourarfkor . n, the,reyptem. .This medi cine will give 4onia,,artk- vigor ; ••to the whole organic , system hpw,ever _deranged; while .health and strength follow as a ; matter, of course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of the Bowels so sure as this famMis medicine. Volunteers, Attention ! Indiscretion of Youth. Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings can with 'certainty be radically cured _ikthe Pills are taken 'nighl tied morning, 7/I , lhe Ointment beireely usettas stated inthe , Printed instructions. If treated in any otheAidiffer they ilty up one part to break, out another. Whereas this < ll intm e n t will remove, the fOrtrio . fr?n i the.syitem and leave the Patimfts in vigorous and'hEaltbY man: It will require a Attie. peraeverance sn bad Cadets to instire a bastAgliurta • •-t For Wounds either occaeione&by .the Bayon'et. Sabre or the Bullet: „Spres or Bruises. 'ITo Which every Soldier and SailOr ba l listic, there are no medicines so eafe, sure•and„ con venient as Soilowars Pills and, Ointment.— The poor wounted,anthelinust.dyirtgonifFprer miot have ,his wounds dressed immediately, isiir'wmild OW provide 'hinrsel&Withi 'this iiiirehlese Ointment, which .should, be . thriist into the : sound, and, arrkeafed all around it, then cover vi Ali a piec4 Of linen enim tis Knapsack thidcZogiiireasedmithirtythandherchief.-- Taking nisht 4 and imorniiig 6•. ors S. Pilla j t to.cool• the systennind'prevent intiamatiocr. .4. • . , iEvecys Soldiekles Relapse:eh ?Mod , liteannittls” Chest should - be provided with these.yaluable Retriedies."••,, • ; , q•. t liiteolerntv Cpurrast 1,•,-None are -genuihe - unless the words "liont.ows.v,. NEW YORK 'gni& ,Losnotr,Piltrte.4liseerhible cat Lt.:Ott:et - rifark in 'eves:pled bithe-book of , directions, arMindtfath p6t of+ box.firtpe same may be .plainir'seetrbpholding.the , leaf to the ,Ikluendsome.reWand te givensti any one' Icendening.sucifinformaticurtfa may lead to.the defection oLany.paityorsparties.cp.unttrfeiting .the rtmrdiernes oeveriding the, same; :Knowing them to be spurious r. e -1t!:? the,- ,Matuffactpw infc-Brefasor .flontow!tia 80,31aidenutisatief: and by all respectable DruggistseafltmDegets..l iirciVfedicinpltilmiughout Tiiii6la3; ru potsitat466.l-6 4 2c., atatitteak etc ,„•, . 4 ill- There con,lideniblei saying ,irg ; takin g ,• the4rger-sizes. - N.l3r , ÷pireetilinsifor-titagnidantalot.palipies iin.eVerY" diso4der artilitExWto midi - Tot. Decemberol2.l, lioAutrat W prs IMBOZ , r• ROTH WEST Sr. ROTH, . . ~,,,.. HAVING PIIRCRASED the entire stonk, good will and fixtures of the Druilore -#..•5Mr.41 . .. H. GroTte; take thir me tho iittotWlngt patrons of this establish men and the iillb . in., general, that nothing shall be wantilni to insure a' all times a fresh and copliete russertment of Drugs, Chet/ieAls, Tequilietg; loitet Soaps, :Hair. and „Tooth Brushes, eoliths, Thoth Washes and Powders, flair Dyes, Parent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Whitelead, Varnisht's, Dye-Stuff'' s, Glass, , and everything usuatry kept in a well regula ted apothecary. A new and fancy lot of COAL Oh; Lamps— the finest in the llorough—at,prices to snit fire tames. ,Lamp ,Tops• attached to old LathPs at short notice. Globs, always on hand.. • A very-convenient -Kliarin La*" forcar rYiPgeattUt•tikeiOlionse,•just received. _ A,nicely sejected lot of all. kinds 6f qtation r , ary, knvelopea, PenspPea-holders t frittr,f4., of all grades acd.at all prices. . An endless variety of Fancy and Toilet as;. and Just received, tfu e*ollerit ailicle of Co a Oil now sciting at I.s . ce&tii_a q uart, Marietta, 1 4 iciveatber 9';T861. ""ly /PM itaetie4l-.Batter, NO . . 92 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA 1 - 11A , KE.S' this ni r ethdd otinfoririihl 4 hlstildk fri)nds arid the publfc getrerallyrthat he hue re' skein EA 018 stand (re6eidly ixtupiea by Georke L. bitickleyDlind nOw :Serena-: neatly fixed'-to prosecute the Batting business IN ALL ITS ,BRANCIISS• Having just returned from the e.ily,w ‘ kr . e he selected a.largt. varied and fashionableassoft inent of everything in t,h , • - ITAT AND AP LINE; and now only asks an examination of his, stock' and Pricesf beforethare'hisinglelsewhere. Having also laid is a r.tock of Flatting materi , al, he Will be enittied,lit , ,shorfrmitiCe to man ufacture, aN qualities—from , the common. Soft, to the most. FaAionabic o 44,4 Hat., Employing none but thetiest of workmen, and,,manufacturing good Aoods,nt t loiv" lae.hopes to, merit and 4Fceive„a:libgral i shomof public patronage, .11:4-„TSke,tii,oi.k.prtcc paid for Eurs.. 7 —in trade oc.cailf.• Marictia, March 9,4861. ; FRESH GOODS AT SPANGLER AND PAITERSONtS: A.F.U4..L assortment of .& re sh, Winter Goods of the most desirable styles. Tadies, Gentlemen's; Misses and Youtlck If`A. W 11, Eft t leir QUALITY, French Mcripoeicat a great bargain, FanCy WoolDeLaines belOw'the cost' of importation, Cclburis, Thibite, Prints and Gin hams in great variety: Cloths, Cassimares and Vestings ver, chap, Cloaking Cloths in alPtolors, lit a deckled bargain,' libods, Rabies, Glovea and•riotions generally, as cheap as ever. A Job lot of extra-fine ; EMBROIDEREIS COLLIRS rt at , less than half the usual cost - Flannels,. Mnalips, t e becks, Shsetings,and all other,kind pf DRY GOOD, , t_egether with Groceries, Fish, Btc . 4141 1101;UMBIA INSURANCE COMP \ N Y. • his Company is authorized by-its. charter to insure in the county, of in horiughs,ageinst loss or damage by fire, on ,the-mutlial plan, for angierigth pfliine,l4r4teli or perpetual, either for a cash premium,.or, Proxima ngt . e. PREMIUM Ntrrffsls4rE,m. Those who insure for a 'preminm note will be insured for five - yors, and subject to assess ments in Oise of lostes. CASH rSSYS EM. Those who'insure _ fore alb premium wBl oe hisdred for any 'term not e4ceeding 5 years, and s not subject to any assessments. One per centum premium will tie clleed,on farm pro perty for the 'tea Of 'Aye years. DEPOSIT. SY,ST.E.BI Figni mperty, will ,oe4nsurpd for,the.terrn of ten years, ,for a deposit of three percent. of the ampunt.insu'red, th ' e Whore amount of the premium no:?te to re r itt . o„4o4 tb ' e,:expination of the policy without liiteleat, or the policy will be renewed for ten Nah,wittiout any. ex pense;`aithe oftion"of RALIFFR A Pa ksiSir.k GEORGE Yan4 - 3'i.; k Serfitir7 l ' Directors : • "- 49PREI -14.• M. STRICKLER, Treaswer. JACOB B. SHHMAN, ' WYATT' W."M/LLER,, REIMS It. KNOTWELL, AB~CABAM'RRUPrER, SIGi -.HENRY E.:Konr. _ Columbia, Lancaster. county,, 1 13 — J. S. ROATH, AGENT,MaytO March.3o„.o6l-IY, • . itITT ER'S Celebrated Truss, Surgical Ban diges, • Shbulder Braces; Inltfultients for formit3., &c. These ardcleaare .. d , -- zIV very highly recommended by , piore-- . --,...- em's Paneoast and Grossof-the_Jeffursotr Med ical College. of , Philadelphia, and the under. signed knows. them to be the. bestarticles v ol the kind in use. F. Hinkle, lif. D. A fie assortment of Flavoring Extracts for Cooking-something very . nice. ' Liquid - Rennet for making delicious desserts. poncine, Hon et finit otlia 'fifie Soaps. yrkngipantiie and - otherlihrtracte. For, sale by IA: If. LANDIS.': ,‘14 . 1"0.6 7 .1.F1ER ,SAP,O;NTITER I The Family Soapmaker. - • , AlE:Kitchen grolse can-be madi intom9d. s'o A IiSAA G ri—Directlons•accompanyirag each box Soap,is as easily made, with it, as making a cup 'MaiKaotrel ox”r b e y the PATEN I TE.IO,-7,PENN.t. M4DIFAcTN,Ritse .. Ikm-A,127 Walnut-sty Fe1ynary,45,,1862-1y.% ,„ A c A . , •D':' ~' JOllli-G r AtitERONOBII. IL HAl.etqc Thxsiciattot 4,0-intatur, • Corner" Eroni4ind 'Gay( Strd" / . h Corner. ARO:MT,4 '' '' I ti '' 13. RANI i . BMKEIL-, =1 ..ver 0 ,, -).. , .0..) ATTORNEY AT LA Kr 15414CASTEati PA. j OFFICE. :- 1 -1 ( 1 . 6. 2eNoWni DUKE STREKT 3 oppopiie the , Court ;rouse, where he will at. tend to the. practice of /dB p'rofeiiiot I.lt-all' 2 its variauetifinclies« . 1[24:tiv.4,,559.-1y A- Genosoi,l4o3 OrPtlifilt of uji..01, 11 1 9 Pt: 4 .BU XIDI Nfik. aIkILDW A Ri, LOC K S , - s 4 ) ,ilElusges,r,Strewst ,10 40, 1 CUltal gratiga 0 1- '- - Oils, , Glass aild Putty, very, cheap ; , -r S4IeIPPEISDN 84 O. , Books . ailed ilidiStruetabli Pies:Sure boiikr; . SChal and other Boolit, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders, &c., For fele - bg Di' Landis: • 11.7tirQUAIN . G , EXTRACTS: r-ra c tilla,,• ", piral Almond - , " - Lemon; eistN-'eivived'aita'fii :eat/ at' WEsr & Adim SETERIOR''COOK STOVE; 'tier'Y Piriin ' . stge,' Oact. oluelvarianted to per , i . - k ' to the entire sidiefitetioli or theliur.4 'clialeY, ',, ' it thPATEkdot34r Co As o.op _stsom:4l , , p,* I pm 1 44 PAile dir k vett : Tip? . 47,3esti . n - tht w ITVA.42- 0,..T0rt.E opm AUT.- 7 1* 440i11i occupiemmlsa l - ,Kargio3._ asis hitiliner"Ap. to BB:WS NG 2 goor,++,-, Q.Al‘r! you'optirit to buy 4 Ow% SALT. CHltte ' - . Vat it the store of' SPANGLZR4II: PATTERSOi The Bugle Galls I.he4rardsalakegrisn I A War of Extermination.against Bad Teeth, Bad Breath, Diseased Gums, Toothache, Earache, and' Neuralgia Wm. -B. Kurb's. DENTAL TREASURY. Purifiing 'ETW Blvdlsh." &id Mouth, and Caring Tdathathe and Neuratein Dr. H C,lebrapq nOUTII ; W.4LSEI, one bottle. Dr: Honl'e ithetinalled Too'rsi one, hox. Dr. Hurd'sliraglifitetrrflativE DiOn t one bottle. , Hu'rd's tiervirstiyaeleztVo tau rt.As -7E4. IfuriPs MANUAL oa the Best Means of Preserving the Teeth, includiiug Directions for_theProper Treatmett of Children's Teeth. f.Ciss * SILIC for t)eahing bertteen the Teeth. TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc: 'Prepared at,'Dr. _Hurnf Now Ofte, 71 Fourth St., Brooklyn; (F..: D'.) . , Pomo, ONN DoLL, It; SIN for $5. I? The. Dental Tfeasirry males a package ,eight inches by five,tand is sept irt express. 21114 - '"Puti direction for. use is Oil Oa article. The follotiiiit lirticla we can send' sopa rOilYt The Treatise on Preserving the Teeth: sent, post-paid, on receipt of 12 cents,or fotir storaps. TM" Neuralgia, Plaster, for Neuralgia in the Face, Nervoua, Headache, and_ &troche, sent, postpaid, on receipt' of 18 cents, or six stamps. The NEURUCHA and RHEUMATIC PLASTER, (Jargi: Rot), foe Pains It the Chest," Sbonldeisflfacks of airy poet of the body, sent; pOstlatitt, on receipt-ef 25 Cents. 4ddreas, WM. D. DUN I'& CO., 'Triburte'Bfrildiiigri Now Yotter. . • . . • . , {Cr Dr, Burt's MO,U,TII WASIII3..?OOTH PO WDER', and TOUTII A qH - P .. eau not be *sent by.mail, but .the7y,.. can .ttiOably ur obtained at your Drug or Poriodleal Simres. It they cannot, send to us lorlye . DE/TAL Tiesiwyl,Price,ll, which conta ins them. Are :11:und'o .g.ileparatigna Gored I lis The best evidence that,they, are,,is, tt their firmest friends and. best . patriniaa_re :t . sp who have used them iiingbit Dr. NV" z m B. Hurd is an. eminent, Dentist' of rooklyn, Treasurer oflo New Silk *lke Dentists' Associate,,,,, idna ,theAe 'eberations hate been iiied inn - hts Viivite "'needed' foi. Asia, and no leading citiibit of - Brooklyn or Wil liamsburg, questions 'their "eircellence, while eunnentADenithitittof New ybrkereemimund them aslthe , bestirnown, to they processioin,-. Withinitlfid - ilid ` of'-advertising, dealtrs have .soldithemsby•the -gross. , e. , o‘ • The Anitiir of the Drookilni .Daily Time* say s:--64 We are happy to know that our friend Dr. Hurd, is succeeding beyond pH expects tions with his Mouth W asand Tent,h- -• Pew der. The great secret his success restswith, Abe i fait th , at o lia.a clig are, preariely what they are` - fePresented tirlie, as- Weittri testify from their long - lie' , ', ' -' - Thezell knof o wn. Z. T.,,Barnnw witettl— c. I found your olh•Powdei lazood tfuit my family have ;:ifeantrititi Up. ewe' find it the best Powderlos_th_eiteth that ! we ever used. I shall Ml o ebliged— _you wilt lead me another supply at tlte IVlusetim tit fotir'emiveitietneep with balls- ' • But 114 r. cost is -so swalllthat..Try suns tnit'sthe tiattistfor *hunsef. - 4 - 43.Vem,raKe , of : Abe or nary Toot* Rowans., Dr—aiurdl.,:fooths Powanr, ;ontoins u 9 .acid, nor alkt