The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, February 01, 1862, Image 3

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    11 7 ocal. Narititian.
MARIETTA CAR Tray r:.--The several pas
sen:ter trains leave "Upper-station" as follows:
'fhe ti rning train east at 7:50. The mail train
west at 12:09. The afternoon train east at
3:06. The evening train west at 6:55. The
.eveM•ng mail train (list 7:06.
Saturday, February 1, 1862.
lar% On Monday morning last, a new
Tailroad time-table went into operation.
We now have two passenger trains east
.and west. For particulars, see car time
lit the head of this column.
TETE INCEUL—The Rev. A. B. Grosh
repeated his celebrated lecture on Robert
Burns, before the literati of our Borough,
en Monday evening last. Burns in his
Ufa time loved the ladies, and this we
presume accounts for the very large
preponderance of ladies that were in
attendance at the lecture, for there is
no denying the truth of the saying that
" love begets love." As a man of inde
pendence and genius Barns vill contin
,tie to .Ire an object of admiration through
succeeding generatiorrs, rink his 00erry
will be appreciated wherever the eug
lish language is tiuderstoed, and where
the meaning of theScatch can be guessed.
1111 lovers•of literature are tolerably ac
quainted with his abort, but painful his
tory, it requires a master mind like Mr.
Grosh's however, t ,to...VOit Burns in
his true light. The lecture was all that
could be desired,
s aild wits highly appre
ciated by the audience-
Q om' PROF. McCoy gave his "Historical
vindication of TenTerance Societies," in
Temperance hall, QD 'Thursday evening.
Refering to the extent to which the
'Temperance Reform had evolved a liter
ature of its own, he said that over five
hundred different Temperance publica-
tions had been collected by a most es
timable and excellent citizen of Laocas-
ter—dames Black, Esq.. No one who
:had oot *tried tt, would believe how
much time, mo i oey, eaergy and zeal, such
.ft collection had con. The speaker's
-attempt to write the hiStory of Temper
ance had taught hirn both the cost, and
the value 'Of this sort of labor, He knew
no one who had made a Temperance
collection one thirdas large, and he was
personally: acquainted with the most
distinguished advocatetrof Temperance
in the tohntry. 'A wiser or more en
lightened inlvesttnent in behalf of the
cause could iidt have been made. The
language ottke scholarly friend of Tem
perance is that 'of Scripture: " Gather
up the fragments that nothing may be
lost." Milton 'mid that a book, is the
wildcats tifeublood , aF ores. erifei t - - whit+
wrote it. And so here are the bost
thoughts of the best thinkers, and most
zealous advocates of Temperance. And
as the blood of martyrs is the seed
of the Church ; so there is a Treat Tem
perance revival, iu this collection of
Temperance literature.
Mr. J. Peter Walter occupied the
chair and Messrs. Dr. Worrell, Hur
ry Wolfe, William and T. Girod sung
some beautiful pieces.- At the close of
the lectern the folloling pledge was sub
mitted to the, meeting and the following
names appended to it
We, the undersigned, citizens and soldiers
of the United States of America, hereby ex
press our belief:
I. That a general abstinence by our people
from all intoxicritirt liquors would contribute
largely to the suppression of the Rebellion
and the war against the National Constitution.
2. That it would promote the health, the
morals, the diseipline and every soldierly
quality of the men in the field; and add to
the means of those who remain at home to
furnish food; ettithing, arms, and every other
necessary supply.
3. That while the strength of a republican
form of Government, oven in times of peace,
is the aggregate self-government of all its
citizens, much - More are they called upon to
practice self-denials, while its "internal and
external enemies" are waging war against it,
and when not only its honor, but its existence
depend Open aiserting the superior moral and
physical-power af loyal citizens over conspi
rators; rebels end traitors.
Acting Upon these views and feelings, we,
the undersigned,, hereby pledge ourselves to
abstain from tntexicating liquors, except when
prescribed by aphygician ; and we respectfully
recommend the Mike-form of agreement to all
who are loyal tO the republic of Washington,
and who strike hands with us for the Union,
the Constitution ' , bill the enforcement of the
Henry Wolf, Annie R. Spangler,
J. P. Walter, Mollie Jane Albright,
Amami MeGoy; , Amanda Rollin,
P. .1. Timlow,. Annie A. Ramler, :-
John Canieron, Selinde V. Child,
C. F. Walter,Sallie A. Beidler,
Jos. C. Kaufman, Harriet Peck,
C. W. Girod, Margaret. Roth,'
T. Cured, - Mary Ann Spangler,
Ceo. W. Worrell, Isabella Cameron,
James Wilson, Kate A. Walter,
David Bucher, Mary A. Walter,
E. P. Trainer, Araminta Barnes,
..john B. Taylor, Sarah B. Walter,
11. H. Sawyer, Emma Rudesill 4
Theo. Hiespind, Sarah E. Stahl,
T. F. goffmeler, Jeannie Baker,
I.S. ,Geisto Sallie Cochran,
J. M. Andersen, Henrietta H. Taylor,
A. Ernswiller, Sallie Kelly,
Henry Shireman,. , Elizabeth Kelly,
!Peter Baker, Jr., M. J. Trainer,
.C. C. P. Groat', Mrs. Fifield.
'Samuel C. Hiestand,_ Henrietta Haines,
Barr Spangler, Mrs. Anderson,
Wm. Tredenick, Annie Caldwell,
Rebecca Wolf, Jane E: Haines,
&Italie Kline, Mary A. Gordon,
Mollie F. Hippie, L. Rollin,
Sallie Thuma, B. E. Malone,
far We understand one of the Covode
committee paid a flying visit to our bo
rough a few evenings since in search of
some information with regard to the
lumber contract which Mr. Bletz of
Columbia did not get. The gentleman
in question was buttonholed and made
a vast' deal of by a few who knew which
side their bread was buttered.
eir Oar neighbor Coyle, a few days
since, sent us a fine turkey. Here is an
example worthy of imitation—who .will
follow suit?-don't all speak at once.
Otter Nand, S. C., Jan. 13, 18G2
Friend Bair,
Dear Sir :—I believe
my last letter mibraced all the pleas
ures and privatidns pertaining to the
" Forty Fifth" up to a few days previous
to our embarkation from Fortress Mon
roe, - Va. Notl ing occured
,during the
remaining co de of days of our stay,
excepting the ery welcome visit of the
Pay Master, w ose presence is always
welcomed with onsiderable interest by
the boys, alth igh in this particular
instance some q:e much disappointed
in the amount eived, and especially
the Captain an e'econd Lieutenant.—
Thursday, Dec. 1861, received orders
to pack up eve thing, and hold our
selves in readin to march at a mo
ment's notice to t wharf, preparatory
to leaving for P. Royal, S. C. The
welcome order di.' of come until about
12 o'clock on th: 'th, and by 2 in the
afternoon we were afely quartered on
board the steamb. " Cosmopolitan."
The " Costnopolit , ' was, previous to
out the rebellion, one
of the Most stylisha beautiftilly finish
ed boats afloat. ; Government hav
ing chartered her a transportation
boat, at the rate o•:1000 per mouth,
made quite a prim. of alterations,
thereby disfiguring h appearance very
much: On account • the capacity of
the boat not being o' fficient size to
accommodate our w i e Regt., three
companies had to bletachdd, A. D.
and C., comm,anded r ectively by J.
and 0. Curtin, from Be Conte, nephew's
of our Governor,' an . Capt. Biglow,
from Mifflin county, Eh: took passage
on the steamship Minai with the 76th,
commanded by Col. Po , and going
to the same place. T Cap t. Lieut.
and your correspondent forttmately
secured a very nice an comfortable
little room for their use c ing the trip.
We were provided with oard, of an
excellent quality by ti-a icers of the.
boat, whose exertions to a our situa
tion comfortable, deserved approba
tion of us all. During our y pleasant
voyage down, which requir 50 hours,
we passed Cape Ilattera- l e t, C a p e
Fear river, North Edisto, ma ll vil
lage ; and the Charleston •ht house.
We entered the harbor a. 5 in the
eftertiden ; as we entered of the
most beautiful sights prase.' its e lf I
had ever seen, our boat ran i le midst
of the ifeet, stretched from 11 , n Head
and Fort Walker on the on le, and
Bay Point with Fort Beaure. ou the
other. The space between -
fortifications is about 5 miles
Offe — VerY ng whi •
our sight upon our entrance
wearing of straW , hats by some
who had accompanied the first
Mon. The climate was of such
of mildness as to compel the
resort to a lighter material I
covering than they had been us
vious to their arrival ; at this pl
had cast anchor for the night,
precise locality for encampment
exactly known. The next morel
were informed that we were ti
Beaufort, some 16 miles distil
news was received with emot..
gladness, as the place had been en
such a grand reputation, we we ill
very anxious to behold the once
spot of the sunny South, but, as 1 ,
the order was countermanded, thu
pelting all our bright anticipatio A
We remained at anchor until Tee
the 10th, when we again received or
(this time they were to be perman
to proceed to Otter Island, 40
distant . ; only 5 companies were to
the remaining 5 were to land at
Point ; about 12 o'clock we got on
way with 5 Barges in tow, each Ba
contained a large cannon, 4 were rifle
the other a very , large columbaid ;
arrived at the Island toward eveni
or rather, as near as the beach won!
permit; all the companies, with the e
caption of ours—which was kept o
board to discharge the cargo—wer
with some difficulty, landedXWe ha
a very hearty reception given us by
about 150 contraband negroes, whicl4
was similar to the one given to Capt.,
John Smith, when he landed on Ply
mouth rock. Our band afforded them
considerable gratification, it seems that
nature has endowed them with a pecu
liar freak, and that is, an - almost un
governable passion for dancing, as soon
as the music commence they drop every
thing and begin to trip the fantastic
toe ; we had them dancing every even
ing at first. The Island upon which
we are encamped, is one of the most
God Forsaken places on Earth. Very
sandy soil, water dirty, nasty stuff—not
lit for an animal to quench its thirst
with, and to cap the climax upon our
very pleasant situation, the Island is
infested with a species of Gnat of a most
troublesoMe kind. There is plenty of
game on the Island, such as snipes,
ducks, geese and coon; also game of a
different nature, such as rattlesnakes,
vipers, palmettoes and alligators, the
latter species I have seen quite frequent 7,
ly. We can forage on the suriounding
_Wands al kinds of Provision, Ccattle,
Hogs, Sheep, Corn, Sweet potatoes, &c.,
&c. We have been sent out several
times on reconnoitering expeditions,
during which we have cargo across some
very valuable plantations, with the cot
ton standing unpicked and the buildings
containing all their furniture. If we
were allowed to keep all we capture,
this would be a very good place for
those of the boys who contemplate
entering into the bonds of matrimony,
to select furniture, as all kinds, and of
the most costly material can be found
here. We have appropriated some very
nice articles to our use during our stay.
We have very handsome coin seat chairs,
beautiful Brussels carpet, fine dishes,
and if we had room in our markee, we
would have a nice Piano to play on, but
as we have not, we must be contented
with what we have. We are now very
comfortably fixed. When we first ar
rived, we found the fort in a very bad
condition, the rebels, before they de- .
serted it, partly destroyed the fortifica
tion, bursted all the cannon left and
blew up the magazine ; now everything
is in perfect order to give them a hearty
reception, should they make a demon
stration, either by land or water. We
may receive an attack when least eX
pected, as the enemy is fortified close
by in considerable force. Being so far
from Head Queters, and in such an in
direct route, we have considerable diffi
culty in getting our mails, &c. The
only regular communication we have
between the two places, is with a small
row boat, capable of holding six oars-
The distance is 30 miles, and the
passage very difficult, requiring about
three days to make . the trip. Your
humble servant has made the trip sever
al times. Our christmas was spent as
near in conformity with the Lancaster
county style as circumstances would
permit; we had a big dinner served up,
consisting of the folinWing things : a
nice big fat coon, roasted; chickens
stewed, sweet potatoes, pie, jumbles,
flannel cakes, butter, bread, coffee, &c.,
also a leetle champagne, which we had
served expressly for the occasion. I
am very happy to inform you that liquor,
both malt and spiritous are strictly
biddenN to be kept or used by any
person belonging , to the regiment,- e3 z
cept upon the recommendation of the
Surgeon (G. L. Potter), of Bellefonte.
Cards likewise, we are prohibited from
using in any -manner whatever. All
honor to our Col. and Chaplain for pro
hibiting both of those pernicious prac
tices. Our Colonel has started for home
to recruit his failing health; he contract
ed a cold some time ago, which has
settled'on his breast. I hope he will be
able to return to his command very soon,
as his absence will be felt and regretted
by the entire regiment.- As Corporal
Lewis Martin has accompanied him on
his homeward
. trip,. to . I . .cFeit .. members
for the regiment, no doubt you will get
to see him and get further information
with regard to us. I would like to give
you some information in regard to the
regt., but it is impossible, as we have
not been united since our departure
from Fortress Monroe, Va. We have
been- divided into five detachments—
the space between the two
about 50 miles. Whilst stationed at
Fortress Monroe our regiment was cell
sidered one of the best in that depart
ment as fur as drilling and cleanliness
was concerned; morally speaking, I
don't think it has its superior now. 1
will conclude my letter by mentioning
the mournful death of the lamented
Alonzo Carroll. I can conscientiously
say, that nothing which would contri
bute to his comfort, was left undone.—
He died, on Dec. 31st, 1861,
illness of 6 days, of typhoid fever. We
had him very decently buried on New
Year's day, with the honors of War.—
His grave has been marked, and the
spot where his remains have been con
fined can be found if necessary.
I will send you the first opportunity, ,
, a small paper printed at Beaufort, call
ed " The Camp Kettle." Jou NM. K.
e two
s the
ys to
ye were alarmed by a report of the seri
ue illness of Col. Welsh, of the Forty.
'th, at Otter Island. He was reported
r 37 low from hensorrhage of the lungs.
'e are glad to be able to state that
s illness, though at first serious has
en exaggerated. By advice of the
geons he returned home on furlough,
iviug here yesterday at noon. Ho
been suffering for some weeks from
'omplication of diseases, terminating
neumonia, prostrating him entirely.
sailed from Port Royal on Monday,
he Atlantic, arriving in New York
hursday. The Colonel is weak and
,ed in flesh, but the voyage has im-
K 1 him ; and he feels that home
rts, home air and a few weeks' re
will completely re-establish his
and enable him to re-assume corn
of his regiment. His numerous
are heartilf glad to welcome him
ore, though regretting the un
,e cause of his retnrn.—Columbia
--- ~, "...--,--_—••
he Prison Board had an election
ers on Monday last. For Keep
e Express says, they bad before
t i 4 me twenty-five applicants ; after
fi ots without any result, the elec
t eeper was postponed till Mon
' , t:
:sllowing officers were elected :
dt,\ ,,
eepers, Rudolph _Ressler and
l • S übert—Solicitor, Daniel G.
1 ' s .—Physician, Dr. Win. Comp
' rem rer, Joseph Samson.
he 'usquehanna is high and per
f' lear' of ice.
The annual election for officers of
the Poor House and Hospital for the en
suing year, took place on Monday and
resulted as follows : A. Fairer, stew
ard ; M. D. Hess, clerk ; Dr. John L.
Atlee, jr:, Dr. J. Augustus Ehler and
Dr. J. G. Stehman, physicians ; the
fourth physician was posponed until
Monday nest. The Lanaster Express,
in speaking of the election of Dr. Steh
man says : "Dr. Stehman is a Homcco
pathist, and deserves credit for the ener
gy and perseverence he has evinced in
claiming a representation of the new
school of medicine in our public institu
tions ; the board have also acted honor
ably in showing a disposition to give
Homceopathy an opportunity to prove
the efficacy claimed for the system by
its friends. All they ask for it was a
fair opportunity to test its merits side
by side with its venerable consort, Allo
patby, and, so far as the Directors of the
Poor are concerned, this has been grant
VE' Da. J. E, °Lose, commonly known
here as the " drunken dentist," made a
desperate attempt to commit suicide on
Saturday 'morning last, by throwing
himself in front of the morning passen
ger train; the cowcatcher, however,
Ithrew him from the track, but he made
vigorous efforts to crawl under the cars,
and did have one of his legs badly crush
ed. Dr. Henry Landis dressed the
desperado as well as could be, and after
some delay a conveyance was abtained
and the wounded man taken to the alms
house. He has long been a victim of
intemperance, and was; it is said, .at one
time in comfortable circumstances.
ch 7", The Marietta Literary Society
will meet on Monday evening next at
q-o'clock.. Barr Spangler will answer
the following referred question.: "What
is the cause of the explosion of the
steam-boiler ." The following question
will be discussed—" Have the Rebellious
States forfeited all their rights of. State
Goverurmit." Affirmative, It H. Saw
yer, Batr Spangler, A. N. •Cassel I. S.
Geist, and T. Hiestand. Negitave, Jno.
W. Clark, Dr. Cameron, Rev. •Wheeler,
Mr. Bofi'mier, and Mr. Kauffman. The
price of admission for males is five cents;
females, gratis.
Cr Wm. Spencer, Esq., the County
Commissioner elect, took his seat in the
Board on *onday last. Joseph Boyers,
Esq., the retiring member, was an excel
lent otlicer i ,and discharged his duties to
the entire satisfaction of the people.
The Board was organized for the •en
suing year,: by the election of the follow
ing ofFicersitt - '
President—Levi S. Iteist.
Clerk—Peter G. Eberinen.
Solicitor—Jesse Landis, tlsq
Janitor—Joseph C. Snyder.
We are sorry to learn that Col.
Welsh of the Pennsylvania Forty-Pith,
is now in Columbia very ill, but we are
happy to learn is improving. Corporal
Lewis Martin came with bini as an at
tendant. The corporal says the Colonel
is universally loved by his men, and that
great regret was manifested on all sides
at his departure. Ile has come home to
repair his impaired health. May it soon
be done.
40 - A. J. Sanderson, son of Mayor
Sanderson of Lancaster has been ap
pointed private Secretary to Captain
Poor, late commander of the Brooklyn,
when stationed off the mouth of the
Mississippi on blockading duty.
far Dr. Patrick Cassidy is the Union
candidate for Mayor of Lancaster. Geo,
Sanderson, the presentMayor,the Breck
enridge candidate.
i) iss o
rrt H E Co-partnership heretofore exhisting
I under the firms of Ste rrett & C 0., and
Spaagler & Patterson, was this day dissolved
by S. P. Sterrett withdrawing from the business.
The accounts,. notes, &c., due the nrms will
be collected by S. P. Sterrett, on whom those
indebted will call and make settlement.
Marietta, January 10,
D: The business will be continued under the
firms of Patterson & Co., and Spangler and
Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns
of every patern,
suitable for the Parlor,
Kitchen and the Chamber ; Hanging and Side
Lamps for Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices.
Having purchased them from the manufactu
rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates,
we can sell them much under the usual retail
prices, although every other description of
goods are advancing.
Located on Chestnut Street, opposite the
and in close proximity to the principal Jobbing
and Importing Houses, Banks, Custom House,
and places of amusements. The City Cars
Can be takeriat the door (or within a square)
for any depot in the City. The House has
been renovated and refitted, and
111 L ATED WARE: A Large and fine stock
of Plated ware at H. L. & E. J. ZArim , s,
Corner of North Queen street & Center Square,
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in variety, Coffee
Urns. Ruche's, Goblets, Salt Stands, Cake
Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives,
Casters, &c., &c., at manufacturers prices.
REPLATII 4 G attended to at moderate rates.
TEWELRY.-A large and selected stock of
V fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories in the country can be found at
H. L. & E. S. ZAHM'S.
Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, P. Our prides are moderate and all
goods warranted to be as represented.
TT AV ING just received a large and nicely
TT selected stock of all kinds of
Ladies' and Gentleman's Wear,
which will be sold at very moderate rates for
Silks, a full line at old prices.
Extra quality Muslins, all prices,
Best make of Flannels, do
A large stock of Shawls.
Plain and Barred Sack'd Flannels.
White Goods. Mitts, Linens, Embroideries,
Dress Trimmings, Laces, Gloves, Hosires,
Very large stock of Domestic goods.
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings,
Bleached and Unleached Muslins.
Delaines, Calicos and Ginghams,
Drillings, Sheetings and Checks,
Pant StutT, Hickory and Tickings,
Embossed Paper Coitus, ten for a Quarter,
Paper Neck-Ties—something new, cheap and
Linen and Woolen Table covers.
Plain, Ornamental and Oiled Window Blinds
and Patent Fixtures,
Wall Papers, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths.
Canton Matting, &c.
Wall and Window Paper,
Transparent Blinds.
Glass, Queensware and Cedarware.
The above goods have been purchased
and will be sold at correspondingly low prices,
for cash.
of all kinds and prices, constantly on hand.—
Monongahela Wliisky by the Darrel at Pitts
burg prices, the freight added.
f-. Xl:nide,
Dealer in Drugs, Perfumery, 3c
DR. LANDIS having purchased the entire
interest and good will of Dr. F. Ifinkle's
Drug Store, would take this opportunity to in—
form the citizens of Marietta and the public
generally, that having just received from Phil
adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he
will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand
the best and most complete assortment of eve
rything in the drug line.
fa..of of Fancy and Aoki . DKCIeS,
consisting in part of German, French and Eng
lish •perfumerf, Shaving Soaps and Creams,
Tooth and Nail Brushes, Buffalo and other
Hair. Combs, Hair Oils;Pomades,etc.
Port Monies, Pocket Books, Puff ithf
and Powder Boxes, 6.c., isT
The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR DYE,
DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes,lndia Cola •
gorse, Barrv's Tricoperous, for the hair, Bay
Ruin ' Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot
tles, Balm of a Thousand FloWers, Flour or
Atte, Corn Starch, Hecker's Farina, all kinds
of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of
Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar
ms] for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con
_motive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk,
an excellent preperation for the table ; Table
Oil—very fine--bottles in two sizes. Pure Cod
Liver Oil. 'Allot Hael' perfumery,pomades,
soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair ReStorative
is now everywhere acknowledged the best.
Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and
Brandies for medical purposeS.
Dr. L. will himself see that nvery_precaution
be taken in the compounding of Physician's
prescripl ions.
The Doctor can be professionally consulted
at the store when not engaged elsewhere.
Marietta, August 24, 1851.-Iy.
0 LL, E
corner of 7th C'hestntit ;Rs.,
This InstitutiOn, which was established in
1844, and is now consequently hi the eight
eenth year of its existence, numbers among
its graduates, hundreds of the most successful
Merchants and Business Men in our Country.
The Object of the institution, is solely to
afford young men facilities fur thorough prepa
rations for business.
The Branches taught are, Book-keeping, as
applicable to the various departments of trade ;
Penmanship, both plain and ornamental ;
Commercial Law, Mathematics, Navigation,
Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography,
and Modern Languages.
The System of Instruction is peculiar; no
classes or set lessons are made use of, but each
student is taught individually, so that lie may
commence at any time, and attend at what
ever hours are most convenient.
Catalogues are issued annually after the ltith
of April, containing names of the students for
the year, and full particulars of terms, &c.,
and may be obtained at any time by address
ing the Principal.
in extensive accommodations, wide-spread
reputation, and the lengthy experience of the
Principal, this Institution offers facilities su
perior to any other in the country, for young
men wishing to prepare for business; and to
obtain A DIPLOMA, which Will prove a recom
mendation for them to any Mercantile House.
Crittenden's Series of Treatises on Book-
Keeping, now more widely circulated than
any other walk' on the subject, are for sale at
the College..
Jan. 18,'62-Iy] PRINCIPAL.
11 FULL assortment of Fresh Winter
Goods of the most desirable styles. •
Ladies, Gentlemen's, Misses and Youths
SH A \\T S ,
French Merinoes at a great bargain,
Fancy Wool DeLaines below the cost
of importation.Coburgs, Thibits, Prints
and Ginghams in great variety.
• Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings
very cheap, Cloaking Cloths in all colors, at a .
decided bargain, Hoods, Nubias, Gloves
and notions generally, as cheap as ever.
A Job lot of extra-fine
at less than half the usual cost,
Flannels, Muslins, Checks, Shectings and all
other kind of DRY GOODS, together
with Groceries, Fish, &c., in full supply.
Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, .
Would most respecttully inform the citizens
of this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER
himself,is enablea to select with more judgment
than those who are not. Ile continues to man
ufacture in the very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
3r:3-Call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Saw Mill and Lumber Yard,
riONSTANTLY on hand a full assortmen
jof all kinds of SeaSoned Lumber, which he
offers at reasonable prices.
• Boards, Plank, Joist, Scantling,
• Rafters, Laths, Shingles,
Pails, 6-0., 4.c.,
All orders attended to with spatch.
Marietta, April 1 ltf. ,1854.-
OFFICE: Front street, fourth door •
from Locust, over'Saylor 3. McDon-Ilisas s .
sail's Book Store, Columbia. Entrants be
weer). the Drug and, Book Stores, [3.1
t riN, ;soit)ie..Vs Th Trica
HOLLOWAY'S OI En - T.—Lang! 11181TACS
sore and stilt joints, blistered said inflamed:
feet. all these the Soldiers most endure..
are grasping their muskets to meet danger,.
think what relief a single pot of this A I. L
HEA LING SI door.iico Salve will give to the
one you love wile': far away from home and
friends. It hardens and makes tomtit the feet
so that they can endure great fatigue. 11
soothes and relieves the inflamed anal stiffened
joints, leaving them supple, strong and vigor
ous, while for
Sabre Cuts and Gunskot IVaunds,
It stands uneqmelled, removing and prevent
ing every vestige of ingamatinn Mid gently
drawing the edges together, it quickly and
completely heals the most frightful wounds.
Wires and Sisters of our Votunteere..
You cannot put into the Knapsacks of your
Bushantls and Brothers, a more valuable or
wore necessary gift than a supply ot this.
Extraordinary Military Salve
The lonely sentry walking his rounds, at
night, exuosed to drenching ritins . and efull4l
night air, is often seized -with. most VIOLENT
PAINS, Cough and suffocating -Hoarseness,
first symptoms of quick consumption, but if
supplied with Holloway's Pills and llello
way's Ointment, all danger is averted, a few
Pills taken night and Morning, apd the Oint
ment briskly rublied twice a daN °ties tke
throat and chest will remoto the sevesest
pains and stop the most distiessing'ai .I:l4ngef
°us cough. Therefore we say, to.itie:iatms.ii•
Soldiers Attention !!
See to your own health, do not trust to. the
Army supplies, although most valuable.—
These Pills and Ointment have been thorough.-
ly tested, they are the only •remedies used in
the European Camps and Barracks,. for over
forty years Doctor I:followarida .stipplied all
the Armies in Earope, and during theCrintean.
Campaign he established tidepoe at'Buhaelays,
for the exclusive sale of these -fifrent itelaeeirs.
many a time his special Agent there haa'sold
over a ton in weight of the Ointment xi. it
single day. These terrible and fatal enemies
of the SiaLDIF:RS FN CAMP - ,
Dierhea, Dysentery, Scurvy, SaYekland Scrofu
lous _Eruptions, all disapperisklik-e a charm.
before these NUS 4 Onitmemt, and now' 'while
the cry rings throughout the land, • •
To Arras To Arnzalr
Do not let these brave men perish by - disease,
place in their hands these Precious lienudustr,
that will enable them to resist tlie ,4 thingesoui
exposures, the Fevers, the. Clilli.vuact , the
wounds which they cannotaxsid, and what is
more, cannot frequently •get sucemsr. in 11*
moment of need f whereas if oar balve , mea
have only to put their hands into their Knap
sacks and find there a sure remedy for all the
casualties of the battle field. Haw •ISSalts
thousands of lives would ,thus be saved, who
would otherwise perish before relief could' be
obtained. .
IMPORTANT ,CATJT/ON !—None are.geniziae.
unless the worak,"BoLknoop,„.Nsto York and
London," are dißernible dB a Watve-rearkein
every leaf of the book of directions erased
each pot and box; the were quay. be plainly
seen by holding eleaftalltedight. handt
some reward will be WO to any one render
ing such information as may lead •to the *de,
tection of any party or Parties' counterfeiting
the medicines, or vending the Butne r konwing
them to he spurious. ,
*„.*Sold at. the • Manufactory of-. Profossol
HOLLO WAY, SO Maiden .Lane, New. Yorktaaa
by all respectable Druggists and..Dealerckl
Medicine, throughout the civilized wort‘in
boxes at 25 cents, 62, cents, and 0 l ma; , ‘''
ItZ• There is a considerable savingbylaking•
the larger sizes.
N.8.--Direetions for the guidaueo,o(p*hp,
in every disorder are allixed:to eaCh . box,-
HORACE WES r, h 3. D.l-7-71y.A.n.Sso*AoTH.
N F.
WEST & ftOTII, , ,
the entire stock, good will and fortards'Ot the
Drug Store of Dr..T. H. Grove„.take this
thod of informing, the patrons of this estaihll -
ment and the public in general, that
shall be wanting to insure at all dines.* 444
and complete asssnrtment of ' "
Distigs, Obe,sT)ieQls,Te_tfuOttgiigiist
Soaps, Bair and Tooth Brushes CinOs z
Thoth Washes and .Poaciers;
Dyes, Patent Medicines, Paintt k
Oils, Whitelead, Varnisetifs' i '
Dye-Staffs, Wass,
and everything usually kept in a well te.rula
ted apothecary.
A new and fancy lot of COAL OIL
. L/4;4
the finest in the Borough—at prices to sidirthe
times. Lamp Tops attached to out lamps at
short notice. Globes, Wicks, Chimneys; ice,
always on hand. g ,
A very convenient "HAND LAMP? .fot.esir
rying about the. house, just received.-
A nicely selected lot of all kinds of Stat.ion- ,
ary, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inkaplita4,
of all grades acd at all prices. • -•
An endless variety of Fancy and Tuiletar
tides on hand. •
Just received, an excellent. articlenof , Co a k
0 i l now selling at 15 cents a quart. , -
Marietta, November 9, fB6l. ly.
lODIf gaffe
TAKES this "metlibd of informing .143' old
friends and the public generally, that he
has re-taken his old stand (federal.) , occupied'
by George L. Mackley,) and is nolv" perm-
nently fixed to prosecute the' ilatting business,
Having just returned from the citywhere he
selected a large. varied and fashionable assail
ment of everything in the t
and now only asks an exarnination. of his,
stocleand prices, before purchasing elsewhere.'
Having also laid in a &tuft ofAatting materi
al, lie will be enabled, at short notlee; to aisip
ufacture.all qualitiesfroln the.ixinsmois $0"
to the most Fashionable SWHat.' -
Employing none but the bestof vyorkmen;-
and manufacturing good goods'at IoW prices,
he hopes to merit and receive a 4beral- share'of
public patronage. sa-The highest pride paid
for Furs,—in trade or cash. . • -
Marietta,. March 9, 1861. •
VV Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye-Whiskty-,-
Holland Gin, Old Maderia, Lisbon. / .Sllerry and
Pert Wines.
Pittsburg Whiskey Whiskey always on hand' at
lowest market prices. Very on
a very low figure, by the barrel.
P -
Laguira Coffee; Crushed, Pulverized. and.
Blown Sugar; Superior Green and ldlaek Tea;
Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba
king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley. at
J. R. DIFFLEIV34:C.W.&,,:I
Beautiful Complexion.
DR. Tnourss F. OIiAIMAN will•sentlgo
who wish it' (free of ettarge) the Recilie_ .
anti full directions for making atid' , ,lteihi a
beautiful vegetable Balm, that-will elfectutinyt
remove Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Preicklee i
4'c., leaving the skin Emmett', clean; and
beautiful- also fall directions for using" Petro
treau's celebrated Stimulant, warrant ed to start
a full growth of Whisker,, ox a Mustache, in
less than thirty days. Either. of the above ,
can be obtaimeh ter rentru meat, by,addressing
(with stamps fox return postage) Da. THPBE.,AS
F. cilarnart Practiebi- chemist, 831 !Awl , '
may, New. York. Lien- 11 . -2rn. •
_ •
undersigned has received aucitlutr;lnt? of
Fluid and Coal Oil Lamps, and fipia9,:Shades
of every variety and 'price, Callas*. igeffieni
at the Drug 'Store of Dr. Hairy I..wiair„,,