SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES!! A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD !!! JOHNS & CROSLEY'S AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Tli Strongest Glue in the World. The cheapest Glue in the World. The most durable Glue in the World. The only reliable Glue in the World The best Glue in the World. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE IN the only article of the kind ever produced lEEE Will Withstand Water IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT *ILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness,Straps, Belts, Boots, &v. IT 1 / 1 44 MEN D. GLASS, Save the pieces of that. expensive Ott Glass Bottle. IT WILL.. MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that brokcii Ivory Fan, it is easily re paire,d. IT 'WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Lips and ? Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked. out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as, strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if that broken Vitcher did_ not cost but a shilling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT'WILL MEND ALABASTER, That cost ly Alabastei lase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will never show when put together. IT WILL mend BONE, CORAL, LAVA, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended. EXTRACTS. g(Eviry housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue." —New York Times. " It is so convenient to have in the house." —New York Express. " It is always ready; this commends it to every body."—N. Y. Independent. - • " We have tried it, and find it as useful in our house ae water,! , — Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. ECQNOMY IS WEALTH. $1 . 0.00' per year saved in every family by one Bottle of Aiteri . can' Ciment: Glue. Price '25 Celts per Battle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 cents per Bottle. Trice 25 cents pe e r bottle. Price 25 cents per Bottle. Very Liberal. Reductions to Wholesale Buyers. . , TEEMS CASE'. 1/' For ,gale by all Druggists and Store keepers tenerally throughout the country. JOHNS 8, CROSLEY, (Sole Manufacturers ) ) 78 WILLIAM STREET, (corner of Liberty Street,) NEW YORK. Important to House Owners Important to Builders. Important to Rail 'Road Companies Important to Farmers. lb all whom this may concern, and it concerns every body. JOHNS lz CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GOTTA PERCHA CEMENT ROOFING. The Cheapest most durable Roofing in use. IT IS FIRE AIVD WATER PROOF. It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds, steep or flat, and to Shingle Roofs without . removing the Shingles The Cost is only about One-Third that of Tin, and it is TWICE-as durable. This article has been thoroughly tested in New York City and all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies, and Central and South America ' on buildings of all kinds, such as Factories, Foundries, Churches, Rail Road Depots, Cars, and on Public Buildings generally, Government Buildings, &c., by the principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, arid has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; it is in every respect a Fire, Water, Weather and Time Proof cover ing for roofs of all kinds. .This is the only material manufactured in the United States which combines the very de sirable properties of Elasticity and Durability, which are universally acknowledged to be possessed by GUTTTA PERCHA and INDIA RUBBER. No heat is required in making application. The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary Roof, can be covered and finished the same day. ItTan be applied by any ono, and when finished forsma a perfectly Fran Parlor surface, with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by Heat, Cold or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any external action whatever. LIQUIDGOTTA PERCHA CEMENT. For Coating Metals of all kinds when exposed to the Action of the Wheth er, and for Preserving and Repar ing Metal Roofs of all Kiuds. This is the only Composition known which will successfully resist extreme changes of all climates, for any length of time, when applied to metal, to which it adheres firmly, forming a body equal to three coats of ordinary paint, costs much less, and will last three times as long; and from its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expansion of tin and other metal roofs, consequent upon sudden change of the weather. It will not CRACK in cold or RUN in warm weather, and will N OT WASH OFF. Lea4tin and other metal Roofs can be readi ly repaired with Guta Percha Cement, and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring g perfect* warer tight roof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ranges, Safes, Agricultural fragments, 4c., also for general manufacturing use. Gutta Percha Cement. For preserving and repairing TIN and other METAL Roors.of evdry description, from its great elasticity, is not injured by the contrac tion and expansion of Metals, and will not CRACK in cold or RUN in warm weather. These materials are adapted . to all climates, and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the country, at short notice, for GTJTTA PERCIIA ROOFING in rolls, ready pre pared for use, and Gutta Perche Cement in barrels, with full printed directions for appli cation. AGENTS WANTED. We' will' make liberal and satisfactory ar rangements with responsible parties who would like to establish themselves in a lucra tive and permanent business. ' Our Term are Cash. We can give abundant Nod of all we claim in fatior of our Improved Roofing Materials, having. applied them to several thousand Rode in New York City and vicinity. .JOHNS & °BOSLEY, r SOLE MANUEACTURERS 3 Wholesale Warenouse 78 William-st., N. Y. Full descriptive circulars arid prices will be futnisbed on application. [Oct ly J. A. CONGDON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OpPatitelhe reatdence of Co( John W. Clark, Market•st., 111thietta, Pa. Pfoniptittention given to securing and col letting 'Claims, add Orphans' Court busi ness generally. Will attend to business in InocasterAnd adjoining counties. Conveyancing and other writing 3 promptly exeehted.. SEGAJZS ;and Chewing Tobacco. A large 'and pa:v.l*y at J. M. Anderson's. DYOTT'S 'Ha - twin& and Side Lamps, For Sale at WEST & ROTE2S), 130tiLEAVS long celebrated (=IN, IL D. BEM/A.41111y T O THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES IN the month of December, 85S, the under signed for the first time offered for Stile to the public Dr. J. Bovee Dods Imperial Wine Bitters, and in this short period they have given such universal satisfaction to the many thou sands of persons who have tried them that it is now an established article. Tho amount of bodily and mental misery arising simply from a neglect of small complaints is surprising, and it is therefore of the utmost importance that a strict attention to the least and most trilling bodily ailment should be had ; for diseases of the body must invariably affect the mind.' The subscribers noir only ask a trial of Dr. J. b'ovee Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters! Front all who have not used them. We chal lenge the world to produce their equal'. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs, General Debility, and for Purifying and Em riching the Blood, are absolinely unsurpassed by any other remedy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is of a very superior quality, being about one-third stronger the other wines ; warming and invigorating the whole system from the head to the feet. • As these bitters are tonic and alterative In their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to all its parts, by equalizing the circulation, re moving obstructions, and producing a general warmth. They are also excellent for Diseases and Weakness peculair to Females, where a tonic is required to strengt hen end brace the sys tem. No lady, who is subject to lassitude and faintness, should be without them, as they are revivifying in their action. These • Bitters will not only cure, but prevent disease, and in this respect are doubly valua ble to the person who may use there. For Incipient Consumption. , Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles, DR_ DODS' • CELEBRATED WINE :MITERS ARE lINSURPASSED For Sore Throat, so common among the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and •for persons of a weak constitution—for Ministers of the Gos pel, Lawyers, and all public speakers—for Book-Keepers, Tailors, Seanistresses,Students, Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they ale wholesome, inno cent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all the eishilarating effects of Brandy or Wine, without intoxicating ; and are a valuable rem edy for persons addicted to the use of exces sive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it. They are pure and entirely free from the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country ls flooded. These Bitters not only cure, but prevent Dis ease, and should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being er tirely innocent and harmless,they may be giv en freely to Children and nfants with im punity. Physicians, Clergymen, and temperanco ad vocates, as an uct of humanity, should assist in spreading these truly valuable Bitters over the land, and thereby essentiallyi aid in ban ishing Drunkenness and Disease. In all affections of the Head, Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, Dr. Dods' Imperial Wine Bltters will be found to be most salutary and efficacious. - FEMALES. The many certificates which have beenJon dered us, and the letters which we are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have ever dons before. No woman in the land shouhl be without them, and those who once use them will not fail to keep a supply. Dr. J. Bavee Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters Are . prepared by an eminent and skillful physician , who has used them successfully in his practice for the last twenty-five years. The proprietor, before purchasing the exclusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovee Dod's Celebrated Imperial \Vine Bitters, had them tested by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Although the medical men of the country, as a general thing, disapprove of Patent Med icines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainted with their tnedical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. J. Donee Dod's Imperial Wine Bitten. In all newly settled places, where there is always a large quantity of decaying timber from which a poisonous miasma ia created, these bitters should be used every morning be fore breakfast. Dr. J. Bovee _Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters Are composed of a pure and unadulterated Wine, combined with Barberry; Solomon's Seal, Comfiey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spike nard, Chamomile. Flowers, and Gentian.- 7 They ate manufactured by Dr. Dods himself, who is an experienced and successful Physi cian, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the medical profession are so justly prejudiced. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thorougly tested by all classes of the communi ty for almost every variety of disease incident to the human system, that chat they are now deemed indispensable as a Tonic, Medicine and a Beverage.—PURCIIASE ONE BOTTLE 1-Ir COST BUT LITTLE! Purify the Blood'—Give tone to the, Stomach!—Renovate the system and Prolong Life. —o— PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE; 6 FOR $ . 6 PREPARED AND SOLD BY CHARLES IVIDDIFIELD 4. CO., BOLE PROPRIETOR, No. 78 William-st., New-York. l For sale by druggists an grocersenet ally throughout the coluitry. }ly. WENTY EMPTY HOGSHEADS ago t=in good condition—will be sold 11 , at the IoW price of $1 each and delivered any where in or near Marietta free of charge. Be ing in want of collar room, if taken from the store soon, a trifle less will be taken. Also, a lot of excellent' WHISKY BARRELS ery cheap. For sale at DIFFENBACH'S. I.:IAMPS ! LAMPS! SHADES, &C. The undersigned has received another lot of 'laid and Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp Shades of every variety and price. Call and see them at the Drug Store of Dr. Henry Landis. - 17,1AMILY COUGH SYRUP :—A Cough J Syrup, for children and adults has just been put up at my store, which should be in very family this cord weather. Dn. LANDIS. CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wines, guarranteed to be . pure, and sold as low as eau be boughtin Philadelphia or New-York. E. D. BENJAMIN, Picot Building. ,UIIUGGY and Sleigh BLANKETS of various styles and at much lower prices than the same sold last fall. Spangler 8r Patterson. Ti LAV CURING EXTRACTS: je Vanilla, , rawberry, Pine Apple, Rose,Almond _ Lemon, . . tat 7:eceavegdznil for salcat WEST. & ROTH TT NIVES & FORKS, Britainia and Silver i\ plated Spools, Brass, Copper, Plain and Enameled Tron .Kettles, and Housekeeping goods generally. Patterson 4. Co. ICKORY & Oak Wood, 50 Cords each, rl Hickory and Oak Wood. Orders must be accompanied with the Cash when they will be promptly filled. • Spangler & Patterson. WILO 0 X'S Celebrated Imperial Ex tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in use, for sale cheap at DiffenbadVs. MAD ERIA WINES, full bodied and fruity at the "Enterprise Store?' A. D. REESE, Mount Joy. LEI BOURBON WHISKY in qt..bottles, o something very fine, in store and for sale At.the-"Enterprise Stbre," Mount Joy. D RIED FRUIT now selling , cheap at DSITENBACWB. Something New! DiOp ihvoisfurf to the, DOWNER'S Patent Hemmer and Shield, FOR HAND SEWING. IS pronounced by all who have used it "just the thing" for those using the needle, as it completely protects the finger, and makes a neat and uniform hem while the operator is sewing. One half the labor of. sewing is saved by using this remarkably SIMPLE AND NOVEL INVENTION. No lady should be without it. It is also just the thing for girls to use learning to sew. Its remarkable cheapness brings it within the reach of the million. Sample sent by mail on receipt of the price, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Descriptive Circulars furnished on application. A liberal Discount to the Trade, Enterprising , agents wanted in every town and county throughout the United States and Canada, will tind•most profitable employment in selling this useful article, as it meets _with ready sales wherever offered—has no competi tion—and profits are very large. $l5O PER MONTH can be REALIZED. Address, A. H. DOWNER, Patentee and Proprietor, 442 Broadway, New-York. N. 8.- 7 ,General and exclusive agencies will be granted on the most liberal terms. pin ft XI R P_ROPYLAMI Ni .. ~” IlltarkretCMl* - tfij During the past year we have introduccd to the 'notice of the medical profession of this country the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Pro- pylamine, as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; and having received from, any sources, both from physicians of the highest standing and Flattering testimonials of tts real value from patients, the most in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR 1111bIEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those who are suffering with thiS afflicting complaint, and to the mehical practitioner who may feel disposed to teat the powers of this !valuable remedy. ELIX/12 PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been extensively ex perimented with in the Pennsylvania Hospital, and with marked success (as will appear from the published accounts in the medical journals.) i]J It is carefully put up ready for immedi ate use, with full directions, and can be ob tained from all the druggists at 75 cents pet bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists Jul-ly] Philadelphia FRENCH'S CONICAL WASHING MACHINES ! The most simple,durable,convenient and eco nomical article ever invented for the purpose. Will do the, washing of an ordinary family beforo before breakfast, not only saving time but clothes. By strictly following the printed directions, - Which are simple and easy, it will wash, at one time, six shirts, or two dozen small articles, in about six or seven MinUteS, or their equiva lent. 'By all the, ordinary methods of cleaning fine fabrics, such as laces, &c., the greatest care is required, while with this machine the most delicate articles can be washed Without the possibility of damage. These results are produced by the constant reaction of the 'suds while the machine is in motion. • Families, laundries, hotels, hoarding houses. hospitals, asylums, boarding school s,'ons ships and on steamers, and in the army, who have machines in use, have sent in their testimoni als voluntarily, and the enconiums of the press are very numerous, some of which I have pub lished in a neat pamphet form. All I ask of the public is a careful examina tion of this machine before purchasing of others. General Depot, 419 Broadway, corner of Canal street, New-York. . PRICE ONLY TEN DOLLARS. N. B.—A liberal discount to the Trade., Agents wanted. Send for a Circular. Address Box 2893 New-York City. PHILIP FRENCH, PROPIIIETO.Ii. Dec. 21 3m.) CHEAP READY-MADE PLOTHING !! Having just returned from the city with a nicely selected lot of Ready-made Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish .itt reduced prices; having laid in a general assort ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is determined to sell Low, Pon CASH. His stock consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS, FROCK AN'D SACK COATS, PANTS, VESTS, PEAJACKETS, ROUNDUOUTS, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &C. Everything in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL. Corner of Elbow Lane and Market Si next door to Cassel's Store Marietta, October 29,, 1856. QT. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT -ST., ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA, In the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Market, Third and Chestnut-sts.i Banks, Post Office, Merchants' Exchange; &c., &c., &c. BOARD PER DAY, $1.50. Accommodation when required on the Euito- PEAN PLAN : Rooms from 50 cents and up-. wards, per day, and Meals at a first-class Restaurant attached to the Hotel. Prices according to the Bills of Fare. The City Cars take passengers from any station TO Or CLOSE TO the Hotel. English, French, German and Spanish July 20-Iy.] spoken. ' DR. HENRY LANDIS OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity. Can be found at his Drug Store, formerly Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhere professionally engaged. To DIY FRIENDS: Having been called to a position in the U. S. Navy, I hereby resign my profession to the care and attention of , Dr. Henry Landis, in whom I have every con fidence, having had ample opportunity of as certaining his ability to' fill my place. F. HINKLE, M. D. CIDER VINEGAR.-10 BARRELS OF PURE CIDER VINEGAR For sale sale. at Wolfe's. Four cents a quart, or 13 cents a gallon. T. CROIX AND NEW I3NGLAND RUM ,for culinary purposes, warranted genuine tH. D. Benjamin Co's. TUST RECEIVED at the "Enterprise Wine and Liquor Store," Mount Joy, a superior article of Champagne and German Wines. C"STANTLY on hand, .gonongalkela rec tified Whihkey. Benjamin 4' Co- ENTS NEW STYLE CAPS, AT CRULL'S sheaf iiT)phobei - oerif irp SeWilio Empire Shuttle Machine Patented February 14th, 1860 Salesroom, 510 Broadway, New York PHIS Machine is constructed on an entirely PHIS new principal of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfec tion Combined. . . The following are the principal objections urged against Sewing IVPichines :- I.—Excessive fatigue to the operator. .2.—Liability to get out of order. 3.—Expense, trouble and loss of time in re paring. 4.—lncapacity to sew every discription of material. s.—Disagredable noise while in operation. The Empire Sewing Machine is exempt from all these objections. It has a straight needle perpendicular ac tion, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither rip nor ravel,. and is alike on both sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook Muslin, with - cotton, linen silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAM nor COG WHEEL, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is EMPHATICALLY A noisless MACHINE It reqaires fifty per cent. less power to' drive it than.any other Machine in the market. A girl of twelve years of age can work' it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its strength and , wonderful simplicity of con struction, render it almost impossible to get out of order, and is givaanteed by the company to give entire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who-may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to call and examine this unrivalled Machine. - • But in a more special manner, do we solicit the patronage of -Merchant Tailors, I Dress Makers, Cqach Makers, Corset Makers, Vest Makers, Gaitet Fitters,' Pantaloon Makers, • Shoe Binders, Shirt and Bosom Ma.ers, Hoop Skirt Manufacturers, la'. Religious and Charitable Institutions will be liberally dealt with. Price of MACHINES, Complete No. 1, or Family Machine, $45'00,-No. 2, Small sized Manufacturing, $60.00, No. 3, Large size Manufacturing, $75.00 • Cabinets. in every• Variety. We want Agents for alhown.s in the. United States, where agencies are not already estab lished, to whom a liberal' discount, will be given ? a but we make no, consignments. 1 " : T. J. McARTII UR, it Co., 510 BROADWAY, New York. x DR. HENRY LA.NDIS, A T SUCCESSOR TO ffs. ~.76nIfle, , 71 AY__ Dealer in Drugs, Perfumery, is-c TAIL LANDIS having purchased the entire 'tuterest.and good will of Dr. F. Hinkle's Drug Store, would take this opportunity to in form the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, that having just received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on band the best and most complete assortment of eve rything in the drug line. • • K.ot TANI) Aolief Ri•fiele,s, consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, llutralo and other Hair Combs, Hair Oils,Pomailes,etc. Port Motiies, Pockei Books, Puff It Ad Powder Boxes, 4-c., 6-c The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR DYE, 'DeCosta'sand other Tooth Washes;lndia Cola • gogue, Barry's Tricoperousjor the hair, Bay Rum, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour of Corn. Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar ical for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con _omptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an excellent preperation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine—bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod Liver Oil. Allot Heel's perfumery,pomades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is noW everywhere acknowledged the best. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira, Wines and Prandies for medical purposes. Dr. L: will himself see that every precaution be taken in the: compounding of Physician's prescript ions. The Doctor can be professionally - consulted at the store' when not engaged elsetvnere. Marietta, August 24., 1561.-ly T i ' WINES AND LIQUORS Alexander D. Reese, WINE AND LIQUOR DEALER, Malt/. Street, [EAST WARD ] Mount joy, Lancaster County, Pa. • T HE undersigned would most respectfully beg leave to inform the, public that he has opened a Wil%E AND LICIVOR &roan in all its branches., He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, WtrteS, Gins, Irish and Smith ' Whisky, - Cordials, Bitters, 4 - e. Also, a very superior Old Rye Whisky just received, which is warranted pure. choice article of German Wine. Various brands of Champagne Wines. r•All A. , th It. now asks of the public is a careful 'examination of his stock and prices, which he is quite confident, result in Ho tel keepers dud others finding it to their advan tage te;nagke their purchases of him. ALSO—Kerosene, or Coal Oil, Pine Oil and Fluid at reduced prices, at the "Enterprise Wine Fr Liquor Store." A. D. REESE. Mount Joy, June 22, 1861-Iy. VA CLOCKS, t ,_,lA WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, o ELI HOLDEN, '7OB MARKET -HT., PHILADELPHIA. Importer of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. Invites special attention to his full supply of Watches, of American, English and Geneva Manufacture. 'Jewelry of elegant designs, Silver 6 , Plated War&of the best quality, With an extensive assortment of Superior Time-keeping Clocks, In style and price adapted to the wants of all. Good goods and fair prices is my principle. IrAlso, to his Patent Shirt Studs, being of novel construction, possessing advantages over any other invention. Philadelphia, March 23, IS6I-Iy. A MERICAN HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA Located on Chestnut Street, opposite the OLD STATE HOUSE, and in close proximity to the principal Jobbing and Importing Houses, Banks, Custom House, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the door (or 'within a square) for any depot in the City.- The House has been renovated and refitted, and PRICES REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DAY. WYATT & HEULINGS, PROPRIETORO. TAMES N. RING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, REMOVED TO No. 139 SOUTH FIFTH STREET, ABOVE WALNUT, UY one of those beautiful F J HATS at CRULL'S, 92 Market-st. BANDlES—allbrands--guarranted to be I) genuine. ti• Co. 200 SACKS OF SALT For sale cheap at Difrenbach's pHOFESSOR DEG RAT 11's ELEC'T'RIC OIL -0- Wonderful Cures on Man an d Bag A VALUABLE MEDICLIVE! T PROPOSE - to cure, almost instant aneousl3-, I individuals afflicted with Deafne: , s, Head ache, Neuralgia, Chill Fever, Ague, Rheuma tism, and all Sores and Pains, I propose to check and effectually dissipate more ache and pain, and to accomplish nearer and more perfect equilibrium of all the circula ting fluids in the human system, than can be effected by any other or all other methods of medical aid in the same space of time, the masses themselves being judges. I do not propose to cure every disease, but all such as are curable by any combination of medical appliances. My Electric Oil operates on chemical and electric principles, and is, therefore, applicable to the cute or natural restoration of any organic derangement, aris- ' ing from an improper circulation of Nervous vital fluid. I want the masses to pin in this Matter— the well as the sick, because if these things are so, all are alike „interested.. N. B. Please inform me of any case of fail tire to cure, in from. half hour. to three weeks, as I wish to cure or charge nothing. The Columbus SUN remarks: On Saturday, an old gentleman named Wm. C. Osborne, well known in our city, who, from rheumatic affections, hai not been able to walk or use his hands sufficient to feed - himself, for more then ten years, was brought to Prof. De Grath on the street, wheieln the presence of a large assemblage of people, he applied De Grath's Electric Oil to one arm and shoulder. He was immediately enabled to raise his hand to his head and scratch it, a thing he said he had not done before in twelve years. The New Hampshire Patriot says: During the present week ~no less than six of our friends, who have been induced to try Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil for Rheumatism and Deafness, in consequence of having seen this prearation advertised in our columns, have Called upon us to state the result of experi ments. These persons assure us that their Rueurnatic pains have been entirely cured by a few applications of De Grath's Electric Oil, and they recommend its lute to all who are afflicted with any of , the diseases which it is designed to cure. It seems that Rheumatism, Deafness, Neu ralhia, Swollen and Stiff Joints, and other Corriplaints to which we are all subject, have lost. their terrors. Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil is warranted to relieve any case in a short space of time, and with a trilling expense. ' It always cures Scratches, Sprains, Galls and Splints on horses. Prior. CitARLES DE GRAT', - Philadelphia, Pa. None genuine without signature of Prof. C. DE GRATH. Labels signed in writing. Principal Depot No. 217 South Eighth St. Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists can be supplied wholesale and retail. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. Try everything else ; give this one simple CatrrloN—Be careful to ask for and get Dr. GRkTli'S Eleatic Oil, us Worthless imitations abound. There are numerous imitations sprung up on the reputation my article has acquired. 'The public must beware. They are worthleis. For sale by all dealers and druggists. Prin cipal office 217 South Sth street, Feb. 2-Iyl AN IMPORTANT DISCOVERY!! FOR THE CURE OF Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs 6. Colds THE DISCOVERED .!Y A MISSIONARY, WRAE TRAVELING I N ARABIA All who are suffering from Consumption should me,the KORA 74.R...uu.c A ,44covered . . by a missionary in Aiabia. All those who are threatened-with-Consump tion should use the Afakora Arabi', discover ed by a missionary in Arabia. All who are sutrering'from Bronchitis should use the Mukora Arubica, discovered by a mis sionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Sore Thr 6 , a t Coughs, and Colds, should use, the Makora Arabica, discovered bye missionary in Arabia. All who are sabring from Asthma, Scrofu la and impurities of the, blood should use the klakora Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. It cures Consumption, It cures thonchilis, It cures Sore Throat,. Coughs and Colds. It cures Asthma, Scrofula and impurities of he Blood. • This unequalled' remedy is now for the first time introduced to the puolic. It was providentially . discovered by a mis sionary while traveling in Arabia. Ha was cured of Consumption by its use after his case was pronoUnced hopeless by learned physiciahs in Europe. • -• ' He has forwarded to us in vrtiting,a ‘ full ac count of his own extraordinary cure, and or a numberotothermures whiCluhave come 'wider his observation and also a full account of the medicine. At his request, and impelled by a desire to extend a knowledge of this remedy to the pub lic, we have hud his communication printed in pamphlet form for tree distribution. Its inter est is enhanced by an account which he gives of some of the scenes of the Syrian massacres, which he-obtained from those who sutlered in that awful tragedy. This pamphlet may be obtained at our Office, or it will be sent free by mail to all who apply, for it. We import the Mokora Arabica direct from Smyrna through the house of Cleon and GyliPpus, and we have always on hand a full supply put up in bottles ready for use with full directions. Price One Dollar per bottle. Sent by mail on receipt of price, and 24 cents for postage. , For sale wholesale or retail, by LEEDS, GILMORE 4- 00., Importers . of Drugs and Medicines, March 30.] 61 Liberty-st, N. Y. ALSO. BY DRUGGISIS GENERALLY SUPP.LEE & BRO., IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, And General Machinists; Second street, Below Union., Columbia, Pa They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description'; • STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MIST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies; Machinery for Mining and, Tanning k Brass Bearings, Steam & Mast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water ; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &c. • BLACKSMITHING in. GENERAL. , From long experience in building machinery we flatter ourselves that we can give general satis faction to those why may favor us with their orders. 11'Repairing prvniptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times. Z. RUPPLEE, T. R. SUP.PLEE. Columbia, October 20, )860. 14-tf THE GLATZ FERRy, Formerly Keesees. The undersigned having leased the above named old established' Ferry and Hotel, in Hellain Township., York county, opposite the borough of Marietta, where he is prepared to mitertain . the public at his bar and table with the best the market affords. He would very respectfully inform the traveling public :that having obtained First Glass Ferry Boats, and efficient ferrymen, and is now fully prepa red to, accommodate persons wishing to cross the Susquehanna with vehicles or otherwise without delay or detention. JOHN NOEL. TUTOLFE'S Celebrated Spring and-Clasp SHAWL PINS. The hest it the i korld—made aid sold at Price, 6 cents.] WOLFE 'S • DR. LA CROIX'S PRIVATE NIFIDICA T. TREATisr. The Physiological Tierce of Marriage! 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS. — Price only 25 cents. '.:lent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the infirmities of youth arid maturity, disclosing the secret fol lies of both sexes of ages, causing .=debility, nervousness, depression? oespirit,,paipitation of the heart, suicidal imaginings, mvoluntory emissions, blusbings, defective Inerriet - Y; gestion and lassitude, with einliffswons , of thrilling interest. of a Beardingi a College Student, and a Wang Named Lady, It is a truthful odviserroShe married and those contemplating. Mal riage, who enter tain secret doubts of their pbysical condition, and who areconscimes of halting hazarded the health, happiness, end privileges to whicla every human being is enfitledt ' • • • YOUNG MEN who efts tsusibkel , weakness, generally caused by wiled habliiiret youth, the effects of which seer dikainisee, pains, forgetfulness, sometimes- td ringing Ws the ears, weak eyes, weakneso she back and lower extremities, confusion Of ideas, krus , of memory, with. melancholy, trial be cured by the author's new Parts antt-.Londsel 'roots meat. We have,. recently .devoted much Of our' time in visiting the European #oo9•itals, ing ourselves of the knowledge and researemef of the most skillful PhYsiCians :and -. Surgeon - 0 in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves Under our eare.'wili now havd the full benefit of the many Mete and-ef ficacious Remedies which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest assured of the same seal,•assiduity, SECRECY and attention being paid to their cases, which hai se successfully distinguished us heretofore, as it Physician in oati*EatittAlt. department of professional Practice, jor the' past twenty firm years. • FRENCH , FEMALE PlLLS.—Ladles who wish. for Medicines, the , efficacy tif which ,has been. tested in ihousands of cases, and never failed, to effect sdeedy cures without ' tuy • bad re sults, will use none but Dr. DeLstney's Fe male Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladiesishoUld not take them if they have reason to believe they are 'in certain situations (the _particulars of which will be found on •the wiarver Accom panying each box,) though always safe and, healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. Price $1 per bOx. • They can be Malted to• any pant of the . United States or Canada. To THE LADIES—Who need a coiOdentiat medical adviser with regard to 'any of those interesting, complaints to which their deliente organization renders them liable, are punier larly invited to consult us. TH " .ELECTRO-GALVAN IC PROTECTIVE."' For Wearied ladies whose health will not ad-• mit, or who have no desire' to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a. perfectly sate preventive to coueeption, and has been extensively used during the last 20. years. Prie: redeced to $lO. THE SECRET OF YOUTH UVEILED. A Treatise on the Cause of '?ietiature De cay— A solemn warning. lust published, a. book showing the insidious progress and pre valence among schools, [Gelb 'male and fe male.] of this fatal habit, pointing out. the fatality that invariably attends its victims, and developing the whole.progress of the disease, from the commencement to the end. It will be sent by Mail onreceipt . of two [3] . . cent Stamps. Attendance daily, from Sin the morning: 9 at night, and on Sundays from 2. till 5 P. M. Medicines with full directions seat . al any part of the United States or. Canadas, by pa tients corn municating their symmtmes by letter. Business correSpondence strictly itontidential. II:; Dr. L's Office_ isatill locatetas establish ed, under the name of, DR. LA CROIX, a t 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. [ly OR. BRUNQN'S CELEBRATED REMEDIES! FOR DELICATE DISEASkS. NO_l. THE GREAT REvry eradicates all the evil elfects of self a use, us loss of memory, shortness of -breath, giddi ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of via ion, or any constitutional derangerrient of. then system brought on by the unrestrained indul gence of the passions. Acts alike'grt either sex. Price one dollar. No. 2. THE Bata. Will cure in from two to eight days, any case of GotiOrrlioea,(clap)is. without taste or smell and requires no restric tion of action or diet; for either spx,; price $l.. NO. 3. THE Tama wilt eltire Gleet in the shortest possible time, and I can show certiti cotes of cures effected by this remedy, wher all others have failed. Nd taste or Smell.-- Price one dollar. NO. 4. THE PyttSITF.R I§,ttle only known remedy that will positively enrd'stkictures of. the urethra, no nuttier of how longstanding or neglected ie case may be. Price one , dollar.. NO. 5. THE Senor°x will mire any case- of Gravel permanently and 'speedily remove all diseases from the bladdei and kidnes.-- Price one dollar. No. 6. THE Par.vENToa is a 511,1 E preven— tion against the contraction of any disease, is less expensive and far preferable to anything id use. Adapted to either sex. Price $l. NO 7. THE AMAMI.. will cure the whites radically and in less time than they can be ef fectually removed by any other treatment ; in fact this is the only remedy that will really cure this disease ; pleasant to take:. Price $l, NO. S. THE ORIEHTAI. PAffilLS are cer tain, safe and speedy in producing.menstrua lion or. correcting any irregularities of the monthly periods.' Price two dollars. No. 9. THE FE'IIIALD SAFEGUARD, or Ott spring Regulator will last a lifetime. Price $5. Either of the Remedies will be sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed'. Circu lars containing Valuahle , informationwith fMil description of each .Remedy, may be, obtained by enclosing one pbst stamp. Ad&iss. D.K. FELIX BRUNON, Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. These RemedieS are sold in Marietta only by JOHN JAY LIBHART, where circulars con - taMing a full description of each case can be obtained gratis, in application. General Depot, North East Corner of York Avenue and Callowhill street,Philadelphia,Pa. lt:3— In complicated cases I can be consulted by letter, or, pelsormily at my office; entrance, No. 401 York Avenue.. Da. F. .Baurrow. August 27,1859.-Iv. G EC,: W. WORRALL, SURGEON DENTIST, Having removed to the Rooms formerly occupied by Dr. S'weritzel, adjoining Spangler e. Pat terson's Store, Market 'Street, where he is noW prepared to wait on all who may feel is it ir= disposed to patronize him. Dentistry in all its branches car ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved principles of Dental science.' All operations on the mouth performed in a skillful and workmanlike manner—on fair principles and ON VERY SEASONABLE' TE NS. Having determined upon a permanent loca tion at this place, would 6,8 k a, continuation of the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, for which he will render everylvossi ble satisfaction. Ether administered to proper persons. "THE UNION.I „Arch Street, above Third, Philadelphia,. Urrort S. NEM/COKER, Proprietor. I[7. This Hotel is central convenient by. Passenger Cars to all parts of the City, and in. every particular adapted to' the' , eheathrt 'and wants .of the business public. Terms $1.50 per day. HE American. Watches are among the best T timekeepers now in use, and for durability strength and simplicity far 'staples any other watch made ie the world. , • H. .L. .4- E. J. Z A Hll Corner of North Queen-it., and Centre Square Lancaster, Pa., have them for sale at the verb lowest rates—every watch accompanied with the manufacturers guarrantee to ensure its gel; uineness. JADES A:ND - GENTS Anderson has just received an elegant ease : Ail:Lent of Perfu mery, covistiog of Toilet Soaps, liairAhls, Extracts arid Colognes - at priees much below the usual rates, also some very handsome Canes for gentlemen, Portmonies, &c.