I= :co 10: ..1-is:,,jlr)J 1 N the month of D ec e mber, is:is, the under signed for the first t Fine otl2nl big sale to toe oolitic Dr. .I Three )m/s. Imperiril L';tters, and in this shut period they have given such universal salisfaciioa to the many thou sands of persons who have tried them that it is now an established article. The amount of bodily and mental misery arising - simply from a newlect of small complaints is surprising, and t is therefore of the utmost importance that a strict attention to the least and most trilling bodily ailment should be 'had ; for diseases of the body must invariably affect the mind. The subscribers now only ask a trial of Dr. .1". _havoc Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters! From all who have not used them. We chal lenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs . , General Debility, and for Purifying and Em rich*. the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any other remedy on earth. To he assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is of a very superior quality, being about one-third stronger the other wines; warming and invigorating the whole system from the head to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and health?) action to all its parts, by equalizing the circulation, re moving obstructions, and producing a general warmth. They are also excellent for Diseases and Weakness peculiar to Females, where a tonic is required to strengt hen ond brace the sys tem. No lady, who is subject to lassitude and faintness, should be without them, as they are revivifying in their action. These Bitters will not only cure, but prevent disease, and in this respect are doubly valua ble to the person who may use there. For Incipient Consumption. Weak ',Wigs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia ; Diseases of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles, DR. D 0 D s' CELORATED WINE BITTERS ARE UNSURPASSED For Sore Throat, so common among the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a weak constitution—for Ministers of the Gos pel, Lawyers, and all public speakers—for Book-Keepers, Tailors, Scanistresses,Stud en ts, Artists, and all persons leading a Sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they ate wholesome, inno cent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all the exhilarating effects of Brandy or Wine, without intoxicating ; and are a valuable rem edy for persons addicted to the use of exces sive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it. They are pure and entirely free from the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country is flooded. These Bitters not only cure, but prevent Dis ease, and should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being en tirely innocent and harmless, they may be giv en freely to Children and Infants with im punity. Physicians, Clergymen, and temperance ad vocates, as an' act of humanity, should assist in spreading these truly valuable Bitters over the land, and thereby essentially aid in ban ishing Drunkenness and Disease. In alt affections of the Head, Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, Dr. Dods' Imperial Wine Balers will be found to be most salutary and efficacious. FEMALES. The many certificates which have been ten dered us, and the letters which we are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have ever -done before. No woman in the land should be without them, and those who once use them will not fail to keep a supply. Dr. J. Bova Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters Are prepared by an eminent and skillful physician who has used them successfully in his practice for the last twenty-five years. The proprietor, before purchasing the exclusive right to manufacture and sell Or. J. Boyce limPs Celebrated Imperial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pronounced them a valuable remedy for disease. Although the medical men of the country, as a general thing, disapprove of Patent Med icines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. J. &wee Dod's Imperial Wine Bitters. In all newly settled places, where there is always a large quantity of decaying timber from which a poisonous miasma is created, these bitters should be used every morning be fore breakfast. Dr. J. Boeee Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters Are composed of a pure and unadulterated Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comftey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spike nard, Chamomile Flowers, and Gemini).— They . are manufactured by Dr. Duds himself, who is an experienced and successful Physi cian, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the medical profeSsion are so justly prejudiced. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thorougly tested by all classes of the communi ty for almost every variety of disease incident to the human system, that rhat they are now deemed indispensable as a Tonic Medicine and a Beverage.--P URCHASE Tonic, BOTTLE !--IT COST BUT LITTLE! Purify the Blood I —Give tone to the Stomach!—Renovate the system and Prolong Life. o PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE; 6 FOR $5 PREPARED AND SOLD BY CHARLES WIDDIPIELD CO., SOLE PROPRIETORS, No. 78 William-st., New-York. For sale by druggists an grocers gener elly throughout the country. [ly. 113 URNETT'S Cocoaine.--- A compound of J j Cocoa-nut Oil, &c., for dressing the Hair. For efficacy and agreeableness, it is without an equal. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its healthy and vigorous growth! It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair when hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the richest lustre. It remains longest in effect. For sale at DR. GROVE'S rfamery Store, Alarlcet stree'. Drug 4. f ITTItlf elebrated Truss, Surgical Ban dages oulder Braces, lnsu • uments for eformit3, . These articles am very highly' recommended by Pi ofes sors Pancoast and Gross of the Jefferson Med ical College of Philadelphia, and the under signed knows them to be the best articles, of the kind in use. F. Hinkle, M. D. A fine assortment of Flavoring Extracts.for Cooking—something very nice. Liquid Rennet for making delicious desserts. Poncine, Honey and othe fine Soaps. Frangipannie and other Extracts. For sale by DA. H. LANDIS. PRIME GROCERIES: Rio, Java and Laguira Coffee; Crushed, Pulverized and w!, Sugar; Superior Green and Black Tea; Rice, Cheese and Spices; Syrup and prime ba king Molasses; Excellent Pearl Barley at J. R. DIFFENBACIPS. WALL PAPERS.—We have Justreceived another supply from the New York and Philadelphia manufactories. Purchasers can rely upon the newest styles, which will be sold unusually low at I. R. Diffenbach's. 2g BALt.RELS Monongahela Whisky jus Cif received, which will be sold at the low est maiket rates by the barrel or gallon at the .i..rterprjse Wine & Liquor Store. A. D. REESE, Mount Joy. LOCKBRASS S—Good Time • Keepers, for (inc Dollar. Uocks, 'Watches and Jewelry carefully re p iced and charges moderate, at WOLFE'S. LADIES AND GENTS Anderson has just received an elegant assortment of Perfu mery, consisting of Toitiet Soaps, Hair Oils, Extracts and Colognes at prices much below the usual rates, also some very handsome. Canes fur gentletnon, Portmonies, 0 nroTocItAPHIC POILTIZAITS, Card size, on Bristol Board, suitable for Al bums. Published and sold by E. Anthony, 501 .BrodwayiViw York By special arrangement we publish in addi tion to other portraits TB E CEL KB RAT E CUL LEcrioN well known both in Europe and America as Bratig's National Photographic Portrait Gallery. Brady's collection of Imperial Photographs is justly considered ore of the lions of New York, and in the Photographic reproductions of these every centre table can now have an additional attraction in a miniature Brady's Gallery. Among our publications are Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Hannibal Hamlin, Lady Davis, Wm. H. Seward, Alex. H. Stephens, Salmon P. Chase, Robt. J. Toombs, Simon Cameron, Howell Cobb, Montgomery . Blair, Henry A. Wise, Edward Bates, John Tylor, Gideon Wells, Gen'l Beauregard, Caleb F. Smith, Gen'l Lee, Gen'l Scott, John B. b'ioyd, Col. Rob't Anderson, Jacob Thompson, Major Slemmer, P. P. Thomas, Cob Elsworth, John Bell, Gen'l Butler, Gen'l Mansfield, Col. Lander, Col. Fremont, Stephen A. Douglas,Maj. Gen. John A. Dix, Maj. Gen'l N. P. anks, John C. Breckenridge, Gov. John Letcher, John C. Calhoun, Herschel V. Johnson, L. G. Wigfall, Ben. McCullough, Lieut. Maury, Henry Ward Beecher, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Prof. Morse, Horace Greely, N. P. Willis, James Gordon Bennett, William C. Bryant, Henry Clay, Washington Irving, Andrew Jackson, Dr. E. K. Kane, Commodore Perry, Mrs. Sigourney, John J. Andubon,Pirs. Gen'l Gaines, Charles Sumner, Gov. Andrew, J. J. Crittenden, Duke of Newcastle, Prince of Wales, Zachary Tay lor, George Bancroft, Lathrop L. Motly, Sam Houston, J. Q. Adams, Emerson .Etheridge, Andrew Johnson. Parson Browniow, Brown low's heroic daughter. Together with about. 500 others. to which additions are daily made. Catalogue sent on receipt of stamp. Price of Portraits $3 Per Dozen. Can be sent by mail. Remittance may be made in postage stamps. Also a large collection of Photographs of distinguished Europeans, Emperors, Kings, Queens, Marshalls, Generals, Dukes, Lords, Authors, Actors, Politicians and Clergy.— Price, from 2d to 50 cents each, according to quality. Our establishment is also headquarters for PHOTOGR4 YEW ALBUMS. both as Agent of the best French manufac turer, and as manufacturer under a patent of our own. We' have a large assortment, varying in price from 90 cents to $5O, and holding from 12 portraits up to 600. Also folding cases of morrocco or cloth for the pocket, and hold 2,4, 6, 8 or 12 portraits. Also various styles of fronting card portraits, of carved wood, metal, paper, composition, crc., of elegant and tasteful designs. Our Photographers now in the field are daily sendino. us Camp Scenes of the Present War. and views of points and things of interest, both. card size, for Albums , and Stereoscopic fom. For instance, the the Seventh Regiment at Camp Cameron—ln the trenches—Cooking their Meals—The Gymnasts--The Junction—Del moat co's—Laura Keene's—General street view of the (Jump, etc. liAnerm's FERRY before and after the scenes of destruction. Together with various other places of Note. Card size 25 cents each ; Stereoscopic 33 cents. Parties who would like a lot of these camp scenes to select from—the balance to be re turned in good order at their own expense, and unthout delay--can be accommodated on giv ing proper New York reference. _ STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS Our establishment is the great Emporium for everything in the Stereoscopic line, and our assortment is the most complete probably of any in the world. The Stereoscope in the most instructive, in teresting, entertaining, amusing, and exciting of modern inventions. None are too young, none too old, none too intelligent, none too uneducated, to acknowl edge its worth and beauty. No borne is complete without it, and it must and will penetrate everywhere. It presents to 'your view every part of the world, in all the relief boldness, perspective, and sharpness of detail, as if you were on the spot. We have an immense variety of Views of Scenes in Paris, London, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Spain, The Rhine, Versailles, St. Cloud, Fontainebleau, Turneries, Turkey, Italy, Egypt, Athens, the Holy Land, China, India, Crystal Palace, also Groups. Historical, Amusing, marriage scenes, breakfast scenes, Pic-nics, statuary, etc., en-. An exquisite assortment of Illustrated Interiors, of Palaces, Churches, and Cathedrals of France, Italy, etc., etc. The effect of these illuminated views is most remarkable. Anthony's Instantaneous Stereoscope Views are the latest Photographic wonder. They aro taken in the FORTTETII FART OF A SECOND, and everything, no matter how rapidly it may be moving, is depicted as sharply and distinct ly as if it had been perfectly at rest. This gires an additional value, for to the beauties of inanimate nature it adds the charm of life and motion. The process is a discovery of our own, and being unknown in Europe, we received from London and Paris large orders for Anthony's Instantaneous Views of Ameri can life and scenery. Our Catalogue of subjects and prices will be forwarded to any aduress on receipt of a stamp. Parties at a distance sending us $3, $5, $lO, $l5, $2O, or $25, can have a good instrument and such , pictures as they may request, sent by Express. Views alone (without instrument) can be sent by mail. E. ANTHONY, (3 doors'south of Et. Nicholas' Hotel,) 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Importers and Manufacturer of Photographic Mat eri al s, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. M' Merchants from every section of the country are respectfully invited to make an examination of our stock. To Photographers. Our Bulletin of Photo graphic Invention and Improvement will be sent to any address on application. [Cut this out for future reference.] July 13-6mol. rARRIAGE GUlDE.—Be ing a private instructor for tied persons, or those about to be mar- - ried,l both male and female, in every thing concerning the physiology and, relations of our sexual syst e m, and the production or prevention of offspring in chiding all the new discoveries never before given in the English language, by WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. This is realy a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain lan guage for the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous engravings. All young mar ried people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted-with ; still it is a book that must be locked up, and not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents, in specie or postage stamps. Address Dr. War. YOUNG, No. 416 Spruce st. above 4th, Philadelphia. AFFLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE : No mat ter what may be your disease before you place yourself under the care of any one of the no torious quacks—native or foreign—who adver tise in this or any other paper, get a copy of either of Dr. Young's Books, and read it care sully; it may be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Dr. Yourtc can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publications, at his office, N 0.416 Spruce-st., above Fourth. FRESH HOME GROUND SPICES AT ANDERSON'S! Attention Butchers and Houslceepers. Having a great demand for our famed SPICES, I have concluded to con tinue to keep a constant supply of Ground Pep per. Ground Corriander, and S'veet Marjoram. 1011 SACKS OF GROUND ALUM SALT lijust received and will be sold below the jl4l prices . , by J. lt. DIFFENBACIL Ntot:Essifil. GRATivs ELECTRIC OIL :1 1 .- 1 011()Uftli et M of! A VALI:AIi - IX MEDICINE. - - • 1 - PROPOSE to cure, almost instantaneously, individuals afflicted with Deafness, Head ache, Neuralia, Chill Fever, Ague, Rheuma tism. and all Sores and Pains, I propose to check and effectually dissipate more ache and pain, and to accomplish nearer and more perfect equilibrium of all the'circula ting, fluids in the human system, than can be effected by any other or all other methods of. medical aid in the same space of time, the masses themselves being judges. I do not propose to cure every disease, but all such as are curable by am' combination of medical appliances. My Electric Oil operates on chemical and electric principles, and is, therefore, applicable to the cure or natural restoration of any organic derangement, aris ing from an improper circulation of Nervous vital fluid. I want the masses to ,}sin in this matter— the well as the sick, because if these things are so, all are alike interested. N. B. Please inform me of any case of fail ure to cure, in from half hour to three weeks, as I wish to cure or charge nothing. The Columbus Sun teinarks : On Saturday, an old gentleman named Win. C. Osborne, well known in our city, who, from rheumatic affections, has not been able to walk or use his hands sufficient to feed himself, for more then ten years, was brought to Prof. De Grath on the street, wheie in the presence of a large assemblage of people, he applied De Grath's Electric Oil to one arm and shoulder. He was immediately enabled - to raise his hand to his head and scratch it, a thing lie said he had not done before in twelve years. The New Hampshire Patriot says: During the present wzvic, no less than six of our friends, who have been induced to try Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil for Rheumatism and Deafness, in consequence of having seen this prearation advertised in our colemns, have called upon us to state the result of experi ments. These persons assure us that their Rueurnatio pains have been entirely cured by a few applications of De Grath's Electric Oil, and they recommend its use to all who are afflicted with any of the diseases which it is designed to cure. It seems that Rheumatism, Deafness, Neu ralhia, Swollen and Stiff Joints, and other Complaints to which we are all subject, have lost their terrors. Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil is warranted to relieve any case in a short space of time, and with a trilling expense. It always cures Scratches, Sprains, Galls and Splints on horses. PROS'. CIIARLES Dr. GRATIS, Philadelphia, Pa. 313 - None genuine without signature of Prof. C. DE GRATH. Labels signed in writing. Principal Depot No. 217 South Eighth St. Philadelphia. Country dealers and druggists can be supplied wholesale and retail. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. Try everything else ; give this one simple trial. CAUTION—Be careful to ask for and get DE GR 4.TH'S Electric Oil, as worthless imitations abound. There are numerous imitations sprung up on the reputation my article has acquired. The public must beware. They are worthless. For sale by all dealers and druggists. Prin cipal office 217 South Bth street, Phila. Feb. 2-Iy] BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS TILE CELEBRATED LEOLLAND REMEDY FOR DTSPEPSL4I I) DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And the various affections consequent upon a &Tiered STODIA.CII OR LIVER, finch as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn ' Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. ,In all Ner. sous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has In numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Iherhave. Its reputation at home produced Its introduction here, the demand commencing with those of tho Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty country, many of whom brought with them and banded down the tradition of its value. /t is now offered to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous-In effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quick ening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact. infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTlCE,—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the' sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, pos• sewed of singular remedial properties.. • READ CAREFULLY: .The Genuine highly concentrated.Bcerhave's Hol land Bitters is put up in half-pint bottles only, and retailed at ONE DOLLAR per bottle, or six bottles for FIVE DOLLAIL% The great demand for this truly cele brated 'Medicine has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. 4141-Beware of Imposition. See that our name is on the label of every bottle you buy. - Sold by Druggists generally. It can be for warded by Express to most points. SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MANOPACTURIN4 Fitarmartufisfs and (Ilittmisfs, PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale at Dr. J. M, Grove's Drug Store Market Street, Marietta, Pa. SUPPLEE & BRO., IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, And General Machinists, Second street, Below Union, Columbia, Pa. They are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Castings for Rolling Mills and Blast Furnaces, Pipes, for Steam, Water and Gas ; Columns, Fronts, Cellar Doors, Weights, &c., for Buil dings, and castings of every description ; STEAM ENGINES, AND BOILERS, IN THE MOST MODERN AND IMPROVED Manner; Pumps, Brick Presses, Shafting and Pulleys, Mill Gearing, Taps, Dies, Machinery for Mining and Tanning ; Brass Bearings, Steam & Blast Gauges, Lubricators, Oil Cocks, Valves for Steam, Gas, and Water; Brass Fit tings in all their variety; Boilers, Tanks, Flues, Heaters, Stacks, Bolts, Nuts, Vault Doors, Washers, &c. BLACKSMITHING in GENERAL. From long experience in building machinery we Hatter ourselves that we can give ge•teral satis faction to those why may favor us with their orders. la—Repairing promptly attended to. Orders by mail addressed as above, will meet with prompt attention. Prices to suit the times. Z. SUPPLEE, T. R. SUPPLEE. Columbia, October 20, 1860. 14-tf HASPS CONCENTRATED L YE, su perior to any now in use, can be had at the eap Store of Differzbach. 13 EGARS and Chewing Tobacco. A large and good variety at J. M. Anderson's. LARKIN ,c; CO., Yail)Wth Vpfogi'apC) Elfani!, S. E. Corner Eighth and Arch streets, [ ENTRANCE OTC EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. AFTER many years' experience in all the various branches of the Ait, the Proprietors conlidently'invite the attention of their friends and the public to their extensive establislnnent, which presents the opportunity for procuring the best pictures, equal at least, to any first class Gallery in the United States. Preparations are complete for executing all the improved styles known to the Art. They have a patent arrangement for copying Da guerreotypes, ire., tec., making them Life size, if desired—the only one of the kind in this country. Attached to this establishment are three coloring Artists. _Photographs, including Painting, as low as $2OO. Photographs, with Frame as low as $2 62 Photographs at 75 cents. Extra copies 50 PHOTOGRAPHS AT ONE DOLLAR! cts. or $5 per doz. Life size Photo graphs as low as $6, and I vorytype at same price. Durable Ambrotypes at 50 cents and upwards. A most extensive assortment of Gilt Frames, embracing a select and choice variety of- the latest styles. Prices from 62 cents and up wards. Especial attention bestowed upon Life-sized Photographs in oil, transferred from small pic tures, and from life. Prices from $l5 to SIUU. Instructions given in the Art. February 23, IS6I-ly. D.R. J. H. GRO E. DEALER IN brigs, ei)ehlie'4ls, $OO, &e, MARKET STREET, MARIETTA, PA. AITOULD hereby inform the public tha V he is constantly receiving fresh addi tions to his drug stock, and at all times keep on hand a complete asssortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Do-Stufs, Glass, TVhitelead, Brushes of all kinds, and everything usually kept by druggists and apothecaries. An assortment of all kind of LAMM for nurning Fluid, Pine Oil or Coal Oil. Lamp Tops, Wicks and Oils constantly on hand. A nicely selected lot of all kinds of STA TIONARY, Fovelopes, Pens, Pen-holders, Inks, &c., of all grades and at all prices. Perfumery, Pomades, Soaps, Tooth Washes and an endless variety of Fancy and Toilet ar ticles, all of which will be sold at reasonable paces. [Jan 6-35-ly Iron. _Masters look to your Interests I The Improved Black Hawk CAST IRON ORE NAV IrFACTURED ND SOLD MY O BRYAN & HOPKINS, Marietta, Lancaster County, Pa. The Undersigned will constantly keep on band and make to older at short notice the above celebrated machine, the best in the Uni ted States! They will warrant their machines to run li g hter, last longer and wash el( aner and with less water than any other machine now in use. They can he easily put together 011 the bank. All orders addressed to either of the undersi g ned will meet with prompt attention. Pat They are also prepared to sell individu al, County and State Ri g hts. BERNARD 0' BR YAN. CAdIUEL HOPKINS. October 13 ; 1860. v7-no.l Iy w Tvm to Ll Q uffitg. —L. R. D. BENJAMIN, DEALER IN WINES & LIQUORS, Picot Building, Marietta, Pa. ——o— EGS leave to inform the public that he iD will continue the WINE & LIQUOR busi ness, in all its branches. He will constantly keep on hand all kinds of Brandies, Wines, Girl, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Cordials, Bitters, 3'c., BENJAMIN'S Justly Celebrated Rose Whisky, =1 A very surerior OLD BYE WHISKEY ust received, which is warranted pure. Ir 3— All H. D. B. now asks of the public is a careful examination of his stock and pri ces, which will, he is confident, result in Ho tel keepers and others finding it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from 1 JACOB A WISNER'S TOBACEG, EMI &. SNUFF STORE, Opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, MARIETTA, PA. Tundersigned would rospectfully inform. ji the public that he still continues, at the old stand, corner of Second and Walnut streets, directly opposite the Cross Keys Hotel, to keep on hand and for sale, all kinds of cigars from Half Spanish up, in prices from $6, $7 $2l) to $5O per thousand. TnnAcco.—Natural.Leaf, Excelsior Cavendish, Oranoko Virginia, Con gress Fine Spun Ladies Twist, Coarse Spun Twist, Eldorado, Jewell of Ophir tobacco, An derson's best Fine-cut. All kinds of fine Ci gars manufactured of imported stock. Sxxxs HALF SPANISH. Rappee Snuff and all kinds Fancy P Smoking Tobacco. Scented snuffs, Fine-cutipes, Cigar Tubes, [ jan. 110 WARD ASSOCIATION, Philadelphia. A Benevolent histitution established by special endowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic. Diseases, and especially for the cure of Diseasec of the Sexual organs. I Medical advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of lite, &c.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, medicines furnished free of charge. • Valuable Reports on Spermatorrlicea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in the Dispensary sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three postage stamps -will be acceptable to pre-pay postage. Address, Da. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South 9th st., Philadelphia. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEA RTWELL, President. GEORGE FAIRCHILD, Secretary. CHEAP READY-MADE PLOTHING /. 1 Having, just returned from the city with a nicely selected lot of Ready-made Clothing, which the undersigned is prepared to furnish at reduced prices; having laid in a general assort ment of men and boys' clothing, which he is determined to 'sell LOW, FOR CASH. His stock consists of OVER-COATS, DRESS, FROCK AND SACK COATS, PANTS, VESTS, PEAJACKETS, ROUNDBOUTS, (knit) OVERHAULS, CRAVATS, DRAWERS, SHIRTS, HOISERY, UNDERSHIRTS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, &C. Everything in the Furnishing Goods line. Call and examine be. fore purchasing elsewhere. Everything sold at prices to suit the times. JOHN BELL. Corner of Elbow Zane and Market St next door to Cassel's•Store. Marietta, October 29.1856. Great Discovery have made a discovery of the utmost im portance to every married person of either sex, and will send the full particulars concern ing it lo any one on receipt of a stamp to pay return postage, Address DR. J. H. MARTELL, 7-39- iSw l Y.] Alfred, Maine. FAMILY COUGH SYRUP Cough Syrup, for children and adults has just been put up at my store, which should be in very family this cold weather. Da. LA Nan. CHAMPAGNE and other Table Wines, guarranteed to be pure, and sold as low as can be boughtin Philadelphia or New-York. • H. D. BENJAMIN, Picot Building-. SOIITETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN Paper Neck Ties, beautiful, fashionable and cheap, at Diffenbach's. DR. LA CROIX'S PRIVATE TREATL , F ON The Physiological 1 of Marriage 12:50 pAGEs AND 130 ENOR AV 1 NOS.— Price only in cents. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret fol lies of both sexes of ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirit, palpitation of the heart, suicidal imaginings, involuntary emissions, Washings, defective memory, indi gestion and lassitude, with confessions of thrilling interest of a Boarding, &hid Miss, a College Student, and Young Married Lady, AT. It is a truthful adviserm the married and those contemplating multiage, who enter tain secret doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is entitled. YtIUNG MEI 74 who are troubled with weakness, generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, Pains, forgetfulness, sometimes a ringing in the cars, weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremities, confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the author's new Parts and London. Treat 'went. We have, recently devoted much of our time in visiting the European Hospitals, avail ing ourselves of the knowledge and researches of the most skillful Physicians and Surgeons in Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many new and ef ficacious Remedies which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest assured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECRECY and attention being paid to their eases, which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore, as a Physician in our PECULIAR department of professional Practice, for the post twenty Dice years. FRENCH FE,iALE PlLLS.—Lsulics who wish for Medicines, the efficacy of which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failea to effect sjseedy cures without any bad re sults, will use none but Dr. DeLaney's Fe male Periodical Pills. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should not take them if they have reason to believe they are in certain situations (the particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accom panying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any pant of the United States or Canada. To THE LADIES—Who need a confidential medical adviser with regard to any of those interesting complaints to which their delicate organization renders them liable, are particu larly invited to consult us. T iE a ELECTRO—GI-ILVA NIC PROTECTIVE " For mauled ladies whose health Nvill not ad mit, or who have no desire to increase their farnili?s, may be obtained as above. It is, a perfectly sate preventive to conception, and has been extensively used during the last 20 years. Prin reduced to $lO. THE SECRET OF YOUTH UNVEILED. A Treatise on the Cause of Pie/nature De cay— A solemn Warning. Just published, a book showing the insidious progress and pre valence among schools, [both male and fe male.j of this fatal habit, pointing out the Natality' that invariably attends its victims, and developing the whole progress of the disease, from the commencement to the end. It will be sent by Mail on receipt of two [3], cent Stamps. Attendance daily, from Sin the morning till 9 at night, and on SundaYs from 2 till 5 r. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by pa tients communicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential. Dr. Vs Office is still located as establish ed, under the name of DR. LA CROIX, at No. 3I Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. ly] PR. HENRY LANDIS, SUCCESSOR TO r Z.4 fb/L. lirLgaDealer in Drugs, Perfumery, Sc DR.. LANDIS having purchased the entire interest and good will of Dr. F. Hinkle's DR. Store, would, take this opportunity to.in form the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, that haying just received from Phil adelphia a large addition to the old stock, he will spare no pains to keep constantly on hand the best and most complete assortment of eve rything in the drug line. 11.ot of lipeti articles, consisting in part of German, French and Eng lish perfumery, Shaving Soaps and Creams, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Bu Wale and other Hair Combs,llair Oils,Poinades,elc4M,l ;; , Port Monies, Pocket Books, Puff and Powder Boxes, 6-c The celebrated Batchelor's HAIR DYE, DeCosta's and other Tooth Washes,lndia Cola• gogue, Bart v's Tricoperous, for the hair, Bay Ruin, Arnold's Ink, large and small sized bot tles, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Flour or Rice, Corn Starch, Decker's Farina, all kinds of pure Ground Spices, Compound Syrup of Phosphate, or Chemical food, an excellent ar seal for cronic dyspepsia and a tonic in Con mpti ve cases, Rennet, for coagulating milk, au excellent preperation for the table; Table Oil—very fine--bottles in two sizes. Puire Cod Liver Oil. All of Hael's perfamery,pornades, soaps, &c. His Kathairon or Hair Restorative is now everywhere acknowledged the best. Old Port, Sherry and Madeira Wines and Brandies for medical purposes. Dr. L. will himself see that every precaution be taken in the compo - mding. of Physician's prescriptions, having retained Dr. Hinkle's pharinacheutist, Mr. Ross. The Doctor can be professionally consulted at the store when not engaged elsewnere. Marietta, August 24, 1861.-ly . 5 1 . 1X1R PROM/I.oo w, • h i IR . ' • t tri^iL Dining the past year we have introduced to the notice of the medical profession of this country the Pure Crystalized Chloride of Pro- pylamine, as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM; and having received from many sources, both from physicians of the highest standing and Flattering testimonials of Its real value from patients, the most in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those who axe suffering with this afflicting complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PEOPYLA3IINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been extensively ex perimented with in the Pennsylvania Hospital, and with marked success (as will appear from the published accounts in the medical journals.) 11:. It is carefully put up ready for immedi ate use, with full directions, and can De ob tained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of _ BULLOCK-& CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufieturing Chemists, Philadelphia EGOODWIN'S & .BRO's. Plantation fine i cut Chewing Tobacco: The best in the world. Fin' sale at WOLFE'S. SOMETIiIN6 FOR, THE TIM Es '• A NECESSITY IN EVERY 111A-SETIOLD Jouss & cßostEvs AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE The Stronff,est Glue in the World. The cheapest Glue in the World. The most durable Glue in the World. The only reliable Glue in the World The best Glue in the World. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced IBM 11711 Withstand Water IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save yo;:r broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, Er. IT WILL MEN!) GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle. IT WILL MEND _IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Fan, it is easily re paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China (ups and Saucers can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out Of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN. No matter if that broken Pitcher did not cost but a shilling, a shilling saved is a shillidg earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That cost ly Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will never show when put together. IT WILL mend BONE, CORAL, LAVA, anti in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended. EXTRACTS. "Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue." —New York Times. " It is so convenient to have in the house." —New York .e press. " It is always ready; this commends it to every body."—N. Y. IndeinndeNt. " We have tried it, and find it as useful in our house as water."— Wilkes' Spirit of the Times. EUONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO.OO per year saved in every family by one Bottle of American Cement Glue. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 23 cents per Bottle. Price 25 cents per bottle. Price 25 cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Buyers. TERMS CASTS It For sale by all Druggists and Store keepers generally througkuut the country. JOINS CIIO.SL.EI', (Sole Manufacturers,) 7S WILLIAM, STREET, (Corner of Liberty Street,) NEW YORK. Important to louse Owners. Important to Builders. Important to Rail Road Companies_ Importantto Farmers. 1o all whonz this may concern, and it concerns every body, JOHNS & OROSLIeIY'S IMPROVED GOTTA PERCITA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Rooting in use.. IT IS FIRE AAD WATER PROOF. It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds, steep or fiat, and to Shingle Roofs without removing the Shingles the Cost is only about One-Third that of lin, and it is TIVICE as durable. This article has been thoroughly tested in New York City and all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies, and Central and South America, on buildings °fall kinds, such as Factories, Foundries, Churches, Rail Road Depots, Cars, and on Public Buildings generally, Government Buildings, &c., by toe principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DU RABLIt: ROOFING in use; it is in every respect a Fire, Water, Weather and Time Proof cover ing for roofs of all kinds. This is the only miter-jai manufactured in the United States which combines the very de sirable properties of Elasticity:and Durability, which arc universally acknowledged to be possessed by C LJTTTA PERCHAAnd INDIA RUBBER. heat is required in making application The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary Roof, can be covered and finished the same day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms a. perfectly FIRE PRoOF surface, with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by Heat, Cold or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Boards, nor any external action whatever. LIQ.IIII GLi TTA PE R For Coating Metals of all kinds when , exposed to the Action of the Wheth er, and for Preserving and Repar ing Metal Roofs of all Kinds. This is the only Composition known which. will successfully resist extreme changes of all climates, for any length of time when applied to 'metal, to which it adheres drmly, forming. a body. equal to three coats of ordinary paint, costs much less,. and will last three times as long ; and from' its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expansion oftin and other metal roofs, consequent upon sudden changes of the weather. It will not CRACK in cold or RUN in warm. weather, and will NOT WASH OFF. Leaky tin and other metal Roofs can be readi— ly repaired with Guta Pucka Cement, and. prevented from further corrosion and leaving, thereby ensuring a perfectly warer tight roof' far many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the,' preservation of Iron Railings, :Stoves, Ranges,. Safes, Agricultural Impluttents, kc., also for general manufacturing use. Gutta Pereha Cement. For preserving and repairing Tier and other METAL ROOFS 01 every description, from its great elasticity, is not injured by the contrac tion and expansion of ivletals, and will not CRACK in cold or RUN in warm weather. These materials are adapted to all climates:, and we are prepared to supply orders from. any part of the country, at short notice, for GOTTA PERCHA ROOFI NG in rolls, ready -pre pared for use, and Gutta Perclta Cement in. barrels, with full printed directions for appli cation. AGENTS WANTED. We will make liberal and satisfactory-ar rangements with responsible parties who would like to establish themselves in hicra tive and permanent business. Our Terms are Cash. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor of our Improved Roofing Meterials, having applied them to several thousand Roofs in New York City and vicinity. JOHNS (35 OROSLEY, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale Warenouse 78 William-st., N. Y. Full descriptive circulars and prices will be furnished on application. [Oct '6l- ly WENTY EMPTY HQGSHE,A.DS to good condition—will be sold V at the low price of $1 each and delivered any where in or near Marietta free of charge. Be ing in want of cellar room, if takcia from the store soon, a trine less will be taken. Also, a lot of excellent WHISKY BARRELS very cheap. For sale at D.IFFENBACH,S. KNIVES &FORKS, Br.itainia and Silver plated' Spoons, Brass, Copper, Plain and Enameled Iron Kettles, and Housekeeping goods generally. Sterrett t Co.