country. Just then a prospect of settle meint with enraged France appeared, and as the calm began to How over the tempest tossed billows, he gladly prepar ed and published this Farewell. From that day to the present, has this Legacy been prized as a national chart and directory; in all our nation's per plexities. strifes and commotions.— Though many chines have•taken place in our eircuinstinces—the far west be coming but'a hear interior, and our three millions of people increasing tenfold— yet, still, mostuf its advice and admoni tion has been found applicable to our wanti. Veit in the midst of this un peralelled rebellion—so strange, so nu thought of, - so unimaginable—even note, its advice, its citations - , come to us as lleaven-inspired prophecy and precept. And thus itprobably ever will continue to 'be . fippliciiblti=the richest, because ;obit, appropriate'legacy mortal wisdom could give to us. Especially would I invite your atten tion , to its commendations of religion and'utOrilit r y and the diffasiOn of knowl edge among the people, se the only sure and reliable basis of our libertiee, our happiness and our prosperity as a nation. ExOnd these, improve them, purify them, lkir the extension and security of freedom id person'and in speech unto all, and we must and will be a great nation, and a hippy because virtuous people. Correhpondenbe of "The Maiiettien." DIVILiED STATS KAPETLE, Febawary the. 18,1862 Frend Ned =lt ma , bee as yew hay forgot uv me agrein to rite tu yew won i got fist up hear, but i halt flumixed oat no filch stile ,k yew are foold of yew thort sow—i hayt ben as bizzy as a Cecesie. S . pi,s poring , 'round inter things & yew had beter bleve ive got perty wel posted tu—now of the .peple in the koantry onle new how theaongras men kut-up .ft. spend many after they git bear, they wad mind ho they giv there safferius in in the futre—iie seen ankle Atid'an he' Inks az tho he had:split raise enuff tu tense a 100.aker feeld pour man i feel:sorry for im moron ever az he spikt to lute Title Willy bat . my chum Gim Sli sez he gessez of Willy due di at 'Nis' Linklen wil stop sum of her hiflanutin wile our. pour augers ar lain in the horspitalz sik sufferin—Gim saz •at tinkle Abe' inks a site beter an he did afore Kamernieft but that he iz ufeard at Kamera iz at hie old gam a pulin witze (with Gim Sea means ' tu leirshuunear) tu git bak tu the' Senat agin & Gim sea theta palitishuner told hinuat.KaMern had •maid •muiaby enulf out of Kontrakting tu lekt him tu be President 'next time we want - wan Sr Giur sed that wan wilmot Proviso a senator la aivally letin on tn• be sik sea he wants tn. go ta - Sparta for his helthjest a•perpos to let Kamera hay his plase—noi wad yew bleve at a man lekted by the sufferinz's ny a fre and indeapendent peple wud du setch things with mutiny—Bat Gim sea at muany wil du a heep more in Politikal things afredekrishaa or talents & i beleve it by gosh. , 1 am beam qnainted with lots of noes paper exporters. & this •dokter lima' at Stanton griped tether day trido his purtyist to git into my gobd grasez & axed ma 6ef i dident preebiate the wanderful infltienza of the llearald & i axed 'el he meat Chile Ilearald an 0 my ears, how he 'snikerd an stiikerd— But i must stop caws ire jest got a hard iovitin me 'ta a privet' party this very nite and i axed the water what brat it of he war a Clark in a potikary shop & sad no thanks ear, as penile as chips, an axed me why i thort so, an i sea this'enwelop & kard smels so plegy gude • that i thort it kiwi from a poti karia, an of be dident laf and holer enuff to giv any boddy the newralger—Bat i mud atop ritin & fix for the party & in my nextfbrephitol ill tell yew all about it— Yowers Verry Nearly P. S. 0 ipsalinter Ned of I dident se sites an swans last nits to the party, then yew ma role me in hunny an lassez-0 my stars setch petty gals i never seed afore, an Olin sea 1 kept the hul caws a gal ttzed me how i liked the Inks of the ladiz an i told her fast rate unly sum 'of em had. ?ergot tti put there hen k achers on therb'neks, an such a hooraw in i never herd afore—But now i mus got) az my hed:pulls—Yeliers, Sr. ROTII We hope "Si" will, occasion ally, let us' knew the doings , at the CaPitol. "Si" being a Mitnettian and now it'sojourner in the District, will be able to seei'some stills, of which please . advise tte:—Editor.' Sfr Ab Amusing' sword presentation was made on the 17th by the officers olthe 78th Petinslyvaoia to their Col= anal William Sirwell. The presentation speech of Capt:Cillespie was:. "Here we are, and here it is. This is `a bully sword and comes from bully fellows: Take it Bed rise it in a bully manor." Colonel Birwell'sFeply was "Captain, that was a bully speech. Lams take a bully drink. Air Lord Equips, in a conversation witl:hismocinef,ope day, said: "George the time will / come when a man shall be able to enure'', the manure for an acre a gro und in one pf his svaiseoat pockets." 4, I 4alinve 8041 the prdener, "but heyill then btable. to carry all the crop in the other." Ilit o,,aritttiatt. SATURDAY, MARCH 8,1862. •AnBOTT, No: . 335 Broadway, New-York, are duly authorized to act for • us in solkeiting advertismenta, &c. TaPISVo FROJECTS,—There will be a division of sentiment in . Congress of the propel; attitude which our Government should 'assume towards the' States now in rebellion. Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, has a bill, which is on.the basis of the Sum ner resolutions, and has been approved by the Committes on Territories .of the. Senate and the House, which virtually destroys all States 'Governments, and establishes. Territorial Governments in their places, without any power to legis late for the protection of slavery, which is thus virtually abolished. In opposi tion to this scheme is a bill offered by Senator Davis, of Kentucky, which pro vides for the punishment of traitors, but protects the loyal inhabitants;of States in re•organiziog, their -State Govern ments. Each bill is declared by its friends to have the support of the Ad ministration; but it is believed that the Cabinet are divided. PENNSYLVANIA'S DIRECT TAX.-GO v ernor Curtin has signed the bill passed by the Legislature for the assumption of that portion of the direct tax appor tioned to the State of Pennsylvania.— The fact has been officially communi cated to the Federal Secretary of the Treasury, and as soon as the' receipt of the , Treasurer of the United States is forwarded, Pennsylvania's share of the current year's war tax will be fully liqui dated. All this is done without im posing additional taxation upon the people of the Commonwealth. Having been the first to crmplete and exceed her quota of men for the war, Pennsyl vania is also the first to pay her shale of expenses. The resources of the Com monwealth are so abundant, and its finances have been so discreetly man aged during the trying period of war, that it is able to bear its burdens with out difficulty. eir A Rochester paper, describing the arrival of Gens. Buckner and Tilgh man in that city, on their way to Fort Warren, says that when they arrived at the hotel the bookkeeper brought in the register for the party to sign their names. Gen. Buckner signed it first, and then, passed the book to Tilghman, saying, "Floyd, he wants your antogrlph." Tilghman playfully replied, "Don't call Floyd ; I am a better man than Floyd ever was." Tilghman's first name is Lloyd. He writes a bold, heavy hand, on the "Hancock" order. er Or. Berg. Charles Plummer of the 51st New York, died of typhoid fever shortly sifter the Roanoke battle, the Chaplain told - him"BurnSide is winning," when Plummer gasped the words "Thank God!" and life departed. His real name is Charles' P Tidd, he being one of the nineteen men who took Virginia under Capt. John Brown and escaped. ear The last,of the sons of the cele brated naturalist,' Audubon, died in New York last week,,aged 87 years.— He inherited mach of the talent of his father, and when taken ill.was engaged in preparicg a new edition of the "Birds of America." • 'The Judiciary Committee of the House will report against all enactments of emancipation laws for the; disloyal states, taking the ground that the power to interfere with slavery rests with the President as Commander-in• Chief. 81.PEPPER.KORN Cr All the extra ten million of de mand notes have :been issued 'from the Tresbury Department. Secretary Chase now awaits the completion of the newly engraved sheets tinder the laiojust pass ed by Congress. fir A Federal surgeon captured at Bull Run who .recently ,returned on parol reports that the rebels took him bound him to a tree, and then deliberately shot him in the leg to prevent his escape. • inr Prof. James H. Fairchild, of Oberlin, Ohio, came near freezing to death on the road home from Welling ton last Sunday night. He had fallen insensible, when somebody picked him up. er Four ez-Presidents of Harvard College are now living—namely, Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, Josiah Quincy, and Dr:Walker: Rations-have been contracted for to feed. the 7,000 rebel prisoners to be confined at;Camp Douglas, hear Chicago at 11.1. cents per diem. The rebel Genersls Bilektier and Tilghi4n arrived at. Boston on the 3d inst 'awl were itametliateli.-ionyey€4'tO their quarterii at Vert 'Warren. F. L. Balzer, Editor ~/ i tcui.eita, Ola. Gir A man who had previously borne a good character, entered a grocery in Ogdensburg, N. Y., a few nights since, and took a position near a tee-chest, and during his stay slyly filled his pockets with tea. Long before he had com pleted the job, the proprietor of the store had observed his proceedings, and suffered him to continue until he was about to leave, when he quietly inform ed =the ' iscamp that he would rather weigh the tea he had in , his pockets before going away. On weighing the tea it was found he had taken over five. pounds. itar Lieut. Lynch, the rascal, swindler and traitor, who absconded from West Philadelphia, with his , pastor, the .Rev. Wise, and who comusianded 'the - rebel flotilla in, Albermarle Sound, ,during, the late battle at Roanoke—escaped after all the hopes and expectations to contrary. He proved to be a good swimmer, and 'succeeded 'in reaching land, and reaching Norfolk, only we trust to fulfill the adage, that a man born to be hanged will not be drowned. ifirMason,and Slidell keep very shady, abroad.. Mason is supposed to be , in London. Slidell las been measured for a new suit in Faris. 'Neither of them seem to he made much account of, and when the news of the recent 'successes of the government is received in Europe, they will be still less object of regard or attention. Slidell has taken appart melits in Peed for four years. Prudent man. lie *evidently doss not expect to come back in a hurry. fir A St. Petersburg letter in the . London Times, says the winter is un usually, severe in Russia. Almost every day, frozen bodies are found on the Neva. Three persons in a covered sledge from Cornstadt, with the driver, were frozen, the horses having brought the vehicle on to the usual place of stopping. Even the - stones do not re sist the cold, and several cracks are visible in the Alexander Monument, constructed of red Finland granite. e learn that a number of gentle. men are about purchasing Ball Mountain in Vermont, with a view of trying the experiment in domesticating the mouse. The entire base' of the mountain is to be inclosed by a high fence. The ob ject is to make the moose seiviceable in driving singly or in pairs. To practical people this looks rather theoretical; but to the fancy it may be a source of a-moose•ment. Cr A man convicted of killing game has been excommunicated from the Scotch church of Galloway, the clergy man refusing after he had passed through his term of imprisonment, to baptize his child, for the very reason that the landed. proprietors of Galloway bad suffered great loss from time to time through the applicant's destroying their game.— That is a remarkable specimen of Scotch logic. ar The column, over sixty feet high on which the statue of O'Connell will be placed, is nearly finished. It will be placed on the exact site of the old court house, in the town of Ennis, Ireland, where the great Tribune stood when he poured forth his burning eloquence at the memorable Clare election in 1828. or . it is understood that Col. F. P. Blair had an interview with the Presi dent, on the subject of the appointment of Gen. Sigel ae a major general, the result of which was the determination of the President to send the name of Gen. Sigel to the Senate at once for confirmation. Cr One hundred and sixty-five million of dollars annually will have to be raised to pay off the war debt. Pennsylvania's share of this tax will be $15,985,35, this is for the General Goverment alone.— there are to be added to this sum, the state and municipal taxes. Cr :The newspaper statement that the House Coinmittee on Foreign Affairs have decided to report against the re- cognition of Liberia and Hayti is nn= true. The committe have taken no ac tion whatever on the subject. ar Japan will contribute some six hundred articles to the international exhibition of 1862, including ,articles of lacquer ware, straw work, china porce lain, manufactures of paper, carvings in ivory, paintings, and books. Cr A strong effort is being made, both in 'Congress and out of it, to make Gen. Wool a Major General. It is thought that the President will send his name into the Senate for promotion. er Gen. McClellan issued ti general order dismissing Col. Kerrigan from the service for the various offences of wkich he was convicted by the court-martial in his case. eir : Hon. Reverdy Johnson was to day. elected United States Senator by the Maryland Legislature for a term of six years from March next; vice Ken nedy. 'Gen-Lander died on Monday after noon from the effect of wounds recieved at Edward'a Forty battle. lien. James Shields has succeeded Gen. Lander, in his command. GirTwo of the Union guns lost at Bull Run were recaptured, from Zollicoffer's army near Somerset. CLIPPINGS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. General 'Hunter will be called before the Committee on the conduct of the War, to testify as to General Fremont's affairs. The committee will now push the Fremont case to a conclusion, and will have their report ready in about a week, which, with the evidence, will make a very large book. It is said the report will vindicate Fremont. Gen. Cameron has not, it is said in dicatettany, desire to have Mr. Clay re moved from his position as Secretary of Legation to Russia, or to have Mr. House appointed. He would doubtless desire to have a Secretary with him who can speak French fluently, and is competent to write a despatch. Several Western Virginians have ap plied for the vacant place on the bench of the Supreme Court,left vacant by the death of Judge Daniels. They all pro fess to ha l ve been loyal and true citizens, and to be firm supporters of the present administration. The President has designated the Hon. Andrew Johnson to be a Briga dier-Oeneral, and he proceeds to Tenn essee to open a Military Provisional Government of Tennessee, until the civil Government shall be re-constructed. Commodore Foote telegraphs that the Rebels have evacuated Columbus, after burning the barracks and a large quanti ty of army stores. The guns had been taken from the entrenchments oa the bluff and carried oft The Rebels threw a number of shells at the buildings used as storehouses at Edwards' Ferry, but did no material damage. -They Were fired from the fort which Stone allowed them to build under his guris. B. R. Knapp, Jr., writing from Fort Henry, Tenn., the 7th inst., says he had just attended the burial of five Rebels, who died under the Secession, and were buried under the American Hag. One of thern was an own cousin of the late Senator Douglas. H. B. Stannard, while chopping in the woods et Andover, Vt., had his arm broken by the fall of a tree. He took his also and coat and went to his house, harnessed his horse, and went to Chester for the surgeon himself. The Southern commissioners have been denied any space in the World's Fair at London, on the ground that the allotment of a place to, them might be construed into an implied recognition of the Confederacy. M ajor Eugene `Lecomte, of the Feder al army of Switzerland, has received an appointment on Gen. McClellan's staff. He is a distinguished writer on military science, and saw war in the Crimea and Italy. At Solferino, he was in cue suite of Napoleon. The Coroner's jury on the sufferers by the Ilartley colliery accident find that an imperative necessity exists for a second shaft in all working collieries, BO as to afford the workmen a chance for escape in case of accident. A lump of placer gold having been found in the crop of a turkey killed in Honolulu, an investigation of the mount ains is taking place to ascertain the existence of mines. During the great storm of January 25, so much snow blew into the river, at Bennington, Vt., as to completely dam it up, and the fish in the bed below were left dry and picked up in quantities. At Fort Henry, the Chicago journals had three reporters there during the battle—one of whom was killed, and another bad a leg shot off. The third escaped. Rather au unenviable position. Edwin James, ex-Queen's Counsel, of England, has made his first appearence in a New York Court. His only pecu liarity seems to be calling the Judge " my lud," instead of " your honor." Count de Moray, president of the Corps Legislatif of. France; has set his face against. written speeches. Mem bers must henceforth abandon that pe dantic mode of debating. A Cairo letter. writer says the West ern officers don't feel proud of their epaulettes; but laugh and joke with common soldiers as if they meant to rnn for office when the war is over. Col. Elias Wampole, or Philadelphia, has been appointed consul to British Guiana. Salary and emoluments two thousand dollars per annum—yellow fever thrown in. General Buell , has been appointed Major-General, for services in Tenn essee. The Secretary of War has ap pointed General McDowell Major-Gen eral. The Kansas Senator Jim Lane having announced his determination to resume his seat in the Senate, it is expected that he -will be shortly in Washington. The late Col. James Cameron's Man sion Farm, below Milton (250 acres,) was sold at auction for sl7,ooo—a little over $6B per acre, Peter Fritz, of Philadelphia, has been appointed Colonel of the Ninety-ninth Pennsylvania Regiment, in place of Col. Sweeny, resigned. Fort Donelson was named in honor of General Dairid S. Done'son, son of Andrew Jackson Donelson. VOLUNTEnRS ATTENTFON !—For the de rangements of the system, incidental to the change of diet, Wounds, Eruptions, and ex posures, which every Volunteer is liable to.— There is no remedies so safe, convenient, and reliable as Holloway's Piils Air Ointment, 25 cents per box. SOLDIERS SPECIAL NoTICE.—Do your duty to yourselves, protect your health, use Hollo way's Pills 4. Ointment. For Wounds, Sores, Bowel Complaints and Fevers, they are a petfect safegard. Full directions how to use them with every box. Only 25 cents. 1 OTICE. All persons indebted to Thomas Zell, either by note, book account or oth erwise, are requested to call and settle the same before the first day of April next, as al ter that period the books will be placed in the hands of John Auxer, Esquire, for collection. Marietta, March 8,1862-4 t. Select School. THE undersigned, will open on Monday, April . 25th, 102, a Select Sehoul, for a term ot three month's. The advanced, classes,Ao -occupy the High School building, andthe. other classes, the ro9MII, no*, occupied by Mr.' Heiltand and . Miss Caldwell, in the Town Hall. _ Hoping, that' the 'patrunp have, sufficient continence in the subsciibers, they deeni it unnecessary:Jo call,upun l thßtst peracknally. GEIST; TH1301 . 11 EISTA ND. llock's Dandelion Coffee. TH"preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a superior Nutritious Beverage for General De bility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disordors.— Thousands who have been compelled to aban don the use of Coffee will use this without in jurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price :2.5 cents. NOLLOCK' S LEVAIN, The purest and beet BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and Cakes. Price 15 cents. MANUFACTURED BY ' M. H. KULLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. Philadelphia. March I, 1562.—1 y. DAVID ROTH, - 32, • Dealer in Hardware, Cedarioare, Paints; Oils, Glass, ?IMO, 6 00 k, 114 ii ana oil)ei-Stobo, &e., MARKET-ST., MARIETTA. WOULD take this means of informing the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish anything in his line, consisting in part, of Tati le Cutlery of alt kinds ; Building an d Housekeeping Hard ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, (lila, Glass, Varnishes, Cedurware, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po kers, Tongs, Candlesticks, Pans, Waiters, Cop per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and all other kind of Locks, Nails, Spikes and in fact everything usually kept in a well regula ted Hardware establishment.- A LEXANDER LYN DSAY, Fashionable Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN. Would most respecttully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,is enabler' to select with more judgment than those who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good fit. Call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. COAL! COAL! COAL! For Sale Cheap for Cash. rIP HE undersigned being anxious to close out I_ the present stock, will sell at the following low prices, viz : "Or" Baltimore Company, Egg and - Stove Size, at . $3.30. Shamokin, Red Ash, 3.25. Shamokin, White Ash, 3.25. Lykens Valley, broken, 3.10. Lykens Valley, Stove, 3.25. White Ash, nut, 2.40. THOS. ZELL, .Agt. Marietta, February 15,1562. C HEAP LAMPS. 7 A FRESH SUPPLY or Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns of every patern, suitable for the Parlor, the Kitchen and the Chamber; Hanging and Sifie Lamps for Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices. Having purchased them from the manufactu rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates, we can sell them much under the usual retail prices, although ever" other description of goods are advancing. PATTERSON 4. CO. Ir H E Copartnership heretofore exhisting I under the firms of Ste rr et t& C o 4 and Spatigler & Patterson, was this day dissolved by S. P. Sterrett withdrawing from the business. The accounts, notes, &c., due the nrine will be collected by S. P. Sterrett, on whom those indebted will call and make settlement. BARR SPA NGLER, SAMUEL PA TTERSON, S. P. STERRETT. Marietta, January 15, 1862. rt• The business will be continued under the firms of Patterson & Co., and Spangler and Patterson. EMBROIDERIES -Just received the largest and most desirable lot of Embroideries eve otlered for sale here, consisting in rut of beau tiful French Worked Colima, Undersleeves Spencers,Swiss and Jackonett Edging and In erting, Founcing, tkc., selling very low. J. it. DIFFENBACH. H. L.fE.J.ZAH M ESPEC I FULLY inform their / 4 . \friends and the public that they still continue the WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY business at the old stem', North-west Corner of North Queen street and Venter Square, Lancaster, Pa A full assortment of goods in our line of busi ness always en hand and for sale at the lowest cash rates. 11:3- Repairing attended to per sonally by the proprietors. rLATED WARE: ALarge and line stock of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. Zama's, ner of North Queen street & Center Square, Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in 'Variety, Coffee Urns. Pitchers, Goblets, Salt Stands, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Caaters&c., &c., at manufacturers prites. Barcariso attended to atmoderate rates. T EWELRY.—A large and selected stock of 0 fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the best factories in the country can be found at H. L. & ZAMA'S. Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and 411 goods warranted to be as represented. ‘. Fi H QUAL or REGULAR TIMEKEEPERS, can be had of H.. L. & E. J. ZAN, Coi. orth Queen -at., and Center Square, Lancas ter, Pa., in the shape of Equilibrium Levers-- the best article of Swiss levers now in the mar ket. They are lower in price than any watch of equal quality andi ust as true for timekeeping S to suit all who can be aided with glasses, can be bought at H. L. ef ZAHM'S, Cor ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames, at short notice. [v6-ly LOTHS AND CASSIKERS.—A very so -ponor selection of French and German C otha, and Cassimers,Land a variety of betiuti ful Vesting', a • new and fashionable 101, just arrived at Difenbach's Cheap Store. FRESH WINTER GOODS AT DIFFENBACH'S AVING just received a large and nicely 171 selected stock of all kinds of Ladies' and Gentleman's Wear, which will be 'Whitt very modesate Wes for cash. Sills, a full line at trid pt:ice*. Barra quality Muslin*, all - prices, Best make or Fiviarets, do A lair stock of Shawls. Plain and Llarredßack'd Flannels., White Goods, Mitts, Linens Embroideries, Dress mumv, Very large sfech oi ISo' mestre pods. Cloths, Casio/Mos, - Vesting*, . Bleached and Unbleached Muslims. Delaines, Calicos and. Gingham., Drillings, Shieethsgs and Meeks, a Pant bluff, Hiehery mat Tichiagar Embossed Paper C.olarsy ten fel a Quarter, Paper Neck-Ties—swartilsiagi Irmo Chew and beautiful. ALL limns or Moves raw:trate - A.lw Ames. Linen and Woolen Tahiti sere*. Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Wiatiiew . _ and Patent Peralusen,, Wall Papers, Carpets, Mow Mk Cloths. Canton Matting, Sir, Wall and Window .07‘sory T'ransparent Mita, Glass, Queensware and Cedstwartc:' , The above goods have been purchased LOW FOR CASH. and will be sold at correapondingly low prices. for cash. GROCERIES. WINES AND LIQUORS, of all kinds and prime, constantly on band.— Monongahela Mashy by the barrel at Pitts— burg.plices, tbe freight added. WINES & LIQUORS. sH. D. 13IINJA M IN, NNALER 1N WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building. Marietta, REL. BEGS leave to inform the public that her will continue the WINE & LIQUQB. bug.- neas, in all ita branches. Hi: will constantl),- keep on hand all kind, ul Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Scots& Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisly, ALWAYS OK HAND. A very surerior OLD BYE WHISKEY' ust received, which is.warranted pure. la- All H. D. B. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from I S. S. RAI'HVON Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At Kramph's Old Stand, on the Con— ner of North Queen and Orange Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a. elFt AT El? U L to the Citiiens of Marietta. and vicinity, for the liberal patronage het etofore extender, the undersigne4 relpeet fully solicits a continuance of the ihittie; ae euring them, that under all cirettunstezeost, ut4 efforts will be spared in remjering a eatisfacitory equivalent for every act Of confidence repass& CLOTHS, CASHMERES AND Vs:>r assy..and. such other seasonable material as faishiou maul the market furnishes, constantly kept on handl and manufactured to order, promptly, and rim, sonably, as taste or style may A L50,..--RIA D Y-RIA DE CLOTI;1130, Gentlemen's Furnishing' Getuods and such articles as usually belong to a 11lens. chant Tailoring and Clothing eatabliihinent. rpH.E. CONFESSIONb and EXPERIENCIL I of a SUFFERER, -Published as a warning and for the especial benefit of Toting Men. and those who suffer with Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premature Decay, &c., by one who has cured himself by simple. means, after being-put to great expense and inconvenience, through the use of worthless, medicines prescribed by learned Doctors- Single copies may be had of the author, C. A. LAMBERT, Esq., Greekinlait, Long- Island, by enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope. Address, CHARLES A. LA MBIERT.. Greenpoint, Lung Island, N. Y. Jan 11-2m.] JOHN BELL. Merchant Thilor, Cor. of Market-st., and Elbow lane, Moristts.. ItATEFUL for pact favors I would renalr my thanks to my numerous friends and pa trons and inform them that 1 still continue the old business at the old stand, where I will be pleased to see them at all times, and haYing ► full and splendid assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES 4- VESTIVGS, which will be made up to order at the shortest, notice by the best of workmen, and on reasona ble terms, I would be pleased, therefore, to wait upon my old customers and all who see proper o patronize me hereafter. jOct.29-'56. NA.TRONA COAL OIL! WARRANTED NON-EXPLOSIVE-! AND EQUAL TO ANY KEROSENE. Why b u y an explosive oil, when a few eats . more per, gallon will furnish you with • KOFECT OIL? MADE ONLY BY Penn'a. Sait Manufacturing. Company, No. 127 Walnut street, Philadelphia,. February 15, 1862-Iy. AxT HITE SWAN HOTEL, I V • FRONT STREET, MARIETTA. The undersigned having again leased this old' and popular hotel, takes this method of in forming his.old friends and the pdblicgener ally. that nothing,shail be spared to. keep up the reputation of the house. and make it worthy of the support of the traveling pub lic. Ggo: W. lUCKAOTHE. Marietta, February 15, 1862. 29-gnu TIRIME G ROCER I E. Java and I.aguira Coffee ; Crushed, Pulierized and Brown Sugar ; Superior Green and Black Tea ; Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Rarley at J. R. DIFFENBACIPS. TIT INF. AND LIQUORS. 11 Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon, Sherry and Pert Wines. Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at this lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy .%t a very low figure, by the barrel J. R. DIFFENBACH. Market-ss. liki GENERA I.; ASSORTMENT *or' 11 Hammered and Rolled Iron, H. S. ars. Norway. Nail Rods American and .German Spring and Rods, Steel. 'Wagon ,Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, Scc., for smiths. PATTERSON 4 CO. 50 BARRELS Monongahela Whiskey. which will be sold at the lowest market rates by the barrel' or.' gallon, at J. R. Diffenbaeh's -Cheap kitore.2 MHE. Larg m est. and best assertment of Fancy & I ClothC mere, and vesting ever offeripli in this market and will be sold at prices which defy competition;by J. R. Diffenbach. • CIDER VINEGA.R.--:10 BARRELS OF PURE: CIDER 'VINEGAR For sale sale at Wo(re's. Four Cents a quail, or 13 cents a gallon. CROIX .►ab NEW .PNGLAND RUM CI for culinary purposes, warranted genuires tH. D. Benjamin . $ Co's. JUST RECEIVED at the "Enterprise Wino articl e o andf C Liquo r Store," Mount Joy, a eupenot Champagne and German Wines. nois STANTLY oxi hand; MonalikWiel4 ism tiled Whiskey Benjamin IS Cn. • 'I ENTS NEW STYLE CAPS,