The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, January 04, 1862, Image 3

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    (Et Notal aricitian.
MARIETTA CAR IIR E.—The several pas
senger trains leave "Upper-station” as follows:
The morning train east at 7:20.. The mail train
west at 12:17. The evening train east at 5:06.
The evening train west at 7:00..
Saturday, January 4, 1882
We received, too late for this
week's issue, a letter from Camp Pier
pont, Va., from John F. Shireman,
which will appear in our next.
sr We have received the first num
ber of the Strasburg Patriot. It is a
revival of the old Strasburg Herald.—
Geo. B. Eager and Lewis P. Faulk,
er Who will follow suit ? Mr. Pat
terson has placed in front of his resi
dence on Market street, a beautiful
street lamp, which, when lighted, illu
minates the entire square. A few such
public spirited acts, would soon make
the walking after nightfal safe. Who
will be the next ? '
gar Harry Wolf has taken into part
nership William Stibgen, and under the
firm of Wolf St Stibgen have gone ex
tensively into the Wheat Coffee manu
facture. This is unquestionably, the
best substitute for coffee we have yet
ar A. t ory rich intelleetual treatsuay
be expected at the Literary Society ou
Monday evening next mweek, on the oc
casion of Mr. Sawyer's lecture. Let
tone fail to 'hear tim. -Pashionable life
and its follies will "get particular fits"
and no quarter shown from Mr H., who
is thoroughly "booked-up on the way
wardness of those who "bow at Fashion's
base control."
w The Marietta Literary Society
reorganized on , Monday evening last, by
electing the following officers : John
Jay Libhart, presideoL;Somuel Lyndsay,
vice president ; Theo. Hiestanti, secre
tary and 'Barr Spangler, treasurer. A
motion prevailed to 'charge males five
cents andlemates to be admitted gratis.
Mr. Sawyer has consented to lecture on,
Monday evening , next a-week, the 13th,
subject; "The .Follies of Fashionable
I.!fe." The - following question will be
,on Monday evening next:
"Would our nation be benefitted by the
gradual removal , of the entire colored
population to one of our territories ?"
J. W. Clark, L S. Geist, H. H. Sawyer
and Rev. Mr. Wheeler, affirmative.--
Barr Sponger, A. N. Cassel, Dr.
Cameron and Theo. tliestand, negative.
The society Will hold its meetings in
the High School Room, every Mon
day evening, at hilt past six o'clock, to
which the public is .respectfually invit
gar The Susquehanna,. is, frozen over
and the (lanai dry. The Holiday weath
er having closed-up every thing in that
line. •
Orme. Ist.i.zie, S. C., Dec. 21, 1861.
Col. Baker : ' After to absence of three
months, I will let you know something
of our doings and travels.' At Washing
ton City, on the I.9iit of NoVember we
were Ordered-in prepare to go. to Port
Royal, South Carolina, which I assure
you ivis very welcome news to our boys
—such cheering you never heard—not
even when Col. Frazer—the " old war
borie"--was addressing the democracy
at John Bares • White Swan, in Mariet
ta--so'Veriefiger were the boys to get
iota that , treatonable section: By one
e'cleck 't,h4.;iiiifie night we had struck
our teats and were on board the oars,
via Baltimore, and by tea next morning
landed in the Monumental City,
reception in that city was very different
fronHisat given the Massachusetts men
--bulkits and brickbats ; we were treat
ed to het- coffee and refreshments.—
Whilst in Baltimore, my old friend johri
Barr and his good lady, treated. the
Penaikylvauia, boys to a fine breakfast.
We next loaded our tents and baggage
on board tire Pocahontas, for Fortress
Monroe, where we arrived on the morn
ing of the aiad placed udder Gen.
Wool., who ordered us to Camp
to drill, until arrangements could
be made to send us to' ort Royal. We
remained:at, thls camp until the 6th of
December. Gen; • Wool is about the
size and .apPearence o f storekeeper
Abraham Cassel—head white as snow,
and to all appearances 70 years of age ;
but on horseback yoWlyeeld not suppose
him more than 40—bein aeactive and
i dignified horseman. The village of
"Hampton," near camp Hamilton, was
a beautiful little town ,of about 2000
inhabitants, mid was the. residence Of
that arch traitor JobnTyler, was burned
to the ground by the rebels when they
found the federal troops were about, to
occupy it. Camp Hamilton ,is• beauti
fully located—The 'Fort is alt around
it, which is considered the largest in .the
Union. Whilst on
. Battalion drill on
the sth of December, Col. WELsti an
nounced that lowers to get ready to
sail for Fort Royal, add by noon next
day we were oa board the steamer, when
the band strpck up "Yankee Doodle,"
and the .forty.afth, amidst (learning
cheers bid adieu to Fortress Monroe.—
At 8 o'clock next morning we passed
Fort Hatteras, and by ten the following
day Fort 'Sunipter, inside of Charleston,
that traitor city, and on the Bth we
arrived at Port Royal, where we laid
over one day. At this point there is a
beautiful harbor, and well fortified too,
there being thirty gun boats to block
ade it. Here we found Col POWERS' Pa.
'l6th Reg. in which we found Scott
Patterson and Paris Rudisill of your
place, but I am sorry to say they came
without arms, and the probability is they
will be set to work on the Fort, which
wants much repair, and laborers are in
great demand. At this point our regi
ment was divided; Lieut. Col. BEAVER,
taking five companies. I was glad to
find our company, K, Capt. Rambo, and
company B, Capt. Haines, retained by
Col. Wuhan. Captains Rambo and
Haines are considered two of the best
officers in the field. Lieut. Kline is
very much liked by all the men. Gen.
SHERMAN, under whom our regiment now
is, ordered Col. WELSH to go 40 miles
and take possession of " Otter Island,"
which the rebels then had possession of.
On the 9th we started with two gun
boats, and by two o'clock the next
afternoon we reached Otter Island, when
the band struck up " Hail Columbia."
The rebels, however, had set fire to
everything they could and fled. All
that we could find here was about 150
darkies—the cotton hiving all been
burnt before we got here. Col. WELSH
brought five canon with him, which we
are now mounting. This is a very im
portant point, and with our canon we
can prevent the rebels from going this
way to Charleston. You should have
seen the contraband darkies cut-up when
we landed ; they jumped and danced—
old and youug—and were in great glee
all day and night, but the next morning
the Colonel put them to work at the
Fort. He will have plenty of work for
them as long as ha is here. A few days
since they went to one of the adjoining
Islands• and brought in a couple of fine
steers, irish and sweet potatoes, and
corn ;' they go out daily and bring furni
ture, sheep, hogs, turkeys, chickens,
ducks, &c. The weather here is delight
ful—like a July day in Pennsylvania.—
Col. WELSH has the right wing of 'Gen.
SHERMAN'S Brigade, and will be the
first to enter Charleston, if be attacks
Dear Colonel, we want about one
hundred more soldiers, and if there are
any good fellows in Marietta who wish
to get into a crack regiment, I would
advise them to go to Harrisburg, where
they can . enlist in this one, and be sent
right on. Major Kilbourne is in that
place enlisting for this regiment.
All our boys were sea sick. and as for
myself, I never was as sick before in my
life, but all are well again and in fine
spirits. We !eft Simon Sanders ; Gray
Cochran and young William Child, sick
in Washington. Our Quartermaster,
John McClure, is truly the right man in
the right place, he is always busy trying
to make the soldiers comfortable, and is
an universal favorite. The Forty-fifth
is none of your Home Guard Regiments,
but one for fight and for use ; our Colo
nel is one of the best from the Keystone
State, is good and kind to all his men,
and the regiment is considered second
to none in the service.
I herewith send you a pod of cotton,
taken from Hatchinson's cotton planta
tion. Wishing all Marietta a Happy
Christmas, I Remain, truly yours, &o.
Company K, P. V., 45th Regiment,
Cure of Col. Welsh,
Port Royal, South Carolina
On Tuesday last the body of an
Unknown man was found in the canal at
what is here known as'" Hog-pen locks,"
near &hock's' Mills. He was apparent
ly 25 or 30 years of age, and was dress
ed in the uniform of a cavalry soldier,
and having a sword attached to his side.
On him was found a railroad pass and
furlough from Col. Williams, to whose
cavali'y regiment he no doubt belonged.
From the appearance of the body it had
been several weeks in the water.
In Marietta, on Thursday, Dec. 26th, 1861, 1
to MISS CATHARINE HOGEN, both of this I
On the 24th ultimo, t EMILIE ELMER,
, sdn,
of Absolem and Elizabeth Emswilpr, aged
two years three months and twelve days.
FACTS Fo x SOLDIERS: Throughout the
Indian and Crimean campaigns, thtfonly niedi
;eines which proved themselves able to cure
the worst casetr cif Dysentery, Scurvy and. F
ever, were Holloway's' Pills an d Ointment
Therefore let every Volunteer see thatlie is
supplied with them. Only Twenty-five cents
per Pot or Box.
13:' The Horrors of War can be greatly mit
igated by that sovereign remedy remedy, Hat-
Low a Y'S CtINTXENT,IIIS it will cure any wound
however,desperate, if it he rubbed 'road
t he wounded parti4 and then kept thoroughly
covered with 'it. A pot should be in every
Soldier's knapsack: Price, only 25 cents.
• Dom' We have heard of- acme astonishing
cures being made by prof. De Grath's Electric
Oil. It seeing tolict on thi diseased parts with
remarkable effects and in a. short space of time
health regains its sway.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers in the
United States and Canada. Price 25 cents, 50
cents, and $1 per bottle.
1t: See adveitisement.
Web) jr_qh)bei• aRa Coat N2tH.
ITHE subscriber having purchased the pro
perty lately occupied by
would most respectfully call the
attention of his old friends and customers to
to the fact that he is now prepared to sell
at the very lowest figures by Boat-load, Car
load, or otherwise.
His Stock of Lumber will be selected from
one of the best manufactories and cannot fail
to give satisfaction.
He is also prepared to supply "BILL SToi-r"
at short notice and at low prices.
will consist of Shamokin, Red and White Ash,
Baltimore Company, Lykens Valley, &c.,
all of which he will sell by the Boat
load, Car-load, or by the
He will ale continue the receiving of Coal at
very low figures.
Dealer in Hardware,
• - Cedarware, Paints, Oils, Glass,
i'41"101% Cook, iaii ar t a other stobes, &e.,
11OULD take this means of informing the
citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he
is prepared to furnish anything in his line,
consisting in part, of Table Cutlery of all
kinds ; Building a n d Housekeeping 'Hard
ware, in all styles, Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils,
Glass, Varnishes, Cedarwarc, Tubs, Buckets,
Churns, Knives,Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po
kers, Tongs, Canlesticks, Pans, Waiters; Cop
per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and
all other kind of Locks, hails, Spikes and
in fact everything usually kept in a well regula
ted Hardware establishment.
Merchant Tailor, and Ciothier,
At F. J. Kramph's Old Stand, on the cor
ner of North Queen and Orange
Streets, Lancaster, Penn'a.
GR ATE k' U L to the Citizens of Marietta
and vicinity, for the liberal patronage
heretofore extended, the undersigned respect
fully solicits a continuance of the same; as*
miring them, that under all circumstances, no
efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory
equivalent for every act of confidence reposed.
such other seasonable material as fashion and
the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand
and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea
sonably, as taste or style may suggest.
Gent/emu's Furnishing Gooods
and such articles as usually belong to a Mer
chant Tailoring and Clothing establishthent.
Opposite. Me Cross Keys Hotel,
THE undersigned would rospectfully inform
the putdic that he still continues, at the
old stand, corner of Second and Walnutitreets,
directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep
on hand. and for sele,, all kinds of cigars from
Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $2O to
SSO per thousand. ToeAcco.—Natural Leaf,
Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con
gress-Pine Spun• Ladies Twist, :Coarse Spun
"'war, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An
derson's best 'Pine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci
gars manufactured'of imported.fitoe.k.. SPICES
HALF SPANISH. Rappee Snulf and, all kinds
Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs,
Fine-mai : pea, Cigar Tubes, Sic. [ jan.3o2sb
Having re moved to the Rooms formerly occupied
by Dr. Swentzel, a4joining Spangler if
trrson'a Store, Market &red; Where - he is now
prepared to wait on all who may feel
11.,=- disposed to patronize him.
• Dentistry in all its branches car
ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved
principles of Dental science. - ddl'Operatirifis
on the mouth performed in & skillful and
workmanlike manner- r on fair principles and
. .
Having determined upon a permanentloca
tion at this place, would ask a continuation
of the liberal, patronage heretofore extended
to him, for which he will render every possi
ble satisfartidn.
;Cr Ether soloinistered to proper persimie
Painter; Glazier and Paper Hanger.
WOULD most respectfully inform the aft
izens of Marietta and the public gener
ally that he is prepared to do
House Painting,
china Glossing ; •
• Paper Hanging,
At very short - notice' and, at-priees to suit the
times. lie can be found at his mother's resi
dence on the corner of Chesnut and Secon.l
streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church,
and immediately opposite the old Oberlin
Coach Works. • [Aug.34y.
• =-, ;
MAKES this method of informing his old
friends and the publicgenerally, that ‘he
has le-taken his old stand (recently occupied
by George L. Mackley;) and is now perm=
neatly , fixed to prosecute the liatting-business
Havingjust returned from the city where he
selected a large, varied and fashionable assort
ment of everything in the
and flow only asks an examination sf his
stock and prices, before p‘trchasing elsewhere.
Having also laid iti a stock of flatting materi
al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man;-
ufacture all qualities—from 'the common Se,
to the most' Fashionable Silk Hat.
Employing none but the best of ivorkte&n,
and manufactiiring good goods'at low prices,
he hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of
public patronage. II The highest price paid
for Furs..—in trade or cash.
Marietta, March 9, 1861
NEW Frit M.
WEST & ROTH, ' • •
the entire stock, good will and fixture of the
Drug Stine of Dr. J. H. Drove, take .this ine§
timid of informing the patrons'of this establish
ment arid-the public in general,, that nothing
shall be wanting toinsur,e-at all Omni algesh .
and tomplete asssortment of
ebtAio;,lLoik . f
Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, uomas,
Thoth Washes and 'Powders, Hdir
Dyes, Patent Medicines, Paints,
Oils, Mildew', Varnishes, • _
Dye-Stitirs, Glass,
and everything usually kept in a well regula
ted apothecary.
Anew and fancy lot of Coat OIL LAMPS
the finest in the liorough—at prices to suit the
times. Lamp. Tops attac,hed to old Lampe' at
shOrt notice. Globes, ;Wicks, Chimneys, lla.,
always on hand.' • 1 .
A very convenient ' , Harm LAMP" for car
rying about the house, just received.. • •
A. nicely selected lot f all kindi of Station=
ary, Envelopes, Peni,. en-holders, Inks, &c.,
of all grades and at al prices.
An endless variety of .Fancy and Toilet ar
ticles on hand. . ' ' . 4, .
Just received, an excel •ut article-of, ,C 031
O / I now selling at 15 ce is a quart. -
Marietta, Novembers 1.461. . ly
OLD POUR BON W ISKY in , qt, bottles o
something very ftn`• in store , and (or sate
At Ilti"Engerpkio S re," itfourit Joy.
Something New!
RIOIII Thvoi-faof fo fig Y.Aie3
Patent Hemmer and Shield,
Spronounced by all wbo have used it "just
the thing" for those using the needle, as it
completely protects the finger, and makes a
neat and uniform hem while the operator is
One half the labor of sewing is saved by
using this remarkably
No lady should be without it. It is also just
the thing for girls to use learning to sew.
Its remarkable cheapness brings it within
the reach of the million. Sample sent by mail
on receipt of the price,
Descriptive Circulars furnished on application.
A liberal 'Discount to the Trade.
Enterprising agents wanted in. every town
and county throughout the United States and
Canada, will find most profitable employment
in selling this useful article, asit meets with
ready sales wherever offered—has no competi
tion—and profits are very large.
Addreis, A.. IL DOWNER,.
Patentee and Proprietor,"
442 Broadway; New-York.
N. B.—General and exclusive agencies will
be granted on the moat liberal terms. [3m
New and Cheap Books,
The subscriber having just returned from the
offers at the lowest prices all kindi of Books,
• FX D 11 A Cl7l
Law, Fiction Medical Religious
Biographical, Mechanical .
and other kinds. These Books will all be sold
at theloWest prices as we had the 'advantage
and were the only Bookseller front' Lancaster,
at the Trade Sales, and as a consequence, we
can sell lower than any Stere. A few of the
Books ate here mentioned: •
Worcester's Unibridged Dictionary,
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
McClellan's Bayonet Exercises, •
Revised Army Regulation's, •
'Soldier's Text Book; • .•• •
U.S. Infantry Tactics,
Zouave Drill Book,
Gift 13ooks,of all kinds,
PhotographiC' Alt uins;
For the pocket or Centre/Table; in great va
nely. The Gift Book'for the Season....,
School Maps, Charts and Cardiy
Pelton's Outlineldap •
Sanderi' School Cards(;
Bedard Cards
Bibles in great variety' 'frein
cents to Twenty-five Dollars, souls of theta
having the finest , ' bindings andPftites ever re-
ceired in town. ' ' '
Sunday School BoOks•MethOdist, Lutherah,
Episcopal; Prestilterian, .ArnesiCan 'tr act So
ciety, American Sunday . School ; Colon..
Games and Puzzles, •
Dressing C,aises, Ladies
Traveling snd Shopping '
Portfolios, Cabas, Virritifig Bake',
Money Purses, PockeOloolis, &c.
• . • . datruittents; - CAA
Bella, Fine Poclret
Cutlery, Pearl and Ivory
Papery Cutters,:. Gold and
• --• :Silver Pentland Pencil Casa,
Checker.lkiards and Men, Chess
• Men,' Botriiitoei, and an e'ndleee
variety of usetutc•and farky articles
' selected •expirebs/y for the approaching
HelidaySeturint • Forprice'aintlassbrtment
of gocldsrin my ltne, Pfeil quite .confident ' I
cannot be.snipallsed by dny in , Linager City.
Parka 4,Wilsop's Readers.., MoolplttikWar
ren's, kitchen's, Sniith . 's i4eograpiiies. Also,
Algebras, Arithlrietics Grandnars, Histories,
Dictiona Awl • Stationary., qopyland Com
position.flooks. Cap,:Note,.and letter paper,
Bleak Books,• Slates, Lead:add -Slate Pencils,
Pens sand Holders, Ink and Inkstands, Rulers,
and Envelopes. The beat !Alvin:the market
sold here, viz : Maynard add Noyes. Arnold's,
Hoover!s, Laughlins & Bushfisld's, Black
wood's. etc. At the Cheap Book Store of
Nor. 30.] No. 32, N. Queedst., Lancaster.
Located on Oheonut Street r upposite the
apd-in c.lose,Koxitnity to the principal Jobbing
. Importing Howes, Banks, Custom gonse,
and places of - amusement's. The. City, Cars
cap be taken at the door , (o,r within a, square)
for any depot in the * City. The House : b
been renovated and refitted, and
H. E. d. ZAHN'
"D,F.SpECIEULLY inform their
nfriends and the public that they
• still continue the WATCH, CLOCK
7 `,.I...NDJEWELR butoness at the aid
stand, North-west Corner of North
Queen stree t and Center Square, Lancaster, Pa
A full assortment of geode in , our line of heal
ness alwaya en hand and sale at the lowest
cask rates. Pepatring attended to per
malty by the proprtetors.
)3URNETT'S Comtism.-- A compound of
• Coeoa-rint Off, &c.,„
,for dressing the flair ,
or ef fi cacy and agreeableness, it is witbout
an equal. It pFevenM the , hair from falling . off .
It promotes its healthy and vigerousgrowtli
It is not greasy or sticky.
It leaves no disagreeable odor.
It softensthe hair when hardatalry.
It soothes the irritated scalp akin.
It affords the i ichest lustre.
It remains longest in effect: For sale by
WEST .& RUTH, Successors td Dr. Grove.
PLATED; ARE:. A Large and tine stock
of Plated ware at H. L. & B. J., 7,Aum's,
Corner of North Queen street & Center Square,
Lancaster, Pa. , Tea Setts, in :variety4 ,- Coffee
Urns. Pitchets, Goblets, . Salt Stands,-,Cake
Baskets,Card Baskets, Spoons; Forks, Knives,
Casters, &c., at .manufacturers pricks.
RErcerrna attended to at moderate rates.
JEWELRY.—A large and
• aplecled stock of
fine jewelry Orthe latest patierns from the
best faCtories in the country can be found at
H•. ZAHM 3 S: •
Cor. North Quefitst. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, Pa. Our 'prices aye toodtlie - and•itil
goods' Warritittedlo be , liErrikeeented. •
. .
•r..NE AND ' LIQUORS. ' • • '
• •• Superitnsijirilinqi,biffßioe WhiliXii i
Rolland Gin, Old Maderia, Luilidi;SlTOry iltai
Port Wines. '' ' " ' " • •
Pittsburg Whilkeyislvik,ys ofir - hipd" at tbi
lowest market prices'. Very 'Fini
a very lb* W'guilre, litt lie Vitra. '
J. RaDIFFE-NBACH-.-Marketntz-
R. .I. Z. 11.0EFERi DEfITIST, '. • ' '
WERTy; LATE' - 0) : DERE:6IItIEG,' `PK
OFFICE: Frinita*eti , fourth o , 'z:;-- -7 --
from" Locust, Oriel. , Saylor-$t liileDon- 4 1 6. oast
aid's- Book . Btorei Columbia. .Entroette , -
ween the Onirtind "Book-Stores. ' IBLI I
NIEL• G., ItOC,ER,t • •
LANCAISTER4, -: PA. , • •,;
bppoaite~ the` 'WM *here he,
will at
tend to - the lire:elite 'ofittlart•OfTeiktotiiii , alFits
isirkottrbranchee.: [NOV. 4;
, , , .
. A-MILY c 0 1J G-H - gYRITP.:—A Cough
' a r Syrek for"ohildren it do-tallith! 'gig jinn.
n put up at my, store; irkielilehretlil , :be in
very faking ihnrola weather ` Da: , Liribie .
, . ~
, orinillav . Strilwbeiry, IPi 4e AIMS,
• Almond, • Rom; • • ,Li in k; n ,T
just reteited find for vile' at Wxtistic 'Rosa it
TT PLLOWAY'S PILL 8. —The laws re
]sting to health are exceedingly simple
as to be within the comprehension of the most
limited capacity. Disease is an effect—the
Tiolatioa of some principle of nature, come
fluently the infraction of her laws is invariably
punished with pain and suffering. Medical
writers classify the predisposing causes under
two heads
An. unyealthy condition of the Stomach, and a
depraved state of the Blood.
Disorders of the Stomach, Liver & Bowels.
The Stomach is the great center which in
fluences the health or disease of the system—.
Abused or debilitated by excess—indigestion,
offensive breath and physical prostration are
the natural consequences. Allied to the brain
it is the source of headaches,mental depression,
nervous complaints and unrafreshing sleep.--
The Liver becomes 'affected and generates
bilious disorders, pains in the side, &c. The
Dowels sympathise by Costiveness, Diarrhoea
and bysentery. The principle action of these
Pills is on the stomach and. the'. liver, lungs,
bowels and k dneys, participate in their re
cuperative and regenerative operation.
Impure Blood
. --Sdroftelotis Aireptions
Old Sores, Bad Legs, Irritable and indolent
Ulcers, Scrofula, Consumption, Salt Rheum,
King's Evil,t White Swelling, Cancers, &C.,
are the result of tainted or ) inapoveriabed blood.
By combining; with the O ( 4M Ms mike'? . rotn
pose the vital fluid i the antiseptic properties
of. these Pills• neutralize the humors that de
generate it and a ppatiye, curs of any, of the
above . diseases will speedily. follow, while
,Holloway's Balsamic... Ointment used at the
same time will heal tbe external sores or
swellings. - •
Female Complaints.
Whether! in the young 'or old, married or
single, at the dieivn • Weininihnod br the
turn of lifey these tonic. medicines display so
decided an influence that a marked improve
mentis soon perceptible -in the health of the
they are a sate and reliable remedy for all
lasses•of Temiles in pvety condition of health
and station of life. ..
' Infantile Diseases'.
Tbeso Medicines h gebeen,preecrihpdkwith
invariable success, in ail diaordera 'afrectigg
childhOod. Thousands of eases of hritipps„
Croup, I+ ,. 'hoopiag-Cnugh,
Teetltnng, Woryis„ & c , a haye, been happily
cure ty-theli mild remedies 'after !all 'Other
means had failed".'""l' '
are the beet.teitredy dnlthe
world for UP ifOlOW: l llgfd*Ref A .1
Fevers of all kinds; Colics, ' Aathma,
Bowel Complaintli, -Debility; Gout,
Stone and.GraVel,.. 'Bora Throat, Dropsy,
Venereal 'Affections, Jaundice,Fits,
SecoddarYlSymptoms Intlitutistoni, kites;
Retention of Urine . , • Lumbago, Aga,
Tic-Douloureux, tuinours, Blotches
Rheumatism,. • ihe.Skiis.&c. &c.
Vireakhlairfrom'Whateicil‘bitiii. Ark:: ale: ,
impo ji .TA rf ,
,CAuT t9 zir!—Notie are gelniiiie
unless'the' word# Npy) . Kori and
litictoa," diXernible' as a 14 7 ;4jr-riailc
every ldaf i3f the ktionk - otafrictions stolid
each pot and box.
•,,*Sold at thi? Manufactory of Professor
by all respectable ..lortiggilfe and realers:in
Madicintf . tbrrOlgtiPPt !IV;
boxes if 25 cents, 62 cen7is, and $1 each: .!
There is a considerable ravingly felting
thellirger sizes. •
N•B .—Directißns.for the.guidaufe of patients
in every disorder area.filieed to each box.
Court 'Proclamation;
wElitt 's the ilionorablel Henry G.
Long, ~Pmident ' Hon A . 1.4111 1 / 4 ,thestalid.
Peliee Bnntiin; tialiAss..ludges Ofthe'Ciiiirt of
CommirPleiskiliandifor:the Colitity
ter; and Assistantdistiees of the Court of Oyer &
Terminer. and: Generalikul4Delivary. and Quer -
ter 'Beiiiiims of the. Peace, in and for the.Gouifty
of Lancaster, have issued their Prace,Kto me
me, ,among giftex things, to
make itn 4 - apci. it A xATIOr., thep:l.ol:l2 my
HailiWick; that a Colirtnf Oyer 'rand Ter irieS
QWO G ene r al
. 'Jail B elrve-
uarter ..Sessiona.of the P,Face aap
ry, will comonence the . ! c ourt House , tn,'the
CO , of 1 4.P.9 3 4Pri . ran Oir 4 3 14 1- 4001 4 4,W0f
Pennsylvania, oit the
Total MONDAYiii :IN jciktie:'
In pursuance. of which precept.
. NOTICE Is 1411.E.5,Y
to the Mayor and Alderman of fl ie City of Len
caster, in said county, and the Justices of
,the. Peace, the Poroner,, and_Cinstables of the
said city and .county otLatiptifter,..tli*at, they be
then'andtiwie,in iheir oitrii r pro,per, peFsoniA with
rolls, records and eiaramatibrid, apd4a
quiaition% and their Other cemeatbracqii,fo.d.o
those things w hich to Iliefr offices apßertain„ jn
their behall to,be.done ; and also those w ill
proseciite against tfielplisoriera WhO are, oithea
sliallbe, irrthe,lB.l.l of said tiii4ater,
aible be then and theme to prosecute against
them as shall b ust . . '
Dateitat e LelierAbe Dienlber,
4.13621 • S. - VV:' P. SODA; Sri rut it.'
Arck Street, above 7 hirdi•
!iriro 2
• •f •PtiSpriettfri
. -
lar;ThiS Motel 4 central xonlenient., by
Passenger Gars , parts Abe ,cii.3s.lina in
every 'particular" I.dapted to the' nemili4„4,eit
viant's of the'bilgineit public
]t ''Terns OM per driy:
Late of the Borough of Marietta, - ljeCvd.
letters of Administration Wilma estate hariag
been gratified to the undersigned, all persons
itkebtedttetettiere requeitted to laike imme
diate payment, and those bitiing'claims or de
mands against the s e tae will present them ; for
settlement to thelafidersigited, residing in the
said Borough at. Marietta. _
December 21' ISM 81-6 t
. . . .
wENTy . 1
EMPTY -11:481,1T,A.t0S
T—in good condition—will'he Sold ","-•-
lathe low price of each and delilige , any
where in or near Marietta free of 'claw*. Be
- 'in of cellar room, if t4€4l from the
store soon, a trifle less will be'talten.
lot •cif•excelleint) '
very cheap. For DI:tFENEVACLI'S.
T ADIES AND GENTS Anderion has jost
receited an elegant assortment of Petri
rnery, consisting' of Toiliet &haps ? Hair Oils,
Eirtiscts ColOgnei iit t•fiee:s much below
the •tisifitl nitei, 'also somewerrhanilsolim'Cands
for gentihmen, Phrtinonies, ac.
V ea
- MBROIDERIES4Tust received thelargeat
and most desirable lot of Embroideries eve
o red for Ali tire, Cimiiiirig - of beau
tiful", French , Worked . Collers, lliidelsleerves
Spencers, SwissaMdJackonett Edging and la
erting,eFlounting; arc., selling very" loNi..-
J. R: Dikke'skac ii:
G-_41.1t/td - I , .Asl59.ltTAtEn un
A. Hammered, add 1 .
Rolled Iron; H.
%., hta.llo 1 1
.1700‘ N4i 1 ,11113, 'Amer,. ipso '
and Germtm .
. -dpring and Cast ft.4 l .l.\ll49ll
Boxes; .4ifxtea, Springs, dm., for smiths.
PECTACLItS to suit ell whB y'f
can lie laildt 2 d 4 ielef'
liefirougit at IL L.c'EakailibiltSKAir
net of North Alueen-st. 3 and Center Square,
Lancaster. Ne*Vidosetirefitted in old frames,
at short notice. , ,{4/6-1"
efT•NIVES, FORIeSr - Bntain' sin`d
platdd Spoluisi,lltraaditeoripegilain and
y l naTled, gett A lm aAd uapkenpipg
-PRP, gefi§AVYA tVirrittA:Po 3.
1 oSttrili 4 'MED. Tax AR
bitfdrillAilli: "".
TIWASVS" q9f,CE' - L YE,
Uperior to tiny,ticiatitf use ` , cab. be , !tad at the
CheaitlVoicif WSW/v:4(
QC.RO.IX,Art.D.N4 Ifigq./41)4.72 UM
for airibia ty paipases, warrtiatetigenuine
at H. D. Beitjataia °'a.
DNotti'ne3 Caul-Ls for 186-2.
IT is ordered by the Court that Adjourned
Courts fur 1862, for the trial and decision
eases in the Common Pleas, Orphans ,
Court, and Quarter sessions, are to be held as
One week commencing Monday, March 17.
June 16.
September 15
To continue one week £ter the said days re
spectively, and as much longer as the business
may require. All the cases on the list for ar
gument in the Orphans' Court, shall be taken
up on the first days of said terms, and be pro
ceeded with until disposed of, unless continued
by consent or cause shown,
The causes on the argument list in the Quar
ter Sessions, shall be taken up on the Wednes
day of said term, if not prevented by the Or
phans' Court, and if so, the cases in the Quar
ter Sessions will be commenced an the termi
nation of the Orphan's Court besiness.
The argument or the cases in the Common
?leas to be commenced on Thursday of the
week, if not prevented by the Orphans Court
or Quarter .Smistens cases, in that case the ar
gument list o. said court is to be taken ap at
the termination of the cases in the other courts
and preeeeded, with until disposed of unless con
tinned by constpt or cause shown.
It is further ordeted, that the atwence of
counsel at the time appointed for heari n g the
eases mentioned in.the preceeding orders, shall
be no cause for suspending proceedings therein,
unless be consent, or legal ground, for continu
ance ny Shown.
A D.101711.N.1.41a . MISIALT
It is, or dered bjc the . Court that adjourned
eoutte forjury trials in the Cotomon Pleas, wilt
be held la folinwe:
1 week' commencing fast . Monday , ad, of Feb'y.
A "' " 4th " 26th "
• " " let • - " 3d of March.
" " 26th of.hlay.
' ' "f e i " 2a of 'June.
ft "let " let of Sept.
" 3rd " 50th of Oct.
If " 4th • " 27th "
" ' lit ." lit Of Dec.
And oath other periodwas may be appointed
at the aforeisald'eonftsi Or a ttheregularterma.
The foregoing to be published hall the
newspapers in the city and county of Lancas
ter three Nuccessive times in eech, at expense
of the. county. to be- pt*Misted . ress' toe
Commissioners °thee.
By &der of the Cat.
jan. 4-3tl
The Peoples - Rat' thid Cap &ore!
' - AtriTZ az BIicErVER
- . RAT mAwupAcTußvis,
.., RUM main call At+ attention of our custom,
eilt ailo.4kil diPoood to fokOr4ua with ttittir pa
tronage to por,
- , . ST,ii.Es FOR TgE, FALL OF MI.
Our stock will consis tss heTtpfore Sim
Cross oasis, Fia 4, Wopx. gOFT HATS
We would 'all. patikeular atteatlea to the
ate ; -.4oernimt ;Mat,
11fg..'01E043) BAL-qh6.44fig4
A BEiviirui ..AS:SdatthIENT OF ,
TtigiiAnts AND j3DY.S.FATIGNE Gus.
.We would , earnntarinnite all tegibsstun early
will Wore puretiasing.elevoiere; feeling. men
&seared- amid the varieties offered, thes will
not fail to be suited. In conchte Dui we would
relatn Inir',B4fieere: ffeitnis*efOr tkeqnsblibani
pgtronage worded usondave,trusfrAtcloge at -
tentkneind deal/clack-to !merit its continuance.
FULL apm? inont.qfFree h *inter
Goods of the mosiiiisimiaestyles.
Ojos, Gentlemen's, lidisne — s,aind Youths
French' Merinoeh at a grela hargiin,
Fanct Detaines,keleni the cost
brirhpOrtiitiiitCesbnms;alithifs, Prints
and Ginghinfi in trent variety.
Cloths, .Cassimeres.and , ,Vestings
very cheap,' •Glathain all colors, at a
deaf:lid bargain;'-Hoods, Ntihisks, Gloves
and notions generally, as cheap waiver.'
• A ,J01) , 16t.0f .extrit-flue
pliflitGlDEttgl) COLLARS
.'‘ at leas thlia the usual cost,
Fitinnets; CligckS; Stieetirigs and all
oar kind` of DII.T GOODS, together
with' Groceries, Fish, Sm., in full supply.
Herm* West, N. D.
IJAVI NG purchased,.in .connection with
i ; •Rarribon , Sethi- 'Dr. Grove's Drug Store
an located .itv the . Borough of Marietta, for
the.practice.of the medical profession, would
respectfully:otter. his the public.—
lie can be found atthe office formerly occupied
by Dr.. Groner
, • ••.- . -
The„ undprsianpd tatteu pleasure in_recom
mendi4g Dr. West to his ; friends add,patrans.
Dr. W. has`lieenpractaing in this vicinity for
the past 8 or 9 years, and will, beyond doubt,
give entire , satisfaction to all who will give
him . ' a trial. J. H. Grimm
TBE Amitican Watchei are among the best
timeketpepf now in use, And for durability
strength and siniplicitY far, surpass' any other
watch made' in the World.
IL L. 19. E. Z A R /If
Corner of ;North gueen,st.,and Centre Square
Lancaster, Pik, b vo them lqr sale at the very
fewest rates -- every watch accompanied with
the in . factu iers guairanteet Wei:ware its gen
TUST.RECEIVED at Anderson's Confee
..Jl,tionary and VarietylStoie;ialliarkat-st., a
tine assortment of- children's gigs, baskets
wagons;. perambulators, whealhatrtiws, toys
rocking,homes, wagons, d.rn. l 44l%,Dhildren's
Gigs, Wheel Barrows, Sleighs, Bobby Iforaes,
Chins,and , Paper Toys, Dolls of every size
material Blaok and White,. Animals of all
kinds and an .variety of Holiday gifts.
&eat 'tillietiveiy
have made a•stideovery of the utmost im
T portaneette-ever persen of either
sex, And,whikeend thesfulliparticulahkeoncern
ing it , to anyone.en receipt of a stamp to pay
return postage, Address
-Ina. J. H. 11141B.TELL, •
7.39-iswty Alfred, Maine.
< •
OA General Assortwent of, RA Wide of
* 4inges, S.c.rewsy . Bona, Cellar Grates,
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty very,eheap.
S.T.a.R.Wrr. & CO.
IPX)I4 F.,Largefd, and anyartakent of Fancy
1 res and veatiag.fraratrered
in this mailce .and will be sold at.pnces which
Aff.Y,C( 01 4 1 1#04 0 .0Y4" ,, R. Alle*Pach
~• tL c. 13 X. 2 8 c9ihnsted inipeiial ' Ex
teneioo, Steel 4 ;mg - SW ' '
se f-a'djhatible 'lia:.
15 11jai C V't:ti r te l o v t i i t n h
use, 'for sale cheap at '' ',4-•
- 1 - 17 9LEws cetebrato aaal CloatH
m`-:-tatare sifila at '
price, 6 Cents ! j waLFEIs,
fUST-WECEIVEIPat the "Enterprise Wine
and Liggiir. Stare," Mount Joy, a isopenui
arilole of Oitimpligne and Gernilo Wines.
BUGGY Sad Sleigh 4114.ANKETS of V111i011.9
- styles and at nin6,li looter ptices than the
swan abldgist fall. o., ,Spalikter:* Patterson.
trY - orkP thipt tiqyatiful S Q riAle
4 ItAT t Sif lii'artiet-et.'
Alu LEN'S twig cOebrated
"t ftENUMIN:,
T ' SI"I;V 8114"
December 15.