i' Yotat Attatititian. M A Itl ETTA CAR TIME.—The several pas senger trains leave "Upper-station" as follows: 'l' he morning train east at '7:20. The mail train west at 12:17. The evening train east at 5:06. The evening train west at 7:00. Saturday, December 28, 1861. i Our Carrier desires us to say he will present his New Year's Address, and will be happy to be kindly met by the town patrons of THE MAHIETTIAN. ===!l2l2l SIXTY ONE - AND SIXTY TWO.—As this is the last time that we shall address our readers during the present year, we most heartily wish them all the compli ments of the season. The sad events of the year that is just drawing to a close, will furnish a melancholy chapter in the history of our country. Nations like Individuals have their trials, and this is certainly our day of trial. We think, however,that with the year &Ivry. ONE the ''day of our deepest gloom will pass away, ittal that SIXTY TWO wilt speedily present to us, our Southern States, in a vastly improved and - purified condition. Sim ONE will no doubt be indelibly engraven on the minds of many, who have expe rienced losses and crosses, and painful bereavements, of which the public know but little. But the loss of such men as Baker, Lyon, Ellsworth and others on the field, doing battle for our common country, are losses indeed, 'which every patriotic citizen , has felt keenly, and mourned accordingly. We shall alWaye *awe, how ever, remember SIXTY cam as the year which witnessed the inauguration of the first Republican President of these United States, and thii event we-regard as a special interposition of a. gracious Providence for the preservation of the Union. For, in the hands of such Detn ocrats as formed the last Administration the Susquehantia,in all probability,would be the theatre of military operations, similiar to those thitt are now being en acted on the ,Potomae. Let us there fore be thankful , for the mischief that /has been averted in sixty-one, through the instrumentality of our party,and let as cherish goOd hopes for the blessings tbnt await us in , sixty -too. SHOULD BE LOOBiD:ArTER : The Lan caster Express says _ : we have, on sever al occasions, heard it intimated that very few of the delicacies sent from here for our sick 'soldiers near Washington ever reached those for whom they were intended by the generous doners, being " appropriated" by certain officials and attendants about the hospitals who thereby fare "sumptuously every day." We were loath to give either credence or publicity to these reports, but the statements are now' made in sucb.a di rect manner• and from apparently' re sponsible parties, that jnittice to all con cerned demands that public attention 'should be called to these alleged out rages with a view to their speedystor rection. We were shown a letter from Camp Fierpont, in which it was stated that such delicacies as jellies, etc., sent there for invalid soldiers, were plentifully used on the tables of the physicians, and what they did not consume was disposed by the colored servants. Now, this is a serious matter, and should• be seen to at once. (i.oir. Curtin, who had all alotig manifested a laudable interest in the welfare of oar troops, should' demand that these evils be remedied ; and any officer holding a commission from him who is mean- enough to gobble down that which is intended for a sick soldier, should be at once stripped of his official character and publicly diwated. We would elan suggest that .a committee of our own citizens go on to camp and in quire into this matter. PRENTIOE AND CAMERON : The Louis ville Journal / of the 17th instant, says a gentleman remitting subscriptions to that Journal, , from the State of Wiscon- sin, says " Cameron is politically dead here." To which Prentice adds : "Thank you, friend, for this cheering intelligence. If Cameron has commenced dying at the extremities of the nation, it will not be long until death strikes him at the Capital. Heaven speed the shaft and the hour." This does not s eem as .though Pren tice regretted the;scathing article which sometime si nce i appeared la the Journal and for which the Cameron todies, say he apologized. No !no I no , apology ,from the fearless Kentuckian to such a %political poltroon as the Winnebago Chief. • fir Henry Ward .Brecher's nit nks , . . Aciamg Sermon " War and Emaicipa tion" has been published in al neat isarplot 'farm, by Peterson & Brothers, iPh3tiel i phia, at 15 cents' a copy or 8 for $l. In this sermon Mr. Beecher puts forth more than his ordinary power and takes strong conservative ground, which is something quite new for him. It should be in the had& of every 'in telligent voter. Sent by mail free of postage at the abotertetes: „.. Iliir Drackemiller, the " Rapha Poet," paid oar office a flyitig visit a few days since; be looks finite patriarchal with his long grey beard , and moustaches.— Ile says the hard times cannot stagnate his rhyme-grinding organ—that hi s . poems go like hot cakes on a cool morning. cr- The Sanitary Committee of Phila delphia, for the relief of sick and wound ed soldiers, have issued an address to the women of this State, asking for as sistance. The Government has rented four large buildings in Philadelphia for Hospitals, which have already received the necessary furniture ; and in a few days several hundred of the sick and wounded soldiers along the Potomac, will be forwarded to these places. The various Associations throughout that city have been so generally, patriotically and industriously collecting comforts for the soldiers at Washington, can now send a portion of their articles of con tribution to Philadelphia, directed to Charles J. Stille, Esq., 'and contribu tions in money may be sent to the Treasurer, Caleb Cope, Esq., Sanitary Commission, at P 35 'Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. !C.We•assert it bold!—There is no other Medicine so reliable, effectual and' convenient as HOLLOWAY'S PILLS 'Br, 011iTNEEPT, alway ready for use. The? are 'invaluable to 'the Soldier exposed to Wounds, Sores, l:emers and Bowel Complaints. They never fail. Only 25 cents per Pot or Box. To Ansa! To ARMS !--The Cifi en ' Soldier will find a more deadly foe sin Ifiebra'cliiih muddy water, and damp might air than in the most determined enemy. Ho ttoW A P's P rats so purify the blood and strengthen the'AtomaCh and bowels that the Soldier can endure these hardships and still , be strong. and hea/thy..= Only 25 cents per BOX. To CerrsurteirvEs: The advertiser having • been restored to health in a very few.weeks by, a very simple remedy, afterhavingsuffered soy etal years ,with, a severe lung,affection,and that .dread disease,. Consumption—is anxious to make known to his ,aufferera the means of cure, To all who desite it, hp will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for' preparing and using the same, Which they will 'find a s u art cu as for Consumption, Asthma, Bienchitas, &c. The only object of the advertiser in; 'sen ding the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he 'conceives to be invaluable, and - he hopes everi sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them uothink, and may prove a blessing. Persons wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WiLioN., EZE Willinmsburg, Kings co., N. Y. 11-174'e have heard of some astonishing cures being made by Prof. De Grath's EleCtric Oil. It seems to act on the diseased parts with remarkable silents and in a‘sliort space of time health regains its sway. It can, be had of the Agents here, see - advertisement in anothe colum'n, For.sale by all Druggists and Dealers in the United States and Canada. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $ per bottle. • IQ — See advertisement. C=2213 IcP-See advertisment of Prof. L. Miller's Bair Invigorator, and, Liquid Bair Dye, in an other part of this paper. Court Proclamation. Honorable Henry. AN T S the PieSident,Hon. A. L. Hayes 7 and Ferree Brinton, Esti ; Asa. Judges of the Conant' common Pleas, in and for the County of Lancas ter, and Assistant Justices athe Court of Oyer at Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quar ter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the County of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed requiring me, among other things, to make PUBLIC. PROCLAMATION throughout my Bailiwick, that a Court of .Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery ; .Also, a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delive ry, will commence at the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the THIRD -MONDAY IN ianuary, 1862 In pursuance of which precept PUBLIC NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN to the Mayor and Alderman of the City of Lan caster, in said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner, and Constables of the said city and county of Lancaster, that they be then and them in their own proper persons with their rolls, records and examinations, and in quisition% and their other remembrances, to do those thing.s which to their offices appertain, in their behalf to be done ; and also those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be. in the jail of said county of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, the llth day of December, 1862. S. W. P. BOYD, SHERIFF. THE RELIEF FUND. This fund being now exhausted by the allowances already panted, the Commissioners have assumed the responsibility of continuing for some time to make the allowances to those who are depend ent on the 'volunteers in service, trusting that the public will approve, as the Grand Jury at 'the August Sessions recommended this course • but as the Paymaster's Department of the U: States, is now completely organized, and the volunteers are generously remitting to their families a portion of their pay, the Board of Relief will meet hereafter every two weeks in stead of every week, and make the allowances accordingly, to those who may be entitled to teceive them—that is, the same allowance for the two as has heretofore been made for each week, and thin until an additional ten thous and dollars shall be exhausted. ALEX. L. HAyEs, FERREE BR/NTO/P, Associate judges JOSEPH BOYERS, LEVI S. REIS; JOHN DOWER, ' Commissioners. Lancaster December 21, 1861. gSTA.TE OF EPHB.AIIVI JASON. Colored, Late of the Borough of Marietta, Deed. tters of Administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all . persons indebted thereto are requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the same Will present them for settlement to the undersigned, residing in, the said Borough of Marietta. JAMES H. ARMSTRONG. December 21, 1861. 21-6 t THE Largest and best assortment of Fancy Cloth & Cassimeres and vesting ever offered in this market and :will be sold at prices which defy competition by J. R. Diffenbach. VIT IL C S Celebrated Imperial Ex- V V tension Steel Spring Skeleton Skirt, with self-adjustible Bustle. The latest and best in use,, for sale sleep .at Diffenbach's. jAMILY COUGH SYRUP :—A Cough Syrup, for children and., adults has just been put up at my store, which should be in very family this cold Weather. Da. labrins. CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wines, guarranteed to be pure; and sold as low as can be boughtin Philadelphia or New-York. H. D. BENJAMIN, Picot Building. 200 SACKS OF SALT For sale cheap at Diffenbach's OBLEN'S long celebrated GIN, JD H. D. BENJAMIN. BUY one of those beautiful $ 0 F T HATS at Catmes, 92 Market-et. xi " THAT STANDARD SHEET.", 1862. 7 The Great National Banner of Intellect for American Hearts and Homes THE NEW YORK MERCURY. A New Year with and old Friend ro New Year's day of 1562, that world j renowned and unrivaled gem of American journalism, the peerless New York Mercury, will enter upon the twenty-fourth year of the most. brilliant career ever achievei by spacer. During the past year it has been the teacher, story-teller, mentor, and oracle of two hundred thousand American homes, from Ocean , to ncean—and from Quebeck, in Commis, to Pen socola; on the Gulf of Mexico. Young and old, rich and poor, have revealed in its en chanting stores of wfsdoin, romance,, art poe try, and genial humbr ;' and its tie is "Familiar in their Mouths as household words.' The noble patriot-soldier - in his •tent, , too, haa `tedium Camp olite ini the abacirbing review of its - • '' • . Forty Brilliant Columns, findingin them a fascinating mental discipline known only to those who rally to the Banner 'sheet of The'Grand Army of. American Intellect and Geniusd• • In commencing a Yew Year r the proprietors of the New- York Mercury 'can. only say, that it shall be their aim to make their great family journal of American literature, for 1862„more brilliant and enchanting than. ever; in itsoon centration of all the worlds grandest and most beautiful specialities in healthful Romance, • grecefult Poetry, elegant :and quaint Gossip, refining Knowledge, sparkling Humor, and entertaining.iNews—untill like love, it' "—rules :the court, the camp, the bower," as it-a/ready rules the, happy domestic fireside. The editorial tone and National departments of The New York Mercury will continue true tri- that lofty spirit of patriotism which has made it a necessity of the people, since the War .began, and kept. it in enthasiastic.demand when other sheets were, dying. all around.rt for want 4,popolar.suppoi. , Already the largest. Literary journal in the .world„and famous as the. focus ..of athonsand brilliant 'literary reputations, its p p gramme , for 1n62 will be magnificent beyond' , pre ceded. The most celebrated pens- • of. ,this country , and Europe ,have, been. secured in its service, at an outlay equal to the expense of more than .one national .government. ins the Old World! and its ~novelettes,, or continued stores, for 1862, will bo the ,most splendid triumphs, of elegant. Fiction ever, published- 7 - ,To these, trio, the, magic pencil, of ,the greatest of American. Artists, Mr.,.Felix O. C. parley, will lend the aid of pictorial art. , Our story, ,initiary of the New Year, is a splendid ,national Romance, commencing in the New York Mercury of Saturday, January dth, 1862, and entitled . THE .I.tAI.FLESNAKE: OR The Rebel Privateer. A Tale of the Present 'Titne. ! BY NED BUNTLINE. is the greatest nauttcal Novelette since the days of Alarayatt. ..The New. York Mercury issold by all news men and periodical dealers in America. To subscribers, it is regularly mailed every Satur day morning, for.s2 , a year.; ,three . copies. for 455 ; six. copies br $9 : eight copies,for $l2, with-an extra copy, free, to, the getter up of the club., Six months' subscriptions received. Always write plainly the name of your Post Office, County and State. We take the notes of all specie paying banks at par. Payment must invariably be made in advance. Specimen Copies sent free to all appli cants. , . Address all letters and remittances, post paid, to CA ULDWELL, SOUTHWORTH WHITNEY, Proprietors of The New York Mercury. 46 and 93 Ann Street NO. 21.6t.] NEW YORK CITY. ffo!, `For Christmas and New-ireare Gifts ! ........ . IN GICEAT V4E/rale AT SHEAFFER'S Cheap Book Store, 'C OMPRISING the largest and best ASR selected stock of illustrated and • 1111 standard Religious, Historical t.l Political, Scienttfic and Mis cellaneous Bow., CHILDREN'S BOOKS—CHILDREN'S TOYS, Games and Puzzles, Dressing Casses, Ladies Traveling snd Shopping Bags, Portfolios, Cabas, Writing - Desks, Money Purses, Pocket Books, &c &c. Mathematical Instruments, Call Bells, Fine Pocket Cutlery, Pearl and Ivory Paper Cutters, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencil Cases, Checker Boards and Men, Chess Men, Dominoes, and an endless variety of useful and fancy articles selected expressly for the approaching Holiday Season. For price and assortment of goods in my line, I fell quite confident I cannot be surpassed by any in Lancaster. City. Call and see the great variety at JOHN S HEA FFER 2 S Cheap Book - Store, No. 31North Queen-st. A LEXANDER LYNDSAY, Fashionable hoot and Shoe Manufacturer, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PENN, Would most respectfully inform the citizens of this Borough and neighborhood that he has the largest assortment of City made work in his line.of business in this Borough, and be ing a practical BOOT AND SHOE MAKER himself,is enabled to select with more judgment than those who are not. He continues to man ufacture in the very best manner everything in the—BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he will warrant for neatness and good, lit. It Call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. • C HEAP LAMPS. A FRESH SUPPLY OF Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns of every patern, suitable for the Parlor, the Kitchen and the Chamber; Hanging•andSide Lamps for Halls, Churches, Stores and Offices. Having purchased them, from the manufactu rers in large quantities at the lowest cash rates, we can sell them much under the usual retail prices, although, every other description of goods are advancing. Dec. 21, 186/.] STERRETT & Co. Horace West; N. D. . TrA VING purchased, in connection with Harrison Roth, Dr. Grove's Drug Store and located in the Borough. of Marietta, for the practice of the medical profession, would respectfully offer his service to the public.— He can be found at the office formerly occupied by Dr. Grove. The undersigned takes pleasure in recom mending Dr. West to his friends and patrons. Dr. W. has been practsing in this vicinity for thepast 8 or 9 years, and will, beyond doubt, give entire satisfaction to all who will give him, a, trial. J. H. GROVE. Xll HE American Watches are among the best timekeepers now in use, and for durability strength and simplicity far surpaSS any other watch made in the world. H. L. 4. E. J. ZA Hbf Corner of North Queen-st., and Centre Square Lancaster, Pa., have them tor sale at the ver& lowest rates--every watch accompanied with the manufacturers guarrantre to ensure its gen iiinenese, DYOTT'S Hanging and Side Lamps, For Sale at WEST ac ROTH'S. G ENTS NEW STYLE\ CAPS, j AT CRULL'S HORACE WEST M. D.] - [HARRISON ROTH N .I , IIIV FIRM. WEST & ROTH; HAVINC. PURCITASED the entire stock, good will and fixtures of the Drug Store of Dr. J. H. Grove, take this me: thod of informing the patrons of this establish ment and thei pulic ; in general, that nothing shall be wanting to insure at all times a fresh and complete asssrrtment of ?Oftkeili, losfef Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Combs, Tooth Washes and Powders, Hair Dyes, Patent .aladioinee,Paints, Oils, , Whitelearl, Varnishes,- Dye-Stuffs, Glass, . and everything usually kept in a well regula ted apothecary.. . , • A new and fancy lot of COAL OIL LAMPS" the fiocst,in the Borough—at prices to amt the times. lamp`TOPs attached to old Lamps, at short notice. Globes,' Wicks, 'Chimneys, &c., alivays on hand. A, very alinVenient ."HAND. La kre for car rying,,about ,the house, just received. A nicely selected hit of 811611de Of Stlition [try, Envelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Wks', &c., of all grades and at ail Pikes. An endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ,tmles. on hand. Just received, an excellent, article of Co al On` now se iling'at 15 cents a quirt. .Marietta,. November 9, 11361. ly. • , , Weir Kiitibei• 4ra eoqi rp4E.sub s ,criber,halijp g purchased the pro party lately peeeptetl by CLARK & ZELL. mould , most .respectfully eall elite - attention of his old friends ,and cuSromers. to "tolhir fittlhat 'he is now prepared to sell LtTMBER AWL , ' COAL at the very lOwe.st figures by Boat-load, Car load, or otherwise. ' His Stock of IMmber will be selected from one of the best 'inahufactories aird - Cafidoi fail to give satisfaction. • - fie is also prepared to supply "BILL Shirr" at short notice and at low priees. liIS ttiaOli OF OdAL will consist of Shatnokin, , Red and White Ash, 1 13littiniore'Company,•Lykehs ValleyoSte., all of whieli.he will sell' by the-1304V load, Car-load, or by the , • SINGI.E, - TOX. Ile will als continue the receiving of Coal at very how figures: • :' TficiallAS ZELL. • DAVID 'ROTH Dealer in Hardware, 1 Paints, Oils, Glass, 201017, eook, tali 00 °Mei. stot?m, &e., . MARKET-ST., MARIETTA. WOULD take this means of informing the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is prepared to furnish 'anything in his line, consisting in part, of Tabl e Cutlery of all kinds; Building ,a n d Hourkeeping Hard- Ware, in all styles, Cuddy, Tools, Paints, Oils; glass, Varnishes, Cedarware, Buckets, Churns, Knives, Forks, Spoons Shovels,Po kers, Tongs, Candlesticks ; Pans; Waiters,Cop per and Brass Kettles, Door, Desk, Pad and all other kind of Vicki, Nails, Spikes and in facteverything Usually kept in ti well regula ted Hardware establishment. S. RATHYON, - Merchant Tailor, and Clothier, At F. J. Kramph's Old Stand, on the Cor ner of North Queen and Orange Streets, LaneaSter, Penn'a. GRATE', UL to the Citizens of Marietta and vicinity, for the liberal patronage heretofore extendee, the undersigned respect fully solicits a continuance of the same; as suring them, that under all circumstances, no efforts will be spared in rendering a satisfactory equivalent for every act of confidence reposed. CLOTHS; CASSIMERES A N D VESTINGS, and such other seasonable material as fashion and the market furnishes, constantly kept on hand and manufactured to order, promptly, and rea sonably, as taste or style' may suggest. ALSO -READY-MADE CLOTHING, Genliemen's Furnishing Gooods ' and such articles as usually belong to a Mer chant Tailoring and'Clothing establiShment. JACOB A WISNER'S TOBACCO; CIGAR & EBRIFF STORE, Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. THE undersigned would rospectful]y inform the public that he still continues, at the old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets, directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices' from $6, $7 $2O to $BO per thousand. TOBACCO.--Natural Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewel of Ophir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci- Hrs manufactured of imported stock. SIXES ALF SPANISH. Rappee Snuff and all kinds Fancy P Smoking Tobacco: Scented snuffs, Fine-cutifies, Cigar Tubes, 4.c. [ jan.30,"513 • "THE UNION." Arch. Street, above Third, Philadelphia , UPTON ,S. ,NEWCON ER, Proprietor. .. • .. • This Hotel is"central convenient by Passenger Cars to all parts of the City, and in every particular adapted to the comfort and wants'of the business public. if:r Terms $1.60 per day. lAMES AND GENTS Anderson has just j received an elegant assortment of Perfu mery, consisting' of. Toiliet Soaps, Hair Oils, Extracts and. Colognes at prices much below the usual rates, also some very handsome Canes for gentlemen, Portmonies, Sr.c. EIVIBROIDF.RIES-Just received the largest and most desirable lot of Embroideries eve ottered for sale here, consisting in part of beau tiful French Worked. Collers, Undersleeves Spencers, Swiss and Jackonett Edging and In erting, Flouncing, &c., selling very low. J. K. DIFFF.NBACH. AGENERAL.ASSORTMENT OF, .11ammered and Rolled. Iron, H. , - S. Bari, Norway, Nail Rods, American and German Spring and . Cast Steel, Wagon Boxes, Iron Axles, Springs, &c., fin' smiths. STERRETT $r CO.- SPECTACLES to suit all who Can be aided with glasses, . 01 G--''' - `•—r• can be bought at H. L. " k E. T. ZAHN'S, Coi ner of North Queen-st., and Center Square, Lancaster. New glasses refitted in old frames, at short notice. [v6-ly KNIVES & FORKS, Britainia and Silver plated Spoons, Brass, Capper, Plain and Enameled Iron Kettles, and Housekeeping goods generally . . Sterrett 4 Co. SOMETHING NEW UNDER. TILE SUN Paper Neck Ties, beautiful, fashionable and cheap, at Diffenbach's. ceif /ISE'S CONCENTRATED L YE, su perior to any now in use, can be had at th.e C ap Store of Diffenbach. CT. CROIX aan KEW /1NGLA.N11.74,1711 a for culinary purFises, warranted. pnuine at H. D. Be7jamin .Co's. MADERIA WINES; full bodied and fruity, at the Enterprise Store." • , A. D. REESE, Mount Jay. S ALT ! SALT ! !-1f you want to buy SALT CHEAP Call at the store, of SPANGLER 3 & PA rrEasoN. E e G u r C D he W w l in N'SLO's. Plantation fine world. For sale agt Tobaeeo.- Tt; o btsAn the TO LANDLORDS! Alit received, Scotch and Irish WHISKIES, warran ted pure, at H. - D. BesijamaWs. FRESH GOODS AT SPANGLER AND PATTERSON'S. FULL assortment of Fre sll Winter AL Goods of the most desirable styles. Ladies, Gentlemen's, Misses and Youths SHAWLS, IN EVERY QUALITY, French Merinoes at a great bargain, Fancy Wool DeLaines below the cost of importation, Coburgs, Thibits, Prints and Ginghams in great variety Cloths, Cassitneres and Vestings very cheap,. Cloaking Cloths in all colors, at a decided bargain, floods, Nubias, Gloves and notions generally, as cheap as ever. A Job lot of extra-fine EMBROIDERED COLLARS at less than half the usual cost, Flannels,. Mostins, Checks, Sheetings and all other kind• of DRY GOODS, together with Groceries, .Fish, &c., in full supply. The Great Indian Herbal Teal Felt FEMALES DR. 'ENGLISH'S INDIAN , VEGETABLE EMMENAGOGUE! . This Celebrated Female Medicine possdsses virtue unkniovn of anything else of the kind, and prooving effectual after all others have failed; it is prepared f.om an .' Indian' Herb" . peculiar to Northern Mexico, and Texas, and. is used by the Natives in producing the stosir tr- LY SICKNESS. It is designed for both married and single ladies„ , and is the' very best -thing known' for the purpose, 'its it' will remove all obstructions 'after other remedies have been tried in vain. Ibis a pleasaht tea, containing nothing•iajurions to-health, and a cure can be relied upon in all EBB.S. Prolapsus Uteri, or failing id the Womb ; Floues Albus, or Whites; Chronid Inflamation. or Ulceration'of the Womb; Incidental rar Flooding; and disease of the Spine. E Ladies in the early stage of. pregnancy are cautioned against the use of this tea, as it will produie miscarriage. - Prepared and Sold by DR. G. W. ENGLISH, No. 216 .SOUTH SECOND SPREET, Philadelphia, Pa. Price SLOO per package, (with full directions for use) Sent by Express or Mail to any addles% - Dr. E. can be consulted in all obstinate Fernale CoMplaints, in. person it by , letter and will furnish the Gutta-percha Female Syringe—highly recommended by the Faculty to married ladies for special purposes. Also Radical Cure and other trusses—lin proved Rotary and Spine Abdominal Support ers—Shoulder Braces—Elastic and Lace Stock ings—Spinal Apparatus, for Weak and Curved Spine—and Instruments for all Deformities.— A large Stock of the above articles constantly oh hand, and will be furnished 11001:vest rates by sending order with measurement and , Rill particulars. All . communications strictly confiden tial. For further particularoplease , soldressi Dr. G. W. 'English, ' 216 South Secoiid Street, Below Dock. PHILADELPHIA, PA. I have no Ageirts. DR, HENRY ,10 SUCCESSOR TO " C 7 6 - 97 OF. "finkle, tyg Dealer gn Drugs i Perfumery, iffc TV.. LANDIS having purchased the entire interest and good will of Dt. F. Hinkle's Drug Store, would take this opPorttinlty to in form the citizens of. Marietta and the public generally, that havingjUst received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and most complete assortment of eve:, rything in the drug line. 1), of of FAQ qqa consisting in part of German, French and Efig: lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams ) Tooth and Nail Brushes,Bufralo and other Hair Combs, Hair Oils,Pomaiies,etc. Port Monies, Pocket Books, Puff N and Powder Boxes, 4-e., 4-c. The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR. DYE, DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes,lndia Cola. gogue, Bartv's TricOperous, fox the hair, Bay Ruin,ld's large and ;small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour or Rice, Corn Starch, Hee.ker's Farina, all kinds of, pure Ground Spices, CoMpound Syrup.of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent er ica! for `cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Ccin _ornptive cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, an excellent, preperation for the table ; Table Oil—very fine—bottles in twoaizei. Pure Cod Liver Oil. All of Haelis perfumery pomades, soaps, &c. HiSKethairan or Hair Restorative is now everywhere aCknowfedged the''best, .014 Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution be taken in the cottipollnding of Physiciarils prescripi ions. The Doctor can be professionally consulted at the store when riot engaged clseurnefe. Marietta, August 24, 1861.-ly jifEAP BEADY-MADE "CLOTHING!! Having just ieturned front the city with a nicely selected lot of Read y-m4de Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; havinglaid in a generil asiorl ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is determined to sell row, FOR nisi. His stock consists of OvErt.-COATS, DRESS , _ Fkocx AND SACIC COATS, PANTS, VESTS, PEAJACKETS, Rourtnuoirrs, (knit) OVERHACLS, CRAVATS, DRA WEBS, SHIRTS, ROISERY, TJNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &c.' Everything in the Furnishing Goods line. 'Call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. Everythfng sold at prices to suit the tithes. ' - JOHN BELL. t-orner of Elbow , Lane and Market Si. next, door to casqe?'s Store. Marietta, October 29,.]356. MARIETTA. YARD. moents, R o a fio n es, &0• MICHAEL GABLE, Marble Mason, Opposite the Town Hall Park,' Marietta, Pa. —o— THE Marble business in all its branches, will be continued at Vie old place, near 'the Town Hall and opposite Funk's Cross Keys Tavern, where every description of marble work will be kept on hand or made to order at short notice and at very reasonable priCes. Marietta, June 29,1861. • 49-ly .'.'A CARD. JOHN . CAMERON,. M. D.. Hygienic Physician Accoucheur, Corner of Front andday Streets; MARIETTA. FRESH HOME GROUND SPICES AT. AJ.VDERSONI ! Attention Butchers and Housleeepers. Having a great demand for our famed SPICES, I have c,oncluded to cOn tinue to keep a constant silkily of Grrrund Pep ,er. Ground Corriander, and Sweet Marjoram. W 0 LFE , S MEDITERRANEAN - COFFEE! A. delightful beverage, manufactured anesold in pound, 41b. and Ile. packagea. , Price Tex Cams a pound. WOLFE, Market-at. - "DST received at.L.T. Lihhart's Drug store 0 the largest assortment of Cdal Oil Lamps ever offered in this borough. Now selling the best. Oils, from 13 •to cents per quart. WOLF.F2SCelebrated Spring and Clasp •., SHAWL PINS. The best in the werld—mde and sold at !," Price, 6 cents.] • WOLFET:„ TUST RECE/VS.D at; the "Enterprise "and Liquor Store," Mount Joy,-a- superior article of tharripagne and Gerrorrat)Witres. , DUGGYand Sleigh BLANKETSOI:iarious, _lOll styles and at much looter firices tban'the same sold last fall. Spangler 4.• ;Patterson. flOn STANTLY on hand, Monongahela;ree k) tified Whiskey. Renjanun 4- Co The Potation of Medical Science 58 YE:VA' PiblET",£xli, EXPERIEWEii. HOLLOW A Y'S I.VI EN T.—The rapid sale of this Ointment and the universal favor with which it is uniformly received prove conclusively its powerful efficacy on disease. During a period of fifty years it has stood th. trying ordeal 'of the civilized world, and its popularity attests its marvellous virtues while the demand for it to day still continues as unabated as ever--a fact so significant that further comment is unnecessary. Skin Diseases Erysipelas. Ringworm, Measles, Small. Scarlatina ) Rash, Itch, Cutaneous Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Pustules, whether Scaly, Dry, Watery, Crusted or Mattery, are ituickly healed• by the free use of Hits , Badsaraie Oint ment. Its operation is• materially assisted by taking liol:oway's Vurifying Piila, . which exercise a powerful and healthy influence on the blood and secretions. Diseases of the Throat ared Chest Diptberia or Putrid , Sore throat, Quinsy, getilbsiColds, Hbarseness, Imiluenza,Catarrli, Asthma, Hronchitia,, Tightness of the Chest, Pleurisy; Sze., are the inflamed state of the gland of the throat and coatings of the chest. 1 . 3 y. rubbing the ,Ointment on the affected parts quickly absorbed and allays the Irritation, cleanses 'the passages of the phlegm which obstrucfs thew, thereby giving immediate free dom to the organs of respiration. Lung Disease, External Ulcers, ' the extriordinat , efficacy of this Balsamic Ointment on Old Sores, 13ad" Legs and Gancer ours` Ulcers, is frankly admitted by eminent medial Men. By rubbing it on the back and chest it is ,quickly imbibed by the absorbents, and conveyed through the' aid of the blood to the tongs whein its antiseptic' properties are equally ate active'on ulcerated tuberclei us on external Wears.' ThousandS have been cured of Incipient 'ConeUMption by a persevering use of klolloway's Pills and Ointment. .l?lteumatisar, Neuralgia, • Quit The Excruciating agqnieso; Tic- Dotiloureux, Lumbago and Sciatica, the crippling diseases of the Nerves and Muscles,the exquisite tor ture of Cramps y Gent, and contracted or,St,lf Joints are quickly awaked by local applipa tions of the Ointment Which soothesthe:itrita bility . and relaxes the spesma, its These diseases,,however originate ,in the acid state of the blood, permanent relief can only be pb tuinetl, by a liberal use, of Holloway's Pills in conjunction with the o . iiiiment, to renovate the vital dad of the humors whic,h engemfer the disorders. Bbth the 'Ointment and Pille - shouictbeitsed -in the folknoifie &lees r Ifites sf .11 onnetoes . , pad Breasts„, 33 - urhs, "an'd Snnd "Ilan?efs, Chapped hinds, rires, Glandular Swellings, 'Elephantiasis, Co Yaws, Sore ?fipples; Corns (sat) 'rumors Spre heads, Seutyy, Fistulas, Wounds, IMPORTANT DAVTion!—None are genuine unless the. words ." .HoLtowai . , Nnw YORK and LONDON," are discernible. as.,a ~Watto - mark. in every leaf elk the book of , tirections, around eaelz pot or box, t" *4*Sold at , the Manufactink)of Pinfessor HOLLOW A Y SO Maiden Lanes New tork , and by all net addable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout . . the World, so pots, at 25e. 62c. ' and' 01 each% iC There is ednaide:richle saving by taking the larger sizes. , N.D.—Directions for thegaidanceet patients in eyery disorder are affixed , ;to,eaeb,pcn.4.l December 14, 1861.—N0. 20-,ly/t, CONICAL ritrAsth:No MACHINES! The rpostrample,durable,convenient ancteeo nomical article ever invented forlhe pup*. Will do the washipg of , an ordinary tangly beforo before brealifast, not only, saying time but clotheß. 13y strictly following the, printed directiohs, which are s.mple and easy, it wilbwash, at one time, six shirts, or two dozen 81411 articles, in about six or seven minutes, en:their eguiV,a lent. By all the ordinarymmthods 9f cleaning tine fabrics, such as ;lace:4l. B lw, the,ogreatest care is let:mired, While with this machine the most delicate articles can -DO WtitihedwiittiOut the possibility of damage" . These results are produced by the constant reaction of the suds while the. machthe motion. Families, laundries, hotels, boarding houses, hospitals, asylums, boarding schools, on ships and on steamers, and in thearniy, yyho, have machines in use, have sentintheir testimoni al,s voluntarily, and the ern:o6llnm of the press are very , numerous, some of which ,I,Aave pub lished in a neat pamphet form. , All I ask of the public is a careful examine lion of this machine before purchasing of others. General` Depot, 419 flroadwaY, corner of Canal.streef, Isiew-York. PRICE ONL.t . TEN DOLLARS:.. •N. B.—A liberal &vita to the Trod& Agents wanted. Send for a Circular. Address Box 2893 New-York City: PHILIP FRENCH, PRormk•rox Dec. 21-3m.] • • Solgething New!: iippotiapt fo fha ladies. DOWNER,'S Patent liennner , and Shield, FOR H &IMO SEWING. Ts pronounced by all ,who. have.used it Pjust the thing" fof,tho.se,nisipgAumegille,, as it completely protects the finger, and makes a neat and uniform hem wkle, the operator is sewing. - • • One half the labor of sewing is sav .by using this remarkably, SIMPLE AND.NOVEL INVENTION. No lady should be withonfit. just the thing for girls to use learninpto ;sew. Its remarkable cheapness., bringsAtitWitilin the reach of the million. Sample sent by mail on receipt of the, price, I: A TWENTY-FIVE;CENTS Descriptive Circulars furnished on application. A liberal,Discount to the, oade. Enterprising agents wanted in every town and county throng - hunt the United States and Canada, will tindanost profitable erhployment in selling this useful article, as it meets with ready sales wherever offere&—has no toinpeti tion—and profits are very large. . - WO PER MONTH can be REAL:I7,D. Addres's,H. .pciw,N,44, Patentee 24.1Foii,rieenr,,, 442 Broad Way, fie . w,Y.qrlc, N. B.—General and exclHslyo figencipfiwill be granted on the mdse liberal te.rms. , L3in A MF.RICAN .HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA. LoOaied on Chpitnat. Strept,,apposhe the . - - OLD STATE HOUSE.,: and in close proximity to the principal 'Ribbing and Imperting , Housee, Itanks, Euatom Ranee, and ,plae63-of. amusements. The , City : Cars can be taken at the door (or within. a &Aare) for any depot in the City. The Houie has been renovated, and refitted, and.... wacrs REDUCED 1.(4 $1,50 PkR DAY. WYATT & HEULINGS, Pitevainrona. L. §,r, J. ZAIIM RPFPFULLY, inform: their fet) LfrikriAlind„tike public that ttfiY Withil4P the. WATCH, CL,OCK AAR WEJ,..Ity business at the 'old stand; Agrt i lkw i est Corner, o pf r linrth 4ueen Street and Center Square, Lancaater,dia A full assotttuerit of goods-in out line of,: blue ness always an hand and for sale at the lowest cash rates.. irP7, .Ilefiairitv attended lotper- Salta/1y oy,tke preinictor,s. • • OFTH E BA LT/310RE , C01,LcgE Q.1",.D.r....N TAM SVIELArIi3c . , I,4kr: OF .HAR4IOSIMItr,, PA: OFFICE Vroitit street, fourth door • 41 " — ===--- - . frohi LOcuSt, over Saylor St MeDon-thisai uld's Book Store, adurnbia. littimizez hs WRP.II the Drug and Book Stares.. i 3-1