The Mariettian. (Marietta [Pa.]) 1861-18??, December 14, 1861, Image 1

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    Vbt . Harittfian
sEcorcup STORY.
Marietta, Lancaster County, Penn'a.
f subscriptions be delayed beyond 3 months,
$1,25: if not paid until the expiration of the
year, $1.50 will be charged.
No subscription received for a less period than
six months, and no paper will be discontin
ued until all arrearages are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. A failure to no
tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the
term subscribed for, will be considered a new
•Aley person sending us FIVE new subscribers
shall have a sixth copy for his trouble.
AloVr.n . rrsitgo RATES : One square (12 lines,
t ' Or less) 50 cents for the first insertion and 25
tents for each subsequent insertion. Profes-
TMona' and Business cards, of six lines or less
at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading
e columns, fire cents a-line. Marriages and
Deaths, the simple announcement, FREE;
but for any additional lines, five cents a-line.
Lr. ; ; 1 square 3 months, $2.00; 6 months, $3.50;
year, $5. Two squares, 3 months, $3:
6 months, $5; 1 year, $7. Half-a-column,
.3 months, SY; 6 months, $l2; 1 year, $2O.
One column, 6 months, $2O; 1 year, $3O.
aving recently added a large lot of new Jon
AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all
Bach as Large Posters, with Cuts,
Sale Bills of all kinds, Ball Tickets,
Circuiars, Cards, Programmes, sVc., &cc.
'Eyerything in the Job Printing line will be
done with neatness and dispatch, and at the
lowest possible rates.
RIM .'
The subscriber having just returned from the
oll'ers at the lowest prices all kinds of Books,
Law, Fielion, Medical, Religious,
Biographical, Mechanical
and other kinds. These Books will all be sold
at, the lowest prices as we had the advantage
and were the only. Bookseller from Lancaster,
at the Trade Sales, and as a consequence, we
can sell lower than any Store. A few of the
Books ate here mentioned:
Worcester's Unabridged Dictionary,
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,
McClellan's Bayonet Exercises,
Revised. Army Regulations,
Soldier's Text Book,
U. S. Infantry Tactics,
Zouave Drill Book,
Gift Books of all kinds,
Photographic Albums,
For the pocket or Centre Table, ID great va
riety. The Gift Book for the season.
School Maps, Charts and Cards,
Pelton's Outline Maps,
Sanders' Elocutionary Chart,
Sanders' School Cards,
Sergeant's School Cards,
Webb's School Cards.
Bibles in great variety from Twenty-five
cents to Twenty-five Dollars, some of them
having the finest bindings and plates ever r! -
ceived in town.
Sunday School Books—Methodist, Luthera • ,
Episcopal, Presbyterian, American Tract So=
ciety, American Sunday School Union.
School Books—Sunders'. Sargent's, Towers,
Parker & Wilson's Readers. Monteith's War
ren's, Mitchell's, Smith's Geographies. Also,
Algebras, Arithmetics, Grammars, Histories,
Dictionaries, &c. Stationary, Copy and Com
position 'Books. Cap, Note, and Letter paper,
Blank Books, Slates, Lead and. Slate Pencils.,
Pens amid Holders, Ink and Inkstands, Rulers,
and Envelopes. The best ink in the market
sold here, viz : Maynard and Noyes, Arnold's,
hoover's, Luughltus 2St littshlitld'a, Black
wood's. etc. At the Cheap Book Store of
Nov. 30.] No. 32 1 N. Queen at., Lancaster.
Alexander D. Reese,
Main Streit, jEAsr .WARD Mount Toy,
Lancaster County, Pa.
HE undersigned would most respectfully
4;4' leave to inform the public that he has
opened a WINE AND buena SToik in all its
branches. He will constantly keep on hand
all kind's of
Brandies ' Wines, Gins, Irish and Scotch
Whisky, Cordials, Bitters, V.
Also, a very superior Old ltye Whisky just
received, which is warranted pure.
A choice article of German Wine. Various
brands of Champagne Wines.
,'All A. D. It. now asks of the public is a
careful examination of his stock and'prices,
which will, he is quite•confident, result in Ho
tel keepers and others Ending it to their advan
tage to make their purchases of him.
ALSO—Kerosene, or Coal Oil, Pine Oil and
Fluid at reduced prices, at the "Enterprise
Wine it .Liquor Store." A. D. REESE.
Mount Joy, June 22, 1861-Iy.
eitUL/1., f.r4etie4l Daftel-,
MAKES this method of informing his old
j_ friends and the public generally, that he
has re-taken his old stand (recently occupied
by George L. Mackley,) and is now perma
nently lined to prosecute the Ratting business
Having just returned from the city where he
selected a large. varied and fashionable assort
ment of everything in the
and now only asks an examination of his
stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere.
Having also laid in a stock of Matting materi
al, he will be enabled, at short notice, to man
ufacture all qualities—from the common Soft,
to the most Fashionable Silk Hat.
Employing none but the best of workmen,
.and manufacturing good goods at low prices,
be hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of
public patronage. 937 The highest price paid
,for Furs,—in trade or cash.
Marietta, March 9, 1361.
Boot and 'Noe Manufacturer,
Would most respectfully inform the citizens
a this Borough and neighborhood that he has
the largest assortment of City made work in
his line of business in this Borough, and be
ing a practical BOOT AND SHOP. MAKER
himself i is enabled to select with more judgment
than those who are not. lie continues to wan
nfactere in the very best manner everything
in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, which he
will warrant for neatness and good fit.
13-Csil'and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
OFFICE: Front street,' fourth door
from Locust, over Saylor 8c
ald's Book Store, Columbia. Entrance be
ween the• Drug and Rook Stores: [3-ly
j.'or Sale at DirrsriztAciPs Cheap Cash Store.
Balms Proprietor_
VOL. 8.
We cut the following from the Knicker
bocker. It is good for a laugh at any rate
The last stanzas we think especially rich.
" It is not that she bade me go,
And said I'd better stop my calling,
It is not that she answered " No,”
As loud as could be—short of bawling ;
It was not that she slammed the door,
And set her nasty lap-dog on me;
Oh no ; a greater, keaner grief
Weighs down my heart and preys upon me.
I cannot bear to see her go
And promenade with other fellers ;
I cannot bear to see her walk
On rainy days, 'neath their umbrellas,
To see such things a going on,
Excites my virtuous indignation ;
It makes me swear as one might say,
In vulgar phrase, "like all creation."
To see her seated in a chair,
With half a dozen fops about her;
And hear that fool Augustus swear
He " can't exist a day without her,"
'Tie this which makes my withered hopes
Fall thick and fast like leaves in Autumn,
And cause my poor heart to beat
Like a young bear when dogs have caught him.
What if her father is the Squire,
And Pm a briefless-laver-devil
She needn't cut me in the stieet—
It wouldn't hurt hei to be civil.
But ah I my heart-strings are a lute
On which her hand unfeeling lingers ;
Well be it so! the tune is sad,
But then 'Us played by Beauty's fingers.
Enough! enongh ! I've lost the maid,
My mind is bordering on distraction ;
Yes, yes—l'll leave this classic shade,
And seek a wilder field of action ;
Far in the distant Texan land,
In war's proud ranks I'll seek for glory,
And then perhaps in later years
My name will sound in verse and story.
I resign thee every token,
Which thou gave'st unto me;
• And the ties of love are broken
That once bound me unto thee ;
May no sorrow ne , er invade thee
For the changes thou hast wrought;
This fond heart will ue'er upraid thee
Though its ruin thou bast wrought.
I have cherished thee—thee only,
With a miser's doating care;
Now thou leav'st me sad and lonely
To a life of dark dispair.
Coulds't thou see me thus heartbroken;
Doom'd to sadness and to pain;
Thou would'st give me back each token
And return to me again.
Thou had'st riches—thou had'st beauty,
I know well how they are prized;
I had but my love and duty,
These thou coldly host dispised.
Yet how oft did'st thou assure me,
Worldly wealth was not thine aim;
And if fortune strove to lure thee
Thou would'st love me still the same.
Tho' thy feeble vows were shaken;
Tho' their power was lost o'er me,
And I feel that tho' forsaken,
I can love but only thee.
Leave me not then thus heartbroken,
Doona'd to madness and to pain;
Give me back each tender token—
And return to me again.
learn by . telegram from Washington,
that a Vermont Gentlemen addressed a
communication to the President of the
United States, announcing the advent
of three sons at one birth, and request
ing names for them. The President it
seems, was at a little loss to know which
Cabinet Minister to consult on the oc
casion, but finally referred the matter to
the Secretary of War, who 'promptly
forwarded the desired appellation. We
do not exactly see the propriety of this
reference to the War Department, un
less the boys are to receive the appoint
ment of cadets. If the Postmaster-Gen
eral was not just now too much occu
pied in superintending the safe delivery
of the mails, we should have supposed
his department the more natural chan
nel for such correspondence. The child
ren were named Abraham Lincoln,
Gideon Wells, and Simon Cameron.—
Journal of Commerce.
ear A son of Old Neptune enlisted in
the First Rhode Island Battery. He
was picked out as one of the riders, and
not long since his horse unseated him.
The commanding officer came up and
reprimanded him, and asked him sternly
if he did not know how to ride ? He un
hesitatingly said, " No." " What did
you then enlist for ?" asked .the Captain.
To which the sailor promptly replied,
"To shoot Secessionists, not to break
colts." The reply so amused the officer
that he rode off smiling.
fir " Is anybody waiting on you ?"
said a polite dry goods clerk to a girl
from the country, "Yes, sir," said the
blushing damsel, " that's my feller oat
side. He wouldn't come in."
-Cr Money and time have both their
value. He who makes bad use of the
one will never make good use of the
car Tiuners should- make good speak
ers—they do so much " spouting."
artcitbytOpit Vtunsillbania Inurnal for. ft (I.l;ittit.
MRS, BATON.-Of Mrs. Eaton, the
widow of Gen. Eaton, Secretary of War
under Jackson, who figured so largely
in the Spring bf 1831, when the first
cabinet of Old Hickory was dissolved,
the Washington correspondent of the
Chicago Journal says : "This lady is
now residing in this city, having recent
ly married an Italian dancing master, of
the mature age of 26. The acquaintance
sprang up through his teaching her
grandchildren. The newly married
pair are represented on canvass, in their
parlor, her head reclining on his bosom
in a very loving attitude, and, as the
artist has given her "form and features,''
one would not suppose her to be over
thirty years of age. She is in affluent
circumstances. is very fond of company,
has fine conversational powers and dis
penses hospitality with a liberal hand."
York Commercial Advertiser c.)mpiles a
list of the losses on both sides since
the outbreak of the rebellion, commenc
ing with the attack of the Massachusetts
troops in Baltimore, and embracing the
numerous fights and skirmishes that
have since occurred, and the result is as
follows :—Federals—killed, 969; wound
ed, 2041; prisoners, 2374. Rebels—kill
ed, 4049 ; wrnnded, 1064 ; prisoners,
5088. These figures, however, do not
include the killed and wounded of scout
ing parties of which there is no official
A PRECEDENT.—ShouId England pro
test against the overhauling of the steam
er Trent, having on board the' Rebel
Plenipotentiaries, it may be pertinent
to remind her of some quite recent pre
cedents in her own history. Here is
one : When Thomas Francis Meagher
escaped from a British penal colony, he
sought refuge, if our memory serves us,
on board an American vessel. The ves
sel was boarded by English officers, and
thoroughly searched, but fortunately the
search was unsuccessfnl. Our Govern
ment did not consider its flag insulted,
and demanded no redress for the"insult."
EXPORTS OF CHEESE.—One of the re
markable features 'of the large exports
of provisions now making from New
York, is the immense quantity of cheese
exported to England. There has already
been exported the first ten months of
this' year the enormous quantity of
twenty-six millions of • pounds. Two
millions of pounds of butter were ex
ported in 1859. The first ten months of
this year fifteen millions of pounds have
been exported.
ment of an open port for the shipment
of cotton is likely to be put into practi
cal operation at Beaufort very soon, for
Senator Simmons ,of Rhode Island, ac
tually started the schooner Charity from
Providence for that port laden with, salt
shoes' and other necessaries, which he
expects to exchange for Sea Island cot
ton, to be immediately transferred to
SHARP'S THE WORD.—li is said that a
port of entry will be established, and a
town commenced, in case Beaufort is
unavailable ; that already frame houses
have been shipped, and shrewed business
men, with a sharp lookout for the valu
able trade of that region, are bn the
move thither, and we may soon . expect
to bear that town lots are bringing fab
ulous prices 'for the new city.
few days since a wedding took place at
St. John's Church, Margate, Kent,
which attracted considerable attention.
The bridegroom, named Stragues, had
attained the patriarchal age of ninety
three, and his blushing bride had also
passed the alloted age of three score
years and ten.
CHANGE OF NAME.—In an order of
Gen. Sherman, dated Hilton Head,
Nov. 15th, we find the following
"The fort on Hilton Head will be known
as Fort Welles," and the one on Bay
Poing, heretotore called Fort Beatire
gard, will be known as "Fort Sewaid."
are told that Mr. George Lucas and
Mr. Ephraim Grim of our borough, have
sent a barrel of sour kroat, and several
barrels of potatoes to our volunteers in
Colonel Good's Regiment.--Allentoton
air The Philosopher Fraser says that
" though a man without money is poor,
a man with nothing but money is still
Telegraph says a sad . accident, happen,.
ed in that county, at a place
Fisherville. An old lady named Fisher,
was attempting to drive 'the cattle out
to a field, one of the lot, a young bull,
refused to follow the other cattle. Mrs.
Fisher took a stick in her hand and com
menced to strike the animal, whereupon
the bull turned and made at the old
lady, who ran towards the house. The
bull soon overtook the !tidy and com
menced to horn her. Mrs. Fisher was
soon oi‘erppwered, and struck senseless.
When she recovered her consciousness,
the bull had left her, but she was hor:
ribly mangled. She managed to get
into the house, and lay all alone in this
condition from nine o'clock in the morn-
big until night, when the rest of the
family, who had been from home all day,
returned. Medical attendance was at
once procured, but she expired in great
agony before the next morning. The
bull made another attempt the same day
on a female on the road, but she suc
ceeded in making her escape. The bull
was only 'about two peas old, and pre
vious to the above occurrence, never
attempted to harm any' person. '
Chester Times says, an immense con
course of people assembled at the house
of the Mother of Miss Debbie Hughes,
who was $1 by the railroad accident at
Charlestown, in that ecunty, to attend
her funeral. Theservices took place at
the &miss., and the precession moved
thence to the church cemetery, at
ering. Carriages extended for a full
mile along the road when approaching
the cemetery. An effecting incident
occurred on the arrival of friends at the
gate of the cemetery. A Miss Jacobs—
a fellow .medical student, and a very
intimate friend of the deceased, and who
resides about two miles from Pughtown,
hearing of the futieral too late to use
much time in looking up a conveyance,
started from home and walked nearly
seven miles, determined to see the face
of her friend once more. Unable to
reach the house in time, she, met the
procession at the gate and implored her
friends to allow her to look upon the
face of one she loved so much. Such
an earnest request could not be , resisted
and the coffin was taken into the little
church and opened. The scene there
could only be described by those skilled
in heart pictures.
GAS TOY BALLOONS.-GliM toy balloobs
inflated with gas are now largely manu
factured in Philadelphia. A city paper
They are made of robber, extremely
thin and charged with ordinary gas.—
Unfortunately the gas gradually escapes
from them. They possess greater buoy
ancy. ,
than air only for a few days. The
gas destroys the tissue of rubber, when
they become useless. As play-things
they are not altogether safe. An urch
in was yesterday r walking the street with
a lot of new balloons floating aboyehim,
secured to a slender string. A breeze
wafted them in the face of a gentleman
who was puffing a regalia. The deli Cate
rubber was burned through, and the gas
in the balloon went off with a bang that
singed off a fine pair of whiskers. The
accident might have destroyed the eyes
of the smoker, articles less easily replac
ed than the whiskers aforesaid. .
CAUGHT A TARTAR:-..-A. naval officer,
was so unfortunate, a day or two since,
While enjoying his dinner atllard's
Hotel, as to denounce what he was
pleased to term "Abolition movements,"
and to add that "tbUt Abolitionist
Henry Wilson is as bad as any of them."
To his surprise, a gentleman who had
been quietly dining at his side, said in
firm tones :--`Sir ! I ant Senator Wilson,
of Massachusetts, aid I will suggest
that you had perhaps better confine
yourself to your duties, instead of indul- .
ing in such 'personal criticisms, whiCh
are in bad taste." The rebuked officer
"shut pan," and soon left the table, to
wait for the Senator in the hall,. and
humbly apologise for his remark.
introduced last month into the Nevada
Territorial Legislature stipulating that
any member ,of eitherhouse ,who should
be guilty of receiving money for the
passage or, defeat of : a bill should ;be
punished by death. The punishment
was afterwards changed to depriving a
member who should be convicted of such
a crime for ever of the right' to hold
office. '
Ter - rrle----02ao 13•11ar a Year..
—"The report of the City Inspector,"
says the New York Herald of the 9th
May, 1860,--to the Board of Health
which we published yesterday, reveals
an alarming state of affairs in the con
dition of the public health, showing not
only an increase of 1,819 deaths within
the past fear months over those of last
year, but a frightful increase of mortali-
ty *from scarlet feier, croup, bronchitia
and pneumonia—the increase Of deaths
from these diseasei forms one-fou'rth of
the total. This fact warns us of the
necessity existing for some means of pro
tection against unskilled and'half educat
ed Physicians. 'rho public are thus
constantly exposed to malpractise at the
hands of ignorant men, -who follow ifiC
profession merely as a means of making
money with the ambition or the qualifi
cations which pertain to the educated .
practitioner." How widely 'different
have been the results inthe above dis
orders from those who have used Hol
loway,s Pills and Ointment is manifeit
by the fact that. not a single' case' of
death occured wherever the PUG and
Ointment -had been taken in time.--
Thousands of mothers owe a debt of
gratitude to Dr. Hollo,way for being the
meting of saving the the lives of their
darlings. There is no idle theorY or
speculation in the use of these medicines.
The effect is invariably the same—sure
and certain—where - all the instructions
given are strictly fulfilled. The Pills
cool and purify the blood, while the
Ointment locally applied in scarlatina,
croup or bronchitis, allays the inflainina
tion and speedily restbresr thelittle ant!:
erer to the enjoyment of health. In
Europe, we learn that hundreds of lives
have been saved in cases of 'diptheria,
for which the Ointment is a certain cure,.
and for all diseases affecting the throat,
penetrating as it does, the affedted
glands, which no internal medicine
alone can reach—so effectually as'to
act with sufficient eelerity to save the
patient. This extraordinary Ointment
will give permanent relief to All asth
matic patient; and may therefore be
considered as a soverign remedy.
fir The largt;St army ever collected
was that with which Xerxes ; the Sing
of Persia; invaded Greece, in the year
580, before Christ. It is estimated to
have numbered 2,500,000 soldiers, with
as many more camp followers, making
the whole host 5,000;000 human beings.
They conquei ed Athens, but only 'a
small remnant of the army ever retarnad'
to Persia. On his way to Greace,
xes took twelva young girls ()Nile coun
try through which ha' was marching, and'
from the proniptingS . of some barbarian
superstition, buried them all alive. "the
whole expedition," says' Abbott, "was
the most gigantic crime 'against We
rights and interests of mankind that
human wickedness, has ever beep per
mitted to perpetrate."
163- The soldierd at Beaufort and' the
slaves on the island Will soon' be picking,
the ungathered cotton. The forMerc
under an order from the War •Depart
ment, the' latter upon' • the impulse` of
wages directed-to be paid them br Gen:
Sherman. alsci pro'bable that , the .
cultivation of the Sea Island for the
next crop of cottorfifill be contracted
for by some responsible Yankee; whb
Will be required to' einPloy the " - fitaies
abandoned by their masters upon the
several plantations.'
air :A rebel farmer,.leving abou one*
mile from Gnyandotte, Va., ascertaining.;'
that aUnjon soldier had escaped from,.
the recent massacre, took his gun andi
went out and shot him. The body was
found by Zeigler's avengers, and on
learning all the ciraumstancei, they:Pro
needed to the 'Scoundrel's lionse, sur
rounded it, and took him out: and;shot
him. Then ordering his fiinily away
they fired the building, and stayed long
enough to see it completely destroyed.
%W . There is now at the large 'clothing
depot, in the art building of, Corcoran,
opposite the War Department in Wash
ington, over two hundred and
thousand suits of clothing. :cnp4in,
Thomas, orPhiladelphis, is in charge,'
and on Friday, of last week,, he, filled,,an.
order in two , my§ for pants for a whole
brigade of fourthousann men._, ; There,
are also an immense amount of tents,
/to., in store.
ir An editor' acknowledged the rit'-
ceipt bottle' of brandy, fortY-eig*:
years eldi 'and says : " This brandY
so old `that we very much fedi' it "done
live much longer:"
NO. 20.
A Seem- FIGHt Brava 'AE111,7637.
Encouraged , by the , war; °to 'Sergeant'
J. W.4mbler, haMbeenitennhingbroad;
sworitand bayonet exeicrseltoihiCyoung"
men of Biddefordi , -14e,p'andLonqi.recent
evening gave 'a publin tikiiitiltibir,
which it waw-atmounted/itifere4otild bet
a "sham fight betwifia the Federals and
th ()inhale, the Tatter 'ProPer
moment: -Brit; the,'" Met'elelhad de
terinined- not' -to 'die t iliti4aiiii,``iint
stead thereof to atiVetti6 el `Union men"
,from the stage; inti r thSi i Veld ' t nearfi
,done it, when 'the gartls t Siiigeant
grasped his trusty sieregild'the l work '
became no SOkb: " Vetalli l sEirrfght
left, regardleis'efliiiiiii . and
tintied 'the of bitile."ASVineelt
there were seven Men Whcineefies sergi
cal'attendence; i`.th~e an ieuc " a were too'
much interested to have'"iiiii eide"'Win
to scruple about , brai s ed hpads. Indeed,
intense excite ment .preV i niled, end the
audience were ailon their fFet t
the Sergeant on r bn ,man hasbeertin
bed ever aiLdth , olS,ergeilit was
not able to drill seCerel.days,
A BLOODY FlLta3 it 6e" '
Wursay.—A iidektrteltiiii JBeituril
gard's army betwaetieVoidehle (hard
tiOlicirki Untidier •
were wounded, inetudltieoailitalrelJdliii ;
Q. A. isiadenbusb, of:thii Berkley quards
and *Captain W;tio
Artillery. The :
. frakap' : ';i,'llisc : ifi `Coiige
quanee- of a'
refusing to sell kbortle 4 a
soldier. S he
a taut: bOttle'';'Seldrei'i:iftegit one ;'Mrs. '
Boyd •refrised• ii4l-dierlseitid`bot
tle ; woman' knfe ; ,soldiar
the - Eu6lo'; WisVA.rtifle'rYiriier'trrlid:id'
behalfof Wadan! and Borden a Guard
Artillery for abidie'r. "It - Vatia g flegO"
conflict:and Via
terferehee"or "tierilift'y
or thirtywere badliSigiiiiifiid: 4 '"
• • 4,0 4 -
THE Psairsgatic , Ftoral—Auking,tlit4 ;
entry . inen,. Wordsworth probably stood
pre-Oninent in i 41114 e:f tI tiVinitligale,
in out -of dijdr
calcaikted tiiit s illii . pi)at / hig' 4:flied,' in ••
th'e courdq'Vr
two thousand
, .
Thirty': 'dit - sidas nd landemthink
stretch rot. hiin'ifilbit'iniinb of hinitdiYie
al-Tiowers; and 'some "
conipoSedw ilinti; 4n
parliamentaty.plir . ntie; l'tnAikiegtit t
• .
Ur A 99 4 Pg lady,PvAßil4 YdrAn , .
her handkerchief with much assidAti s , ,
on the occasion- °LAIL° departure of a
regiment tift Awts )
relatilea shb .had.inAkeltegimanticand. t
replied, ~ r oj ,1
itef rtv, . r
" How Inany 27: was, salioitonalyuptexe
AWity,Lthe awholibaregillientlkwarta A
'they Uncle , Samhs boyarlawmicallyize
tr.l 1;51 , 4 7,w - 7
fiti) tyi;
An exchange paper Says, ' don Er t,
be surprised if you have sailed smoothly
a fail months on th irayage,of
-ninny, you ike overt akrk by a squall.
ri, •rit •• 6 . , •• , • •
Vitus" 41' 11411'
-0451 assen wo
4 eir" To tar ;
~ne, ,oi ' .
„ r
3 .7
newspapers lately recorded the' death of
the DaWager 'Marchioness of Con . yeghain
—a lady whose name was at ooe time
the theme of all men's scandal, but wbo
has been of late absolutely forgotten till
her death recalls her history. She is
about the last 43311!„ that ponneets the
present time with iihe days of the Re
gency—a period math , farther removed
from the present by its mai.ners than by
years. The Marchioness was popularly
reputed to be the mistress of George iv.
and it is certain that, for some years
before his death, she lived in his palace,
was constantly with him, he had given
to.her,,us *mark of frien,diiiip, several
valuable jewels, 7 10 turned
a,... .
George's to give. They were a
portion of the jewels . attached to the
Crown, and therefore 'the Marchioness
had to restore them. Since his death,
now more than thirty years ago, and
when she'was sixty-nee years of age, she
has lived in, great retirement on her
.r ,
estate near Canterbury,;, and she has at
last Passed from among as the,un
usual age.efniupty-0m.,.
THE SUTLERS ' Ter. Aumr.--Sonator
Wilson has deterniined . tointrodtice
bill in'Congress; to aeeifet' the office of
Sutler in' the army: l J 'has been im
pelled to this hy reesbeorflieextor
tions -and ithuie.l pigietieed upon' the
soldiers. Ta spite 'tetil'irlegiir restrie-'
tion against selling 't•S' to ad
amount exceeding dne-third of their pay,
it often occurs that thii Sailer piesents'
an order on the Vaymaster . fOr thtee=
quarters of the amount saldier;
while one-litlf thni taken is too common
to excite remark: The Priebe, tab, ere
exorbitant, the Piefits often' bring from
200.t0 300 per cent., and the qualify of
the articles as bed'h's be Iblerate'd;
Liquor, too, is arta ''Claiailfitiety' fiari
nished. The pastry and other articles
of food furnished have begs ltitind,' to,
cause' sielidees. that in
‘lll Z , O si
very''oaaep 0010ue,19 of rev-,
mente are plittUerk'clf,tlie Slitters, the
,b ing. often'
unable to get th9ipPoin 'lent
_upon any ,
other'term's. rtheinrotilsbil kater for
a full Teginaent are from $0;000 to $12,-
000 a 'year: ' r.t