Efjc 7 ivritat wflaricttiart. MARIETTA Can TIME.—The Several pas senger trains leave "Upper-station" as follows: The morning train east at 7:59. The mail train west at 12:09. The afternoon train east at 3:06. The evening train west at 6:55. The evening mail train east 7:06. Saturday, 'February 8, 1862 rrnE DEII. 'AMONG THE. 'DOCTORS.—We Understand that tbe Directors of the •Gounty A lma.House and Hospital, are in a quandary respecting the medical /appointments to those Institutions.-- The Board,. consisting of the following gentlemen, viz : Simon Grob, Martin Fry; Ablii:Metzler, David Styers, and Wm..S. Martin, at their first meeting, on the 27th ultimo, appointed Drs. J. L. Atlee2.l. A. Ehler, and J. C 3. Station, when, disagreeing about a fourth physi cien,,his appointment was deferred until another time. In the meantithe, bow eVer, two of the physicians• who are Allopaths, resigned thir,appoiptltents, Vacuase - the Directors had the assurance, forsooth! to associate. these with Dr. fitehman, who is a ltomeopathist„ It rhaiains to belee'n Whether the Directors have babk-bOpe',enOugh to enable them to sustain . their positiim as. •MRN, or whether they, tvililield their manhood, and submit to he mere tools in the hands of a, few ,doct Ore ? 'whose resignations are intended to coerce the Board to give an unqualified' and exclUsive Support to their peculiar Peaty. in iti V eintiag a Heinevpiithic physician to this office, the Dimmers have simply done' their 'l‘,lm,HOtneopothic practice is now patronized by a large proportion of our 4Cititens; it Was, therefore, due to them, ws.weilas to the Directors themselves, Chat .partiality Should ,be shown in rime matter, to any particular lathy or plcents. We have known Dr. Stehman for a. long time, and are happy in being able to say that he is,' in every respect, worthy of tire appointment conferred on him ; and niortoVer, we feel, satisfied that the public , will *lnstall) the Directors in the manlY and .ksdependent course Mhiclr they have pursued in this matter. likr The f.ollOtving,i.s!a correct list of tthe Officers attached to the U. S. Sloop .or War :Tannest own, ordered to, the coast .of North Carolina, and belonging to the :North Atlantic glackading Squadron, cinder taro command 'of Flag Officer J. 311. Go44arborouch.:---- Bank. iVenve. Pate, Charles Greg m, Conn. guides L. Caton, Do. J. Young, Ohio. R. L. Prythinn, gen'y, Aurgoon, J. Ruilenstein, .Ass't. Surgeon, J. C. Cleborn, Pa. iCaptaist, icaptain's Cletk- ILicutc aupt, Da. iPayinoster., ins. It..Wsde, Ohio. Wityinitsiers C.Feck, A. If. M aloney, .Acting Ilatatt, Win, Witty, Man. Do Do. Geo. M. lisehe, Pa. divot. Motives, (1- P. Houston, Ps.. Herbert Tyson, Pa. Do. Geo. A.. Crall, Ohio. Win. Long, Mast. fail nunker, Robert Hunter, N. V. ot;unner,. . Lampbough, P. .Csrponter, II. GritEtb, Pa. Psty m 7 O Stewart; Can. liarnholtz, Pa. :fuigean'a.ll4 , 644., incndaniag, N.Y The "joineftHAAll" is a first class Sloop AVar of 0410414 tons, OareieS , B sixty four 4ind l 4 tlrirty Oro pound guns, . making At—has a krooppilittent of no men, and :Failed from liampton. Roads, Va.., on .111011 day, dikilaitary 15th. 1862. spg" In 'Lisa itlt/Ve list will he found the name of .A.brahany B; Maloney, late .or this buNstgls,. Wim is ..i'ayiaa . ater's clerk. l'heolalst heard Ite're of A. B. , was 'tone to " sese ell," and %was fightinr Uncle sern, . gar Captain Barton, of the' ;"Union Guards . ," pfrbt - Regiment, P. R. V. C., whe.huit ;been ,dangerously ill with ty pheiil fever for several weeks, is now in Lancitapnroon a neccuiiinitvist—not, ei for men but for, physical strengt.: " r t aio: ;if oche r 1 Th r t3oll .laafrffir i the Arst,time,in seyer w494 i !t 11.-dtlife,"9;?4,lo:irt,ifi is again established , he will resume his ;c-0 1 (414; ; • • • Since the above is din type :we learn that Cpkitak tt hiS . 'reth l rib4 'tei Wash ' - tr iaigion sz ;• CaptttlitiSeniateb, commanding the ..rebbll tattier:Air Sumter} calla. Cap tain Pooreedflthiroitty,,"a harmless and inoffeltiliVeo3,irthuthilnr." .14 will be re ,colectiAtitifiktr:VoUre all'oWea ;to eseniftlilifre,'sornbtauding-the Brcrok kya for teht4A06.i9.40. be, o w4s Qourt eartialee, titif6bittnately for the .Coantry, nuOiitt4.l.-14qpgaster Examin er. '8,41,04k A9rql444,Gp . t. h ;lama Charibetßutirl'er,,kwhiY. ha& been iftiteV'ivrityor, f6(,wpgtittioy, . coinmiEled cniltpittetti saioido by baiiging himself in bis p . 411,*441i tcooritOitaufbthtured out .olltripoti or higted;elbtiiiiig.: His time Ivouldtave eipired, ' y~ny~rl•'vrW sr On Saturday evening a traveling 04rnuiti named , )dicfael Wiuter;artuthild been lut short time in this , country, was killed . on the railroad at Columbia. Pe was crossing the traek at the time of the accident. eir Gov. Curtin has appointed Dr. Atiee, sr., one of Trustees of the state LnpatiO Asylu m. The 11,-.Aination was cOatirinad unanimously 'Xiaale. Communicated. ] kir The Marietta Literary Society met in the High School Room on Mon day evening last. Mr. Barr Spangler in a very able manner, answered the following referred question:--" What is the cause of the explosion of steam boilers," giving several very plausible theories. "How can the presence of vast quan tities of Coal Oil beneath the surface of the earth be accounted for," was re ferred to Mr. T. F. Hoffmeier. A very spirited discussion followed, on the following subject: "Have the rebellious States forfeited all their state rights." Prof. Sawyer compared the United States to a well regulated fami ly ; he contended that should any one of the family violate all the rules and regulations of that family, that individu al would loose all claims to the protec tion of the same, and hence, the States have lost all their rights and protections guarranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Mr. Clark followed on the Negative ; he reviewed the events which gave rise to the Constitution, and claimed as it was ratified by the rnori.s: of the United States, she should protect those in every state Who are loyal; that she has no right to punish the large majority of the people in the Southern States who'are loyal, in order to secure the just punishment of the small minority, Mr. Spangler, contend ed that since the people of the.Secessiou States had the privilege of rAising•their voices „against the ordinances of seces sion nod (ma; r»;, and did not, they all have lost their rights guarranteedr to them by the Constitution.' The dis cussion' was continued by .Messrs . .. Cam eron, Geist and Cassel. The' President anriounced" ME% 8. S.. .11krnvoN, of Lancaster, us lecturer for next Monday evening. Subject: "Hu man/ labor, its dignity, its uses, and its ends." CONTRACTS NN171.151). Vail Wycles Investigating Committee is in poSsession of about thirty contracts with the signa ture of Simon Clainerom SecretatYfof War, attached to them, This is at di rect variance with his statement to Con gress, that all centr:.cts were given out by tho proper bureaus of his department. It will be difficult to reconcile the de liberate assertion of the late Secretary, with the startling facts that are being daily brought to light. These contracts it is , understood, are countermanded, and will be held in abeyance until thor oughly sifted and examined. We clip the above from the Washing- ton correspondence of The Philadelphia inquirer: This information will surprise no (me, but how the general will get out of makinv a !liar of himself" will be enough to puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer, DOG Tax Petitions for a dog tax of not less than one dollar, are in circula tion in various parts of the state. They Garay the legislature to impose this tax for the purpose of aiding in the support of thd poor in such locations where there are no poor houses, and in every instance where the tax thus raised is not absorb ed for the support of paupers, it shall be devoted to school and road'purposes.-- The idea is,truly a good one.. Our town a t Ante i m a more dugs than• would 611 the "qia'ker'City Dog Pool." We do hope something. - l^ he done to rid the State orthe dog nuisance. Tax 'em. tnT gem,—every Keeper of a Dog Ken •nel—one &Maris:llot enough to exter- Initiate Abe canines. Cousve , Linartrxt..—At , a ,meeting of the- of ,1) recters o t.thei Pdo'r on Saturday,Dr: Bowman, of iSietsville, wasl elected One of the Physicians,',44- i, man, of Millersville, withdrawing, in 'his favor. In conseqiience`ortheliCarilhar ing elected. a , Ilormeopathie practitioner of Pr, A.tlee, Jr., and Dr. Ebler reeigned,their, positions as Physicians;.the_resignations to take ef fect oa tke . Ist of April next. Without . taking any further action the Board ad journed natil the 6rstSaturday in March. or Lieut. Samuel Evans, Quarter master of ,the .Fifth Reserve, arrived here On Wednesday on-'a visit to his Ha looks as if the fog and ruin and slush and mull, surrounding and fall ing upon ,and - composing the sacred soil, agreed, ith. his,,heulth. He bears the marks of e7posure but they are only im proving matks. lie reports the boys of Company K as well and full of life.— He complains of ,the long delay in an akdYance , for tv,hich a i ll-hands are ready at any mcment.--thiumbia Spy. es - J. HOlfman Hershey, Reuben Gerber, John M. Bear, Jacoh M. Sta4ff er and others, give notice in the illoant Joy Yearly, that they have funned an Association for the purpose of establish. ing a bank 9f Issue, Discount and' De posits, under the Free Banking law, to be called "The Farmers' Bank of., Mouht Joy.•' air Cadwell ha's been re-elected Keep er of the County prison. At the meet ing of the Board of Inspectors on Mon day forty-eight. ineffectual ballots were had, and on the forty-ninth Cadwell . vias elected. On the last ballot Housekeep er, Gara; Brubaker and Samson vothd for CadUrell. stir H. H. Fry, Esq., the Postmaster at Columbia died of Typhoid fever on Saturday last. His body was taken to York for interment.- The officers of the Susquehanna Lodge of Good Templars for the current quarter are Dr. Cameron W. C. T., K. Walters W. V. T., C. C. P. Grosh W. S., S. Child W. A. S., W. Girod W. F. S., A. Rainier H. IL S., 11. H. Taylor L. 11. S., J. P. Walters W. C., H. Kline W. T., S. Thuma W. M., J.Peck W. D. M., C. Walters W. I. G., W. Shireman W. G. G. B. Spangler is the P. W. C. T. This we believe is the only Tem perance Society that has really an exis tence in Marietta, and such being the case we heartily wish them success, for when the war is over we shall be much mistaken if they do not find a greatly enlarged field for their benevolent en terprise. Some time ago we were pro niised a Band of Hope. Is it not to be forth coming ? Car Judge Vondersmith, of Lancaster, who had been confined to the Eastern Penitentiary, for several years, for forg ingland wiirants has been set at liberty having beerillipnrdoned by President Lincoln. One of the *last official acts of Mr. Buchanan was to commute his punishment, and the term of his imprison ment would have terminated in May.— The pardon of President Lincoln, ro heves Judge J. of the fine of $5,000 imposed upon him at the time of his sentence. Cr Geo. B. Porter, of Lancaster city, a brother of provost marshal Andrew Porter, and clerk in Chief Assistant Quartermaster Rucker's office, was found dead in his room at WasVington, on Tuesday evening of Wt. week. When discovered he Was on hisitnieS;Paititilly , undressed, with his head' reclining on the bed. A physician was called, who decided that he had died in a fit. Or Our former townsman, Capt. S. S. P....vi01...e5, will lecture before our- Liter ary Society on I)l,onday evening next, 'in the Idigh School room. SUBJECT: "Labor.". We bespeak for, our valued friend an appreciating audience. Our " Glee Club," composed of Messrs. Dr. Worrell, harry Wolf and the Girod brothers, will enliven the occasion with their songs. Mules will be charged Jive cents—ladis free. Cr Mr. Thomas Zell is now selling Coal at a very low 6grire. Advertisinent in our next. A. First-Class Family Newspaper Sib!, behtlo. of 'Procjws. ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS, Editor, ASSISTED BY AN ASSOCIATION Or ABLE WRI- TEAS AND CORRESPONDENTS An independan t Journal of Health, Progress, and Reform, pledged to the discovery . and ,ap plication of Truth—devoted to no sect, be longing to no party, not given to one idea. Puffs well-established Family Journal is commended to the attention of 01 reformatory, progreshive, and aspiring minds, as alfdrding the broadest and freest platform, for human thought and effort, of any newspaper in the world. The columns of the Herald of Progress are open' to candid and intelligent articles upon every queqion of human interest, embracing new investigations and discoveries in science and art, and all important movements in phy sical, educational, social, political, and theo logical reform. ISo subject is tabooed, no theory, clique, or creed, exempt from criticism, whenever the cause of truth demands it. Among the regular department of the paper are Questions and Answeis, and Medical whis pers, and Prescriptions, by the edativ, Voices from the veople, Childhood, Brotherhood, Teachincrs of Nature, Spirit's Mysteries, Doings tlf the •• Moral Police," Pulpit and Rostrum, Laws and sYsteths, Tidings from the Inner L:fo The Editor seeks to prezertc the ciilinans of the paper free from the 'bitterness of party strife, sectarian fanatical 'zeal, a voidingcalAggis'eritieism, seeking rather to disco,vir„t#e pople:,,ge.nerous, and manly traits Eof tinnan-Oariteter, to impart healthful, vigor pua;zand spiritual tendencies of thought, and. inspire humane, disinterested, and philan thropic action. . The •Herald of Progress is published weekly on a double folio of eight pages, ibr .42 per annum, or $1 for six months, payable in ad vance. To Clubs, three copies, sn; ten copies, Iti J twenty copies, tin. dpecitnen nopies sent free; Address, A. J. DAVIS sr.co., 274 Canal St., N. Y A Book for every Household: .1 - hrbingei• of Containing Medical Prescriptions, For the HUMAN BODY AND MIND By Andrew Jackson Davis. [Formerly knO4 , n as "The Poughkeepsie Clairyoyant and Seer.] . , Just puhlished, a new and rare volume, designed as a popular Handbook of Health, adapted for use in the Family, Hospital, and Camp. The work contains more than • THREE HUNDRED PRESCRIPTIONS. for the treatment and cure of over one hund red different diseases and forms of disease inciden,t to this climate. rr The Author's Proscriptions are given in the light of the Superior Condition,” a state in which every organ andfunction of ,the /suntan system is transparently disclosed, with the most approprsate remedy for the greatest variety of cases. ,4_71 The Harbinger of Health cannot fail to awaken intense interest in the minds of the most intelligent of the Medical Profession; and will we've invaluable to the general reader, containing, as itdoes, information concerning methods of_ treatment hitherto unknown to the wfirld; and ithpartiog important suggestions respecting the SELF-HEALING ENERGIES, which are better thin medicine. . . It is a plain, simple guide to health, IVA no duackery, rio humbug, no universal panacea Se4l by Mail for One Dollar Published aid fur sale at the office of the Herald of Progress, 274 Canal Street, N. Y. Four hundred and twenty.eight pages, 12mo, good.paper, and well bound. Price only, One Dollar! A liberal discount to the trade. . . . . Single copies mailed tree on receipt of price. Eighteen cents additional required, if serwto Caiifornia and Oregon. Address, A. J. DAVIS a CO., Publishers, 274 Canal St., New York. ri i l GOOD & BRO's. Plantation fine l cut Chewing Tobacco. The 'beat in the uprid. For sale at WOLFE'S. 9 - 10 LANDLORDS! Just received, Scotch . 1 and Irish WHISKIES ? warm) fed pure, at H. D. Bcnjantain's. 11011. ACE WEST, M. l).] - PIARRTSON ROTH NE \V FIRM. V EST a. ROTH, flAvrxr. PURCHASED the entire stock, good will and fixtures of the Thug Store of Dr. J. 11. Grove . , take this me thod of informing the patrons of tnis establish ment and the public in general, that nothing shall be wanting to insure at all times a fresh and complete asssortment of Soaps, Hair and Thoth Brushes, Combs, Tooth Washes and Powders, Hair Dyes, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, IVhitelearl, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Glass, and everything usually kept in a well regula ted apothecary. A new and fancy lot of COAL OIL LAMPS— the finest in the Borough—at prices to suit the times. Lamp Tops attached to old Lamps at short notice. Globes, Wicks, Chimneys, Sc., always on hand. A very convenient "HAL LAMP" for car rying about the house, just received. A nicely selected lot of all kinds of Station ary, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, of all 'grades aed at all prices. An endlers variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ticles on hand. Just received, an excellent article jf Co a 1 0 r 1 now selling at 15 cents a quart. Marietta, November 9, 1861. ly 'I -• elltla, Bliffet, NO. 92 MARKET STREET, MARIETTA TAKES this , method of informing his old friends and the public generally, that he has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied by. George L. Mackley,) and is now perma nently fixed to prosecute the Hutting business "I'S ALL IT 3RANCIIES. 'Having just returned from the city where he selected a large. varik d and fashionable assort ment of everything in the HAT AND CAP LINE, and now only asks an examination of his stock and prices, before purchasing. elsewhere. Having also laid in .11, stock of flatting materi al, be will be enabledOtt short notice, to man ufacture all qualitiesfrom the common So.ll, to the most Eashionable Silk Hat. Employing none but the best of workmen, and manufacturing good goods at low prices, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Kr The highest price paid for Furs„—no trade or cash. Marietta, March 9;1861. FRESH- GOODS AT SPANGLER AND PATTERSON'S, A FULL assortment of Fresh Winter Goods of The most desirable styles. Ladies, Geatlemen's, Misses and Youths S A W S , IN EVERY QUALITY, French Merifines at a great bargain, Fancy .Wool De Laines below the cost of importation, Cobyrgs, Thibits, Prints and Ginghams in great irariety. Cassimares and Vestings very cheap, Cloaking Cloth Sin all colors, at a decided bargain, floods, Nubias, Gloves and notions generally, as cheap as ever. A Job lot of extra-fine EMBROIDERED COLLARS at less than half the usual cost, Flannels, Muslins, Checks, Meetings and all other kind of DRY GOODS, together with Groceries, Fish, &c,, in full supply. LEXANDER LYNDSAY, Fashionablfi Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, TENN. Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Bdrough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,is ettableo to select with more judgment than those who are not. Ile continues to man ic/at:We in the very best manner everything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which be will warrant for neatness and good lit. !ErCall and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. ERISMAN , S Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, MARIETTA, PA. CONSTANTLY on hand a full assortmen of all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which he oilers at reasonable prices. - Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling, Rafters, Laths, Shingles, Pails, 6- c ., 1 5. c ., 6.c. OAK, PINE HEMLOCK TIMBER. All orders attended to with dispatch. ' J. M. ERISMAN 97yrietta, April l ltf. 13L1 IINE1"1"8 'Cueoaine. A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing the flair. -For efficacy and agreeableness, it is without an equal. It prevents the'hair from. falling, off. It promotes' its hcalthy and vigcrousgroWth It is not greasy or sticky. • It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin. • . It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. For sale by WEST '& ROTH, Successors to Dr. Grove. H. L. Rz E. J. ZAH AI RESPECTPULLY inform then (4114 friends and the public that they still continue the WATCH, CLOCK ANn JEWELRY business at the Old stand, North-west Corner of North Queen street and Center Square,.Lancaster, Pa A full assortment of goods in our line of bust nesS'always on hand and for sale at the lowest cash rates. Repairing attended to per simalty by the proprietors. IaTOLFE'S V V MEDITERRAN EA N -COFFEE! A delightful beverageonapufactured and sold in pound, ill). and fib. packages. Price TEN CENTS a pound, WOLFS Market-et. TUST, received at J. J. Libhart's Drug store ti the largest assortment of Coal Oil Lamps ever offered in this borough. Now selling the best Oils, from 13 to 15 tents per quart. rtIOTHS AND CASSIMERS.—A very au k j parlor selection'of French and German Cloths, and Casshners, and a variety of beauti ful Vestings, a new and fashionable lot, just arrived. at DifTenbach's Cheap Store. A CARD. JOHN CAMERON, M. D., Hygienic Physician & Accoucheur, Corner of Front and Gay Streets, MARIETTA. DR. J; Z. HOFFER, DENTIST, DE TtiE lIALTIIVORE COLVEGE OF DENTAL SISAGERY, LATE OF HARRISTIURG, PA. OFFICE.: Front street, fourth door from Locust, over Saylor ar McDon-qtaasaa ald's Book Store. Columbia. Entrance ;be ween the Drug and Book Stores. [3-1 HEM HOME GROUND SPICES AT F .AIVDER.SOIPS I. . Attention Butchers and Houskeepers. Having a great demand for our famed SPICES, I have concluded to con tinue to keep a constant supply of Ground Pep per, Ground Corriander, and Slime! Marjoram. ACHOICE Lot of Books for children called indistruclable Pleasure Books; School and other Books, Stationary, Pens, Pen holders, &c., &e. For sate by Dr. Landis. TTICKORY & Oak Wood, 50 Cords each, ri Hickory and Oak Wood. Orders must be accompanied with the cash when they will be promptly fine?. Spangler & Patterson. T. CROIX AND NEW FNGLAND RUM for culinary purposes, warranted genuine at H. D. Benjamin 4 - CV's. ;3i l T-HE Brave Soldiers and Sailors. VOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND ()INT MENT.—AII who have Friends and Relatives in the Army or Navy . , should take special care, that they be amply supplied with these Pills and Ointment; and where the brave Soldiers and Sailors have neglected to provide themselves with them, no better pres ent can be sent them by their friends. They have been proved to he the Soldier's ; never failings-friend in the hour of need. adfilts and Colds affecting Troops. Wilt be speedily relieved and effectually sliced by using these admirable medicines; and by paying proper attention to the Directions - Which are attached to each Pot or Box. Sick Headache and Want of Appetite, Incidental to Soldiers Those feelings which so sadden us, usually arise from trouble. or annoyances, obstructed prespiratien, or eating and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus 'disturbing the healthful action of the liver antistomach. These organs must be relieved, if yam desire to do well.— The Pills, taking according to the printed instructions, will quickly produce a healthy action in both liver and stomach, and as a natural consequence a clear head and good appetite. Weakness or Debility Induced by over Fatigue. Will soon disappear by the use of these in valuable Pills, and the Soldier will quickly acquire additional strength. Never let the bowels be either confined or unduly, acted upon. It may seem strange that Holloway's Pills should' be recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This is a great mistake, for these Pills ,will correct , the liver and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humours from the system. This medi cine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic system however deranged, while health and , strength follow as a matter of course. Nothing_ will stop, the.relaxation of the ;Bowels so sure as this famous medicine. Trdunteers Attention ! Indiscretion of louth Sores and Ulcers, Blotches and Swellings can - with •certainty be radically cured if the Pills are taken night and morning, and the Ointment be freely used as stated in the printed instructions. - If treated in any other manner they eiy up in one part to break out in another. Whereas this U in tment will remove the formor from the system and leave the Patients in v ; igorous.and healthy man. It will require a l ittle perseverance in bad cases to insure a lasting cure. For Wounds either occasioned by t ! he Buyonet, Sabre or the Bullet, .7 Sores or Bruises. To which every Soldier and Sailor are liable, there are no medicines so safe, sure and con— venient as Holloway's Pills and Ointinent.,— The poor wounded and almost dying sufferer might have his wounds dressed immediately, if he would only provide hirrself with this matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into the-wound 040 smeared all around it, then cover VI ith a piece of linen from his Knapsack and compressed with a handkerchief. 'Taking night andinoniing 6 or S Pills, to cool the system and prevent intimation.. Every Soldier's Knapsack and. Seaman's Chest should be provided with these valuable Remedies. IMPORTANT CALIT-ION!--None are genufbe unless the words " HOLLOWAY, NEW YORK and LONDON," are discernible as a Water- mark in every leaf of the book of directions, around each pot or -box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding- the leaf to the light.— A handsome reward will be given -to anyone rendering such information as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the sum% knowing them to be spurious. - *.*Sold at the Manufactory of Professor HOLLOWAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New YOrk, and by. all respectable Druggists and -Dealers in Medicine thiongliout the civilized world, in pots, at 25c. 62c. and $1 each. There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.l3.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are attixed to each pot. • 1)-comber 14, 1661.—N0. 20-Iy. Beautiful Complexion TAR. THOMAs F. CHAPMAN will send to all _UV who wish it (free of charge), the Recipe and full directions for making and using a beautiful vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freck/es, tc., leaving the skin smooth, clean, and beautiful; also full directions for using, Pela treau's celebrated Stimulant, warranted start a'full growth of :Whisker:, or a Mustache, in less than thirty days. Either of the above can be obtained by return mail, by addressing (with stamps for return postage) Da.,T nOM A s F. CHAPMAN Practical Chenust. 831 -Broad way, New York. [jam 11-2 m. C HEAP LAMPS. A. FRESH SUPPLY OF Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns oC,e.very patern ' suitable • for the- Parlor, Abe Kitchen and the Chamber ; Hanging and Side Lamps for Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices. Having, purchased them from the •manufact ft rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates, we can sell them much under the usual retail prices, although every other. description of goods are advancing. PATTERSON 4- Co. AMERICAN HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. Located on Chestnut Street, cipposite the OLD S rATE HO USE. and in close proximity to the principal Jobbing and Importing Houses, Banks, Cirshom House, and places of amusements. The City Cars can be taken at the.door (or within, a square) for any depot in the City. The House has been renovated and, refitted, and PRICES REDUCED TO $1.50 PER DAY. WYATT & HEULINGS 3 P riotmr crone. r 11HE CONFESSIONS and EXPERIENCE of a SUFFERER-Published as a warning and for the especial. benefit of- Young Men and those who suffer with Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Premature Decay, &h., &c., by one who has cured himself by simple means, after being, put to great expense and inconveniencei through the uie of worthless medicines PrCSeribedlty learned Doctors.. Single copies may be had of the author, C. A. Lamncar, F.sq., Greenpoint,;Long island, by enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope. Address, 'CHARLES- A. LAMBERT, Esq., Greenpoint, Long Island, N. Y. Jan 11-2m.] VINE AND LIQUORS. Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey, Holland Gin, Old Modena - , Lisbon, Sheity and Pert Wines. . Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy at a 'very low figure, by the barrel. J. R. DIFFENI3ACH. Market-se rRIME GROCERIES :—Rio, Java and Laguira Coffee; Crushed-, Pulverized and lit min Sugar ; , Superior Green and Black, Tea ; Rice, Cheese and Spices; 'Skrup aild prime 'ba king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley ,at J. R. DIFFENBACH'S. LAMPS! LAMPS! SHADES, &C.. The undersi • gned has received another lot of Fluid and Coal Oil Lamps, and . Lamp Shades of 'every variety and price. Cal and sec them at the Drug Store of Dr- Henry Landis. 131AMILY C O U G H SYRUP :—A Cough _U Syrup, for children' and tedults bas just been put up at my store, which should be in very family this cold weather. Dn. LANDIS. CLIAM PAGN hl and other Table Wines, guarrantePd to be pure, and sold as low as can be bought in Philadelphia or sew-York. H. D. IlEruAmln, Picot Buildiag. ENTS NEW STYLE CAPS, AT CRULL'& DAVID ROTH,. t7 -'t- ' . 7 ' Dealer in Hard Ware"; . .Z-Ni Cc dune are, Paints, Oils, GI as: i ) 4110, Coal;; tali ad' oi NI. Stobes,&:::., M A Rqi AVA,R.V.F.TTA WOLT LD take this means of informing. the citizens of Aratietta' gravid : nil) , that lir is prepared to furnish. anything in Ms lin•••• consisting in part, of T bI e Cost eryof a kinds ; Ituil lin and tibusekeening hamf 'Safe, ih styl'es, Ciitlefy, TOON; Paints, Glass; Varnrslies., Cedarviare, "rubs, Bucker-i v Churns, itni:es; Forks, Spoons; Shovels, kers, Tong,a, Candlbsticks, Pana; Waiters, Cop per and Irrhss Xettlbs, Door, Obbir, Pad ant all °theft nit of Locks, Nails, Spikes and in fact , everything-usually kept ill ao well regula ted" I Da sdskite'establisliTnent. lINT OF LE.TTERs remaining in the Fo,-1 trice. ut 3litrietta, , January 23;.1862. browns Elizabeth .MissMudgehan,, A. S.-2. Brubaker, Henry Miller, tiara']. HiHitt, George Mohn Ire r, George' Bowers, James Mayling, G. A. Babaliock, Martha MokiS•leCes., Itebecets Cook, Adam Millery George Dennison, David Mither, Wkliarrvltfrw. Ely, Micheal Mahliiitr;•Selina , Miss , Antler, Sol. 13. ithincha s Geow . Fell, George F. Miller, Jacob. Fisher, Sair Miss Parks, ittattie Dt Miser Grosh, George G. Peck,, Hanle Miss - LI tuner, idar'gt Mrs.„2 Root,.Wm. hunter, Harriet Mrs. Reinhold,-Nancy Houston, Sarah Rudisell,Mbry Mrs:. Haines, Henry F. • Roth, Tillie Miss Helfer, Ginnie Miss • Ruthe, Arbartll , l4l., Hahn, Nicholas 2 Ryan, James Hosteto, Christian Rollin, Elizzie Miss Keetli Few Smith, Mary Miss! Langdon, John N. Stambaugh, Kate Aro. , i , Lichtenberger, .Magp r '„ie Slachter, L. Murray, M. E. Miss Weaver, Emanuea Marietta Safety Fund Zaun John Lottery 'Look : John Persons calling for any of the above Lefirerif, will please say advertised. ABM. CASSEL, Marietta, January 23d, 1862. P. M S H E Co-partnership heretofore exhistin , z - Tunder the firms of Ste rrett & Co., and Spa4ler & Patterson, was this day dissolvea by S. P. Sterrett withdrawing from the business. The accounts, notes, &c., due the firma will be collected .by S..P. Sterrett, on. wham those indebted will cu Al-tad make settlemeab. BA.RR .SrANG4:IER4 SADIVEL PATTERSON, S. P. STERRETS. 111arietta,:January 16, 1562. or.r•Phe business will be continued under tli. firrate 03f Patterson & Co , „ and Spangler Patterson. A. WM: IL REDGIVAVE, • Commission' Lula-LT .21fereleant, West Falls Attentte. Baltimore, Md. Its'rcirn ES PECTFULLY offers hip-services flor file ale of Lu m B ir a every deseniption his tritowledge oP itte teofsiness •hir ke. confident of being able to obtain tha highe t market rates for everything entritoe4 to Bing. Hotet HIS old and well-establshed tavern hone, located on Pront street; Marietta, oltered torrent, for one, or a term of ;veins, Apply to PA,VID HARRY, or" S'.l4 L 111PPLX. Marietta, Janaary 1362.4 t:, .4C4.1 1 .15$ HANELk. Late-at the. Borough of...Mariettsis- Decd. Letters of,Admonstratiop on said estate havin.: beewgran , e4 to the undersigned, all perwo.• indebted thesetw are.segneged, to make imam. diate payment, and those having claims os de mands against thirmime will present them for settlement to the , undePsigned, resitling..in Lor said 13orough ot Marietta. .1,01).14 , -11; BANELRA I : Jan'y 16, 3862. . 25-0 times. PLATRD WARE: A Lase and linestew; of Plated ware at it. IA & E.. 3. ZARMAVIC:, Corner of North Queen street 4 Center Sq,uar, , Lancaster, Pa. 'rem Setts. l Variety, Loire*: Urns. ..Pit.chets, Goblets; Sit .Stands, Cu Baskets, Card Basketa, Spoons, cairks,Knive., Casters, &e.,,Sce., at manafaelasersprwes. Iti:PLATII , G attended to at nowlerate rates. EWELRY.—A large and selected Ascii efr fine, ewelry of the latest pittteinks train the bestfactories in the country qui he Moral al . H. 1.. & E...J. ZAIIM'S. Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square,. Lan caster, Pa. Our prices are moderate and-ail goods warranted to be as represented. ror j F. 7, , QUAL or REGULAR TIMKEEPEI4s, 1 can be. liad-of ,H. L.& E. 3. ZA LIM, CM. th Queen-st., and Center Square, TAIDth , - ter, fa., ill the shapeof 'Equilibrium Levers , — the bestarticle 'ofSwiss , levera now in the mat ket. They' 4rg lower in. price than any wati...l of equal quality andj ust as true for timekeeping, DANIEL G. MAKER., ATTORNEY AT- LAW, . LANCASTE.R. PA OFFICE:—No. 24 NORTH DOHA STREF:I, opposite the Court House, wi , lere he. will tv tend to the practiee.of his proressioniu all it, various branches. ' [-Nov. 3, '59.- ly A LL. PA P Eft S.—Weinive Just recei .1 V another ;supply from .the liew York an Philadelphia manufactories. Purheaseis can sely upon the newest styles. whcih will 1.. roll unusually low at J. it, Diffenbach's. 50 B A „ R t i g .L . S il l l tenusnosrdth.etiathWellotk•(7i .inarket rates by the bar,rekor, gallpn, at J.J. Diffeobacit's Clteap Store. H 1 Largest and best assortment of Fahe.w. 1. Cloth &. CassimeriisAindh&stinir eier offerl,l is thismarket and will be sold at priemwhich i''flefy'noropetition by Dlfeitbach. • ... . . , A(GENERAL. ASSORTMF.NVOF ±l._ ILamtnered and Roiled lron . , s IL) S. Liars, Norway . Nail . Rods, American/ , and German. Spring, and Cast 'Sleet, Wage lioxes,,lron Axlns,.Sp . rings, gre„,,for smiths. f ' PATTERSON 61 CO.' Ano. , . ir% SUPER - COOK. very plat,, RIO Atyle, each nne Avarraiaed'A.) per- 4, tuna to the entire optiofoctiott of the r---ft . .. ... purchaser. lIM- v 't Jan, 25.] - PATTgIi:SON & CO A General Assortment pf 41iiinds of ..1 1 : Hini. B .e l e; ' , lL k r ie a ws ilA to D l7: l l7elltr Ocics, .Grate Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, yerf eimap. P AITE.II:SOist -..*. CO. PRICE REDUCED:—The best - Coal 0 . Alfat 50 cents per gallon, or '4 `cents per gnat t, at the Hardware of PATTERSON St CO. Marietta, January 2.5, 1862. T r NIVES & _FORKS, lkitainia . and platedSpotins, Brass, Copper' Plain an. Enameled Iron Kettles, and Honsekeepim,2. goods generally. Patter.o7l , 4 •CO. CIDER VINEGAR.-10 BARRETA Ob . PURE CIDER VINEG4`dt• For sale sale at Wolfe's.. :Four coats a quart or 13 cents a gallon. `V tension Steel Spring a leyou I :stto‘ r is ail: l, self:adjustible Bustle. Wise latestAsal „ hest in use, for sale cheap at DilreatOcV l - „.. OLD BOURBON Vila 4, isv - -... --J— .4,11 :- .roto, something very . tne, in. stoxe and..toisni Al the "Entergnse, Stare," Mount 44, ADVAIA folk bodieO, rut.tt 111. at the " Enterprise Stoke." A. D. .REEVE, Mg p+2 D RIED I , 'lttllT now aleap at DEVFENBACHIs. C 0 N STANTL.Y on humid, Monongahela re, tified Whiskey. Benjamin ry. Co.