((.",,lie .laritttilin 0 IS ?ÜBLISIIED EVERY SATURDAY, AT ae I.llVi DOLL:";.R PER PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Ff ICE in Crull's Row,—Second Story— , Front street, five doors below Mrs. Flury's .tel, Marietta, Lancaster County, Penn'a. 'subscriptions be delayed beyond 3 months, 41.25: if not paid until the expiration of the .year, 1.'50 will be charged. 6 subscription received for a less period than 'six months, and nu paper will be discontin tied until all arrearages are paid, unless at 'the option of the publisher. A failure to no tify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for, will be considered a new engagement. ny person sending us FIVE stew subscribers shall have a sixth copy for his trouble. DVERTISING RATES One square (12 lines, or less) 50 cents for the first insorrion and 25 t cents for each subsequent insertion. Profes- Siena! and Business cards, of six lines or less ' at $3 per annum. Notices in the reading columns, five cents a-line. Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcOnent, FREE; hut for any additional lines, fiY6cents square 3 months, $2.00; 6 mOnths,'s3.so ; 1 year, $5. Two squares, 3 ,Months, $3: 6 months, $5; ; year, $7. Half-a-column, 3 months, $8; 0 months, $l2; 1 year, $2O. One column, 6 months, $2O; year, $3O. Having recently added a largd rot of new JOB AND CARD TYPE, - we are prepared to do all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, SUM. as Large Posters, with Cuts, Sale Bills of aft-kinds, Sall Tickets, Circulars, Cards, Programmes, ke., ,Everything in the Job Printing line will be done with neatness and dispatch, and at the loviest possible rates. Great Improvements in SEWING MACHINES. Empire Shuttle Machine. Patented Pebruary : l4tti, 'lB5O alesrooni, 510 Broadway, New' York HIS Michine is con'atrucin' d on an entirely new principal of mechanism, posseasing 'many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the mest,profound experts, and ',ninon need to be Sinighiity and Perfec tion Combined. The following are the pine pal, objections urged against Sewing Machines • I.—Excessive fatigue to the operator. 2.—Liability to get out of Ander. 3.—Expense, tamable and loss of time in re runup . 4.—lneapteity to sew every aiseription of material. s.—Disagrecable noise ,While in operation.. The Empire Sewing 11,1aeliin,e is exempt fro,, a all the ee objections It has a straight needle. perpendicular ac tion, makes the Law. or sfrorri.e SriTell, Which will nedher , rtp nur i rove/, and is alike on bOth sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather to the finest Nansook Musliti,.witii cotton, linen silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. " liavihg neither :CAM nor COG W HEEL, and the least possible, friction, fr . runs as sooth as gluss, and is . ol' EMPHATICALLY NOISEbESS -MACHINE It requires ;fifty' per*- eent;"-.lesS power to drive it than any other Maehinit'in . the:raarket. A girl of twelve 341114 dt ettit work it steadily, without fatigue orinjury to,hesith. Its strength still tdrinderjill kittplicity struetion, render .tt.almostOmpossible to get 1111 t of order, and isguitraWeort by the,company to give entire satutfacpon; • • • We respectrifflY iiivite . al/ those who may desire to supply themselv,es witli' a superior article, to call 'arid' ekarairio this'itaracalleri Machine. But in a more apeciai-ipahner do we solicit the patronage o€,. • - Merchant Tailors; " Dress , Makers, Couch Maliara,,Coraet,Malter4 . Vest Makers, ' ' "Gattei n Fitlers, Pantaloon Makers, Shoe Binders, . Shirt iand Bosom Maher; IlOop Skirt Munalituiers, Rel igtous and Charitablelnatitiations will be liberally dealt with. ' Price of MACHINES Complete.. No 1, or Family. Machine, $4.5 OQ, No. 2, Smell sized MinuflictUring, $60.00, Nu. 3, Large size Manufacturing, $73.00 Cabinets in every 'Variety, We want Agents for all townsintHe United States, where agencie.Vard not already estab lished, to whom a liberal discount will be given, but we nittke'n4 consignments, ' T. J. li(leAltTflUlt, & Co., . 510. liaoAnwAy, New ycirk. 'WINES "1 - LIQUORS - . El. D. BEINJAMINr, DEALER IN WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. BEGS leave to inform the public that he will continue the WINE& LIQU.OIi busb 'less, in all its braiiehes. lie will constantly keep on hand all kinds at Brandies, Wines, Gins,. Irish and• Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters,S•e, BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Bose Whisky, ALWAYS. ON BAND. A very superior 'OLD RYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pare. . 12- All H. D. B. now asks of the public ?is a careful examination df his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in ido -1 .4tel keepers and others finding it to their ad. ,''yantage to make" their purchases from Vim. :DAVID ROTH, 4 - Dealer in Hardware, Cedartvare, Paints, Oils, Glass, gi•foh, Eook, tali and AO' stooes, MARKET-ST., MARIETTA. OULD take this means of informing the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he a prepared to furnish anything in his line, onsisting in Part, of Table Cutlery of all inds Buildidg an d Housekeeping Hard . are, in all styles; Cutlery, Tools, Paints, Oils, class, Varnishes, Cedarware, Tubs, Buckets, burns, Knives,Forks, Spoons, Shovels, Po era, Tongs, Canlesticks, Paiis, Waiters, Cop .er and Brass Kettles, Door ? peak, Pad and other kind. of Locks, hails, Spikes and fact everything usually kept in a well regula d Hardware establishment. T. LOUIS 1 - 10TEI., .41 CH ESTN UT-BT.; ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA, ffn the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Market, Third and Chestnut-sts., ,Rank,s Post Office, Merchants' Exchange, *tem AC., &c. ROARD PER DAY, '51.50. Aeeomwodatiott When rmiuireu on the Euno rvtzi A . A .4 4 : Rooms from 50 cents and up wards, per ,Say, and Meals at a fiast-class Restaurant attached to the lintel. Prices 'according to the Bills of Fare. The City Cars take passengers from any station TO or CLOSE TO the Hotel. Englls.4, French, German and Spanish jnly 20-Iy.j spoken. , A C r 1 li D - JONA' CABIERPN, M. D.. gypenio nysigi.a4 & Actconehear, Corner of .004 Qay Streets, MA:IJ,TETTA-; B WILEN'S long celebrated U GIN, 11, A N1.9.311N. ' 2_,..l3alt_er, Proprietor_ VOL. 8. A HINDOO FABLE. THE BLIND MEN AND THE ELEPHANT. I= It was six men of Ihdoostan,' To learning much inclined, Who went to see the Elephant, (Though all of them were blind,) That each by observation • Might satisfy his mind. The First approached_ the Elephant, And happening to fall • Against his broad and sturdy side, At once began to bawl: • " God bless me !—but the Elephant Is very Ake 'a wall !" The Second, feeling of the tusk, Cried, " 11 . 0 l what have we here, So very round and smooth and sharp? To me 'tis mighty clear, This wonder of an Elephant, Is very like a spear !" The Third approached the~nimal, And happening toltahe ' The squirming trunk within his bands, • Thus - boldly.up and spake : a I see," quath he, "-the Elephant Is very like a snaked" The Fourth reached out hiseager hand, And felt about the knee ; "What most this wondrous beast is like Is very plain," quoth he ; "'Tis mighty plain the Elephant Is very like a tree !" The Filth, who chance to touch the ear, Said, td E'en the blindest man Can tell what this resembles most— Deny the fact who can, This marvel of an, Elephant Is very like a fan !" The Sixth, no sooner had, begun About the base to grope, Th;iii;'Seiting, on the swinging tail That.felf within his scope, " I see," quoth he, " the Elephant Is very like a tope !" And so these meu of Indoostan •.;-Disputed loud and long, Each in his own opinion .Exceedtng still' and strong ; Though each was partly in the right, Arid all were in the wrong ! 'MORAL: So, oft in theological wars The Disputants, I weep! Rail on in utter ignorance . Of what each other mean, And prate about an Elephant Not one of them has seen! INCIDENTS OF BATTLE.—Several inci dents of the late battle of Belmont, and statements in reference to wounded, are related by correspondents of St. Louis papers,: One .p tor fellow, after he was wound ed, bethought himself to take a 'smoke ; ha.was found .in a,setting position against a tree, dead, with his pipe . in one hand, knife in another, and hia tobacco in his breast. A young lad about eighteen was foupd lying across a log, just as he fell, grasp ing his musket in both bands, A wounded man with both his legs nearly shot off; was found in the woods singing the " Star Spangled Banner," but for this circumstance, the surgeons they would not have discovered him. A captain of one of the Federal regi ments was looking at the prisoners we captured at Belmont, and recognized one of them as his own brother. GETTING A. WEDDING COAT.—AmOn g the anecdotes related by 'Dr. Bushnell, 'in his sermon at Litchfield, illustrative of the . Age of Homespun, was this : One of the aged divines of that country, still liring, was married during the Revolu tion, but under singular difficulties.— There was an obstacle to the wedding which seemed insurmountable. He had no wedding coat; nor was wool to be had to make one, and it was in the dead of winter. Yet'all parties' weie ready, and he was anxious to be 'married with out, delay. At list the mother of the intended bride discovered the difficulty, and promptly had some of her sheep shorn and sewed up in blankets to keep them warm, while of the wool she spun and wove a coat for her intended sou in-law. per' A Yankee boy and, a Dutch boy went to school to a Yankee school master; who, according to custom in quired, " What is your name ?" "My name is Aaron." " Spell it." " Big A, little a-r-o-n." " That's a man ; take your seat." Next came the dutch boy.— " What his your name ?" "My name is Haus." " Spell it." ," Big Hans, little Hans, r-o-n." " That's a man ; sit down." ar Gen. McClellan says the meanest of the Regiments in the army of the Potomac is superior to any of the vol unteer regiments in the Mexican war. art fl6tiltubtut ( 4ournat for tht In Cult. ' MARIETTA, DECEMBER 7,°:1861. FROM THE AMERICAN. ACRICULTURIRT.I INDIAN CORN FOR 'FOOD Cheap Food for War Times...lm portant for every Housekeeper and "Quartermaster"...Makin g $4O go, as far as sloo...Thirty- Three' Ways of cooking Indian Corn. Economy is the word now, or should be, in every family. Some are compel led to economize ; othgrs do so from motives of benevolence, that they may be better able to assist their less fortu nate friends and neighbors ; while others will practice economY from patriotic motives. There are over twenty million inhabitants in the Northern and Middle States. If, by economy in foiod, cloth ing, luxuries, furniture, carriages, and in sundry other items, the average re duction of 'current expenses for one year be only 7 cents a day each, the savings will amount to over five hundred milliOn dollar's (500,000,000 r.) This would balance the Four Hundred Millions ex pended by the government, and leave one hundred millions as an offset to ex tra expenses and contribution of those not- connected with or employed by government ; so - that the nation would have quite as much wealth after a year's war, as if peace had prevailed, and the people had gone on in their previous modes of living. The half-million sol diers will, of course, save money during the year, for even the humblest gets all his food, clothing, and traveling expert see, besides $156 in money, which all come• out of the FoUr Hundred Million Dollars expended by the Government, while the balance is nearly all paid to manufacturers, laborers, cultivators, ect., here at home. We believe the people cap and will reduce their expenses 7 cents a day each, on the average. With some; the saving will amount to but 1 or 2 cents daily, while others will far exceed the 7 cents. There are many ways in which people can expend less than they would have done under other circumstances. In the single item of clothing, much will be saved. Some will buy one coat or one dress less. Some will wear as4or $5 bonnet instead of a s7or $8 one. Some will wear a good, substantial pair of boots or shoes, • instead of a fancy pair that would cost more and give out soon er—and this will he a manifest saving of health and comfort. The old harness will do to drive to church or to town for another year. But we can not par ticularise further. One of the good ef fects of this war will be to bring us back to 'more economical habits, which' will cling to us afterward. The main object of the present chap ter, is to assist, if we can, in ECONOMY iN FOOD. Did it ever occur to the reader how little; comparatively, we as a people use Indian corn? This crop is grown more generally, and with more certainty tharrany other, and its actual productibn far exceeds that of all other grains taken together. , And yet a few pounds of meal per month, for desert puddings, and occasional other dishes, is about the ex tent of the consumation of corn in the great majority of the families in the Northern States. Some families use much more but these are exceptions to the general rule. And yet, a bushel of ground Corn affords quite as much health ful nourishment, as a bushel of Wheat.— A bushel of corn weighs 56 lbs., and a bushei of wheat 60 lbs : but there is more waste in grinrdngthe wheat, in the form of bran andship stuff. Corn differs from wheat, mainly, in having a little less' gluten, and rather more oil and starch. For the colder half of the year, the . oil and starch of corn are better ladapted to the wants of the body, than thelargeamount of gluten in wheat.— Corn contains all the elements needed in the body, and in just about the pro portion they are required in Winter, while they are nearly suited for food in warm weather. A bushel of corn con tains four times as much nutriment as a bushel of potatoes. . We have just examined the market prices of Wheat, Corn, and Potatoes, in different parts of country. The ,ex amination shows, first, that, taking the country together, the' price of a bushel of corn and a bushel of potatoes is about the same, (they vary considerably in some.localities, but not generally); and, second, that a bushel of wheat sells for 2 times as much as a bushel of corn.— We therefore find, that, on the average, au amount of nourishment costing $1 in the form of corn, costs $2 in the form of wheat,•and $4 in the form of potatoes. nit 'am So, then, of three families itgaring the same amount of nourishing food, what would cost` one . s4o a year the form of corn, would cost 'the second $lOO in the form of`wheat, and the third SICO in the form of potatoes. Why, then, do not people consume more corn ? Answer. Fashion or ens tom has 'much influence; and ignorance of the value of corn, or of good modes , of cooking it, does the rest. TO do away with the last named diihnulty; we propose to give belle a considerable variety of methods for preparing corn, and corn meal, so at to mike them pal atable. Of the healthfulness there- is no doubt, and from ther inethods giv en .below, every .houseviife can 'find one or more that will suit the wants and 'taste of those whom she provides. Thefollowing directions have all been furnished expressly for this number of the ..imerican Agriculturist. Each of the several editors' families haVe been called upon for contributions, and we have each asked our friends for their best recipes. Wife'emritten cook book has been ransacked, and we have con sulted mothers and aunts of the neigh borhomi, noted' for_their good ,cooking. Here is the result. (Their derivation from so many sources, accounts for sev r eral having the same heading.) 1. Hasty Pudding' or "Mush."—We place this first as the most common and most easily made. No one ever "took sick" from eating, mush, and milk, or fried mush in any suitable quantity.— "Mush and milk" is seldom relished, be cause few people know how to make the musk. The whole secret Win cooking it thoroughly. Rightly made It is not "hasty pudding." A. well made "mush" is one that has boiled not less than a full hour. Two hours are better. The meal needs to be cooked; then it is both good and palatable. The -rule is : Mix it very thin and boil it down, avoiding any burning or scorching, and salt it just right to suit the general taste.— Prepare a good kettle full for supper, to be eaten with milk; sugar, molasses, syrup, or sweetened cream, or sweeten ed milk. If a good supply be left to cool, and be cut in slices and fried well in the morning, the plate of wheat en bread will be in little demand. It must be fried well, not crisped, or burn ed, or soaked in fat. If thoroughly cooked in the kettle, it will only need to be heated through on the griddle.-- If not cooked well in the kettle, longer frying will be necessary. 2. Dry .Mush and Milk.—Parch corn quite brown, grind it in a clean coffee mill or pound it in a mortar, and let it soak in warm milk until softened ; then i f too thick, add more milk and eat when cold. Or meal may be browned and eaten in the , same manner. 3. Samp.—This is a good method of using corn, and .a popular one when well tried,--made not of the white hominy of various grades of, coarseness. and sold in smellltags in various stages of freshn6ss; but, yellow corn fresh plucked from the fields, or well prese'rved and but recent ly crushed. (not ground) at the village mill. It can be used with syrup or good milk or sugar, or both. hasty pudding it is good for the- second day. The various grades of "hominy" are very good articles of food bdt not so cheap nor always so good as camp. 4. Boiled Indian Corn (ripe).—Take common yellow corn, and boil. • it in -a weak lye, until the hulls are broken and easily slip off. I pour off the lye and rinse the corn thoroughly. Boil it until soft, in clear water, adding salt: Eat with cream and sugar, or but ter and syrup, or simply with butter as a vegetable. • • t 5. An Excelent Corn Cake.—Take 1 pint of corn meal, one quart of sour milk, 4 eggs well beaten, 2 tablespoon fuls of sugar, and soda enough to sweet en the milk. Mix all *ell together, and bake in pans. To have any corn cake with eggs light, the eggs must be well beaten. 6. Corn Bread (a).--Take 1 quart of sour milk, 1 tabledpooliful of saleratus, 1 teaspoonful of salt, 1 cups of mobisS es, 3 cups of Indian meal, and 3 cups of flour. Mix well, and bake three hours in a slow oven; or, as some'prefer, steam it three hours and then bake it I of an hour. 7. Johnny Cake or Corn Bread.—Beat two eggs very light, mix with them, •al ternately, one pint of sour qk or. by termilk, and one pint of meal.' .Adflone tablespoonful of melted butter. DO solve one tablespoonful of soda in a; little of the milk- and add to the -mixture.-- IDllaa - a, Year.. Last but not least, beat hard together. and';bake 8. Plain Johnny Cake.—Take 1 quart Indian meal, '1 quilt s bnttermilk, 1 tea spoonful'Salt, 1 teaspoonful' of saleratns, 2 tablespoonfuls of butter: oir other short ening, 1 tablespoonful of =sugar, 1 or 2 beaten eggs, if you have them. "Mix and bake in shallow:tin pans. hour. 9. Florida ,Tolinny Cake.—Take one tumbler of rnilk, one of. Indian. meal ; beat up one egg ; mid the whole :to gether and bake well. 10. Sour Milk Corn Cake (a).--Take one quart of sour milk or buttermilk, a large teaspoonful of pearlash; a teaspoOn ful'of salt. 2 Stir the!tailk and meal to gether to make a stiff batter,' overnight., In the morning, dissolve the peralash in warm water., Stir up quickly.; bake in shallow pans., 11. Sour Milk Corn Cake (O.—Take one pint of sour milk and ,one of cream, two eggs, a teasponrul of salt, a tea spoonful! of salaratus, and Indian meal enough to make a thin batter. Bike one hour in shallow pans, well buttered. ;12. Virginia Corn Dodgers,—Take three pints of nnsifted yellow cent meal, one tablespoonful of lard ; and (Me pint of milk. Work all well together, and bake in cakes the size of the hand, and an, inch thick. We have eaten this in Dixie's land and know it to be palatable —to a hungry man, highly so 13. Corn Bread (e)..-3 pints of meal, and 1 of rye or Graham flour. 2. table spoonful of salt. One yeast cake soften. ed in warm water. This should be, mix ed with warm water to a _dough just compact enough not, to,run, and then be put in a deep pan, and left by the fire until it rises about, one-fourth higher than when mixed. Bake in moderate oven five hours. 'This makes a thick crust upon the top Which is to be lifted off, and the remainder eaten warm.— Slice and heat in a steamer for break fast. The crusts are to be softened in warm water, and crumbled fine for the wetting of the, next loaf, and the cook will be surprised to find the second, ex periment fur superior to the first. 14. Rye and Indian Loves,—Scald 2 quarts Indian meal, and when cold add 1 quart unbolted rye flour, t pint molas ses, 1 tablespoonful salt, and water enough to make a stiff sponge or batter. Pour into deep iron pots or kettles, and bake in a slow oven for three or four hours, If in' a brick oven, leave if over night. A standard bread in New Eng land, eaten both hot and cold. 15. Apple Corn Bread.—Mix one pint of Indian meal with one pint of sweet milk, and udd 1. quart of chopped apples, and a small teasponful 'of salt. Bake in shallow pans in a quick oven. - To be eaten hot. 16. Pumpkin Indian Loaf (b).—Seald 1 quart of Indian meal, and stir in 1 pint stewed porukin, mashed fine, or sifted ; add 1 teaspoonful salt; .1 pint molasiei, mixing; to a stiff batter. Bake in deep iron dishes hs 14. 17. "Whitpot" (Indian).—Take 1 quart sweet milli, 'pint Indian 'Meal, "2 or 3 eggs, teaspoonful salt, and 4 table sugar.' Boilone of the milk, stirjn the meal while tioiliiig; book tike Minutes. and add• the remainder of the milk._ . Beat the eugar and eggs to gether, and, when cold, Stir the. ,whole thoroughly,t and. bake 1- h oar , t hr a. deep dish.. Th-hki eatenAtither:hoVor. cold. 18. 141 - acisses% Whitpot.—ln than meal, and Milk same Its' above; add ing , pint'lottrafilat'sed, , and; enetking-in same Imanner,•* A very 'cheap and good pudding; 'eastlyg'inade: • .10. 4 Indiilt; 'Dumpling.;-=Scald Pint Indian meal; i stiiall tibleiPoOnfal shortening, 4 'teaspoonful Jsalt; teal spoonful soda or4tlertitus: z 73ui11anai in a. - bog. • .Bervorl hot withvgisiy , i'and 20:-Corn..21fialins 3 of sifted meal, halr..a*teaspooilkttorsalt two tablespoonsfult ted lard„it tea spoonful of , saleratta (dissolved in two large spoonsfulgthot witer);'ltiret 3hn above with sour milk , thick' mush or hasty ddi and' ilk' tefedrings on a battered tin., 21. Corn 111101:18 (b).---4)ne quart of . Indian meal a:heaping spaonfur4 hat ter, one quart of milk, !LEO a salt spnon of salt two tibtleaPoOnsful of yeast, and one of mo'laStis'. Let it rise four - orffve lidurs. Bake la' It: r aw also be baked in shallow pans. Bake for one hoar.' = - 22 Corn' • Griddle . LCake.-:--Take one quart ofisour niilk; 3 ;eggs; 1 large tea spoonful of .saleratus, 1 ' small teastmon ful of salt, and add sufficient meal, and flour to cause the cakes to turn easily on the griddle. Use a third as mach flour as meal. 23. Corn Griddle Cakes with Yeast.— Take three cups of Indian meal, sifted, one cup of Graham flour, two tablespoon fuls of yeast, and a salt spoOnful of salt. Wet at nighliWith soir milk or water, as thick as pancakes, and )n the morn ing add, one teaspoonful of cooking soda or saleratus. Bake on a griddle. 24. Indian Griddle Cakes.—Take one pint of Indian meal, one cup of flour, I tablespoonful of saleratus, I table spoonful of ginger, and sour milk enough to make a stiff batter. Bake ~ on a grid dle as buckwhelit cakUs. 2.5.- Corn Oriddle`Ccdcesr .quart of boiling milk, or water, mixed with a pint of meal. .When luke warm, add three tablespoonsfal of flour, three eggs, well beaten ; and a teaspoon ful of salt. Bake on ..a griddle. 20. .Baked Indian Podding(a.s.--scald a quart °fir:kk,. and stir in seven table spoonfuls, of sifted Indian meal, a tea. cupfnl of molasses or, coarse moist sugar, a tablespoonful of powdered•ginger or cinpamon, and a- teaspootifed or Bake ,three or four hours. , If whey is wanted in the pudding, pour. in a little cold milk after All is mixed. NO. 19. 27. Bake4,lngian Pedding(b).—Three pints of milk, ten heaping, tablespoon fuls of meal,.three gills of molasses, and a piece of butter as large , as a hen's egg. Scald the meal with,the milkispd stir in, the butter and •molassenis idounradd a little ; chopped. suet do .placatofsthe but ter. 1i 28., BakO,lngliara-,Pudding 1 pint of sweet milk; stir 'imp of meal while boiling:; pour it into a bak ing, dish and add cup of molasses, 2 tablespoonsful of sugar, 1 teisapoonftil of ginger teaspoonful of salt, ands little nutmeg. Then add .1 -:pint of sweet milk with one egg welLbeaten. Rut' into the ,oren while warm and bake one hour. 29. Indian.Pudding(d).--Weti 3 table spoonsful &meal with cub/water. Add 2 'eggs, well beaten, 3' tablespoonfuls of sugar and a, pinch of salt. Beat all well together. Add 1 quart of scalded sweet milk. Bake ter an hour. 30. Boiled Indian Pudding(a).—three pints of milk,; ten tablespoonfuls of sift ed Indian meal, half .a pint of molasses, and two eggs. Scald the meal with the milk, add the molasses and a teaspoon ful of,salt. Put in ihe eggs when it is cool enough not to scald them. Stir in a tablespoonful of ginger. Put into a bag and tie so that it will be about two thirds full of the pudding, in order to give room to swell. The longer it is boiled, the better. Seine like a little chopped suet added. 3L Boiled Indian Pudding (O.—Stir Indian meal and warm milk together, making the mixture pretty stiff; add while sterrin,g two or three tablespoon fuls of ginger or other spice, and a little salt. Boil it in a tight covered pan.— A tin dish made for the purpose is very convenient. •A. very thick cloth will answer. Leave plenty of room for the meal to swell. Thin slices of apple stirred into the mixture before baking are much relished by some. 32. Boiled Indian Pudding (c).—Take 1 quart of sour milk, 1 large teaspoon ful of saleratus, I a teacupful of molasses, 1 cup of chopped suet, and meal enough to make it stiff. Tie in 'a cloth and boil two hours. The best sauce for this is sour cream sweetened with good molass es. 33. /Ilaize Gruel for Invalids.—Stir a large tablespoonful of Indian meal in to a teacupful of cold water, and salt.— Have ready a quart of cold water in a spider, pour in the mixture, and boil it gently twenty minutes, stirring it con stantly the last five. To make it richer boil raisins in the gruel,, add sugar, nut meg and a little butter. . op . Dr. Satel Stanhope Smith, Pres ident of Princeton Collegt. was con sidered °tie of,the greatesWeachers of his times. He. was remarlokle, for his dignity, of manner, amounting ,almost to bombast. Ije had ,a baother, Dr. John 8., Smith; of Utkinn,Xpllegek Alhe bro. thers P 144. in, Z`T.Rw