The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 28, 1861, Image 4

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    fIo the eopie of the tipitez States.
IN the month of December, ISSS, the under
for the first time offered for sale to
the public Dr. J. Bovee Dods Imperial Wine
tatters, and in this short period they have given
such universal satisfaction to the many thou
sands of persons who have tried them that it is
now an established article. The amount of
bodily and mental misery arising simply from
a neglect of small complaints is surprising, and
it is therefqe of the utmost importance that a
strict attention to the least and most trifling
bodily ailinertt should be had; for diseases of
the body must invariably affect the mind.
The suit/writers now only ask a trial of
Dr. J. Loree Dods' Imperial I Vine Bitters!
From till who haye not used them. We chal
lenge the world'ai predate their equal.
'these Bittiirs fdr the cure of Weak Stomachs,
General De6ility, and for Purifying and Em
ricking the Bided, are absolutely unsurpassed
by any other rethetly on earth. To he assured
of this, it is only necessary to make the trial.
The Wind ittiel(is of a very superior quality,
being about ope-third Stronger the other wines;
wattning And: invidOriting the whole system
front the head to the feet. As these bitters are
tonic and alterative in their character, so they
strengthen and invigorate the whole system
and give afine time and healthy action to all
its parts, by equalizing the circulation, re
m:firing obstructions, and producing a general
warmth. They are also excellent fqr Diseases
and Weakness pethilair to Female, where a
tonic is required to stung lien and biace the sys
tem,.lto lady, who is subject to lassitude and
faisttpusel ould be without them, as they are
reit - P(4lli in their action.
Theta tiers will trot only cure, but prisent
' disease ,"and 'n this respect are doubly valua
ble to the ' n who, inay.wie them.
w ripr ncpient Consumption,
weak Lunge,
,Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Disease •
of Me lilervous System, Paralysis, Piks,-, -I
Drr D
Fur Sore Throat, a 2 common ~ among the
Clergy, they are truly valuable.
For the aged "slid infirm, and for persons of
a weak constitution—forldinisters of the Gos
pel, Lawyers, and all pnblic speakers—for
Book-fteepers,T dots, Searostresses,Students,
Artilitil;and all persons leading a sedentary
lifeithey will prove truly beneficial.
'As a Beverage,. they ale' wholesome, inno
eqht, andlelicionk to the taste. They produce
all the exhilaratihg effects of Brandy or Wine,
withilat innixieating and are a valuable rem
edy flit fiersOns addicted to the use of exces
sive stronedtink, and who wish to refrain
from it. They are pure and entirely free from
the poistins Contained in theadulteratetWines
and Liquors with which the country Is flooded.
These Bitters not only cure, but prevent Dis
ease, and should be 'used by ll who live in a
country where the water - is bad, or where
Chills and , Pevere. are prevalent. Being en
tirely innocibi eall 'harmless they may be giv
en freely to , Childtaii. arid Infants with„im
vanity. ti r
Physicians, Clergyitien, and temperance ad
vocates, as an act of humanity, should assist
in spreading-theie truly valuable Bitters over
the land; and thereby essentially! aid in ban
ishing Drunkenness and Disease.
in all affections of the Head, Sick Headache, or
Nervous Headache .Dr. Dods' Imperial Wine
Batters mill be fosind to be most satutary and
The many certificates which have been ten
dered us, and the letters which we are daily
receiving; iie s eoiichisive proof that among the
women thesießitters have given a satisfaction
which no others have ever done before. No
woman itrthsi land ithoild be without them,
and-these , who'once use them will not fail to
keep a supply.
Dr. 'J. Bailee Dads' Imperial Wine Bitters
Arc prepared by an eminent and skillful
physician who has used them successfully. in
his, practice for the last twenty-five years. The
proprietor, before purchasing the exclusive
right to manufacture and sell (It.. .1. Bovee
hod's Celebrated Imperial Wine Bitters had
them tenet by two distingutshed medical
practitioners, who pronounced them a valuable
remedy fdr &Seise.
Althotigh , the medical men . of the country,
as &genera fling, disapprove of Patent Med
icines, yet lvm do not believe that a respectable
Physician•ean be fountFiri the United States,
acquainted wialitheir medical properties, who
will not highlY approve Dr. J. Douce !ad's
imperial Wine Bitters.
In all newly settled Mace.s, where there is
always a large quantity of decaying timber
from which a poisonous miasma is created,.
these bitters should be used every morning be
fore breakfast.
Dr. J. Bovee Dods' Itnperial Wine Bitters
Are composed of a . pure and unadulterated
Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon's
Seal, Com'ley, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spike
nard, Chamomile Flowers, and Gentian.—
They sue manufactured by Dr. Dods himself,
who is an experienced and successful Physi
cian, and hence shoUld not be classed among
the'quick nostrums which flood the country,
and against which the medical profession we
sojuitik prejudiced'
These truly valuable Bitters have been so
,thorougly tested by all classes of thecommund
ty foi almost,every variety of disease incident
to the human system, that : that they are now
deemed indispensahle as a
Tonic, Medicine and_ a Beverage.—P U
Pvril tiT eicti-t-' Give tone to the
Stomach !=Renovate the system,
mid ',Prolong
:A.16 'souk Dr
80 LV •tROPBIFTO/18,
Nil. 78 William-at., New York.
113- For sale by druggists an 4rocers gener—
ally througliont the country. 11.1.
Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs 6. Colds.
All who are suffering from Consumption
should use the lianona ARABICA, discovered
by a missionary in Arabia.
All those who are threatened with Consump
tion should use' he Makora Arabira, discover
ed by a missionary- in Arabia.
All who are suffering from Bronchitis should
use the Makers Arabica, discovered by a mis
sionary in Arabia.
All who are suffering from Sore Thro at
Coughs, and Colds, should use the Makora
Arabica,,discovered by a missionary in Arabia.
All who are suffering from Asthma, Scrofu
la and impurities or the blood should use the
Malcom Arabica, discovered by a missionary
in Arabia. •
It cares Consumption,
It cures Btonchitis,
It cures Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds.
It cures Asthma, Scrofula and impurities of
the Mood.
This unequalled remedy is now lot the first
time intreduced to the public.
l i t o ,wail providentially discovered by a mis
simian. while traveling in Arabia. He was
cared of Coneumption by its use after his case
was pronounced hopeless by learned physicians
in Europe.,
44:10 has forwarded to us in writing, a full ac
count of his own extraordinary cure, and of a
number of other cures which have come under
hie observation and also a full account of the
At his request, and impelled by a desire to
extend knowledge of this remedy to the pub-.
Ile, we have had his communication printed in
• paraphlet form for tree'distribution. tits inter
est to enhanced by an account which he gives
of _Millie of the scenes of the Syrian massacres,
4 1ishlifil he obtained from those who sirtlered in
that *Awful tragedy.
This pamphlet may be obtained at our office,
or it'will be sent free by mail to'all who apply
for it. , We import the Mokora Arabica direct
from Smyrna through the house of Cleou and
Gylippus, and ace have always on hand a full
supply_ptt up itebottles ready for use with full
dlnMotia, .Prece One Dollar per bottle.
&rift& Mail on reeeffit et price, and 24 cents
for postage. For sate wholesale or retail, by
Importers of Ihvg.s and Medicines,
March WI. J 61 Liberty-sl., N. Y.
'Six if elves of 'Peace, an() of Rl*.
Card size, on Bristol Board, suitable for Al
bums. Published and sold by
'. Anthony, 501 Brodtuag, New Ydr.k.l
By special arra.tie meta we publish in adth
tlon to other portraits TILE CELEBRAED COL
LECTION well known both in Europe and
4.nnerica as
+rady's National Photographic Portrait
_ _
Brady's collection of Imperial Photographs
iv justly considered one of the lions of New
Vork, and in the Photographic reproductions
Of these every centre table, can now have an
additional attraction in a miniature Brady's
'Among our publications are
Abraham Lincoln, Jeffersob Davis,
Hannibal 'Hamlin, - ! . I.sely
H: Seivaid; Alex. 14 Stephens,
Salmon P. Chain; ' Runt. J. Toombs)
Simon Cameron, Howell Cobb,
Montgomery Blair, Henry'
• 'Edward Bates, t ;John, Tylor;
Gideon Wells, - Gen'l Beauregard,
Caleb F. Smith, Geu'l Lee, ,
Gen!' Scott, Jobu-11. Fioyd, •
Roh't•Andemon,' Jacob Thotnpson, •
Major, Slemmer, P: F. Thomas,
Col. Elsworth, • John'. Bell,
Gen') Butler, Gen'l Mansfield, Col. Lander,
'Col. Fremont, Steplien'A. Dodglas, Maj. Gen.
John A. Dix,,..Maj.,,Gen'l N. P. Banks, John
C. Breckenridge, Gov. John Letcher, John C.
Calhoun, Herschel V. Johnson, L. G.tWigfall,
Ben. McCullough, Limit. Maury, Henry Ward
Beecher, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Prof. Morse,
Horace. Greply, N. P. Willis, James, Gordon
Bennett, William. C. Bryant, Henry. Cray,
Washington Irving, Andrew. Jackson, Dr. E.
K. Katie. •Commodore Perry, Mrs. Sigourney,
John J.,..kudubon, Mrs. Gen'l Gaines, Charles
Sumner, Gov, Andrew, J. J. Crittenden, Duke
of Newcastle, Prince of Wales, Zachary Tay
lur, George Bancroft, Lathrop L. Motly, Sam
Houston, J. Q. Adams, Emerson Etheridge,
Andrew Johnson. Parson Brownlow, Brown
low's heroic daughter.
Together with about 500 others, to which
additions are daily made. Catalogue sent on
receipt of stamp..
Price of Portraiti $3 Per Dozen. .Gin be
sent by mail. Remittance may' be made 'in
postage stamps.
Also a large collection of Photographs of
distinguished Europeans, Emperors, Kings,
Queens, Maralialls, Generals, Dukes, Lords,
Authors, Actors, Politicians and Clergy.—
Price, from 25 to 50 cents each, according to
quality. , _
Our 'establishment is also headquarters for
both as Agent of the best French manufac
turer, and as manufacturer under a patent of
our own.
"We .have a. large assortment, varying in
price from 90 emits to $5O, and holding. from
12 portraits up to 600.
Also folding cases of morrocco cloth for
the pocket, end.hold 2,4, 6, 8 or 12 portraits.
Also various styles of framing card portraits,
of carved wood, metal, paper, composition,
etc., of elegant.and tasteful designs.
I Gur Photographers now - in the field :are
daily sending us
Camp Scenes of the,P,resent War.
anti 'views of poirits and things of snteiest;both
card size, for Albums, and Stereoscopic forto.
For instance, the the . Seventh Regintent 2, at
Camp Cameron—ln the trenches— CogkingAelr
Meals—The Gymnasts—The ..Tuncticrn-t•Del
monicq's—Laura jeesse's—Geneita streetAview
of ihe Camp, etc: HARPER'S Teriait - before
and after the scenes "of d'estruction.
To • gether with various other places of Note.
Card Size 25 'cents each; stereoscopic 33
cents.' • -
Parties who would like a lot of these camp
scenes to. select frotri=Ahe balance to be re
,turned ;in gbod order at their oiirti - expense, and
withal/I iickiy, r ean be , accommodated cin giv
ingsproper New York reference.
Our establishment is the great Emporium
fOL everything in the , 'Stereoscopic line, :and
pit? assortment is,the most• complete probably
Or any in the world.
The Stereoscope in the most instructive, in
teresting, entertaining, amusing, and exciting
of moderujnyentions.
, . .
None are.too,young, none too old, none too
intelligent, none too uneducated, to acknowl
edge its, worth.iind beauty.
No home is Complete without it, and it must
and will penetrate everywhere.
It presents to your view , every part of the
world, in, all the relief boldness, perspective,
aud sharpness of detail, as if you were on the
We have an immense variety of views of
Scenes in Paris, London, England, Scotlind,
Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland,
.Switzerland, Spain, The Rhine, Versailles,
St. Cloud, Fontainebleau, Tuillenes, Turkey,
Italy, Egypt, Athens, the. Holy Land, China,
India, Crystal Palace, also Groups Histotical,
Aniusing, marriage scenes, tbreakfaXt scenes,
Pic-nics, statuary, etc., etc. An exquisite
assortment of Illustrated Interiors, of Palaces,
Churches, and Cathedrals' of Frante, Italy,
etc., etc. The , effect of these illuminated
views is most remarkable..
Anthony's Instantaneous Stereoscope. Views
are the latest Photographic wonder. They
are taken in the FORTIETH PART OF A SECOND,
and everything, no matter how rapidly it may
be mooing, is'depicted as sharply mid distinct
ly as if it had been perfectly at rest. This
gives an additional value, for to the beauties
of inanimate Nature it adds the charm of life
and motion. The yrocess is a discovery of
our own, and being unknownin Europe we
received from London and Paris large orders
Anthony's Instantaneous Views of Ameri
can life and scenery.
Our Catalogue of subjects and prices will be
for warded to any aduress on receipt of a
Partie.s at a distance sending us $3,15, $lO,
$l5, S2Q, or $25, can have a good instrument
and such pictures as they may request, sent
by E xpress.
Views. alone (without instrument) can be
sent by mail. E. ANTHONY,
(3 dam aouth of St. Hotel,)
501 BROADWAY, 'NEW ICoax,.
Importers and Manufactercr Of Photographic
Mate rial s, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic
ltr Merchants from every section of the
country are respectfully invited to make. .an
examination of our stock.
To Photographers. Our Bulletin of Photo
graphic Invention and Improvement will be
bent to any address on application.
[Cut this out for future reference.]
July 13-6mo].
Llncaster Co., Pa
l in pmAs C. CHILD, Aar., bas constantly
on hadd, or Manufactured to order,' all
nds of SASH, DOORS, BLHiI Shutters,
ere., .kc. All orders addressed to MEHAFFEY,
HOUTZ Si Co., for any of the above articles, of
for Bill Stuff, Timber Girders, 'Lath, Pickets,
Pales, Shingling Lath, Floor Boards, Weather
Boarding, White Pine Shingles, or Lumber will
elways meet with prompt attention, and be sup
plied on as favorable terms as from auy other
astablishment in' the country.
A liberal discount off for cash.
ProRIME GROCERIE Si—Rio, Java and
La,guira Coffee ; Crushed, Pulverized' and
wn Sugar;. Superior Green and Black Tea;
Rice, Cheese and Spices ; Syrup and prime ba
king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at
. undersigned has received another lot of
luid and Coal Oil Lamps, and Lamp. Shades
of every variety and price. Call and see them
at the Drug. Store of Dr. Henry. Landis.
style, each one warranted to per
orm to the entire satisfaction of the
purchasea , . STERRETT az
• • .
LlKUol3l.6t'bf Booltit for children called
itfillstitttettittte,Plea4uro Books ; Sehoqtaed
o 4di
her Wkhikgt*tron,aiY, Pens, Pen" holdets,
Ste.; Ste. ' '' " 4 ' roil sale . by .Dr. Laiidis.'
11111 - TOKORY & Oak Woody BO Corda each,
1 - 1 Hielady and Oak Wood. Orders must
he accompanied with the cash when they will
he promptly rime. Spangler & Patterson.
The Strongest Glue in the World.
The cheapest Glue iii the World.
The most durable Glue in the World
The only reliable Glue in the World.
' The bestG}ue in the World. -
Is rhe , only article of the kind ever produced
Will Withstand: , Water
IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken
Furniture. '
Harneas, Straps, Belts, Boots,,&c.
IT WILL MEND 'Gr.Ass,Ye the pieces
of that,espensive CyyrGlass Bottle.
IT WILL MEILO' VORY, ' poiei throw
awarthat'broketiliory Fan it is easily re
,Chipa (ups and Saucers can be Made as good
EIS new. ' ."
IT.. WILL. MEND MARBLE, That pieee
knocked out of your Marble Mantle can be
put on a's Strong as ever.
- if that broken Pitcher did apt cost but a
shilling, a shilling saved is' shilling' earned:
ly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't
rnatch it, mend it, it will "never show when
put tdgether.
in fact everything but Metals.
Any article Cemented with AMERICAN
CEME.f: re it is ' m ended.
,i de , d. 1 . s h ow
" Every housekeeper should have a supply
of Johns.Bi Crosley'a American Cement Glue.'
—New York
" It Is so convenient to have in the house."
—New York Express..
"It is .always reedy; this commends it to
every body."—N..X. Independent,
" We have .tried it, and: And it as useful in
Our house as water."— Wilkes' Spirit, of the
010.00 per year saved in every-fa:4y
by ono Bottle of
American p ement Glue.
Price 25 Cents per 'Fettle.
Pride2s - .Cents per Bottle:;
Price 25 cents per licAtit. • $
Price 25 dents per bottle.'
Price 25 eel - its per Bottle:
144 'Liberal Reductions to Wholesale
11..100r sale by all. Druggists and Store
keepers generally thioughout the country.
.„, „ , „,
(Sole 11180Ulacturerso to vs 'LIANA BTt.'F.trr,
(Corner of labOrty Street,) NEW'YORK.
Important to House Owners
Important to Builthirs.
Important to Bail Road. Companies
Important to 'Farmers. '
all whom I/iis nary concern, and it
- concerns every Body- , :
The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use.
It can tie applied to new and' old 'Roofs Of all
kinds; steep or 'fiat, and to Shingle Roofs"
without removing the Shingles
The Cost is 04. y. Obut One:Miril that of
• •
Tip f and it is TWICE as durable.
This article hus been thoroughly tested in
New York City and MI parts of the United
States, Canada, West Indies, and Central
and South America, ou buildings of all kinds,
such as Factories, Foundries, Churches,Rail
Road Depots, Cars, and on Public Buidings
generally, Government Buildings, &c., by the
principal Builders, Architects and others,
during the past four, years, and has proved to
ROOFING in use ;, it is in. every respeet a
Fire, Water, Weather and Time Proof cover
ing for roofs of all kinds. •
This is the only material manufactured in
the United Slates which combines the very de
sirable properties of Elasticity and Durability,
which are. universally acknowledged •tci be
possessed by GUTTIA P.ERCHA and INDIA
No heat is required in . making application
The expense of applying it is trilling, as an
ordinary goof, can 'be covered and finished
the same (lay. ' •
It eon be applied by any one,
and when finished forms a perfectly FIRE
Paoor surface, with an elastic body, which
cannot be injured by Heat, Cold or . Storms,
Shrinking — of Roof Boards, nor any 'external
action whatever.
For Coating Metals of all kinds when
exposed to the Action of the Wheth
er, and for Preserving and Repar
, ing Metal Roofs of all Kinds.
.This is the only Composition known which
will successfully resist extreme changes of all
climates; for any length of time, when applied
to metal, to which it adheres firmly, forming
a body equal to three coats of ordinary paint,
costs much less, and will last three times as
long; and from its elasticity is not injured by
the contraction and expansion of tin and other
metal roofs, consequent upon sudden change
of the weather. '
It 'wM not CRACK in cold 'or RUN in warm
weather and will NOT WASH OFF. •
Leak; tin and other metal Roofs can be readi
ly repaired with Gala Perch& -Cement, and
prevented from further corrosion and leaking,
thereby ensuring a perfectly warer tight roof
far many years.
This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the
preservation of Iron Railings, stoves, Ranges,
Safes, Agricultural Implements, Fre., also for
general manufacturing use.
Gutta Percha Cement.
For preserving and repairing TIN and' other
METAL Roars 01 every description, from its
greatelasticity, is not injured by the contrac
t-ion and expansion of Metals; and will not
CRACK in cold or RUN in warm weather.
These materials are adapted to all climates,
and we are prepared• to, supply orders from
any 'part of the country, at short notice, for
GUTTA PERCHA ROWING in rolls, ready pre
pared for use, and Gutta Perch; Cement in
barrels with full printed directions for appli
We will make liberal and satistactory ar
rangen3ents with responsible parties who
would like to establish themselves m a biers
tire and permanent 'business.
Ogr Terms are Cash.
We can Ore abundant proof of all we claim
in favor of our. Improved Roofing Meterials,
having applied them to • several thousand
Roofs n New York City and vicinity.
Wholesale Warenouse 78 William-st., N. Y.
Pull descriptive circulars and prices will be
furnished en application. [Oct '6l- ly
Great . .Diseovery.
bare made a discovery of the utmost im
jportance to every married pershn of either
sexiiind.mill send the full particulars concern
ing it to any one en receipt of a stamp to pay
return postage, Address
7-39-iswly.] Alfred, Maine.
25 BARRELS , Monongahela Whisky just.,
received, which w7l be; sold at theylow
est market rates by the barrel, or gallon at the
Enterprise Wine & Liquor Store.
A. D. REESE, Mount Toy.
STORE ROOM TO LET.—The Room lately
occupied by Miss Margaret Trainer as a
Milliucry. Apply to BARR PANG LER.
Restorative Pills of ;ro_ti.
An Aperient and Stomachic pieparation of
Cron purified' of Oxygen and Carbon by
lUmbustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the
highest- Medical A.utherities,.both in Europe
and the Unites States, khd presetibettin thei.
practice. .
The experience of thousands daily proves
that no preparation of iron esti be compared
with it. Impurities of the blood, depressibn
of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly
complexions, indicate its necessity iu almciSt
every conceivable case.
hinoxious in ail maladies in which it has
been tried, it has proved absoluteiy curative in
each of.the following complaints; viz:
In Debility, Nervous Affections, ,Emaciation,
Dyspepsia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Dysente
ry, Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tubur
eu/osis, Salt Rheum, Alismenstruation, ChIo
?OAS, Wkites,Liver t amp/obits, fAronic Read
aches, litheiniutlism, Intermittent Fevers,
,the face,, 4cc.
In cages,* General. Debility, whether ihnde
suit of acute disease, or of the contineed.dim
inutionilttnirrous and muscular energy from
chronic 'complaints one trial of thi4iestorative
has prayed successful to an extent-tNbich , no
description nor written attestation would rend
er credible: Invalids so long belt-ridden as to
have become forgotten in their own,neighbor
hoods, have suddenly re , appeared , in the busy
world as if just returned from protracted travel
in a distant land. b.So me very signal instances
of rink kind lire , attested of female Sufferers,
emaciated victims of apparent marastoug, sane
guideous exhaustion, crittical changes, and
that , coinplitation of nervous and dyspeptiJ
aversion to air and exercise for which, he phy
sician has no name.
In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for
reasons familiar to medical men, the operation
of this preparation of - iron must necessarily. be
salutary, for, unlike the . old °tides, it is vigo
rously tonic, without being exciting and over--
beating ; and gently, legularly aperient, even
in the most obstinate eases of costiveness with
out ever being u gastric purgative, or inflicting
a disagreeable sensation.' •
It is this latter .property, among others,
which makei it so remarkably effectual' and
permanent a remedy for Piles, upon-which , fit
also appears to exert a distinct and specific
action, by disper.sing the local tendency which
fornis thein.
To Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its Causes,
a single box of tliese Chalybeate Pills has oftem
Stalked fer the most hashitliareases, including ,
tho sittendent Costiveness."
In uneheeked 'DiarNaco, even when ad
vanced to Dysentery, •ciniiirined, emaciating,
and'apOirently malignant, the effects have"
been equally decisive 'and astonishing. •
In the local' pains, lost of flesliandttren,gfb,
debilitating cough, and remitten, hectic, wnichl
'generally indicate Incipient Consumptlon, this
:reined) has allayed the. alarm of friends and
physicians, in several very gratifying and in
teresting „nstance&
lii ,Sc r o fulous TlibSepulogis, this Medicated
iron has hail far more than thegood effect of
the most eauliOdilk-' halaseed preparations o
iodine, without any of their well knoiv.o lie
The attention of females cannot betoo.cqn
fidently invited to this remedy and restorative,
in the cases peculiarly affecting them.
In _Rheumatism, both chronic and inflamma
tory—in the latter, however, more decidedly—
it'ha;s 'been invariably well reported, both as
alleviating pain 'and reducing the swellings
and stiffness of the joints and muscles.
In Intermittent Fevers it mutt necessarily be
a great remedy and , energetic restorative, and
its progrese in tett lements of the West,
will prObably be - one of Itign renown and use
No remedy has ever been discovered in the
whole history of Medicine, which • exerts such
prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects.—
Clood,appetite, complete digestion; rapid acqui
sition of strength, with an unusual disposition
fqr actimand. cheerful exerclse, , immediately
follow its use.,
Pdt up in neat flat metal boxes containing,
50 pace 50 cents per box; for, sale by
druggists and dealers. Will be- sent free tt ,
any address on receipt of the price. All let
ters, orders, ete.,•should be' hdtlrabsed to
IL B. LUCKS ST. CO., General 404,
20 Cedar-st., N.' Y
A- Benevolentinstitutionl'established by
special endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and
Distressed; afflicted with Viruktit and Epidmis
Diseases, and especially for the cure of'Diseasic
of .the Sexual organs. Medical adviee given
gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all a ho apply
- by letfer, with a description of their condition,
(age, occupation, habits' of life, &c.,) andtin
cases of extreme poverty, medicines furnished
free of chavre.
Valuable 'Reports on Spermatorrlitea, and
other Diseases of the Sexual Organs,
and on
the Neuf Remedies employed in the Dispensary
sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes,
free of charge. Two or three postage stamps
will be acceptable to pre-pay postage.
Address, DR. T. SBILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting
Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South 9th
at., Philadelphia. By order of the Directors.
ing a private instructor for mar
persons, or those about to be mar
ried,j both male and.female, in evory
, thing concerning the physiology, and
telations of our, sexual system, and
the production or preverittun of offspring in
cluding all the new discoveries never before
given in the English language, by WILLIAM
Y0UNG,.111.,D.. This is lady a valuable and
ifiteresting work. It is written ir. plain, Jan
ghage for the general reader, and is illustrated
with numerous engravings. All young mar,
rieil'people, or thoSe contemplating marriage,
and having the least impediment to married
life, - should read this book. It discloses secrets
that every one should be acquainted with ; still
it is a book that must be locked up, and not
lie about the house. It will be sent to any one
on the receipt of twenty-five cents, in specie or
postage stamps. Address Dr. War. YOUNG,
No. 416 Spruce st. above 4th, Philadelphia.
Arciacrro AND UNFORTUNATE : No mat
ter what may be your disease before you place
yourself under the care of any one of the no
'torious quacks—native or foreign—whoa dyer
tise in this or any other paper, get a copy of
either of Dr. Young's Books, and read it care
bully; i t may be the means of saving youimany
a dollar, your health, and possibly your life.
Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the
diseases described,in his publications, at his
office, N 0.416 Spruce-st.., above Fourth.
TUST RECEIVED at Anderson's Confec
tionary and Variety Store, in Market-st., a
.fine-assortment of children's gigs„ baskets
wagons, perambulators, wheelbarrows, toys
'rocking horses, wagons, dr u m s, Children's
Gigs, Wheel Barrows, Sleighs, Hobby Horses,
China and Paper Toys; Dolls of every size
material' Black and White. Animals of all
kinds and an endless variety of Holiday gifts.
J. M. Anderson's, Market-st.
CHAMPAGNE and other Table . Wines,
guarrantepd to be pure; and sold as low as
can be boughtin Philadelphia or New-York.
• H. D. BENJAMIN, Picot Building.
200 S io C r K skt B le O c F he S a A p L a T t Diffenbach's
B Oti LEN'S long celebrated GIN,
BUY one of those beautiful 8 0 F T IN
FIATS at CauLL's, 92 Market-st.
XCELLENT Cooking. and Eating Apple
always on hand at Anderson's.
50 BARRELS Monongahela Whiskey
.which will be sold at the lowest
market rates by the barrel or gallon, at
J. R. Diffepbach's Cheap &ore.
n th BOURBON WHISKY in qt. botls,
something very fine, in store and for sale
At the "Ent e Store," Mount Toy.
B RANDIES—e}II to be
i .,
genuinp. Benjamin 4 Co. ;
S _
GAILS and ..liewing Tobacco. A large
and good var' ty at J. M. Andersen'?.. ~
D YOTTSS Hanging and Side Lampe,
For Safi at wEsT §z. ROTH'S.
~f ►i,~g's Lib i 3;~g't for and j'ifa
ARF-Pnre? vegetable extracts They cure
all,bilious disorders of the human system.
They regolite and invigorate the liver and
kidneys; theygive tone to the digestive organs;
they regulate the secretions, excretions and
eihdlationS,Atialize the circblation, and puri
fy, the blood: r Thus, all bilious complaints--
some of whick are Torpid Liver, Sick Head
ache, Th - spePsia Piles, Chills and Fevers,
(,:ilstivenew „ackseness—aro entirely Con
trolled and cured by these remedies.
Darling's Liver Regulator
Ile oyes the morbid and billions deposits from
the stomach and bowels, regulates the liver
and kidneys, removing every obstruction, re
stores a natural and healthy action in the vital
organs. It ii m superior
Much better than pills, and rite,ch.easier to
Is a superior tunic and diti retie; ,exceliont in
c 4 ±4es., ol , l Pas oc, Vitetito3 Apt49lggy, fa4Paie
weaknetts, irregularities, pain in the side and
bowels, blind, protruding and ibleeiling
and general.debility. - •
Jas. L. flrumleyonerceint; 184 Fulton if.,
New York, writes, ugnst /8, 110: .!.. hate
been afflicted with Riles,. aceop o anied with
bleeding, the I tiat {thee - years ; used
Liver A' ulator and
rife Bitiers,
And now .eonsider myself .entirely cured."
~.11on. John A. Cross writes,. " Urooklyn,
,karclils:, 1860. In the spring of 1869, I took
a Severe cold, * which iriduced a violent fever.
I took , tWo doses .of DARLING'S LIVER
REGULATOR. It broke up my cold and
fever at once. Previous to this attack, 1 had
been troubled with dyspepsia several months ;
`I have felVnothing of it since:"
—Atttis Studley, Esq..; 12i . East 28th Street, N.
YerW, rites : •• August 13,,,160.--1 haita
it h _Kidney complaidt. three years,
with,constant pain in the small of toy aback.
I hail axed 'most all kirks of 'medicines; but
found no vermanent relief Until fused "•' •
Dar/ing's Regfilatirr,*ehil - I.ife" Bilffirs
Ipaased clotted bloorrby the-tirethesi'.. latti
now entirely cured, and) take pleasure in.,re
corarnending,these remedies.",
C . tebow, II Chrishipher Street, N.Y..
writes : Feb. 20, IStin.-1 !mire' been subject
to‘attateks of Asthma the last twenty , years.—
L have never found anything. equal to
in aff,orcling immediate relief. ,It is a thorough
Liver and bilious remedy.", ,
' Brooklyn, of Brook', writes : " Feb.
28, 186U.-1n May last'l had a severe attack
of Piles, whicli.colititieit sue to the house. 1
took one bottle,of. DARLING's LIFE BIT
TF...kB„ and was entirely, cured. I luive had
no attack aince."
D. Westervelt. Esq., of South sth, neat Sth
Street, Wdliantsburg, L. 1., writes: " Aug.
:3, 1660.-1-laving been troubled with a 'diffi
culty in the Liver, and slibjeCt to bilious
attack's, I was advised by a friend to try
, .
pAll.l.4NG'§' L,Wla;ll.
I did bo., and fogad it to ,operate adakitably ) ,
removing, the bile aad arousing 'die liver to
activity. I have also used it as a
When our chijdren are' out of Kits gist
few drops and it 'sets-them all right:-
1 find it meets the general wants of the stomach
and bowels when disordered.”
Redder, you netireitlier'Or boih4ifYtilese
most exe&llent Itearedies,qhquire' for iheid
the stores; if you do-not And Inept', take no
other, but inetuse One Dollar in a letter, and
on receipt of the Winch the - Remedy or
Remedies will be pent aecording to, your , di
rectidns;bY Mail or Express,.
'Address,' DATI11:11.S. DAI2I.IING;'
102 N ASS A U Sr., INzw, Yokx.
Pat npja,oll.), cent and $.l. Butt/es. Auk.
Henry M Landis,D,
arvi:TEns his professional services to, t '
he citizens of Marietta,. and. vicinity
Can be found at his Drug Store, formerly
Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when, nut elsewhere
professionally - engaged.
To sIY Far cans : Having been called to
a position in the S. Navy, I ,hereby resign
my profession to the , care and.attentinh of Dr.
Henry Landis,-in whom I = have every con
ndencei having, bad ample opportunity of as
certaining his ability-to-fill thy , place: •
- F. H 4tV lc LIE, lit D.' ,
yr,oLLovAr.s PILL S.—The laws r e ..
luting to health are excnedittly, Simple
as to be wlthin the comprehension of the most
limited capacity. Disease is an effect—the
violation of some principle of nature, c.onse
ituenty the 'jai/Kt:DO of her le vis is invariably
punished with pain and Suffering. Medical
writers'clasaify the predisposina causes under
two heads:- , , ,
An un.yealtlig amid/lion of the Stomach, and a
depraved state .of the 'Rood.
Disorders of the Sioneachi Liver ik Bowels
The Stomach' is the great center which in
fluences, the health, or disease of the sykcm—
Abused or debilitated, by exeess 2 =indigestion,
offensive breath and .physical prostration are
the natural consequ t ences. Allied to the brain
it is the source bf headirches,mentar depressiin,
nervous complaints unit unrafreshing sleep.—
The Liver beconies affected and gcnerates
bilious disorders, pains in the side, &c. The
Bowels sympathhe by Ce.stiveness„ Diarrhoea
and Dysentery. The principle action of these
Pills is on the stomach and the liver, lung's,
bowels and kidneys, participate in their re
cuperative and , regenerative operation.
Impure Blood—Scrofulous Affections.
Old Sores, Bad Legs, Irritable and Indolent
Ulcers, Scrofula, Consumption, Salt Rheum,
King's Evil, White Swelling, Cancers, &c.,
are the result of tainted or impoverished blood.
By combining with the globulus which com
pose the vital fluid ;'the antiseptic properties
of these Pills neutralize the humors that de
generate it and a positive cure of any of the
above diseases will speedily follow, while
Holloway's. Balsamic Ointment used at the
same time will heal the external sores or
Female Complaints.
Whether in the young, or old, married or
single, at the dawn of Womanhood or ;the
turn of life, these tonic metlicines display so
decided an 'influence that a marked improve
ment is noon perceptible in ; the health - of the
patient Being a purely vegetable.preparation
they. are, a safe and reliable remedy, for all
classes of Females in es eiy 'Condition of health
and station of life.
Infantile Diseases.
These Medicines have been prescribed with
invariable success in all dis Orders affecting
childhood. Thousands of CaSO of Mumps,
Croup, Whooping Cough, Cholera lieantom,
Teething, Worms, &c., have been happily
cured by these mild remedies after all otlter
means had failed.
Holloway's Pitts. are the best remedy in me
Marktforthe fottowing diseases :
Fevers of all kinds, Colies, Asthma,
Bowel Complaints, Debility, Gout,
Stone and Gravel, Sore Throat, Dropsy,
Venereal Affections, Jaundice, Fits,
Secondary Symptoms, Inflamation, Piles,
Retention of Urine,• Lumbago, Ague,
Tic-Douloureux, Turnouts, Blotches
Rheumatism, [ on the Skin, &c. &c.
Weakness from whatever cause. &c., er.o.
IMPORTANT CAUTION!—Noce, are genuine
unless the Words "Hollowity, New York and
London,ware disernible as. a Wati.r -mark in
every leaf of the book of directions around
each pot and box.
*.*Sold at the Manufactory of Professor
HOLLOWAY, SO Maiden _Lane, New roik,,and
by. all respectable Druggists and Dealers in
Medicine, throughout the civilized world, In
boltes`qte 25 cents, 62 cents, and $1 each.
There is a considerable saving by, taking
the larger sizes.
'N.11.--Dieeetions for the guidance of tiatients
in every disorder are affixed to each box.
D R. 1111.C.NoN's
NO: 1. THE GREAT REVlVER.—Speedily
eradicates all the evil elf - sets of self a use,
as loss of memory. shortness of breath, giddi
ness, palpitation of the heart, dimness of riz.-
ion,cr any constitutional derangement of the
system brought oci by the Unrestrained indul
ence of the passions. ActsaNe.pAsither sex.
Ti 'MR!'"
No. 2. THE BALM.— Win cure in from two
to eight days, any case of Gonorrhoca,(elap)i..,
without taste or green and requires DV restric
tion Of action or diet; for either sex ; price si.
NO. 3. THE TERES will cure Gleet in the
shortest possible time, lad I Cllll show tertiti
cates of cures effected by this remedy, whet
all,others have failed-, No taste or smell.—
Price 6ne do lar.
NO. 4. i Tilt eilsrkitli tir the only kiutwn ,
remedy that will imaitieply,curejatictures of
the urethra, no Matter of how loutstanding or
neglected the'ciiseAiikir Bei v ' s Pitee' one dollar..
NO. 5. iTorn Spttinfoorili4ll , o any caw
"of Gravel permanently and lipeollity remove
all diseases"-from lde tlialder kidneys.—
to. J. NIE YREYENTOR IS apyrc proven
. lien against the cOnlrlielVoiliradY &tease, is
lefo exPFnsive- ilnfki*P”lhefltnible , le:Anything
in use. Adapted .to either mx. Prism $l.
ND 'Tem 'MLitt , . tfitwhitcs
radkcal)y, anddii jeer ticooltireEthkr can _ be ef
fectually removed by an 4 other prettpitent ; iu
fact this ii thO hi ly iiMeWthiit 7 *HI 'fealty
-cure this disease pleasanteholntreQ IPtice $l.
NO.'S. P.STIIt.S ale cer
tain, hafe prilducin Menstrua
tion or cotrehung , ;nt i of the
monthliperiods. Price two dobars.
Nd. 9. Tut FE '
MAL'E SerEctrA l istv, or Ofi
spring itegulatotwiii lasts lifetime: :Price $5 , ..
Either ,of the Remedies will be sent free ty
maiVoil receipt of the price annexed; Citew
lars containing valuable, idformation with hail
desciiption of each Itemody„, may be obtained
by enclosingone post hfaidp:' '')lddters
B 1 ON; Alt 99,
,Philadefphia. Pa.,
These Rettediet ate Ste bibleileft holy ble
decofats con,
iitining..a full cl.etpiritt: civilyiE44,
obiaineicgtitis; appliwition.
General Depot, NertkateeEearbeeef) , aftelr.
Avee,,uttue and Cutior i tiill s,,,ftt,Piti t teAcippily PaL
inn- In' coniPbeated dm be' tonsulted
I lnr,letser; orppersonaDwatimedgicsmentrunce,
Ny: 401, York Avenpe. Asti Nod.
The PVP. I 4 !c 1 .44., C4p , aure
- Ctirtittat BROTHE .
would-again call the attentigi.of pur custgah
ers and' favor tilt with their pa
tronage to our, •.,.
Our stockistlap ketotothre.oi,Stru.
cocons RIII;IN O t 9AWT BATS
We ctOuid ptertidulailltteiVtlou lO"the
- 111cf:LELLAiritAV,
Oh& ;,% e dildie l 'Oritt;
,L •
'.14 asf oqf.
- -
011.1..D,Etus's FA N y
We . •
woidd eaines'aViniita P A WV* to an early
j..lbeffire purchailar skeirdkoredlertios - welt
~ ;alsured amid the varieties 91m4. 4 11ags will
not`Yaitll)l4 COlWhiSkin; we would
return oufAsetwere,thanki Yoe -art -past liberal
patronage offin tied us, and waLuat,,bs dose at
tention and despat c h, to iiieinittifearitiauanre
, aotier A. SILULTZi
o Ivry (UEPT - sr.) .1414 c- "= Re
iron Menders duoi; tole* **rests !
. .
bninvvet . P littick - littak
£11"T • IRON . thOVA6SEIL
, hlANuracrotsp Pit" inr
Larkdeten onsniy, Pa.
The Undersigned , will keep on
hand. and make to older at short notice the
aboVe Celebrated iniehine' I/What in the Uni
ted States They. will wilrnalOtheir maehine.ew
to run lighter, last longer and yrasnclit aner and
-withojess. water than any other machine now
in use. They can be easily put together on the
bank. All orders addressed .to either of the
titiderhigned: meerwith prompt attention..
Ari.:They,are also prepared to sell individu
al, county and State, }tights.
.SAMUEL Li 0P.K.1.N.N.
r rhis Compapy iti
,uuthorized by its charter
tb insure in the eounty, or in bor,ughS, against
Loss or damage by•tire; on-the, rn.utual,pia a, for
any length of time, limited pr.pefpetual, either
for'a cash treniiunt,-or a prertimm note.
PREVIUYII”/li — OrE-s'
Those whodnsui et far preadult) note wilt
be insured for live years ; end supieet. to ;Assess..
•nents in cuse of losses.
Those' who, insure for-p , caulwiremium will
be insured for uny,terci not exceeding 5 year.,
'and mit subject to - any iitileiiidents.' One per
cumin premium will be chesged on farm pro
perty for the term of Aye yeurs.
. -
Farm property Will oe insured for 'the term ,
of ten years, Tor,a; depos4 of three per cent. of
the amount insured, Aq,rhole amount of the
premium note to be returne l d at the capitation,
of the , policy, without interest, or the policy
will be renewed for ten ypara, without any ex
pense, at the option4f the insurer.
Groncr. YOUNG', Sit, Secretar.
Directors :
MICHAEL 11. MOORE, Vice President.
Sraxcg.L.E#, Treartirer .
" HENtiv E. WOLF.
, Co/untbia,. I:and:Wier county, Po.
V37..T. S. ROATH, AGENT; Maytown.
Maypit 30,18,§171y
. To Disabled Spldiers,
Seamen"and /liatihe.4,. and TOthows or other
'Heirs or thole'ibbb' licai ;lied?* been
Killed in the Service. •
Athorneyfor :Manianti, Bounty Ltiiut:and
. ' , Pension 1e1ig4 4 ,. :
. .
procured for i, Seamen
r and Marinekof the present war, who are
disabled by reason of Wounds received or dis
ease contracted while in service and Pensions,
Bounty Money'and arreittS of Pay obtained for
widows or other heirs:of .those who have died
or been killed while in service.
Bounty Lind proctired foe , servicd ii' v o
the other wars. 6x As C. 'Amite l
frishington .l D '.
Saw IEII and Lumber Yard,
ic ONSTANTLY on hand a ,full assortmerk,
- of all kinds of Seasoned Lumber, which lot.
0 era at reasonable prices.— ' ,
Boards, Plank, , Joist, Scantling,
, Rafters, Laths,, Shingles,
pails,' te:; iv., 4v."
OAK, .P 4 7E.4 - • REM:LOCK . TIMBEIRb
All ordersat n tendfdXo withillapltnlh . ... ~_,...
J M Ei ci `" l4-4 Y
Marietta. April I.ltfi .1854.-•
can be had of IL 7.". - igr. E. J. 'LAMS, Col,
rorth Queen-st. r and Center. Square, Lances
ter, Pa., in the shaped Equilibrium Levers—
the best article of Swiss levers now iirtbe . inar
het. They are lower in price than any watch
of equal quality until list us true for timekeeping