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Marriages and Deaths, the simple announcement, mina; but for any additional lines; five cents a-line. I square 3 months, $2.00; 6 months, $3.60; I year,- $5. Two squares; 3 'months, $3: , 6 months, $6; 1 year, $7. HalVa-column ' 3 months, $8 ; 8 months, $12,; 1 year, $2O. One column, 6 months; $2O; 1 year, $3O. Having recently added a large lot of new JOB AND CARD TYPE, we are prepared to do all kinds Of PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING, Such as Large Pastes, with Cuts, Sale Bills of. all kinds, Ban Tickets, Oircuiars ' Cards, „Programnics, ic., &c. Everything , in the Job Printing tine will be done with neatness and dispatch, and at the lo et possible rates.. ' V • . , OUR COUNTRY'S CALL. BY WILLIAM CULLER BRYANT. "Tay down the axe, ilineby the spade; f' Leave in its track the toiling plow; The rifle andthe bayonet blade ' For arms like yours were fitter now ; And let the hands that ply the' pen Quit thelight task; and 'mina- to wield 'The horseman's crooked brand and rein Themharger on the battle field. • " Our courtry calls; away,!away! To 'where the blood-stream biota the green, Strike to defend the geritlest sway That time in all its course Leh seen. 'See, from a thousand coverts--see Spring the armed foes that haunt her track; "They rush to stnite her doWn`; and ise, Must beat tfie branded jraitors back. Ho I study as the oaks,ye cleave / And movedtas soon,to fear and flight, Men of the glade and foitit I leave Your woodcraft for`the field of fight. The arms that wield the am must pour. An iron tempest on the Ole ; His serried ranks shall reel before The arm that Sayafbe panther low. And ye who breasts.the mountain storm By gt seer step In'highland lake, Come, for the lunit, yellow)! to -form -. A bulwark that no foe can break. Stand, like your own gray cliffs that mock The whielvvintl ) stand irt her defence; The bleat as tibon shalfmove the rock As ritshingequadrons bear ye.thence. I And yg, whose honk:lsere by her grand Swift rivers, rising far away, Come from the depth of her green land As mighty in,your march as they ; As terrible.liviviaep#p „. • llaverecdehle diem Itiver , llarilertind- bourne, Wish sudden floods to drown•the plains And sweep along the woods uptorn.• • And ye who throng; besidelhe 'deep, ' Her ports and hsralets , oethb strand, In number like the wayes' Chat leap On his long murintiriugluarge of send, Como, like that deep;When, Oder his brim, He rises, all his *Mods 'to pour, ' And flings the proirdest barks that'B;o:l'm,' A helpless wreck'against the share. Few, few were they whose swords, of old,. Won the fair land in whieli we, dwell l But we are many, we who hold The grim resolve to guard it well. Strike for that broad and, goodly land, Blow after blow,till znen, shall see , That Might and move band in hand, And glorious must their triumph be. FATHER AND •DAUGHTER.—There is no prettier picture in, life than that or- a daughter reading to . her aged father.— The old man, while listening. to her silvery notes, goes buck to other times when another one sat by his side and whispered words he will never hear again; nor does he wiskto; for, in soft :vening light, he sees her image•refieet .d in her child, and, as one by one gentle ;:motions steal over hip, Ivi veils his 'face, and the da7ugliter,` thinking him 'sleep, goes noiselessly in'search of Om employment: Virgin innoellide stehing over the cares and •little. wants ;‘).ef old age, is a spectacle fit , for angels. Vit is one of the links between earth and Pt:il eaven, and takes from the-face of the 'l, ecessarily hard and selfish world many ''' Wrkits harshest features. ---e -4-I'443ter The noble philanthropy and de 'T'petion to the cause of human rights 4abich induced the doubt' Roaambeau Marquis Lafayette to tendy :vices to our' fathers -in .ihe xi Revolution still survive in :cendants. Count de Sayre, a , cendant of the termer, and the le Shonew, of the latter, have ',heir services to the Federal Lent, and they have been ac- The true patriot of all the igarcl our struggle with the se •ebellion in its proper light, anti, ilden spirit or 76, are ready4to and fortune to Piostrate des td toryism. Idle our troops are 'enduring mency of the weather in the States, those who have gone Carolina will have especial es. The country is rich, fertile, coding in all' thb iii3OeSiaries of ..e climate is genial and temier l : l ; and the fresh breezes of the-sea Vlif bring health and invigoration: .In ,migying South Carolina, , the forces isaer General Sherman will have signal : 41 al extraordinary advantages in the ,of camp life and personal canyon. imwes. What tempting attractions to the brave men anxious to enlist under , fae flag are presented in the WI breezes, vely foliage, and fruitful soil of. South folina ! _ A man's own good breeding is the st security against other people's ill- acirwrs Proprietc:Dr_ - - - - - VOL. 8. • MARIETTA, NOVEMBER 3,0';1861. NO. 18. A FIGHTING NEGRO.-A correspond ent of the Oicago' Tribune, desairbing the battle of Belmont, says ; • "During the thichest of the , fight the body servant of Gen. McOleru ard, a muljatto named William Stams Vecatur, exhibited conspicuous courage., He, was close by , the General, during the whcije engagement, cheering the soldiers 'and swearing that he would shoot the first man that showed the white feather.— Many of us laughed heartly at the fight ingQ darkey, while the bullets dew like Bail agont us. the course of the fight,* a captain of one of the companies was struck by n spent ball, which disabled him' 'from walking. The mulatto boy, who was mounted, rode' up to him and shouted out, 'Captain. if you can fight any longer for the old Stars' and ,Stripes take my horse and lead your men. Re then dismounted and helped the wounded officer into his saddle. When. he, was walking away a rebel , dragoon rashed for ward et the, officer to take, him prisoner. The aarkey drew , his revolver and put a ball through the rebel's head, scattering his brains all over the horse's neck. ,t "I relaie these little circumstances eo that merit may be justly delt with, even if the fiero is' a 'nigger' as some people would call this brave fellow." Tam Doe. WAR : The Germantown Telegraph says the dog war carried on by Capt. Jim. Francis, in Philadelphia, terminated in October. Over twh thousand dogs have felt the weight of his arms, or rather snares' and nippers besides a considerable number redeemed at v. dollar a 'head. The pr4mium on each dog paid by the city is' fifty cents. The dogs are taken to a yard in lduttn wood.street, near Thirteenth, where they are hung to a heath and receive a bat on the, head, which extinguishes life's spark, man is then immediately on hand to buy the bodies', which .are boiled into wheel grease--and so ends the.dog's car case—he is try'd, and not found wanting in grease. MORAL . 1:11D riELIGIOUS time since authority was given Colonel Saiith of DlinoiS, to raise a regiment of "moral and religious men" for the war. He was not confined to any Congression al District, or particular locality, but bad a carte blanche to canvass the whole Stater After struggling for five weeks Col. Smith has been forced to abandon the undertaking. He succeeded in get ting twenty-three captains, thirteen more than were needed, of the proper qualifications, but the "moral and re ligious men" did not fall into line in sufficient numbers to form a respectable guard. MITTENS FOR THE. SOLDIERS..-...Ail offi cer from West Point, who commands ono of the finest regiments in the service, suggests that woolen mittens for the soldiers will be greatly needed when the cold weather begins. Will not all who can employ themselves in this way help to furnish five hundred thousand pairs~? '['hey should be knit with one finger,' to allow a free use of the ,firet,fingbr and thumb. It is said there were more soldiers disabled in the tiritieai war, from any other one cause. 't SUICIDE OF A BAPTIST ELDilt.—Elder Stephens, a Baptist , preacher,' 'of ihb close .comrannion order, vzhose , home was in Chester, Geanga 'county,•,Ohio, committed suicide 011 Monday afternoon the 10th inst., by cutting'his throat with' a razor. Be has bad spells of derange; meat for a year or two past, but contin ued, to preach. Ile preached on the Sunday preceding his death, and gave out his text for the nest Sabbath—"9e hold how great a fire a little matter kiadleth." fir Peaceful citizen—( exam Wing ia rifled musket)—That is >rather a fine weapon, is is not, my friend ? Bravo volunteer—Wonderfull You aim tit a man two;miles ofr—you cannot even see him--itdon't matter; fire—the ball will find him, out. Beauties< often, die old maids.— They aet;such a value upon 'thernseliTes that they don't find a purchaser until the market is closed. ':'"17111 'Er it is dangerous for one to climb his family tree too high, for he is very apt to get among dead 'and decayed branches. fir The Most beautiful' may be the most admired and caressed, but they are not always the most esteemed and loved. e, Inc 40qtabtut Vennsldattia afournal for fljt lan* erelt. ...... A LAwyua's Tarcu.L—A shrewd trick tUidentify the handwriting of a party in a stilt was resorted to in a case tried in the Suprimb Court lately. A man, his wife 'and son, made ajoint note, all thiee sighing their names: When the note came due it was repudiated, and the holders commenced suit. No diffieulty was found in regard to the identity Of the signature of. husband And son,. but no , one could be obtained to identify, Abe handwriting of the wife. 'ln this dilem ma the council for the holdeeof the note got an Express monied envelove, which ho put a snbpcana. A boy,, was sent with this envelope and a receipt book to the house of the lady... The lady fell into the• trap, received the en velope and signed the receipt' in the boy's book. When the trial came on the lady did.not appear ; the boy, how 7 ever, prodeced the book, and the . signa ture being compared they were found the same, and a verdict - rendered against all three.—N. Y. Express. LANE AGAIN.--A correspondent of the Cincinuatti Gazette, writing frortLOseeo la. Mo., under date of. October,' 25th, Eime "Lane, with his Kansas Brigade, was just in advance of us on our Way out here, and consequently he got all the ' contrabands:,, He captured thiity l two kegs and two barrels ,of Price's powder, which he found hid at Pleasant He also confiscated' Secession property all, along the road, , wherever he' could find it, often takings from rebels and giving it to " poor Union families;" who bad been previously robbed by the re- There is'no mistake about it, Lane has done more, and is doing more; to put dißinhi ii3l34llolVietillirrviirtliiilt will " stay" &limn, -thin all the' other armies together, in this State. He con quers as ho goes." i! A BRIDAL PiRTY.—A wedding party passed through Elmira a few days since, which. never had its prototype, inthe whole tra n of Hymen's devotees. •The folloWing items in regard to this peculiar couple will Satisfy every one that "matri monial sweets," were never measured out. on so small a scale before. Their respective weights are about 65 4 and 33 pounds. Their respective ages are 21 and . 20 years. Their respective heights; three feet five inches, and two feet eleven inches. The gentleman is a brother of the celebrated Gen. Nutt, Tom Thumb's great rival. The lady is, known as the Fairy Queen,. formerly Miss Sarah Bel ton. The happy pair were on their way to the little lady's home from their• bri dal trip to Niapra Falls. ANOTHER, OF panne Liss.--A gentle man writes •to us that different parties have stated to him,,that we, the Senior Editor of the Journal, adniitted to a confident that a great deal of money had been spent in Kentucky for the Union cause, and not less 'than , half a million upon the. Legislature. •If anybody, calling himself our confi dent,,has made any such 'statement, he is a base liar. The statement itself Is a lie, all a lie, without .a particle or the ghost of aiartiele of • truth• to rest on. But we can't be expected,to hunt up and dispose of all the lies the secessionists put in circulation. We might as well spend our days in one never-ending flea i hunt.--Louisville Journal. STANDING- ARMIES.--it is gratifying to inow that so, long as the: Constitution, remains, no such thing as a permanent military eitfablishtnent can be fastena upon as. Those stera old Republicans —the fathers, of our country—were, t above all things, jealous of standing armies. They have effectually prohibit= ed it, by the provision,' that no appro priation for the support of armies "shall be for a longer period than two years,7 thus rendering the continuence of , a,dy force great or small, dependent upOn the separate assent of each branch of every successive Congress. RESIGNATION OF GEL KErld.—" It iB4 currently reported," says the Harrisburg ; . Patriot• and. Union, " that Gen. W. H. 4 Keim, Surveyor General, will in a few days, resign his office, fdr the purpese accepting a position in the army. • Gen.; Kelm served as a Brigadier, General in the three mouths' service, and may 114 said to have a decided taste for military life. The position which he will fill in the army will prevent him from holding; the office of Surveyor General, and the Governor will appoint a successor, who will perform the duties of the office un til the next general election. 11 le GEN. CHARLES llEE.—By , aii Improve- meat in Philadelphia lately, , by which a part of the cemetery of Otiiicit Ohnich was , takenr fora public'way, the iemaina of many -.persons4 l who were . 'entombed during the last'Centuryi.came once= more to the light of day, and , among them were ,the bones ~ .o f v lklajor Gap, Charles tee, of ,revolutionary Memory • • The m • ahogany coffin which he was buried, had decayed and stained ; the b,ones, and also his wi , r, which,was found in e, good state of preservation, with a reddish broirn color. illia'unearthing-'occasion. ed Tin eiciternent; thliugh*once name would have gitirredzthe'eountry, and. all that remained 'oPhiiri'was tarriee'awcii in aumall pine 'box, .! • : teTite Brooklyn Daily Times is re sponsibb? for the foil oWing : WANTEIL—One hundred and *Sevelty five young men, of 'all' shapes tand saes, from the tall, graeeful dandy, with hair enough on his ;upper- fvorks..to - i stuff a barber's cushion, down to the little hUMP-btielied, Qged, Carrot headed upstart . ""' olifeUtiift to form a gaping corps, to be in attendance at the various church doors 'on each.Sabbathi before the com mencement .of;divine,aeryice,,to stare at females as they enter,•and make delicate and ~sentlenanly renzarks, about their person and •- • t All who wish to enlist in the above corps, will appear at thervarious.obu'rch doors,, next ' , Sabbath , morning e i where they, will be duly inspected, and their personal appearance, and qitantity of brains'registered in a book iterit ferlhat purpose and'priblisled in the neWspaper. To - prevent: a gen4rei rush, it will be well to' cone en)istea who possess intellectual capacities above that of . a well-bredtpigV '. • ' • " .egr The London, , Tintes,, o ‘ f the 20th irt t .,‘a i aYe' Oa irOiaiers that,' l lvith . their strength of body, their intelligence, and the dOCility *tack they` , h'ave,% On 'the whole, displayed,' therare men *heti Napoleon' woulittiaire beenr-g,lrid under- his orders;Thtir . whOrn'lsTapoleaii himself, could not make into,soldiersl'in three months, wilhout r officera n to,,help him, and ,with with: gloom ; pf, a. late ; defeat to slol4llso the epldiers',.spiritz., ,By ceseant,.asertions, however; :this ,vast mass lies received something like-organ.; ization. It shows fairly on parade,, and may, Possibly, go thiouglizome of the duties of actual warfare creditably e l iiiPiigh." It • contends, ho'ziever, that we have not yet had 'sufficient time td properly disciplin'e 'it; add it`hloPlis rior- Ward two great brittle' at .lilanasbail as the' important event , ofthe war. ‘-`• ! ,Charles4 l oB B , whP.N9centlY, Visited New Orleans, gives the folloWing statement of prices in a late letter 'to the - Chiciio Post I".' on 613 idth dr Odiober;' iitOck Of pork' in' New Orleans Was six thousand barrels, of which thirgoVeiriiheneinikl ctfaied" torty:three hundied Barrels, at, $4O per barrel. Lard 45 cents per l ibl` potatoes, any price askednone in, rriar ket,; bacon 35 and 40 cents per lb. Now,vtake. into i-cousiderationt:the monster, tax, lovieit , upon# the 'people iof the .JSouth;i how/long i,does the reader suppose the people will be able.to.stand such prices for provisione ? AtiO ,when they csAscald the pricps no ,'longer 7 , what nest , I I , j * •4 - 1.. a *l'l, Cr The Chicago, fliiliune flayd ;:n One lake craft at present are coming nearer the ,poetical idea of," sailing,oll , a golden, sea" than probably ever before. , A ves, sel capable of carrying 20,000 bushels,of, corn to Buffalo, getethe neat, little.sum 41 f of 83,800 for the job—no matter if it is Only worth''ss,ooo, hull and rigging.:— Nineteett"centil'a carrying' corn-td Buffalo, 'fartnei' wh prepares:the'gronnd, era and prepares it forimarket4 gets only seven to ten cents per•bushel; „ • fp, 42r The' Amnion Tract SOciety has ; pnbifeheif for tlie 3 ` sold'ieis 30 x ,000' copies of Cromwell's Pocket Bible, prepared for themse= of the English army in 1843; a 150186,000 copiesdn English, afid-20;000f. in Geimaulot.thisi lordersi of; generals; Washingtbn ands 31)01ellan, On ObSei.v.:= Dace of the Sithbat_lb and againstprofanet Nearlyb 100,000 =tracts have• also boon issued on gambling.': :The} , army, and navy have also been supplied with 1200 copies ei,theßoldiem9 l Poch., et and bamp tibraries,comprising 30 0(i0 volumes. , The Charleston Mercury calls Presi dent Lincoln " a snake." Well, a snake has an immense amount of baekbene. toilt Term s-=One' gDcalar a Yea,r.. , lir When Goperal r itec,waka prisoner at 4 1 )baPY,J49 'APO with an .ririshman. Bcfore entering npon,the,wine, the Gen eral ,remarjrnd 1 . 0 Jos: ,Ilost, that after drinking. he was , for which he hope,d,the,host ,would eA ,cupe ,!,"J?•„g„giy soul, General, I, willolloi,that," uailthis,,host, it; yo3l. 2 wilj cx,,eige,rk trifling faujf.which I have myself. It is this : wheneyerj hear a man abuse 'wild Ireland, .1 have 'gad liftetietirfc'e nth my !Mihaly !" The' General was' cyhl during tlie'Whole"eVeriinf' 4 DzsgovEßus.-= : -.4.,pair otapeeta- Glen, to, egitthe f.eyeq ,ofspotatoes. ,fale elnhmithAvhielgan,iileastrgelOhe i poet. stick 404Pe4scire, 11 . 1 ±rr.DMielKapq 8 :7- Tit,e,,hvivaipl line Tfith;whick, amanglpr canght t knoiti.. N .An i uml!reklkuse„d - in the reign,of4yrnkto., i ,Alinot fronttlin bonrd , A.,glans of•lemonndemincle, nf u no,nr,; tom' pgr,,ant thp,Aly,eetn ! _qt; matrimony., y MARRIAGE OF PRIESTS IN FRANCE.- The sgraveo legal question, as to'. thizawa lidity of theirearriage , qfpriests lambent tome subinitteditotthe Civil :Tribluiatof IZwig:Deux:A .*rApriest ohoohad; besim de , barred ofrowthe :thuireise of lecelesiatioal funetionsOrdsolvedoloAnarry as young w,omaniot:Deuville,rdtearktliat icit3rl - mayor4ofkthe *village morose& to per , form- ithemeoeSsarylormalities; and :ac. ordingly.the . priest ham , brought. ani ao: tiiin to trpthealtiostion.44oi, »wr t lifts 14; # W ALKING .WATEV.—iao 'lleum' ~,amps;a4r. -Art )-41 new apparatus rof_erossing rivers. It consists.of a pair of india rubber boots , • , • 414' and tronsers,,all ,pae t plecevwhieb are filled withair.a fittle, i bplow,the waist, and heavily, weightedat l thl:±: ; fet :. ,,,,WAl3 these trousers on, a detachment, has • / treonently eroesed the lake of Y i ineintr f where the water le about -fifteen Oisii , • M d t • deep, firic their Tufke.ts,Joi as i they went. The d ssen sink about twp ; feet. • . • ~ ski erfP64.4 INCIDENT ;or pod.; nection with.the burial of the .kille4 in Fremont's Body Gruird, a very interest mg indident, is related. Sonielioldrers WOO' bn,ied s cecebnefirer:di'sgsN e ibil three''ded and wounded men ofthe`liody guard }n the WoOds,'an'd eitl,llle one of tlibm' a little dog of the terrier . SRidi.' It lind - sfaid Ter 'hours besidS the ' •a he ,the crY%O!`PIFP•I Under the , nircutils4nuesAb!4 now exist ; it, is aMPY..9fAiIraFIY, fisTh?.-Fgu-nelkt'4 peace in the presence of emllattlad Jte , sl.l, , when the invaders are approaching upon us, , mmins; ardisthignislied statesman saysipothing„butlumiliation,ithe. (indica' the;BepublidrtheAbeginiug of:lke:scorn and. contemptlof,the- Forld, the f isetting of thedlist•hp'pe:of ttiesoppressedbpeople, otthb et ti 1 4.020 Al is o t d Who ),,dareS•.stniitl , forth, and-. declare himself:the advocate -of :bac M peace ,? .F.; eir It is stated that the 9:nyervicint has contracted with. iti:rties'in phiaifot the.constructioit of.an irbnzeistd steam. fri gatephn dt thctil eying! ci &the &bell has:been 'commenced, atoKensiegton Th'et vessel4lll , beldOifeet.long,lsl3,feet beam; :.aiid s3O , feet di)pth; tof hOldo ands her armdmetit inftkeensistkof.4l.6 feet of the largest rilled.pannota.6 ;i4 ix e 10, ;feb,va dir At best life julot very long. A :few moreestailes,takfew,more•tear?, some pleasures,, mach vainosanshiros!arid song,t cloadsl amti darknesra,-..hastyi greetingEi; , abrupt=. farewells=-then/ Our little.4lay: willti close, and iejuredt.arfd :injurer, wills ; passe amayi tit. wortht4vhibvlr to (hate, :each other ? 7 o 1.3-- • SEM t,hP;,4tßY;P9.l9.l)rEttld f9F liikii9;el.9lo4 4. 1 :9fidng#A 18 4.4,9 yiag receipt for t making yeast gaejo,nrt,h 4 ,ll:),,,Rgbl97R,Bligf t ,r l a 44 '•l l 4___ , AcktwPelOnql,9f