The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 14, 1861, Image 2

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None shall With impunity soil these sacred sym
bols of our Country's life, liberty and power.
F. L.
Ll' Messrs. MATiptal & ABBOTT, No. 335
Broudwity, New-York, are duly authorized to
act for us in solicitting advertinnents, &c.
sometiineS come in the most curious dis
guise item is a loaf of bread very
heoiy, which, ' on being cut open, dis
play's s bettle of gin ; then comes a neat
preserve tin box, inarked'"A little hom'e
,currant . jelly from your loving
'pother ;" hut : the incredulous Provost
Marshal handled the box with suspicion,
and on inserting his knife the smell of
"old cognac",assures him that deception,
has taken place; so down the box goes
after thehottl,es : among the fishes, who
then ,have a chance to drink literally
like s fishes. Next comes half a dozen
innocent-looking medicine bottles, label
ed "invigorating syrup, to be taken reg
ular morning and evening," but, on in
spection, the syrup turns out to be gen
uine schnapps, and so the bottles share
the same fate of their predecessors. In
this way there is an endless variety, pro
ductive of a small share of ill-feeling,
but,a vary large share of real fun.
A Com. YOUNG LADY.—A young lady
in flartford; ori going to her room to
retire with a lady friend on Friday.night,
saw a hand hold of the blind of her win,
dow, and wcouplO of eyes peeping into
the room., 'iVith a great deal of press
once of mind, she remarked that she
" ghessek ihe did not lock the door
down stairs," and takhag the light she
started down to rouse her father. ' The
scautp4ook,tlie alarm, however, and the
otherlady was considerably frightened
to ,hoar a man !retreat along the. roof
which ; rejected from under the clam
blPg wiffidowandliamped off. There are
bgt. few 'young ladies, who would have
managedgthe thing, so coolly.
Air t e p Scrams.— : -Samtiel Downing,
and old revolutionary soldier, residing
at Edinburg,, §iiratoge N. Y.,
filled hie one hundredth year on the
,filw pC44civeptper. The anniversay,
of his, birth .was to be celebrated by ap
propriate.,rajoicings, awl extensive pre
parations were beingwade •to that end.
As part of * t he "exercises" of the day,
ttie viteFan, who is hale and hearty, and
walks tognently ten wiles a day, is to
fell a fair sized tree with his own hands,
andwith . a new axe.
PAT,iforrh.—The Pennsylvania Thin.
tee*, the' organ of Colonel Rawley's
reglinent, says in its last issue :—" We
go home !till—the safety of the
assures. If we hii:ve wives,
they can get huhuds easier than they
am, Intl country. If we have gale, they
catiAluothpys among %he Home Guards
s lot us;; so we are con-
Una to.rtaika4Y.tther issue that may
turn ,up, In the ;Altitte•"
lir A man named Thomas A. McGill,
residing at No. 292 First avenue; New
York, onauuday, in a fit of insanity or
intemperance, threw his own mother
out of a fifth story window, killing her
instigitly. The police immediately ar
rested the perpetrator of the deed,. an
Irishman by '
birth, aged about 31 years.
The decesee4 and her son had lived to
gether peaceably about a year in the
house, and bore the reputation of being
sober, iiiiinstrione people. The landlord
states Olaf when• McGill paid his rent on
Friday last, le appeared to be either in
sane or drank, and that he had warned
the: inother to beware of him.
#mong other things constituting
thp corn of the *Usage, which sailed
, NeW-'
Zork for Port Royal on Tues
day:was a printing press, cases, type,
dm., sent down with the.view of starting
a newspaper at Port R.eyal, to be con
di:oo,pm* the supervision of General
Sherman. 4 proper person will , be se
lected•imeditori and it is contemplated
to,istmel weekly. shee,t,. which shall ex
press tho.epotimepts ig i gke goverment,
and at the same-time , did in suppressing
the the Boiler the Palmetto
Witte!' '
one of the indidental connec
thins.of the preseitt-Wer,,it is stated that
an office has been opened in Washing-.
ton for embalming the dead: The sys
teaviettlfittt of the celebrated Sarcpiet,
Of Paris—by an injection of a powerful
antiseptic Said; which soon hardens •the
tisetteifftWit' marble-like 'substance and
perfectly preserves the color and Rat
tily!, and keeps the body free from all
otrauelve oder.
A etrongininaed 'young lady was
heard•cOniplainint the 'other atiy, that
Ligeola does. not call oat any female
.regiments. , She declares that she'd like
nothing better than being in arms.
—"We do not believe that even in this
age of cheap publications any work can
be more reasonable than the terms-of the
Scientific Americian at $2 per annum,
with 25 per cent discount for clubs of.
ten. It forms a yearly volume of 532
pages quarto, with an immense number
of orginal engravings of patented ma
chines, valuable inventions, and objects
of .cientific interest. There is not an
industrial pursuit which does not receive
a share of its attention. It contains
official lists of patent claims, important
statistics, practical recipes for useful do
mestic purposes, and has long stood,
both in this country and Europe, as the
highest authority in the mechanic arts
and sciences. - There is no publication
more valuable to the farmer, the miller,
the engineer, the iron founder,-the.-me
chanic, or. the manufacturer. We have
'never opened a number without learning
something we never knew before, and ob.
tuning valuable information for the
benefit of of our readers. The Publish
ers, Messrs. I.IuNN &Co., of 37 Park Bow,
New-York, have deserved the success
which they have achieved. :No one
should visit that city without calling at
their palatial establishment, which is a
museum, of , inventive. genius, collected
from the entire world.. if any of our
friends away off in the country do . not
know this work, and will take our advice,
they will mail $2 and become subscribers
immediately, or by applying,to the Pub
lishers they can obtain a specimen copy
gratis, which will be sure to confirm the
truth of our recommendation."
We fully indorse the above, and would
recommend our readers to take Pren
tice's advice, and subscribe for the paper.
A. new , volume commences on the first
of January, and it being a valuable woik
of reference, containing, as it does, the
only official list of patent claims pub
lished in the country, every number
should be preserved. The paper is
published every Saturday, by the well
known patent, agents, Messrs. AIUNN &
Co., who have conducted the paper
during the past sixteen years.
In addition to furnishing specimen
copies of the paper gratis, the publishers
will send a pamphlet of advice to inven
tors, free of charge.
Address, Musx & Co.,
37 PARK Row. .\. Y
gis Senator Trumbull, of 11l icois, as
will be seen by the first day's proceed
ings of Congress; has made an early
start by giving notice of a bill to be•in
troduced by him to confiscate, the pro
perty of. Rebels and give freedom to
their slaves. Mr. Trumbull is known
as a " conservative," and when elected
to the Senate, was a Democrat of the
Douglas stripe. He also hails from the
President's.own State..
fir Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware caused
some amusement in the Senate by offer
ing a resolution to appoint Messrs. Fill- .
more, Everett,. Dallas, Taney, and some
others, a Commission (xi the part of the
North to meet a
_similarly constituted
Commission from the South, and bring
the war at once to a satisfactory termi
nation. After the Senate had laughed
at the resolution it was brfished aside.
ar Major-General John C. Fremont,
with his family, arrived at New York
on Friday Atornina,,in excellent health.
During the dal he received the friendly
visits of great numbers of distinguished
citizens, and also gave an informal re
ception to the crowds who desired at
least .to give him a passing greeting.—
He declined all public receptions on his
way, .or at New York.
tur On searching'the trunks of Mason
and Slidell, at Fort Warren, no des
patches were found. They were ,either
previously destroyed, or handed over to
the ladies of the party. This, however,
is of little importance, since Davis' mes
sage establishes the fact that they were
commissioned to foreign Powers, cloth
ed with authority from the rebel Gov
er The prominent Freemasons pro.
pose to send a valuable " gavel" to
Garibaldi, who hasbeen elected Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of.ltalian
masons. It will be a fac-simile of the
"gavel" with which George Washing
ton laid the corner-stone of the Capitol,
now carefully preserved in Potomac
igar Timothy -Downing of Minot was
held to bail in the sum of $4OO, at Au
burn, on Tuesday, for threatening• to
burn the buildings of his neighbor, E.
EL. Ayer. There had been , a quarrel ex
isting between the parties for eight or
nine years, and grew out of the zeal of
Mr. Ayer in suppression of the liquor
fir Through examination of Beverly
Tacker's records, and the cbriespondeace
upon it, ShoWs that BuChanan's Admini
stratieu was cognizant of his defalcations
at the time they commenced
The extent Of his plaYaler was mention
ed a few weeks ago. li-ainounts to over
a quarter' Of a
Ur The largest shipment ,of bread
stuffs for _Europe ever . made •at New
York in one day was on Tuesday of last
week, when 404,293 bushels of grain and ,
28,598 barrels of am were cleared at
the cut3tom-bouse.
Thirteen ritled cannon for the Gov
ernment arrived at New York. One is
a one hundred-pounder, and is capable of'
throwing a‘ ball five miles, and designed
for Fertreis MonrOe.
:Mr. Russell, of the London Times,
dined, after the review on Saturday, at
the camp of the Garibaldiaus, with (Jul,
D'Lltassy and his officers. Dr. Rnssell
complimented the Garibaldians in a neat
speech, fur their soldierfike movements
in the review, and the officers for the
harmony manifested in a regiment made
up front so many different nations.
Senator Wilson having got up a bill
to abolish the office of sutler in the
army, some law firm in Washington
city has hatched 'a scheme to make mon
ey. . .
out of the sutlers by raising a large
fund to defeat We bill. A circular soli
citing money has been sent to each
sutler. ' Will thfs'be permitted ?
It is stated that between the Ist of
July and the Ist of November, four
months, .ten millions of catridges for
muskets and small arms, were issued by
the , Ordance, Department to the army
e s ti the Potomac.. This enormous ex
penditure of catridges is due mainly to
target practice among the troops.
In the case of Catharine N. Forrest
against Edwin Forrest, a full bench of
the Supreme Court has decided against
the motion of defendant for a new trial,
and confirmed the award of $4,000 a
year alimony.
Cyrus W. Field is in Washington, en
deavoring to get the government to
adopt LI. plan for the building of a tele
graphic line from Fortress Monroe to
Baltimore, or some other ,point on the
northern coast.
There is no truth in the report that
General Fremont will be arrested by
military authority on his arrival at
Washington, He has rented a house,
and intends to remain there during the
Two thousand suits of comfortable
clothing, and other necessaries, were
sent to our prisoners at Riciroud last
week by the Quartermaster eneral.--
Besides this, Massachusets sent three
hundred and fifty suits to the prisoners
from that State.
Commander Poor, tried for allowing
the sumpter to escape from New Orleans,
when he was in command of the Brook
lyn, blockading that port, was acquited
by the Court, and the sentence has been
approved by Secretary Welles.
Commodore Levy, the owner of the
hinnticello estate in Virginia, , who re
mains loyal, it is said, has prepared his
will, in which„ he leaves the Jefferson
hornested, and.sloo,ooo to keep it in re
pair, legacy to the United States Gov
The Governthent has appointed a
regular superintendentto work the cot
ton gins at Port Royal 'and region
round, and have the cotton shipped as
fast as got ready. One of our Quarter
master.s there 'had set 50 gins to work
With a will, the negroes getting three
cents per lb. for all the . cotton ginned.
General McClellan is determined to
strictly enforce the President's order in
relation to the arrest of contrabands in
the District of Columbia. Ile has also
determined to' abolish all, brothels and
gambling houses in Washington.
The traitor J. C. Breckinridge, has
been expelled from the United States
Senate by 36 yeas; no man having the
face to vote against the resolution, but
several, Powell, Bayard, Pearce, Ken
.&c., shirked the vote, showing
their sympathy with the enemies of their
Lieutenant Bristow, of General Dix's
staff, has found , the sword stolen from
one of the Japan Embassy while passing
through Baltimore. It'was found while
searching a Rebel house for arms. It
will be sent on by the president to
The Union caucus of the Keaneitv
Legislature has nominated Garrett
Davis to fill the'seat in the United Sen
ate vacated by the expulsion of Breck
inridge. Mr. Guthrie was defeated in
the nomination by a single vote. Mr.
Davis was subsequently elected, receiv
ing 84 out of 96 votes.
Prince Napoleon has selected at the
Imperial manufactory an elegant service
of Sevres China, which is now on its
way to this country, as . a present to the
Secretary . of State, in acknowledgment
of the attentions which the Prince re
ceived here.
Sullivan Fay, a wealthy citizen of
Southborough, Mass., has employed the
year ; about fifteen hundred days' labor
of men, in improvements on his farm,
for the purpose of giving employment to
those who needed it to support their
Mrs. Gordon Forrest, whose husband,
a sergeant in the First Massachusetts
regiment, was killed at the battle of
Bull Run, has been pensioned . at $8 50
per month for five years, from July 18th,
1861. ,
Among the importations into Boston
dming last week were forty-two live
Angora goats, valued at $2,000.
'lent citizen of New York had an inter
view with Mr. Seward a day or two since,
when Mr Seward remarked : "With
many persons I have the reputation of a
compromiser. Nothing could be more
unjust to me. I was the last man in the
Cabnet to consent to the removal of
Gen. Fremont, and I would be the last
man to consent to a compromise with
rebels." Why, then," asked a New
Yorker, "do you not take pains to let
your opinions be known ?" "Because I
am willing to trust my reputation with
the future," was the reply. "I would
like to make this conversation public
for the sake of some of my friends, as
well as yours," said the citizen, and the
Secretary replied that he "had no con
cealments." This conversation aocords
with other statements respecting Gen.
Fremont's removal. Mr. Seward was
one of the fast friends of Fremont iu the
STRANgE PAM ClTY.—There seems to
be a fatality about the office of Vice
President of the United States. Aaron
Burr, the third Vice President, was a
rank traitor and conspiriator ; John C.
Calhoun, tne sixth Vice President, was
another virulent conspsrator against
our national life; John . Tyler, ninth
Vice President, and by an accident
President, is now a zelous rebel ; and
John C. Breckinridge, thirteenth Vice
President, dares not show himself in
Washington, for fear of the halter he so
richly deserves as the most sneaking
traitor of them all. Will not some in
genious speculator devote a little con
sideration to the cause of this singular
circumstance, and explain why so many
PreSidents of the United States Senate
should be found in the black list of con
spirators against the nation which has
honored and trusted them ?
doubt, a very difficult matter for those
who are collecting hospital supplies to
obtain those articles which are really
necessary, and at the same time refuse
those things which are not needed.—
Some persons have strange ideas in re
gard to the wants of the sick, furnish
ing jellies, preserves, etc., which are of
little or no benefit to healthy stomachs,
much less to those that are sick. Let
our ladies, as far as possible, devote
their energies to obtaining articles of
comfort rather than di e t—blankets,
shirts, drawers, slippers, socks and mitts;
for all that is essential to the'diet of the
sick can be usually obtained on the sur
geon's order from the regimental com
missary. Magazines, newspapers, and
books, especially those to form a."hospi
tal library,'! would be highly appreciated
by the soldier when convalescent, and
when confinement to bed or to the ward
is irksome.
In the Circuit Court at Boston, on Wed
nesday, inequity, before Judge Sprague,
arguments were :made in the case of
Charles Francis Adams, executor, and
W. C. Johnson, et al., upon the con
struction of the will of the late John Q.
Adams. The question arose upon the
death of Mrs. Johnson, the 'wife of the
first respondent, who was one of the
heirs of Mr. Adams. About $40,000 is
involved, which Johnson claims as tenant
in courtesy, his wife having received an
annuity during her life cut of a fund held
in trust by Charles Francis Adams, and
having died, leaving issue.
long contested points as to, the sex of
Ella Zoyara has now been definitely set
tled, says the N. Y. Times, and the
question as often promulgated, "What
is it ?" can now be answered satisfactori
ly. Mr. Ella Zoyara, otherwise called
Yale, was united in the holy bonds
of matrimony last week to Miss Sallie
Stickney daughter of the manager of
Bowery circus, and thus ends the ro
mantic history of Ella Zoyara, who was
deserted when a child, &c. .
In front of the left wing of our army be
low Alexandria, our picket lines extend
fro,2 the mouth of the Occotink up to.
Occotink is.Tit;,ce ten miles iu front of
Port Lyon, and four 1 . 6 front of Mount
Vernon, which estate is now within our
lines. The rebel pickets appear about
two or three miles beyond our lines.
ONE YEAR.—On the Bth of N ov., 1860,
the Slaveholding nabobs . of South Caro
lina began to tear down and trample
on the Stars and Stripes. On 'the Bth
of Nov., 1861, the patriotic freemen
" mud-sills" of the Nation began again
to raise the National Flag in Beaufort
and vicinity, South Carolina.
The ladies of Rhode Island are prepar
ing to send to each volunteer from that
State t a Christmas gift of a pair•of socks
and mittens, the name of each soldier,
with that of the company to which he
belongs, to be attached to the articles.
LIBEL SUIT.-Mr. Edwin Forrest on
Saturday commenced an action for libel
against H. fil...Parker, of the Boston
Courier, basing it upon certain criticism
which have appeared in the columns of
that journal.
It is rumored that Senator Sum.
ner will, at an early day, propose the re
peal or modification of the Fugitive
Slave Law.
List of Letters.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post
(Hike, in Marietta, Five. D2tlit++.l3l.
A iderfer, John Ma lu tie, Samuel
Billing, John Mcßride, .!-ainucl
Bingham, F. M. F.sq.,Melloffer, George
Brice, Daniel Michel, Samuel
Baumgartner, Fred. Mak, Joseph
Bilet, Jacob 1). McCan, Elizabeth
Bucher, Elizabeth Mrs. McFinna, Owen
Carothers, .1. R. Esq.,Manning, Sarah A.
Clepper, Sarah Miss Obrien, Harriet Miss
Chicktanz, Conrad Perrin, Mary Mrs.
Dunhs,JoQeph Pier( e, Mary Mrs.
Ebersole, John + Rost, Cartes
Genzerodt, Mary Roath, Jeremiah
Gengiver, A. M. Rehm, Wendelin
Garber, Sionl. S. Rabin, George
Gilman, Mary Mrs. Shireman. Fanny Mrs.
Hughes, Ellis Sliank, Michle
Henry-, Charles Spade, Christiana Miss
Hughes, John H. Stewart, Thomas B.
Haines. Henry F. ' Stow, Christian
W. Shaefer, (gnat
Kerkstatter, FredenckThompson, Wm.
Laib, Joseph Wright, A. K.
Lammott, L. A. Wise, John
McAffec, John ' Wise, Rebecca 'Mrs.
Ailachen, Amos B.
Persons calling for any of the above lettos,
will please say advertised.
MARIETTA, DEC. 12, 15(11.
4.1 ER IN
Picot Building. Marietta, Pa.
- DEGS leave to inform the public that be
will continue the WINE 8:: LIQUOR busi
ness, in all its branches. lie will constantly
keep on hand all kinds of
Brandies, IlTines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, ,ST.,
justly Celebrated Rose 'Whisky,
A very surerior OLD RYE WHISKEY
ust received, which is warranted plot.
fla- All if. D. B. now asks of the public
is a careful examination of his stock and pri
ces,,which will, he is confident, result in Ito
tel keepers and others finding it to their ad•
vantage to make their purchases from I im.
- To Disabled Soldiers,
Seamen and Mavines. and Widows or other
heirs or those who have died or been
Killed in the Service.
Attorney for Clainuints, Bounty Land and
Pension Agent,
fENSIONS procured for Soldiers, Seamen
and Marines of the present war, who are
disabled by reason of wounds received or dis
ease contracted while in service and Pensions,
Bounty Money and arrears of Pay obtained for
widows or other heirs of those who have died
or been killed while in sei vice.
Bounty Land procured for service in any of
the other wars. CHAS. C. TUCK ER,
Haring removed to the Rooms formerly occupied
by Dr•. Swentzel, adjoining Spangler it Pat
terson' t Wore, Market Street, where he is now
prepared to wait un all who may feel
disposed to patronize him.
Dentistry in a❑ As brariches car
ried on. TEETH inserted on the most approved
principles of Dental science. AD operations
on the mouth performed iu a skillful and
Workmanlike manner—on lair principles and
Having determined upon a permanent loca
tion at this place, would ask a continuation
of the liberal patronage heretofore extended
to him, for. which he will render every possi
ble satisfaction.
I:ther administered to proper persons
Painter, Glazier and Paper Hanger.
---- ----
W U i O zeo L s p of m .a o l s a t r r ie e t s t p a e c a t i f u l llirAti.npfiui
blic g h
e e n c e i r t :
ally that he is prepared to do
Rouse Painting,
China Glossing,
Paper Hanging,
At very short notice and at prices to suit the
times. lie can be found at his motner's resi
dence on the corner of Chesnut and Second
streets, a few doors below the M. E. Church,
and immediately opposite the old Oberlin
Coach. Works. [Aug. 3-Iy.
BU ItNETT'S Cocoaine. A compound of
Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing the Hair.
For efficacy and agreeableness, it is without
an equal. It prevents the hair from falling oil.
It promotes its healthy and vigerousgrowth
It is not greasy or sticky.
It leaves no disagreeable odor.
]t softens the hair when haid and dry.
It soothes the irritated scalp skin.
It affords the 'idlest lustre.
It remains longest in effect. For sale b 7
WEST & ROTH, Successors to Dr. Grove.
Opposite the residence of Col. John W. Clark
Illarket-st., Marietta, Pa.
- prompt attention given to securing and col
' Muting Claims, a.ul Orphans' Court husi-.
ness generally. Will attend to business in
Lancaster and adjoining counties.
Conveyancing and other writing 3 promptly
- DLAT ED WARE: A Large and line stock
r of Plated i'vaie at H. L. 81 E. J. Z . A.lnt'S,
Corner of North Queen street & Centel - Square,
Lancaster, Pa. Tea Setts, in yarigty, Coffee
Urns.' Pitchets," Goblets, Salt 'Stands,. Cake
Baskets, Card Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Knives,
Casters, &c., &c.,*at manufacturers prices.
Rl:rts•ritgo attended' to at moderate rates.
jEIWELRY.—A large and selected stock of
fine jewelry of the latest patterns from the
best factories In the country can be found at
H. L. & E. J. ZAHM'S.
Cor. North Queen st. and Centre Square, Lan
caster, Pa. Our prices are }moderate and all
goods warranted to be as represented.
Superior Old Brandy, Old Rye Whiskey,
Holland Gin, Old 141aderla, Lisbon, Sherry and
Pert Wines.
Pittsburg Whiskey always on hand at the
lowest market prices. Very Fine Brandy at
a very low figure, by the barrel.
J. E. DIFFENBACH. Market-st.
OFFICE :=NO. 24 NoNrit
opposite the Court House, where he will at
tend to the
,prectice of his profession in all its
various branches. ' [Nov:4, ,69.-ly
.—in good condition—will be sold r' ' -'l l
at the low price of $l. each and delivered any
where in or near Marietta free of charge. Be
ing in want of cellar room, if taken from the
Store soon, a trifle less will be taken. Also, a
lot of excellent
very cheap. For sale at D,IFPg.NI/41CH'S
F, Vanilla ' Strawberry, Pine Apple ) ,
Almond, Rose, Lemon,
just received and for sale at WEsr Sr ltorn's
PoliJetion of Nedical Scienct
iiii lEAfIS PilACTiEnf. EXPi.'ilii':li.i.
TTOLLONV A ]"'S 01 Nrm EST.—The :
sale of this Ointment and the 1.1111‘0:,,:.
favor with which it is uniformly received pre , ..
conclusively its powerful efficacy on diseai.e.
During a period of tifty years it has stood t,,ii
tryinf , ordeal of the civilized world. and
popularity attests its marvellous virtues wino.
the demand for it to day still continues a;
unabated as ever--a fact so significant that
further continent is unnecessary.
Erysipelas. Ringworm. Almsles, Small Pat.
Scarlatina, Rash, Itch, Cutaneou4 Erupfionl,
Blotches. Pimples, Pustules, whether Scaly,
Dry, Watery, CruSted or Mattery. are quickly
healed by the tree use of this Balsamic (hut
ment. Its operation is materially assisted hr
taking Holloway's Purifying Pills, whie%
exercise a powerful and healthy influence u;,
the blood and secretions.
Diptheria or Putrid Sore throat, quinsy,
Coughs, Colds, floarseness, Influenza,Catarrh,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Tightness of the Chest,
Pleurisy, &c., are the inflamed state of the
gland of the throat and coatings of the chest.
By rubbing the Ointment on the affected parts
it is quickly absorbed and allayathe Irritation,
cleanses the passages of !he phlegm whielt
obstructs them, therefty givinE immediate free
dom to the organs of respiration.
Lung Disease, External 'Ulcers,
The extraordinary efficacy of this Balsamic
Ointment on Old Sores, Bad Legs and , Cancer
ous Ulcers, is frankly admitted by eminent
medical men. Hy rubbing it on the buck and
chest it is quickly imbibed by the absorbents,
and conveyed through the aid of the blood
to the lungs where its antiseptic properties are
equally as active on ulcerated tubercles aeon
external ulcers. Thousands have been cured
of Incipient Consumption by a persevering-use
of Holloway's Pills and Ointment.
The Excruciating agonies of Tic- Douloureux,.
Lumbago and Sciatica, the crippling diseasme
of the Nerves and Muscles, the exquisite tor-.
Lure of Cramps, Gout, end contracted or still
Joints are quickly assuaged by local applica
tions of the Ointment which soothes the rite
bility and relaxes 'he spasms. As these
diseases, however originate in the acid state
of the blood permanent relief can only be ob
tained by a liberal use of Holloway's Pills, in
conjunction with the Ointment, to renovate
the vital fluid of the humors which engender
the disorders.
Both the Ointment and Pills should be used
in the following casts:
Bites of Itiosquetoes Bad Breasts, Burns,
and Saud Flies, Bunions, Cancers,
Chapped hands, Chiego-foot, Piles,
Glandular Swellings, Chilblains, Scalds,
Elephantiasis, • Coco-bay, Yaws,
Sore Nipples, Corns (soft) Tumors
Sore heads, Scurvy, Fistulas,
IMPORTANT CAUTION!—None are genninn
unless the words " HOLLOWAY,. NEW YORK
and Lox noN," are discernible as a Marl
mark in every leaf of the . book of directions,
around each pot or box.
...sold at the Manufactory of Professor
HoLLows v, SO Maiden Lane, New York,
and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers
in Medicine throughout the civilized world,
in pots, at 25c. 62c. and $1 each.
Washington, C
There is considerable saving by taking
the larger sizes.
N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients
in every disorder are affiKed to each pot.
December 14, 1861.—N0. 211-Iy.
DAilim's X ibah ileggiator aO6
A RE pure vegetable extracts. They cure
f_t_ all bilious disorders of the human system . .
They regulate and invigorate the liver and
kidneys; they give tone to the digestive organs;
they regulate the secretions, excretions and
exhalations, equalize the circulation, and puri
fy the blood. Thus, all bilious complaints—
some of vehict..are Torpid Liver, Sick Head
ache, Dyspepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers,
Costiveness or Looseness—are entirely COD.-
trolled and cured by these remedies.
Darling's Liver Regulator
Removes the morbid and billions deposits from
the stomach and bowels, regulates the liver
and kidneys, removing every obstruction, re
stores a natural and healthy action in the vital
organs. It is a superior
Much better than pills, and much easier to.
Is a superior tunic and diuretic; excefient in
cases of loss of appetite, flatulency, female
irregularities, pain in the side and
bowels, blind, protruding and bleeding piles,
and general debility.
Jas. L. Brumley, muck ant, 1.14 Fulton st.,
New York, writes, August 1., lSlio : " I have
been afflicted with piles, accompanied with
bleeding, the last three years; I used
And now consider myself entirely cured."
Hon. John A. Cross writes, " Brooklyn,
March-15, 181311. In the spring of 1859, 1 took
a severe cold,- which induced a violert fever.
I took two doses of 'DARLING'S LI VEIt
REGULATOR. It broke up my cold and.
fever at once. Previous to tins attack, L had
been troubled with dyspepsia several months
I have felt nothing of it since."
(ntis Studley, Esq., 121 East 2Sth Street, N.
Y., writes: " ugust 13, 1860.-1 had a diffi
culty with Kidney Complaint three years,
with constant pain in thesmall of my back.—
I had used most all kinds' of medicines, bus
found no permanent rehef.until I used
Darling's Liner Regulator, and Life Bitters.
I passed clotted blood by the. urethra. lam
now entirely cured, and take pleasure in re
commending these remedies."
Mrs. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N.Y.,
writes : " Feb. 20, 1860.—1 have been subject
to attaeks of Asthma the last twenty years.—
I have oever found anything equal to
in affording immediate -relief. It is a thorough
Liver and bilious remedy."
Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes : " Feb-
28, 1860.—1 n May last I had a severe attack
of Piles, which confined me to the house. I
took one boiac of DARLING's LIFE BIT
TERS, and was etititely cured. I have had
no attack since."
D. Westervelt. Esq., of South Oth, near Bth
Street, Williamsburg, L. L, write s: "Aug..
5, 1560.--Having been troubled with a diffi
culty in the Liver, and subject to biliqUe
attacks, I was advised by a friend tq tk.Y .
I did so, and found it to operate admirably ;
removing the bile and arousing the liver V:,
activity. I have also used it as a
When our children are out of sorts, we t giva
them a few drops and it sets them all nght 7 -,.
I find it meets the general, mintsof the stomach
and bowels when disordered."
Reader, if you need either or both of these
most excellent Remedies, inquire for them at
the stores; if you do not' find them, take no
other, but inclose One Dollar in a letter, and
on Neeipt of the money, the Remedy of
Remedies will be sent according to your di
rections, by mail or Eiwess, pod-paid.
Address, DAM . EL 8. DARLING,
Put tip in 50 cent end *1 Bottles each.
Hel/ry Laid s, X. D.,
OFFERS his prgfesSional services to tlia
citizens of Marietta And vicinity.
Can be found at his Drug Store, Mir:seri%
Dr. Hinkle's, at all times when not elsewhere,
professionally engaged.
To ICY FRIENDS : Having been called to
a position in the U. S. Navy, I hereby resign
mrprofession to the care and attention of Dry
Henry Landis, in whom I have every con--
fidence, having had ample opportunity of as.
certaining his ability to fill my place.
F. 11111.14:LE, M. D.
Skin Diseaees
Diseases of the 77troat and C7iest
Rheumatism, ... 7 1 - euraigia, Gr'ut
Darling's Liner Regulaaor and
Life Bitters,