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Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE; but for any additional fines, live cents a-line. 1 square 3 months, $2.00; 6 months,•s3.so ; I year, $5. Two squares, 3 months, $3 : 6 months, $5; 1 year, $7. Half-a-column, 3 months, $8; , 6 months,4l2 ; 1 year, $2O. ' One column, 6 months, $2O ; 1 year, $3O. Having recently added a lards* lot of new Jon AND CARD TYPE, We are prepared to do all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, Steck as. 'Ave Posters * win - acts, Bale Bilis of all' kind*, Ball „Tickets, Circa ems, Cards, Programmes, kc., &c. Everything in the Job Printing line will be done with neatness and dispatch, and at the lowest possible rates. TEE =AXE IN THE GRASS. A HOMILY. BY JOHN O. SAXE. Come, listen awhile to me, my lad; Come, listen to me for a spell; • Let that terrible drum For a moment be dumb : For your uncle is going to tell . What befel A youth who loved liquor too well. A clever young man was he, my lad, And with beauty uncommonly blest, Ere with brandy and wine lie began ko decline, And behaved like a person .possessed, I protest, The temperance plan is the beet One evening he, went to thi l tavern, my led; He went to a tavern one night, And, drinking too much Rum, brandy and such, 'The chap get exceedingly "tight," And was quite What your aunt might entitle a "fright." 'The fellow fell into a snooze, my lad; °Tis a horrible slumber he takes ; Ile trembles with fear, And Ras very queer; My eyes! bow he shivers and shakes When he wakes, And raves about horrid great ~snakes." 'Tie a warning 'to you and to the, my lad ; A particular caution , to Though tin one can ace _The mien; ' - To hear the poor lunatic bawl: " flow they crawl ! All over the.floor and the wall !" Next morning he took to his bed, my lad! Next morning he took to hie bed; And he never got up To dine or to sup, Through properly physieked and bled; And I read, Next day, the poor fellow was dead ! You've heard of the snake in the grass r my lad— Of the viper concealed in the grass; But. nowr you must know, Man's deadliest foe Ls a snake of ' a different class: Alas! PTis the viper that lurks in the glass ! A warning to you and to me, my lad— A very imperative call; Of liquor keep clear; Don't drink even beer, tlyoul mbun all occasion to fall; If at all, Pray take it uncommonly small. And if you are partial to snakes, my lad, (A. passion I think rather low,) Don't enter, to see 'em, The Devil's Museum! 'Tis very much better to go (That's so !) And visit a regular show. DON'T FRET. Has s neighbor injured yout Don't fret— You will yet conic off the hest; He's lhe most to answer tor; 'Never, mind it, let it rest, Don't fret. lias a horrid lie been told 3 Don't fret— It will run itself to death. If kou will let it quite alone, It will die for want of breath ; Don't fret. Are your enemies at work 1 •t Don't fret— They can't injure you a whit; If they find you heed them not, They will soon be glad to quit; Don't fret. Is adversity your lot? Don't fret— Fortune's wheels keep turning round Every spoke' Will reach the top, Which like you , is going down. Don't fret ea - When we find ourselves more in- Alined to persecute , than persuade, we may be certain that our zeal has more of pride in it than charity. • Sp - 'n a ves another is to teach him to vex ns again—injuries awaken re venge, and even an ant can sting, and a ei trouble our patience. r A wag rose from his bed on the 31st of fast' August, and exclaimed, " This is Pie is r st ;Op of summer." 113' Many pride themselves !von be, iug wild young men, who are only wild Waste. . . ;.. r„ :f, + + ..e. . • ....' ii ....... , .., .. . ... ?#' . , ja.." . _ y a. Y 1- '• ~ t * ';'; ', -i,'2. x 4 , , : N it' .....' 11 I *N' 1 ‘: 1t 1 1 . ..,. , , i l l No. 0 '.... + Bak er, VOL. 8. American Young Ladyism. Mr. J. G. Kohl, a German traveler, who has described more - than half the civilized world, has recently written what purports to be an account of the young ladies of America. Our lady readers will not agree with all be -says of them ; bat nevertheless, we suspect they will read every word with great attention and interest. As for readers of the other sex, we recommend - them to believe nothing Mr. Kohl says, un less it is substantiated by their wives, sisters or sweetheart. ALL AMERICAN WOMEN BRASAIPUL. Our traveler begins by remarking that our domestic institutions produce a singular sameness : That beauty, however, should become democratic is a remarkable fact for the observer. The fair sex in America bas not only the same' universal feelings, impulses and passions, the same educa tion and requirements, which they have obtained from institutions all of a like pattern, but also the same charms.— There is a greater national family re semblance among American woman than among those of any European country. The general affinity in manners, comfort and social, value has had such an effect on the type of beauty, that they all ap pear to have issued from the same mould and school. Clumsy, coarse features, striking de- formities, original and characteristic ugliness, are found neither among Amer ican men or women. The great majori ty of women are moderately pretty, very passable, or pleasingly pretty. Still their charms are concentrated more in their features than in their demeanor, figures or corporeal shape. A classical bust, rounded arms, and well-developed limbs are the greatest rarity among them. ; Yon may gaze on a, hnntired and not discover one shapely waist.— The effeminate manners of these any thing but Spartan republican ladies, their horror of bodily movement and physical exertion, produce a defect and decay of the entire muscular system.— Walking in the open air is something quite unasual with them, for in their country, where there are no footpaths or promenades, they move about in carriages, and rarely on horseback.— The • rest of the long day they spend, after the fashion of ladies in Eastern harems, on softly cushioned sofas, or in their favorite rocking-chairs by the fire side. Full beauties a la Rubens are never found among them, and equally rare are those graceful, well-rounded, elastic, Junonic forms, which may still be seen in Italy and other European countries. The ladies of Kentucky alone offer an exception to this, but the rest all resemble tulips, in whom only the head delights. Their laces, tog, use pleasanter through the delicacy of the outline than in the color or expression. Their complexion is hardly ever rosy, arid rarely lively and fresh. They are all somewhat pallid, like zealous ro mance readers among ourselves. They seem to be hothouse plants, and their entire education .and formation in the fashionable ladies' academies is on the forcing system. These pretty, delicate, pale faces are met with not only in the capitals, but far away up the Mississippi, in the new settlement, and• in the prai ries among the Indians. FARMERS' DAUGHTERS Even the farmer's daughter looks ex actly like a denizen of the towns, reads romances, insists on dressing in silk, and dresses her hair with artificial French flowers in contempt of the natural child ren of Flora. Ladies in the larger towns are so proud of their pale, inter esting complexion. that they disguise and try to drive away the natural roses on their cheeks as something coarse and vulgar. They veil themselves carefully from the beams of the burning sun, drink vinegar, and employ other artifi cial measures to develope still further the moonlight on their faces. An Eng lishwoman, or any other fresh beauty arrived from Europe, resembles among American ladies the accompaniment of flutes by a key-bugle. DEMAND FOR SUPPLY OF WOMEN The necessity for female society runs through the whole history of American colonization side by side with the Indian wars. At a later date the " Pioneers of the West" who crossed the Alleghe nies and settled on the Ohio and the Mississippi, wanted wives, who at all times have been, and still are, a rare 14nd valuable article in the United States. Just as the first emigrants attracted them from Europe by all aorta of prowls El:li=2=gl= iMME=I arde # .thmt Iltanstilintuia 4ournal for f MARIETTA, FEBRUARY 1, 1862. es, the later emigrants returned to the eastern cities, chivalrously paid court there to young girls, and worked hard to fulfill their promises. This, in my opiciou, is the main basis of woman's position in America, and she has been garripered, caressed, dressed in silks and satins, till she gradually beCame the tender, pretty, delicate, capricious, fash ionable puppet she now is. INDEPENDENCE OF AMERICAN WOMEN The intercourse of American gentle men with these pretty, pale, elegant ladies is—so long as they are unmarried —of a nature that would not be tolera ted in England. They stand in far too bold and confidential a footing for our notions. English parents, it is known, grant their daughters far more liberty than the French do, who keep theirs in a convent till it is time to marry them. Among the Americans, where the re publican feeling of Independence' is added to that inheritance from English habits, and is born with children of both sexes, this liberty has necessarily de generated, just as you find much across the ocean which in England would press out of the ground like a tender, -sweet tasted asparagus head, but in America has shot up wildly and luxuriously into a long hard stalk, with multitudinous side shoots and seeds. The emancipa tion of young women in America is as perfect as it well can be ; they hardly allow their parents the right of guardian ship. They take care of themselves ; they are allowed to receive the visits of young gentlemen, who again introduce other gentlemen without consulting the parents. The young ladies . make ap pointments with these gentlemen, and ask them to call in the morning, or to take tea, even should papa and mamma not be at home, or happen to be engaged in another part of the hbtise.- THE BEAUTY OF TEE FA3fILY If there be any especial beauty among the daughters of a family, she assumes mastery so utterly that, so to speak, everything is done in her name. Even though the official invitations to balls and parties are made in the parents name, the daughter has most certainly selected the candidates. She win also invite any one she pleases, or may be introduced to, without asking papa or mamma. When young people arrange to visit any house in the evening, they do not say, as in Paris, " shall we pay a visit to Madame N. to-night?" but, " Shall we go sad call on Miss A. or Miss S?" The good papa, some rum bibbing member of Congress, or Senator bothered with political committees, is not at all ta.ken into consideration. On entering the house, the daughter is naturally seen sitting in the centre of the sofa, and the conversation is ex clusively addressed to her. In many cases the mother is quite passed over.— If she be at all old and wearysome she generally sits with grandma, warming herself at the fire. It often happens that a stranger may stand on very inti mate terms with the daughters ere he has been introduced to the mother. TEE WORD "ELEGANT." i ll The American ies have also receiv ed into their ever ay English,language many other Frenc ' expressions which the English employ rarely, or give a different meaning to. Thus, they have a remarkable propensity for the term "ele gant." It has grown one of their favor ite words, which they incessantly repeat, and whose broad and various application is no little characteristic of them. Eng lish ladies generally apply this word, borrowed from the French, to articles of luxury, to products of the lower branches of art where it is in its place, and means so much as "pleasing in ex terior and form." English ladies would never think of expressing their pleasure with things of greater internal value, which must be guaged by a higher stand ard, by employing the trivial expression “very elegant." Only American ladies do this ; they describe as elegant the toilette and amiable behavior of their beaux, equal with the garnish furniture of a room all glistening with ormolu and enamel. For the pretty verses an ador er lays at their feet, they have, too, no higher praise than that they are "very elegant, very elegant indeed." They also call the speech of a high standing political orator "very elegant." A flow er in a garden bed, the fragrant lily, or the regal rose, is only called by them "an elegant flower." Even a picture by Rafaelle or Correggio receives,in the outburst of their enthusiasm no other attribute ; if they return from Switzer land and are asked what they have Been 3D116 - 1.,r a -Year_ amid the Alps, they praise the "elegant scenery" of the mountains. This un lucky word, and the mare unlucky pre dilection for the elegant, which is met with at every step among American ladies, is, so deeply rooted in them, that they have extended the territory of the word to extraordinary lengths, both up wards and downwards. For instance, going downwards, thei will talk of an "elegant dish" they have eaten ; and going upwards, what we call a good or classical taste, is generally characterized by them as an ''elegant taste." LADIES IN PUBLIC. The Americans, comparing themselves with other nations, are very proud of the fact that "ladies" hold so high a position among them. But to. obtain this repu tation and praise for their country is of ten attended with very unpleasant con `sequences. The ladies tyrannize over the whole land, and interfere in every thing. They can in no way be escaped, and a man can scarce ever dispense with their protection. Everywhere they take the first and best places for themselves and their proteges. That they should play the prominent part in social circles and parade' like birds of paradise by the side of their husbands, whom they cast into the shade, is not only natural, and they cannot be blamed for it, but they, extend their influence far beyond their natural and domestic circle. In the public popular lectures, which gyre so,admired in all the cities of Amer ica, the ladies almost entirely set the fashion. A lecturer who displeases them is a ruined man, even though he were backed up by an army of men ; if on the other hand, a handsome, smart lecturer, fall of anecdote, gain their favor, he can make his fortune with a few courses.— ,For what the fashionable ladies of one "tattoo lave heard those of anther also wish to hear, and such a lecturer re ceives invitations from the most remote towns. LITERARY LAMES The town libraries, museums, observa tories, and other public scientific institu tions are visited by crowds of ladies, who flutter through them. They are the ter ror of librarians and friends of literature, who wish to bury themselves in their studies. To please the ladies all such public institutions in the United States must, like the ladies themselves, assume a very elegant garb, and much money must be laid out for striking curiosities, which are speedily brought into a wretched condition by the numerous fingers, and by the ladies digging valu able specimens with their parasol fer rules. Very naturally they bring with them their beaux, and carry on their flirtatious there, as if they were at an evening piirty, They take the observa tories by storm, and compel the polite astronomer, who is prevented from mak ing serious observations, to point them out Jupiter's satellites or Saturn's rings. But even in the presence of the planets which should fill them with sacred awe, they do . not break off for a moment the thread of their flirtations, Unhappily— and this is even worse—those lovely ladies hare interfered - by Hocks in the labors of literature, The European discovers on the banks of the Ohio or Mississippi an astounding number for celebrated poetesses and roman cers whom he never heard of before, and this American crinoline literary cohort constantly pours fresh water on old tea-leaves, and swamps the book market with a fearfully inspied beverage. At times, too, they make their aprear ance as street preachers, and always play a great part in the intrigues of the religious sects. VIE PRIVILEGED SEX On board the steamers, and in the other modes of communication through out the country, the ladies have every sort of privilige. On the railways they exert a vigorous right of appropriation over the gentleman, even should he have taken his seat at a previous station. On many other occasions, such as at the theatres, in the galleries of the louse, or whereever there may be anything to be seen or heard, the "lord of creation" can never feel safe in his seat, however early he may have taken possession of it. If any one tap him on the shoulder and whisper in his ear the words of ter ror, "A lady," he must spring up at once, and is swept aside like dust by the cri noline, to seek another seat where he IZEI And yet it would not be impossible to enduie all this, and more, if the ladies united with their authority, gracious ness ands pleasant ehoW of gratitude, NO. 27. and if they—the petted and the blames —did not regard all the services and indulgence of the men with such indiffer ence, and as a tribute necessarily theirs. Generally, however, they behave as if the men did 'nothing but their duty.— You may dislocate your spine in pick ing up anything a lady has let fall, or, like Raleigh, lay down your coat before her—so that she may pass dryshod over a puddle—and rarely will, you be re warded even,by a smile. And all this robs the weaker sex of its• sweetest charms, the gentle and irresistable pow er by which it elsewhere enchains and thralls the heart of man. Among us the stronger being bows to woman, and the weak darling, conscious of her need and support, rewards him with her gratitude. But, in America, Fridolin does his duty like a negro slave, and, of course, now and then grows weary of the affair. It is not unfrequent to hear the chivalrous Americans, when out of their wives' earshot, indulge in the most awful declarations of rebellion. THE roOD. iiusßaxDs In America this terrible degenerated reverence for women, Which might be called more truly pampering and spoil ing, is naturally felt most by the hus bands, who have entered upon a life-long slavery. If a lovely American girl sinks into the arms of a man, to be bound to him for life, she does so much in the same way as she throws herself into her easy chair. Marriage is her pillow, her sofa, on which she intends henceforth to repose, Upon it she , confidently throws all the burden of her cares and troubles ; she regards the husband as her factotum, who has to provide for all her wants.— fie must procure her a house according to her fancy, he must furnish this house exactly as she wishes it, he must arrange, and administer kitchen and cellar—and even go every morning before breakfast to make the necessary purchases for the day's meals. Even in Washington you may at times see Senators, statesmen renowned in the world, and influential in the papers, hurrying to market at an early hour, with a basket on their arm, and carrying home salad, parsly, green peas, strawberries, or other vegetable produce. Even farmer's wives often hold themselves much too high for busi ness of this sort, and scenes of the fol lowing nature may be seen at market A young farmer's wife I once saw sitting in a little one-horse chaise and holding the reins. In her elegant dress she could not, of course, be expected to go into the dust and con lesion of the market, so she had sent off her husband. He was busy among the stalls, like a swol low collecting insects for its young, and presently appeared again laden with all sorts of boxes and parcels. These the farmer's wife naturally could not take on her silk lap, so the husband had to hold them carefully in the chaise. The author says in conclusion " I have mainly kept in sight .the upper strata of society, which, sink very deep, as will have been seen, in Ameri ca. I need hardly add that in this great land, though it is extremely uni form, there are many shades of character among rich and poor, in towns and in the country, into which I cannot enter so fully as I could wish. There are entire districts—as, for instance, in the smaller towns of New England—where the female population, although some what infected by the general tint, is most respectable, pious and domesti cated. Moreover, this pampering of the women, which I have criticised, bas its good side, as, for instance, this : that American women who display so little innate reverence for old age or for talent, or for other things elsewhere highly es teemed, have in their wives at least' something they venerate, and which, under given circumstances, may hold them in check." Need we say to our lady readers, who have carefully perused Mr. Kobn's criti cism, that we dont believe a word of it? ga - Learn in childhood, if you can, that happinnss is not outside, but inside. A good heart and a clear conscience bring happiness, which no riches and no circumstances ever do. Congress has authorized the ap pointment of two Assistant Secretaries of War, at a salary of $3,000, for the term of ono year. gir He who puts a bad construction upon a good act, reveals his own wicked ness at heart. com It is less pain to learn in youth than to be ignorant in age. Origin of Plants. Celery originated in Germany. The chestnut came from - Italy. The onion originated in Egypt. Tobacco is a native of Virginia. The nettle is a native of Europe. The citron las native of Gnaw. The pine is a native of America. The poppy originated in the East. Oats originated in North America. Eye came Offtilially from Siberia. Parsley was first known in Sardinia. The pear and apple are from Europe. Spinach was first cultivated in Arabia. The Sunflower was brought from Peru. The mulberry tree originated in Per sia. r: .7 The walnut and peach came from Persia. The horse-chemint is a native of Thibet. The cucumber came from the East The radish is a native of China and Japan, The quince came from the Island of EMI peas are supposed to be of Egyptian origin The garden beans came from the East Horseradish came fiom the south of Europe. The coriander grows wild near the M editerranean. The Jerusalem artichoke is txtrazilian product. Hemp is a native of Persia and the East Indies. The cranberry is a nativd of Europe and America. The parsnip is supposed to bea native of Arabia. The potato is a well-known native. of Peru and Mexico. The currant and gooseberry came from Southern Europe. Rape seed and cabbage grows wild in Sicily and Naples. Buckwheat came originally from Si• beria and Tartary, Barley was found in the mountains of Himalaya. DEATH OP JOHN TYCER.—Ex-Presi dent John Tyler died in Richmond, Vir ginia, on Friday night 17th - ult. • He was born in Charles county; Va.; on the 29th of March, 1790, and at'the age of nine teen was admitted to the bar. Two years afterwards he was choseil a rriem-' ber of Virginia Legislature. In 1815, when, by the death of the Hen. John Clopton, a .vacancy occnred in the re presentation in Congress in the Rich mond district, Mr. Tyler was elected 'to that position, in which he continued 'tilll.B2l. In Dedernber 1825, the Gub ernaterial term of Mt. Pleasants expired and Mr. Tyler was chosen his successor. He continued to fill that office till 1827, when he was chosen by the Legislature to fill the office of United Stetee Senator, made vacant by the expiration of the term of the Hon. John Randolph.— He was very early noted for his oppos ition to the principal, measures of Gen. Jackson's Administration; and when the Force bill was before the Senate,, he op posed it in an animated speech. After a lengthened debate, the bill was passed, Mr. Tyler being the only Senator who recorded his vote in the negative ;' the other opponents of the measure having absented themselves from the Senate Chamber while it was being adopted.— In 1833, he was re-elected to the Sen ate, but he resigned before his term ex pired, and returned to his borne in Vir ginia. In 1840, he was 'elected by the Whig party, Vice President of the United States, and on the death of President Harrison, in April, 1841, he succeeded him to the office of President. His disagreements with that party on the bank question, are familier to all our readers. At the close of his term, he retired to his mansion, near Fortress Monroe, where he resided when the present rebellion broke out. In 1861, Mr. Tyler was appointed ,by Governor Letcher, one of the Virginian delegates to the so-called Peace Congress, con vened in Washington. He was elected President of that body, and although, during its sessions, he professed to be an ardent friend of the Union; ho 'early distinguished. himself as one of the most active instigators of the existing rebel lion. On the adjournment of the Place Congress, be-repaired to Virginia, and was elected one of her representatives to the Rebel Congress. In that body he exerted all his influence to keep State in a hostile attitude to the Fede al Government. He was seven, -4 years old when he died, and wife and several children, byr.a.. his marriages, among whom a Tyler and John Tyler, Jr., %z e d, and. resided in this city.—Forneik Tea j "Ple ba- " BILLY" WILSON'S " Billy Wilson's mem," were encanil at Staten Island we one day visited the camp, and heard the following narrative by an officer : "I saw a fellow try. the other day to break guard. The, senti nal on duty remonstrated with him, but finding that•the intruder' was obstinate and persisted in breaking threugh,:he carefully laid down his gob." " What ! was he afraid ?" " Not a tit of it. He went to work with his•fiits and polished off the fellow in grand styly. He hadn't got used, he said, to military weepins." cpbs A Tanner's Arousement.---"Hitio and go seek"---for more.